HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-7-1, Page 22 TaIMISSAv. JULY 1,1900
Tilr, SIGNAL: t'a,lil l;il'Is ')N't','1RI()
Telephone tall No.36.
Tains ter awasertanen
vl,0I per Annum In advance.
II moot hr, It I I, 1.11 woatt4, 650,
To I ,ti..1 *Iat•..ul.t:,llan,, $0.40 • Mar
atrlrtly 111 .cdl•11,.,'
hel...rlbere when pal Io r•• 'r 8111111/1
regularly by cull will +,oh1 1.,er ay at-
aaalr,laa 0.101 the fart at a. eery a data sa
WIIeu a change of wildfowl Y desired. bola tae
Old and the aew addrsss.boaid be given.
Advertising (tat*
1.• x:11 oust u: bar •ritual ad vea..ewuute, tib
per line fot flet io-1•rllou rod 41' put boo Illy
earn .ul,..'q nun' lu-.•rtios. 11re•nndl by a
nonpareil..rale. twelve liner to an Inch.
Bud new. suds of ala lines and ander. 111 per
Advert lament. 01 [Alit, Found, Strayed, Bit.
11eteu. \ .1..111,, ei"lcuuu. \\:.1114/11, nVlnee..hlr
Sale or to Kent, Funks for Sale or to Kent,
Article. for Sale. etc„ not exceeding eight
line..2..o each tw.orliou ;11 for dot month, e
fee each subsequent mouth. Isirger adverttss-
mests. Ill proportion.
Anuouncenienls In medina1y 11wditht type tem
more per 11,,,'. NO 11111 j111 le.. 111.•11 u..•.
Any specie' moire, the ohwN of whkda4 tla
p .'wilary benefit of any iu,livhlual nr seeo41.
t, Inn. In W con.ldrred u, :ulrerll.ement atd
to to charged e,rnrdjPgly.
Rater for dl.play Kalil contract adrertlee-
menu will be given on application.
Addresgall oonrnunleatlo.v to
Tile: SIGNAL PRINTING co.. hilted
(ral.ertch, 4nti
fi0DEIU4 L THl:Rg11AY�.J-l'4Y_.I .Jags,
Hurrah fur Canada!
Did we hear Harriett? Dewey rt •
mark that hot *ir couldn't lomat gas?
The Huron Old Boys from Toronto
will be hereon Saturday. The latch.
sit int( in out.
Fier fory.arcond birthday Anniver-
sary finds Mies Canada more rhsruf-
ing than aver.
J. A. M acdo nald, tditor of The Tor
salol-Olotw• is one man who -kept , hie
beast! at the imperial prase conference.
Humith for Mac
1, ongh Int b -at Skrubb- is a tweuty-
mile *see et Toronto on Sa1el'day
night. 11 .ngbost, Louglsrat--where
have we heard thakoamr before:'
This is Johnny (' it's big day.
Two or three days later Uncle Brut
across the way will -try to put on a
similar performaote. Canada bads.
The report ofja dili'over'y of gold
near Prince Alpert Will direct fresh
attention to that district, one of the
earliest settled m the Gaoadian W41114.
The .atisfsctory announcement is
made that the employees of the Intel -
colonial Railway air to 1. placed un-
der the civil service reform act.
We shall now have a chance to see if
Government railway can he made
-to l . y rte wey under reaaonalde con
diti .. 0.
If tb re is anything wrong with the
issue of a Signal, will our readers
please la the blame on Cupid? A
large porti of our stall' was off yes-
terday at ding weddings. and,
though we lik to see others happy,
we would Sugg t to our friends that
hereafter if any them feel like get-
ting married the do it on sonic
other day than a Interims. preced-
ing a holiday.
It would 1w ridiculous to point the
finger of suspicion at al Chinamen
because of the recent horrib - murder
in New York. The Chinese are as a
rule r. notably even -temper and
law-abiding people, and that o e of
them has been mastered by his
stone is no tante to le charged *eat
kis rare than would a similar violene
on the part of a white man he charge--
hargeable to the whole white population.
The Chinese are human Ieipga like
ourselves sod are entitled to the same
consideration •s tate rest of hurries -
A c.thle despatch. evidently fr
Tory sotiltes, dercrlbea British public
opinion an strongly in opposition to
the Lloyd -George budget, to such a
degree as to constitute virtually_ n
demand upon the House of Lords to
1 brow nut the hill. The opposition is
directly chiefly, so this report says.
against the new land taxes. it may
he that the noble lords will summon
up sufficient courage to attempt to
block the policy of land taxation; but
it will not avail them much -the land
tax has come to stay. The landed
interest. may thank their lucky stars
that they have been unmolested so
Talk Is Not Always Cheap.
Untlph Mercury.
gilence is olden, hut lawyers can
earn quite a little gold try talking.
The impudence I
1)rllll* t•arknt.
The Guide keno up the parrot cry
of "Pott. (lope, the prettiest town In
Canada." t)ne begina to suspect that
the editor hes never seen the town* of
Orillia, Barrie, Oooderich, Brockville
nr ntherm that might be reamed.
A Qoery.
Sarnia ))teener.
Now that Itir. Lucas le a membri' of
the Ontario Cabinet will he d•'op his
pledge to his constituents to e11pporl
repeat ot the three-fifths clam* and
other temperance legislation, nr bag
he converted his miniseries in the Cab-
inet to the views he adrocaled during
hie election ralnpaign?
Letk to Leave the 014 Land.
*.•halal Tlslsa
Mr. P. H. McKenzie, em•if. P. far
?tooth Renee, M. retro -nal from Scot-
land, when he has been 'mending ?nor
months . ing nn a propaganda Inc
the immigration department. Ha
found general d.pramirm in Great.
Britain, and the Scottish farmers have
suffered severely. -Thee* tenant
farmers would improve their condi
thin by itumlprating to Cenada," axil
Mr. McKenzie, -and they ore aoz
ious to come, although loth W leer
S4•otlaud, where their families hav
lived on the saner land tor centurlea
They are also influenced by su,'ial 000
Walkerton Throwing Stones.
t1'ellert,u I,.le•1•.gP1
Whiff the °overtone& ti lad ort
•Uoderirb LW a 1'alup ground the busi-
ness 111011 of the place were evtdrut1>'
seized ut the idea that a gold mine hal
been opened up in their vicinity. and
they r• t *1x)110 10 work it kw ail there
was 1n it. Pt ices were not vasty doubled
but tripled, awl in roll111 cries quad-
repled. 'chat was overdoiog it, and
both °Herts and mere nlled, and
lio derich is without a camp at all.
1 bio ea.. a case of killing the goose
that laid the golden egg.
I (year; ago when few women feted
- (forth into the world to fight the battle
e of life. But Dow when Women are
e working and toiling to keep thele•
srlvr, end their families, they should
- have all the rights that belong to
gte,xl, progressive citizenship.
Give the Kids a Chance.
('alga.ry Herald.
Children as a rule know ruosgb
quite soup •nwrgh. Precocity 11*1
even increased of late yran. There is
tote of tilts ill ehildhond'a seals to
learn e1l that im needed for a found*.
lion in life. Cleat' eyes and vigorous
bodies, are mere valuable then the
ability to dr air that r plus x
equals y. The Leacher should be able
to give his scbulnreall the real inform-
ation they ran digest within the
limit of school hours. it is a matter
of knowing how. Houle study voila
hour life. How often one sees •
father wbo hardly knows his own
boys and girls because he is at work
all day and they have to work all
evening. They would like to become
acquainted- nut there.la_ n!r reale.. _ !.
Fifty Yawn Aga
tleafortb Expositor *Jane 11(1.1.
TA !king of the splendid crop outlook
this year brings to the minds of some
of the older residents an occurrence of
just fifty years ago Ixet Friday. On
that night the entire wheat crop in
many Ontario counties', notably the
eotettie0 of Waterloo *ltd _Bent, was
completely destroyed by frust. 1p to
that date the weather had been most
favorable, the wheat wail beautifully
headed out and promised fair for a
very large crop, but un the night in
The Department of Labor.
Montreal et,ii
The rrcation of a Miuiaer of Leto ,
quite distinct from the 1'.atuutVr
(tenths!. is no a than 1 orf ultoo
sense. The two deperuueots have
nothing in common and would never t
here )10011 united under' the 811 1110 Mtn•
toter if it had nut. 1a*.11 fur the acci•
deur that Bir William Muluok war
Postmaster -General when hie piogles
sive real for social reform led hire 11.
it the Itetaruuent 111 f.ah.•,• Si.
William would have bit upon this es.
cellenl idea nu matter winch ',until..
he held ; •ud "the baby" would n.
naturally hays Area turned nice 10
hum •o ion's* until it was able to walk
aluoe. But now that the new deyuurt-
°lent bar jurt:Med itself. there to 1111
longer any reason why it should he
held by 1,11e hand. It ran stand 111 -
right ; and Mr. Mackenzie King 501.1,a
to he just the right sort of /Maisie'
to give it iricktone and personality.
Nor need WO worry berttllre we irate
more Mini.terx than the Amet'ic*ie.
Our Minister. are Ministers; while
the Arum iron Minister's are Pi esiden-
tial secretaries.
What 1t Is.
Toronto star.
"What 1s Whiskey r is the titld -ot
an editorial In The Hamilton Spec-
Whiskey is a fluid. By sortie it is
used as a bever.ge, but by others it 1s
need privately as a remedy fur what.
ails theta. SOOUle purchase it in order
to use it as a liniment, but change
their minds. In lieensed hotels it is
sold in the bars, and in other hotels
in the bedrooms. It is in the nature
of an intoxicant. and many are quite
nervous about bovine it sold or ex-
posed for sale to others. 1t has a
vary nasty taste, and nubxly likes it.
The al nett aft to 50 offensive that a
man who doesn't like peppermint
drops will eat thecal to get rid of the
other odor.
whiskey bas not: a- friend in the
OCANADA ! Q r fathers' laud of old,
Thy brow is crowned with leaves oared and gold:
Beneath the shade of the holy crot+,
Tlij' children own their birth.
Pro staius thy glorious annals gloss,
Since valor shields thy hearth.
Almighty God ! On Thee we call.
Defend our rights, forefend this nation's thrall.
As Altar and throne command onr sacred love,
And mankind to ne shall ever brothers prove.
0 King of Kings, with Thy mighty breath
All onr sons do Thou inspire !
May no craven terror of life or death
E'er damp the patriot's fire.
Our tuighty call loudly shall ring, -
As in the days of old, '' For Christ and the 'King !
question the frost came and there was
scarcely s field that wart not destroyed,
Much of it wan cut for feed and was
never threshed. The loss war much
more keenly telt in those days than
would he the case now, no more of the
grain was then grown and it was the
main dependence of the farmers.
The Suffragette Battle Cry.
Kingston standard.
The new organ of the militant
woman suffragette pat ty in ♦uerira
hoe been place,' on sale. The an-
nouncement on the cover page is both
fitting and suggestive, as follows :
"For the long work dry,
"For the taxes we pay.
"For the laws we obey,
"We want something to say."
Good sound common sense. in it not?
Why should not the women have
something to rimy -the woolen who
work. who pity taxes. and who obey
the laws better than meet men ? C/ou-
itions are changed since one hundred
country. nor bas it had for over
thirty years. But many still use it to
Prevent chills or to impart the rook
hue of a sprint morning to • blac
and rnrtarraseing tent day. it is
need by some who are impecunious to
create the illusion of attluem:e, and
while the continued use of it has an
.Infxiling tendency to produce patches
or the used of them 011 a man's pante.
it .uperinduren • belief in his mind
that he ban money to born and
scheme. ter the future that will yield
wealth beyond the dreams of avarice.
It is taut medicine -nasty to take,
and anyone who uses it can quit
whenever he likes, but the more of it
lie tiers the lose rennin he Pees for
quitting it. It is a jovial Held among
new acquaintances, hot it i0 often
10cueed of betraying its hest friends
with no apparent object.
tf The Spectator wants further' Ivor -
abut whiskey. we may refer
that journal to the Standard Oietion•
Ary. any goal encyclopedie, or to the
i;'anatla contains one-third of the area of the British
Empire -3,744.695 square miles.
Canada is larger in area than the United States, in-
cluding Alaska, by 128,214 square miles.
Canada is as large as eighteen Germanys and almost
as large as Jiurope.
Canada has the largest consecutive wheat field in the
world- goo by 300 miles.
Canada has the moist prolific and extensive sea fisheries
in the world, as well as some of the greatest salmon rivers.
Canada has the largest grain mills in the British
Canada will have the longest bridge span in the world
at Quebec.
All the valuable minerals are found in Canada.
Canada has the richest silver -nickel -cobalt deposits in
the world, at Cobalt.
Canada has more than one-half of the fresh -nater area
of the globe.
Eighty per cent, of all adults in Canada can write
seventy per cent. of all the people can read, or eighty-five
per cent. of all over five ; seventy-four per cent can troth
read and write.
Canada has a larger forest area than any other country.
in the world, and also a far greater aggregate of water
power than any other country.
Canada bad in loos 292 different kinds of industries.
Canada ranks tenth in the world in the list of ship
owning countries.
Canada has a continuous waterway of 2,311 miters -front
the mouth of the St. Lawt'rence to the head of Lake Superior.
Canada's railway mileage per head of popnlatiot. is
greater than that of any other country.
Parade stands third among the natiouslof the world in
the amount per head of her foreig'Ii ttade.
Eighty-seven per cent. of Canada's farmers owned their
holdings in toot.
Of Canada's population at the last eeasus(lyot) ninety-
five per cent. were of Canadian or British birth.
,.p•- 7,1;�,� 1.,2,0' .- o4 > j '` -.r. , .1��-•� - vi
:4 London Life
if you should
die to -day, how
long could your
family live on
what you have
provided for their future'? An En-
dowment Policy at life rate issued by
the London Life would protect them
now, and make provision for
your mature years.
:0- tr" a
://',/,11\ :
t • L' 'vim ..v
W. H. RUBINSON. Distract Agent, Seaforth.
anounl reports of the Provincial Lever Brothers, Toronto: will end you
asylums, pii.oi*. and houses of rrfugili. free a cake of their famous Planta)
Ratepayers Vote to Qrant Franchise to
A. W. Glass -Details of the Polling.
9lar vote un the bylaw to grant a
tbirks-year tixnchier to A. SV. Glass
for the install/it' of s gas plant in
Utalrrich war carried °t Saturday,
There seetikti some dwd.1. as 1.1.1 what
Itl(r 10141. ler 11ir0d to carry the bylaw,
but the vote polTevd-whew stifltctent to
any ...sae, as the favorable vote ova.
about :V in excess of the third of th,•
pp Kow.ible vote, which is required foe
hylewr-orTlieetaaanttder which it i-
lild this one comer. Tht• details ot
the vote ere as follow.!:
`loltdtivision, For.
No. 1
4 4,K
5 • 414
Maim ity for bylaw Stn.
I 7
lee is iwrd as a bandy medium for
euuvetiii mirrobesfront the interior
iota large cities. when the- iuhati•
tents eau indulge 111 them freely.
In the winter, whirr it is out needed
l+. (•10,1 the sir; the 11u,lnon River i.
1111.*) with chipped ire; which disop
(warn *0- slam AA the weather gets
warn) enough to make it an ubj••i•t.
Tt'e 1111.. malty user, "tint-tts-tdgh
misstuu is in the early tuin•ning, when
it Norte 4pr tea a u**u telakliae ltreu
all eight. At other inure it mayl, do'
surae good but this is whets. it linty
shows' itwlf a humble instrument in
1 h• hands of Provident.•.
Ice comer in bergs and lump*. in
the early morning the iceman will
leave n berg on your doorstep. charg-
ing for it hy.wetght. lint when you
get it. it is a lump. This to due ti.
shrinking nature. Packed in refrtg-
eraWn, is gradually pines away. until
0o Sunday afternoon. when a to nowt
needed, it ham .silently disappeared.
leaving naught but germs behind. A
refrigerator, by the way, is en in vett-
tion of science to melt ire in the
quickest manner. Ire it used in drug
stores and Wall street. %Vben ;placed
conveniently around corn starch and
sugar and vanilla, it makes ice cream.
No 't•nele Toro's Cabin" is complete
without it. It fortis on lakes and
roil' -pond*, and is used to sit down on
by people learning W skate. or to fait
through by young boys who have
wandered away from home. It also
comes in rink's. -Thomas L Magoon
in Lippincott',.
toilet soap, if you mention this paper.
''Alk J* anything but creep when
you bave to pay • duller a inlnut.e fur
the use 111 a lung -distance telephone.
College --
STANDS ready m help Toner men
and women to wilt Independence and
success. It has given the start to
thousands upon thousands of young
people. It can help you. Write tar
Catalogue. Enter any time.
Verge and Gerrard Sts , Toronto.
The Leading School
t'oor#g aro -practtctd,-ourteacb-
r. rspr•riener.l, and ,air graduates.
tau r-apaldr to au i,•sim tsible p*Nitiotta.
We :u.1w-riving merry applications
far oilier help/. (luring a mingle
lay thee work we received wren ap-
t plc*lions for office help and four
fur a riol teachers. Our grad -
Three depart relents :
Catalogue free.
ht.,.nrrr k Mct.Acnt.t't,
The whole Southland never claimed
a sweeter, re !ovoid.• and gentle
woman, but she never could be pxr-
.uadrd to tele a'phone.
Lately the Polite household
down with the grippe *nil there was
nn one rise able (11 0 01 a phyeicim in j
the night.
Aft er ringitrg i,p "Central' !hie dear
lit11. w' All hero 1110 ptellie et rirkell
and could not think of the word the
bouseholel 110)41 when they isnotnd
• Fxefiangr.''-Horri-dly *he pot, tr.,.
receiver op and whispered into the
aslnnishnl ear of the tdl&irht,negill
the wont :
"II nrrnh i•' I.ippierott_ti.T
The Main Consideration,
Atthe siege of Frederirksbure,
when the (Confederates were enduring
even more I her their metal 9110110 of
hunger, one of the Root hero skinnl
inhing pasties made a midden raid nn
nn 11nsuspecting Federal brigule.
After some interchange of firing, the
er0sil*nte rushed noon their die•
ronrerted enemy. One emaciated
"Johnny" hurriedly emptied the
knot seek of a prostrate soldier, and,
straightening up. regardless of blades
and bullets, waved his h tory 011410e
hip hens'.
"(Charge 'ruin boys. 'hares 'ens !' he
yeltwl. "They've got cheese
The beneficial efigct of iron
upon the system weakened
through illness, overwork or
anemia, is well known. Per-
rovim is a preparation which
supplies the valuable element
in the most efficient way, com-
bining with it the nourishing
qualities of beef and the mild-
ly stimulative effect of sherry
wine. Ferrovim costs $1.00
a bottle at druggists.
ITTTr.141S. CP !CRS.
NtVRALGI4, etrt014ATtele
Itch 25c. In sir -tight Ue hex:
yard rolls tl.n0, can be cit to any
Beware M worthless ImltsHons-
DACta • LAWN/INCE') ynittnal.
.July Sale Values.
trill be found in the following items,
which are worthy of marked attention,
LADIES' HOSIERY. -111t dozen pain of ladies' fancy and plain cotton
Ilurr, silk rnd.rolde*,l and plain and in black and every color; they
are • r11*nufartilrrr'a sample lot, ranging in price 15
:it re W I$l:+l per pair. on sell at iwr pair,....... ....
SALE OF BELTS. - rhe greatest sale of high-class ladies' (felts we have
ever offered, silk, kid. leather and elastic Belts. were 5tic 4i 11.50 rs5e
each, oil o .1
ft 411* at each, `
r,00a YARDS OF ORGANDIES AND MUSLIMS. -For drover, waists
etc., eolutw warrented and in neat new patterns, regular lt)c and
1'_'tc qualitwe, all at per yard .. ..... ... ...... •
LADIES' SUITINGS.-- i pierce of new Indian Head Suitings in every
rotor and stytr, at per yard,
12>,c 15c and 201
CARPETS.- 511 yards °f extra heavy hest onion n-verslble CarpOt, yard
wide, browns, greens, reds, fawns, and excellent patterns, regular 38c
tic and :are a yard, your (-tinier,
LINOLEUMS.- Ott yards of 11 or 4 yards wide Scotch Linoleum*, in 6
patterns, dlr, floral or scroll. regularly worth 46c, at per 35
The Signal to January, 1910
Talking About Buggies,
If you are thu.►umg of buying a new Bugggy this year,
we shout be pleased W have • talk with you. We
handle the 11.•.0 Boggy .w the laarket
The MOM rootlets are d..nlhee, l.et us show you the One
pointe of the new Ituggieilwe have just placed in stock.
N. 11. 1 have taken the agency for the McCormick Imple-
ments and ran now supply Seeding and Yarv0atiog Machine.
manufactured by this well kncwn corn party to uuynne desiring
first -chum Farm Machinery.
Wm. Knox,
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Godeeich
1 Midsummer Sale of Shoes
As we find we are a little over -stocked and need the
money represented in these goods, we have decided to
offer them at prices that will clear them out during the
24 pain of Men's Goodyear Bals and Bluchers
(Sovereign make), regular /1,6( and 14.00.
sale p, -ice $3.99
:in pairs of 'fen's Patent Colt Bluchers, rein-
N.1 Men's IV% rale price $0 99'
psi . Bids, M, 8., regular
12.541, Rale 'nice 41,9,
I( pnir. of Men's Tan Calf Oxford*, regular
$.;.:.o and 14.151, Kale price ., • .,... ••$3•tm
12 !wire 4.f Men'. Patent Colt Oxfords, regular
1:t.:el and 11,10, sale price........ , , „. .$3.oe
12 pale of Men'e Oaf (I)fords, 6, 7 and 0 only.
regular $1,64) and $:0.73, sale price ...... 44.90
Ntpairs of Mens Hong. Reis, U. 9•, regular
11.:10, sale prior ,. 11.10)
4o pities of Boys Bong. Bale, regular )I.25,
sale price .................. ,Entre
:46 pain of Youths' flats, regular 81,411) and
11.21, rale price • 1154
76 pain of Mimes' Doug. .Bal. regular 11.25,
sale price .,. 900
:15 pain of Child's Hlippero end Oxford Tire,
sizes A to 10i, regular i1.1M1 and 11.25, sale
price . 115c
41) pairs of Child's Slippers and Oxford Ties.
black and chocolate, sizes 4 to 71, regular
K6c And $1.16, sale price 650
411 pain of Ladle*' White Canvas Oxfords, reg-
ular 11.26 and $1.10, sale price , ... .....:tees
iR palm et ladies' Tae Calf btfeeds, regular
1200 and $2J10, sale pries, • dr 75
42 pairs M ladles' Vici Kid
$1145 and 14.00, sale pries
Bak.. regul*r
34 pain of iadiei Heavy-eole Oxfords, sill
.4 to 5, regular 12.60 and 12.75. wale price. it 95