The Signal, 1909-7-1, Page 1aPEND DOMINION DAY IN GODERICH WATCH THE ILLS FOR PROGRAM 44 - MITT IIITY dtlX'OND TIAA-No. tt►13 GODERICH, ONtI'ARIO, CANADA : .I l 1,1" ; , T9M1 nal . The Month of Weddings For the Jun. wedding THE SIGNAL is prepared to supply elegantly printed Invitations, Announcements, etc., in latest styles. Wedding Cake Boxes always 1n stock. fits: MiONA+,-YttPj i*H t:(R, 4.44 4+vauaxsits. Riaaneial - LOCAL TOPICS I am offering for sale Debentures bearing itteeest at five per cent. per annum, payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely rate and prof- itable investwenl. 1 would advise anyone baying money to invest to be sure to call and see me. W. 1.. 11ORTON THE STANDARD LOAN' (,OMPANY NOTICE TO ADVEKTiSERS" -- Copy of change of runn.ngl advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure Insertion in issue of same week. Seesaws se loesters ti M d LD.-Yeuae ladles preferred Comfort . able acme.motion l to Jetta Apply Collegian, Institute, Apply at TUN MU y'LCL Wanted _ - UiOOL,' BUTTER AND KOOS T1 W19.WrRD.—At tike 000KR1t'H P410• DI:Ca COMPANY. H)rkeet ca..b fort* paid. To sent (mo RUNT. - THH ROOMS ON • rets street letie upt.d by 11r.. WtL Goa belo'l i 81. the Apply at Weigh,' Arh.wu .. MS HNT. -A W? 1LL.VU tNIRB• TO RM-ro,med betel residence, with *11 sen reaterwee and large air? `eon ad., for 11117slat Awl ApW/64a6 HOY ICH. a N,late. elm ♦ FOVBRR RRR—TO tT,---tIONKllitT- ABLa nbee-r .. n4 deadly .p root, es hebeo sweet. O F. BL or to sew Apply 4 AIN 311116 MAL,KKB 1.10U1911 TO RENT. --FI V f4.-liiW M • ►►ppeseses,, convenient 49 6 cute.. Aopfely to l C. 61WININOM. t RENT. -PORTION OF THE It/c- adence of Miss Buchanan. mutter of Ne1nn laud r49A,drew •street*. bullable either for 1,14 r ceu 1• .r for 7000600003. with .mall fam- 8r tland Dolt tome tow, wateraleo.un outer. Torus eery rw.onable. Apply to MIM MC HAMAN. on the premise... of ALIT. TO 'NO. Carlow P.O. Mal tate tor Sale. WARM FOR . LE. --ADJOININD 1 the Allays of • . • . caanstnti 141 acme. I'seth rer tnfurmetloo apply at pre- mier JOHN a AITHBT. WHSTERN LANDS FOR SALE. -- 1413 awes ALE.--199.wes "Mb 349 scree In crop : frame h oses with Mies. In, Price 13.9)0 Including ova land a glen loam. 2A, Beres at gig 1'.', scsi. bootee and fenced. Tote u a snap. as W.d V goLg all over/ Year. tacmeu ace with red ba0dlat•, wi acres broken : pia RV ter arra. good locality and phone In house. As of there len b. bought In reef tonne, 6. lc Ttw'81.Iv, Tarlton. Pe4. Two FIK.MT-CLASH BUILDING doer for male situated nn N.wgste and hist stoeppooeb, (M(4erlrh. been. Ile mal be PR UI HA1Ln. For Ipsrticnr. leapply to V, J. HOUSK POR MALE. -- A NEW swim eedung, with the nreder's Impress - mama pinwale/4 ah 4.9*01 and Dear the Square. Apt& a W. 11. RORILItT1oN. HOU8H FOR SALE. - A TWO- STORT brick bows. with serest room,. se bare street. Particulars oats be had b1 filling et SIONAL (Mics. Ulf FARM POR SALE, IAT Il, CON- ('g8*1o\ s, ('olborna ; 177 acres of good sell. beee ander grass for eight years. }} mile east of Dunlop and el miles from lioderIeh. with good hnlldtnes ao4 artesian well and windmill, 6 &ores of orrturd, beet of winter runt. awl tan scree of huskFor pwrticular• apply to JAIL 7OUN4:. Jr., WJ N Water* et-, (lineats. 111. Imam LOOK BALK. -IN ORDER T() CLONE P sp the testate of the late 0. t', ' hannm(, T. D.. Isla lac marlines to new for sal.. It le la very lir oondWou, hat modern conrentru - aos sae b. Inspected at an time. For further Rle eaolar. apply to Proee t. Hays R Inali% C. J. HAMILTON Ixeoutor. FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT FOR THE SUMMKR MONTH8. damns, vl.ltere desiring to nee,lre a tern - ease ben.. In Uodertok are Intilted to eon mettond wit, THE BIONAL Penton. wishing to rent their houses CO OUT leer aldrin should leave particulars a? THH SIGNAL T df K STERLING BANK OF CANADA Lin ()grief Tnaoa7'O alrfeaglInal merest. 111.0no.oM II10ORPORATSD BT BPPI'IAL Af T Oi DOMINION PARLIAMRNT to EUCai V L D RPOS ITS To accommodate the Farmers+ we have opened Branches in the villages Of DUNGANNON. AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. W, aolleit the Patronage of this Po/mita. 641.4 !oras lfSOOvNT61). Highest current rate of 4nterer1. SAViNDS RANH In rDEPART- M ENT) on etepnalta of $LOfl and upwards. eODERiOH BRANCH A. O. BAII[a1.t M.sagwr. 1 GODERICH MARKETS. _.- ..- --- TKUMeur, July Ant. Fah wheat. w4, WW1 4l 1 to 1 1 l'. t1) slur wheat. per bark 1 86 to 1 3,i 1(34 per bus, u 48 w u Su Hu, itwhest,l w4, bark .. o a) to 9 e1 Date. per bu 6.. . r :.2 to 068 Pe..,rho.. u b W v w, Harley. per b' At . . . . 0 ii0 w u 495 801. oi41ge ser Iqu lit 40 te ?I W Flour, facilly. per amt3,0 to '3 ter , ,'s . 'lour iert, per cwt ....... 3 2:. to 386 Thar, per ton lt-tote -11- Shot tn. per ton AI W to !S tip flay, per tu0 .. 9 .oto r 50 Wood, per cord 6 W to 6 (9, Matter, per lb 0 u to u IS Caere, per lb ALS 1n... a u. gag.,,oes, 1)e per dog 0 1. to 0 15 Js1 l0 63 Cattle, ord,ny to geed, Mewl 6 so to 6 2 ('au l& ea poet, per own 6 66 to • 5 73 H 7't0 7 mb gx4. 6 Ju to s 49.1tenet+. peeler r .v' to 1 M, Haw. per Ib a 17 to b 17 Lead. per parr l` r 15toio 0 w Tallow, per Ib . 0 if Hodes, r cwt of 'o 9 6, Mao epakloa A (u to s Ice to 40 Chicken... , la rattily* to o 14 Untold, market, on poised this. week. Situations Vacant ffl*ACHKR WANTED. -FOR 8. 8. 1 Vu 3, west Wawenos'h. holding Ont .f ..veld-clsts professional certificate, dull. to commence August Path. 6(61. elate expert encs. If any. and salary evpnited. Appli.1 Mine reeelved up to Jolt 141h. Apply. with rehrosOlo, 10 11108. H. TAYLOR. n••cretsry arwewlr.rs, (t, Helms 1'. 0., Ont, TEACHER WANTED. - OUAL1- 1.107D feedlot for )i S. No 4 Oodertch township..--TWtle.ito enameller Angst }49th, mit A 1•ptieet loeo•t .Gtiag *sari. ',waived up i. July l..1). CHIAN. W. JIHNSrON. Serre- Iarytromeas 4.r, 4:ods 'eh.Y.JJ.. 4 Pasturing RENT.-- FORTY ACRES OF 1. 6 (lase genian. well oaten -it. AWAY to (sowN trot NG, Carlow. (1),t. 1'oi Sale !111 PEaWVlicinR1 \Voll ,frill ffor ea EK FOR SALE. -A pea titer. in good nondl'lor. ly at THL SIGNAL. It 1?OK HALis f1EAP.-IyLATCIi- 1 FORD 14.00 ease ,9.n h, er'tcla s eon. Alton. u. M. ICL1.10 2t ALL KINDS OF ERICK TO HE had at the Colborne hrliticyerd+.. _ J. PiT- 431.AWMJ t BONS. 11. Aim Sat k1ATURDAY JULY 31.-A QAUN• 11 MY of walnut furniture. tables. ,'kiln sofas. rte, The Auction Hoe. ODOR()$ us HF.('Kk7T, Auettbneer. PaWie Retie& pL7aL1C NOTICE. Notice 1e hereby given that the council of the nnmlclpellty of the town of litderich will at in tint regular meeting after the *zonation of one mom h from the .late of Apostles Up of Ddu notice pn...ed to Ds-- sBylaw for the stopping up and sellingot the lands hereinafter described winch with (n 1)'r land.. were by By law number 12 of 1u7 melted up and estab- lished ea a public highway In flit` .Md town of (toderich. The land, to be stopped 411' and cold e.•e described as fnllowr : - Fleetly : -All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premie+, 10t,1121'. lying and tieing In the tow* of dalrHoh, In the meinl7 of Huron end Pmvinonof omen', 5nd being composed of part of Int PIM 44, the town of Ooderlch an -hewn on .. map M plan of said town dated September itch. 4 Prepared liy ane J. MacDonald, Provincial Surveyor. and regl.t•r,d In the Registry nfilce for the eonnt7 of Huron. and being more Particubarly de- scribed s. follows - ('oninionrng at the north went corner of stud Mt INK. thence inn t% 12 deg. 3' thin. west along the line between lou 1,044110 *441., al feet 10 a point, thence noth-es.terl7 47 flet flinches to a point. thence north 11 deg. 3, min. east 31 feet to the northerly limit of std lot 1336. thence north M deg. west along Reid northerly limit or leen to the ,Inches moreplace of It feet bestinning. And Secondly' - All and singular Ihst cur Gln parcel or tract of land and premier, situ- ate, 170.9 end being in the town of 9alerlch, In the county of Huron and Province of (Mtarlo, and Doting composed of part of lot I635 In the town of Valerich so .hewn on a ratan or {Ian of the valet town, dated September 44th. bile. prepared by one J. MaetIonald. Provincial surveyor. and reg).ter.d In the Iteru,t r, office for the county of Heron. twins wore partici'. tarty deverthed a. follows 1'ommewr-(nq at the interection of the Oval - eriylimitof Water Ione with the southerly limit of Int Mi. thence •0u: h ort degrees ear along said southerly limit 33 feet flinch,. tolls. • uth want angle of lot LM, thence north 12 4eegg. 30 min. fleet along line between lou lila and 10311 1.91 feet to a point. thence south 25 deg '.:J min. west. ISO feet n inches more or lees to the place of beginning. Dated this twenty ninth day of June. A.D. IMO. 1. le KNOX, .1)U Town Clerk. ALGOMA CENT RAL STEAMSHIP LINE STR. KING EDWARD Cleveland, Toledo, Sault Are. Marie Division-hette ten Clev.land,Toldo, Detroit and Rasa Ste. Maris And Intermediate ora. Leave Gnd.rieh smlthhnund 8:4)a. m. Fridays, northbound 2:711 a. m. Man. days. June Zlrl tot .ptemtrr 7th. iWeatherp.r sIttins T. S. ItelYNlttnY. T me.iarte. M)ntario. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The W. C. T. U. held its regular meeting on Monday afternoon, agood- ly number being prer'nt in spite of the very warn) weather. Reports fruit mime of the different superintendents were re;vivel. Rev. Dr. Curl gave u very iutetesting addreee on the work of the W. C. T, U. across the (order. Committed for Trial. The police magistrate sent three men up for trial in the higher court the past week. On Saturday evening Albert Jardine was remanded for trial on the charge of assaulting a girl in Colborne recently-, and on Monday William Bird and Frank Coleman were before him. The former wee charged with the theft of some grate bars sod follees down from the Logan brick kiln in Goderich town- ship. And the latter, a resident of Stan- ley. with attempted suicide. The Electric Railway, large and solidly pa+'ktel to be readily removed by the diver, MastiairtnOItt undet' water. The gravel appears to have got into the pipe tht•uugh a part- ing 10 the pipe just et the crib, and this severance Inthe pipe was probably caused by the setting 44the ,'fib at the west side. Practically the whole of the forty fret of the pili' which was late:. out of the water wits tilled up with gravel, m) that it is not to be wondered at Diet the device at first adopted of putting on water et't•ssure to force out the obstruction failed. Mr. ('lair bar flcen at work clearing out the 1 ittion of the pipe in the crib and we may now expect to get our Water Sup- ply hematite crib again very shortly. Fast Outfitting. The two v bout d,1,u s1 can tin•.. her," .49441 a local ve0s.•huan y.wter.dity. "It is.the cane t4,ith the steatite' John Harper, however, that wan bought by l'upttin Willoughby and Engineer ineer Qn_. utulas_e„yening '-IJIe tug .Hila Baxter from the 6dehri.l 4' any', McAuley end grow with a curgn of eel -Letting (Wel' le -we rk'•ltgrr- Three timber and 1 ler arrived frotu the turn begun titling out the boat last. north shore in charge of J. M. Proud• Monday and today -Ditty lied her cat loot. The luu.her, 39,001 feet, was testing her comp{ash u•• I 4 might' elle unMisded on :Monday for the (bele- will get out of shat• 491 (.44 .a .:1►•g4 of rich ligan Company, and the balance coal. r 'fiat ie what l 'all going at 41 of the load, 9owe 44),404) feet of equated mighty fast clip. In fact. it is 1Me 44f hemlock, wit, taken up to Port Allwrt the f:wt.t•st ces.•s of fitting out, th'it to be used un the trestlework to be ever e 1.4) my notice., It simply built..-iheee--f....-- the_ us eisiu__Woad_ goes lush(J.>sthat men 440.1) Work much Shone Itailway. Mr. l'rogdfoot has falter when they are working - u1' another cargo to deliver at fort Al- thew.rlv.a. Yon dant find any such time Ire that tuatle when the Doak are being fitted out by eulpllyeer,•' Official Visit. - -- laud ,L Tuesday night way 1► high night for Staple Leaf Lodge, No. '27, A. 0. 1.'. W.. the- eiwadun being the visit of tiraud Mester \V,rktuan S. 11. Mortis, of ltodnev, Grant Overseer Japers McEwing, M. 1', I'., of I)ravton Organizer, .1. H. Jungh:tn,. M. A.. of Toronto,. I4istrict Organizer K rw,itl, of x_. r a4, a „at. awl l.di*t,Fi 1, Deputy 'tarry Morris, 44 I.oy-al. The nireUt4g wag held in the "rnlperance Ilan, end there was a g4 41 attten• dance, . The D4rtrict Depot ueeupied the chair, -_The wewter work► 81) gay.• en addt'ear on the 7►rd.'r id- '1)1.1.81, Ow general organizer apo e v1)• The tnonthly meeting 1)t the public "Fr -eternity," and the ,''strict libruuy board nn Saturday lest was organizer o4. "Urgi►tliz)tlion." The well attended. lite 1n11owing (amounts Lectern work wag put on by the were ordered to 1n) paid : George Port.- general and district organizers, an a ..r, hooks. IK;t73; Signal Printing 111„ number of lnusicel nuluh"re+ w Ltd.. $7.tl3: Wilmer Smith, window given. Maple 1..•.f Lodge had - abadea,, j4.lki • McEwen Est., 'seal at April :10th 1181 r)1(•n11e►w 4n g(t(11 1111.701 -4114411114T.1: --The _inure cututuitt standing, holding $1ti,, *4114 of insurance waw instructed to pug(: use,' wiladdw -_ _41_77 ._. _ _ _ rhadee for -the reacting risme'. 'f1)' The Rifle Tournament. • Arian reported • receipt,' for the The picnic anal-- sh.otin4 match month of May of $7,711. .\n applies. under the auapicee • the` ifar(68 tion to the rdueatiiln In -pertinent for Ginty Kitfe,Ass...,,. .ou, which t(ok another travelling libial•y wets signed place at 1'uist Farm last b'riday, war hy the ofH^ere of the hil4►d. a highly successful affair. x11 touch sit that, the ASrodation 1494 decided to make it an anno•al ev.•nt. 'risen, was a good at.•nd \nee and the junior hand of the Oodet•ieh Musi48l Society V di cal M•rv'c ine supplying its 4f d r e the { (Y g ___ e d w r inusie iiui•1ng the day. 'i1) ay' per gram concluded with a dance at the hotel. The shooting Ivan of ft high oder. the competition (ring the hest hell yet. 'Ten out of the fourtl•.n te:►uls in the Ausociation had ten -men teams competing and in addition there. were flfte.0 individual shooters, making a tntaToTT1.e riflemen tAlting-"part.--At- the Bill -yard renge fifteen c/mpwtitora num], 30414, over out of the DietedIds 113 and-iii-RIE-Y,wdltaightr en made_At arc over. The 4'otlorn., township tram again won the cup and the elected west t. It. ('arriek, of \Vhite'h,rek. We find it imposeihle to rmbliah the amore% titin week. lett will ti., 4.o in our next is,u', C. P. R: Assessment Reduced. A peculiar situation developed on Moudey evening at the court of 1eP4nitin of t1), n+eetonnent roll. when col. Mel )1na1d appeared on lehalf of the O. P. 1t. t•4. ask for a rerluction of the a9seset(1"1)t on the couteany'14 property at the terminal. The Atse4- Mlr half ►11x,1' an h1C1•eane of tonne $4,0011 on the urnessnlent 1)t the engine house property and St. ('l,,-istophrr'r beech over lest year And 1)n increase of another $4,4564 on the var. 4 nthet' lots belt! by the l', 1'. R.. making the cotuplanyes assessment this year $21(,4451 as unhurt a figurer rii(shtdy-fiiw'r 4l4efl $'J1,l96) Dant. year, This is the pr..p••14V which wee si l,atrated upon between the HAWMy" end the C. 1'. It.. and the Colonel hid the evidence given tat the Arbitration 6416 him, in which the valuation of the pro4wrt y wits tee in - it'd all the way 1)p to a million and (( half. With property which eottld 4A• valued .o high it re(•tn'd a4. if (here WW1 a nlistak' nunlewhrn• wh.'41 I.1)'' company ens nek4ng fur :1 re)n.'tirnl of a paltry $,,454) in Iuss,•ssl"nt. hut. 14. Court decide41 to allow the newer. nt to Ise/shoots! tis! et. J3),4%$4. The dit- 1 tweet the $31,11171 and the v811uatdons to-prr)Ixaidy looking upon 1on14' '.4 t1)' 4,156 Aa yaefant land, And Capitalizing to lie:•. • case1 1 u• pralucing powl•t•K 1)K a 4na1 in the future, following item with reference to rbM•iwen well known levelly i5 The Cleveland Plain Oetlrr : "It 111nity was u"t I.•.i • :1 44*44►er 'f 't frequently liipp en that a out•i1f-flown '‘'''''..1"`"4"911• -1u- +hoan in OWlle•d and operated by •lud(ug Sll'. (1101 Mrs:. 1v. Ackland, iaaeie-Mrte-wtgiewee wt4u.-3p es,„"_ Toronto; .\.I John -411.1. 11 1 oli'Y : M.C.rr C. Dance. e ----The anti lint ileum- nT' • tung t'mete ('Iola h,-1.1 .,n '1'41449418) night last at t1)• Dison Suo.'l wan Is usual a th..1i 1K11i511W1 nod eu'ee...(u4 5N•i:al event. 4hrsid1111 Turnbull snit 11ir other•lm4.nll.einof the ('l44h n)1 !Iced hard to make et...1 ytiling rou+(ortahle and (nljoyald' 1.1) II.••I4' K114..1 0. 01141 suec4'40l, 1 ill 1.;it'iog thew ay.•ry phase- out evening. '1'h.• 1114.1 ulldy twin) wan jtrnfnuely' dremitted with digs and hunting ,artist really ar1'anged. Alt,l 4:1121)9 1443(44144.5 w./rke•tf in with lir decorative design were sug,;.••ttc,• . I the atwitter* under whivh llo• (3.4(41'' wise held. '4,h' )ttal••k,t a .• el. -Medea furnished' delightful21nWie, 11,'? 54.4•)( the &meex lite .ipariou4 V.•rand:•hs ur the hotel afforded (X •.•li."1)t opp0rrluu- il) fu.' proui.'na prise . :an.4 fir oppnr• hes t, also fur the railway. Minty Ulebentures Sotd. The $211,7)41(( issue of debentures of the county of Huron authorized at the Juni meeting for the purple*, of rant- ing motley for building bridge.. has heen perchueed by 11. O'Hare k Co. The debentures )e*r'4 per cent., in- terest payable semi-annually, and the price to be paid is $10,1(70, or only $130 discount 0o the whole 4esue. An labile of debentures by the county 01 Bruce, hearing 41 per cent. interest, wax purchased the saute day by 11. O'Hara c. Co. at par. These prices are the (lest for debenture. 4,o"eived for some Ume Public Library Board. wits in town PIA lllilting the pupils in p(Iypit. The manila et t 111• 4'xa11111(4a- t ions rill he pu4tfidted later, . 'Hie holies •ken 01) \Itinday of this week was not, the au.,'s, the pr'\luua suction 0:4 10 WOO. 'There were a fair number of hursna.ot!.•r,•el, hat they vele he'!d at glial •in i,.', and the 1)1111• Ix•r o.4,1 -•h ,'hanged 1, nils was not large. JUNE WEDDINGS. Rooney Dean,' . tin 'I'u.•sJay nee tei'• St. Pete'9 '411144611 watt the scene of the 111a/'l'iiige of Miss M,at11u► 1)4,111,. s •'o(d'viuug- eet daughtee of Mr. and Mrs. •,faut.'s 11. ut, to William Itoone , the )•44,491) Rev. FatherMilt:t . r(tmmrl'ttnx .0 the church at 1) u't'lnck. The bride was attended by her si't's', Alias Mlur- g,urt, and (i'orge.l .,41'ul aup1,',' 'd 4.111:11101 in 1)i . lorry test -1 II) while es. The 'guudi' flowers of PI•- utade •5, of ul'• IIw'a4 hey. we. Ake 4uthg.alr, 1. en. the ]Mount. '1'be bride %ea: (irren, S+raGn•ah.; alis M'ddlrtou :(n)1• at dress -a4, MifY•etrivett-'m I Miss Daisy' A41Jd4rt.(1, Clinton ; MiS lets, 1144 4 p4'itceas xty9e, w It:u1w1r11, Fargo, N.,l).; *414ss (4 lfricit, 11;11, old 541" 1•lu•ri1•d 4,W'i r. Bei lin ; Mist; Hrough and Mia Helen I" iue•smaid w:ts 11) 44uwpr'd jimmy:h oruutti sus,. Marron nil trimmest with ribbon and her Ise Dent ice wl'411, Rea reedit : ".•III (:111111.• I.•1•.•'.\'l•111.•Ilt Ilrowning ' .•te•• !Wise M,Hri.l' M' If M e R1 f d1 FS. 1'-4,-' e -Xi d 'n... o ,seeing 11;Iterin.. ' mus u quirt one, tttrottlygo'st 1 of the 1aulily laving Mist. \Nutt. Ingersoll, niece df the 44,• 44111. and Mrs. Ronley left on the of to. train for a trip to Tonmlo, where will _visit the bride's Mrs, 4'4 and on their return they will their reside:l"'• in town. The brit An Unbroken Record. The /i.,hrri,h l..,,rhall'tetun added another win to its .o CO* unbroken reiee.1 t11a e'aswt last I.1.1•l,ty, dl•f'et- ing Mitdlrll by a x''4.» of i to 1 at the NEWADVERTISEMENTS-July 1st. _ _ .... ... Fags intorno for rel' --(1. M. 07111011 ......... . 1 1'a s1).• Nut4ar 1. f.. genie town ('leri, .0 1 Ilelp %:titch Teyy Iii•. Anderson. eouthgete 141., $,'.*forth ., 1 theacry enceinte -Salicin -- . r \otic• to ('redltor4--(ilhhol.. Harper t The ('harau ('nuad* ttalut Co • - \. .. 14,•1nen* lien. lieekekt ... 1. \ort'al Ails. -t... Beckett... . 1 H. irk for ante -J. 1'It Wwio a Sun - 1 .a. !roma... (Alva*. Iuteine estuaries, Mouthul naive -Davit t Readers—Davleitwrettw.is :..• •'-':.T-s .Nbt. •r 5 it. of' allure , w',u. Sharutau '. 2 .1 $oeeti Dour 707-39 %Vo.wte. Hardware Steve ........ , 4 3".u,'..( U*o.'l...1". t 1.8, 40001 4,1 i'a.0 Service 10 Detrufi, (h)c4yo, 4.(c: Juni' 1p 'p, 4 .. ...-. ... ..... .... ....MDI .anuoi71'e0amt lu.. K1dd . 1 lialerb•h 07,tla,.vd Stationery -Deo1'brtor n Ilulou u1ltAux rt, k. flick • s ,l•1, xtor,,-1).{I.IL.r- t1."7" .-Y Uut' that Sale t'oor inu•st --J, 11, i 'ulI.orne..., f I'i'nb• 4411{.tU,. 4 ha.. K, Kwing. .. Ll upvf,.tud'. S4rr18a ('un A, M, Matl.rud 7 Shorter'Ifuur'. 1 4u)rn•n 1. MOM,. ., 5 Ibrn. fur Kala- John Halt b)•,. Auburn I atrimelilylrt Juh' Mak,, •t. .t*'Avaun A Son Y e 4.41,r and }erre, .iunuunrc Wlan 1.,..' %V.1.,,,,. ... ... .` Oddfellows' District Meeting. There was a g..o4 reprrser(tation fi-o,ol all the Ir,dge, 1,1 this eh1tr't(•t at thedtauictm ins of the (hhifellows set --w-- in Seaford' on Thurralay 1)T last week, with the exception ..f Lumen. 1) D. (1. [. Taylor, of Clinton. pIresided, and the rrporte from the different lodges were highly satisfeet"ry loth as t.1) membership au, flnate•e.. The elec- tion of district deputy resulted in the appointment of Mr. Fowler, of Sra- rerih. In the evening the first de- gree work wee exemplified by the degree tram of !futon Lodge, No. (19, and atter this a nice spread concluded the program. Orthographlcal Peculiarities. A grocer's delivery 'cart, with the legend •'Fruit and Vegttablra" Pm - blazoned on ite cover, was the sutrjeet of cnmmeot the tither day as it pawed, and, a propos of this, the inscription e)1 A tombstone 141 a cemetery m neighboring county was Mentioned. On first seeing the stone the speaker said'he fell to reviewing his knowl- edge Qf geography, thinking there might he such a place as "lnfincy" in Ireland soinewhere, but it was not long before he recollected that the customary rmula for 1 baby's tomb- stone wan "Dj d 4.0 infency.'' All of which gore is show th,►t it i not alone in the print shop that the types artmetitnes go Wr , g. Kept Motel in Gods 'ch, Port Elgin Times: -t 1Vednemdsy evening Andrew Shi s passed away at hitt home in Port ' in. For two or three i*are he hid leen failing cud wtis far frntn tieing he POIltlrt wall hr ordinarily ens. Th nd CAMP ahmewhst unexpectedly, Wever. Deceased was *little better t1),. • forty seven years of age and hail h d 111 and around Port Elgin pr4•tiral all his life. Veitre ego he kept the t)t' n 114,4154 at the lake front and lit moved it up town under the name ( the 'thiels linnet.. He abet ran An note! in G(xderimh for about three years. A wife and six children, four girls and two barye wittier. The fu- neral wan held to Port Elgin cemetery bast Friday, when the services were e,ndurted liItev. Mr. Itrowple., Y re"t.or of yl. John's church. - Choked Up with Gravel. On Monday about forty feet of the water works inteke pipe wee 1.5254.4, brought into the beefier And hoisted on to the cherkwater. The pipe was found to he clinked up with gravel t.o Notice to Crediton 1N OTICF TO CREDITORS. 1N TH07 MATTRIt OF J. J. RRP4r4 a SON, (17 THE VII,I.A(1IC OF SHIPKA DN THIC C'OU'NTY 07 HtlRON. Nowa ie hereby given than the stave-nem.d J. J. Breen t 4..a have Inside a, a,el`nment tq o le under the prnri'ioneof I'hapler 147. 41. .4 11.. 1197, of ell their retat5 and effects in tree. kw the bonnet of all their creditor, A m4e.y44*5R of the creditor of the said estate 1. hereby convened and will be hold at the Ike offire of O*41hon., *weer a (lihb 1)e, 1.ondm., on Tuesday, the 4th day of Joie. A. 0. *1761, at, 2.10eelock in the afternoon. ter rhe appoint mint of Inimeetore and the glsing of directions with reference tot.hedivprnal of the said estate. Alt creditors et the MId ,'Aare are hereby requited to file their claims w1•h m7 enlleitorv, 44,4,bine. Harper & Gibbon*. hoodoo 4,,s eoncr"tie wells Are reinforced with etre:wee b the Gala ,Gt.n4e. (m or before the fare of mild steel. At the ;bottom of dal of pooh me.ung. After September 1. IWO the chant Mer there is a drain and neer I .hall preened to dbtrlb.te the eMd estate having regard Only to anti M►Ims M 1 ,hall' the top there is a vertilet,r, On tin have nonnce0f. and 1 .hall not be reep0nNAle I emit aide they" i, to be a erronght. iron torrk.aa.at•M 1.h, GaI4 551945 0? 557 "I" done and the inner door end frame x4.»07 44. 50 • 71"'" le trr,nna who" e(*4,,, or claims eha4I am have art Will be 1)t white oak. There will also Doted rhe 11th day of ,lune. A. D. tars, ire iron IAddrrs, and iron Mooring GIP 160S14. RARPRR a, OtRBONR. 'hooks to enable vessele to land at. the neno(tere for Assignee. London, h.a*nn. There is to he A steel wiper- ,. R. AR118TRON0, structure to support the lantern and A,slgne,. there will he two gam generators. uulU h is off D44n)inio►t ('limon will play here•- in the after - 11111116. 1V(' tlud4Pa+tnd -hitt Chilton 4.1•uroll Jl.rnleitt, dale of tit. Andr'w''I.lu►rrball club, Tornnt1, in) pitcher for title match. The detaillt of 11(.t h'ridity''44 game are tit 14.144419, : l islvrirl( .Mn.4.011 It. 11. F. R. 11. tic. w ebb If '1 I' to Agar'.- 0 1 0 T. EH4M. 'f 3, 3 x 'Furtive,. 0 0 I 1', fearlr{i.: ' 1 llama, .'f I. 1 •• 3 n Nair, Ib I 1 .4 2, 1 1 u Kby YO u 1 1 ,t SJ. p!.._ 1. _ 1 L:vibns,k If •• I u .twee Il -1 .-terionetent1t 0 1 it J. 1,4(1 :1b 41 • n i ('.a 0,51) JL a •• 11 3 P:4.,•. un 19.241 -ot1' \Wiggin,' t. Left on 1'1.04 1 ialcrirll 7, M(tchell.t, 'I'wo-bavr hits 0741., 1),0, 14.11, .ig.r. 41 r'i"k nut -by t1•ig1Jn.K by Mcliitrr,' 4. •-Double p1a7--Wig*in+.te Filet.. )bell. Tait.. i0 Slack... 63a to Turner. 4'...onl L df "Turner 1. Time of g**ne--f heitr Haunt e. t' umpire -M. Me Kwrn. Clinton. r4•ure by "...• cloth with white waist. Many betel t- rial gifLa bore te•rtiu)nuy to the eine.• in which the bride i5 held. 'rt groom'a9. µit to the bridesmaid was 'pearl and "thy't liroo,•h nniTT:i til est men a p ciirl stickpin. Curwen -Wiggins. The residrnre of Mee. J,on•'. \1'4g- gins, \Vest street, 6:1, abl00111 with orange blossoHt5 yeete'rdll)' on the oe- 4:t5ion of 1hl•tuarriage,of her daughter Muth, to Jaynes l'orwru, of town. The event took place at high ptwu,- 111" {raster of Knox church, Row, Jar►1'rA. A41der1on, performing the cere y. .The bride and gr('1u1 went unattended and sou«I in front of a ntas44v" hank Al orange blossoms, find the other orations of the drawing(-rtou) were of the ratite blorr/m)s. -111e brides gown war of white embroidered mull and 1 :t a r, 7 s 9 Total she. carried a shower 4 meet of or- O,dertrh- a I r t I o aug' biotin The wedding March dl)tceelt u 11 ;n 11 a 0 1 n n 1 w7w played by Mr... Kerr, of U.It'n'ne, The 4070x4111 aa'.'reges of the Mete- and the bride was given awayy by• her rich loyr, its the g•uues'4o fir played is brother Dan. The guest M e tided on - »e follows: (', V .•1)h, .I l : 11. I1.•Iehrr, ly immediate friends, a g thecal the of the cow xoming room of 7'h' tiignt, Vrlt w n 11 1" ftt was nfav- ori,te fellow -worker, The britt(•'.. t,ro- fiber IL ara•y -arrived twine trine 11'inlli- 1x•I( 411 t• ' for the event. •14 to the delight of the family'. The bride re- eeived teeny 414,02.11 pre.enLs: the groom's token „of affection was it. beau - DIM pearl pendant and g many .other prod 1y gifts was a quantity of Limoges; china.. her gitl friends Nav- in even the bride a china shower K K nu Tuesday.0 .lay r • The welding trip includes 11 vis) r7ornnto, Ham- ilton and Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. +until!, at the piece of Tureen leaving p1) the 2:41, p, In. train 7.33 J. hilts, u611We. pts; J Wirtgfe . 1611 Y •:►n. 17,11: 1.. Elliott, 'Sr4: 1'. R1ark, n era, icy e $1,o( ,(MMI mad' ) by land in 4,w in the ut •r Bible rets•' railway ter The New Bea n. 1f the cuter brew Birmingham had b thronged set Friday phi whew". euriniiity ' twein07 of the . e dock, t)1) At - 'II one learned c million was the 4,r ent wank of south end enter, intrar•Iiir x41) 1)t wo +lent. \Vent street w night teat with lean aroused by 4tesnl whistl,v Ian riving at. the hart Lust the rause of the the eontpletion of the new beacon light at t1) a fortnight preparing for t1)• work and patting in the cemertt work. \ The steel superstructure 01 4upport-. he beacon light 1)•a yet to be pit on. The beacon is built on the Reuther)\ eni of the breakwater completed last year, on a blame 'LI feet 1 in"br. ling nm) :C, feat *tile. Tho won•k ronaixts `The water and light ro4uui:,i..n hair of a pyramidal ,oneret.• deacon, with ,t'.'bld on :a ioetin r in the r6arge, fnf an Apron 0f gentler 5104e an the wore. ,•I.•etric light arid haw flew, a minimum exposed Booth and Wee' sides. The charge of 41o. per ,,tnth f Ir light. Apron ix su14d, sol the PP' ' 1 het. *P- A quorum of the town council Wen inforcrwl walls varying in thickness 1)4) hen 4 fee the' poetpo,nwl regular from 3 t.o 12 inehes and encloaing meeting last Friday night, but es the sehamier ill feet square by 10 feet Mfayorwar nor present the tneeting 11) Mellen in extreme height.. The adjourned to Friday next, Thr t. considered ti t'(t•-v good teasel aver g4.. 1 From 'Osgoode Hall. Chief ,l44'tiee Filetobridge tete dine le,i -sell with costs the action of l'hoinar J. Mtiwkwell, of, Kingsville, it-4e•x r -oro tv, a18,1rv1 the Dory Kn. -.Mei _ v..tOtnDatty,- Linked, of 'et ie . r ,•-ion herewith 01.091• b ter" h 1 action ) over h male r the e f a nLrenlrr. Lincoln by drfen,anLs to $12,4544. Plaintiff alleged that he paid au4id a deluge of confetti. Thr• bride's Op on are t of put -chase Money of travelling Suit was a tailor -innate roe - odd sty -loner. and claimed that defend• tutus in the taupe Shade, with hat to ants had not performed their emitraet match. ss w reln)ilding, etc., and that the Crocker Mash. wof•kllsaisship put On seid,loat was de- (emtilr, that defendants improperly Many refuters of The Signal will 44, interested in the announcement of tke wedding of Mi'r Nellie Mareh. (laugh- ter of Mr. and Mra..J._if. MerlII6._uf Toledo, Ohio, which Gook place on -the 1711, Oust. at. Thein. Mrs. Marsh and her daughter, now Mrs. Crocker, have been frequent vivit/r•r to 0,,drrieh, anis t.hr bride',, friends here wish her h hnppin'45. The 'Toledo (Rade took the 14141 11way frill(, plaltrt41T and mania 10 another for $10,000, a 11.04 euW n the v:0u,• therrrif:--Deftnd- ants denied rut of theme allegations and 4,44 ,1p etat•n1Pnle ex lxn)Nury of the reason for ,their other actions. On erne, -ex amination the plaintiff ad - milted that, lite .-whole trouble wag that def'nd,nt.41 Id have got $12, ion for the lora, intstetld of selling for et, the 1st I1 Met. gives an elat4n'ate r'- $In,(45). Het he allowed the wile to go spurt of the wed'ling, from which we through w,'thnut object ton and Hever, in fact, c plained uutil he 444,1401 Ilia *1.41, (11111. 1.)1l11hif afterwards. .. Mr. Justice Cline has given judg- ment in fsv.or of the township of Hey in the action *gaited Olivier Higwuly ette and Napeleen Cantin, declaring that certain street,, 4,id down on a take the foll 'At the hrltnl•powingf the brides parent., Mr. and Mrs. Joel 11. Marsh, was 4,d- enmiz'd the pretty wedding of their d4ughter, Neff, and Ralph Conant Crlrker, of Roston, last evening at 8 1. clerk. 1(••v. J. F. Shepherd. of the Third Preabyteri:vt church. otlbriated, plan being a nt11slivisiot1 of the eolith There were noattendani5, Mr.(i'org' pat tesoftntsfl, 10 and 11 •west of the IRthbridg',of(11111,played .ahetilt ilia ink' road and t1)' punt.hwest parts of prograul ut nt11,I. preceding l h' .•rr.•- lets 11)8nd 11 east of the lake road in y. »1)d u'4 Lie ►n id4' ..nL'rrd on ti' 4hot township are pnhli' highways, arm of her tether the I, dit•ngrin wed- -end t0Hlt the defendant Hlslnneette be. ding march Wee, played. Thetired,', restrained from (occupying or obstruct- in her delicate te'atlty, m,u1' 49lnvrly ing 1 h,• ,ams, and 44, grdrred to goottt picture. She wort• an ivory crepe d' of peseeesion and °cremation of the chine gown milt over taffeta, with ..411144. a11(1 to rete 011e all ,)llotruetiolnl tritnstnngrot • satin tihlemen.t-pearee there! rum. Plaint jITr are entitled S,, art**V'ittf\feftSe whwtHrvwn t heir ('0414 '1f 114.1 ion. 1 w1) years ego byfttrllMtn. 1 irlr:IIrrL R. Tnrr.• gambit. A handsome shower of 1),'(s —' and 4w'el peas was her templet, 11'1' LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, ornament.e were a pear( brimee, given by the groom, and amtr'ing 1)l' pearls iteterieh he. a reputation fot well dreow•d which WW1 it gift t/ hie. great -graul- ipeopk•, V. J. ('r1,1h ,n.."en' the pace in tailor. Mother eighty yett•n ago :told were ng. worn by the, latterly., her wedding and Knlny I lomtnion Day and then rail at It. It also by the bride's grand *14.44 •r Mf, 1rlluw-'.and have your Photo tale•' before the Crocker Roll bride have-lalh•aew.oty, left for an -.. TTs-rlf,nonrrM-tmy..whnrl.,' ie g1) •t•(•._.eitetern welding trip. The greeter 147, will Mil Wilmer 4nl it h., Kea -er.t, the 4)4941..T'the lien-• Iliy 1vi111t'AL Welt• Hole ranee .14' n),(4 o,oir... Deuton, S1ta's„ aG•. I rock,•r's old him.•, and'will return 0 'Toledo . t 1 d In tli• "m - •Thr Signal t4 tat .hunuery, IMO, to pt flew ,ul4,cri4er:e for In '"1)t.. her. every got N1 '1.0(1'9', 1111,1 her services, t. /alul alit aac{lljt(ri , ly. 1140,• been, of n icotinlnlrle "value, 1n 111.1 0%11 hate circle elle in held iH the highest regent. and the fit -MI -ea( wishes of her friends Tor- her welfare and happiness nreompeuy her to her new 1 • The .,It -of -town 44444.54.4 11101111Pd airs. A. \Vhitlt•y, of 1.o,1d'sloro. her of the groom ; Mrs. 'l'aylor, wf (llintop, the groom's I'et•c' '.Vhillev, of 1,.Iii I,' bori, his mister land hrotltet• :,A4r, and Mrs. -,r. !del•:troy, of Myth, and Mr. and Mrs. ihwrrrterre set--Isat : _late--verg handsorl)e array of wedding gifts in -- eluded cut glees. Royal Medina chine, Aver and several substantia) che1tues. The 1ightleinse supply boat Sitlpa., W4*Iey-MCVittie. was in en Sunday with supplies, \'st'rday O/xler4ch tont our of its The (deer of Knox church heel their Inst and faits -et, when Mite, Minnie 49nnted outing, en Frid•ry 1cif, end Elizabeth 31,Vitt.le, daughter of Mr. ,li••nt :a very 'dewily' t 'aafternoon and at"' Mrs, /V111t,111 McVilti'. - w•1s evening at Iktyll'Id. muted 41) ((414rrr.g' 11. Ur. Leonard I'1),• slur' Delon {ing 4,1 the Psl(Ltw ret NP1eon Whitley, of (sortie. 'I'I:, 41)' Mt.' G. N. 11.4ris molar 1;nt stlht cm 'vent took place Kt 1111011 Int th' 4:d.tnnl,+y, tlu• bio!n nuul' not n ,u'hing 'Irma of dr,' brides ,par'nt.,, Rlgi11 a nnlllci4nlly high notch.avenue, Bev. JAM. A. Aud,'rnon ufll'4- • *time, The decorations were 41) grew) The steam'* Wallet n4ah was 4n on and wilt„, the bridal pair 4fanding Monday with 12.4551 bushels .of grain IeLwe('n !rank.'. ofi fern', (111,4 mnr44aer- for the el'vator 0001 1'4011'e1 fist• '1(pnt• 4('n. Miss Mildred Mose, of Hindi ng - real to bold parting' fright, ton, pieyy'd 1Vagnrr', w'"dlling utarrh. The 11.144' of the baseball match be- Th' told, who was g! Vett nw:ay by Iw"n t1)" 1)111-1inpvs 1111,1 Ihr• 11.46411411' her father, linked very winsome in It 41•(1) in :rid of t4" II..pitnl 1).19 been costume of white taffeta. pt•inrrH4 —x(•41 ror'I'u,•el'47 4.v4ning 11,•I11 311/.34. .tyle, wi1.1, panel front 14 rose (1441)1 4:arr, ;,1)d the bridal vied relight with (L wreath of nrnnite hlnsanm*, 64116 01474' the gift of the gr410111• n 411'11114W 11( {,earl- mel emethVtN. Following the ser' y, .a (L•linty luncheon wan 6Prvrel, at t1)" t•nnchrainn of whish betide t, the bride end her parents *me prrgpined null duly honored. Mrs. Anderson and .las, h'. Thorneon ming appropriat' sedns. Dr. end Mrs. Whitley left on the 2.225 C. P. K. train on a trip to Mnrkoke, after which they will petite In their home At Dorris.. The bride's travel. ling suit was of, cis/let blue, with A. E. Cook's cla'49," 41) n1111ir this cream Allover n*E waist and large year were sufficiently large to war- black picture hot. Mrs. Whitley rent. the Toronto Conservatory of leavens a vacancy in our town whic Music in making thin on examination It will he difficult to fill. Mince her centre, and on Tuesday of thls week girlhood days *be has given un - Dr. A. R. Vogt, of the Coneern►tory, .1.901.417 of ,Age Went of gone to The regular meeting of the (lolte- rich branch of the Women's institute will be held in the (ddtelt(tws' H ell on '1'hu►w(isy, July 1+11). et 3 o cluck. Visitors will he mad' walrome. • CHURCH NOTES. • 'h.• pia - miaow of 4 hr Lor•I'd 61) 1)p" . wi h; ail. •need next Sabbath 1. ten• ing )1 Knox rh,rrh. The prep/ int net•%'re will be held tomorrow *wenn 11)'t i yi et r; o'it1.x'k, when thenew utelrl era will he received, and cards dietri Med iso intending e e421t5, Colle•ti.,u un)- 1.1444 14 .4 1.414 poor. - The 'rnon ▪ subjects at the Baptist church ervices next Sunday are an follows: Morning, 11 ocock, "The 'l'i'st of .'(Lith." Evening, 7 o'clock, "The M: net." The Loral's supper will Ix. (ib erve t at the close of the morning rviee. . The Bible school insets at, .1 'rl(s•k: A cordial invita- tion is erten ref to ail. - • .. fast Sunda war Children -0 1)ay at Kuox- and urn_.churh was___ prettily deep ted with flowers for the ilc"asion, rhildreu's choir led Ow genetic -at t. three services with • good effect. In . le •ning the chit- dr,'tl 4erc44pied the front pews and the pastor's, etthj'ct eas "Looking unto J..014." 411 thin Af . r11oon the patriotic aerviee prepared Breb dSunday sc of 4oytlaitt(w of the ,'neral aerrmbl woe* carried out, en sp endiand 1)1 se en -Canada for (7hr3 ' wet given hy 0. F. Blair. 71 The 5etwires Inst Iieor44's church were Rev. E. Je8kin+,.rector and hie rninistratiou1 ,appreciated by the (tong .I"akin1 era pawl greed ch M1awmic (fraud Lodge of its the 'nine he ptt,aeh(u hoed Lodge No, St. A.. 1!'. winch rededicated- Oie amnia. `4t. John 1)y attending Nervi George's church, melee nix( y-11 hers of the craft being preten unda), at 8t. in charge of f Winghaul, were much anion. Mr. Main of the ne1)9c and to Mait- A . M., 1•01,rr dr- at f-at St. , e IllPfn• • Mr. J.wkins t.1 ,k for hie text the 0nlr "No 111/111 !teeth unto himself. ' and made then) the 1);t%i4 of an edit re on tie. duties of Masons to their fe 1)W men, th' duty 1et man to man bet g, as the preacher Kidd, the equally i portant ruu)plement of the Christian 5 ditty with iia duty to (1(x1. The e4. vire .was 111441' appropriate to the. °tim i don and the words of the anthetu were (tom Sohwnon'e prayer at the dedication of the temple. ANNOUNCEMENTS. - It,dekAli leelge will meet Tuesday 1•v'ning, July lith. • hots 8.ALR, gagotine atoveN, 1 l•i,.til nil s1 n v, in Ko(9l order. TICK AM -110M Arraneen,•nl' li teetilen matierwhh"- lhi• AiR.... ('"1)l r.iTTM.?t. luttol -Wing Edward" by Canadian PAcific Railway to 1icki•1. 1:4e/ewers for Fort William, Manitoda,--Seekeielutwan or Alberta pointe by Their 14/ 1.81.111.,1' 11 X1.1., 111144 C.- ---- 4', It 4 S from !ton to Fort William - and return. Bay your ticket,' from 2(14. KIM), lien p.a44enger agent. (4.SIu,1iV 4turv,aT 46tN4Nm ile0C,- A garden pot yr will be heldun the gro411145 4,f' John 01'Nril near Kings beehive -en tiwevening .d idly 2•Vth, ill aid of St. Joseph's church, Ashfield. Lunch nt rt veriest tents will f'__ served on the „(rounds during the evening. A numeral mal pr0gra115 wi11 /e given and there will 44, other forme of amusement. All are invited. Next week we will stall a Int of tooth Paste, witch httz"l cream, toilet snap, dressing cnmhv, tooth l.i-iiahe,, toot h powder, and a lot of toilet goods 1)t re- du(•Iad priers, l".,r instance, all 2.1c goods will he sold for 1:44 end other prices in the, aU►IIC jiroporl iell. 'There KKnoll, ere all first-cia•a geode, (.111y the 1014'14 err• f( Tittle ~Oiled, ani We have been selling them all along..1( full prieea. We will have a table with these K(e,d4 exposed all next week. 1VI1.4o,•x Prescription Drag Store. BORN. f4.'.vA RT. .it. Intron, no Rat inlay, Juno J11.11. to Ron. and Mr:. J. 1'r,, Stewart, a oanghter, T411.MIAY -Al Mnnsnrnin,4eltek., on `t61,1144104, Jlane 12th, In 7lr. and Mn. Herbert /oleo (formerly Mia. 1.'z,.fe Trudgenn, a dnngh. ter. MARRIED. 'I;IRm.-KN tt'mai Ns, 110 W,•dnesday. June :141,h. at th5 re.Mence of the bride', m 4 her, we.t. street, by Rev. Jas, A. Anderson, H. A.. Jane. ('nrwen to Ruth Ann, dinghies of the lite James R. Wiggins. \t'ATAON--0WAHT.--On ystnrday. June Mb, at the rmld.noe of the 1),14. • Amt her, 4Y. r. ewsrt, (Wee*. Kdle, New Tore Cl17, by Rev. 3..'4. 'Romig ('herie. Wadies ' Wafsnn to Mario, daughter of Mrs. 7:l1zeb•th Kwan, WHITI.EY -M• YITTIIt. -At the re'ldenv' Of the bride's parents, Mein avenue, o4. NO ed. ne ton% June .3t, by Itev Jae. .5 inrler..m It A., iwomard N11.00 M111,1ey, M. b n4, 1)01110, to Minnie xllroh•,h only 1*nshter et William and Mn. MCVItUa