The Signal, 1909-6-24, Page 7'1111: SI(;NAI. (:OI;t.Itlt'il•. ()N1'11',I()
Tuna DAT, Juni 24, 1909 7
i4+++4Q 4 CiVic 49+44 ilVs'a 'x 4 'X' 11'4 *4+ 8. x 4 4 't Y Y X 2 4 ,; 4 .1, Y t
, The News of the District.
44A5444t44644454444+454,4 ' 4 46454444**45*454646 44464056 `• e l•x r
LEEttURN. I LOTHIAN, 'Iis ThuII7-„li, .1 Toronto, lie 11,11
1Vrxl.'ic,, June'2ard. i 1I KBUAY, Junu _2nd, lug AL. ,lila 1f 1,. \\ 111 ,... .Mcs. A1+1n-
1'eK+U.\1, J1„le-�I111. Irrls, .d' 11'11,X1,.111,, Is 1'I s11kig !(1,1,•,:i
JlKSOuu.l.F..It l3alNsa, M,rm. Mohrinl1�{ A ('u4u, u4'r A4,.uvsla_'ru1'"i,,( .'11.1..,\>: 1:/rrt••AV liar AIAr.--Miss Uollie Ilett- 11eio., , . \I1. .. .I. 1',Iu111t
attd mina Mabel lefk.lait week to_bp.419 ELL,. -'lt1 r.a4lwayt._44uma)tat,v de,wuu, of Detroit, is the guest of Mie” 1114" flare 1\'b1 „ I 4i,itiug' iu
some thus among friends and relatives particular, us it should Lr, 441, having iwlre a Hamby 1 it a tew -days tttitr G,nleru•h t! t s. .fila\-•\, •4 -iinT.
in the vicinity of Hayfield The tilt• road built perfectly straight. and Mrs, Austin. of 1)rltvl4, rh,ughter. 'Jfnl„ t, 11.11141 if' I'ln-
moonlight excursion Inst FridaY surd- the coul)'114y insists that anything17!.,•:,_.„•;.........,...n\ira 1i. \Vaud., of Mt. •'1I(h'I .tun_ _Hew. Itev..%1 firm 'lion. 4,f 8'.i 1.
ing was well patronized) by )1. filer that ro11us in the line, n'' uuUtet loilier night Hiss
buys and girls, W.A.... luny 1p+, at We,. or it row 444 tine N'tu,dx, tercher, spear Su011l1y at. Isrr 'N. t, Mich., IIa1d.%:-,i
i' 1 nog Li.. meet., .111..
F.AWN8u1YALA.Nt)Fi\J'1521'CA1 a 4, e• tree 1 1 . •e o4. Mane ne•,u• St. !boleros .... A. serge .\ �; Dins,. 4vlu'
t4 m»o sm i h. ,, ids k in -4,14-
n le Detrvtt nil UW litevhululd ex -
The Evangelical cungregallun will w ten at coulea to a tavern. •t 1r -taxi exr.urr' to Guelph ... week s''lrsR,n were jh>t �tr.R4'tr lit aiirn,) fl Tr f
hold u lawn social on Friday everting,_ turns out to the centre of the high- I Jas, Jlutvhtum•y' Mr. Smith I'
July 'Sud, at --the 34arsouage lawn. way. Whitt kind of it cuu11e11 have Ali(hae1 11"101411.81" put. au *daft' 10 1111 Tuesday .lo troil los !titughlto
Strawberriess and other delicacies will we. if they d1/ nut protect 1144118$? • his 141411, which slakes a very great Ui y -tai City, g1,itg as 1.4i. a. 141'8„
he served (r :, to M (((8441 k, lifter Verily they ore then of straw. The improvement tothe rhos,' peg tt ii14 his sun. Rey. \v. A. amu„
, w111)41 41
8 aa1 prun
'grwill Ia• ern. people of (4111.rn.. look upon this 118 It 141148')4)11 111.11,1144 4a x4;14' N
tiered, consisting of music, vocal and lasting di -grace In ... the township and •STANLEY, surveying ,11111' . !k•us,4
instrumented, recitations, etc. Also they have petitions ant, whic14 mee, '1'I'Kan.41', .111114'2 (0I 1 inn t11fr11 in hie 1•I41s5 .11 1'I:'
• 4.41•,11 goaal siwnkeas will be secured. bring hugely Iig11141, against this in• All are sorry to hear that Mrd, Jul,, n•eeut 'N44.41nt4 1'nit.olsit y ,•x,uui11
A very pleu1ai(t titan is expgcted, fraction et our rights. Cochrane in out ac all well: but Ihr•, a tuns. 1 4.11itablr a, li,•te)10 u
Everybody is invited. )4e(eshmcnls earnest wish of everyotle is that sh,•' Mrs. N. \\;I,y:mo4-tms I,•I 444
will be served on the lawn.>,T. AU(iUST,INE. ,n:ay soon show gust k. d signs 111 in, ion n v1.44 1„ �, .10, i )r.
M;\.1'1114,14,1VLU.. --'('he following 114 tH• ! l Nr uq1'.loos 22nd.pcuveutrut..
graph l'1lnuTh,'Toront Daily 4l,u•%No) 11 h:ns: .1 '.n 'fiiii.i.--Alis OIiye - A 1its Aslm).s Fifty. The 411:0.) CARL OW•
prove very interesting to the tunny Y t«u uey is 44 4 11ng '41tllle•rih11 friends old friends and neighbors of .1:141 , '
friends 118, the person most. run• Ibis Werk Mrs. F. Met:o n o. left 8',1141/114 and family, of Lawson, 1,•. L., 11'4 i' 41 ., \ 4, .1144.,• -..4.!
__41(1-ner1 : "Mr, and Mee. Wm.. Worrell. last Sato. dav• Oh a sin .rt visit In. braid with deepregret that II,.'u 1I11\11111". '8.„t. u: 4''1.4 11 ..
of 21 Langley avenue. a1111uum•e the friend', in lttitta o ' Mr. and Mrs. 11111111. was seer ntly- burned 44f44, I'411111y (W1'nfn14 I I 1 sal• 8411)„1 '1I .
marriage of their daughter, Katie. to '1:4 as Kirkland and Ali.. Maggie neatly all their .furttitette. r811(Ii. 1 h.' 4'.dlv.t•ns• Hill - .1 -,o'•i 141111 n„ 1
.___L!„. .\V. Oke, of Goalerirh,• whit were Uekagu.., u( '1'4rs\1:14e4 visilrtl bedding, plu4isions, els. 1•:41.41 1111.4 1 he 114,111e bf 111. 11 .14 4 111. 1'1, , .,
married quietly Tuesday, lane 4th, 1)7 friends herr lest week... Jo1111 and of the thing,, 4nw,iwl Iry Air.. 1 `•4, • i liobnrtsum,.um11 b1 1111 d 1'111'
44 '4
the Krv. Mr. Taylor. The young 1{ella \Vnl..,i, of Anhurn, spent Sim- 84.848 caught (Ire 144x) iris' Wit 11,81„ hawl,.u,et arm, 11111. :u,:nn7:u1,1 .1 1
i•uuple win Perini -OW Ctitl7rBFA home day in Dos 41, only I, TuI 8' ' r Mr. 1•at•Itrmctrtd iu-t ) 1. waif 1-4=t•'=• 4•.x+:1 • • ill n lit,• lou, oily
on owei„gton avenue,” (atgralala• awl %\ •la. alelnlesh hie engaged ilia •b:u•k Held w'hell the lire et'alled It his anal et1,•, dols• Iles go
4 1VhDPVh11r,'11. ua.... 1 111 91440 i)) ,t1111 lie threshing maildtlew„Illd have of go.44)' III.
Cur New
Hair Viaor
Ayer's Hair Vigor was good,
the best that was made. But
Ayer's Halt* Vigor, new im-
proved formula, is better. It
is the one great specificfor fall-
ing hair. A new preparation In
every way. New bottle. New
contents. Ask your druggist to
shlw�itL0+03/4,'. "t!4C-aero. Itinci_ '
Does nor «thong., the color of the lair.
rormul. w,t►,•.o4 Sour•
p sae. 11 to rime
. o")o.
A.4 Alm 8bout 0.
Shoo do .•he ..y•
1- As we now 1-n,ls our new Hair Vigor It
I. docs not have Me slightest effect upon
4 the color of the hair. You may use it! for any length al time with-
out fear of chan4lne the color. Stops
r falling hair. Irsa dec./ruff.
�Y.4. b7 Mo C. Ayes C.., Low.11,
\\'hen 1t 44.1(4111 ypT''. 1 ' .41.1,( 444441b
1-1, hurl, 1441- .11 olio'!\ n- !let
1, 1011(4''4' upon 11111 h„•1,• the 1(14•,8
4 111.44 -h,• 1” 11,rd t1/ •,•111 •I Ili/I.: l4,11er At
� Ii. 4,e',
tans! 4 11444er 414 err adnng a day or ting 11114 •1114•1,1 found,411o11 I1aier A, war l'urtMolle the wind was not blow- wish..., Mr. Ito4, 11-'41 ll•Irti, .1. lhatlL
Ise it home this week. (lI isgow:s house . .. AL'. Gill ie. of Ong,ls the outhuihdings, n,' (h4.4 . int.; the In,y . h•• it ,!4 1•.•) i 4,, .4. tukoo
RMf3f=RkfV '_ __ to,, n to A t hash o a t
• 4)41s(4AY, June 21.1.
The masons are at present working
at John 141(48*n $ 1 11C.
1Villiain McMullen is 4,t 7re84nt
working at %latter 1Vilkie's,
Jame.. McDonald. of the boundary.
is at present working on the 11 ti eon -
res -fun.
Saul Geddes spent . indny nn the
boundary. Sato nays he lik w the
hike lase/4•s,
--W4--'-W. •ALA
Naito, ns nide to he Armand again after
week'?" Illness.
llugh: Ferguson has been ' 1'
mite a swell : he heti herrn get
I'.1ggy painted. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frilsin,• of Te.
Water. visited their dm ter, Mr-. 1..
1% ildfang. in Ainta• .'y.
Ferguson, f1 the _1141 ounces -
bion. ns able 144 Ile ',ul ' aga1n rater n
he Is now lousy sawn,' umber
Tlsn.(• wlni f i>, iu I8, 814'3'4W/1114 4x-
1.111.-11111 111 18•1i4/il:l: - Saturday front
this villain). welt' Alfred 111141 Annie
Naylor, ('.48.4) I' gust).. ('1,418 ('tai44.
%Ir. aril Air. Vin. Millilr., Charles
I:rastick, 1 '.ih. • Tisdale, 8)at'n) 314 --
Allister .1 . ,w Hoyle. :111 1'.•1•,111
hat int; ad :r olid time.
:4%3 titt..% V, .111111• )lit
'14441 141na1: 8t)'VEe.141.1. Ilt'I:o\ 1414.-.4.8441.;1 11,111boo. 1, V4181 I,.
144,1•.:Rn .,.J1, tt. A.. 4,11 Al' fb. hl nn:nnd:ot', .I .841' , h. wllrn
44:wy, visited at the ham.. of ht tor- .l„ilii Young, M. .1 . 4.1; w,)1
mei. teacher. %%'. 11. Johnsly,, oo,• 11c1',r7v 11,. pu17:4. 7machiug 101 .21.7,
day last week. Mr. ltust,•11. who 1-'.r .,4,,i 4;)4 o'el.a'k. :),eriltl music 4t,j1-
tints. putts w,as prineip 11 o1 one I'' furnished by 4 he 1:Ia„ir: 'rhe 1„4
of • 1 t1 toil's public shouts. was 1,.» ing 1414,11(11y ••%,•ruing. ,line 2...t 11,
aprlointtdl fm,lwelor of p11111il' S1.1111./ /I, .41.1w'I,1•lI V lest; 4:111 %trill 1•o 141.!,1 ❑1
in the ant of 114144 Mot lies year '•1,0,11 54,•4,,,, F... the
residence ,
4 . 1 b1i •-- 14i11
the Provincial Noranda Mch4,.1 ul 4'.,I
gat -y. 'filo'. is solely rata.) climbing
}or a young 111111 111111 his tlul.ny h 1,•1,:1.
1144 his
fug 'plena' 1 alter the heavy sit ,wets AI r. 141141,141, w h4, i- a .1/u a( Woo,
the p:i.• %%eel,. 1 r the appwtrance
f 61n4'w n this vicinity there will he IteiNYell, lir Hay, re,*344444 bur put le•
an x1.11441 1un•e of (Hoot ..f 141) kinds.... .
141144 1)11 114 u. of 1.1'esMield,'11, at pies•
eat Ih.• i4e•1 of lillwtl Vint and .111-.
%VIII. 1 ,Idu4fu Ias.ltose. our vii•
.4l,y, )...d 11.. 11.4 f«e44ow 4,t
hem • kfgk. 1 14 h'4iday 1(01 whit,. at '' to" • • Nave', w 41141 1a
,0y, _�'ltih4 ,.. TuI1nilo 111it'ernit ', whence he rade.
K _lt.1r_. mol _•terblmN,.1t el' ) g
It,. 1 a 11144.•h-necdcd 114(111 alsait Ili. atwl1n lri}t.- ltr2 n)(mrt h•-wet4 We48,
411 tile 'PAC - WIN , or
vi 7118, - rlda ter-
. I,«IVer r•osu4d and
net-ur-rau mku”
art-again_nftau 111
sw of a 1:11111110 1/4 Werk.. 'rile
41 n
ngr•gatot'of \,lures ihurrah !MVO,
',en 1.1.5%.1.1.5%.shingling their shed tiltile
Service in
n, xl Sabbat
(irlOek. Su
school teaming in N. 2 of that b•.%
ship, attend...I the Gal
eernli o
I4gia1,', tibiae be ,,brained hi- s,•nco
Ienving, and al'Irrwardr ' 1.4)444111
thtl•4• veal.. thethe'1111110.s It.
a11•nd11_1he _It`'giN1/1'1111181 N1,8 S/S/•111/11111)
le Met Modi 1. ehurel4 M t and la g,mi InnInnad pit -Tie -MA ' t ,o
afternoon will boo at -.:3 Fort Saskatchewan puhlu 1(1'111/1/1.
y fit•hot.l tt ' .,'4.1,41k. •_• 118.-3nhn '1'hrnri+,a n-tteemi4p u,:
1 -1/ x84
I wet 1-1 hrl n Id 's 411 ,.dlMw 4
\ his driver to by-. Th aee)s«n and d•wltbt r
Hank itin, of Pai.ley, for a line Helen, Ate Ito:letting the s4.1•-
811111. All. will have to break in au- wVag week.... The beef -ring suudi•4 .+f 11 i.. around 1411«
nth gilt now Or May at Moyne. 1,44' the ...iron on Friday night lass. 1"•44. I(.'. lou, is an ex,n1ple o111e
red. 141144 is having his Muggy fix lanes S.11unler-, butcher, still wears prn.)8'r.m. Canadian 1(4)1.:1(8. Not
p for the First of July : it will be a his happy, guiding face The rifle no 4,y years ago he taught s.hno) in
tight run Iwlween hiu4 and Eh. ;Arin- club -antenna trying its luck at Point 141''111,6, 1111.11 at Zurich. and lastly at
strung. of Lochalsh. ly all neemiids, ' K;trnl on Friday nex4 (tnite, a iirur«Il41hI, hut, looking for • thing
•4'. 4('••4. iyt••e.( eak:ng witha broader 1,111)4nrk, het•h.'e the
/a1- ,
Part t' t n the- line to the south of us
tomorrow night ,. Samuel Sherr enl"Ting large prosperity in the Land
DI 114,4 allspl . That he may 4I11•,y
Mill greater surrrss in Tori
patient,' to u their trills is the
h 4,lt.
was119 Ilttmll•1''lln l ien1• 14 •. 1.. , k y:
t.4, .n,ilin,; v,.% of o1 ant tonll1
•1401111• 111 11.11411.11 th 1•.(a•n).•1 lo,'
PORT ALBERT. DUNGANNON:- -------- r Merri•.Pat rest Frnl:os
14 A. N1:\V'1'/)N, 1►FNTIST, i,1 ( ..Arep.11ago,') 1:1114.. 1 ha, AI, -
1, Now. At hones,"h•daye4'..1.' Miro ha- reniralrll'41 bis 1)4.,,,11 ni,,i
d.%)-. \4•„ tere4,40nt'.1'rreionstresht-nau:4,' made 4•x4411 -lye imp, 'venn•n'..1':.
tor44eh inn ter th.ur ult.. 1111)wn anJ briltl(e WUW0101,,u4g it. a.ILi11d,ltn4r14`8le,41' .4.
els; Urnlluun, Water tnun.brenKable4
N. 11. -Yon c..4,.0''-&1- Marr your work null A Tyndall is visiting 1141' tnrlg4' i•1 . \I, -
Mrter day to ink rMal oM.x-nsere mac. Patrick, at London i'••4. J. I:.
1erltly in t'ogl.a•ality lrf.. \lir[• ta'nerf:.cib41,.11,rdli�n%ro. wars: more ran .1ixhn tcell "'aril b1 St..LI ul. c ,ut,'I,
son flnruserly'Miss %%and» Gilmore). fw WblbfJr the earl4n,_ AbinW111 'a :n 5`•. 1.1ehrt:.
her husband and daughter, of 1Vinni• 1�T(Yrh'E.--THE )4O('A1. AGENCY
)•g, A1ar1., Visited at the home of Mr. 1.1 inI3n,canrwnfor •rhevig.418i•atthe4'.,) P'Illu(s•w'41b Ket'. .luhn \''ung, 11
roti lits. A. iiul 1/ order Dr/us and Ktanune 1-y l41on•, wh.•re 7ci .ache. h, 1 . I1 4- etpy•t d Hi 1'
fa •. 1»+l week lir.. ,Inn.... of order• will ire remised fur '.lib •np,iun., ad 114) saran 1. tTi. - will lie t4an} tar the
y eerbstne and Jab work, and r segue 4111 to •
tlulit_ Forks,__Lt„kin with her fr841V111 on Al /11da a vr1111 • '1' 4
. ht.- �. given lot salwluM {xtid ter the wpin, y
data Mier, our poundal. se' mRrlr4ITfei• 1 hark like ai.og cru
k.___-_____ ( ! 1HlfiCB �f:(Tn`p'Tt '1'ttSirtfM"`alt�ft•►' �'-'
a6 resent Messrs. Campbell and Ai 'p . a;
p M (. 4,p I,tV'C3 4,t the l'oaotHtc .Cure•. N. ,\4"4/:.fe r 1: y Sguyit•Eni,' .1uru4cr,-
Itantsay, of 'A'18tileld, paid si visit to I(YAN. sit) set4,81 %4,•84' held in %t...1 shall h
___.4iyta.4aulYlu4Y _,l!:3itl:C11'.uw- 'he an. 1L•. and Mrs.' JAS..41.n'd40 last work. 1Vr:n'KsIAY. June 2'I,',)• 111 Smutty last,• when I4ei•. A. E.
• :_ - y� LL...x tiTh def'. -,s( t: �, lawn y��e
all+d !arsiw4(14 1-y festival oT tale RpTrt:,ateiirli, spent Sunday 484 nnr nlin,T, .o•�:11 touts the 1113+ "i'.xn} 1�P:nttb-tR._ii'.,, .+, 4, ",-}t preached .�41•p
worth League and Sunday school of \h. �fcUull1/u h, )4f la.aterirh
Bethel church, Porter's Hill, will }i1- i4,w,r•hip; v4sifed'midi his•r: Mrs.
held on TweMatay . ven1 144• June , 4th, 1'. Willis, Inst *Sunday Mr. and
at the reeideneeof Mrs.-llavid Lind. 11 r'. Will Lane. (11 Lanes, were guests
say, cut line. Tea will he served f1- f the Ali -sus Cunninghamllest *S1111- The Irlackstoneorches' day Mr. and Mrs. D. Huy were
tea; of (lalerich, will furnish the transient visitors at their former
music. - h.nle in Walton '5)414..las Olvcr
%V•rutoNi44. A pretty and gide) wed- i. at 1ond4ng the winding of her niece,
ding wise sole,ilnizsi .,1 N ednesdsY Miss Drake. of p4l:iffa. this week ..
afternoon, 8(1111 inst., by Rev. 1V, H. Alex. McKenzie, J:... Stevenson, Reg.
Dunbar at hi. residence. Pah 4')411(4.14- McGee and Tom \1'ilkOlson retin tied
'nous Olslericll township. The eon- from L,lnd''n rxut)4 Saturday last.
trawling parties were Mi14,' Lydia Pearl Among thaw• who took in the
Johnston, of Sumruerhilt, and Joseph 14,11-4,41 excursion ((81141 these parts
Henry Freeman, oft`,i1lpl!(.n. After lues &4:1tlu'elty we•4e: %Vill Sage. Joe
-- --t r amu 11-
its-�er•t•r 4 n tiw It f(
y 14+►F'1'y 1 and las. MrMillun and Fal!isin A41n,en-
rth hr 111 n e• brides parents. e n f the
t 'n v• r • t se
Iw 4 well o e %cif
• dial-. Port .11 , a ,( 1 ,) 1 n
oat . the ,moonlight. 1 xr n1s11n1 11111ay
err ' Thr !duties' (:oild .(
+'(moss 4 4trrrrh purtsise_havi Wt14 sit 1.114 •
40rri--festienl on ilir-elwWeh Arousals
nn 11{'eotnesday. July it14. ('nuts e»rly
iitn-L •e ---ii 'Aiarnt. ':#rhnisa inn--sw4n4tr
211•, shiatsu I:.• _ -- "1' ilullant-
s.iinTaI5 441 ihtcl its ( T ciringlept meant
at the river.
Trsstly, June _22nd,
The barn of 1)Avin l'hm, hill, Nth
41.4..4„aa 1io.lekirl`t uwn.h fp, was
struck by lightning on 1'hur14ay
m1 rn1n44 and hurtled to the g d
_r__._._ -dei live stock wag lost. -..
}11-:.11.N.1 7111N, . Min,, i),yssi')... w1'.
has been teaching at S. 4. No. n, has
tenderest 141'8 resignation and the
trustees are advertising for a teacher
to fill the vacancy. We tinders' and it
----.••Mi«.11rvwtwlu'y Jnte.nt' In lakt
trip 4111 West.
F.tar:w Kt 1. SKR% 0 s Iter. 1%'. L
Ililes will preach his farewell I•er
at Hethel ehor•h, t' -Otte L. 11.1) on
Monday. June 27th. and ,1 large turn-
•mut is expected. We understand it is
Mi. I) le,” ietention iii study Alward;
man he carries with him the host
w'iehe1 and the respect of the whole
wr44tlt Torte it mew brayer - 4ifek
Mllleltl:e•1'. of I)rt roil, 4121(11 alt 1114'
t,hh.Rlenritb', Tewirlemr--„n ?-f+rn,ny
g,v,•n by I: ' 1 ,
'•4..dlsr, tic I'.I' , i . : \ -:
flres.r.J,�' ICs\. 1\ .
11.• )Ia.,t.,l. I: .1.. it. \1.,un.
'1'h, 4.:.1,11(11 •',4• i. MI; w 111 1. ill
N1:11111311/ e ,o1/ '' I • ,:. w111 111•.1 b.• a
1/11'.'1.1111/ ,4 ('•• I'eu 14461 1.
',, 11•,1 11,111 ., 1,. , .,,J+,1 -k. f.11 °grain
4 n 1 : '811111,'1141•1•:41.1 % 1,11111
Ivo, 141111 11.144' .4 ,; ''"t 1 101'.
\1114 Nu,l-.-. .1..,,.114:11, \I iii
I 4 nen) his -1 •,•n 1 I nu•., I, r,
71.trltii:4tdun, Tl• b.' 'T, o ht a,•
is hal :1 loos.' 11o.1 • II•
111,.., 4'. .11 lye 1t 1.•,841 .Ihu• 4'illag,•
TI 1. Y s 1141114 i� el.itt>~ 1 1, t*ttt tm�onr.. n:
''y .i1 .,g, 111141 nttlni '.4 ort.. Hr• i-
:;4,1,11'4.,rkn1,11/Al x. Y111Y111144:,g 1,.,
•14l4 .1ne or?his hackney tnrt-se•s hr ltoetl
Alilrhell, ,d Krnruilb•r. fur a grunt l.1/;:
price, It. fn ;1 (b•.•,• \1•:41 old lord frev„
AUDI' ,t,'l-k. 14):. %).1.41,11 .is to i s
11ngraluftt 11 )4r•'e I,i- 7144. ha-• ..
l'cuel:all 1h'o-. 6:111• - •IJ :1 b1;11y h4'.„•
1. . „• , ,.,n.
l 1 ! 111 1 11 y'1.1 l I ,_ , ••.;,'1I n.
was a NOV1a a 1111 111111 41141 re nsn.t, .
a.b1e J».eag•• ta_y lt4ru stuff and. 4)
young fruit. T1s•• Ia81i, P_....,.et. w:,
1VitioVK1u.t', .lune '2{rd.
1'.to'.4.11.1rn0. .)814,4' .Ie,11, Ilunhar
rrt,ee'nedl fwnit'1':.1.•do, llhiu, 1.441. vi t•
day . .. Miss Attie Johnston, of
l.slel ie11, ...newest • aclluaintahce+ r41
where the wedding stopper was I ro•
vid,d. Mr, and Mrs. Freeman will
taake-their home at Mapleton.
_.-N TytorsoAT.:I-tiite
t:l.EVATnH A881'AI. J1Ntrr1SU_. 711e,.
annual alerting iif the Farmers
Elevator 1'o. will be held at the
(uun)il chamber, (own hail, at :: p. tn.
41n'Ma4lirday, to receive reports. 084,4,t
directors, cls, T. F. Cain is the pr1'si.
dent x11(1 Peter 4'orri44an secretary. of
th4x very important interest of silts.
('114tIN4, AND (4.0,4,:. --.lits. Caesar
and Michnl•) Kenney are spending is
fete weeks at Mtwwejsw anti ,(ether
1\"4stel•n points, and ((c4,. Anderson
and H. McQuillan are at \ledicine
lint, Alta Mr. and Mrs. R. Mow-
bray. of Mitchell, visited at lite home
of the Intle'r'a parents, Mr. and :Hrs.
Unncan McIntyre, during tic week.
Mr. Mowllrny Irate. 1his work for
Vancouver, 1t. C W. $witz,Pr, of
Winghanl, is the g11ea of his sun,
Garrett Switzer Mr. and Mr's. D.
i (1- McKenzie, of Winni wqt' : John
Murchison, of Tennessee : 110111.. Kerr.
of Toronto : J. A. Mclean, of Winni-
[ f and Miss- Enniee Mclean, of
►{offal., are holidaying in town .
, A. ft. Mm*Doll44a11, 4,i Mini) y', was in
town hast week Iepresrnling the *Spot-
ton enespondenee schools, with
hendqua117ers at. 1Vmghnnl.
But Toru+. -- The union 'dente
lrsinn of Lurkn,.W and 141tesels
hodiet *Sabbath schools- will b e
011 .111141 :.ill, 1.. Kincardine
nk .1. 'Thompson heft passed his
'41•yeat• examimalinns to medicine
at Tneonto and Is now enjoying his
4aeation at his home here.... . I1. A.
ilr1)onald, ex•iteeye of Kinloss town
'hip, hI
Ie aft' .
I. a Ieti 'n sur Douglas on
ng his K
the wool wigon and they urn gather:
Mg in large quantities of wood
The \\'ingha,n Army band and Intal
talent will ameiet, at it garlen party
in connection with the faingeide Pres-
byterian church on Thw,sllayy night.
A special meeting of Maitland
Presbytery will be held at White
church on June Ath to give a call from
the congregation* of Whitechurch
and iAng side for a minister .... Rev,
M. Lindsay ocr..,p(ie41 the pulpits of
iAngnide and Whitechurch Presby-
terian churches on Sabbath The
pipers' hand take part at a garden
party at Rei44nave next Saturday
Ti•saI) Y, .1)4,1' 712n0.
NV to 4'1' 18 I'1-?- The railway, 04'
something, has caused •a great hn.lm
indhn. neighborhood. Almost every-
• is building or remodelling his
14.11114,8 house. Michael and .3,une!
lb wirier, carpenters, and John Cam-
eron, cement 111101044 batt! _loom than
they can attend to.
\V4,ws:v's I' MPE•rr'11.- .\
meeting in 1he 8•)teves!. cif the
1V„t,, n's Institute was held at Kin -
tail Saturday evening. Mrs. Ashley.
of 1.ondeeloro', wrklres.ed the tweet-
ing. Her sathjeet” were "'low t. l'ro-
1' and 1'1114',' rho Institute" ;inn
''11 '•making yet .us Housekeep-
ing." Owing to the bury season the
church will lie hold ,n the lawn of J. danker, a fluent speaker' lend ,'w' 4,f
Ai. It,,lard,, on the evening of July 1st. the ablest 41'•1.•1r, s 111 111111;i, ...mill )'.
51)1141' will be furnished by the 1 ode. 11i lo,r41.011.1 4101 41.1'1111 o.1' 4441. I , Iv41 4
rich bison toil K.1. h,itwcmals, y,u- anti weir•••re ally npp11_.✓�.11•'1 1,y
!Mist. also will be in attendants.. w'ho h1n,{t pT� iiiinre. of nvi,.ni, ifeeni.
11,'1•. C. %V. Sanders. of Lu.khow, Will On llo,alay evening 18'bsul:u,.) b.m.01.1
give an address • and . there will be %r.(. held. I. •,,d was a gtear sita the
''411,'1' present, 11 8 rreattl, 3414'.. 1 .oc."nll MN I.. nearly •.u:°..
01:11Ige., one., will Iw for sole :14.111e. ;Con'', teltol Il ion • (or pro4 i'1844g n
booth. EYeitybollY 1. 1. ss, bountiful repast wan fully .n•ta1ne4,
131'11.111N14 NoTK,i. -• 34111Pa ltrd11lond, :u14 the told,•, arse 1::3)1”) 448481 the•
on, the .101eoncesasfutt, we,„( 1\•Awa• ,lain, i1-+ 18'111c1) vile 4'1/11aahe 1:111,,•.» to
1- :e (11r'I '.3411q.n1r. The111.111:3..1111 also was
to.e. a , y
nosh, 11- tearing lows hie o,
barn wad huiLling I w ullrl old
of a sett' ..4ri-fyin!( tomtit Ant Under
Roll. Smith, en theta,'ry,n,e-si,n,and the able le.ldetsli4.'f14'1•
\V1(1 '+Il.ol4, an the 48,1 runcrrsinn, %V, ifrm_o, 44.0- 4.•8y -n „•._4 4 ,,,t-
intend + • lila It b , n• 4
t 'n
ried 1f t 4• W. 4.011‘t 4 !
aia4ns George
1) X
1-u scone fouu?I:ul.n8 (i .age Cul-'artrtt-(` 0nrr -tnttnnrn.rl n•rtr+t o.4,+
ere jr, t er,l,r it b1- Well 1114,)-''x41. 1 r." 44 41u1t a 11 v 4 1114,,1', .1,1.1
bu,W11,g a '. 11/ 11 1• 11 lsrinent 41114 .1 pl.,- 44'1 ,toile 84:1 ,•181 4 4,41••••
i:wl4•ge 1t4441.•t1. wail likely do the (101 l,ln•.4, 'I by the 111' 1110„1
Rtnnrw•ni11 on the :,', vesme4ettoea1 e44I'IIs'W1F s'xc••Ilent: and' fa -Ms -is -1i -
jobs. 1:rc.it11.dll''1Their 1ftmt,n. 14cv..r
tx..s:, ., rte nddrrss ...n1%.•.•% -,,i t'i 41n•
.n-� . ti1, ,sit t.
ltutill'19o1,1 and IG,rwrll 14•,L%,. Ilia 711111 1.11,41 3d
week 1/n n m4'nth'e tisit 1 -0 -New "tom.tjce, while AI r.
,1 :ul.h. •, on •'W Mai ,o Tt,:a 7,111
During 1411', Rill het1,'id'a absence
there will be no pt•eaehing sw•4'irrs in
lire 1'rr'.byterian ebur.'\\. Rev. 1V.
A. Smith, after a steree-s4hil pase(1e',tte'
of tn'n }'ears nn Ili, ei,•rnit, left yes -
let day wit h hi. wire and (Gull). for
%Ila•r•ta, ;Aim, lie wilt 144 stationed at
('i'4, ,d skis Ite'y. L. tltrtlett, Mr.
Smith's surle,sor her.•, will arrive on
Friday and will 8ondnel services
the AIWJualiaLchureh on 5inulay next,-
4 4,
Rows' rt,.+. _.1. Medd, \'. 7•t.,
+hipped a carload of horst. from
Aul44rn moil 1t. laid a 4111111441 of
...Ole rind sheep from Mrli:aw 4.1 Tor-
onto 4'84 Saturday 'a.t %Valiant
Mo11"s new.building is now (wing
1,1114(11 anti plasler•d. 1l will be /Well -
pied by nln' Jeweller. M(•. N.•0(1, 411)041.
,1u1y-Ist A ,ittenla'l' 141 1118 young
people from herr enjoyed the 111(4n-
audienr•r was only of a fair size, 1401 light rx1'nrsinn at I:od,•rich nn 1 riuny
those Who round 8f ',aircole/it lit get. rvrning 1.14) wo!i
send two teams (.. Point Farm- to.
airs raw 1„ compel.. 884 the t'1 Ne
Illatl'!11'.. 'fire 881,4 I "grown
et 114011.1' lies 411e nil IIle MAI krt ....
The cot St - ' ivi1114ke8y be I1id at
the new Melhinlistehnrch about). July
22. The ernle'nt hfor'ks au' alf 484
rive, hoot the rrtnent i,acking and the
jrnst" are still to be pelt. in. 11'ork has
,,'en seis3n•ndlal fee the time being,
owing to the lu1 '.41 ,,Martial
i}enj. Aagustine, of Onderie•h, iv help-
ing his son with some cement writ k
around the ),,,se,
4v4, 1 :t
1-IV4; ----
1ill Craw-
fort, traveller for the 1V. t{. ih•rw'k
('0., mode n business trip to our vil-
lage on Monday last Henry ('111-
w',n, of (lnderi"hiawnehip, is visiting
his brother, .lames 8'ut•win, this week.
Mine Richardson left for her
hnmr in Thamesvilie on l'hnrwlay of
Iasi, week, having finished the season
here art .1. Walkotn's milliner
Mrs. 14 art and family arrieed her•
from Toronto last week. They are
neenpying rooms over the Stt��''rIlng
Hank until Mr, Watt can mw'is'o a
honer Nils, Olive Crawford is
vislt,ing at Clinton ...,..Mrs. .1. M.
Roberta ia+the guest of her glom.. Mt'..
Woods, in Ooderich Mr. and
there felt amply re)4141 for thew
efforts. Ales. Ashley addressed the
ladles in the afterne.,l at the house of
1111• seer•tary, Miss II. 11„mg.
Hms:v.'rtNM, Alex. Dingwall and
Miss Dates, of Myth, spent n few drays
*4. Duncan Ale g ay's. L,t k e Shure
Tlu' 111issrs Medic and Ln111 11 (11111n, of
Detroit, came 4,p 1/11 the (4teyh4,nnd
on Ftidny evening to spend 1114. 1(11110
nlcr at their home here. They were
accompanied by the Misers Dorman,
who ,',' Detroit this morning.
Mis. i,o,".i Griffin; teacher 4,t Mat -
wit also is home • 4,r the c
1111 r
look in tl
. A M•1- from here
moonlight excursion and report 11
good time. Among those from here
who went to Detroit were the Misses
Edith and Ethel Taylor and Charlie,
Colin McLean and Tuts. Dickson
Miss Kate Sullivan is hone, from 1)e•
t.rnit for the eimittier The public
selmol leaving and entrance examine
Dons art being hrid the. week. 11.
H. Long, of Dungannon, is ilresiding
examiner over those writing, In Kin•
tail echo ol, _
Prosperity has ruined more men
than adversity, yet there probably
b,n'a a man on earth who wouldn't he
Willing to chance it.
flow 1'. 44.141 .::i. 1,1i,u1.I ,d' g„i,,3
a44ir„ 11o111 pr.shtteui l4,14eItAtton ,u,A
ertrontil 41 re}y:_.._ FS4'rry1HN• (WM •e4tt . I.
j.,yed the t-,ra}--se1rMions 1,4• .,%I,.
Cook 11114 ah„grl hr,' Ile 1,1' 11.14,
1111'111 44:4.41 4' l "•ierrded ,I1 , . 'I he
pr,gtanl w',l" 1• lap'i's :
Ret'. \1'. 1'•m,4v:1y, '8' Nil•: du,•i.
1,110' \Iflli,yn: ,11111, 4.11
14 4),••
44.,4,44.1• *ht. t \11-:.:..4 Lie111.•Lt_jai/ I
Ati v ;l Nin I,h,'s , \h'.
'01 "r. 4184' 1, I ,egan
.1. R. Alanu, 1.8 Asilrulu: leer'a444,),
Alis•y (4:.1111. of Gode-Dell;
I. Lieti,J41 + ,11
Miss Alhn: ,eroding.
1111 1i1g:1,
I:ud.•1,d,.-: K,•c. A. t:. -.triter
4'1' Anion n : .4,141. A. 1'onk : *.•lerti.m
on lb, piton, 1ugdl. -'.111 . I1,n,.,,n
44411+ 1114• 11,5•1.111417:1.111,1
1481 \1
I .
I10USG\ CLr: A N I".( I
Instead of Ming a mono-
tonous drudgery becomes a
pleasure when Sunlight help,
you. Remember — sunlight
does 1(11 the work, at half the
cost and in half the
time of other Soaps.
) ,Ilow directions
_ `—
71?t' `Best Goods at 'Rillht Prices.
7 •
McLean Bros.
Palace Clothing Store
say consuvnplign can be
cured. Nature alone won't
do it, it nerds help.
is the best help, but its use
mint be continued in Karr=
mer as well as M inter.
'I .411 , : „4 I. 1111. • r:'Li 1.. e s ..r • at.,
tat atgnall Nettle out. All tooug,4ihs
Screen Doors
at)h•, , to 142.:ret,
„1111 14• with bulges, rte.
Screen Windows,
IJc to ah• emr•h.
LawA-- •olie-_
- 1.. Iso• per 8ou4.
Nozzles -
and Couplings
Lzwn Mowers
1.2. to *10.1Ni ea. h.
Our Oil and Gasoline
Give salis01'-tion. Pricer( from
~1,141 up. %Ve'll let you try
frry f,', ,, week.
174I 1 10 `1.141 ,.a,•il.
Ice Cream Freezers
.1 144.• III4l1) 111., 111 all -1 yll•s and
4i to shire 1 1•(414.
Pure Paris Green
sot inkier as 11 '4pt•nye1•.
1, )th, . 1n.t: h Mt11ne". Oiler..
Dn., Hakes and Hors.
Martin-Senour ico per
cent. Pure Paint and
Cow Ease
- tilt, 1-m- -horses and
_Dairy Tinware
1`aiR, fans, 4' atria•+, rte,
!'1uad,Tnfc. 1tmntir>;y
,aghi51 ane! !,. pairin:•
'To ' ,t
\.'t til.' fell,1w' d inti 11„.
Ih, n, •1 t ,111. 1,',I 1. 1111
limo s. '.nd-hn,n4)I4ttight "Ileintzman"
Piano for >,1.:1:,,4x+.
Dile "'ROI" Organ, new.
Kegular pin a 44' :Mgt, for 7:7:!.4%1. •
one "Dominion" piano east• Degan.
new. Regular price Milif.nll, for
The 44..x1s are in nor stole i.1- yon to
look at and examine. If you nerd
:anything in this line, now is your op-
portunity, . '
'lutiic ,44111 Stationery' Store,
. \\'r 1.41 4/ a 1argc a8sor11LLent tl1 nice Talcums, the finest
nl:uml f,aetl11.4d , :11441 have them 4n different labors : •
N,uL•uo,, 1'fuMt, Na0Trmrn Kane, Nadine.) Flesh Color,
Taylor's Valley Violet, %Villiaul.' .Coronation. All the
above at "_:,e a tin. Also I'alma•r'r Harland of Violets. at 3.' c
Drug Store
'1111111 '
Ladies' Patent Oxfords and Ties. •
Nat tow and wfda toes, button and laee, and patent -
4,ill, colored tq)m, all prices, $7.110 tD $4,00
Ladies' Kid Oxfords.
Died' weight. and turn solea.
(fond values •
450 t0 $•SO
Tan Oxfords.
\4' 1,.,1'• : ,1lored shoe. in chocolate. tan owl 0x
I ,,i..... '$4450 up
G. M. Elliott.
a t=
aB1 N
G S AP IN=191
1111111 i
iiia ii
• '4'-',p'w ;1141 •,.
• 1:rtiesth'.44 '0. ,.IV .•I.'1i•'/r MI' ,1'.
800 rods of 5o cent fence, for 40c per rod.
This fence is nine wires high and stays twelve
inches apart and is made of all No. 9 spring
steel wire. Tilis is the price of a seven -wire
fence. We still have some of the other sizes
left, which we have cut down to run off.
1V.. lia%e a quantity of
f f ,ttv wrnnd Paint -whirls will -
«.. you 7111.3.1 )4•I. gallon.
%V.• h:r4dn't a great lot .1
Zany our color, but for 44,1)41)1
jibe lir first coating it will
.ave pot money.
our stuck of Brushes was
never More cnmplele. Wr
haw• a full line of CanarHHan
:old American brushes, rang-
ing from •ic M $L:dleach,
)',n111 for IIx„I roofs, Ittiatle, wail for shingles, We have the
,►t1-. Hearn) in black, hi own, ntarv44ln and 44148•1.
\\1• •'.ury a full line of rubs, of ahi'rwin-1Villiams Paints.
w 8, 4, paint is generally ark n.whdlge l to ix• 'the hest paint on
til. 0,,k.•t. .
1 ),) \ effiWan4''w 1i ":113T1y stave- fen. -ftrsl Wttlh'l
11'1' ha% a fel% that %yc have to carry over and we
\\:int the room for summer ,goods. if . von 4:441
get a $45 sR'vc' for $,' S this iti a saving 11t $7, or
on .11 investment (sl from now until fall, say
ll(;i,lhcr, our money is earning a lit 35 per
con., lir IS %ler cent. per Fear. Is hint worth
' )K •u
thinking n .
' in Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Screen I)ot)rs, S Teen
Windows, Refrigerators and :111 lines of sit er
golds we have a Targe stock to choose tram,\
tel nn Non, on vont
eleltri4 wiring. We r
work fully guaranteed
plumbing. Hoot 4044, eavestmughing and
an 44iye you Prompt attention
and all
Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone 11-2
=== = =