The Signal, 1909-6-24, Page 5THE NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL., comparatively Little Interest Taken in Last Week's eubh•: Meeting. There mus a small attendance at the public i eetingon %VedHe.4ay uiKht last week t.+ discuss the quest M)4 M., ,•rert4..d of a new puhlie rclwul u, t7derich, only iihout thirty w•1"' I turning out. R. lis t'gtt, 11. 1'. Muir aud-It. E. Hodgeis, nomalwl4, of the public seho.d lat(1d, gave their views atf the_ltlntter and replied t11 s'.me .rite 1eiswr, cud, while the mlretinK ci°s,v) without 1Wy, hot•wal expression of opinion iu the way of resolution, the genef.t1 ratWr.-rwtu,yl lu...ht, that prgl,. ably the hoard had netted in Ilia Inst ,ipuerests of the town in arranging for the yni•dfilient the ribbons property aid tlttferectit'n of a Hew school dill till,. rite. Thr members of the school hoard I.4,iuted out the altogether ivadequat/ provision there was at the present time for the atmomtnudation of the re114i411 children and the nreesr.,ty the hoard was under richer of scolding a hew school Much ur propmri•d, or of huiGlitig M{rt•t+rnt' new -ward xrhuois in the worse of the next, few y.'.t•s, or of trying to patch up the old ,' it -,l ,.,•hoods for a flew yea's, ind.1hey had releeted the phut of one eight -r4s,mrt►n,hort as the snort er.111• itlniral of the throe, an4 cls, 14,61: Ila plan avhick assumed of the hest super- viri,ul of the w;.rk `hy elle• principal. The plan had not. 'writ conceived in -.--_ltastt:..as he deaden .1 watt to tin with the .,'h.' ,I but lwv n .41n$1401e. 41141 u)'ery Mees iuj; .1f I hr 1i,:ut1 tot Un• past trig tterh' P11. 1 ynr-h.rrr.•rlf .4.as f.arti.rrl.trly i-itphttn' in his objeil ion 14, Alm 4F, llrluu� uj4 1.1. 1. which Ire wtid bud hero he rousse uf 11d Ioaa'u in Ino 'lathy Inn 111( ;adeptinn of 'a well-(houglfl-out scheme with a view to the fiat oar wants of the town. •.T.ere .eruild1114le t*hjrrt ion 1:lisedl to the Idea of r•e41t 1 (14,1 ides of the Fool. ill .11114.14; rf h;aa loses Illtlnhrr ward rch.ioh, 4hun,Ii "il(ck" Itlaek tt•u. stns uutspoLI • rritir, of &Fir �'1.. . alai \‘'31144;1" N•;dl,tt , u1nm ns the ten-,. ft," if A.,,,61•. l.. I.,11g walk for rhi6h.•u from '•oi.• louts al t he town in winter I ewe. '1'1111 idea that the 1 ",it'd had paid a, '1'lil': Wit(. N4 1, (;t)E)i;RICII.: ONTAIcI(► Titus DAT(. Jolt■ 24, 1909 ;`) 0.11111•11Mftl Haying is near at Time hand. The Howell Hardware ('o..have a full line of NECESSARY TOOLS, and draw attention to these facts: X1'0 paid, a little extra money to get II'cletl Frks. Tho best handles in frust:, probably yore ever saw. We uarantee every one of theta. PURE MANILLA ROPE. Our 11upe, you can depend upon its 'wing the lung-stla.i►(I, pure variety. Wo---finve it- in n special, make for hay - lurk work. Also Scythes, Smalls, Oil and Oil Cans, and other ne2essary tools. Nett) strait peal.Tor the wig. •l ea .roil that it luu1 bo11Rht 444., ,• land . ' t halt was ne.e..ssal'y for 11,'' pill p, "-r aid the proximity of a slaughter 'lions" wet.. Objections, .hut it tea. hMite,' oil that 111.• l„pu,l had amide a very.careful inspection of -eat rypnp a •'-and 111(41 picked 1411 this a. the most suitable 1(11(1 had lsolglt it. tilt:, all,taitiii,1; the aaaelnof the toter& run' rid, I..r the +est figure at relit$ it .- 1'44444 1.. K•4.( N. 4 1111 gat'.'ThiR' idr•I1 of the .;11 1 u'pil:>; If the ptdtfe•rty, with the - /,,,1 n, front wish apo c 1s• ,,re it i"r A Latta!, and flower borders and the 4...1 .4 1. i.-t4.1i1 stratas as ill. aua►hs.k • 11.1..1 ,hi. play gt'othpls for hoes arm .<aIs. 'rlai. ttouhl °erupt the front tit, u„I ,-hall /Wire. A slre.t allvst• miss 4.'111.1 be made Ilit ough the 1"„ ashy Is•hind obi., It rouli(uation .1 it,K tan st•re.•l. and' the 'rear i1?e and a -hast acre. smell 1 e laid ant ill b:uel.All. 1..lt,hall and taller grounds, or thought lotto'. .14(114 he disposed 44, t1414./,- - - 'r-► 11 will• tines our prices. tight, \1 llaVtl a Tia1f- I' , u • 1.:twl► \lowers to elem. out Ir snap prices. «rte, � Limited Ifffftnom__ j Athletic Games Band Concerts L Howell Hardware Co., Dominion Day Celebration GODERICH THURSDAY, JULY Ist, I909 A grand celebration of Dominion Day will be held in Goderich, comprising many special features of unusual interest. Baeb1iMatd -Floral Parade Trades Procession 3tr.!glair &Lv4' 4pre..sion t,. .4.4n••, strung ide,w 011'111 wall') lark u4. school equipment 11) the town of Godetirh 1411(1 on Ihr inadeyoary ,o4. !l„' ashlers grounds at. ;toy of 4th -e.'hools and to this latter fart he atti,i. ,11,1 the lark of interest iti athletic. ill Ibis l,;tin .4s c'.ug4irrd With "the'. Wares. 4utale 4.1)41.,.,.,) '1 hem•rl'.'•14 -4t4. in t>.vor of g1Ving The rlTrtors IUI,II P•ta %lits 1411 111.• yUe*tion. but the Mayor js,int.d.out•‘that 4. 411,' people of the north end of the town were already 4ufdlri.tttly served ht t11.' present lentrR1 1ehon), and as it good many voters had iia children to send to srh,nl) any war, perw1nal in- , r • trrr!.t rather than. the interest of the *alga arta whole ruigh;' preVer.t the carrying of the b1I;.w, ah,) Prot.''''' OM star. the re,t'un why If,e I..'gi.I.,- i ill ',nett matters stiih,,iu .0 bylaw to the people, 111+4ring 111.' l','Illll l'P. extend over a tella of 11111 arsdi•i 1 . 1.. ,, 'I • ,1.14sly-.4(1'.1111* dtrl l.\I',ty rjaakets sur fl• et tet1 lean of self-made men manage sur ressll,ll). ors ^ e� � hl•uue sol nn. •..rel hquakI•s. to eui*rrld il_ GSo- �' h nn 44Tg°..tcrn 11131W hA.- t . ,.,.,_Ip oLn t swots 4.t .m•❑ w•,, 1 4,, ,.,•n I •,. 11,. 4, lilc,- Io I.,asl. -.__- 1414.--�...�-..•'��-4� SEASONABLE SU CESTIO S-_ MO [t1J;41 t Sand MO 1'H -PROOF- BAGS 1oi 1..111 ' .uv.,t 1,1, .., rte. ` DISINFECTANTS :.i •14 :4, 4'11 -lurid,• 1.iine, 4.'r,' ,lin, IIailaPeetel, Formtldoityd., rte. 1'• , I,' utsecleaning can need • HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA, aiiit FURNITURE POLISH 1u:41..•s .'LI 1 ...lithe like DUNLOP, B:dford Block, T e Druggist. II Goderich. In a Nut Shell `I' H E BEST • a;enrrany the rL.•:.pcst in Ill'• end. Bargain -day wash. are all right in .erste liars, but when yon ate buying Groceries •l r.ality 1s the 1111114' ,,.)l'I'1.,.1- tiu1L A " ha.rg*iu"..ill liI.•s- irs ie sir. I'.argain at all Ton ate.• sure the goads ora lust right, \4.'e have no sp4'ri,1 Ipargain days, hat wee :u•e sell 'ing good (traria-ors . ALL THE TIME St the right prices. I:very• thing in our store la fresh anal right, and art• guarantee the '411alily every lirne. 1731'• uv x trial rr'ler. Sturdy & Co. Phone qt. On the Square. 1'. S. - Rave term tried .Inhn• •ton's Military Ifrenli % The -hest )''1. \ve 4e1 it. mow 1 WOOL licnmiller Woollen Mills As mems 1 shall he in aerated to hay •inti give the ttrrinrvr t'tv t Pntrr 1'11)1 \VIau., both washed) and lin- washorl, or will rxelutnge for tut manufactured articles. Yost' will find a fine assortment of Tweeil1't Various up-trl•date patterns, Oslo a great amply of Berl :Illanket., Horse Minket*, and Yarns of variona colors, This $*'steer 1 have hail made up a number of Twro•4i Salta fr riot ti mannfaetute.l at the mill and fttyite intending pirchasers to inspect dress. f gtterantpe that. 'they are of pure wool and will give satlafaetion. JESSE GLEDHILL nENMILLER. i+ the ultuul il) r u- \'ai, 4.\'e invite '4 )1l( .,1- I al) 10. I fere is our 14.v: , . SIMS � GM aIIIMIIIIM1111111 11111149 1 Stuffed Chairs Brass reds Chiffi. niers I and all tither good things in furniture line. tl.l,l pieces, sets atld 3% hat not. i;uy her.' ;tuts get r''.k-bottom prices. - Phones: 1 Geo. Johnston, 1 Store 89. Res,drnrr, i78. FURNITURE and UNDER- _ TAKING. WEST SiDE SQUARE. swam '-mow ams area= ammo ail. Come In and Try On a Pair of REGAL SHOES If you have never yet, worn Regal Shoes, by all means let us supply you with a pair this season. Only in cuatom- made shoes can you obtain equal quality -and then you must pay many times the Regal price. All the Regal styles are exact reproductions of expensive cus- tom models --you can tell that by their smart, trim lines. And we can give you a made -to -measure fit in Regal Shoes, because they are made iin quarter -sizes. The new Regal styles will win i your w approval on sight.' WM. SHARMAN, Ontario ' Goderich, • The program will begin with a GRAND PROCESSION on the Square at 9:30 a.m. In connection with this procession prizes are offered as follows : Trades Procession : -First prize, $10; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $4. Calithumpian Parade : First prize, $8 ; 2nd, 6 ; 3rd, $4 ; 4th, $2. Automobile and Carriage Floral Parade: First prize (for best -decorated turnout), S5* 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. Decorated Bicycles : First prize, $5 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. '1'hc Cotuutittt:e rebel.%es the right t4 withhold any prize if exhibit is not considered worthy of the same. CHILDREN'S GAMES ON THE SQUARE IMMEDIATELY Boys 2nd PRIZES MI )'cede rare, 1; yelp^, and under .... .14. , .. s .i3 $ ,:111 :+i`yar(1+, tsae4.rlt& ypAr. Anal under :111 IOU yards race,. 12 years and tinder- ........ .75 .:dl Usl yards race, 11 t'este's and under 73 II/Mt rare, UNI cards. 12 years and under... 75 ' I Running broad julep. 11 years and under Running high pimp, 11 yearn and under. .73 .:0 Vaulting with pule, 14; years and under .75 .dill Tilting -the husker ttwn in a learnt. First prizes. one fencing foils, each; Chid, one pair boxing gloves, each. 3114 ' 1414'. i Three-legged race, 3*) yards. 13 year's ,and under. First 1-sisea.-.lnselista itak_ami fuolladl; 2nd, catching glov9 "ash ; ard. catching glove and sailing yacht 1 consolation triunes ihoys ander 11h, sailing yacht, AFTER THE PROCESSION Girls PRIZES 1st god &d 140 yards rare, 11 yearn and under... 4 .75 * .50 • .IS .liner race. ;�) yards, 0 years sod under 75 .1f0 all yards race, 10 years and under... 75 .50 .C3', Potato race, 50 yards, 111 year's and under 715 .50 .25 -SHttyards trnde•r::::........ 76 -.511 25. ..110 yards race, 14 years and under .76 .50 .'3'S Roller skating race, 3011 yards on sidewalk, 11 years and under . 1.110 1,00 .75 Hoot raee, 1)111 yards. 12 and 13 years old. Find. 2*) lessons the Ooderieh College of Music ; 2nd, 1.s Wagons ; adds, reasons. Egg end-s,i(ion race, 73 yards, 14 year's and under. First prize. $1.30 (value, ; 2nd. $1.50 (values. et 14 At 1:30 o'clock p.m. the 33rd Regiment Band and the Junior Band of the Oodel-ich Mus- ical Society will lead a procession from the Square to Agricultural Park, where tht : follow- ing program will take place : 4AGUE BASEBALL MATCH CLINTON v. GODERICH � TUG-OF=WAR CONTEST (Igen to te:un. fr,,fli A ...Wield. ('nl1"'1Tnr and N,.lerich town- ships and the town of (sod''rich. - $25 will be given in prizes. )morose. fat' this competition most he *11,1,14' with the Meoreta1 y su is Is tar,. M''n,tae..lune .lith. FANCY DRIVING `4.,b• .iu.l : ,l,1' I 1 Ladies, single driver 53.00 $2.00 51.00 Gentlemen, single driver 3.00 2.00 1.00 SPEEDING CONTEST For horses that have nater won piddle money. Half -mile heats; twist two oh three; four to enter Alla three to st111 t. Prizes;-Ist, $15; 2nd, $10; 3rd, $5. Entrance fee, :. per 'tent. ; :uldition,tl.3 per rent. for %'inncre. ATHLETIC CONTESTS OPEN TO AL1. i'RiZKM TO VALUM LIP' asst ::ltd :inf One -mile race $3.00 52.00 $1.00 100 -yards race 3.00 z.00 1.00 Fat man's race (17,7,7a1^") 3.00 3.00 1.00 Obstacle race, 1.- miles 5.00 4.00 3.00 Run hall -mile, ride bicycle half -'.rile, run in s sack IIs) canis, "Venom.• oleander' remainder of distance. Relay race, I ! miles, 6.00 4.50 3.00 LINee persons in a team. Running hop, step, jump 2.00 1.00 Running long jump 2.00 1.00 5tandinglong jump 2.00 1.00 Vaulting with pole 2.00 1.00 Admis ion to Agricultural Park, 25 cents )RI:N UNDER CF CHIC( `R 12, 10 ,NTS Grand Stand Free. Carriages Admitted F=ree, 1 Band Concert and Illumination In the evening the Square will he illuminated and a Band Concert will be given. GOD SAVE THE KING I 11PFICE}ts (ri. ('lLEIlItAVON COMMITTEE CHAS. A. REI D, IRF.SIDF.NT L WM. LANE mEcit ;TARY•TREA$U18IR.