The Signal, 1909-6-24, Page 48 Tnuisnae, Jess 24. Mr
i•1!h; -,I"iY•rti,
(144;+I•!lal' ' ` it'e.\i:l;l
the early settlers did not have the,
vantages of the present day they 1
plenty and were just a. happy a•
people are nowadays,
ANNUAL MEETING OF WEST Although he is in hiseighly•seventh
year, Mr. Buchanan had no 41Mb:i ll)
in reading without s)N•etacl.N from
report of the Experimental Union, ma
a text fur comparisons of (Hit Country
and Canadian ag,i'ullute. He said
1 ttii pians hurl still something to
le.ien front the Ohl 1' try
\' T
utrw of hanks Were passed to
Prof. Day for his address and 'to Mr,
and Mrs. Morris for their gcneroua
bougie slily as shown on this and other
tllteaslllllr. - --
The ineetir:g WWI held tilt the lawn,
where afterwards tea was served 46314
WW1 murk enjoyed.
Prot. Day, 01 Ontario Agricultural
College, Emphasizes the Import-
ance of the Farmer s Calling
Directors and Officers Elected
Ifficnt Afternoon at Morris.
The cool weather lass .k'rltlitY- pre.
vented the large attendance at the an-
nual meeting and picnic of the tVrat
Huron Faraut'r+ Institute which
otberwiee would have. been expected.
However, there was a considerable
gathering at Morriwlele F*:nt, the The last report of the 1)'oute•nr In•
bo.pitable 1 of harry .1. Muri•i4. ppke
president of the Institute. which Wm
•`tltuteof Ont+uio is a very cutout•
thrown whir •vivo fol
Ihr set' iafon, aging one. There at e now, according
aqd"those who weer there had pier..
it, the report, organizations in UIi 4'1rc-
ant and profitable time. The gather-
Il+hatura{ districts with IuNtwlteY 1/44.4515.1/44.4515.linlr, and the lural at,
ing included a gaol initialler of ladies, il 51 r2 3 pa
The business meeting r•rnitftl in trndea hilt year was over Ir)r,r1)r,
the elervtion of the following directors: The thewinstitutions
tiunal war► t ird wt by
Ashfield Jas. Hayden. Jolm ta!swig.thrit of a very duper -
Thos. tibrther's, runt eh:u•ttterand it is,ati1faitury t
'West\1'awariogh - N'w. nui{dr, learn thatit Ir hireling with so
encouragement. 1Ve 'quote `from 1
Stephen Medd, Jaw. A Mallewgh,1
Bast Wawanosh -A. H. Jit.oha, 11 alnomretW the tet the .nplintendet
Lockhart, J. 11. McClinton. prefixed e rep ort : '•\o definil
1Vingham -\\'. P. titier(on, .1. Cur. line -it work has been mapped out t•
sir, J. A. MoIn
rton: all stitutes. Some urRanizytinn
i3lytJt J Metr&IL J�ss; V•It•I1erx, have, however, on their Ow11 ae4'ouut,
Mullett -J. NIiigI.n I, J. Itu•r. J. "'-1'rrr't imwrarrereitr
Snell. turd donne+tic art and have followed
Clinton -"1V. Tiplady,
definite line of study fur u s6 119
(ioderieb township J. R•. s,l'krl.l, p.rritiut The Institutes generally harp
J. 1V. 1 - rte, Oru, ' eldoutt. depended almost entirety tipp1un local
Orglerteh t+twn---Wiry Wei nis'k, K. latent an(I have .e'etn." lite•lature
F. Blair, W. H,,Kntlrrtsoq• t,tuudatd wotlrand peritoneal.) !test
Coltxn•nr-Harry Morlit. it. \. suited to their niton N•rahip, as the
Young, H. !fill. _ t n( the orguurzitlit>us would
The financial autunite-tit for 'th1 .pr�.t '411ow• BY apatielnirrauepf elms.: ',
year was as follows: . " mugs .ill ",'cads, s.tltltr{tt{ell, limn to.
ruchiteettire, h o w e Iitiuutgr•no•nt,
1 Illi i1
n t g in tar 1 •, etc., and the
• sive utilization al 1ht r'e,lI,•lt urtirlrr
• in whittle appear to our uewwj111prn.
tft jnurneils lord other j_N•titotiral..s1�,t�ar
Heceieta fra suurrlon.. etc. . Inca capable 1' intelligent %waken of On-
sl.L_; tetrtu are applying Ibis fund of
Jlefornastion ill a 111:i't ital, 'common
' F. .pwn,.e, for rtiN tinkle ` >y f,
w1,1ri u,
412 . 1 e
2 re,
1'a.lage and rtatlUnefry••
ertuung and ad, ertoireg 11 n tet the i'ro'.'t wince. Tho most • flit ,e tet
ML•oellaueuu,•... 3"' Valance hot0e umanage,s .are tallying abient the
Instituter letld tile dts.rnunoi,•21 of
$I,LS•l knowledge gained through :tame ,1
('bas. °Irvin and John I)ustow• were p1 01ti'al and suceessiul experiwr10 is
re-elected eudilnn.-3•'-'bK nmdc Ihr cu11011 11 1.101,.1"; y 4 1
1t wag decided to hold the regular the Institute nerniia I..
meetings during the routing year at 1 'rouunenor •.gut t h' 111111311 a-
Kintail and Auburn land supple- tier common Hod-, 11101 tb,•
mentary meetings at Lt0ulesl*nai, study of lural' ill ecI.: ant'.
I ! tBy i.
Holme.5•itt•, St. Augustine. -St. Het. being followed in 45 m'.rr intetlig.nt
en.. Dungannon and itrnnliller. manner. The interchange of recipes
Afterwards the dircerors met and and t h.•,riwn ,.f neetbtids 11f
rrrlected the officers of last year, as work .till :twelve due considera-
follows : President, "11 J. Morris, nolo. 11tt rho..e•ly ietdrTtrtr of'M.
Loyal ; vice=president, Jos. A. %1;tl tressed attention to .inch lopie•m •ltl
lough. Dungannon : seeretaryttcaa- "The Training of the 1 hildrete in the
Urer, %Vtu. Bailie, Dungannon. Horne and in the Si 11 .01.'- •'\Nonmed s
Prof. Day's Address.%Volk from a, Broad Viewpoint.-
0000 WORK. -
thew, L) hoot, tel 1, ,,1••ti, h. Ui.t.,
55 be.. br nett. „y,.r a,•, ,:.1' I'1"11•
Ile, utiich he h,,l., 1 I,.ii-p„ of
whtleaway. , Ii,', •be Sib
A. O. u. W Meelinp, bi.til;,tt. tt LtK .%.trig :,rrii m,ti7:r
A district meeting iu the h►lari•3t, of 11oaw , 11rui. Ih ,i bet,;r
the A. (3. d'. N'. will 1a• hrld.iutlltalc thtouith at that p; o, , 1,:,•r tt, l..•
rich on'Purrt•day t•vruing,'Jone Stilt, at nett* lla,.touythl) �,. i ,1 ,,1, 0.2 ('t -
�u'rhokinlhp'1'enylrt'ame11.11. Bro.
"f 1f1i• kin•l. tit. 1',ni,'. le . , , .,111,•
-N. H. Morris, (irand Marlar"11ttrhissa t,' ton., lee,: 'very viol ho , •-t , Is,•
rutdother tiratot Lodge officers will It' Pr„t„ 1.,11„ liu,•',..un•,;iii t1„•
pca•>Irul 4n.i &illus.' the meeting. gt,-.11 1•1:11,111: • o'••• 1..11 tot l.. , •.'ter r
Al rartgeuit•Iltr. are I ltlw- peltdidgtu-•tv--1't 1.1441 cu,a1 Juiiu•a 1 Illi• "1 • ,"•
babe the a:lwen work tet the larder awl t•,•li4'vc, 11141 the
shoser1. A11 e•aterlainurprtt still be Ilk' P Iwt•R i� sutlll!rnt t„ tw1111•h Ilio
pruti,lill and members and their n,•r,tiypry p„ :t ' .1 1,1 til 1h"
wives and t t irntls rel cirri ht y 'nett ell k,...l, w•'
to attend. II&Klty ;11111<Rls. I1.1)11, ti. 21)•11.: ri.'. in t•5',•1'y 1,,111, II, 1111 tyllit,
M. W.
- sr,'l i•.la ,'f t'„umlt). lI•,rntty \I1.
C..11'I• 11, 11.121 ,••u �.!e, .•Lie e.n:
rr.p ,nal•n,•4' wit h 11:. A 1.•1 ,11 • 11,
All tea, ,•pv. ititt tit tie IA,
h I ll , at i, . has bean' a y •u,v c••lul
to 1i�.1 1211 tom.. il1'i".11.,111 Igor. in
1. a. 55,.11 n. a 5.oi -r.,tluls a' •,t
tiro•, e11t e,••Ii.e., :ti,.1 h,• ha• e\-
I,r,•..,,1 1 5a ll!u,,,,,,.-. ,111,• dt.1,11
11,te :1'..1 ,.,, .1 44.4.11 i� I'�•.i! %5,.(et'
I••,.'. . u 0 lilt' tt.a.•� . 1, building
1't •111 51 Iia' a,• 1..• ,Irl 1s1 421,1
l;iv,l !r,n rr le• h.•• 1 ,411,1 111-
It,l m et„r•'ty 1:1t ti\'i,.n,(1,,•
tot Ito !olio-, ,n I 11,• ,. ..• a,• 11e• I: •,t.t
•' Il 1 lc 51 u'i1•l21,1 %%, ,:\ to 2•tin.; to
.tllrtv)ion11 h.. • . siet ►4e•t.
,•t•.•II. n. a illy M Iii.'titSit•• '111 1
•21.1,,1• .I1.• 11111'11, L.• 211111.1, .2i lw
!WV' • 411141.,2 +.
The Goderich. Industrial:
'l'he directors' of the (,11011X11 1udu,-
1tia1 Rxhibiliun,'wh,N.,annual Jo.w'it/
to be held Septetntaer 'gr, _".1 anal ::11
err making gwo,t progr•e•, 10 their
preparations for Ihr• e% eta. The pl ,,,•
hat has la•en revised anti pllre,t in Ill••
printers', hands, and will Is.,1 111
good time. The list lurs,hern 1111411 %cal
r1 certain of dr teat ure., and is here
eonsi.lertnl uecesaat'y 1Ile prizes
hale hee•n increased. in the- hots •
speeding chtsje the prizes for the free
for -all nave, Ibsen iu:•r. i.r,l to *Jim,
which' Should bring nut a good firl.t.
Thr prizes far other-al:Pertilrij_i tents
also have been iuefe:tsed, eu as ►u utak.'
tars.. contests one of the Ing kaoline.
ill tar ,hurt':
o> Qanada.
t1.,o.•.Gra/ei.,:.� 5►tuayel .(itehrllnf_tlt. 1 i jiu:sto
slow had 11 leiter Ihi•ur1o•'' a it' .ti.,,,, Dc you eat enough of this
► tl m nd lu• hid knrna n i t + } y Q LJ c Ei► �
ae, r;.•.'ic:; that Ifs• ('•,; ,,i v w,
ltti s).��,: d'he great benefit an health atnd
etrenbth that always is enjoyed by rest-
,el,, �' ry " sitar esters of -_good t.,.:c;w1 is- known -L._ .-} •
aw gll't'M.
Balance treat last fear . _.
blew/sem' fear.. ..
tlentefppaal grant
--- iwabe►tl.."newt
1411 attnfe t a.:..
• Prost• it ituuer. which los tesulttt1 in
• e
a oars
aldn•asr •t ,
t 'r, 11 h u. u n. of
ittestimet1,Ir rafter 10 1 hunt to aktr.
"Personal and Household Hygiene,"
The hnviness meet ince over: theirttfr -•t'ae itespnnslbt)h$ra nt'-i!
had the
asul r '.
1 lite
nu 1 to Sacredness 4t''I'll.'
1 ( the !batty," N
)• 711•
an. Informal but •internsGn and it • lAltotitaction
w iring address from Prof. R Day, 1 f "Ile 1.1eneral Itnprilv�mlent t Literature."
i t'tMont-
he Ontario AgrirniterredJ !'..dirge; T;etrr}itime%2'ete., rte, -divert-meet ii ,
Guelph. .int e_YrtgJ.-4f tt'onujo'y !pailful*,
Prof. Day dwelt upon the import nod Partner.. Inst hole clubs havoc
mace of the farmer's calling. The con- proved of great int. -end and Stimulus
dition of agrirultur.• was. a, great to !sola nrganiz.tit'm-. 'I'hr'slywriu-
factor in the country's commercial rodent expresser 112.• h"p-se-hat tlte.
situation, and the crop re{Ntfts wece \Touren, Institutes will Tend their
carefully watched try the hankers and assistance, to it turtle.' I strir,iou of
other financial men. N.. farmer need Panum;' Institute club., ••11'1 'L..
apologize for his calving. hirlg Ed. lie%e that •lees vomtull11ity 'whet* n
warl was a moist enthlleia.ti,'. farmer, Women's Institute is nt�an_Izrd
as was his royal mother better.. him, wh0uld ulsti�laye n lo/ j' crop foie Ihr
and the King talk great pride in benefit of the fanners. One of the
Il imig'a10P to win prizes in tar show greatest fact,t,s teawsltl a betterment
ring with his live stock. His Majesty of rural conditions is the intrrxluction
got no tartars in the ring, either : his of methods whiel'will trstilt in a
actuals had to win on their merits. greater net retie' 11 on the pint of the
:Lori nosehery antt tither eminent Gutnrt'ti, end we know of no tar•ilities
Men of (ir•eat llritain also were en- for study or means fen the diriwenlina•
tth'rsiastic Ltrult•rs. In order to attain titan of 2ngr1lttltoritl knowledge which
,enle e11•1 ot.s 1.'••k
Nilo. 11;1.1 r,••, oft
ruuntr IT'1• .i •1:,•
that t111• y'•r11,p; ,n
sod \11..twl•yi,
T"''. i; t lit'. secou•l %reek of our t;roa
11"4• are selling lots tet goods at this salt,
.St the pig te,ttictitlhi WP :u't' making. Nearly 6
store grent'ty redtteet'et itt price.
summer Salo.
so we ought
thing i11 the
Pun should not miss this chalice. If`you want goods, you
can get GREAT BiG BARGAINS at this sale.
'CV(‘ r1u Hot name article: to galla. It is not necessary, as re-
llnl'liuns are' r'ut•t'al all tit Pr the store. -
►un i f•n'y, ; inn. _/-1' r-_':, cent fast black seamless stockings,
; 11 1 :, •tit _il I(••-- .._---..
1 .,t t , , 1, the mural over. Every ?tar there are 1'
1, } o •. t,, r . .!,, . i., , , ..r .ttl•i.. 2
more and more eaters of Quaker loots, 1 „ . , ;u,•t,:,'a t
e, • •i. „It which is recognized in this tlntntry and 4 �--- 1 •--,>,.., ., ' 1„...--..,-„,
'• \ •, ,11,,., In Europe as the one perlret oatmeal.
is ,
t , All the experimeats l f' the govern-
' ; ` " ' ' I mend food experts ;m, l the � athletic
, hr lotghl o.,., 1 trainer -of one of our great ul.i-
Wtes-lt talttol1• I, 1 , .' owl!, tatty It.
wuultl pt„h 12
to bock the a ,
le f . 1 .th•. ,
t d hen, I
111 N Iril.,11
and tultga-1 I a
'nim "lr t •T, n„
.144 .hotI tit -Uinta .4:1 lv11ti tittle 1111
the .tzr sal 1111p rlanrt ih 2'11'1 1',121,10 , 1
111tit ,a 11 Lt,•
Re. Wallas a H.04,42,4. •
At ,. Paul'- ,,tbe hal, Lo u h n,
I lm:., ,m1 21 - I':.h,,,•f 111 y, , • tn, . ,
151.., Lor t'.,.1 ,21121112. • 2 11111.,11
I',.11'•get 55.1 t 11114-.1 ort , ,1: • I.un.
iAN\„t Ihr.•%112.2:1,,211 11111212. OL. „1
d;1lattvn ere vire-Is'ing, et mlmitr•i try
Iti.l, I, '11:' liar... tit,• • I Ih•• y..,y'
MPH u,eiJ:+itit 1 Nat. 1\':111,•1 13,•�II/AN-
LOW:, t i..ri Albeit 1 t tool t 1:i/obit
rete -t f=t tdt'rf-'h- ('dobe^ i-tt0---fin. " 'rut -ii.
1(rt. Mr. lmvkim•' .tll "ant 1' It:,'.
been w'nt,'hed wtl h tom It ililrt •at hp
his friend., .52,•1 lou I hot Lc 11...1,•111
adrpith•to tut,o ut,let, .1 hi.• s.1 n-e:lll
14(15 ;Ind bonito open- tleteite h1inmin
wluiy they %intl Iluru ,m11•rsr 4451 trail.
pint..,. Mr. 1laukim, ha. hero .tit-
trotted at D1ttt,qt. .
What the Govtrl;orient Report Siys.
Fuotn the hitt .1 i••0,• of !het II4,,,, •
11i�tn (. 1er11111014l'•. }ilULl'11.1.4ltylul
f. hejolut 4. n,:
' 1it l re
'alive 11 dirtae rNone inrindtngtlle•
tratilitier 111 I. akt• I11ttltn:.,'3ituwars
e,•lh•nt winter apples. It ts(,ir enl_gh
north roll' the ees' I'T n afneve the rex
er s.rt h.,err
liko this (1t,'.•nin:. 1 el.lwi ', Noy moil
Rol,Pet, 1 iprtt jos! a. the ',lily wnite•
stets, i tlttsa-YIN
may be 1115k01 and '.u••o1 with .olt•ran•
tAge. a. wiat' 1• Ship/hug. .trioti in or•
Binary storage:' A eery market peruTt-
meaty of Ilse dish tet i:ltrot- oren.n,l-,
tf gh u11merou+, are small. '1'h••dl.
trietin-is Levy -Love ..trt-wnt}*p(e1......Nrr
be grown to perfeetii'n in ,toy part of
hat the tat itt.,. itit' ttuga,•,. 1. riot tl o•
nro't pout.' 'in 'nixed fat unnK.. At
t hl re or four point r *wiling nrs1N•i r t i, •nr
have been for 11104, meal tv'lrrevrr these
have Item organized •ai•frle growing is
exceedingly profitable,- .
Mr. Egencr's Success.
1 1 le ey.'uilu11: I' I P tet 1 ItisI. t t1:
rata tat« ••Tat• holy"Pity" war k,i,„„ i0
%i, 11'1 it'"I,c11•risn chord), Mans ford.
anter . the i T.. •
Ege•ne•r, organist and eil4'itn/a,te1 for
t he Church, and The Bram fan tf t'oilt ;el-
ite its srrunnt of din_ production o f „ill•
tnrnter young low•nelupn Nay. 1 -The
protium incl War :► most Illtist i,• •,i, ,'.••5
and retIet' e,l the highest •.1 . lit 11i.,,u
►II ronrerget. Miss Melita Itit)•motel
took the soprano soh., ,ir.l her wiirk,
as oval, was thoroughly enjoyable.
I >N tine .
heard to great advantage in the alto
ntlrrl beret. \1r. .L•w. \Vh itlakPr.. burr
.nlMad. Iia, never done better work,
and Mr. V. 'I'. Carey. of Hamilton•
tenor, Misplayed the it •.-ew,i,>n
sweet and syutpathetic voice. 'Che
choral work was also excellent •. es.
p"•einlly in attack nod rhn.Anti
rpdwulyd ,',atilt, were achieved. 1f"
wa+ the general opinion that he can.
must aye IN a high idea of the iUl-
porta -e of the hornier. in -which hr
1a erg ed. and the farmer should
keep in mind the great imp,trt.,tnce of
bis work s it farmer. Tb,• farmer
occupied n try f,tnrahl•• position :
be was indrfw drat and nerd cringe
to no Ulan. ',dune, were selll(m1
made from fermi g, holt many farm-
ers had all the a foey they needeet,
and that was real w Ith.
Prof. Day then snake of the necks•
sity of thorough krUttwledge of the
farming business
R . The f r
If r•nri• be-
tween g
poor stark and a 1 stock was
a matter of knowledge. One loan
would sell horvem it. $1111 to lilt while
another would sell them at slue i:JN
to *11(M. One mall knew what a wins
doing and the other did not. Not.
only for the profit but for the.
pleasure to lie taken out of it rt fare er
should have good stock. (let t
mss deeply interested in some kin
of live stock and it will help to keep
them ten the farm: How can you Pin•
pp.ct them, naked speaker. to ire
Interested In the scarperowk to 1* soon
on some forme ? No wonder they
wanted to get away. It woteht'not
he a good thing for 1111' other in-
dustries if Ali the buys should stay on
the farm, tar the farm burnished the
best men in many walks of life ; 'but
some men left the farm who should
have stayed on it, and some of them
in after life were sorry' they ever left
Prof. Day spoke of the late John
McMillan, of this county, as an ex-
ample of a farmer who, with very
small advantage, arhie% ed great sur-
eerie. becoming one of the most effec-
tive debaters in the House 441 Corr
mons. Knowledge must be the key-
note of the young man: he trust get
down to the loftT( things. .t bur -
'nese is judged by lien in it, and
the young men should cu u' their
rettponwibility in (spindrift*.t dig-
nity of their calling The
never apologize for their sling,
rather should take care that their sal
ing never had tweltwinn to be ashamed
of them. Their fathers, the pioneers
of this rnuntry, had done noldy, and
the young men of the present genera-
tion were not worthy of their father's
if they did not do something for prog•
Pt Mnrri. Pxpl'Pwsel IIID
pleasure of the gathering in hearing
Prof. Day and then called on Mr.
John Rmrhanan as a veteran farmer.
Mr. Htchanen responded in an inter-
estinggaddress, recalling the early days
in Colborne township, where he had
spent sixt7-flvp years. Ifslf-a-century
ago, he surd, there were perhaps half
a -dozen buggies in Colborne. now
there were Inindr.ds; but although
beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
A. m.lenry will del"any t'I• •use of
.men Pool ecmplot.Iy Ae &,tg, t lie %bole "y..
tem who'll entnrin It Ihmn h 111r nra,room ' r
fac. Porto article. ,houl4l.rrrr 1r s•ed .x•
cop( on In.-rrlpt inn from rrnmahlo pphyarlatl..
am t the Alkmaar they will .lar• Iotom NA In the
yon ran vontolb'y earl, • "turn there. hall.
'alwrrh ter., naannfart Prod by 1'. J. ('honey
h ('a. ToledoIt, remainoo ns mePrnry, 4114 1.
tat.n Internally, aell•'g dirrtlly npc a the
blond and morel. ,nrfat.- of the .ysntm. ht
h.tytne 11.11'. (callers loin. 1. .urn son get
�prnnln.. 1, I. then Internally and mai. In
TM„do. whin, by F. J, ('hen., t (•o. Trill.
Mold M•" Mire 7.1e Der rant tat.
Hall* P+mlly 1111. ter'bonttlpatlglt,
than the local club. If the average
(Armor 1.4111 I"•.ho.wn how to ,aodue..
01n1Y per erre rod.►acrease the net
returns 1' pia stocks, we have the.
basis ups'11 which we ran est lhti.11 a
Tetter elannlpnity and ho • life.
11'e appeal to the Women's II+titntes
to lend their epenm-agement in the
establishment of such clubs next
winter and tell.""
The interest taken in the work is
shown by the number tet Institutes
agreeing to furnishu
nl.h nI
tion of
pt•og • to assist the lecturer('p
to this year it .has been rustouu►ry
to send 'out Iwo Rerlutets; hot ex-
rrlhmt, local talent ha. Leen found in
mutt places whrq'r 111%tilutes have
leen established, and it hot baht
wisely decided 111 take•'(tlt advantage
of this. Thur the institutes are not
merely serving the pertain... of hring-
Mt1( illltrnttitnt Gild Utt•fill intorruatirrn
within teach t 1 the people; but they
,are doing t.he..etgn inure-linpurtaut.
Work of training prop t -iso-.very-.' mr:_
UI nit) to call y 11n Chi work ,lt in-
v.'s atiom and instruction -14 Their"
sawn art t. Every . person .o
traini. becuntr, rum -rare of influenrn
in the none n i l t.
We have In le arrangements 1.y
which we ran it tr new .ulacriNrra
Th. Signal and 'r Family Herald
and Weekly Star (Mt a trcalt at et mom -
'titration price of mixt ,rents for the
leo palling (or the ba nee of IWMI.
This rate is for snhscripti w In Can-
ada only and applies only It new sub-
scriptions. Prevent subs/. rs to
The Signal who would like to enure
The Family Herald and Weekly 'sitar
at a special rate for the balance o e
year may do eto 011 application at lb'
tattier. THE SIGNAL.
Uodarirh, Ont.
Sir Wilfrid and Witness Editor. -
Ttn'onto World (Conservative)
thin special despatch tenni
Monti -ea Montle* , silhart, 1(1. - Thr i11
ono thing tha hA�>itwralw .f this
city nnot unde ltd.' „1 that
growing y t John
Itedpwth Dougall, editor a ttrrtprir•
tar of Thr Daily 11'ilne , / ['Tire
Prime Mitei.ter of the 11 minion,
now transpires that. at Mir Willi'tnts
Kingston'. death Sir Wilfrid offered
Mr. Dougall a wnettorship, nnd the
\Villiers man Ile promptly declined
the proffered honor. Then the
"street" declares that 110111. !vernal)
Mr, Dnngall was offered a knight h.wad,
,and declined with thanks. Now, it ie
a matter of general (-moment that
Laurier'. (;s) close friends in thta city
are Senator 1.. O. {)avid and John
Itelipatit Dougall, for the Prime Min.
later wehlntn vitita the eity without
laking a rah and driving to the
panel unl sanrlornnl of The 1),tily 1Vit.
new, where he has always received a
very warm welcome, However, op to
dale Sir NN, iln•ld cannot prevail upon
Mr friend to accept any title or honor,
nothing, in fact. better than a few
Cheap ads, fear Thar Witness, Sn it is
jest now (wing known for the flrst
time that the idol of the French -Cana
dian race Iso lifelong reader and ad•
miter of The Witness. •
tatit wan the guwte.t murk.
e'er - w.•hievrr} Ory-ryy,.-
nanliento coot. , u : creo
tion of c)tq_ piticlatle. ' tncr in
the two organ n11mis•r5. ,onfeeni1.,t 1.,11
and ,\,Ior..i ' 1, r,t .vci
the final ratlment.'
Fro n Virginia.
111 nu -tick. •i retllt i.111i• of
Ii4g-$tarts Gap 1'. 1, p ui,ii,hr'.I
stone (drip, 1 iri loin. Iefer.- to t l.a•
elTot•tea of n harmer 1;o,lerich troy to
advance 'the material inteierts of In.
adopted oily, he nn tole .iayt, ,Too
petit ;
•Mr. W. ('3, ("mitts, o>nv-rf-the -Trmwt
enth11sietr r, citizens of Ilig Storelleep,
nod one ho taken.t gct.4--ie-tere-t 111
Manta o '1Tilt,lr work. espe,ls to lrvtve
here th1e'week 1111' a tulip to Canada
and hi• nn ire home. He will Ko ibrwt
to Cleveland and 1 rett'oit, and from
is ',ht.,. ,) of
the strongest and hcalt!a, .t. and Quak -
ter Oats stand: at t i. l2• :441 of the lit
Nett food, but it's the ,l:eaprst fund on
earth. Let it daily 1 r t r,•akfast. It's
one of the best fn,1!. is the world;
produerd n Canada t) •,-:uiadian:.
Nor cite trade thnkrr t'.i', is panted
in the regular "sire T.o•- 'stew.- hatfor
those who are not l i'. fitly mar
the -,teat'-for daily s! i' fitg tht5large
-size famiiy package i• ;, ;t the thing.
The large package c :;•....:- a pisco of
handsome china fur ti 1 :,.bhp ,
1 bora received ,begot -nus Of the. f,
1900 Models ve
GRAY and . >
Ill U.L'T
u � :.
j u c '• ;.
1 lill
r Two of th�Dcst lies :ale ,n Ca • f
• ad'a i
Rubb Tires A. •male Scats 1
ar.d all -he :at 1:1 7.,-.- -
class Car• 1.
- --tl •
• A good second-hand, Gtinder,for i ,
sale. b good repair : o-auh plates
Several good drive, t and coni'
Robert Wil,ti''
Otte Cream S-", a:at0: .' itu ry
Plows, Bissell ll4i
T -and 14o1Ier'w
err , Cte.
\\ 1t.',.
1 I. t„ ,nil
. V
•••••••• 1111111111111111111 IMO 111111111•112. ti• •
7ag11,: 1.a0 31"f:I insaso u _1
1 •
' I ` 4 • lruiierali Directors
and imbztlmera
!t car,•tYN
somata ae/ bat NI
1 Years, Alla et My
1(11' bPAl1INN'--•`
The Tailor \t•. .
IMMIO=an= .1.._...=_-.J
11111101111111111111116111111111111111111111 CHIS •
Cameron & Moore
emolimommor.e- 'v s vert+ mwomm, '•'a'-trv,ar> .r1•11•5rerri
111 tt-1'k i11t' ,ttlntltltl,etl that, Cttut11:n1'ini, Mvt1A1' I11U1.1111)1; ▪ ,al this %%eek, ,'
lit' H:)ttl,l tlt:.11.'i tont' hour e•t;li ;horning going through our stocktor the
1. ra
prices.Ihth.ul, have employed in nakl,nr
2 • 111 11ta1I\ t\ e'\artrC1,the IllSV reductions
are small,
',\ 1111. Ila .)Ill(:.' •(14 ,C .. : tile\ GI': loll `;. lint, no-mattre-what department ,- tt--Lt41 1.
•511 will jjy,1 i113111 s .',_Ing j'altlrs suit its \ 341 Il,t\'e befitl•l': -
t,)n'S.tftirtl:kt' morning everytl)ititf trill he reald\ an,I ow prices 1Vili reign
•thI )tlerh5(tlt the sts't't'. Sinn,' 111;1\ .Sat that this is a spurt ills( for a dal' or two.
11.'n•t i,lu'helievc it: These :lrc low prices 11ith?" :ire g,' rtsr to last' for some -tin -iv: -
. tire-tTtnr:-to come,. -
The' 1.11' ' ss hole..11e and manufacturing company which \t't• spoke of las(
beck 'into advised us that they are preparing some :.pycial line for us for ncltt
ne k"111:1 that they alight send ;1 shipment on at i:n<' tint:; .oTtr(:p j• u eyes rnT
this store, iI 4311 want to s.t'1C ',311112 'Mone\. There Is something dctillg here now
,..111-illerr,g"c :,.'ing to lie more doings here might ;1\\',I\ • 1Ve would like to tririltioll
„rill. t
)1 Illi big pl:i,:: i'rt117:1i(Illti,.httl it tY31th lar:.• st'til'tl_Ii age.: 10'10 1t; W lh'tl
1Ve1,,', lo.:nn,ntnt•• 1,. .,rut t ,.
lona that w,• 14 •5',, yt'movr,l In" 1„•55
pr-etIii',•. ,tri
•tte•xl Wail i. -l• , `�1.5-It1•1 (.1't",
I Where . rr ' .ii2. et ill find il.
trip !.1 ready 1 ii r,l let,. I„' __
In workman4j,kc manner,
at closest prices. •
We. R. Pinde
'Phone •155.
more Paiiit! Mire Paint
I 01 I'l I E %flop K`
L I MI rEo.
\'. t' - - ;I `1.1425.1.1
lit:. ;- I:1 i • -.I .h.i;I,: l'.ai nnlliner.'that liar ever berttt'fferett-thts,-seaslut::---
K�r.Nt+:t?.-r+-ef,i.rin Y-+r(.•(-etire,t-•.1--(1e-I.tts{tricr.'I'heo,.•..wrte moistly traveller's .amph• shape,
u rte: 11,..4 .f Anti n„t .I Int 4.1c,1 in ally' sans, tr mooed wit'' liow••rs, (roil anti foliage by our sotto
' .tf \1' x11,1 tie, it h,/1;;i,' incl t' ihlrM•d in the rt•gnLtr �c ly. worth from 13,:01 to 46451, to 11.•x1
114111,,. s:5lnnLr tet nt; ....... 11.75
1 v• Nat.n t1 oil. Ito la•.ottitill;n.. 2 i, r•;;•i1.,r $2.:011 to $:11)1,
to a',.. This 1 .1 to .1,v1 at ,.n•• prier
1..' ut,l _ t , si•Iling n,,w at, per yard.
tutu• ,n u'k,•,1 down to
111 v1.• ,! rico' r•t
•' ft:'1 3c an•f 8c
7 T:. • regtil-ti, )nioki8 .61 0114' (/rice,, tie : aH Nle gnalO
-ill ar $I.1.. marked now-... 11.15
mowrrewrleerl-:>..,.,..,r r.......�___� ...39c
! ' •n 1\ ,.h 1::•11.
regulate ral'n-
i , t,,,.,...•. I ,n it 1'o..tinga, rr:;'1i '1 ael,i,
f so y:t,1. ( lash'1'owelling, i egailar !rr,
hal% nnit!eitolt 111 1' '? tom, eepstil u• ,
i,'K specials in N••.•k Frilling. to el, ,•
• ttt.t.*1--firstriin,.i to,,-rifK t ft -1, I!
tie. at, '
1 dr sen holies' Tailored Shirt. 1Vit t -
! o, :.. Iif k , lo`t Hedtr-reg' . • ,
now on sale while
5 ,c
11111. 11'tlir,'.v i' tattle. are so good that it will not he necessary for us 10 say
ant. more than this : They are ail reduced -That should he sufficient to make real
1571st• x('11111;
forst week the vi h•.lrvtle .rot lift I;l
verb,. the..., hal us, pat tit, 01 ill the tyln
with tire ..x.epthot «1* lege (Hist ..'.. \V
have thrill 4nr Sat 11111sy'a at -fling at t
-twit- tµ +l.wr{_
Th,. r• 1111 it ynlut•tof llc•xe rya r1• w.:.
Litton 11'aeh Skirts, in good range of patterns. 'We slid not ad-
-tow with the 1 ."o1 ti.olt that they were all .old within a few limit 5,
o pts now advised that another lot is on the road and we hope
rime price, wt11Pt1 jr4lera than the linen con bre bought by 111e
.... 98c
to tl2.
Visit Our Grocery Department
In the 4°,1,4 bowmen(';ma) iro11I the heat, Where everything is kept cool and
fresh. 1.,ix1'\\ e( i., lit' :mn3nncrtl a reduction of prices in this department, with the
re'.1111 \\e t'01 m';trey double the business, and ;Inv economical housel\'ife who reads
thi•. .Ind who -conies here to do her shopping trill find values here in nearly et -cry
arii.k sly an sate money. Watch for the.hi}; extra specials in fruit on
Saturday t11i)rtlitltk.
:111 III,. ,•holt,' Dairy utter, in onus 11 ('tItf•ks, to clear Sett •hlayvuorning. per Ib 18c
:At tstars S.sia Itis/•ni1P, . 1nt'ormick'. and Mo nney's :1-1h. Irox, regular 'L'.c..2.§lie holt
:a croft Maple d'' If Salmon, regttinr _!''r, now !runs for
Best (l ranuhtle,lSugar '
comfort fort Strop, 5pse4ial for satnrdny, r•pt'tl".r iw• barn Inc
Don't fort,rrt the -• this store will clos,•
.commencing.a week (yin tomorrow, July
Better value,-biit'grier selling, shorter
a few of thi•_ things to make this store
and he one of us, ' -
'21 Ila. for 11.00
at 5:30 p.m. 'each day except Saturday
2nd, dttrittg"-Jttly and August.
hours, right; up-to-date new goods, arc
grow. Keep your eye on it and come
Cameron Sc Moore
11/8/11•1111 11/1•1•MO0 411111111111111111