The Signal, 1909-6-24, Page 3THE SIGN A1. GODERICR : ONTARIO
Teva DAT, JDaa 24, 11101
bound ,or repaired.
0.alert )IrlSIGNAL. 4LIiu1Ial1 nn 1,•14, ills
• A. I''.. TAY 1.OIt. K•rlt 11. RII
y\111,S1`; uF ('ANAIIIAN
�1, ND
;v• 1!141wl uCi,. t In rule (bawd u('A Ilit.lir,
,�,1 ni.ale titer 114 Year" 14441 May homestead
else •retial, of 144.4144x44441 lk1tullauu hind In 1'lu+outs Brown, of \\'t•uxeter, bar
91�,uitulu.. Sa.k.lehevolul w Atberul4 1'he
4111 nut mu., appeal hi primed at the lknuia• been, appointed dist of the Ninth
rt t•, for the w sib Alt w ' 1 �'
1'l I t t u n Court f ccs
A Y Huron, succeeding
t.. K K
nun may he Inl)y al any
mare to Y
Y r
1/N 1 Cowan.resigned.
J r wit
' 1' I j
, 4 b
1r•rtug Poubr til .. Y fat M
daughter. brother 01 .L,trr of
' Wembl•; lwtrerl.•wlet,.
- I,u•ir• . `ix mantle: 're,litrnee veal 'owl
4',•,,.,(1011 01 Ne• 1.101 in rarh of )bees rear,
) 'tow, -!...,der mar lite within 'lane 11111es df
lu- Lou,;•-1r:4d use a harm of til. 141/411. 441 1u•nn-
ton nen 444.4 ineupied b) him sir by 1444
' f,'h••, mother, soli, daughter, brother or
p, „•.i..n di.t11114 11 hunt•.teder hi /paid
,Weivs of the Sistriet.
Mi.r 1, G. Gunn, of Clinton. it now
entitled to auloru her name with the
letters li, A,
Mr. and Alis., 4). \Vinton, of Dash•
wood, hve been 1
rav e lu[ their
fiat daughter ot'te hs
John Oldster, of Zurich, beak,• hie
ankle lust week, while tt•wuvilig.a har-
Irl of salt 1 the warelitm1e.
It. NI. ltacey, Who many yeais ago
4111,41u Kru4.01)' buriures in 0111-
Y.. ree•t•utly.
John %Veiled htoi returned, to Clin-
ton at•IA1 a lour years' absence int
1'01114414(1, Oregon, and other parts of
Due \%eL,'ru States,
W_tunM4- 11! Hulse*.
�•hcslaps a ,Baasle t seri
I,,..R-n .• h1: IITat. thirn i'., t), n.�.•
441144'- Xln.l IC-I,Ir Mx 110i11164 u, curb of vx
).,u-•nulii date "f hutliv.'t.u.l enter hnrhuhIg
01,1• !One required to earn h,anc.tead patent
ulnt.lte Oft) acre.. extra.
.t h.aoe.1.who slur lea. ../..111101.4.,1 hi. home-
. :sed cannel ob4.4141 a erre ewpnon
run s! homy -tea. In e.•rtrlu
Trott..., 1 "' -Mkts-edit val1. d auuhter of Bev. Ilse.
,.n,�.,;- 1rue Per erre. An.,.•. .M...1'
a •rule .I, w,u141v �t1.. 11114'1 of three 44,4), 1 ulU and Nits. Stewart, 1/( (Tinton, ai'aN
,.,.,•1;p>a•n+,use rera•t
• pfpmy aw ntw\440t ante..I(O.ri (1444'.111141 head tearlrr of De;
of slu' Ati,,4ter1.11 ts.. tutreins. Kit Is high 111 t uelre y.
It r „, horv,rl pubkir:ori Lt :ul
she is now ttwchu,g.
Nin uA is n:.trtfi.r.. Tiff' -Sabel al p°pleiter "picnir.'tinder
t1' ansp ••t•4
lU,inlilft-iatlfa1tie-ett lrrh, gill hr hell
iu.the I)•,uuyhto.,k grove' 'on l)oeitin-
Itrv, :A. I.. 1{ ,-.. 11, who has retired
111,111 the scut ,• work of the wiuisti y,
or, ached hi. t errwrll set num In
1Wmt,•t'r L..t `;tblrath. H. is renew•
Ci\'il Eul;ulcerul�=
Miss Jl•ssi4 !SPIT Anderson, formerly
of Scoturth.'waN Married in Chicago
nn \%e4sierdn1%', the nth inst., to ti,
VI.1111111 1141411., of that city.
M1,. Pura Beckwith. u( \Vinghant,
111)41.1 w'i•111. la ,'4 (4,•.41 ufte•t•4Liun 111 144
Toronto hi•.pital Cur the r1' 'til of
gros 11 limit the glands of the neck.
A fornierlSgiTil.lait -, 111 the prrlmn
of A • Nie lord, eldusl daughter of
Rallis Met 'old ,ulll wife of Joseph H.
Patterson, died at her lural• in Raw.
dotty Hie. Alta:. recently.
Watchln:ltcng, ct.c,
11 \I sr.l PAICK
41N%1st. N. J444 a1.1.►.44,4t'In•r1%.
,�. „m.r,a, )4,sh•, i, h, Ung
_ u._ with with hi. t Roily 10 I.auuls•111, Hea)•
- 1..14ho"
\11.11 \\ \I. 1;111:1 1:I". CIvn,
,. \\. I: (':a„ 1„ru1e1Y„1 Hick uul,no1.,,,,,, D
I( 1..t 1.1) u
tun, who .ps•ut the winter at Loll
if 14'.," I1,•• 1, .'•.114.4,, 'oneer •Au,,;,:lrr_ C,allfot ilia, 1141. retylrlIPll, :rill.
. i-.....y..erre-,. is -owls" 1444 "let •.•1• Ile
w'ar, not trey 4,1'.11rahly unples.v4
J(l101C 4141 ith , it• 4'.u'tli•• t i,-st..
sI4,adel, of 'I'utumto, war bridenuaid,
and H. A. Herrman, brother of the
bride, was test wan. Rev. C. It.
Cuisine eoudigltsl the ceremony, Af•
ter luncheon en the lawn, Mr. and
Mrs. Head tertian: the South.
Samuel Smith. of Seaforth, form-
erly Of McKillop, who had been cu( -
feting from the inttrutlttes of years,
crossed the (treat Divide on K'ednes-
day, the lush Met. Deceased, who
wits in his seventy-seventh year, had
twice married. He- is s1U.V1V041
by his widow and three rune : Ma '1
and James, of Mrhillop, and lie.age,
of 1{rehm.
\\'filbert Itengough, of Heiman, who
bar not been enjoying bis usual health
for some time, l,e 14IlIt very seriously
ill after playing hxlwlrall on Friday.
the I l o
tb iusl. and tw the use II
cut111 g his lifetusdrfwrnt a et ti
operation. 1t was found that his
stomach was ruptured and his appen-
dix affected 1•y an , Ibexes opes are'
entertained or his cinnpluteirecuvery.
Two former well-known residents of
141 lo. in the petition of Mips Emma
Mluset', daughter of .1. 11. and MIs.
Moser, of \Vaterloo, and Frank Carr.
r:uuaa ieva:ial-traveller, were ,wasteas 4C _
at the Ilultle u( the bride's parents on
Wednesday, the 1hh inst. Mr. and
Mr*t. Cater will reside in Velvet/I.
Jury_ h.Header, A. . Parr andMisr Lily
Carr represented at at thi cere-
Farmers' Institutes Elect Officers.
At a meeting of the direl'Lo)'s u( the
liast.11uron Verniers' Institute held in
Brussels on Friday, the I l t h inst. the.
• 11 r.
Mel/illu11, re elected piesidenl.; '
11. Fraser, vice preridl:nt ; P. A. Mc--
Art h u r, secretary -treasurer. 'lieu
SI ulh 11urun F:u•ntrt•. IIl.1itWAS est
in Heua/111 nn Tl(►4ay, 1,111' 4:,14* •inst.
The new ullierrs are ; !h•esidrnt, Alex,
Jluataid vies pre*idt•nt, John T. Alli-
son : seci'el.ary-t teahurer•, 11$, H._ Phil.
I M. family of Shanley
Legh:') lS. Cl1OK, TIi.A('IIlilt "I'',,It.-1.1 a tetitMo, .H II, ! • of 1:41141
;14 r.. p1:44init. Theon. n.nnont - :tart "0 bleu -Int. Ltthl•4 1111ice.hastwrrk.
,., ,rl.nnt- 1' .41• Iabµuel. for •aauun+y • ',1.11.
01 Teton,1 un -ret 4lul11 of Mn•i • 1 •i•I1- A 10.1 r 3. 413114 .,1 :well yia"ve11 '4114411
„, ii. , t4,t.N• „i.rM,tiod.:41• 14 .4011.141.4 1144,4 :.. 4,14L I...l iv it ie,l; 4•I/1114. "t thrill
A' "..."1*""' uf.Hl. Al.'. \1.4eeu 1.4 'wing Iroise ILP tar West. ,. •A (taint, 1 heOn was •-.ire& tafte-
If 114 J'4a41fi..l 44.4.1-, 1,1i., het .d W.
the errrruuny, 1411(1 1st ►):411 Cllr. and
J. la�l 44 \\ us;hune, ,%1,-.„ i..wa(! MIs. King left for ,1 ,two wrekr' trip
Medical Jti.tiu :lveau..1 111og6:au1, w11a_tua1-`dowullae_ 1. Lawrence. after' wbieh
`11:s. I': \I111:ItSl))1 & '11 ICN lit: Id... rMgI in St "'tiv1 - chin,ll,'1'nront. they • will reside- in Hwr«all. • littaslr
j utu 1Veh,raile3 ad' iaht %.,,k to Misw
'rit, 1,,,,,,,„front somata, oakvine.
A. T, 4. .4 4.4V.10.1"1, M. It IAlluau 1• (.uarii •, o4 that, u y. 1 ort'ArIhur, Kincanllne• and lihe',ley.
�w S. TtActntr !t It The Nate Mn. Hiram Hill, Clinton.
14, . II tte111 1)l usurers.-- ---- J+N.+N.'LuJ.. rlitrter „t 1:n.w11, .itg,141j.1 +unit
111.1.. .r., n. residenae.,Nrell, stH•,t• .•hoir14lnst,•r „I 1Ae.i4y ,•hur•'6, ,'lin- After a long and severe ills'#. Mrs.
r, "*.".1.G.Fn.*. r,mrldus; ,'. nn•• Ins:. 14/11. WM.. ui1u•,) 1.1-1 week L' his wife Ilirsru Dill,. Clinton, ,e.r4 away• r,M,s,e1.+11.114,1. l 3 1
(v„•I.Nr•! or Yubhr 1.0.r3, v ITm,r 1'a. :1,1141 41uug1!fel , Nit -Alter. from Sear- on Tbueelay, the loth inst., to the
how', "Yorkshire, England. They land where sulfe•in4 is unknown.
111 \\'. I'A1•4,4)\\M.H. have taken ',p their residence in the Deceased, who W44 111 her flfts')llrst
,. -..t. \..0 1..41.r% ,,,,,,,,,E,,.1,. tn4•4). , 4148). w•a4 a dtughler of the late
, 4:.1) ..,n,,-. T„1,,,,,,,,,„., IA•�firhtdiw- Ne 11111 1/f liley. :►gid Same. 1411,wnle1. sit Mullett. 1n 1tC•i1-
SIN t)-tts4,-yrixre.--line;-Wrntdnr,xr:-"f •t11w wxsaylµriwLLU * liilL. hu xti-`
Legal Mw)'i4 aged -.'#easy-three years, and two children, Fled and Bully, and her
]u, \lathe -1/n, .4 Gadd,, irk, ta.yrn- four sisters and t hem brothers, sur-
. tismer-Meer-W. J.- t-and-laaac
{. 1-Islf.t - ,, , ,\. ti season )" 441 z aq,d rtgtrty-ted yerirs, a1'' Irr...111.1.•••1. ..f 1' airier and
1 ...C... y, %Li e) to lend at among the new arrivals at the pin ty ►.• •• �«L,ktun, xC! - -- -
{„s,., , .a,s•. ♦or U, �lr.r•t, 4.00,•r1cA boats 111 refuge. lire of the deceased. Among.
'•sir 1..1,..41 IMl'e•. h,,Sl'444stn'Natdrday4 shoe a .Inhnrtnn. of tbs. Ilowick thole• f)'oin a distance who ettentied
j"1y /' K� the funeral Were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
town S;Ile, flaw a ten -weeks tlsl- rent.
I IAMEItt►N, h. t'„ IiAltltlS• Little, Th yfrird7 111E -[1)H Mrs. \\'m.
II 11.1: -.bettor. nne:4,) 1„Ibll•• littler-
with 11 three tont fret. the extra 1/114',
tt.m.. i Street, (lodes kb. 0441/ dour faun .441111•14 grow•.. aur of the letle.rk of the lirow,llrr and. Mr. and Mrs. \\'11401)
right (tont loot, la-ing almost the nor- Iiruwnlrr, all of liuderich.
-- .-_ - • . fowl site. Me, Johnston wilt probably Cleary-Kdloraa Nuptials.
\ ' I \ I I, bat.• N. a+'+puulted. Sit. Jana. cllur'h, Seaforth, ecus the
ikimi uNlwT. -HAYS _
,,,.-,,. •,rhrnor-. u
trlr.L 4,rsteri'.11e1,o r - " I). Neil linin. brother id the late scene on Wednesday, the hath -a.r>,k,
p,inar,•. 114,41 neer c. a \ • 1. , It: H. 1iu1111, M: P....1 , aforth, was u( the marriage of Miss Not Kill n'an•
t'.n.t-blend a! 1, n • 4114))e•.4 to yeasts in hs 4tIuratorY yto nuu dal daughter of NPN. John Kit -
w', )4):I,t'IiFIyrT. K. , . I.. • . 14 I 1 -. Ir.) 4, R
I 411.X114. t.4hl0rni1 On the ith inst. :\(ter loran,. 1)f• se:a(nrth, to Edmund 1.
grnlnwling froIIl 31c44,11 4'nit'crsity he Cleary, of 1Windsy.r. Thr bride, who
11 1 `' 1.1 t..\ 141:11 \\ . 1. 1. I4 . l4 141 I„ , t used in :u St. My4 until loot, wee rt•r4p14'ndrnt in gown of white
. •;•.t' ' w I.• -ii he wrfLAlruth. duchess satin, was given away by her
heather, Jaiuea L. Killoran. of Gude-
:kir. Her maid, Miss Norah Cleary.
sister of the gl440111, wore a 114141141'
gow'll With pmts' bonnet. 111. Lis.
Killoran. of Toronto, h1'urh.r of the
4kWr,...eupput•ted the groout. Hee.
Father Coltman ofRliated.- Mrs.
1)'t'untell and W. flays ten -tiered solos
Jul ung the ceremony. After a motor
trio thi,n) h
the :1)vtern Staten Mr..
C w' a their
end 1,1,x. Ilea, ill. take, - -p
residence in 1Vindsur.
W.JJin11 .t' H....s.JI. \
:1 putt • wedding'took place at the
house of Mr. Neehulds, propnietl r 141
The Hensen Advocate sea 1'hnrrsla of
butt week.. when -las der. iter, M1..s
Edna. was 1unirrird to Arthur 1ii)t12�
'1'. It. agent at lien .1411. 'Phe ert•e•-
y was perf)rnletl by Bev. Frank
Powell, of Cliesley, assisted by Iter-.
Ni'. Smolt, of Mensal', and Wali wit,.
111•NN•li by about twenty --five friends..
12 o'clock nota. The happy tsouph•
stood by u batik of flowers, while the
r4'retIianly was performed by Hey. T.
('harlerworth. The bride was
tastefully attired in e► dress of cteau1
voile with 444146 tri tutnin4,l, and 'eat tied
x bouquet of pink and while cat•ne-
li . Mies Merton. Nene, V0144111 of
the bride, urged its flower girl. After
the net Pomo' Mad cunteratillations the
company rat down .t0 a dainty and
sumptuous lunch. Ileehler the guests
re.4ding use Lawn _ there well, present
Miss Jean Mef1ain, 'Tiverton : .Miss i
Nina Huwows and ales W. 11. But-.
rows and dadglitvr, (Itslrrirh. Mrs..4.
C, Hopi,• and children, (h Ierirh ; and
Mies Ado .Olay, Nils, The ju'e•4Pflts
were numerous axtd curtly and showed
the high esteem in which the young
couple are held. They ineludrd a
1audstene warble Pluck and teasla,unr
(1'0111 the employees 4,1 the Jackson
Manufacturing Co. '1'lle brides trave•1-
ling eostuw, was 1/f green cloth with
bluulie of embroidered voile and hat of
tusea I braid trii ttttted With /cream
roses and tt1'au tulle.The
couple left on the 1:22 train for Lim.
don, followed by the hearty w• bates. of.,
a haat uf_fruuds. .
Etang du Nord. glue„ .lune 31st.--
itspeelnl.t The pluetuutstrr here, Mr.
Damasr 4.4 Bourque, it to he ruugrat-
ulated-limier Rut what lie wuuLetl.
After hunting around for over ten
)Nates he has at last fouru4 a cure for
kidney disease in 1)txld's Kidney Pill,.
','his is how he relaters --his experience
of these_great kidney healer.:
,71" ens ui4tSciNd wiiii kidiii\' -tt ass,
and for more than tett year's endured
all the agony that sutfetei'N from this
complaint know only too well. FSod-
iug that dultorN and all ot6Nr tene-
t should have Meru
up. hut 1 WAs. trernustlttl4atley_Dieltts
Kidneys fills end 1 ,.w lrlmestly say
they cured me with six 'lnuxe's-x114
Made a new than of 1114•.-
"I "1'l se." said tIs' mo de:Ay baby to
its anew, nt•ditatively, "that my in
r•litaation sit present is due tohmedi(y,"
"4,...h..4 way do y4.111. 1114:11....)'
tend i asked (he nut he IN 'haply. -
"1 want," Kuhr the society baby, "lo
given big bawl."
and j
pain 11
ant _t'Nr/t
4.14 taut
{Lrn'L have your vac dim) -spoiled by
to pain of sunburn : and don't have
n• skin pi•Iqu moody freckle, frnm
1(110 e11144..
$Hit 11)'4 11.1'1,11 ex. t•1•1s
i1441 W1114111 nus a"Cly res•• the
tuilnn n, but IIa•••venl implwl+-
4s from it. . rim Birk applied
rti give, speedy Caws. 1 t
also Soothes blisters, arhiug feet,
chafed 'dare', insect stings. etc. See
that yet take it with you ler the roan-
` Mother. sh Id • know -that for
baby's chafed p •tors it 4,4 better than
powder. Also
eczema. prairie f
from; riles ,„rill fln
.111 Jr {gists and ego
worst of it when
bet .+f el het,'
for heat rashes,
It, etc. Sufferers
it indi.pensahle•.
be martieg4 sit Miss Janet Efiza-
, 1,11i \- fl r\ • I; \ I:1:1' I 1 1:. 40 111 1li.Iop, second daughter of Mr.
tont . ..•-..•-- _ -T,1 Nr, .h1),• _ 11...1..p, 44 '1'• 4*1. _
:wetly ot. Cio111oltt•, 1..1 4. •1 \W.
1111,':. •.4 Orangeville, took 111,4re x)
insurance. Lniine. Etc. 1 t1,.• h„nn• .d the -bride'. parents .on
11.,1tn ..lay, the 91 inst.
V., l ) (11111 Pi:" \ \ 1 1 I' 1,.,`,"',
"' \ 11• t .I.1 j ' Mt.. 1.,•ttil• Mruitll Rod Miss item'
, ;' 1'441rtt, of 4'44141on, left nu Sol 'inlay.
err the
- wh
Past., 1 111'
law ISIl u>r
+1st-. Winnipeg.
,1 I: 4.''1,1.4.1 ".11\.. booed ens married the following
1 ( 14,.,too,-(1.4y to 1)1, ,1' \V• \\ inthrop.
, I\ -t I: 4‘. .:1,.1.`• .til IStttleforl.S•tsk. Nils. I'i'kett will
1 •,.. 1.,,.1) r. a t,. to, .n -I.. , .„ .,...,1).
te.. � t 1st tlo 1)a. in the 11•,•sl brhn•r rr-
A' V1) h.Nl'1
".i 1:
I , , ,,
sex\1+. 1
t 11 1'111 II
e.n.r ,
Thrtk'Pnn i,•!,1r.nt :,,t .d•,•
.-, II OM. !Anatolia. 41...1..11, F.oK• \\ 111. 1.. Avg", te''''eth ly' of 4.'l'4044-
4 •.., ..001•41,041!•••••44.4,..lin001•41,041!•••••44.4,..Thr 1 . • li,, • at ho last ye.11' 114,-4..4
hie honor
F.; �•raud-anar attar, fent. it nal
n•-klr. ee, uortha'.t. curses 01' \1,• lit 41 1•1.',,I 1t 11111 r\ 1111111411 m with doe
'1)1•., 1:•4111, Darla+ .(r1',"-, 1111 1140tll,_l4'i. 111it'1r1/11, 1141, 3,•01 e,111,,) 1111• fiat 111
1)IIN \1'. ('1(4.44 4K. 1: FK :FIIfj tI,,
l,te wintiitg a(WO l
1nta d v re1dr0t !".""' """' AbI"fur 10g''1q
IL4kr .rholars
- in cbruustry and
use. It ,•td nnla,t ).aicAM-Vi n 1 L..1'. ,ao4ra ugy- . -.m1 ...... /11... sork4.01111.01.1..14. n••nMe 'e in 14i
mtMlaItr o,-Mn.�\..,srKeAKIr,lsirlstitt:anrdthN;r,ha-t,• �4'Veil Mrli,tgor, of the 1)d 4NU/PF-
tele toniel4 situ of tst.111lry. had a miraculous
- - - e 1lye,' last week. Ile Was sitting 443y
FAIT-iNietTL CA ` eu. 1it..tderrr•tr11-kiugrthrtslby in a bansAssured ' -
_ - mock when the lighting i1Tt'iledt--tttt=
y C It A N c k 4' (4. Farm and 1.01 4t.
tett..e. J. II, A1.Lenrt, Pr4 ,-Mlle n r• 'ibis aide. 1.4'1 ti 4)g Ili. Lmu+4-
1 44. 4.1s ah,1111111illg 11M leg sovr•t-1y,. ..theft
.,:../lath-. She. TrJ..t -4•afrrtfi P. i'
r axying *tit tgil Chi• floor'tn,tflecpllar.
Nur w•x.--1vm. I'hP..m,y"s(aforth : ,fign/
11,4.u,•te, Winthrop • e1e•ora" I,.al.•,-i4 iufurU•: 111) .\lon,lat•. 111:? I Ill' insl., •Shiest.
John l4mnrw.l. Iruld40:.1anu•) 1414,),,'. I1"e.-Ir .p:,. 1lu4nU 1,11,1 \firs '.1 Ir)11144 HawaI1I,
_.-wsas4-t-11,41.,,--N`+aaa. -44644.14; Tho•. 1T:eer, .
Itnueneld : John It Mr4•au, Kiiven : J.a. 11I4�;0t4 of bast 11'awatul.h. wear. willed
Cannons, random- iri•Inittel Inge at 'Ft unity church. Hlyth,
J, lw, .w1', n°1'111'0'1114'. a441n1 10r-TCi•-4 l•V, t he l ectot. M1•. 11(14 -Alt•,. lluinll
Anton. 1'ullephohkt, can I.,n .Iwsr•«mens.
n left nil n home moon tel . to 1100011
R,d set thele curd. R. - Ntr(0t Torre g Y !
pprose . tllmnn, or 1)t R. ll. ,'sett'• r.'',•'e•y. and other !stmts. They will make',a, lin,1,-0,•h. vhf 41' 110me 11) IS/I711, \\awt►noeh.
Marriage LIcenSee
WALTER h:. K 1':1.I.1
abet lir, 11, 41N'I'.
Watchmaker, ie.. I Ir. nod 11pri.ln,
Issuer of Marra:arse 1.1ern..e..
1'r , LANE, iSSUER 111 MAHitI-
Ati 1: I4rcm•ee, Nrderirh, a )1)t•
111EI'l(►IID"IA)I"K "AIIHERS113)1'
'fat. wrtl•k 1011,411 and •444n.41144r .414(1,1
patr,e. the )a•.t ''Fire in -having,
ban '"11J,,g..rte:.. etc. 14141»-' -heam t.,•ritat :4
')..'Isl'y. ,a•nly -trilled ballet• emptnyed.
ImrlieIs,will , npplr.,.,l ,). H. n.
111 TIf`m, t
/41:F( Proprfefoc.
IIf)MAS t 1 Nlrltl', !IVESTIR'K
x1)41 genet 41 earl lnu••er. 4)11trr+on Sen,h
`teed, where h,,, will he 1 1 at all times
when set ••rylnrr'*Ms, t'rrnt. re...mahle and
teary mast tared to x44r yon ,ua.ir1.4,1,4011
1 hrarrehr, err of•
my atlr..
. Ial'e -nett stn., real estate
Pall and talk It tt 11 h
(leo. Beckett,
ytamlton street. Goderich Ont.
Telephone No. 1o8
1'4 tn. Farm
1 n,erehan'
or ,
11i-= Maggie Coleman was -married
at the h,00.' of her soother in Tucker -
sent h, on Wednesday. 16th inst., to lt niatt,'u7'Mtxrmn
jaw, a foiwr
•I l u l „n i t e, Rey. Nett Shaw, -of- Kg
nnnulwill', nt)44' tied. • After their
wedding trip to the Coast Ale. and
Mrs, Iiuuatt will take up Their trot=
&•Hite in cif her Lomb of•rirh.
Th. )sly- w to runs away from home
n"t•'( 'baa .i1' gn„4 a 44)1114 .a.1' he
4h,Ilght hr would.
',aIl' sermons might be more Inter-
esting if they were not one -side.: argil.
A New York waiter, pal() $:GI a
month, has saved 11201), MI in thirty-
'""' year.. Thi. IN not so much a h11rg,
1)roMr'm in arithmetic 440 in the social away by her father, wore a gown of
to °nom , of the tip. mousseline de @pie. Mise Vers
Andrew M. \V:u•wi-k, of Vegreville,
Alta., formerly of the 2rd line of
Morris, ;rad
111.111 411.1. 1)l' 1lne1.111• 11'ar-
w•iek, e1 Brussels, .Was nor•ri'd in
Knox elunrh. ('.atg4u•y. ',) \Aednes-
day, the !It It ins,., to Miss 1essie, rpplN in cantos, Sib. leaves four
4.1)18414. r4f g iI. 11,•lailghlin, 111 µ48s: (icor P William, Robert and
milker. 'I'h' e, wen!
,who iI R butter LIMP", Rad on.• (14441444441•(', Mrs. N.
mak'. by bade, w'nl wca tun years Il,arn, of tVhitehawk, Sash An-
ag"• other esteemed resident of t.he• town.
R n i1 h public 11,s4 NRs p;►n4''- ship answered the full call 0n Sunday,
.4ricken 1or 444 nim'- on ;, rrr'nt aft,•'" the lath inst.., in the person of .lane
11Uon tv6'n 4'144rn 1Will11nghhp frN IluuMRy, relict. of the late ,Cohn Mc•
from the Irvlg.' wh4rll pl",jrrls .fn on Na ,}4 4hP'ln,1 rnncesrinn. Ilrr'ae'd
Ihe. In141ding three fc't. farm Ilse 11 ,4
Isom ill flee Rfxntt rigt)tern
months and for the path ten months
had been confined to her conch. M4•s.
McNay, who ens seventy-one yearn of
age, was I he eldest daogghl.•r of the
Inti Peter Itvtns.y, of Tucker-nlitl.
On her marriage in 14114) she a'lt led
with her husband In Ashfield, where
they resided until VIM, when Mr.
from himsuifi'ring4 ml Tlmrsltay, the McNay pnfchr.1d the old Itarnsay
loth inst., paving away at the early hnulestead. Since his death fnln
Age of fifteen years. Iiia death to yi••at•s ago Mrs. McNay had resided
pN•rulitarly 0011 ft».ul 4440.1art thea Ibis with her son, John. A good wife and
is 1111 ,1.ond eon of Iohl the perenta mother. deceased romhined in herself
h4ttl• been bereaved at the pant few nImt o.every trait 1)l feminine excel -
months, Imre. Two lona and two daughters
'Wedding hell. chimed cheerily at mourn her loss.
Ihe howls of Mr, find Mrs. ThomasWatts- Panne baker.
Hessian. n f Clinton, f,armerly of
\Vingham, on Pride!, the 1Ith inst.., A pretty and iplet wedding was
when their daughter was ,ioinel in eelehrat/'d at the honte of H. Penna- to Arthur Read, of Pitts. hither, Clinton, on Wednesday, June
1'44. The bride, who wan given 4Atb, when hie daughter, Florence
Mary, was tr✓oited M marriage to Thos.
Watts, the event tlaklag place at
Exeter Loses a Good Citizen.
Duncan 31eKay, who for more than
e • been a respected
half a
1 nUlr had t,
resident of Exeter, 'joined the silent
majority on Mat11day, the 1211, inst.
t)reeased rose in the morning in com-
paratively gotd health and went to
his work at the foundry. An hour
Tate he complained of not feeling
well arid returned to his 'Untie, where
he lapsed into a state of semi --con-
sciousness. - Medical - skill proved
futile and his life sank to ('Pet with
the '1'n• 1)eveit.rd was horn in
(iolspie, tiro;hand• seventy-two years
-oh-eu(Atng to 1•44"oda at•the war
of nineteen years he s,•Itloll in' 1\'o,hl•
stork, where lin worked at hes trawls
an a sh0enakrr for a year. Then he
rrnnr44)41 to Exeter, where he r'sidrd
earl)inurnlely until his death, with the
exception of tern years spelt on n
farm in the township. Deceased had
heel) 401 elder in the Exeter Presby-
terian church during all the years of
his residence in the village ; in poli-
ties he was i1 )+launch Liberal. Ile is
survived by two sone and Iwo daugh-
ters; his partner -in -life predeceased
hits last February.
Two Called from Tuckersmith.
Mix George, Atrosig, of Tucker -
smith, who had h'en confined to her
led for the past live months. was le-
ten.ed from her suffering 00 Thurs-
day, the loth inst. I)eretteed, who
was born in Ireland sixty-six years
,Igo, came to Canada in l'4.S 441)11
settled on the farts in Tucker.mith on
which she passed away. During her
long residence in the township she en-
deated herself to all with wh she
14)0( 1,1 Rud oh whish s,nnr of the chili
4rrn were walking. on seeing the
5)111)1 44411141(1 that the little girl 0114-
I lined .'trema) 1/'(.11111' It1 and others
Ferdinand .1., sin of Mr. and Mrs.
ya ftnr-g11G1:„p 144gruesi49l1114. who had
M'rn an invalid for years. was released'
are the
medicine Choi
will cure Dia-
betes. like
Bright's Dis-
i..ease this die -
e a 4. was in -
era b l e until
D°dd's Kidney Pills
cured h. Doctors
themselves coulees
that without Dodd's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia-
betes. Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
11,.at ever Cured Diabetes.
lulitations- boa, nam.and
41111, are advertised to do so,
but the medicine that dors
is Dodd's Kidn.y Pi11s.
Dodd's Kidney Pi1L are
fifty cents a box at all
CARPET A11 older.
LAYING promptly attended 10
t'hat ee• model ate
le..p,,:• 1` ....',•a .., 440.," land of) • .1 Itar,ier s
Stu/ e Stun ', e•t Strout.
Re-htenou-Fastin Atrnae,.. ))
001)kltll'li, ONT
TOWELS and TOWELLING.,-...10.-
OWELLING,.►We have just passed into stock a large assortment of Table Uoens,
r•eprenentltlg the hest ulanufacturerN of Scotland and Ireland.
. Table Linen by the yard. unbleached, from 2.'rc. per yard.
'fable Linen by the yard, bleached, 301•, 75c, skis and 11.00.
Our special aasortMent. 1 puts, Linen Tablecloth and halt a dozen
\':tpkins to match, only $5.00 per set.
r are showing some splendid valu s in Towrl • our special
,t 2fU o. 2 i lC r a winner.
Sheeting*. Pillow Cottons and Pillow Cases.
were fortunate in rimming a lot of Sheeting* and Pillow
('intone in the very heist tota11141 t, much under their regular prices, and
have marked them very i heap'forquick selling.
A Special Line in Summer Blankets
As Flannelette Blankets are roust likely to go up in price we have
bought a very large quantity at a very clove price, and can give you
the best, value we ever offered.
Special Quotations given to Hotels and Boarding Houses.
For the Summer Cottage
,\ c11111plete showing of Jap Matting and Oilcloths in every wanted
width, lowest possible iiI't i.
.Modern Way Seems to Make Massage
More Than Ever a Lottery.
\. 4, Imitates.
My sisters, ' said- Brother i'Iairded,
"at now busily dreaming an wedding
'Thr days ago ave,all went to a
wedding, ul'1 of 4. -se each (1T Its got
a nice little 'N,x of wedding cake. and
every night' "it0'e then sisters have
been putting t ere boxes under their
pillows nights an dreaming on 464.111
111 nee Whorl/ then'
going 10 11)441ry.
•' 1'hwe 1/111.11 0141 Ing,' yon know,
that marriage is a 114 rl•y, any (roma
what 111y sisters tell a 141rm1. lh"
111016.1.11 way of dreaming it wedding
ra,k1• 1 should Kay that I mage is
now a greater lottery than ver. • It
seems that the custom onceae to
put the rake under your pillow 'three
nights in succession, and then the
man you dreamed of two ,rights i.ut
1 Ise 1111'PP nights was to he your futures
husband. "that wits the old, the
simple -way, before things had taken
on their quilet41 presrnt•diiy elabor-
ate cosigdications. In these days
dreaming on wedding cake appears 'sir
be r:arried un like this :
"Yon tzte".evenitttie PtipBvt-paper
and on crash of Nix 141 these von write
the n)tt t• of a suitor, leaving the Nev-
enth.Ifp blank. 24 *here vara have six
.1ipa. with name* "(1 and one Dank
slip, wind now without looking .at
them you six these slips all up ti)-
Pthe r sit that you won't know which
ihu3i74nd then.j911ifj4Ut'alt seven
slips together in an envelope.
"By this tnutlern method of dream-
ing nn wedding cake. with the en-
velope system, you dream on the cake
seven nights in .ucceseIon, arm in the
or•ning of earl-Tallowtng duty you
'aro a slip from the .envelope, and
Its last slip lett in the envelop' after
the seventh night's drt•xsning indi-
cate your fete; if it's gut 11 n.1w' on,
why, Clt's the man you are uoing to
marry it it's the 'blank slip, why,
then yo - are gibing to he an old maid.
"You : •o that by this method there
s iut•rxln4. d a vastly gtelater annount
to get the
Phon.• r MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 't'h.e1
ty, Delicious New Treat
HIDDEN between two crisp, beautifullyibrowned
biscuits of unique design, is a fairy-like
cream, with a flavor of pure lemon juice. This is
our Lemon Cream Biscuit -our New Creation.
About 60 biscuits -ter -die pound.
Mr. Thomas Wylie (Box 384',• Galt,
says: -"It .las the luckiest day of my life
when 1 struck PSYCHINE, for 1 truly be
w 1n'bealiven w
lime 'shouldn't d t a o hut for that
••A neglected rotd was the beginning
of my trouble. end what seemed to be a
simple Jilnlent, soon developed into a seri-
ous and dangerous' condition. 1 got so low
that it'ASS scarcely
tor me to walk
around, and 1 lost so much flesh that i
looked like a skeleton. 1 was just about
ready to 'hand in my checks,' although
only 20 years of age. The medicine the
doctor gave me made me worse and 1 got
disgusted.. Then 1 struck PSYCHINE."
PSYCHINE 4114 miracles for me. The
first bottle gsvc me new life and courage,
and in less than no time 1 began to put on
flesh rapidly,and t felt iwason the high road
to recovery. My appetite returned, and I
'ate like a hunter,' as the saying goes
My hienda were surprised.. and hardly_
knetir due ifmhrre mon the t was as strong -
Ind well as ever, and returned to work in
the 1'niR-Tbave not hada asp's tunas
since. Nobody could wish 40, better health
than 1 enjoy, and it is all owing to PSY-
CHiNE. it should be• in everybody's
hands." ,
For Corr*hs, Colds. Less et Appetite,
Throat. Lung end Stomach Trouble,
take Psychine, Druggists and Store/
sell at 50c and $1.00. Send to DR. T.
A. SLOCUM, Limited, Spading Avenue,
Toronto, for a TRIAL FREE.
of doubt 11)41 uncl•rtanity, anti -T11
)(•rit l of eat'trmrnl, suspense and in-
_ very a►tly paplunged ; but.
w ire the oli a el simple way was rer-
un Iy tauter, the modern way,
thin it far snore seising and inteleet-
i11 • ca • be 1 Ilidisap-
s )-
t not ,t its dl a
F.. i 1 1
p sand l)1 iu Nw r • . Just see how
it may '111 tient :
•'All in ti t le 1114.1 • MSC names you
put el) 1h six writte slips there. is
;Milt w sure uh1' trnew t)1)e•
fer to all the t, hut in may r ire the
lust ii amu• yin draw out 1 the envel-
ope after the t st night's dreaming,
thus, alai! put ng him o t of the
question. On the Cher hand t might
lie' that the first ip you dr w out
would la' the blank, eq old ,nal slip,
and in this you world find • ►•tape
reason for elation and s'If-congrAtu-
"Again. the first slip drawn might
be nether the blank nor the slip hear-
i)lyt.11tr-Irani" of, him,. you referred.
fiat a stip wit ft -e n4rne-of for
w•hn11) \ruin eared, 1.•s. ; arid so ,night
MT. li. ii4n i "1144'(1Rafter day proiian
and growing all the time more bar -
riveting. to the very runt of the week.
"Snell is the modern method If
dreaming an wedding cake. as my sus
tors haw0 41) klaity explain"d it to 11)e.
.1_believe tht•t'e, 114 a reservation, if you
dnn't like the way one• week's dream-
ing e is mit you can dle)Ln again,
nn -another piety, that you gel tat the
next wedding you happen to attend."
The sin1414' eyeglass is worn by the
tide, 'Iter theory is that he can Dee
more with one eye than he ran rprn-
r.•h'nd.-('nite(1 Presbyterian._ -
AND the present remarkable demand
will be still more greatly increased
once you and other discriminating
women have discovered its delicious
quality. �he-deintieet biscuitT'iserf .city.
correct to serve at any social function.
Factory et t,sedon. warehouses at 110otreal, Ottawa. Hamilton. Kingston. Winnipeg. Colour
For " Ch000late Pudding" - for
"Homemade Fudgo"-for Ioe
etc ,-use Cowan's Perfection
Cocoa. Delicious in flavor,
nutritious, economical.
,Made In London, Canada.
Sold by all
skate, toe.
Try it t