The Signal, 1909-6-24, Page 2Trure'ui, JUNI 24, 1909 K hi(:14A 14 : 1:01)Ilati('I i 'JN'1',11t1U tomi ODDS. RICH. ONT.B1O, PUBI.1$11E1) EVERY T$UIRS1 AY aT THit ellONA1. it/LINT/NU (0.. LIMOS. Telephone Call Na Y. Terme er Sul elet4w : hIn per annum in an vanes+. Ins menthe. Sir ; three moot he, 1.5e. To United awe. subscriber,+, 11.30 a year trimly in ad vanr 0 8ubecriberr who felt le Ie.'', •' "''.0 RIQNAL regularly by mall will rani.. , ..r by ac. quelling uaof the fiat at es OWly a date se poaelble. N hep a change of address U deal Mt. hot%' Ute sad and the new address .hould be given. Advertising Rates: to &1 and other +tndlar a Avertt.ernentn, !'g per line for first In.crtiou and sur per line for each subsequent Insertion. Mr.wnrot by a nonpareil reale, twelve•a,oe. to an loch. Flustered card* of six line. and und1'r. IP per year. Advertisements of !Aut. Found, mt rayed. Rlt• .*Bona Vacant, dituatinr. Wanted. Itouse..ktr Bate or to dent. Farm. for stale or to (tent, Articles for arde, roe, nor esesrding 411ht I tinea, 85e each insertion ;$1 for prat month, Sir for each sub.aluent month. Langer advertlwe- I menta In proportion. A000unwmenl. In ordinary reading type ten cent. p•1' line. No mote. Ie.. than t1', • Any spacial notice, tho object of which it the I, pecuniary lament of any individual or nss,rt anon, to be ronsider,d an adverti„eellcnt at d W Ir cbatTed an'oc•tingl)•, 110*4 for Manley and contract ndrertee- name will be Risen 01, application. Add all oommnuicatl ue to ter" p -_;g(„; *VAN 11. PIt/171N41-1'U. Liminal linnorirh. lint I Unrurveyetl lands known be of equal valise with a e, :I0,00l,1101.11 acres at $. rummers'. land to the north of t _ Wrrtern P1.Ovinces., 1 11.,188) stereo et 42-- . , . Canals, 01110(1111 Intel tntorrotoniat Railway, do. Public buildings, cost..., Harlon and river., cost.. 111,1 Yukon gold grevel0 T ),1811, The above total.' over $1,'J'IM1,IM11,1141, or *bout tour tinges 1.110 public debt. To this may Ile added wetly other sumo if ,it came to a qulstiou of deter• g the financial condition of Can- ada. The. endeveloierl mineral re- aunters of the north, the immense 1 111Iwr and coal areas, and in addition ''amide is a concern with an income d $181,1100,0810 a year, whish, eapital- 2. 1,11.81,1181 'zed at 111 per cent.. 'would represent sir 11,10)I,IMM) to Ile added to the shuVe. The writer figures out that after paying the national debt the remain- ing visible assets would give an equity 1)f $2b1 for every man. woman and trill iu the Dominion. • urn/KtICH. TII I'I1stlAV..l \t::1. ca.. EDITORIAL NOTES. Spend 1►oulininh Day in tloderich. tTJtrettn - been neither loud nor numerous. 1n its civic. nweership enterprises MACKENZIE KING ELECTECI. The Cornet vat i ven of North \Voter lbw offered no swoon ion 1. the der tion of Hun, \V. L. Alaekenzie King Minister of Labor, wet./ was ded:tied elected by . acclamation un Monde) !Mt; There (seting among Conservatives as will as Lila ds that the young man should ha) can do in t warfare eats general electil In hiss htn ing thein for the hon hiteag-pleaded-f, " ship between our (olive workshop... a better untie edurated in -n of theprgblen conditions ,jalf%h,eonlr Int th ands who labor that the wealth worki may he produced. and a gt•e _opportunity for the 111011 in the war shop, the factory and the mine, o the railway and the sen, the laborer and the skilless artisan, to ri w chance to show what hr e new office, and pat t% Ir,l otf until the next e (demote thank' r 4101»• hint, Mr. relalit n - Gee and out ending 114 and the thous - f the t e\\r• n� through self•inrprovehent, as the men who here made history for the J most part have all risen, to take a larger share in the dischargeuL public Illicits which demandfor their_ rightful carrying out not more of physical than of intelle>rtual an moral strength." He added that he hoped to flue to see the day when a workingtnan would hold the portfolio of L obor, and when more workingmen ,'would find a place in Parliament -not, he hoped, as representatives of a class, In virtue of a Ham prejudice or a cines distinction, but as citizens esteemed by their fellows because of their desire and ability to serve the common good. A CONCISE LIBRARY. De. Charles- W:-Ek'etr-who fewenUy i�,liuelph is the Glesgow (demonist. In I deed% -t iT r iinaeran city thtncr n ran Rite the Scottish burgh steins l0ant- ern. The (iuk1Kteitntr is the Iuottu of the International C •il of \Vumen, now rodding its. quinquennial meeting in i T.,' ort.. that means reform f t hr grrOrmi raj'. not entitle it The remedy proposed is the grouping of conrtitueuciel, by two or threes or fives or otherwise, and the adoption of a system of elec- tion which would ensure a fair repre- sentation of minorities. The ques- tion is bound to come to the front, as the present rough-and-ready eye - tent I1 clearly open to serious crib. test. • -. ._`_.�_ No wonder the \\'right brothers. pin erg in aerial flight, are admired by their towortwople. After en slab. orate- rivir demonstration in their Inflow,. they norm called on fur speech • ee. and each contented himself with saying. "Thank you, gentleman." The Scots have a saying to the eHret that "a *het mouth and a wise held" go together. .1 number of county councils throughout Ontario including thecoun• cit of Huron county, are forwarding petition* to the Provincial Govern- ment, asking that faro' 4Wildiugs in rural uulnici,lulitirl be exempted (ruin taxation. 1'hr -petitions set ((nth that such action would have a ileo• uotlncrd tendency towards. securing the speedy improvementurnt and occupa- tion of vacant lands, and would en- ruut.ge falutera 10 implvrvr (11)44 lrautlty them property. -TCU The In• tent ion of the ti.v.•rnulrnt, The ti lithe report0, to submit the gne0tir.n to the spacial Legislative committee s ap- pUltllL.11iU Arid with._,O,.S•'ILjtt'_A' vision of the assessment act, • 'Chis 1" ntntit tee will proha hay be called to- gether early in the tutlrinn with a view 11) containing its work in time for the I,rgislnti%r erei,tn,7which, by f4'*91n of the change' in %jai tinanl•ial year of the Produce, will 111ee't xt • Jenuery, It r. estimated Chet the three prairie Provi c s are filling' up at the rate.) 1)01,0101 e p1e yea.'ly. ' The toad -T. -op ..dation of the the 1'rovineee is now estimated at 4.11sates.. The. very totes*, 11 :all &el 1'y Int we dy- ads 1'w 1111)140 trite. 11t v:ever, this may 1 , lo• pinch OJ? a novelty tater all, es tee led to believe that roost new marries couples live With their he , iu the clouds during the Brat [ days. Il is reported that the -Hasa of W fessional smuggMrii is rapidly birder. ng in ullmterr in the United Spat e high tariff luaintaioed by net tithe gives the smuggler an cepti al opportunity .f doing profits a business. :Ace's-is-SQn4..lalkof_We est -elitist aangrng jk .'rig of a• new daily paper in Hemilto yppipnt_The Spertater as the Co a•rvatire party "organ." Som people seem to have more dollars the Pbne. The Mpeetatur-ought-tsr fie Tory enough for anybody. Sir Wilfrid Cruris• has turner down, for the present. at least, Si Robert fieri.' p...1' a tiemfnr One con- struction of the Georgian Hay cons by a private company with a Govern nent guarantee of bonds.. Th cheme ib one which the *country ca Hord to think over for' a long tiro before undertaking any obligations i ennnectlon with tt. as• es. cur Rk- s DUNLOP. T4:10411 4.1i„ -WW1) • 'mL THN (lKgViitirNil Ex.l Robert Qnaid and. his d t ItI.•r, liertieat,*)4 the trip to 11Phoit .n the (itseyhon'nd on Saturday last. l t,ite a number f • round herr. went out Friday -evening on the moonlight ex- „nt,du1-.rt)•irlt l.y the way', is quite a misnomer, as the Morn war only two nights old Aril therefore no µse on earth. We think it a pity that the excursion had not been a Werk Tater, turn we should hate had moonlight in earnest. - - . _ Tux ELE1iJlll:_ Ay. -: The elect Incirailway gang bait gone Irick to 'finish the roadbed Girth -bort 1), hill will be back here later ut this week probably. Last Tlulreday WAN tun wet to work and some• of the y/ning turn took ody stage of their holiday to cut un "high jinks" at the corner, eome of thein becoming c rdetely paralyzed. Other's spent the night "We _Inuit go lel14are til ing," etc.• It is time such disgrace rya. helsOlor was done away with. R1'? Arepi tisday will soon Goose when the sale of intoxicating. drink will be abol- ished and Colborne will be a dry townehm, and the buys will he. able and willing to sing the good old song, "Farewell to the Whiskey. 0." n n - e n r retired from the presidency of Har- vard University, has male public a i partial list of the hooks armlstituting a concise library which he believes t contains the essentials of a liberal education. t io making choice stiffing the differ- e c e n e n BAYFIELU. Euaitau-tic, June 'Lard.' IVennisat Jijtt;t/i.-- :♦. we w,Tf-e. wedding bells are ringing in our vil- lage once more. This dine the bride is slims Lenna Irwin, only doilghter of AIr. and Mrs, lien. Irwin, a very well- known ,ind powder young lady. The groom is Rome Beattie, station agent at Trout Lake, where the young couple will reside in the future. Poor old Colonel Denison is Leri nr- ng the }tritiah people because they will not see that the F:mpire is going o pieces. The only thing to eove the ituntine, *Ccording to the Colonel, in he adoption 1'f interimperisl prefer. nee, and the ifritish people version in tinging to the old-fashioned policy of ree trade under which they have thieved their greatest industrial and ommercial ,uccessee. ent works of a great author, the aim, he says, Is to take the author's most eharacteristic work, or that one which a will he the most intelligible to the people of the day. "It in my belief," nays Dr. Eliot, "that the faithful and considerate reading of these books, with such re- reetdinga and tnemnrirings as Mallen!. u*1 taste may prescribe, will give any alt man the essentials of a liberal educe- ft p tt tin 11 a V n 141 It w 7 fr pr le ea Ih ti in ei ne c1' Pr li t1 If G t et • al fee in tit eh tie fr Th w ell Thr Visiting delegates to the im• Iwrial press conference were tendered a hahgirt by the newspaper men of Great Within, and that it woe a swell ,'axion is indiented by the following gores : For the bangnet there were rovide1 4110 fowls, 1(8) duel's. thirty trtlaa;-- ANL _-aounds-- of- -saluuln, tion, even if he can devote to them but fifteen minute.* a.day." The stele lions, as far As they have been made, follow : "Autobiography of B e n j a m i n Franklin."' . "Journal of John W,x)lman," - "Fruit* of Solitude," by William Penn, Flacon's "Essays" and "New Atlan- tis.' Milton's "Areopagitic*" and "Trac• tate on Education." S i r Thomas Brown's "Religio Medici." Plato's . "Apology," "Phaedo" and "('rico,' "Golden Sayings of Kpictetus," "Meditations of Marcus Antelitte," Emerson's "Essays," Emerson's "'English Traits," The cnmptete Poems of Milton. Conan', "Volpone,' IteanmonL J and F'Irtcher's" "TheMaidn' Tr*g yy ' Webster'@ "Oashes of Melly." Middleton's "The 'changeling." Dryden's "All fat Lovr," Shelley's "Cenci." Brownings'•Hl',ton the 14cuteheon," Tennyam's "Becket." (toed he's "Faust." Marlowe', "i)r, Fenstns," Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations," "Letters" of Cicero and Pliny. \ Banyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," };tiros "Talo O:Mhanter." Walton's "Coniplete Angler" and "Litres" of Donne and Herby' t. "Autobiography .f St. Augustine." Pilnt.arrll's "Lives," Dryden'@ "Aeons." **Canterbury Wee." "Imitation of Chalet," by Thomas s Kemps.." Dame's "Divine Comedy." Itarwin', "Origin of Species." "Arabian Ni1hta," tth'q of champagne and 2,440) eigor. arty titers prepared the foo.) and 4t waiters! weryrd it, using 111,140 Intel and dio.hes, and twenty tone of hind, gleet, linen and silver. Which II gt*a to showi(that, anybody' who enturee to enteHain_ a newspaper Mn, after hie ordinary diet .f "plain ving au.I high thinking,' should be Ire (1(a well -stocked larder to begin ith, Sir Hugh Graham's remarks at the mp erial press conference to the effect hot ('*nada had been "hanging" for seal's on the motherland in the matter f twin' protection have been widely rented in thio country. The Ottawa COP Pr1'14s yeti o ffectively gnotr'o 11111 n statement by Sir Charles 'Cup - .1., written lets than k' year mgr, : "Fr the mitres. 1 hove felt the in - rests of f'.n*da and the tune inter. tee of the Empire to he nppo.ed to e demand for Canadian rolO1nr- ol• aint.inth*tll'onx lath a di,eh*rgel tat duty in the manner mos' rondo• 00 to Imperial ititerrsl,e, • • • ('al- ta proterte her fishy, ie. by her own tliser•s, and when the Ilnps'rial Out'- ntnent expressed n' wish to Ire re- eved of the expense of maintaining Ir strategic Pointe tit the harbors of 51if.,0 And Ksgnimalt. 114* Canadian o"Prntnent at t+nre relieved thin) of nt large expenditure, amounting to 114.11001per annum." Proportional repreeentwlion haus a rang atvoende in Sir Itich;rd Cart - right, who believes that the present stem of election is decidedly impor- t. Taking the figure* of the rote Ontario at Federal general elec. Ins for a period of twenty year', he nwo *hat the representation of par. m in the hoots has been very far nn% a true reflex of the popular vote. at is, the division of constituencies, hither Accident ally or of purpose, is ch that one party gains an Ail van - THE PUBLIC DEBT. A writer spends some time diIrusi- ing the nal' 1 debt of Caned*, which amount. to $rZl,,WIl,1M0l, or 1k4:).72 per head of the population. Aa an offset he mention* WIMP of the country's visible a.eete, es follows: Surveyed lands known to he agricultural and of good quality, ie,t101),000 acres et Bo $7:A,Oi1t1,000 gate vote Of all the eonatitllencl.o deal w hart. of !tippet), uccepied 5, - Andrew's pulpit on Sabbath lost both morning and evening. haying ex- changed work with. Rev. Mr. :McNeil. At the evening (service the rongregae tion enjoyed the unusual treat of a cornet. solo. played by bne of the eonrpero, Mr. Winters, of Detroit: l'he ...election rendered was one by Paul Rodney, "Calvary." and it was very heautifully played. Mr. Winters will assist the choir during his Stay in Hayfield. PRH,o8.11,. Miss Ada Homo t, of London, is ependin; a few weeks at her home here ... Cleave Erwin, .f London, is spending a few days at hoose Miss Lizzie Cameron has been Visiting friends in, Kincardine for the past week Quite * her h herr took in the moonlight excursion et Gollerich and the trip to Detroit: amongst them, Miss Mary Reid and Joseph Reid, 1)r. Smith and -Wm: Mita -torsi- ---#{1st -Dairy- mid Will Scotrhmer, of the Bronson lime, spent )k few tiny.-- hist week •with (riends in end around Clinton Mrs. (41a*s and family, of London. are nrrnpying their rnttage on the river bank. AUBURN. I'RI'ItN HOUSE, ROHT. A, ROB 1 F:RTI0N Proprietor. 11,,,) nrnn,u101:1 1141 mt reasnahle rate.. w'EI. 1 real Preen 1,14 ,Nr a 1'.S4I114,11r,.r. tVansgmu.iv, ,nine Yard, Jas. Ffltker has returned from a f1y• ing trip to Neep*wa, Mon, Mr. and stir., Rohe Jones were it from (ialerich over Sunday. Airs. William Symington took in the trip to Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs, ('Portio f'rnstedt are visiting( friends near Sunt ford, Hurry Turner, of G,sh•rirh, WW1 ip( town nn M lay broking .1111 1 friends. ('ham. Howson is chipping to the Old Country this week two :nein yttit of Maple equnres. The garden party in en nem ion with St. Merk's chure•h will l held to. ,1mrrnw evening. The picnic of the Westfield Sunday srhool will he held in John 1\'ight- nr,1n'et grove. on Salim' nest, Mr. and Mrs. Ste 6 k, .f F'!int, Mich., are visitors. nt 1' 1 of Mr. llrlesig, who, sur re el to soy, is'vet y mirk. This nsek tIto 'D4.lpli1t pn.ple Ate ing the rh1(rrh Oriole hon the Boo' line to the'rhurrh lot in the cil- ia g1', .In. (`arter, who hoe been employed in the orgnn feetnry et Clinton, is home again, suffering from the old in- jury to his foot. Another cam* ham tarn added to the fleet on the river, the owners he- ing Metiers. Ferguson and Rbhetta of the Sterling flank, Rev. J. R. Moon leaves. this week for his holidays, Rev, John Young, of Ilamilton, will fill the Presbyterian pulpit next &whiten h. Un ,timidity Pvenirtg next the Ep worth League will enjoy 1 social even ing with the LP*guer. from 'Test - i and Donnybrook. The visitors ill prnyide n program. lee cream will tage over another to which the attire- fie he ryrveti on the pkrwnl:tge 10w11, and n *oriel time of great benefit ohuuld re- sult, It •v. \V. 11.i,(h, .f It.•nulilh r preached in tits Alrtti,al1.1 churches of Auburn circuit on Sunday and wits greeted by large congregations. The ordination of berthas' war ad• miniatrl•el to the latest addition 11) Samuel ILatrl''a family leek bundhy. The 4'rcohylerian c.ngregatiou°ia on theincrea1r, • Among those w14i-41144 itnwn UI I et .it on the lireyhurlud excursion were: Geer. Beadle, wile and 'taught Cr Mary : Miss Magpi,• \"sinuKlr�nt, Alre. W. 1'. Riddell and Mrs, Archie Robin- .uu. One progressive liveryman, Rohl, Itoltei4.1(1, how added to hie.,plipu.•nl a bom :time carryall capable .) 1••.il bug 1'01i-teen,.r sivrv.0 p1•le.nee. 11 is a 11411414unle rig :111 1 a ' 1.'Iil to any lia'rry. , pot tion of the nv11 to the notion is being gravelled, mid w.`un41essland 1141' Village folk are•yoite willing 1. furnish the 'I. -I!., if the f:senors will prol•idrthe t,,in,..,n 1144' tussah,.• of the work-. In the .ho.tin)r, .-obwl'Ptiliot*' Lint week .a11ht.t11 bests 111.11f by a (.41r.w mai gin. The 4.14„1 n l4'41 a Will tate pert in 1 lie count) meet at Pond 1''141'111 (WV 1.'1 v. .111,1 we rile I lies boys all success. 11' sf e fL Id 114.0, 111 te•.uu played u friendly match .%ilk Auburn Wedlle:41:ty and h:.1 .1,.1tt1)' Ihr )tet- terathe gal`.. crtu.• with the 1\ . • tr-""rn.. 1'i - t !- r--rirexr. W. tttt . 1, tn,.. ..i 1.. '''l.'''-.'., , nt 11;4, 1 -. 1 1,.,•n 11, 1 .el. ., .. 1t' a ,, 1 .Lau. ,.1 1.141.)': 1 ,,,, 1. ,1 t,t4.1 t. ,1 1 111 1,,..1,1:11.. I .4 1 *d,: 14/ 1 11 4. I .. : , 1. 1 , I'„• ,te•liel.•1 IL II that. 1 . t; ... , 1... , I 1. ' I'1 .,, , I. I:• •k b• i;;h'. 4114(1 , 4l 11 •ell .,'. . , n -.,t niers, tin(: for I, nn',•• 1•, beet--: �rlrT G..r. • 11.• au..,'ktt t, "i•• ,.u. \Chiral•'): %so ' I I I:, n 1 I %.I,t. 1- 'chic .. --1re I,, p ••' n I 11inerfr l IIu1 I, I,y„I 1111,•• IL, 1n•w 1,114.1- th4 i1.,, ,'•.. r••id,•nt .4 11, .. 111 •:1111%' :( -f.'1'. i,• n - aa .• Iuwb-vitrn-he let4.i u, 144 t• 1,Iingrllitlt111. Mg 'h.q...lirgt%)' I lic 41 .. sill 11 : "1 conies loll Lithe Lois tau' *11104• 104111' here. %Viten 1 eas .; (1.l( l never mimed :I .1.y. bat. man. I w.)s well lutist for't." • Il.- I4V,. 4 the .1 fl. a of chair leader in 1,•,11, . De:%TII or x .all-- \Vesox. Thr 'vai•1 , .e•Iilr1. of t! ne•ighlbn:h..dl ate, di0appeal itlg ', .4.411y. Las t Thursday , evening 11 i s r i!0 a1AdL( 11',aslm 1'l'ny.i'll the 1,.'ind try after o long journey .f seventy *Mese year., She accompanied her patents 141 thi. runt (•y and for the Yost meek or a. 11 heltei wtw..r.l .f the hu ose uIdd-1••'• .its mpi. �Lyuxau+.Cd.V til the log wane ,i,t,1• the roof 411 Ihr rot me home were InnTt. In Che w..0 wf elearir.)f wtal , l.•.f.t^,•tt Part noel in handling the axe she hail few e.l1t:i. in het• yieincer dors- In l eti;(iet1-rhe woes .,(._ anal - years her vulgar hone wav the olds place of worship for that rongregat ism in the neighbol'I1141m1 She in enrylyel by threr' einters and a bent hoe. Ilex remains -*ere interied in Went field reutetery. oreSatua lay:,__-.__ _--. Sn14ox11, Hinter. -Tate follow ialg shows the relit' 4es standing of pupil. S. S. No.:i.'tlullrtt and \Vawa- nosh, for MIay, hosed 11(111 test paper.% and general proficiency :, in. 1 n hklo's. Sr. IV. Roth Jdrks.n, Mary Itaithby, Allister Mono, firace Plun- kett. F'lomit.la 1 feffer..•',a11* Doyle May Itensteelt, Loire ac 11)1(1, in- nie Howson, Ernest ,lark 111, 'Bella Stalker. Lila Howatt. Htanch Perim. won, Alfred Leine, 1\'111. Leulp, )' ghlut 1, 1 ";Ira Tnhlirv;nle•. •. I V. R1)1x•rt Ph1Rlpn, Veld* Aso it h. tulie Stalker, Earl HAithhy, Est .n tiinchey, Peette ktytniugt.n, Ferktlson, 1.'nern,. Robi0000, Rose King Sr. III. - Monson Atr(linrbey, Arthur Letup,' \Villie Tarter, Edna Robimenn. .1r. Ill. Et1l. .St. Jt z: Ellen Phillips, -L.na Plunkett, Ag'-,•- Creighlon,. Ado Stewart,.' Reggie Mann, Henry- Taman, Enrolled al- tendance.:l; : ;,vertigo attendance, :a A. F. Jean.., Te.,rher•. .It:.' 1'I%t-l... . Sr. 11. John "' .*,,,t, Arrbie 11 .b inson, Ethel St., Unit 111011(1•%. Olive Tomlin, I1,yd it Fcdguw•n. ii. r.ennate1 1•nngblut, :townie Sym- ington. ington, Err.l Ellrie and wig Itnild'. ,rlfmtlt. \'i'•t.i 1'unAbin(. Pi, IL - beet Well of h V, Lluc n1 Mr Knight, i1:o, r'F1sn P, v r•g1 He*Alle. Sr. 1't, 1. fi .'tie Add. Maggie Armstrong. E*i a Shultz. N... II I Ethel Mmstiele-\•r•trrrfaemp; ttnhrna Neegele. Lwrll,a Rohinoon, Harold Naegeli', Eddie Karl, Audrey Dorsum, Harvey lIsw«m, No. I. Frank Seri l)Igeotn', 1:len ltai1 hby. Freak (•1„a -lora' Num. Enrolled 014 tendanr•,•, :12 : ' 1. 1)181. atlend:Ince, 32. C. A. Srt..vri:n, 'I'e•arber. Bnn1 o ng -house row, i, mil, .f U o things . het lire writ Inaeted: Sint a luen..atualte4netre 1-14,4".11-1-1,"44 W nick I they ('0111r0)111e to shanty that' an id 1.•n doe. .ben rhe lays an egg. 1. "# a' set: ---..1,.`:- •- •-- tb ,, f � A' v. 'ir1=' . 0.) ^1•F11:`,� y Di'idend Poli('ies. ' You pay; tie ordinary 20 pay life premium, and policy will mature as an Endtnent at expectation of life. Booklet • Free. London „tic, ie • COO ON"'0 DAs G W. H. 1tOF)1NSOt,i, District Agent. Scalarth. 1'114. !Witt s•• 1,41n .f the Vrar f.r u girl 10 Malls is in %h1' fall. It's an easy Matter ter turrets* reran to NUM lits when the bony un'un is 1)n. The Leading School e'CEHTflAL � (/%1. } `!tl loin *.". ,,tee 1,1.11'111,141, our teach PIA exl0•ri4llrrs, 11,1.1 0111 41•ae1160te•' ,.t:np). 11' echo 1t:.pn a.l lir, poslt11,0 Y. iW1'111" receiving 'natty application, (f.r ',Me' 'helps• lilting It single lay this w'.•14 sur t.-. sired seven MI plioati.ns for .111ce help and. font 1 I'W'-0trmmerciol teachers. Ottrgrod- cnrcerd its mintr0Tf4Pfs.` ` Tht•.. dep,u•trnenl s : , COMMERCIAL. SHORTHAND and TELITGRAPHY j (catalogue free, F:Lt. it 1 1'r, ♦ .c VcL % it t. i N. t I unrip:dn ••••••••==_eink FAl-I, I ERM ()I'I:NS • AuGUST 311th. • • :• 11111 gafi,.1e' [ ' f,• .--i.1'rd to 11, b'•-1 tore 11 %eni1r al IWO�+ M1•a.n' PI 2 ere n 'sun to enter al brei, ruing of l ran, • tore scone-es f.,1' ',,_,• w'., as -1, ,u Il i,(i F1N I3t )1,ea)S COLLEGE LE.r.etc ,• r,1� I I,I,,;p.,j ==.=••••••••�+ Central Business College 4; I ANDS ready to help young men and' women to win Independence and sunless. It has given the start to thou::ands upon thousands of young People. It can help you. Write for Catalog,'" Enter any ante. W. H. SHAW, Yonge td Gerrard 'its Toronto. 5. 1 L W. ACHESON &SON. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY and MONDAY f•lOShEtRV. 141 duacvt ladies' hi*ek ('0114)11 Idose, warranted 54eiuhas, full f,asluiou.sl end snowless, Site•r 11, UI, Regular price' k•. latunlry and ,'Monday wily. 2 pairs • ?sty UNDERWEAR \lea's double-thrrsaa Balbriggan Underwear, libel finished .end overcast at'au4s, all sizes, :(4 to 12, shirts 0nd Species "I,'. per gurulelll- drawers. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. Corllplete reje,. 1(1)n from medium to very high grade, alt sire*, exceetbnal valuer. CARPETS. :01 pieces of wove anti union Carpets, perfectly Iever1ible a,al :*1 inrhrs %vide, all this reasoner buying. Prices ranged 3.1c 'lo (0 -' .),mal •ole now at )x t' )card horn,,,, ten TAPESTRY CARPETS. i 27 inches wide Tapestry Carpets, t'r.ir, Wee',., grreur. Nrw patlernr 511111).11,' (..r any rt'unl u1' hn11. (4 111. flies world regularly up to site a yawl, special male Ilei ya1t........a5C LLN_Qi. UM$ ANO FLOQR,OLLQLQTH$.._-14e-carryThe la Ne ee all O w glum dirt i • 1largest r (t. . Abut forty . f r v e . patterns to relPrt from �,. floral and block patterns, in 2, 3 and 1 yenta *ids, Special sit per noire 2 . 35C. 45C god Sst W. ACHESON' & SON. \I \l 1 I I; \ t, 'j\NI XI. BARGAINS Hats for Saturday F E I)L)I( \,, __ •I'I:I.ES(, ten't's 1'1141 STIFFS ItFilil'1.All i4.. :*l, ft i,i4t, ??ill AND *1L 8) QUALiTIEfi volt $1.50 I.ET IN 1'11,,\1 1>,, THE TWO MARTINS jailors and Furnishers SOME REASONS %VHY You Should Vote For the Gas By -Law t. ,, Jam' Bonus In anked frein the T. sun.2. --The (company will pay taxes on its plant the seine as env nth' . ----tirt(piration. 1t is not &skin;; exemption frim) tAxation. t -The Company w4H exp*nd in Goderich CLOUD in putting in ,t, plant and nLtins and give employment to a lance n,nulm•l n' men. I. -Although the By-law fixes the term of the franchise at :1) years the town haat hose privileges.:_--- - -_. - lot It ran put in a plant of its own at Any time. He it ran atony time event the same rights to any other Person 'Ir corporation. In other worths, THE FRAN1'Hf'E 18 NppT EXCLUSIVE. the ('Ompany *eke is the tight tet put in its gas main: in the atneets, the work to be don • under the supervision of an ,,m -el of the t.svn. (l. -The Company will se,p01)• goo as cheaply lin gas is supplied in any .1.4.14swa.ety w -i++ 4 ;tet 7 The gas to 1s• snpnlird is as gnn I a gas for fuel a. is supplied in Tot unto. 11 1ton, Iiuelpb, /:alt .r Berlin. s. The Company intends to put- in a straight coal gar sr,tr„I 15 ) will nl,eln,fart1118 i1gas hour '0441 Alt n•• Some Advantages of Using Gas :'. It is an ideal furl for c,.kin4 and healing purposes, and 1'".L great dial lees than cool or wood. An onlinery family can d•,. all of its "poking, m'aphing, (reserving. ete., for abmt $1. rel. month. N. flora err light. Nn coal or woodmfir ashes 4., yhon1nnrw11e.atNo.ut pply, ke, Ni) dirt. It in nn tap at all times just A- I or F'nr power purposes, foe use in gar engines, it will 1nvenne half the coot '41 Net and do away with thy smoke nuisance. • Some Testimoalals .1 11. \V, S. 11.14 44x*. gam engine expert. gay., •' Your 'y*rrn, ., 1,1•, 1'•.0. of rmtrnihictut'ing go. in certainly exrellent, and superior In nnv miter methods now in nee. For power nee in the ga• engine it iht equal to nitttlral gen of the beet quality, of which I !nave lied considerable experienr•e, and owing to the eheapn.»• ._of manufactm'inR. l.atnaate.to say theeijl•ine ltiatbs.ammutt power of thelagP." - Something for the Workingmen 12. Electric lightis the ti,•ll marl's light. It is installed only in about 3444 horses in (lode' ieh. There are at Treat ft1f1 more houses in lirbderich, e• eciatly aniongtet the workingmen, who would he glad to use cheap gas for [Neth lighting end cooking. The vote takes place on Saturday, June 2(1414 Postel. Don't forget the date. IMAM 7.914 RIBBON Talking About Buggies I I if % .,1 ester thinking of buying :1 new Ilovgy 11sim year. we •IiinoI/1 It• ♦ 1,..1.441 1'1buying a tolls u-,ltl YON.%%,. handle 11•,. h,•• 1 1: , •••v nn the nl,uket \ THE MLLAUGHLIN OI:C GRADE ONLY and TIIAT THE BEST. The I!Mtl mrxlrl* :u1' dnnelic.. let um ohne! you the tine points of the new Niggles w1' have just placed in ,tock. N. 11. 1 have tthtrn the agency for the McCormick Im e• men,. ,and stn now supply Seceding and Ilarventing Mac men manuf*ctnrell by this well known company to anyone siring Ile*t•cl ism 1'nrin Machinery. Wm. Knox,! Newgate and Hamilton Streets, GOdenrh ADAM'. WAGONS COCKSHUTT PLOW FOIL ECKWEAR '111;\ 1 THE 0 ' ATEST HIT IN YEARS 'i't) give you n idea )f the immense popularity of this i kwear - . eleven but red dozen were sold in Toronto is a beautiful alone to eight men's nishers. This ifill line of tbbon, made espe ally for neckwear. The de- sign Is stripes, in all th most fashionable shades. I' 'Le 50c. See window alis •►v. - Straw Hats Jendid aaso•tment in the • Ktng flats, price 7:o' to Boy's' Shirt Waists A • • v e tonally gptd lot., made '.n .f tc•nna•tts of `nen'a shirt: in.; made ,c,tnlarlyyy would root lie, our price ale. Sizett12to Ise,. arts and Collars \‘'•{or• hot weather. The ne ml cree%lione in %%'• ( k it. Phirtw nd'enllar,. Fancy Half Hose A splendid line of fancy mush - mere hose in green, maroon and grey. Specie) ''✓x`, Walter C. Pridham L