The Signal, 1909-6-17, Page 66 TaUYDAi, Joapt 17, 1909 DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by Ly!ia ::, i'ink- ham'sVegetableCompound Canifton, Ont. -"I had been* great sufferer for five years. One doctor told me it was ulcers of the uterus, and another told me it was a fibroid tumor. No one knows what 1 suf- fered. 1 would always be worse at certain periods, and never was regular, and the bearing -down pains were terrible I was very ill in bed, and the doctor told me 1 would have to have an operation, and that I might die during the operation. 1 wrote to my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Through personal expe- rience 1 have found it the best medi- cine in the world for female troubles, dor it has cured nae, and I did not have to have the operation after all. The Compound also helped me while pass- ing through Change of Life." -Mrs. LETITIA BLAIR, C'auifton, Outgrip. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from roots and herbs. has proved to he the most successful remedy for curing the wont forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation,. fibroid tumors,Arnim- 'settles, periodic pains; backache, bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion, and nervous pprostratinry. It costs but a trife to try itr&nd the -result has been worth millionatosuffering women. tigro =em=eu»� FINE TAILORED CLOTIIIN6 FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL. When made by DUNLOP The Tailor West St. I 1 T SERVICE TO aw • THE SIGNAL: t.O1)Ntti(1II ONTARIO Jnternatronal JYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Questisns on the International Sunday School Lessons, Prepare,/ by Rev. Dr. Linscott, Brani'ford tnegl. erect 1n accordance o. II, tet oiynght Sunday, June 20, tow -Renew. Goluen Text--%Vith great power gave-- ),Ire-. *poodles witnuw of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Acts iv.:33. The following review is planned f r all who are teeing up there Bible Studies, whether having actually studied the eleven hexons here re- viewed or only a part of thew. Even if this is the fire'. lesson which has captured a reader's attention it can be wade a profitable lesson in itself. The date end title of each lesson, and where found, the Golden Text and one question fur each lesson follow : April 4 -Acts x.:1.4S. Peter and Cornelins. (:olden Text, Act* x. : 35. In every nation he that fearuth Flim and worketh righteousnees is accepted of Him. Verse. 1, 2 -Can yoy give any good reason for believing that God today is not as well pleased with a devout Roman Catholic as he is with a de` volt Protestant. or vice verset --'------ April 11-1. ('or. xv. 1".2ti. Easter Lesson. Golden Text. I. Cor. xv.: 31). Now is Christ risen from the dead and become for first fruits of them that slept. Verse 12 ('an you mention a single nation; or tribe, or people in the past, or the pre.ent,tbat has not believed, or doe, not believe, in life after death in some shape? April le -Acts ix.: 1-31. The CMn- version of Saul. Golden Text. Acts ix.: 4. He fell to the earth and heard a voice saying unto him. Saul, Saul, why prtaecutest thou me? • Verses 1, 2 ---How do you account for Sautes bitter hatred for Christiana before his conversion, and that alter be became a Christian he showed such a spirit of love towards those who were not Christians? (This question Is to be answered iawnt'- ing by members of the dub.) April 23 -Acts xi.: 19:10: xii.: 23. The Gospel in Antioch. Bolden Text. Acts. xi. : 2i. The disciples were called Christians first in Antioch, Verses B1, 311 -Should the church of Christ todayhe s practical brother- hood, caring for e another, and helping each other financially. and in every other way as the nerd may be? May 2 -Act's nu.: 1.12. PaursFtret' Missionary Journey -Cyprus. Golden Text. Mark xvi.: 15. Go ye into alt the world. and preach the gospel to every creature. Verse 3 -It is clearly the duty of the present day church to send tuieeaois- aries to foreign countries and into new districts: it it equally tho duty of all teen to help support ouch mission- aries? - May 0 -Acts xiii.: 13-52. Paul's First Missiouary Journey -Antioch in I'Isidia. Golden Text. Acts xiii. :49. The word of the Loral was published throughout all1he--reg' Verse 14 -If a protrsred Christian does not attend church and act like a Christian when away from house, is he a real Christ ion when at 1 , no matter how he may act when there? May 16 --Acts xiv, : 1•:44. Paul s Miert Missionary Journey-Iconiutu. Golden Text. Pk. nevi.: 5. ' All the gods of the nations are idol.; but the Lord made the !'leaver's. Verses 1, 2 -%Vas the unbelief oC the Jews a matter of the intelleet through lack of evidence: or war it a matter of t (, t the heart : the sure nett of their rebellion n since BoaoBoa. • Ili g May 23 -Acts xv.: 1.35. The Coun- cil at Jerusalem. Golden Text. Acts xv.: 11. %Ve believe that through the grace of the Lod Jesus Cht'.ist.feer shall be saved, even as they. Verses 0-1 i - - Is acttie! expeeienewa+f- Gal, and his dealings with tor, conclu- sive proof of the will of (lad in the matters which the experience covers? May 13 -Jas. ii.: 14.41. Believing and Doing. Bolden Text. Jas. ii.: 4h• Faith without works is dead. Verse 15 --Can amen have true faith ia(odi'b.-ia his fellows. fellows. and doing all he can to help t t hero ? June d -Jae. iii.: 1.12. The Power ,a-- Tongue Liable/1 Text_ Prov ski.: 2:t. %Vho.o keepeth his mouth and his tongue kernel!' his soul from troubles. Verse '2-lsthe control of the tongue the key to the eontr•AI of the entire man :' Give your reason*. June 13 -Heb, xi. : 1-40. 'Heroes of Faith. Golden Text. - Flet, ret. 1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. the evidence of things not seen. Verses 1.3-1f a desirable thing is Arntty'possesred by faith, does t give as much, or similar, satisfactioq as the possession of the thing itself i tm ltiltlrn creamery, men. ::e 40 se. Cheese- Steady; recelpta. Kn, state. fuU- 1' cream xpeclxl.. 15% .• to Nyc; do., laucy, 121en. alto., uuutnuuu to lair,.. slate ■Means, special*, I0,c, du., full to fine, :c to tar. eggs --/heady; reeelpts. 18,c'I; Stale f -urea. 111111 nrart'y fancy scion lost white, 25.' to .3W': dr.. , fate. 1.. •hole.•, ..4 p. to 144µ•; Miran and mixed, fan. -y. ': do., -full' le chutes. 9I5e to 33c: west,rl. extra. first Z.'; first, ac; see.mds, 3w: e. 2ntye. soetbenl, ISSee to 304e. • CATTLE MARKETS. Ctablis Strong -Hogs IOa to_I5.c Hith- er at Chicago. Lori DON. Junto 14 lunda1 ea01.0 for Suttle ars er•O II. tot tae to rcr 11. for Canadian ,urea. dressed wriallt; 10- trcrrater tea/ le quoted at 1bt,r to te"ec tier it, Toronto Junction Live Stock. TORONTO JUNCTION. Jen 11 Receipts of live stank at th,. 1 ;,:' Stuck Yard,. were 36 carload... cote ast.og of 723 cattle. 1l .,h,,'i' ans1 3 rulvcx. Cxporters. NO shipping rattle were soh.. tent toes week's priors wool! probably 1..\e been Paid. Butchers, Choler butchers sold at xi, r.'. 14 1'- ewt.: leads. of 'need $5.40 to .$ fig. told11.1ir to LS .'S4 common, 14 75 44, 5•. of cost q'talltY x,dJ frown Wel l0 s. ' -medium cows: 54 to M.es; R, to $4.2 •s' Mltkir. and Spriw--re. Ibretpto of milkers and sprint, r' w''''' I; zd t, but prices remained et, ady at 570 ler =air Ptirk. • Veal Sraltsa, Few were offered tilers stood), at Why Chris tie's Biscui*4s Sheep. an • aso • s. Recedes Held ',triers steady. fir L'w*1 !'.was i4 4) to N :5: runts. 51 to Spring it.nibe, 5tes to xa.,T, per cwt. Hops. H. P Kennedy rel"•rIs ,elerte fed and liftriereetlertytertrer:-ler few s--ert,e SS 'ie: -fee '4.. rare, at country poli,.ta. : 11/i titr.al Live Stock. MelsiTRPA1a Jane 14.--er:t • • ' t the M,nr(reai Shwa Yards' tt Market. the rceelpts of live*t.., ,. t - S work endbt; June 11. were-::::. sheep and Inmlra. las) !bogs and whll.• the o(f,•rh'gs for Ural, this morning were Ulla cattl ' • an.1 lamps. the 1:oGe and tan tutna fully T per cent. of the rata 1. were crwagrrs, wh„•1, Is the fir of flag class of. stook 41kb - 1 ry.nxidering steerage .loath)• red ! a no 40,1.0* as etrong as It has 1 n. of kite, own.); to the 4ee1 that the su4,4!'- was 011e4 1larger and ltd», coupled wit'•. hot. mugC) wrt4M'er. trade( to elle, lo tt:e, .1.•- nomad some. Cable advl,e. front Liverpool wore stronger and niggled an edema)) ,.f 'sc to It, per pound. Itellirtrarie firth. bet there was little• demand- tniht--eor,Ortere herr, op account of qualltY and ltl�' It priers. Fs(ra rhM,e steers *04.4 41 1, ,u, choler at Mei• to 414e, good at 6,e- to 40, fair at 51,4c to iterre medium at 1,4to to se,. end the common at 4, to 416e 1•e- !b il.'a rine* were ati'.nt steady tender -a fah- de- • are the best r`+OOD BISCUITS acre made by more than one or two manu- facturers, and can be baked from any one or -am excellent branc s of -flour, but the Christie way is different. The -best tnillcrs in Canada ship us (simples of their flo4 twice a year, or oftener. We test the samples an4 select tt.u2 hest brands for our purpose. Vt:eVerldhe brands \lhiltt sic batt pot col thea5.- kItglEEM Pis MAN & Btu?. [rico 25 ets. to 1. MBIAI2D'S LINIMENT --LIMITED - sows To C C IncMMRdSLIII THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BENAME OF IMITATIONS SOLD 014 TIE MERITS OF MINARD'S LINIMENT keep on blending and tcstilig bye actual baking until we get a dou•.cod enough to Sustain, or better, the 'hntiti • rep P ation. . Even' ounce, of Yaw material is .carefully analysed before it can pass to the mixing room. The best sugar, pore, fresh creamery butter, new pure ingredi- Sunday, June 27th. t90q-Temperance Lesson. • Rom. xiii.: 8-14. would that have upon your intentions Golden Text. -Put ye on the Lord and actions, so far as (God" is con - ,Jesus Christ. -atom. ziii.: 14. corned : and if it would change 4v Verse 8. -is it always sinful to go Verses 11 -12. -If you knew you had into debt, when you have no visible to die inside of a month, whet effect in ns of ying It? these in the least, does that not prove •Is •t ri Qr wrung to go into debt that you are now living wrong and whe yon have nothing to pay with, are in danger? if your creditor knows your circum- Most people are initially and spirit- stancesually asleep, and Tatty art far into Is a bubiness Ivan who has honestly the night ; what are the conditions failed in 1 sinew and given pp all he which should suddenly startle such has to•his editors under"moral,ohli- into full consciousness as' to (heir Fation to pp the balance of the debt, danger and .their duty ? If he makes ough money to do so Verse 13. -How le it that the night out of future business? is the time selected for w many bad Under mode* business conditions, deeds? and the law of loite and righteousness. Should a man ever do a thing which when wholesalers !sell on time, or give he is ashamed for his hest. friends and an adequate discount for cash to re- neighbors to know? tailors, why are not' the debts of an Does the popular conscience gener- honeiit bankrupt retailer the ' legltl- any. or always, represent- (trays apt - :mite loss of his creditors in common tude to a thing:. or are there some with himself? things God may be pleased with Wherein consist. the folly and sin which the community would condemn of a wage-earner In constant work as wrong, or vire versa? getting into debt? How is it that b.lrruunta are gener- te it the duty of everybody to love ally screened off front the public gaze? everybody, the bad and the good, ene- Why is it a crime for a man to get mice and friends f drunk ? %Vhat is the advantage of loving Why do most drunkar.l+ get drunk everybcwly, to ourselves, and to those in the night, or away from public whom we love? gage? Verses e -to. -Give reasons, outside of hoes the drink habit generally lead Bible. that will cover all circum- to the other four grave evils nu•n- es, why it is always wrong to 4►s- tioned in verse thirteen ? these five moral prohibitions. (This Verse 14. -What Is the sure remedy most be answered in writing by for (be drink habit, and all kindred of the deep 1 evils of the flesh ? M 11 such act+ an are hero for- Does putting art Jesus always mean bidden travene the law of pore to putting on strength 80 we can con - make t 1 sinful ; for example, if trol all the passions of the body, and you had 1 ill a num who was about the atnhitions of the soul? to kill nue • our loved Emelt, would Lesson for Sunday, July ith, 1900. that be minit Paul's Second Missionary Journey.- Cen an act�w'rung that works out Antioch to Philippi. Acts xv.: 36 to for the good o l , xvi. : 15. Leaving 7 a.m. Arrive '•� Lowing 2:$ p.m. " Solid Vestibuled Train Smooth Roadbed. Comfortable Cars. - Quickest Time. All Through Trains. Leave 'Toronto 5,25 Arrive Goderich l0 to 11:25 6:3It JOS. KiDD. Agent, Goderich GRAND TRUNK SY's EM DOMINION DAY EXCURSIONS RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE Between all stations in ('anada. (food going June 3Ith and July tit. Return limit July 2nd, lido. ALASKA--YUKON- PACIFIC EXPOSITION SEATTLE. Very low rates via attractive routes, Daily until September 40th, 190e. Return limit October 31st, 1909. • For tickets and full information apply to F.F. LAWRENCE, City Agent. Office hours 6.311 a.m. to 4) p.m. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO a parties ? A - st)rd. _- A Presbyterian m i Fr of "a West- ern•State recalls wit (1 ight how a loyal little girl in hie to day school proved to a playmate t a her min - tater wean_ .better .preach no_ the minister of the church h .h the .ase4l playmate attended. ' ba. come well known in the coil m city that Lbe Presbyterian preacher be- lieved in short sermons, whi preference of his ministerial neu seemed G. be just the oppporsite, nd by this point the little l'resbyteri n clinched her final argtrntent : "Ever t*ely knots that your preacher' preerhee fifty minutes and puts the'1 people all to sleep, and our prescher en ti do the sante thing just as well in I ten minutes." TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursion Tickets on Sale from Toronto, The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN BAY , MAGANETAWAN. PICKEREL and FRENCH RiVERS. Crossing iAke Muakoke at Bala Park and along the shore of bake Joseph. skirting nearly one hundred bodies of water between Toronto and Sudbury. For literatnt'e and fnll information about fishing .and holiday rates, Writs Paseenger Dept.., Toronto, Ont. • .a Sews yri of OAitments for Catarrh tMt Contain Mercury, A.'merrury wll enrol der°, the erose of emelt end completely deterange the whole sy.- tent when enterica It thmnen the n'nrol+ear Loves. Much articles •Gould never be we'd ex• rept on pre•ellpt ion from re•miable. physicians, es the damage they will do Is ten -fold to the good you cue prw,ibly derive front them. Hit's Catarrh ( re, manufactured by r. J. Cheney a Co., T,, u. it., contains no mercury. amt M taken fete ally. a'tl"g directly ulnen the blood end n roue 'urfeole.. of the sy.tem. In buying Hell int*rrh ('fire he more you est the genuine. It 1a taken internally and made In Toledo. 011ie. by F'. J.'t heney & co. Testi, menial. free. Sold b itrnggieth. Price :.5e- per bottle. Take Hall -sI. Family Pill* for constipation. This Ons He Fancied. A travelling salesman at rived at hone about 3 o'clock in' the morning to discover theft hi. wife had given birth to triplets. He was delighted almost beyond control of himself. "My," he said, "i must go right in and wake up Dooley." Dooley was his next-door neighbor and a dog_ fancier, He pulled Dooleyout of bed, got him to hurry on is -clothes. brought him in about half awake, and A,Woman's Sympathy stool him before the triplets. "Aren't they dandles': Ile -waked. :Dooley gazed at them ' in a eeoui-awaxened state and, still rubbing the sleep frorn his eyes. replied : "Teti : they're all right.. I think if 1 Were you I would keep that one in the middle." Mow He -Knew. 4 Are yon dbronraged? Ts your doctor's hill a heavy fnancest mad/ Is your pain aheavy physical burden? 1 know what these mean to delicate women -I have been discouraged, torr, but learned hew to ora my.elf. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the. min and stop the doctor's hill? I ran do this for you and *111 If you will assist me. • 11 Frau need 410 Is to write for a free box Of the remedy which has been plated to my hands to be given away. Perhaps 1�tg one hoz will cure pnu-It hes done so rgr ethers if *4 1 shall he happy and yet w111 he cured for 2e- (the root of a postage ,tam ). Your 'fetter* held ron6- ment. l a 7'. 40 (41.1 RArfs.mWtnrd.V. Ont meat. Munk Twaipp at a dinner :it the Authors Cliai t1l oilier' day maid t 'Speaking of fresh eggs. I ata u' - minded of the town of Isgwarh. In ty early lecturing days I went to 8 wish to lecture in 'Temperance Hall. 1,11 41145: in the afternoon. The town d very poorly billed. i thought fl out if the people knew any • a all about what wise in store em\ So 1 turned in at the gen- re,A t a'1,te'rnmrn, fHerat.' -E said to al storekeeper. '.trey enter- li.- a G/nigh' 4 -fir heip it ile Away hi. evening ?' al slutekeeper•, who was rel, +straightened up hen -lir on We apron, 011 th for era( n the gen tainment stranger w "The gen arlrting name wiped his brit) and Reid '1 expect th n gent' to be a 'lecture. i teen se 'n' eggs all (lay." THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futur s. Close High. et, Chicago Lower-Li4e Stock -Latest Quotations Manda), Evening, Juno 14 Liverpool wheal futuree closed tlttcheng- ed to ltd higher, men, (.4 to 14.1 higher. ('hleagn July wheat eloped 'Mr wer, corn 140 lower, and oat* aur lower, Winnipeg. Options. wheat -July 81 ars. (ember 11 (e4. tats -July lite bid -October A0sc 1.Id. Toronto Grain Market. Whet, fen, bite) Il 31 to 11 40 Wheat, red, bush 1 tg Wheat, gnnse. bush 1 71 ... 4t 0 71 Buck(3a, wheat,Dnshebushel 0 70 0.21 teas. bushel 0 t1 Harley, bushel 0 a4 Oats, bushel 0 al Toronto Dairy Market. Rutter, separator, dairy, lb0 le 5Igor, store Inas 0 14 Sutter, creamery, Ib. rolls0 23 nutter, ereamory, *elide0 22 ERRS. w-4.ld, dozen 0 if Cheese.atmr'heese, Mt *le 0 14 , 1p 0 13 New Yerk Dairy Market. NEW YnItK, June 14 -4,,,, .'. Mir*dv; receipts, 14,370: creamery 'prelate, :Sty, to 270. (official). 28'4'., ext ran, 31' to 9it•c, thlyda to fleet, 71s• to 7404*-. *tett* dairy, enmmen to (meet, 21'. to ;'0e-; pro- ne**, rnmmen to op*elal, 111e In 24e, west- ern rectory_ .413*. -Vie ►0 3c, wasters. eels - ate'.- ew.pll*e _Mees - ample trade was done et 1111 541 nor ewd for selected lots, weighed off the ears rant, a,Tihree Trnm 1,1%Prf.nn1,"T.dirdi l aril Reis- 4.4.«,-M.laevtey ,.w Canewiten 4.e.e,«--a..t,•et a d,..-Ithe o1 Is to "_'*.'per eat •.•1,.. .'f smell masts won (ale, fur ..w!.---1 .. .1. - mnnd wax t,.'t ,.ry orkedt.. id.- • •' ruled Inw,•r with Antes at M r. Spring lambs were st.••,Po ..t 4- 4' • each, nod talc,-, from h 1.. 5• t' t Cana.l,an 1hrlfle 1.4ce ..t'., L `.1. ".lets for the week 0)441.0 J; '• n • 1Faa cattle for ..=port ace•n, cattle, 1'n sh..p and bomb. -. -r Fla. supply, 4h ix morning eonsistesi �•«• • • -.1- 11., $A sheep and I•lmhs- ;;7, *-*went. Ezperts for ?he went: n• •.• rattle. East RuHrlo-'Cattl.e_ Itarket ISA:** Itl'F'FALt. V Y., Ju, : oat - heed. print...,+s „Iii 7rf�7tFai�� T. prrnn.r; r'r1m M• G S. •Mlgdng. x0 10 1' i1 4 .t,'o.es'. x' .'' 1n 5a C,; h.•ifrr., $450 to L.:'3, nnw•s, > • . wl to T.; huts. Il fe b, t buck ern nod feea..rs, 14 $ tr. $5; stark heifers.,. tL"S Ja 54,3. _cue's au4 aprleasra, steady te strnne`rn to Vie. Veal.-R...elpts. 20.10 head: awilve and ...Ay ; i1..ge-fleaeIpte, 15.1.0 head fairly ne- nye- beet gradca, 1'•.• 1,, :o -r: elead)': heavy, 1+ to 74.Jn: re:"ed. 57'14) to 14 11'. Yorker*. 5 _ t.. f: Y•, pigs. f: roughs. ,elf 50 to 1•;.C. eta;;,• • L5.:.4 to 5s. dairies. 17.,5 to 414 Sheep and Lambs I:'.+-,-'.:4 t', .01rl,4 to "rba. 'aceta -e -amt, 15tea,1t nh0.3,. .tt2w the 40 SOr lower; Iam4.e et '.1 1,. x'•; y.:url- Ings.. f: to 57,54, ,.re--,,.• - < g1.55 E. 4: twee,_ 54.10 to 54.73. .1'.0 mliid, $2 to $1 New - York Liva Stock. ' NEW Yt14K.June 14 4:., ..s-IU'•••-Ipts. eel, stmore, strolls( an I a shade higher: bulls, slow to a shade Lower; (hitt caws steady; others, steady to 1Oc Lacher; •tegem, 54 to 47_3', hulls, x2 75 to P.124: rows. 1055 M R: dessse,l 4.eef-tn foie de- mand and steady. Calves+4ierelpte, OA, lower; veal*. x1.74 to 5x 2.. Pew tops, 5s..'•:'t. • u110, ai to 1525; Ituth•nnllks and grassers, 44 to 14.124: dressed calves, lower; cih, dre.sed veers, 5t per 11.• p. It).; bra at L""'/ie-:; eoudtry dressed, 7c 10 Ile. hogs-tteecipte, &',41 fees. all 17.40 t0 pigs Included. ents mixed with our bleed of flour, in the Christie scientific way, yields that Iightful, appetising crisp- ness and delicate flavor wHich has made ChrL tie's Biscuits favored above attothertabt-edaintiesfromocean to ocean. Yes, Christie's are the best biscuits money can buy, yet they cost no -more than just Ordinary biscuits. Sold by Grocers everywhere Christie, T_3rllwn & Company-, Limited, Toron 0 21 0 10 0 24 0 20 ft 14,4 o 13)4 Chicago Live Stock. ('}(ICA(N'. June - 11 - rattle- e c.riri ated s4 T,rne market eteadee.t.HN'e. IlieM eyes, r,.fi to r.T; Texas steers, to 1474; western shies. 1(4733 to 15,3 starkers and feeder., 1".0, to era -Hafer, fete fo tam. critvee..1e to is Hire -feral pee, estimated et '110 market 10r to 15c hleher,'pial. 17 mixed, 17'-0 10 $7'e-' hoa'c, e-7 roughs,- 17-.15 to 1:-51, const to .hot 1)"7"c,` -?11 to 7477T4ns; 7I*'. try.*: -'...rete fir 'Mins, r 1„ r 14 4'4.'-* ii^'•e-1,4a,--eettw.w,.4--ht---u'u,". ,o*rket Sema,*.:&,*Uwr,43 Vs -4a.112.40: -stoat- ern. 5175 1s. 55.15; yearling* 54 tar Y 11 wets, ntve, V l r y tet -T... w" '.4n7 -Y.3 71 is MI5. LITTLE DIGESTERS Posiavelk cure Dyspepata. Promote Digestion. Money back if they fail to cure. At ...I Drugtists or direct from 25c. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO.. Toronto 3 T ,e ,40 • A chocolate confection of rich milk choco- late and fresh shelled walnuts. Simply exquisite. In and ? pound cakes: THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. - R3 1 • Thr worse may turn. but the grind- Dow Hinny Head people Me -ht -H1 1 f stone has to he turned. And how few we meet ! ' RUPTURE • CUREII AJYOUR HOME This 1s not a truss Cure, but a treatment you can use in YOUR HOME. NO PAIN, DANGER or OPERA ON, no loss deem from your work. Wrte today before your U PT U RE gets any wares. DO N T WAIT. -13'01 in • Conine - 'fame .1ddress Time Rup .9Qe and mail is _-_ J. FRO Dept. C., xa'Ontario STRATFORD, N OKE Try our GASIIQCSE Coxa Fine for furnaces, ranges, heaters and grates. More heat and cheaper than coal. .) per ton cash. New Coal Yard i handle all kinds of hard and soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nothing but the best anthracite handled. Terms, without exception, CASH. D. F. iiamliak, 'Raw IA IL- 'PHONE;15 OR 24 w45 -shouse Car. Wc,.t When on want 1 airegards) (street and) TH5Bl'.'T at ock Square COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND t* A 11 coal weighed on the market soder wt,nre you gel 2,000 lbs. for • Lon. WM. LEE. -\ r, 1"'• at'('. C. 1,44F;14 Hardware Store .. d,• of >,luatw, promptly attended to. I'll Explain Why I Always Drive a GENEMON .4 The Goeirne neicrr" "You see the breaking of the springs causes us baby drivers more trouble than any other weakness in carriage cars. But there is no spring weakness in the GENDROIV car. Note that double curve. It is exclusive with the GENDRON It so distributes the strain that the spring never breaks. And then the wheels, -you see they are specially welded, and cannot warp or break. Note also that little rubber cap over the nut of the axle. Sometimes when I have a restless passenger, I want to drive the car around the house without scratching the furniture -it is a little point, but a good one. The materials for all the `ENDRON cars are the very -� best in the bodies, tops and every other part. There is style and service in every GINDROfr model -Canadian made, so that any unexpected Accident can be easily remedied.''' SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. WRiTE US 1r YOUR DEALER DOESN'T CARRY THEM. Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited TORONTO