The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 8A Tftomil•r.Y. Jests 10, 1909
TUN; SIGNAL: t:01►N;Irr '1,. t►N't•ARI
Allen- Smith.
A quiet wedding took place yester-
day morning at 0:30 o'clock at the
residence of Mi. and Mrs. J. W. Smith,
Kaat street, their eldest daughter.
Elizalwth Moffatt (liewiel, being
united to Frank Mason Allen. the
ceremony being performed by Rev.
Jamrs A. Andersons pastor of Knox
church. The -bride wore her travel-
ling costume, a tailor-made buil of
brown set in cloth with hat of us hes of
noses. Bride ant groom • ' unat-
tended and after rite ceremony the
happy couple left on the morntng
triin for a trip to Toronto and other
paints, accompanied by the good
wishes of a host of friends.
Carey -Hamilton.
A pretty ebur •h wedding look place
yesterday at 12:31i, noon. at St.
George's church, the groom being
Oswald Frederick Carey and his bride
Miss Marion Hamilton. The bride's
brother, Dr, C. J. Hamilton, of Corn-
wall, wes here to give her away, and
besides Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton there
were t he following out-of-town guests:
Mrs. Shannon. !Mss ROB/land Mies El.
wood, of Toronto. and Mr. and M.
Dttelley Holmes, of Winghau. The
invited guests numbered abut twenty -
Ave, and besides them many interested
friends gathered its the church to wit-
ness the ceremony, The church wise
prettily decorated with white lilacs
and other flowers very tastefully ar-
ranged. Geoffrey Holt presided at
the organ and played with faultless
execution, breaking into the Bridal
Chorus as the bridal couple teetered
the church. The bride wes in her -
travelling costume, a blur rajah silk
suit with hat to match, and she carried
• bouquet of bridal roses. The rector,
Rev. M. Turnbull, officiated, and the
choir was present to assist in the ser-
vice. After the ceremony the wedding
party drove to the bride's home, where
usual festivities filled in the interval
until train time. The happy couple
Tett on the 2:4e p.m. train for trip to
Quebec, amid_ the good-wishetuf
The following . nBW�s, he wed-
ding of LFT. Herbert
former student at Goderich Collegiate
Institute, which took plaee at Detroit
last week, is from The Detroit Journal:
White and green carried out in an
artistic arrangement of daisies, lilies
of the valley, palms, fetns and smilax
will form the decorations for the Wed-
ding of Miss Zoe Marguerite Austin
and Dr. Herbert B. Woods of Elstow.
Sask., which takes place this evening
at ball after seven in Grace Episcopal
church. Dean McCarroll will perform
the ceremony, assisted by Rev. R. O.
Cooper of Riverside. I11. Miss Austin
will be attended by a maid of honor,
her cousin, Mies Family Nimmo, and
by two bridesmaids, Miss Irene Woods,
the groom's sister. of Belfast. Canada.
and Min Dora•Cary, of this city. The
groom will be attended by Dr. Percy
Tye, of Goderich, Csuada, and H. E.
Gtrlins, jr., and Arthur Mercer will br
ushers. Miss Edwards. of Orand
Rapids, will play the wedding marches.
The same color scheme will he carried
out in the gowns of the bride's attend-
ants. Miss Austin will wear a gown of
white satin triruwed in princess lace,
and a tulle veil hastened with orange
blossoms. Her bouquet will he daisies
and 'ties of the valley. The mead of
honor will wear a gown of green and
white mull trade over white. and carry
a bouquet of daisies. The bridesmaids
will he gowned alike, in white mull
over green, and will carry bouquets of
daisies and sweet peas. A reception
for the relatives and close friends will
follow the ceremony at the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, James Austin, 117
Theodore street. The decorations of
the home will be daisies, lilies of the
and greener After the recep-
tion Dr. and Mrs: Woods will leave for
a wedding trip in the east. end will re-
turn to Detroit fora short visit, before
going to their home in the N•,rthwest.
.Among the Vit -et -town guests wino
have come for the we•hling :are Mise
Sommerville. of Bi ' gheun, Ala.;
Mint Edwards, of Gran i Rep dr ; Mr.
and Mrs, Mdtard. Of tali• scam : Miss
Armstrong, of Ht. blain; the Mimes
Woods and Mn. YNcQuillan, of Gode-
rich, Canada.
Dominion Day Finances -1908.
At the meeting held 'et the town
hall on Tuesday evening the following
statement of the receipt. and expendi-
tures in connection with the Domin-
ion Day celebration of 1908 was pre-
sented by F. Davis:
Balance from 1907 . - . -
(late receipt++ and citizens donations
Unpaid account• of 1907 $78.00
'Town Bend 12.00
Celit bumpiass17.00
Home races lam
l hnldren's somas 22.75
Printing ,-, rr.. tali
London baseball ARM . fetal
Balance nn hand 8.11
(Higesdl W. Lana, Treasurer.
Caretaking. lives, Yd bllliesda/
Next Sunday is the last Sunday Dr.
Dougall will be in his own pulpit fer
some weeks. His board has given
him a month's vacation and be and
Mrs. Dougall will spend part of it in
Pittsburg and the rest in Muskoka.
Rev. Dr. Curl, a prominent minister,
who with hit family is to spend the
summer in Goderich, will take Dr.
Dougall's work for him.
in the absence of Rev. Dr. iinugall
and Rev. It. W. Millyard at Confer-
ence, the pulpit of North stil�t Meth-
odist church was filled or, Si day by
A. M. Roberton in the morning and
Rev. Jas. Hamilton in the evening,
and that of Victoria street church by
Geo, Curry. of Nile, in the morning
and A, M. Robertson in the evening.
Next Sunday will be Rev. M. Turn -
hull's last at St. George's chureh be-
i leevingfor Mexico for thesum me
followine Sunday it is expected
that the rector of Blyth will officiate,
and oreJuoe 27th Rev. Mr, Jeakins, of
N'ingh , will probably occupy the
pulpit an preach a Masonic sermon in
the morns . Ven. Archdeacon Jones -
Bateman, o the city of Mexico, will
he here for th first Sunday in July.
Next Sunday will be a high day at
Victoria street Methodist church, the
occasion being the Annual flower Hun -
day. Rey. If. E. Currie, of i-ondes-
bore', will be here for the day end will
preach in the morning and evening
and in the afternoon will address an
open session re the Huntley whist!. in
the morning the address will be to the
parents and scholars. The church wi 1
be appropriately decorated with flow-
ers and there will ire special 'never at
all the services.
At the prett v residents of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. (lick, Elgin avenue, a
pleasant afterneen and livening was
spent. on Moods}} by ib. members of
the Woman's Misstenary Society of
North street Methodist church and
their friends. In the afternoon the
tttsoothiy business meeting was held,
n� .: a.,...1L.rrti
and a most gratifying summary of 0*
year's work showed au increase in
interest, membership and funds.
Quite a number of friends arrived. et
o'clock and enjoyed it dainty tea.
followed by au evening of music and
tending, the contributors to which
were : Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. May,
the" Misses Taylor, Harris. Crooks,
Snyder, Colborne and Heinicke and
Messrs. May and Cook. The evening
closed with the ringing of God Save
the King, those present feeling that
they had received a goodly share of
entereentuent, sociability and hospi-
.1 W. ('r•igie left yesterday on a trip to Buf
rthur Yule leftou Tuesday on his return to
Harold Shephard wit. up front Montreal due
ing the week.
Mrs 11. Mclvor, of Winnipeg. le visiting her
parents, Mr. *aid Mrs. W. C. Putter.
Mr.. F. Shannon, of McEwen, Tenn., has
arrived to spend the summer in Uudertch.
.• Mrs. Clifford, of Cuero, Teta*, V visiting her
st.ter, Mr., tom. Holland, and will be here
during the summer.
('harles shepherd has left foe Vaaooever.
& t'.. with smite inte,etiou of making that city
his place of reside to for the future.
Mid. Edith held. of town, hs„ graduated iu
elocution at the Toronto Conservatory of
Music, and now owns. the degree of A. T. C.
Many friends will be glad to know Chet Mr
Wpm s rendition is Improving. He had a
f u ting fit on Friday wonting end has .ince
been °outlined to bed.
%'alter Hawkins. of Port Albert. lett yester-
day afternoon on hit return to London. where
he is to be ord •lm•d on Sunday into the min
Lary of the Anglican church.
Mr. and Mrs. Switzer have returned from •
trip to Michigan, where they visited their two
eons whoars, practising medicine in that Stale.
one at Fenton and the other at Usines.
A mold ('owan, having completed his cour.s
in dentistryis cum mettci ng practice at Brandon.
Man. He was at home for a brief visit before
IMv'nt for the We -t, whither be carries with
him the booty g - *Asher of Insularly friends
m tiodench.
Chas. E. Wilson, former brakeman of the C.
P. H. state, tioderich, has left town for Toronto
and Detroit, where he intends spending • short
thus before leaving for Winnipeg ed route to
Seattle. where be wry spend the summer
months, returni g'hsrs lq the fall Tho
Mahe] Of act lit* Ohio
and thefr'tilill all welcome him bac In the fall
A very welcome vi+icor in town is Sidney
Malcom -on. of New Westminster, B. ('-, who
arrived this .week on • holiday vet to his
friends in the Ease.- Mr. Makoresoe M• mem-
her of a company w•nutaaurtng machinery
for canneries and sawmills at New Weermle-
.ter, but while his business keeps his interest
engaged in the tt'est he still has • terve and
warrn sent In bis heart for old lioderleh. He
intends to remain in town until after July 1st.
so if the old boys need any additional Induce
meat to rome buck to town for Dominion Day
they will have It In -Side" presence.
Hewers of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
At mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys-
tem when entering It througu the mucous sur
tams. Such article, should never be used et•
.opt on preacrlfltion trout re-iuuabhe physicians.
as the dautage they will do M tenfold to the
good you c LH pow ibly derive from them. 1I•Irs
Catarrh Purr, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
a: Co.. 'Toledo. 0.. contains no mercury. end It
taken internally. acting directly upon the
blood and mumui surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall • Catarrh Cure be euro you get the
genuine. It Is taken internally and made In
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Ca Testi.
monists tree.
Sold byDruggists. Price'1c per bottle
Take all s Family Pill+ for constipation.
TUESDAY, June kb.
WITH THE STI7DENre.-Following
ii 6be May report for 14.-8. Free:ti, Col-
borne : First Reader- Part 1. -Mary
Bogle. Winnie (iiiddoe:---Louie Me.
Whinney; Lily Morrie, Helen ChM -
holm. Jimmie Horton. Meryl Horton,
Annie Moser. Part 11. - Mamie
Thierlow. Second Reader - Beatrice
Chisholm. Mary Glidden and Philip
Bogie. Third Reader - Adele Mc-
Cann,- Terence Hunter, Andrew
Hogie, Ernest Bogie. Jim Thompson.
Fourth Reader. - Annie Thompson,
Reggie McCann, Tom Chisbolrn,
Lorne Thurlow. Alms M. 'reorient,
WEDNESDAY. June lel,.
(-ilt•HrH NOTES. -in the nbernre of
Ree, J. McNeil, w h ' is etteuding
(i• eerie As.enibly in Hamilton. and
Rev. W. I. Hiles. who ,ttteWle,I the
meeting of ('iutferenec in fern Tern.
(l.eir p.,lp,ita w-er•r oe.:spied err 841+-
heth nrnrnine by two Inyrnon of their
tnegrraatinn.• John Fraser and
Jas. Walls. Bit l Id IS 11111irn-
larly fort melte in bevel; so many ley -
men who Are rapahle ..f taking up
this work. itev. Mr. Dtvid.on, of
Vat occupied Mt. Andsew's pulpit
on Sabbath evening.
BHKEzse.-Mies le. M. Stanbury, of
the 'Toronto teachers staff, arrived
house on Saturday for the summer....
The football genie on Saturday even -
by a horse last week, is able to be
around again William McMul-
len and Sam, Geddes have a large
contract to HII a'ong the Lake Shore
road.. JameseHeadley and family
have moved to their new home near
Iraurier Walter Brown spent
Hunday on the And concession......
Mr. and Mrs. 1.. G. Wildfang spent
Sunday in Kincardine Our stage -
driver bas leen trading hones lately.
The one he bad got too wild for him.
Hugh Felguwn and Wat Brown
made a business trip to Luckuow on
Saturday. ltobt. Shields taught
a fine young horse from R. Row lest
week for a hood sum A short time
ago Me farmers srouflll • here were
proving for dry weather, but now it'
is the other way -they are praying
for a little more rain.
1('uncluded from page 4.1
Mr. Patterson also reported that the
spring freshets passed without much
(teenage being done. Some smell
washouts occurred. There are a num-
ber of iron bridges that will require
painting this summer, also some smell
bridges that may have to ,he rebuilt
this season. -'
A motion by Councillors Smith and
Watson asked for the placing id wind
breaks on the Bayfield bridge to keep
en rw on the bridge in the winter.
Moved by Messrs. Mclwan and
Medd. that the bridge known as the
McPhee bridge, on the boundary of
West eVawanoeh and Colborne, he re•
built this summer, as the old one is
getting into a rather dilapidated con-
dition and cannot be expected to stand
much longer.
Moved by Messrs. Taylor and Parks,
that an account of the bridge known
as the Gouley bridge being in en un-
safe condition it be either repaired or
rebuilt as the engineer thinks judi-
The rebuilding of the Rathwell
bridge on the 4th and eth concessions
between Goderich and Stanley town-
' - was discussed at "touerdr. elle
leugth, Councillor Glenn putting up a
strong flght for the bridge. At his
suggestion a good many of the mem-
bers of the eeunei' drove out on Wed-
nesday afternoon to see the location
of the bridge to find whether it was
needed or not. Mr. Glenn succeeded
in getting a majority of the council to
vote for the building of the bridge and
the road end bridge committee's re-
port recommended naming the bridge.
hereafter, Glenn bridge. The objec-
tion to the building of the bridge was
that it was used by only two or three
On Wednesday afternoon a special
meeting of the council was held to
pass a bylaw to raise by way of de-
bentures the sum of $20.000 for the
purpose of erecting steel and concrete
bridges in the county.
The road and hoiden committee
recommended : Re motion e'f Messrs.
McEwan and Medd. regarding Mc-
Phee'e bridge, that the engineer PPP if
it is necessary to repair or rebuild the
genie, if according to bylaw No. 9,
1906; re Rathwell bridge, that et he
dealt with by the whole council ; that
no (action be taken as to putting wind
breaks on the Bayfield bridge; that
the engineer_, sun.ine--- the - Gamiest
bridge near Wingham and take the
necessary proceedings according to its
requirements if complvinfl with bylaw
No. 9. 19ki ; re motion of Messes.
Glenn and Sturdy, regarding building
Rathwell bridge. by a majority vote
of the whole council. that the engineer
draw plans and specifications, adver-
tise for Henden and have the contract
awarded as soon as possible : that
hereafter the said bridge be known
as Glenn bridge.
The report passed. Bylaw No. 9, of
190.5, is the bylaw which fixed twenty
feet as the minimum length of hridges
to be considered county bridge,.
Other Committee Report'.
The executive committee r•por'e•t,
recommending that the tende • of 1'.
S. Noting for groceries for the jail 1 e
arref•ted, being the lowest. Willi re-
feren.•e 10 the Application for 2;.' peer
day for the nnneeemmissioned enterer'
And men of the 33rd Reegginient, or rhe
usual grant of 11000. the committee
re-ommended that, as they were in -
f rmed that only one-half the n,mnbet
were celled nut for drill this year, It
g, ant of $310 be made, and that in the
evens of a larger remitter brine calle•l
not for drill a Aum PPI. n'an equivalent
to that of the last two years be paid ;
with reference to the motion of
Mrsm. is ow and Geiger, asking tar
a grant of MO for a lockup at Zurich
in the township of Hay, that the same
be paid : with reference to motion a r• e•r•o••••oo••o•.o.••oN
Messrs: Geiger turd McEwan for a z • •
grant hi $'h to the Howell horse • QUALI T Y
tai., thee the chat be tutus,• ; with = il
F R ES h and Dt t N T Y
reference to the eirenhu• from the Ou-
tariu Muniet it Aramciuti•m for the • •o
Betterment of Consumptives, that as AND a i
the delegated have been +already up- � •
1 • tel no further nor ion le takeal
With reference to the application of
the Huron Rifle Associetieu for a
grant of $75 for prizes for a .hooting
contest, that *10 be granted ; with, ref -
metier to the commie t .,ent paper* of
three destitute children, that the
amount of $1.26 each per week be as-
sumed by they county : with reference
te letter from the s t'retary of the
Guelph Winter Fair regarding prize
money claimed by 1. liter, that the 'Nee -
amount, $t'S, be paid; that no melon
be taken on the letter fr the se.•re•
tary of the Guelph 11'inter Fair ast-
ing the county to take part in en
aueateurcompetitinn by parties in this
(-minty and provide for payment of
the sour•; with reference to the mo-
umtion of Messrs. Irwin erred Taylor, pro-
poeing a grant of $331) for relegres atl,l
transmission of fruit to the Provincial
Horticultural Kxhibition at Toronto,
laid over frorn the Januar+, meeting,
that the amount lw greeted end that
Messrs. Lune, of Goderich, and Met -
c0,11, of Rlyth, be appointed to teepee•
intend the sari,.-.
The report wan amended by it ntr•-
tion by Messrs. Gibbings enol Alilrie'
granting 2.5c per des- per teen to the
non-commissioned officer* and men of
the :sial Regiment going into ds ill t h.'t
The special committee recommended Sale prlccs are for .ash only.
Our entire stock of
CUT -GLASS and all lines
ndaua paces ' during
Those burn; wedding
presents should take ad-
vantage of tMs great
See our tables of
and 5oc
On sale Saturday
ONLY. zoo lbs extra
selected Valencia raisins,
5 IDs for 3oc.
Creations for Spring
With the opening of the Spring season
nearly all men and women take an increased
interest in their wearing apparel. Particular-
. ly is this true of shoes, for during a good part
of the winter season rubbers and overshoes
have made• it possible to wear shoes that
weren't strictly proper. But, now it's• differ-
ent; your hoes must "toe the mark" set by
Dame- Fashion; that means •
Downing & MacVicar -
that, with reference by the enuunnni- y �-
catieu of the city of Chnthatu raking' ♦ 0 1
tor co-operation in see unng the rip ♦ o t
l+erintmenr of a draanes:e referee for . •i
N5. +,reran (pnterin, n untie, x i+ nrre•s. I:
C. S. SWING : :U.u,c .t matt'. I, .t -t, -,I I�raverp has! Many a woman sate her pruve•r, ib..--
ee , as the Legislature he recently I gone tunes when lis wife suggested icatlse the minister says she should,
mode the appointment : with refry 5,6 ,.....o:t.. C •�. NAIRN. 2 , that be visit' the kitchen and flw the t and dews other things because hr ear,
ence to the (•nm►nnetiention from the I e •`cosec rhe ehmuldn t.
county of Kent, asking the co -opera- • e' I
tion of the county in petitioning the sOe• ••••••••0•I -
LegieleturP so to amend the Aerie- r
Inert Act that farm buildings kw • - ,
empt front tex..tion, Chet the petits• of bate e A •epware I+wl•lintf in cnn.I �t�r �.�
ser rite the hearty- tut irplel RLtOIr r.[ 1' . acct:. b with the hrne.e of re lige Tori 7 ` I L` l:'4
council. the leen nun rdntaOU of indigent. ran- r err,-.".�4
The finance committee reported a ntavr «rid to til At the 1M• *'. \
a large number of cecntente and 1 ren,lair se •ion, remee.d, I , / e
ported thNtN carr of L:: -+e Nettle wen -i, •it wt1111, hie vwtr Weft, 'duty
required on th ' equalized
qnnlizel ne+es• pgee•se)I i_N4 l ,\
i, to 1raise
the Sue
,IrrIe.nt the Pqueltzed vaIiee being $4olfrt gener.I rind other Inr
501,40i, estimated expenditures $i!).-
'f.o. the year
tLts rwpnun,g
10:.21 and estimate, receipts $21,051
Moved by Messrs. Govenlock and ewe *23U(;the everatmu-
IHII,. or 1:1:i e 5, tI1 itsw,
McKay that we empower our engineer shipe iit the c.nue lastun "we to
to pmhihit any person nr pinions see 1-egis'at se'ohn-1 event 1settli•ilf: BiCVcies At •. l�s
froin hanging. gates or fence, on Ne 0, le rgn,lir. • th.• nas.sse+rnt. of •+
county hrid¢•'a: Cee 3rd: the s- vera) men, t des fur the year
Moved by•Meas.`s. Watton and Peeks, 1851, leaving it t he same as last year : r
that a special committee. consisting ef eel,7.ul authurii•• t1ae aarw,ciuga+C{,__ T••fat•.,.• ...,tyWlh,I,uri of
Drs, Milne, GNllow an.f Minith. be sip- $(9.),0 0) to ter et the• current PIE n ;
ites. (tar more re of Macy( les w.. will
pointed to report on the advisability tali et invoice prices until tbs.
4 Ported of, They are all new, -
fitted with
1 -
NEW ARRIVALS LATELY 1I Dunlop Tires. 1.0111e ,(;t11
Agtoeg some new goods recently to hand may be mentioned
('.leneri s 1;1 t'1• :1' _enters 125c per hex).
('elaknt Liquid Court Faster (Nle: tubes.).
lieC lyvttteseel Wei a lit. i«alk1.- -
'raylr', .. 1.s loan'. noel 1'•1 atee. Talrume.
, (:..rete ..t ta- • Meme (ill,,. 1••'veel-
A full line of NI'Itet'- sve ;-known 25r• 1l -,,te lir=. including
• Millet's lest; rids. %V. etre Powders. lleir,l+e-he Powders,
�Titto'ei (i: 1,1 it's, t'tn:., rte.
Ilan not delay. First to rill
Coaster Brakes
Hygienic Frames,
all manufactured by
The Canada Cycle
& Motor 1
This be the fleet charir' a.kt
will ever brave toliuy a Miele.
Central Druz Store. gets the choice.
' Alw+yt.:;r. Best at Heck's."
Oise eacumves,...w.1015•6926Lrfrees.
,_,........rr..r-, > . - -•,--- s!-swm.v!e,. uw, 1 +mss.,
• le . Minton, etc.
JUN !•.
Absolutely the most up•to•date and
lest value shown in Wedding (iii:.,
Frill -storkent tete- most pop titer pat-
terns in Sterling Silver, "Irene
Knives, Forks. Spoons, Carvers,
etc., and a,t•.eeplet.+ stuck of Beget
Bros.' 1517 Silver Plate. Knives,
Forks, Spoons, Carvers, ere.
An immense stock of Iutp(rrted
Glam. ranging in price from $Liu
to $25.0)r -
131P0.1tTED C111N.1
Mayer Poulton, Crnwn Decay,
('slit t House Square
'Phone Me Goderich. (lot.
'1'erttse strictly cash
areae.. - - 91
;• 1,7*;
ing between Varna and Hayfield re•
suited in another victory for the Bay-
field boys. the .core being 2 to 0 �rssa
111 TT s T
PAlex. cletd, principal of Zurich
public school, visited bis parents
the village oyer Saturday and Sunday
and helped the boys With their foot -
hall game Miss Alice Tippet hes
been engaged as clerk in J. Reid's
store Almost all, if not quite all,
the cottages across the river are
rented for the season and a few are
occupied already.
MONDAY, June ith.
BRIEFS. - Miss A. M. Kilpatrick
leaves tomorrow for Detroit Maw
Florence Alton has left our neighbor -
hoed after spending the spring at A.
Henley's Bert Finlay called on
friends here last week A. Kur-
schineki, of Betimiller, visited at the
home of Mrs. fit -others lest week
Mies R. Mothers, of Wined en, is
home for her holidays S. Sher-
wood, of Hackett's, supplied yesterday
for Rey. T. E. Sawyer, who is attend'
conference at London. ..Mr
and Mrs. Jas. Webster visited friend.
at 'Lion on Sunday.
S4H00L REPORT. -The following is
the report for H. el. No. 9, Ashfleld,
for the month of May • names in
order mt merit: 8r. 1V. -Leila Blake,
Mary Saunders, Ernest Hall. Jr. IV.
-Edith Johnston, Effie Johnston,
Kldin Twamley, Jessie Stothrrs. Jr.
III.- Ida Glazier, Lillian Alton. Sr.
Ip. -Beryl Johnston, Marie Baker,
Rets Twamley, Peter Glazier. Jr. 11.
--Johnny Olen. Sr. Pt. 11. -Eliza-
beth Bowers. Jr. Pt. 11. -Irene Mor-
an. Rr. Pt. I. -Cecil Johnston,
George (filen. Jr. Pt. i. -Hervey An-
derson, George Twamley, Freddie
Finlay, Tommy Glazier. A Claes- -
lsutetta Hackett, Matilda Hackett.
Aggregate attendance, 24 ; average,
'd), MAH\- R. CULBERT. Teacher.
MosDAT, June 7th.
WEDDING. -The wedding of Miss
Stella (bidder' to Peter Campbell, of
the 2nd concession, took place lest
Wednesday morning and was wit-
nereed by a small gathering of the
relatives of the bride and groom.
After t he honeymoon the happy
couple will reside on the houndery.
The community wish them it long and
happy voyage down the stream nt.
e JVs �al.aly�
The Jeweller and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
1 have a large range of
for June weddings. also a large
assortment of
any style nr size. -
'PHONES Store, 1S3.
Residence, 085.
-AND -
Leaving 7 a.m. Airive Toronto 12:30
leaving 2:24 p. m. " " 8:30
Solid Vestibuled Train.
Smooth Roadbed.
Comfortable Cars.
Quickest Time.
All Through Trains.
BRsvtvtga.- Serve -a in the Methn- Leave Toronto 6 2 p m.
dist church next Rahhath afternoon at Arrive Goderich 10 p.m.
$ o'clock We are glad to hear
that Walter Wilkie, who was kicked , JOS. KiDD, Agent, Goderich• awns
We are off on tee uocuudweek.of lee .lune 1Vhitc Sale. It has been an tnqualified '
„cc, A, so far end We have the goods to keep up the exthusinent right to thellnisb\, 4/(
y I •astTw.ek's pepere have a fern --First nf-speciate and the prices quwtsd -there hold _good ' 7w e
elntil tbegoods are sold. Read the papers for full inforination, but better still come
ight to the store. It wilt pay, And you wet!. Same of the ear valve attractions act;----
The six tables of sample Underwear,
- Dressing Sacques, and Children's
• Wear, at 39c, 59c, 79c, $1.19,
$1.49 and $2.25
The Torchon Lace at 2 yards for 5c
and 3 yards for 1Oc
The 121 and I5c Embroidery at 7c
"i he ISc ani 20c Embroidery at 12&c
.19nd a big display of new Waists, Underwear,
The special Waists at $1.t0 and $1.50
The Drawers at 25c and 39c
Tie White Underskirts at 85c, $1.29,
The Gowns at $1.15
The Lace Curtains at 39et $1.20 and 1.85
The Lisle Gloves at 29c and 37c
Fancy parasols just received for this June Sale
The White Underwear Handsome White Parasols
A barge shipment of Fancy
White Muslin and Linen
A collection ns has never been brought to town Parasols just to hand this week. Some of the prettiest We I
fH g thave hem only obad to nnf a pattern.
you. Very stylish. Of most of
is on our ('.ntnfers fee thio S 'Ciel Mille. All are well -meet«
g+.rntente cur hill size, in every dwyo only greet mateAeln 1
r utel. Made in a (•Iran, modern, sanitdlry factory. tnrments 1.50 t0 54.00 for ladies' size
that ate �gtotl through and through. All specially priced I l
for thio Juno White Selling. (i
White Wash Skirts
Seo our 1 endaotne White W
Skirts, duck end t,nen, soma very
pretty, nest designs, jest received for
this June White Sale. Perfect fitting,
new and up-to-date styles.
$2.75 to $5,00
25c to $1.00 for children's
• Bamboo
Verandah Curtains Mc. They were net opened p
Natural ..r green .hadeit week and came direct from England.
All widths, 7be to $2.(d1. White, cream, ecru shades, small
The coolest, .,leanest, most
emote, 27 in. wide. Will wash well
end give excellent wear. Special for
• serviceable verandah cost tains to be had. •
Saturday and June Sale at 25c
per yard t
Theme resaisammommeameal
Netts are Pasily worth 36r to ilia
Waisting Nets
1)] ,0 elt8 l�Os.
`_ QFC /MPOI> Its oeDgIUCM I -4)1