The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 6� 1
e Taoonar. Jove 10 1909
Acid Is
The Acid in Kellogg's
Toasted Corn Flakes is
Antiseptic, germicidal,
and deadly to all
producing germs,caused
by impure foods you
have been eating.
Now you understand
why the name on that
delicious, appetizingly -
dainty Cereal Food you
always wished for
should be
tot . Illade
rk.. ��� rd s
a"a" (�
corn Flakes
When nude by
The Tailor West St,
Tickets on Sale from Toronto.
The Scenic Route to
Crossing Lake Muskoka at Bala
Park and along the shore of Lake
Joseph, skirting nearly one hundred
bodies of water between Toronto and
For literature and fell information
about fishing ,and holiday rates,
write Paeseogsr Dept., Toronto, Ont.
Western Canada
Via Chicago June 15th.
Via Sarnia and N. N. Co.
June 15th.
(Steamer leaves Sarnia
Winnipeg and
ret n $32.00
Edmonton and
retur $42.50
Proportionate rates to ot}ie points.
Low rate for round trip.
Daily until September 3otll, 1909
Fell information and tickets front
City Agent.
Northern Navigation
S. S. Marie, (tort Arthur, Fort Wil-
liam and Duluth. Leave Sarnia 3.30
9m. Hay 13, 19, 22, 29, 31sL June 5,
, 12 and 15. Railings May 13, 19, 31,
June 5 and 12 through to Duluth.
Freight sailings in addition to above.
DIVISION. For 74, N. Mai ie and way
ports. Leave ('ollingwood 1.30 p. m.
and Owen Bound 11.45 p. m. Wednes-
days and Saturdays.
Careful handling and delimit chguar-
anteed freight shippers.
Tickets and information from all
railway agents.
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nickelson
Mgr., Onllingwood Traffic Mgr., Sarnia
A:Woman's Sympathy
• Are yea discouraged, bi your doetor'a
btl a hewer financial load] Js Your plan
9aaw�viysseepssa to a leattnn .rot„kerne )vee
�t 1 watlntto�relieeveeyyour burhew -
vr■ set end tie pain and in th
RIs t1�? t cin do tits ter YOU t�
este eaaM� me,
dsistowes terate.i
.s. winch hat Asea Perhaps elven away..Perhaps
t 1 shat) -ie has d�oynea,f,
• .r
for 4o MaweOet tel
tette ser�• tours luta tome-
""". 1gM1tt. Oat
J`nternatronal JYewspaper
,$rble Study Club
Suggestive Que,H7nx on the International Sunday School Lessons, Prepared
by R A Br
rv, rnscoft, Brantford
IUeglseered In aecordeaee wit tee Copyright AOL)
301411. Just* 1301. 1999 -Hires of Faits.
Heb, zi.: 1.40. !they left the Old Country for:the Am
Bolden Text -Faith is the substance ericsn land ot promise ?
of things hoped tor, the evidence of 1 take it that Abraham and the Pil.
things not seen. deb. xi.: 1. / grim fathers, while in communion
• Verses t -3 -In what teepeet art whit God, felt a drawing- tri go to the
faith and hope similar? rich country In the distance about
I f e desirable thing is possessed by which they had heard ; that they took
faith, does that give as much or sins- this drawing to he the voice of God;
iliar satisfaction, as the possession ot and en this faith they started out;
the thing itoelt? what evidence is there that their faith
What is the ground of our faith. was true, and that auch faith is al-
tbat "the worlds were framed by the was dependable?
word of God"? Verses 13-W -Why, is it that all
Why do we admire the men of faith nations and peoples, in all time, so far
of past years./ as we have any record, believe in,
Verses 4, 5 -Abel had • truly relig- and "desire a better country, that is
ions nature; now Was this nature the an heavenly"?
result of hie faith, o was his faith the Verses 17.19 -Give from memory
result of his nature? the account of Abraham offeriug up
Does this record mea that Enoch's his son Isaac,
translation was direct! caused by • What is the particular virtue, in
specific act of faith, or t at his gen- Abraham obeying God in the matter
oral life of faith mule nr such it of offering up Isaac?
good man that God trans ted, him )Would it be a virtue or a vice in
without death ? these days if any roan should do the
Verse 6- Faith is sometime based same thin as Abraham did ?
upon outward evidence ; emotion upon Verse' 3l -Suppose the persona
personal revelation ; sometimes u m- mentioned in these wonderful vetoes,
Isaac, Jacob, J
h, Noses and Ha -
tuition, and sometimes upon
comh h had been 1ackio faith in God ingrouods whatmo al or spiritual 9u
ides, therefore, are necessary for 1 moments ofb their lives
mg a man of faith? ITbis question must ''hat would have been the difference
be answered in writing by members of n the results ?
the club.) Does faith in God always make the
Why in faith necessary in under to P tit happy, and picture in glow -
please G«t,+ ing colors the future?
Verse 7 -What was Noah's faith Verses 32.40 --Have men dtstin-
bandtuise.d upon, and wherein was his faith gotedf for their fano always been
noted for their goodness?
meritThis is a thrilling account of the
Verses 8.12 -What was the differ- exploits of the man of faith; give me
encs, if any, between Ahraham's faith an account of the achievements ot
and-t1iTTortn`e Pilgrim fathers, when men noted for their Tack otfalt
Sunday, June so. 19°9 -Review.
Golden Text -With great power Verse 3 -It is clearly the duty of the
gave the apostle; witness of the present day church to send wiseion-
resurr•ection of the Lord Jesus. Acta •ries to foreign countries and into
iv. :33. new districts : is it equally the duty of
The following review is planned for all moo to help support such mission -
all who are tatting up these Biblecries?
Studies, whether having sctuallMay 9 -Acte xiii.: 13-52. Paul's
studied the eleven lessons herb re- First Missionary Journey -Antioch in
viewed or only a part of them. Even Pisidia. Golden Text, Acts :Hi. :40
it this is the first lesson which has The word of the Lord was published
captured a reader's attention it can be throughout all the region.
made a profitable lesson in itself. Verge 14 -If a professed Christian
The date and title of each lesson, does not attend church and act like;
sad where found, the Golden Text and Christian when away from home, is
one question for each lesson follow : be a real Christian when at home, no
April 4 -Acts x.: 1-48. Peter and wetter how be may act when there?
Cornelius. Golden Text, Acta x, : 35. May 16 -Acts ziv, : 1-28. Paul's
In every nation be that teareth Him First Missionary Journey-leonium,
and worketh righteousness is accepted Golden Text. Ps. zcvi.: 5. All the
of Him. gods of the nations are idols ; but the
Verses 1, 2 -Can you give any good Lord made the Heavens.
reason for believing that God today Varies 1, 2 -Was the unbelief of the
is not as well pleased with • devout Jews a mutter of the intellect through
Homan Catholic as he is with a de- lack of evidence ; or was is matter
rout Protestant, or vice verve? of the heart : that is, a result of their
April 11-1. ('or. xv.: 12-28. Easter rebellion against GO P
Lesson. Golden Text. I. Uor. xv.: 211. May 23 -Acts eV. : 1-35. The Coup.
Now is Christ risen from the dead and til at Jerusalem. Golden '1'ezt. Acts
become the first (runs of them that x v. ; 11. We believe that through the
slept. grace of the Lord Jeans Christ we
Verse Ile -Can you mention a single shall be saved, even as they.
nation, or tribe, or people in the past, Verses 8.17 -is actual experience of
or the present,that bas not believed, God, and his dealings with ue, conclu-
or does not believe, in lite after death sire proof of the will of God in the
in some shape? matters which the experience coven?
version ng
of Saul. Golden Text. o Acts and Dol g. Con. MayJ Golden Text. J&5, 11.: 3.),
ix.: 4. He fell to the earth and heard Frith without works is dead.
a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, Verse 13-C1n • man have true twos
why persecutest thou me? in God if be is not filled with love to
Verses 1, 3 -How do you account tor his fellows, and doing all be can to
Saul's bitter hatred for Christians before help them ?
his conversion, and that alter he becamea June d -Jas. iii, : 1-12, The Power
Christian be showed such a spirit of love of the Tongue. - Golden Text- Prov,
towards those who were not Christians? xzi.: 23. Who'll() keepeth his mouth
IThis question is to be answered in wnt. and his tongue keepeth his soul front
tag by members of the club.) troubles.
April 23 -Acts xi. : 19-30 : xii.: 23. Verse 2 -Ie the control of the tongue
The Gospel'in Antioch. Golden Text. the key to the control of the entire
Acts. xi.: 26. The disciples were called man Y Give your reasons.
Christians first in Antioch. • June 13 -Heb. xi. : 1.40. Heroes of
Verses 29, 3U -Should the church of Faith. Golden Text.. Heb, xi. : 1.
Christ today he a practical ttrother- Faith is the substance of things hoped
hood, caring for one another, and for, the evidence of things not seen,
helping each other financially, and in Verses 1.3-11 a desirable thing is
every other way as the need may be? firmly possessed by faith, does that
May 2 -Acts ziii.: 1-12. Paul's First give as much, or similar, satisfaction
Missionary Journey --Cyprus. Golden as the possession of the thing itself?
Text. Mark xvi.: 15. Go ye into all Leseon tor Sunday, June 27th, 1909.
the world. and preach the gospel to -'temperance Lesson, Rom, *Hi.:
every creature, 8-14.
Western Fair September 10th to 18th.
The management of the Western
Fair, London, Ontario; have just is
awed their 1909 prise list. It is s very
neat and attractive book and contains
s number of important changes. A
large number of new sections have
o added and increases made ie
aeiariiTdepartmenti: Especially is
this the case In the cattle and live
stock classes, and there will no doubt
be the largest exhibition this year ever
eld in London. Stockmen who have
't previously exhibited at London
should mend (ora prize lipt and prepare
thele stock for this splendid exhibition.
Prize Bete, entry forms and all necen-
eery `formation will be promptly
given application to the secretary,
A.M.H t, London, Ontario.
The Truth, the Whole Truth.
"You bavv never told me anything
about -your poet," she said timidly.
A troubled k
came over
co1pp him. ]ie
realized that, aRhougb they had been
engage() nearly *month, he bad cer-
tainty been negligent in that direction.
"1 suppose 1 ought to say some-
thing about it." he ieid.
"Promise -to tell ire all."
"Do you mean that?
He clasped her hands, \ The crisis
had cone.
Dearest," he said, "I'll make a
clean breast of it. Of course 1 real-
ized that it had to come. Still-"
"Go on f"
"I've lead a pretty hard lite. I guess,
in college there was a time when i
didn't do much hut buck the tiger."
"What's that ?"
"Well, it's playing poker m.yetly. i
got in the hole pretty deep. Then, of
course, i had my 611 of drinking.
carousing, late hoar.. 1 broke loose
at last. You see, i had to, but it was
pretr�y- fierce."
rid you stop?
"well, partly, Then i bad love
again -there were so many of 'em,
you know, that it didn't matter. I
arse dropper) once -then 1 braced up -
got through. 1 spun around a little
after that until I got. playing the
"Playing the ponies :"
"Yes -race track, you know. Bet-
ting on horses. Bur, thank heavens,
!saw the folly of that,"
"And you stopped
"Aheotutely. You see, 1 Caine to
myself. Mycharacter aneerted tomtitIt was a ardd fight, hot I won. 1
wish it wasn't there, dear. But 1 was
hound to tell the truth. Tell me that
it's ail right. Tell me you will for -
get it,"
Have you told me all r
She lo"Everything.
ked atbias withll Ole it's all
I suppose I shall have to," she said,
"But -i thought you were a good
deal worse than that,'"-Thomse L.
-Mattson in June Lipptncott's-
Hummer is the hardest time for the
human skin. Its delicate tiny pores,
if worked under the beet ronditions,
would have a rough time because of
the heat. Ilow when they have to
work when impaired or damaged by
sunburn and heat spots? No wonder
one has rough patches, freckles, etc.
"Lam -Bilk heals sick skins. When a
patch of skin on face, neck, or arms is
blistered by the sun, apply Z+m-Buk at
once. It will cool and soothe beauti-
)r. andnew skin n w
formed. When you are footsore, nr
have some chafed places, Zam-Buk
will give you ease. When the mos-
quitoes raise lumps on you, %tm-link
will stop that terrible ilrhing and
smarting. Keep Zam•Buk handy, use
it freely, and this will }m the happiest
summer you have ever 'pant, viewed
from the skin health standpoint. All
druggists and stores,
Scotsmen In England.
Take it altogether the Scot has A
very good time in England. A writer
in speaking of Lord Lorehurn says : -
"To he horn a Scotsman is to he }'orn
with a sliver spoon in the mouth." It
is to he horn as it were into the gov-
erning family. We English are the
hewers of woad and the drawers of
water for our Caledonian masters,
who formerly used to raid our Bor-
ders and steal our cattle. But they
kept to their own soil. in those
happy days an Rngllsbman had a
ehsnce in his own country ; today he
in little better than a hod -carrier.
The Scotsman has captured not our
cattle, but the British Empire; they
sit in the seats of the mighty, the
head of the Engll.h church is a Soots -
man, and hie brother of York came
out of a Presbyterian manse, the
Premier Is a Ycotsman, and the Lord
Chancellor is a Rentsmin, and so is
the Unionist leader. London has be-
nome an annex of Edinburgh, and Cs-
nsde is IitUe more than a Scottish
farm. -ft. B., in Scottish American,
Even a man of nand should hare
enough genie to build his house upon
a et.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close High-
er, Chicago Closed -Live Stock
-Latest Quotations.
Monday Svenlria, lime 7.
I4v rpnol wheat futures closed 15rd
higher, corn ted to !ad lower
The Chicago Board of Trade was closed
to -day on account of the elections.
Winnipeg Options.
Wheat -July $1.3%, October SLOW, bid.
Oats -July Pliolbc, October mu
Toronto Grain Market.
Wheat, fall, bush 11 10 to 1....
Wheat, red. bush 115
Wheat, goose, bush 1 53 '•.•
RYe, bushel 0 73
Buckwheat, bushel 0 70
Yeas: buabel 0 ee .
Barley. bushel 0 6) -
Cats, bushel 062 0 N
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butter, separator, dairy, lb0 t9 0 21
)tatter. store lois 0 15 0 19
Butter, creamery, Ib. rolls,, 073 074
Hurter, creamery, 50)14023
Eggs, new -laid, doaen 0 If J 90
Cheese, Ib., old 0 14 0 141'
Cheese, new, lb 0 U O 13ak
New York Dalry Market.
NEW YORK, June T -Butter Steadier,
recelptn, &'S6, creamery specials. T to
now larteisl) 37c, extras, 16irr to 36%c;
thirds to tint, Be to Mc, state dairy,
common to finest, Zle to 36e. process,
common to special, tile to Mire, western
factory, Ont, tor, western, imltatloa
creamery, first, tie to sie.
('hese.-P•Irm. recetpta, %1; new state.,
full-cream, specials, 13ite to 14' e;; do.,
small, colored or white, and large color-
ed fancy. I31yc du., common to fair. 10c
to 12c, skims full to specials. 3e to 1114e.
1'%gIP-Steady, receipts, 11.013; Slate
Penna and nearby fancy selected white,
16e; do, fair to choice, =lee to 3134.';
brown andmixed. xed
. tan
Y, 7J. western.3Nk t" do.,
to choice. ^1 i1
. to icwestern. ex-
tra, flea, 222Z to Itis: fleet., Le to Make:seconds, 301 to :014.' southern, !fret, sic,
'5co•ds, t0 ,. to Mane.
Higher at Chicago.
Cables Steady -Hop Lower, Cattle
LONDON, June 7 -London cables fee
cattle steady, at 13e to 1314.' per Ib. for
Canadian 'teen, dratted weight, refrige-
rator beef is quoted at 10',.' to 1014. per
Toronto Junetl.n Lave Steck.
Receipts of live stook at the Union
Stock Yards were 48 carload', con-
sisting of 1064 cattle, 24 sheep and
32 calve*.
There were
cattle on the
operattug a.
Monday, but
quite number of shipping
market. but no Meyers were
they do not want them on
Tuesday. Wednesday and
Prime plckW Iota of butcher.' sold at
from 95 A to IS.S, loads of good at 11.66
tbulla. o 15344 50 to , m,•,11uAmS.. 15.70 to A 45. common
to medium, 3453 to OOa. cows. 34.75 to 5;
Milken and Springers.
Milkers and springers were quoted at
WO to SC each
Veal Calves,
Prices for veal calves were unchanged,
at 33 to A. S per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs.
Receipts light, and prices unchanged.
Export ewes sold at 3150 to 35 per cwt ;
rams, 13.50 to s4 per cwt., and sprtug
lambs at A to 16.50 per cwt
There were no hogs on sale. but if. P.
Kennedy r•.porta prices 10c per cwt. low-
er Selects, fed and watered, f: (a, -.rd
C.4/ f.o.b can at country- pouts.
Montreal Live Stock,
MONTREAL, June 7. -(Special )-At the
Montreal Stork Yards West F.nd Stark
the receipts of live stock for the week
ending June 1 were 243a cattle. NO sheep
and lambs, 1911 hogs and 147 calves. Sup -
DIY for local "onnrmptlon ethic nmrning
eomslsted of aro rattle, b sheep and lathy,
tat) hogs and 50 calves- Owing to tba
run of cattle being fully 500 head smaller
than a week ago, a much stronger feeling
developed In the market, and prises ad-
vanced V,c per lb., hut butchers Bought
Only sufficient to fill their immediate re-
quirements, and trade was rather slow.
There was some demand from Quebec
bgqyen, aad about tbrve caprol° a were
tgken, but the trade for export account
was very quiet. Liverpool rabies stated
that the weather wall cool and trade fair,
but price, showed no improvement. Few
sales of extra choir. steers were made
here at sire; choice at Mac to s14e; good
at Sake to k; fair at 7'4.' to 5yye; medium
at the to lc, and common at 21Kc to 4'4r
per Ib.
For hop, an advance of 10e per 100 1y.
was paid In some rases for o few choir.
eareeis. -Demand was not keen for sup-
plies, as packers were In most niece fair-
ly well supplied, and the market was
Wither quiet, with sales at Q50 to V1.40
per loo Ib., weighed off Care.
Sheep prices show a further decline of
Vie to 1e per Ib. Supplies were not large,
but the demand was rather limited, and
holders, In order to make wee, were
obliged to accept the above reduction,
and Se per Ib. was the ruling price for
yearling stack. The offertrrp of spring
lambs were small, whlrh met with a fair
Gale at 34 to 53 eachcalves sold well at
price@ ranging from 32 to 18 each, as to
adze and quality.
At the ('anadlan Pacific live stock mar-
ket, receipts for the week endtng ,rune 5
were 1921 cattle for export account and
Go rattle 370 sheep and lamb, 40 hogs
and 1311 ealv.s for local ronsutnpNOt The
Offerings this morseeg "onrated ..ef.. 200
cattle, 116 sheep and lambs, b bop sod
116 calve,.
The exports of live stork from the port
of Montreal for the week ending June 1
were Cattle 1,1vertewa-.-Corntehntare
760. i'arthenla .in. timdort-[.~swore G.40
Lake Mlehfgan 3/6 cHnsnnw-t.mfah 1b1,
i'srtheola 63, Seanrhe,t.r Shipper tat
Tote/. 1671; last week. .1=1.
East Buffalo Cattle Marbatt.
EAST } M VP'S Ln. June 7.-clattle-Re-
eelpts 3250 head, slow, fancy dry -ted,
steady; common. Mc to 20r lower; grass-
ers, Tac to 60e lower; prime steers, 16 76
to 17.16; shlpptng, k to $6.60; butchers'.
63.50 to N.75, h.ftrrs. 14.50 t 31.16; cows,
$3.50 to 5.36, bulla, 3x4) to 36.40; stockers
and feeders, N 16 to tt.lsi stock heifers,
N froth cows and springers,
choke, steady; others, id to is hoer. /7zt
to tip.
Veals-Racetpts, 3114 bond; settee and
at.ady; 16 to 3x16.
Hoge-Recellua. 1500 head; fairly se-
tl.. beat grades, steady to le lower,
pigs, sic higher; heavy, $7.10 to :s; gtlxed
T 16 to IS; Yorkers, 6.60 to 37.53; '{rigs.
37.53 to 17.40• roughs, 3660 to 01.10; stage,
ow to se, dairies, 57.50 to 37.30.
Chicago Live Steck.
CHICAGO, June 7.-Cattle-Recelpts, es-
timated at more, market strong to 10c
higher; beeves, 5.10 to 3;.30; Texas steers,
N.5 to 1/.5; western steers, $4.71 to N.N;
stockers and feeders, 3x60 to 01R' core
sad heifers, *so to /as; calves, 16.76 to
37 73.
ket lower,�it;ht,aee (7550.; mlixxell,
17.20 to 17.7e; heavy, 37.10 to 37.76; roughs,
6630 to V.V. good to choice heavy, 17.41
to 17.76; Nits, 11.10 to 17; balk of sales,
tt716 to 87.75.
Sheep -Receipts, estimated at 14,000;
market ateady, nattve, 6t to *60; west-
ern. 01.36 to, yearlings, Ir.5 to Ste);
tlamas, eaUve, 1/ to HA; wasters, 111.16
o Qin
Nothing Without Work.
The boy who helm clever that he doer
not feel the need of hard work, who
kerne without effort, end eo entnes
to think lightly of effort, is the
one wan d-Yipe nut of sight when hie
school day, are over. The hest thing
you can take from high-achnol or from
college. the most helpful thing you can
dlsenverIn your reading. the point yon
find proved by the life of every RIVAL
man, la that nothing worth while can
be acenmplbhed without hard work.
Many a seeming inspiration leanly the
Rower of • seed planted long before,
watered by sweat and tears, and Com. IJ
at last to blossoming,
A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least
try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched
There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in
Canada and the United States who have been benefited by
- s-ald edy,-Mucid was - produced -from -.-routs
and herbsover thirty years ago by a .woman to relieve
woe ian's suffering.
Read what these women- say :
13elirrfver, Clue. - •• IVIthuut Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Coml nd 1 would not be alie. For five months 1 hiul paintul
Irregular periods anti t hrH:uumatiou of the uterus . 1 suffered
like it nt;trtyr and thought often of death. I consulted two doc-
tors who could do nothing fur use. 1 went to a hospital, and 1 lie
best doctors wtltl 1 st submit to an operation, because 1 had
ins adr'i ed tate t lto take ack home
our Compound, ax t had cured her
I did so and !awn commenced to feel better, and my appetite
cause back tt'ttlr the first bottle. Now I feel no pain and ant
curet. Your remedy Is deaervinit of praise," -Mrs. Ern ma Chute',
%'alleyfielel. Helloriver, Quebec,
Erie, Pa. -"I suffered for Bye years from female troubles',
and at last iva.almost helpless. 1 tried three doctors but they
did me RQmlrod. _SIS' sister advised me to try Lydia_ E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable (' Oland, and It hag made ,me well and strong.
1 hope all suffering tt uleu will just give Lydia E. l'inkhan► s
Ve-I�etable Compound a trial, for It is worth Its weight la gold.",
-Mrs..1. P. End! jell, it. F. D.3,,Er1e Pea ,.
Since we guarantee,that all testimonials which we pub-
lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Conipound had the virtue to help
these women it will help any other woman who is suffer-
ing from the same trouble.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable '
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does Juatice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to Its credit.
Mrs. I'inkliant invites all sick women
to write her for advice, She has
gelded thousands to health free of charge.
Addre.s Mrs. Ptnkbam. Lynn, Mann. ,.
Milk Chocolate Stick,
quettes, Cream Bars etc.
For sale by all dealers
• .I
lions, Cro-
truly delicious.
Coast to Coast.
/i, 4'
4` /�:Tt�rfn yrs gettap y'� `LIT- ,. ...0 •
.ri4fil rtiBs . ' •.. ..:.��a
If Chrjstie's "Zephyr
Cre m" Sodas were
judg on flavor alone -
aside, if you like, all other points
superiority and judge Christie's
" Ze hyr Cream " Sodas on flavor alone.
If you have never tasted Christie's you may
say that there never is much flavor to a soda
biscuit. Just you try Christie's and see!
TRF -flavor of the pure, wholesome
raw materials that -.go into Christie's
"Zephyr Cream"- Soder---js carried
through to the finished product -and
made lasting-- by scientific methods
of mixing, baking and packing. The
Christie Flavor is delightful. Test it.
Christie, Brown
& Company
An old-fashioned,
ill -working furnace is a non-
It consumes the coal, but through leaks and
cracks wastes the heat.
It is not economy to have such a furnace in
your own home, or in your tenant's home.
If you are thinking of building yon should be inter -
home comforts.
As soon as you let the contract for your house decide
on your furnace. The " Sunshine " man will be
pleased to tell you just how the rooms ought to be
laid out with an eye to securing greatest heat from
the smallest consumption of coal.
If you want to experiment with the question don'
!reify " Sunshine."
you want to settle the question specify " Sunshine.'
eated in Sunshine Furnace. It d
ads 100 per cent. to
MAN & Bim)
brine 25 ets.Oantii
Y TO C C RICmpas tea
ON Tit
This is not a truss Cure, but a
treatment you can use in YOUR
OPERATION, no loss altos from
your work. Wrte today Wens your
RUPTURE gets any worse. DO
Fill in this Coupon
. l ddress
Time Rap. .9v,,
and mail to
Dept C., Zs Ontario St
CARPET- All order..
LAYING promptly attended to
charges moderato
Repair Room.: One door Wawa ('. J. Barber's
Stove Store, Wed strait.
Rr4deo0o_Ilgfn Avenue,
Kingston Street
Opposite King Edward Hotel.
1 trout's of all kinds made
to order. Store and
office fittings our'
Repairing and remodelling
done on shortest
Kindly gave us a call.
Satisfaction guaranteed
The Ideal
Furniture Factory.
Try our GASHOLTSE Cogs
Fine for furnaces, ranges,
heaters and grates. More
heat and cheaper than coal.
$6.00 per ton cash.
New Coal Yard
I handle all kinds of hard and
soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Nothing but the best anthracite
Terms, without exception, CASH.
D. F. 8amlink,
Plisse IA
'PHONE 15 OR 24
When yon want A yard. 3 f etrreet t. and
\ 1
TH61[1fJlT at (look Souare
a 'An cam welshed on the market soaks
where yon get 2, Its, for a tem.
Order. len at. C. 1'. 1.I01t's Rardwtre atom.
east aids Sonars ^rolnpuv attended to,