The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 4-------------- 4 THosenav Jett"' 10. 1909 J 1' H Colborne ! I(:N`AI,'! t;tltitItlt-41. -t N'FA-Rlt) orsell's Hardware. ■ -. s = oawe • J Colborne The County Council. Educational,Matters Reported Upon by + I nspectors Tt3m and Robb- Rathv►ell `Bridge to be Reboil! and Re -named Glenn Bridge -Council , Favors Exemption .ot Farm Buildings from-?axatfOfi. • The June aeration of 4•'••• eounly' they 1:•ntally contain a large Ilibdy of council of lluturt (Tent:.. , luesals ' water, and, as little it used, the water afternoon of last week and the work soon becomes stagnant. The drilled of the session was concluded on Ft•i• well has given universal satisriertion. day. There are about twenty such well* ire All the mewbeta were present and this inspectorate, varyingindepthfrott Warden Peter Lemont tone the 00 W Ise tett. While the luitial cos, is chair. In hie olreniug worts the feather heavy, yet they are the cheap. Warden said very little work bad eat in the rod. About bulf of tbe been done since the last meeting of achoot wells in llowick are drilled. the council. Owing to the )atones+ of .These areal! quite satisfactory. •- ' the season practically no bridge work ":\s nearly every school has aflaR had been one anti the Hahnesville pole, 1 am recnnituending to trustee. bridge had not yet been commenced. and teacher&. that the Slag, be flown Aniong lite Matters paid before the every day school' is in session (except coupcil were the following : t,Wrwv flays, of course). \\'here tl us - A copy of a to ial bring sant by tees object to this, I am selecting cer- the (-minty of Kent to the Ont'iii. taut on and which hould la+n such is - legislature. asking for the passing played g why I-glalation giving exemption tryout drys view selected. These days do taxation on farm buildings. The not crwutnemotwte the slaughter. of meworial points out the deterring in• our fellow men. but days we revere fluence bitch taxation has on the erre- for those victories of peace ice that mark tion- of -good. farm _ hjdtlinga. This tilt upward . march of the empire to county was asked to co-operate with c(: nrtituttouat-fttedrnr,- jmitire and the county of Kent in petitioning the humanity. such as .1 he signing of Legislature to abolish this form of Malin- ['harts, the passing of the taxation. Habeas Corpus Act, elstlition of .elev- A request from the commanding of- ery !in t he British Euipire. etc. Of Seer of the 3itd Huron Rtgiuuent, ask- coutsie the trustees and teachers have 1nx.tor a grant to supplement the pay is right to.add to these uays. of the men while in Gawp. • ` " •`lbettrene-half t4Lis ural-acllooLt _A _formal uuth;n-Sol application to ate tttoridedwit h libraries- Parliauieut for incorporationof of the„St7ery repary thaye made.•ee--yne Loudon end Northwestern Railway. might have been condonedinto the which proposes to build a railway fohowulg sentence: 'rite-'Piteeo1• front London to apoint in this county home . and preurises are improving, on ).eke I ron.the teachers are irntiroving- 1n -a from A communication the eseem-, the stet ratio and the school atft)nd- • tive of the Onterio Municipal Associa- awe decr•easiur." tion for the Betterment of t'onautup- lospector Tom's Report. - Inepei 1 lone lit \ti est Huron. vt.• ported that at the close of ISM 11+ their weir thirty-eight mem and uinety thele women teaching in the public schools of this inspectorate. '=lien of these," he wrote, "beld first-class cerljHcttes, fintysix second•riass and seventy-five third.elase. The thirty-eight omen receives! en average salary of $.Ot) and the ninety-three women an average eclat y of Os). Itx_ithe lural ((shook the thirty -tour [nen were paid en eve' a,e s,tl. t v of • $Iw N13 and the •vrlity tlsw•t w.eiu.'u An average of Vitt and tbe four men in the urban achuols received an .germ ot /feste. The average--eatery-for all the teachers in I905 was Vat, which itierearrd-•iu 19ci. to .171l33-- lis the t Y vi went •tour urban divisions ons there war eight changes in l a res .• ).elle)'+ dur- ing b ing 19)8 and forty -her chamfer ha the 1)17 tura' divisions. A uuuttser of ex- perienced teachers leave the iuspec- torate everyear to accept positrons In Western Provinces. fitoleines f..tl.f.d, earnest and efficient. Must of them are doing enduring wink in training' their pupils intellectually and moral- ly'. They are striving to educate the, boys and girls to twcome Worthy Ce- lebrity eititen,•. Truslcrs -make •- mistake in permitting A guts) teacher to !(rave their .scboul, when a.aeas-Uf- able increase in salary would retain the services of a capable tacher. )las not the Lints cisme when one or more )women should he members of every public sad high school Inward It to the mot -herr who are most interested is the education aft their childreu. "rhe councils of Huron merit the gratitude of the pupils and teachers of the county for the generous support which the councillors have given to all rhe sch(w)a, and .epeetilly to tea VOn tinuaciun school.. It in when chil- di.•n teach the filth class that the greatest care it necessity- to guide them aright that they may develop int., usetitl "Thr public seined giaduetion cx• amination le prized ly teachers and tin h rites stuilents nethwithstanding its defects. The paper.' for this ex• awination are the same as those for entrance to the model achno)s. -The work is either too cliff -tilt for public school graduation pupils or it is too raAy for -those who qualify on it for Leachers. The Education Depart- ment swore to be favorable to fifth classes in the rural schools and con- tributes liberally to their support, yet the examination regulation's com- pel teachers to believe .[but the De- partment authorities are strangling these classes. "The best etlue•ttore regard a li- brary se an essential part of the equip - 'tient of S school. Of the lir) school boards in this inspectorate, ninety- five have provided a library for the use of the male and there in the homer. --Merl- are - slut} -volumes, valued at $2,M1$, in these iilsrat•iee. 7t to Meted that -the nt:her-aevoneecz tions will provide a library before Oc- tober 1st, 111)1) ; then they will receive the 1904 grant and a share of the 90,011) which the Legislature voted last sees• stun to be distributed amongst the rural public and separate schoub nn all new library books purchased be- rme October let, 1911. "During 190S new school houses were built in S. M. No. 2, Hey, and M. M. No. 7, Wavy moth. They are substantial buildings with .basement, tdeelter aroom, dibrai y roma and -ex• client heating, ventilation and light- ing. Both were eteeted on new sole of sites, one acre in area. In sev- eral sections the buildings were le. paired and the clean rooms suitably tinted. -The iAgislature is In be com- mended fur the liberal grants given to schools. These grants ate dis- tributed so as to benefit the experi- enced leachers and reward the sec- tion". which provide 'proper accom- modations and equipment.' Educational Matters. A letter from .1. II. Cameron, of Bruwela, asking to he appointed ex- aminer fur the hitch school di trict of East Huron, was teed and refected to the education cnntmpttee, as we. also a motion, by Messrs. Ma :alien% end Muir, that W. 13. 1Veidenheminer, of Exeter, be appointed on the board of examiners of the high school district of %Vest Huron. Mr. Weidenhammer's resignation from the board of county examiner+ for the county end e motion. hy Messrs. Irwin and \Villert, that E. Blustt, of Crediton, be ap- pointed by the council to succeed Mr. Weidenhatnnter on the examining board of the public school and Contin• tuition class graduation examination in West Iluron, were sent to the education comtnittee. The education cornmittee recom- mended that four copies of the Con- solidated School Statutes and Regula- tions in• procured for each school mer - tion. one for each tower and one to he left at the school. an recommended by inspector Tom, this to be done for each section in the count ; that the resignation of W. B. Weidenhammer from the board of examiners for the public school leaving examination be accepted and the) C. Blunt he w pointed to succeed him. and that 1rr. ties, among for the. ,.ppeielmeat or delegates to wait on the Legislature. It is proposed to defer the deputation until the timeof the Toronto fair, when s larger delegation can probably be secured. The list of delegates so far appointed shows strung deleg,t- tions from mtmi•tipalities in Iluron-' and Bruce but weak contingents frotn the other counties. - A request front the Huron 'County Rifle League for a grant of $75 for prises in • shooting competition. cat' u front the warden A commupi o of the county of Kent asking ellen pe,r- -.Won to petitioning the Ntwrt'uitwnt- to-eppoint aauccesaor lathe late Col. Rankin at' drainer& referee fur West- ern Ontario, in (place of having only one referee for the' Pr,vince pid him located at Ottawa. the [natter Mr. Watson brought u 1 of the -Mount of the grent this year to public libraries. The committee's report in 'January r•rcotmuended a grant of $:A, but titre was amended in ceased aeread i6._buk. Lhe -cheques sent out were for 920. The extra $5 will now be remitted. Inspector Robb est Education. From the report of Inspector' ..-_Bobo of East Huron_ we t eke the interesting wateriaf:-_ __- •The number of male and female 1 teachers eiiiitTo`eirh s in 1111!8 was the Name as in 1917.-30 males and Ili females. The average raid the !neat orale teacher 1112s74.3. being A decrease of 97, and to the female teacher 94)1. a decrease of $36. On the other hand there, was an increase of $31 and h$3)) reepsctivety in urban schools, these eateries being $867 for males and $i11:i for females. The qualiflcatiens of the teachers were shout the same es _In 1917, 6 Hosts, 132 seconds and 52 thirds.: tlizteen third-class teachers retire at midsum- mer 1909 ; their places will be taken by seconds, and at midsummer 1911 the last third-class teacher will have disappeared from Huron. At the six Normal Schools this year there are 1.4,li reales and 1,021 female in training as teachers, or one male to eight females. The ratio in this inspectorate is one male to three females ; thus in slew years male teachers will be found only e Ot urban knot r. Our as principal new Normal Schools ehnuld tarnish us with better -trailed teachers than the Models, as the term is ten months in- stead of four. There is. however. danger that for a while these inexper- ienced teachers will waste valuable time on 'certain showy trivialities which are usetewe as a training. vie. weaving, clay moulding, paper rut- ting, etc. how the ordinary rural pupil entree eehool at about six and a half years of age, and if he remains to pees the entrance examination leaves at thirteen and a half, or he attends •even years in all, but on an average -attends -tint sixty-peeeeeate.ol-the s :soot pear. Thus he has but about _- ) dayato cuitt)SlCtVh tvblie scitord - education. During this timehe is ex- pected to get a fair working knowl- edge of reading. writing, spelling, composition, literatitte, grammar, geography, arithmetic, history, art, physiology and hygiene. ' Tbiw is a Pretty -heavy load for a child : it is to b • added to. As soon as teachers can be trained the Eduration Department intends to introduce practical sgrirul• ture, horticulture and the manual arts. With a rnuree of study en loaded down, haw can it he expected that a child will be as good e reader and penman as when Tittle wits tsnght but reading, writing and arithmetic 1' "The enrolled attendance_ for 1908 was 5,017, in 1917 it sass 5.(017. or a de- crease of 'seventy for the year. The system of approved high Reboots and (ollegietes has closed out nm' fifth (-lessee from the majority of the pub- lic ecboois. Beginning with this ' ear the prin- cipals of the high schools assume re - i sponsibilit for the entrance examina- tions. This change is very satisfac- tory to me. "A very successful teachers' conven- tion WAN held at Seaforth on May 21st' and 22nd. The attendance wee quite s Atisfactory,:at though a few prehistoric 1 .Nailti remained away, fearing to tae awakened from their self-conplecent slumber. At the next convention the Education Department will send a Normal School (easter tql conduct the institute. 'rheeontinuetion schools at Brus- sels and Blyth are doing very satisfac- tory work. More of these schools shmdd be established to enable the children of the less wealthy to obtain A higher education than that possible et the ordinary public school. One should be established in the township of Howie'', either at Dottie or M'ord- wioh. "No 2, Hawick, rebuilt their echoed - house. 1t is now it modern up-to-date school, and both Mutate and premises arra &credit in the section. Two ex- ssUe.t achonlhoneci will be eree•tt•d thisear, one in N. S. ho. 3, Tucker- elmith. and one In No. 7, Hallett. •'There is hardly anything relating ko the school reminisce that rause trustees so much trnnhle and worry as {Ile providing a s' ly of Inc. drink- Ia$ w&fef'tib, the aeh ol. Few of the tilrsl *Mb WI aMIcfaetgty, as \Veidenhsmwer be appointed* unqu- iet, of the board of examinee•+ Inc the high school district of West Huron: that J.. 11. Cameron he appointed a member of the same board for East Huron: that the account* of Listowel high echoic', $:o3, and Parkhill high reboot, $441,79. for maintenance of county of Huronupil.. attending these schools be pent; that nett r are til • conriderrtion of claire 3 of 'our tort the ado [tion of which wee le t over troll l 1 r new we can ere no tea.ou for changing our recommendation at that time. The import of this Inst clause was that the awuunt to be paid by the r ty to schools doing continuat • class work be made one and a -half times the amount of tot• liuveutluent giant. The grant made by the county ill fen mer years was twice the amount „1 the Government grant and 1. 11 Cameron. of Brussels. H. E. Huston and F. N'. Madman. of Exeter, tip. peered before the (smiled and ntuce out a good case for the grant being left at the former. figure. - They pointed ournfirg(tott"work that was hying dune at Brussels and Exeter in the continuation classes, furnishing what was -as good as a high seine 1 for 9) per cent. of the pupils at lest cost both W the county and to the vil- lages in which the schools were situ- att I - This rleu,e of the committee'ave• port wait amended, OD motion of Messrs. Ler-kie,. of Bruaeelh. ate' Gul• law, ot Godericb, to the effect that tbeslununt of the grant be lett at the same Hgute as tl fOrIller years, namely, twice the amount of the ase. eminent grant. This wet. cattiest, six- teen members of the beard voting for it. ..r -,re Oil and Gasoline Cooking Stoves ' Sfe tittle pricer) at 91.15) 10 $25.00 ea, h. They sue safe nod easy to rust, goer slotted not to tut tbe or Kutehl. •t\'e'll let you try one fere 1. r•, a week. elle-remit )runs. Sad Imo, WhIs G)rt•r1a. . County Prow" Ceseautt.eiF.poct- - . The jailer r p rted two inenstc`', and wrote as follows:" 'Mrs. Griffin would ask tile council to kindly cuusidec the papering of hall, parlors and diu:ng-i rano of the house•, as thee walls ere very (lark and willed." - The county property committee re- ported everything neat and tidy at the regia ry office an•1 recommended that 1 steer eme, laevieg 1 e-, it ossibie to sell the fence at present iu'p in front of the office. Iw• given Author- ity to have a small fence built 1e• i tween the office grounds and the lane adjoining. about 4 ft.- bleb, double- facett and suitably palated ; that, as the eaves are fetking at .ane -corner, Mr. ('oats he authul•t'zsd . to have them repaired if possible, and if not that they he renlserd ly mew out's,' Ar • in their present condition they are a I detriment to tilebuilding, also [hat the Cornice be fastened where it hiss' bevken liaise. : Ti• ' - • i ( p.rrtt4tweeiaauat"s-attht-Sell_ vagrancy and one for rereiy ing gmels on false pretenses. end that the build-, ing WAS clean and tidy, .end the wall ! newly- whitewashed - and the woal- work painted. painted. and the cow• . that Mr. Grifliu mister recommended he allowed to purchase stltHcient plant to repaint the woodwat k on the •out- side of the joiner's house. when he hat an inmate capable r&1 doing the work ; that Mr. Griffin b,• aliowed to pur- chase sufficient cement to elliiw )mill to construct a cement walk trope the wide door of the jailer's hotter to the sidewalk. said work to be dune by prison labor; Witt the clerk and the chairman of this- committee he authurtzed-to purchase well piper et a reasonable !ripe, sufUcient to Paper the parlors. dining -nom end hall of the jailer's residence. when there is in inmate of the jail capable of putting it on, or if' Mr. Griffin Ilee- sires to put it on itt,bia own expense. In regard to the arcntint incurred by the jailer for repair., the -committee rept-41A' -t1i4t this -Wes." telt - without the' knowledge or consent of the committee, and although two of the itelil9 were emergency ours, re- pairs to the heat.n,t system -due to the bonding of is coil to the &teen) healer caused l.v the freezing under the floor of the tetrl pipe, atilt the damage. In the reed and eaves c• ineed by a slide of snow And ire, yet they recommended that in brume Mr. & rinitarhr net.p ereila.e ehy article' for uw• in the 'jail without flesh consulting the Glee% or a member of the council. 'l'h. comntittee also reputed every- thing at the court house clean and tidy, and recommended that the care- taker are- to e mut- t authorized 'have lh kP . he n ilhc egad h v LA r 'o boards and side of the cupada, ridge tin on the roof painted with 4.wo coats of paint, that two new window tend, be:put on the windows in the lir) that Mclean Deur now. 1C.• - i 1tee the hit-g.st wtuck, elitist*, all !tiers, 71c 'c photo. We will 114 /4111 Lustig any cern dose you 'boy blah Window Rare ens, 15e rat' Lawn Mowers cut - (•tired • to Blear. Ste . ups +peered--Moe'tr,-.-et *am each" Give it t.•• d L iwn Huse, rt', Ute. 1E1r• Heti 15c per (cul. Hammocks at $1 to $Io each. Baby Hammocks at $1.5o each, all styles and colors. • Martin-Senour - on per cent: pure Paints - • Are hest for 1 es, flews, buggies :u111 wugutts, it etwits most, loekw Inst aid weasel' Inngt sl, lie) a Color 1•3 141. ty nae• t e•aft, 15' vier -FM-UM 4111". Vat ilisb ;u• 1 ti+ushee. Dairy Tinware rail-.8!tytiue•rs, 1'.it,s Churn Paroid Roofing Cheaper and 'tetter than \t -e :u.• Kole Agents. Pure Paris Green Rog finish and )lug Can-. S t eta, iut;l;t SMUT -lit Ease shingles. Wa Prevents flies on horses and cattle. Nye du Routing. PI biog. E'Neb- lmughing and itepairing prt'lfitly and t the lowest prie .s. Buil s Hardware. - Bu l store in r aper than i t \1•e ... 1 1 t 1 town. (let ollr prices. %VotsdI's` j rdware court rooms and onu'in .fudgri eoyte'. room. wttar•ee- hnrkrt . -1H4/4-4 new oil bloats 1s• parch -ase.) for cried jury molal : that the t•areta have for wall, and woodwork of til petit. jute rooms minted. Haan of Refuse Regulations. The 1 • of refuge Committee re- p arse,) having c•,nsidbr.••1 the r'•v sing of -brei erre-o1 n fag-' t•eLe i s.•c,irrd c spies of 1,71 toys ..1 the houses .,1 reline, in Peri h. Middlesex and Wats.' lei foe conu,arist-,n. The ful- 1.•Wtog tutditior,s or' ilterut100s to the bytawa were recinunteudttl That the farm of commitment Ire :lammed so at' tat permit into ,ors olio :lie eligible amt iv lei have ls'en.ie -i- dents obi The county -foe ane year at !eawt. pep 1/i ttdnUl(t••l its t,u,Ian•t• with the pleseut... Whey gee,' nine til•• seine. - ---- That persone alio are viuletttly' de- mented or temporarily insane, vag- rants of viehme hairs, and Con ties iiffit111' enun retrw•t.t; he committed to the (-manly j tit until some eult'114 I hem or I o •r n for V t• • funW pia. is d pnovieie,n i. node for their este ono maintenat.ce in the hoose of refuge by the en ction of a snit tole buitdtlg or t he Ir $1.50 Round Trip ONE WAY $1.00 - Children bait Fare. II:1tigaze Free. . GODERICH` DETROIT Saturday, June I91h 9:30 a. m. Canada Timc ITINERARY 0; THE Eleventh Annual Excursion GODERICH-DETROIT JUNE 1909 Steamer Greyhound WHITE STAR LINE LEAVE DETROIT FOR GODERICH I'•' !ii .Inn, 1.t to • n m ('moral Tim•• lrrt„ ti,riorieh 5.M p. M. pr„al Tram I•arr. N„ i,riel, for Clinr,.n m,11 tvny e,an„ng to Stratford I1 :1 p n. , n arrival of steam, from .tto,.nliglit 1' rip. LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROIT rntur Int. ion* I91h 9 94 a m . Caned , T m• +topping at Port Marna. A rrl rt a1 )'hent 6a./t m. .Sunder In h,trolt, Tol••te. rot -inlay or Cteadand.) ,t Spnr.,t )'ar, r., n Train from atratfor-I the morning of Jens let►, Stop ploy a Mlich.11. MOSSO, aead,rlh (tttWm .a4 Nat.weai.,- and only., 1a (loderlirh 9 a. M. •• •, tringham flviv,ere, •tc., tate m^rntne tram, Jon. Nth, e,aaardr ea 1.1 on A. :n s. m., alta see at Train for (iolerieb. 1 +, a epe't•ul ):xmn.loa Trani from Onelph, Elmira, vte., els 0. R. a. FROM D1.TROiT RETURNING TO CODERICH t, .•+ int rim \hnidal..Inn•• 0',., 1 1) p m, roil Iluron 5 SO I, m Arrive rt u•••Im ir•h 91)p m. 1 [ulna iter• O•NM,h hit as p. m. for (•linlon, IT Ingham, !Oratfnrd, t'4• , .e arrival .•f .tremor fro,, flet nit FROM CODER:CH RETURNING TO DETROIT I era O.MarMlt na la*t trip far DMrnit T.mwl+a, .Inn.• e.1) , at 4 SO a m (N•,te 11,1,,,.5 5) 1 m , .'suaaa Tom,) Sl ••wb e+IH M served M )h, h,.,aif,.l dining ron,w ler Hb Faremi.. el foe. Lorne) a til. l....) Cer mi,r. Cetd.virh Band Moonlight Excursion at Ge Ierich, 25e. I., h.•, 1 . ^A •,11•rk Friday • .-n ex.h. n. I5n) +.,metier Tent. v. •tan J from !Oral/nod and war Mellen* WHITE STAR UNE. x 11 AYER, x,narsloe Asset 1 1 JUNE__ SPECIALS... • Buyers who come here will Save. is all we need say about --our weeicts-sale-commencing SATURDAY, JUNE - r ath.-- -Read-the-- following list; it will give you an idea what this week's selling may mean to you. CORSET COVERS. Our full stntk scum 31 75c all at one price, !33e. CORSET WAIST EM BROIDERIES.--24 pieces frnut 2.P• to 7:1•', just one -quarto a Off ea.11. vette, all now this sprat,;, LACES:- Vols. Torchonr, ('lint') and '1'1ic,ld, ICI • pit•eee one crit to 1:r&•. etery piece le- duced. HOSIERY. -Just 5s0 !alts' nf' out' 1,24110 - hair lot of s pairs for zee, (ort black nus w•uus- 1 less, !dill Irft. The lest Stocking elver amid tr xl 6i- lit*t fair 2 for. asC. _. li. galla(- bi+uJt.- own. fancy--,tsd --white. hildrru's, wusbro: alit" Ltdirs', a very choice I r: EMBROIDERIES. -'2',) pieces, 1 to inches wide, ltigular Sc nod Ilk•, your choice 3c. pieces and 13 3 to 5 inches wide, , your •o choice 1)h•. CORSETS. -Solite odd Iota of D. A A. Coreeti, 20 pairs, alk for 35cy 75c for 511,', and $1,(11) 1 el.: a tut 1tw . Just wine lines we are not repenting. DRESS fat USLINS.-54?pieces IOc to 211e, reduced to 241e for }be, lac foe He, 124e for (lie, and 11),• fur 7 4c. 'These are great bargains nu* reduced. FLANNELETTES. -A big drive' in these goals, T(Tc fur R•; autT1_1j for loc. Mento of then' nearly a yard wide. They are going fast at this reduction, WH1TE WEAR --White Cuelureklrts, litmus • J end cirawrt•s, ext; it +,titles at letce4 salted. tlsRttitTS;'ThisVogreat peittthom s, -twit -es Pk' and 124(-.. Culurs fist, blurs all indigo. You are stere to g ij; 1 1 Y . lee b bargains here next week Or0011111111111111,3®l11--.111111111111110 1111111111111111111, •o• .r . - -atone alias NOWIND furnishing proper irioters for Ntill '. retorted with- reference to a motion To a,uetul clau,e in lillaw admit- of L,uutciilurs Het.l ;end M.•1•:w•pn. rn- tiuginlettee. sit that the tttt titeitsth• gfading the in,.•..•C.1 sidewelk on ties must provide each - ate lir .later- Nai11 ii d bl i.!g,•,. th.it he Lound it Yon committed with .t least t rubs would cost 11-:51 t•-• li.tv.• ;t sidrt4alk el tioihirrg---.bele-uteteesl.atlriwg -eit et. seised -31r,' w •• )d la• tt•., • (•tel two luta of bools,.surk•, ,ii riN• al.. ,withutit any stirt.gtheumg of the 1'o Ai/wit/1 cluu.e re vi•iluItt, l el-ilit• [bldg•+. "Should any action be taken Ling all who -may h ave business u! the to .trettealem the lei•I.te," Sir. hitt/T- hiene. 'attet•- b i t' or any wishing t.. visit KUM. to!NNW avrut•, it hlt.uld ta. utade ,l iung do so lift oat d.y re each eetc. '1'huti eu't t )t 11' cabby w'C nt..hete fluor. That day... - . ' would et'4,4U L re.14..3LMl moue. This The committee repotted the build-!n+i•I`e was rrertr4* In the year titt'2, ih; mud rya11411eu t thrift - e41101. aro,, nr1Ar 1 i' of:uq iron fa Wee from the', except soma pnintiug ..1 1i r ' r the Iwat authority to hand is fifty - F ' re -- w !s• the half at- tt ie . _ ., #• t 11rt k itch inane auetwrq taus- i$e' y iP+ t door and I u'..t,,u;hltn • ..1• i.•- orale 1!w C.nutiat.3 .. hi•7b ereo le 11 Chir } • ( 'i 1 tt k au 1Lt>_.-. Ltu tr, P i thelutl w u t' e+. }uiC enol the crops well :a+lvan.vd: The -emu- -sUa•nglh of la•iolg•• weal (•raeiccd lir toil r e•t! a xpresrad their roti re s.i' iMac- following teply: •4)r& leokit,t oyer tine with thet'p i, an.btrunanda-.i.- uw 11 rued,. we find til.• triage eon - tout motion for tlu' eleleuesett of three. 0 t 113 trot e r h. Toe t i ire • o iintatw it'' 41ter Or tit• nsatt.•r .- i i fol eon. T b present ant t f 1 I K ri:,fily'•ltinr. tunint,.tiled at the aver- Nidrnatunf w,• hug • row•• 1...111.• run WEDDING GIFTS FOR JUNE BRIDES \l'c can furnish the gifts for the wedding and after - aa Lr • I r !he_ iglu(-. _ y 4t5,r•r It•.1f,s;+t+r . ,..... ti • , age weekly ...at id ell nit Sl. A ,peer• mitt meeting will 1.• held it Chianti on July :alt. The estimated receipts emu the house of refuge for the i'ur- rent year ate $2.e0i, and the estim- ated expenditure, ytit.iito. Roads and Bridges. The county engineer, D. 1'utte'ron, \Vc have tine of the . t +tell the int, w. tt„dtd'.r,1 1;1t:t: ;,.a too GLASS AND CHINA put .t hid.•wn11 of 1lo1 e'ivctun•. as apparently It is rather is light bridge stocks and our prices arc the and, being ti i t ig structure, it.men lid .. not he wane to put this extra load of lowest in the trade. same. Yours truly, The Hamilton (fridge 4' parry. Limited.'" best IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? ratio -r LITTLE DIGESTERS WI 1 put it right (laic ly and surely. Money back if they do not cure. er direct from THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO Qur China Basement is worth your inspection. Pay it t t14te- -`y0u wilt Fe welt - pleaseil,. , C(11ne and look, whether 'o. hot you wan( 10 buy China or Glassware, John Stead Lades' Wear and China 1lamilton Street. • OD NM GE14iD ®OOD• MONDAY HOSPITAL DAY We have decided to prese to the Goderich Hospital 5 per cent. of the entire sales for one da selling in this store, and we have picked out next Monday as the 4 ay. v. -num. -minx Monday moraine. of every doll. ;pent in this store, 5c will go for this put - ptrse, sr& nave tip some of your haying Inc this event. 1\'t' nor goitg to offer s •n big indeeemsnts to nt i' two big ehoppintt days• and )inch), Sat.'ryIts y Another big week in the Mi 'nery Departme - t lb-reFt*frave.lb•r.shermsleftinthebet • we ethrowing in-,ill-o(ic rrxular. Nt wk of slrapei t ith tit eio ldetiglitere.-Y+ t '.0 .114 te-Muted hates 14o roomy dine -teat »tyles, regwler vele... e holey to blear at 112.114. 1 1 1 Big Flower Sale Here is a lot which nsak(s a veritable had of Ilnwere or ell deeeriptions an ing great richness and teem, m, y, Jtbout 3110 in the lot. in clear at exactly half-price. ' Ribbon Sale for Monday's Selling 1,0)111 rosin of silk taffeta ribbon,t. inches wide, reel good quality, in all rola slide for misses'saihee, hair ribbon', .well as furs great nonny Other uses, -lie on sele Hospital Day 14c. A Big Staple for Saturday and Monday Se ing -UuTowle of heavy bleariest twill aaI941biw-ebeelinffr2 -yard/snide, ex .quality rat• \ .alar 110e, special Inc these two days per yard 27c. Heavy unbleached cotton sheeting, 40 inches wide, special pe yard 16-1e. 17 -inch plain brown emelt towelling, natural color, pure linen, epe 1 heavy make, with recd lander, spell's' per yard Oc. 50) yerla of real heavy striped cottonade, gond for slaking worki mens' pants or smocks, regular 23c. Specie' for'Satunlay and Monday 10c per yard. Clothing Department Men's rolntrd working Shirts, the kind you have been buy g at 110c. Speliai clearing 20c. Men's (ah••! colored Hoer, special 25c. , Men's shote ('ape. extra videos 2:5e. Special in men's Kentucky Jean Pants, regular $1.29, - - urday and :Monday Mc. show- suit - aril, Visit- our Grocery Dep - tment (Basement) inked of choice groceries as outlined be d every day that you can save 39c nn buy - Come Saturday and Monday and get a Dollar low, and Nave exactly 1)t on your purchase. it's iig 91.11) wort of grocer ire. But here is your 1 ran Peas (le. L lits Rice IM, parka • . Corn Flakes 10,, 1 parka e Corn Starch lac. Saturday a d Ilospitel lily for $1. Here Is It Saturday and Monday t t special, if it will hist the full time can't promise. 8 east* sweet. Velenr1- Oranges% per dozen, 15e. :t rase,. efloire IA' , PO dozen, 121e•. WI, are arranging for same Is • arterials in ever v depatrttnent which are not nilvPrtmed this week for Hospital Day and visit will leo necessary to get all the good things going. Don' overlook Monday's buying. i can Tom/stoops 13e. 2 iei hest Raisin. Ins. bate Snap, Any kind, 1o' dozen Binaries 12(-. 1 can ('urn bur, 1 0li (est Tapioca 8c, .lnzen Oranges 15c. Oh pkg. Ten On black green) 15c. Ca/- - meron & Moore THE DEPARTMENT STORES, or 2=Mell• 1 1 1 1 OODERIOH •RANOIy 1 ammo, inimm• ammo asmIIND M 0400