The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 3ains •
tterns in
lied 14.1
outlier 6c
a„,d diii k
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TallratDaT. Jo qu 10, 111011
1 yams
i•" yd. 35c.
Riere just
Yes in the
we ever
rice is .t
sale fifty
ican a big
rth white.
ed Sults
foi 3,50
for.... 4.102
ffif 4.7a
Of b
........ frac
tot. $1,06
"The Piano with a soul."
Get these facts before
you buy a piano.
They'll save you money.
The piano of doubt is is Risch Agraffe systam prevents
discord forever. that jangling souod.
Don't buy till you're sure. -How special devices, ex -
Mail this coupon to us to- elusive to the Mason and
Jay and we will send you all Risch piano action, make it so
the reasons why. you_ aluxuld responsive, accurate ie repeti-
have a Mason mid Risch piano lion and durable.
in )Our home in preference to We want to tell you all
, any other -make. this and much more.' We
There is only one pian, that want to show you illustrations
leaves no doubt befOre you of each of these points so
buy -that's Ilse Meson you'll know just exactly why
the Mason and Risch is the
‘Ve tell yoa the whole best piano for your home.
details 'of the construction of The Mason and Risch piano
the Mason and Risch Piano- is a high-class instrument. For
the materials, the class of work- every cent you pay, you get
manship, and the special kat- actual yalue. These jmprove-
which give it a more ments are our own inventions,
beautifultone, make it last evolved after years of study
longer and remain better in tune. and ,experiment, so we
-This-Write information -9M -have no expensive royal -
want to give you before you ties to pay.
buy a piano. We want .to give
-1Iow the Mason and you these facts about and Ibsen
Risch pin-hitsek construction the Mason and rano co .
and method. of attaching the Risch • piano to- Toronto
tuning pins make it remain day, so while
longer in tune. • you. have it in
-How the great- mind f,11 out
est resilience in our • sestets- the accom-
sion " sounding board. • panying
-How the overstrung scale coupon
gives a r i c h, pure tone and mail Name
throughout the entire register. it to us
-How the Mason and now.
The Muon and Riseb Pita° Co., LImIted City
12 West King St., Toronto. Canada
Strad ins
illustrated bo.tit.ri
a•plaining rho rea.
on• why 1 should nun
• Mast. and Rokh
ratio. This in eta gray
obhgatoo No to parkas.,
One application—two rubs—and
your shoes are shined for three days.
2 in 1" softens the leather—
keeps out moisture ---won't stain the
clothes -and emanci-
pates you from bottles,
mops, brushes and.hard
work. No substitute
even half as good.
Fneniture and Undertakinewarerootea.
West side Square.
'Mose : Store tanderich
ftootdones 173
rad, At rootdoncro, id William
'few of the Sistrict.
Mrs. 4Dr.) P. M•Dooald , and Miss
MeDonald.rd Winghiam, removed to
their -Dew home is London tut week.
Construction hu been begun on the
new Carnegie library to be erected in
Brussels et a cost of about $8,000.
Thome. Willis' creamery at Cen-
tralia was partly destroyed by fire last
week. The building and cottage
emealowieed, •
Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Frallek, ot
Wingliani, had the 'Dimmer° of eating
ripe tomatoes. of their own raising,
en the Seth of Mew.
Mimi Attridge has been spieented
librarian of the Wingbaut public
library to succeed Mimi Ethel Elliott.
who has resigned.
Samuel Taylor, of Grand Bend. and
Mies Ethel Reid, of Stanley, left the
Egniondville manse as husband and
wife on Wednesday, the 28th ult.
Dr. Wm. Gillespie. head physician
in the city hospital in Jackson, Mich.,
is visiting his parents. Me. and
John Gillespie. of Seaforth.
Dr. James and Mrs. Butchart and
family, of Umbel, fu, China, who Are
enjoying • year'a furlough, are visits
ing then gentleman's tether, John
Butcher', of Stanley.
Miss Crocker, form y of Ex-
eter. was married at the ho of her
'Mother in! St. Marys on Tu y, the
let inst., to Walter King, of he Ot-
tawa civil service.
On Wedneeday. tbe 2nd inst., Rev.
H. J. Fair, of Urboroe, tied the matri-
monial knot between Miss Gertrude
Miller, of IVinchelsea. and Edward
Leaderhouse, of Ransoroville, New
W. B. -Taylor. of Toronto
atty. son of Jacob Taylor. ,qt Clinton.
left last week for St. Isadore de Belle-
vue. Sask., where he will spend the
summer instructing French ehildren
in the rudiments of English.
Miss Ada Seaman. of Blenheim'.
the well-known evangelist, who has
conducted services in various parts of
Mist church, Trowbridge. on Tdeil-
day, the 1st inst., to Owen Burk, of
David old resident ef
Howick, died at his home on lot 7, of
the 9th concession of that township.-
on Friday. the 411 inst. Deceased.
who was eighty-one years of age, is
survived by three sons .and seven
Mrs. Thomas Stanbury, of Oak
Park. Illinois. formerly of Clinton,
has issued invitations for the marriage
of her youngest daughter. Ella Louise.
to Elliott I). Hotchkiss, of Detroit.,
the event to take place on Wednes-
day. June 18th.
Robert Richardson. a man well
known in Brussels, died at his home in
Dutton on Thursday,. the 27th ult..
aged seventy riz years. Mrs. John
Thompson, of Brussels, and Mrs.
WM. hfeAllister. of•Grey, are sisters
of the deceased.
Mrs. Armstrong, of Fordwich. was
stricken with appendicitis on Friday
evening. the Oath ult.. and pseud.
away the followine Monday, at the
home uf „her son Ed, Armstrong. of
that place Deceased was an maim -
able woman in her fifty-fifth year.
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
omen cartully ottonood 1 st all
boars, nlabt or dor
Talking About Buggies
if you are thinking of buying a new Buggy this year,
we stooild be pleased to have a talk with you. We •
handle th.. heat Buggy on the market --
The 1/4/0 /110(1014 Pire liall,11*•. us show yon the fine
point,' of the new thiggien we have just placed in stork.
N. H. -I have taken the agency for the McCormick Imple-
merit* and can now supply Seeding and Ilarveating Machines
manufactured by this well-kncwn company to anyone doming
first -close Farm Machinery.
Wm. Knox
Newgate and Hamilton Streets, Goderich.
to • '9:1.41'
L.' • ‘,
Me. and Mr!. John L. Kerr. of WEI
2nd concession of McKillop, are
mourning the Ins* of their only
daughter. Helen 'Elizabeth. a bright
child of six years, who fell asleep in
death on Tuesday, the lst inst.. after
a week's illness of pneumonia.
J. D. Meltae. son. of Rev. D. 1. Mc-
Rae, of London. formerly of Brus-
sels, is the London Collegiate candi-
date for the free trip to the Old Coen -
try offered to high school boles by The
Standard a( Empire. Old friends in
the county are helping the lad to his
desired haven by subscribing for the
The beautiful lawn of the bride's
home on the 10th concession of Grey
made a charming wetting for the mar-
riage on Wednesday, the 2n4 inst., of
two popular young people of the
township, Min Maggie S. McNair and
Robert Houston. About two hundred
guests took part in the hymeneal ser-
vice, which wan conducted by Rev. D.
11. McRae, of Cranbrook. The bride
was attended by the groom's sister,
Miss Fannie Houston, while her
brother, Neil McNair, supported the
groom. The ceremony was followed
by pleasant festivities.
The Winghani Advance of het
week tells a remarkable "fish *tory,"
whieh it gitaranteeti to he true :-
Mester Stanley Brandon, of the 2nd
line of Morris, caught recently nine
red -fins or mullets, weighing from
three and a -batt to five ;monde. Trig
young gentleman would like to hear
of a real record that can beat this.
The residence of couneilkir Lb A.
Lowry, of Brusselr, wise the seene of a
pretty June weddio on aVednesda .
the Cud init., when his elders drug -
ter, Pearl, gave her heart and hand to
Javier W. Creigie, of the Standard
Bank, Colborne, Ont. Rev. John,
H0111110., Of Dorchester, performed the
ceremony. resisted by Rev. J. R.
Craigie M.A.. of Torouto, father of the
Th• -bride wax -attended ianty
by • her father, who gave her away.
Her sister, Miss Clera, played the
wedding march.m
After deuner Mr.
and Mrs. Oreigie left for is -trip tir the
A Bad Fall.
While' Sittig up a. windmill at
George McCairs farm, on the 8th line
of Morrie, Mark M. Cardiff, of the bth
line, met with • terrible accident.
which almost proved fatal. The mill
wale almost in position, when, by a
e lm of the rope, the whole structure
fell, carrying Mr. Cardiff from the
roof of the barn
to the floor, thirty
feet beldw. The tirifOrtieliNc-nto
was picked up in it elate of uncon-
sciouness with a deep gash in Isis
head, one hip dirloeated. a fractured
bone in his ankle and several ribs
broken. Internaled
injurieu are feat.
Am Baste( Wedding.
The marriage of A. E. Ilusw ell. of
Exeter, son of (Merge Buswell, of Us -
borne. and Miss Gertrude Harvey,1
which was solemnized at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and .Mn.
Thomas Harvey, of Exeter. on Wed-
nesday, the 2nd inst., wow one of the;
,nitmit rimming functions of the season. 1
'The ceremony was performed at high
noon by Rev. D. M. Buchanan, B. A.,
of Jarvis, Ont., uncle of thebride, in-the
presence of about forty invited guests.'
The bride, who wore cream satin, With
pearl trimmings. was attended by her
maid, Mies Edith Burwell, in flowered
silk, and Miss Mildred Harvey, who
made a sweet little 'tower -girl. E. J.
Tucker, of Hismilton, wax best man.
Before taking up their residence in
Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Burwell will
Death of Donald Stewart, Turnberry.
Universal regret was felt in Turn -
berry on Saturday, the 21e11
when word passed through the town-
ship of the sudden death of Donald
Stewart, of the 3rd concession. De-
ceased was in his usual health until
Pi iday night, when he complained • of
pain in his chest. Next morning on
rising from the breakfast table he was
overcome with weakness and expired
before his physician arrived. De-
ceased was born in Argyleshise. Scot-
land, in 1838. At the age of sixteen
be emigrated to Canada with his wid-
owed mother and his brothers and
sisters., settling in Oxford county. A
year later the family located in Turn-
lwrry. Deceased was a man of high
intelligence and wide interests and
sympathies. He twee a delightful
host of the old-fashioned type and his
home was Ilways -a centre of regal
hospitality. He leaves to mourn his
loss hie widow, four sons : Alex. and
James. at home, Wm. and John. in
Louisiana and two daughters, the
Misses Agnes and J»' 1 11 ; a1110 one
brotherand two set....
W. are in a bad wry then' now,"
he poiuted' out. '1f we want to go
frotu Southampton to Kincardine it is
a choice of driving or going around by
0. T. R. to Palinerstou. 11 is the
rune with the other porta."
The Celonel will be in the city for a
few days.
LIPPINCOTT'illgolt JUNIL-1130 June
issue of Lippincott's Magazine opens
with a stirring complete sweet of the
"%ends." type, by Grace Miactiowen
Cooke. whose ability es a successful
writer tsar twen-demonetrided
long list, of euccessful hook.. Her
new tale' Is entitled "The Royal
Line," and the leading diameter is
kit* iresstosag -primers 4.4-Waltlesta...e.
suaall European principelity. She has
the temerity to refuse the dissolute
royal rake her councillors have
selected as a husband fur her, and to
insist on marrying the man of her
choice. She gets bee way, too, de- 1
spite the determined opposition,
whereupon plots are at ouce laid to
separate the royal lovers. Desperate
measures are resumed to on both
sides, and things look black for a
while, but eventually the clouds roll
by and the story closes with the dawn
of a new and happier era for the
charming Elfrida and her stalwart
young husband. The tale shows care-
rueviidPerentPlyilrmtli“ell'a stthilyauotfhtohre
done obtaining at such s European
court. The plot is strong and well
handled, and the chatactersadruirably
drawn. There are several excellent
short stories and interesting special
articles. and altogether the number is
exceptionally readable. A feature of
musses', prominence it "Love Versus
Avarice. ' the second of two posthu-
mous articles on "The Woman Prob-
lem," whieh Ouida, the brilliant novel..
iat, wrote while in the zenith of has
powers and sold to Lippincott's with
.the proviso that they 'should not be
peblished till after her death. "Love
Versus Avarice" is well worth read-
ing. whether you agree with the
author's viewpoint or net. •
Kincarcifne's New Delivery System.
Kincardine Reporter : Th. mer=
wheine under way whereby much
of the work now done by delivery
rigs will he done more thoroughly
and systematicatty. As it now is five or
six rigs practically cover the same
ground. The idea is to have the de-
livery of goods by one man, these de-
liveries to take ploy* at stated hours.
This will mean doing away withsev-
eral delivery wagons and overlapping
the work. The idea is a good env and
our people will realize what it means
to have purchases delivered at stated
One on 'ths Doctor.
• A busy Toronto doctor, whose big
practice leases him little time for even
necessary rest, and none for recrea-
tion, hut whose genial disposition ed.'
ables Lem always to see the stuffing
side of a situation, tells the following
story against himself Coming insole
day wearied with a Ione round of
morning visits. be turned into the din-
ing -room, where a maid SWAP setting
the table for the mid-day meal, and,
throwing himself into chair, said.
"Oh! Mary. this working between
mealt will he the death of me," "It'll
he the death of a good many "
was Mary's innocent but pointed re -
agonise. —
' Si. Marys Perry: York Co., N. B.. "-----Vitha"44-41 Naal112
June 7th, -(Speciati-That Dodd's An old German, wearing • faded
Kidney Ms will cure diabetes has blue coat and • campaign hat, limped
been proved once more by Mr. Thos. into the Aire of a palatial dog and
Harrison, of this place, who writes :- burse b"Pitid. bequeathed hy a
"1 buffeted with severe pain's about humane millionaire to the town of X.
the region Of the kidneys.
laydown it, was torture to
When I I
get up tat," he annottneed to the upeirnteml-
again. I grew weak and my appetite "I wish to I* admitted to die hospi-
ent. 'Tee got heart Double. I'm a
ph -yob' B. A. R. man, und 1 can prove it."
"But you can't enter this institu-
failed. I doctored with several
,'..n.. but it . was no use. I !
worse all the time, till I be an tgrewo de- tion, my good man."
spair of my life. Shortly alter this I
began to urinate blood, and 1 knew I
was in the grip of that terrible
disease, diabetes. A friend perrimiled
me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. After
the use of one box 1 was much better.
"Sure 1 can. 1 fight at Gettysburg
I haf got a yes* heart efer pence. I
ran move it."
"Yes. hut you can't enter this hos-
pital; it's a—"
"Can't, huh? Vhy not ? 1 vas a-
m", how ot Hoax, Kidney- pain solcher. 1 can prove iL"
"But this is 5 veterinary hnsint al."
cured me completely."
know dot. Ain'd I chorea tellin.
you &It I'm a veteran?" -June Lip -
-- pi smolt's.
Printers. Errors.
Years Ago hew Desirability of Lake .
Shore Line. hose pnnters types are sometimes
London. June 1. - The Free Press viol:let:gem imps. even if they are pro -
It is now some years since
says : Lieut. -Col. Belcher, ex -Mayor they made The Harrimton Review say
of Southampton. and one of the beat- A man's !mouldering remains were
known men in Bruce county, is in the transferred from the old' cemetery to
city, the guest 11 bis brother, A. E. the new, which has furnished un with
"We -are looking for considerable I the cue for many e bantering para-
graph for editor newar'n benefit. The
ably this summer," he said to The
radial extension in our district, prob- olaretwiticat crinnfiferriut:tei7thoaftoarpritalretolny iethien-
Floe Press yesterday. "There is a . tome, eeeeh with the iniereal region'
line, you know, practically completed i occurs in the teat imam of The Clifford
from Goderieh to Kincardine, and we Express, which Puttee; that a man's re -
ir D. MILLAR CO. t°
We are now showing oer first delivery of ladies' and children's Par-
asols In all the Vied etrew-Arefiretttitot carry adored Parasots taut
season you are assured of *eery one biting new. •
Ladies' white embroidered linen Parasols, natural wood bandies,
a vary popular number. $1.00 each.
Ladies' white and black Parasols. special Is.00 each.
Lathe& white linen Parasols in embuidered effects, and selected
natural wood handles, In • variety of styles, at 81.26. SI 50. 111;76.
$2.0). up to Ilea each.
A few novelty Parma, in Braided effects, in white and natural
shadow, very swell $3-oo each.
A great variety of Children's Para/els. at 25c. 80c, 76c and
Ii.00 each.
See our special dollar Umbrellas; they are greed values.
We have just added to our already well assorted stock of Lawn
Waists several dozen in all the newest and roost up-to-date styles,
at $1.00 up to • • ....... $ each.
We have a great many linee suitable for gifts for -elm June beide.
e name a fed a suggestion, Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, Sideboard
cover's, Doylies, Scotch end Irish Linen Table Cloths and Napkins.
inet Spreads. Down Quilts and Blankets.
Meeell's Patterns for July now in stack.
anticipate that this will be continued mains were brought to Harrieton for
An early June wedding was solem- 110 Solithammon A041 then on to t Owen einfromenc-__Hount Forest contact.
sifted -at -the- home of Mr. enet- Mrs. 1 Sot - -
Hugil Tyerman, of Grey, on Wednes-1 "This, with the radial which one of 1
divg, ther2tOttrist.;•When they -young- your iildei---•me11-111-- putting thsoughl- A c*L..1. at... 'h.. eh..., Rar,
culturiat of the 10th roneettaimt. Rev.
the bride of Fred Oster, a young attn. tinned on to Unclench, as in the logical I •
Th 1:se....-..Canis,71i:n: who.—are eager to
Toronto Star.
est daughter, AliCe Lillian, became from London to. Grand Bend, if con -
outcome. would give a radial line I
E. 0. Powell. of Bruesele. performed 1from London to Owen Sound via the convert the British farmer into a pro -
the ceremony in the presence of fifty Lake Huron ports.
guests. i The Colonel malted a remark of Mir
At the recent examinations at the John Thompson, who when premier
School of Practical Science, Toronto, visited Southampton and was hie
E. W. fte . soma bbs gUe.t.
second -year examination in civil ..en- "He thought it very remarkable
rineering and carried off the prize for that 110 application had at that time
the hest enemy on "The Ideal Lecture ever been made to the Dominion Our
end Lecturer in Technical Relocation." Parliament for a charter for a radial readers will be interested In the
arguments for eating Quaker Oats
The competition was open to grade. line between the string of porta on
1Corner Grocery
• Where you get Fresh Supplies-
I Well-eured Meats, the most wholesome Bread and also
Fresh Fish daily.
Coal Oil handled to perfection. Goods promptveted.
('ash for Butter and Eggs.
Corner East street and Square. :»ztit,--.4 'Phone 110.
HIDDEN:between two crisp, beautifullyibrowned
biscuits of unique design, is a fairy-likecream,
cream, with a flavor of pure lemon juice. This le
. our Lemon Cream Biscuit—our New Creation.
About 60 biscuits to the pound.
. :‘
tesetionirt, tney regret the) conversion.
The British farmer may have no more
desires for the importation of Canadian
wheat than the Canadian manufac-
turer has for the importation of
British woollens.
*1... as well as undergraduates of the
school. ,
11. J. Billing., who ham been man-
ager of the Molsons Bank at Hensel)
for the past seven years, has been
transferred to Forest. fn antlefpa.
tion of their removal Mr. and Mrs.
Billings were banqueted in the Com-
mercial hotel by the citizens of the
town on Saturday. the 29th ult., and
pretented with handsome silver 'ser-
vice and fern pot.
On Wednerdsy, tbe 2nd inst., Frank
Clifford Spackman, son of Mr. and
Mer. Hugh Spackinan, led to the altar
of the Trivitt Memorial church at Ex-
eter Miss Annie Beatrice Knight..
daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Edward
Knight, of the London rood, eolith of
Exeter. The ceremony, which was
very quiet, was ronditeted by the
rector, Rev. D. W. Collins. After
their wedding trip Mr. and Mee.
Rpackman will reticle in tinelph,
where the groom ham a gnnd pneition
as manager in one of the departments
of a large retell store.
After a lingering Hines,- Mary Mien
Geddes. beloved wife of Win. Wit'
eon, of Belirrave, mussed away on Sun-
day. the Rith ult., at the early eget of
forty-three yams. Deceased spent
her girlhood et her parental 'home on
the 3rd concession of Morris, hut eine.
her marriage had resided in Belgrave,
with the exception of a few years in
Michigan. She was a woman of many
excellent modeles and was highly
esteemed. Rhe Is eurvived hy her
bustand, one daughter, Isabella, awl
two sons, besides her aged father,
David Geddes, itia !wahine and two
Lake Huron, and he thought this
would he a great field for any nn•
pany that would take the pruject ."
Lieut. -Cot Belyher sees A great
trade which will follow the opening
up of a connected line all along Like
which are appearing in our columns
from time to time. The tremendous
consumption of Quaker Oats, increasing
as it does year after year, is evidence
that the public bas found it an ideal
food for health, etrength and economy.
AND the present remarkable demand
will be still more greatly increased
once you and other discriminating
women have discovered its delicious
quality. The daintiest biscuit Perfectly
1-10-2.7t4'. correct to serve at any social function.
LEMON cREAmBiscurrs
1 ..try at Warehou•e• at triontreol. Ott•vva.tiamilton H,ngston W,on,p.rg. Calgary
Because every part of the car is built in the Toronto factory, and of
the very best materials—the double curve springs cannot break;
the specially welded wheels cannot warp ; the tops are of
the best satin for parasol and the best leatherette for
hoods, and the body of finest wood or prime German reed.
They're Canadian made, so if there should be an accident
it can be easily and quickly remedied.
You can Always Get Home if you Drive a Gendron
Solt • • all 6n.,1...;lr„h.rn
le.7. tWrt• n• if vri
t•tr rsit•
sd The
Toronto, Canada "
• 41-vz`44
4 t0