The Signal, 1909-6-10, Page 22 Tauasoke, JUNE 10 1909 C ' 'MIH: SIGNAL': l;(11)1•:1;I(•li t►\'I•.MilI) 1 1 eti•io rut OODLRiCH. ONT UR1O. PUBLISHED EVERY THL'Iigl AY sr egg SIUNAI. PRINTING CO., Limited , ------Telephone ('all \'0.7----`-- Terme of subscription : Vapor annum 111 advance. months, NIC ; throe mouths, tic. To United States whscrltx.r. e' ' • year (slrtetiy in advance' faelaN L ubeeribers who fall to oxen. 1. regularly by 'wall will winter • favor by �• eeu&iltag us of the fact at a. early • delis as When a change of address le de sired, both the std and the new addror should be given. �a1 Advertising Rates: . per line furr first rer sirullnr lneerti' and cl , pereli n i for each subsequent insertion. Measured by • nonpareil scale, twelve lines to an Inch. Business mrd• cat six hues and under, as per 7rdvsttsm reenta of 1,'wt, Fuuud, Strayed. Idtt- uuone recant, Sit oat iuus Wanted, Houses fur Bale or to Hem. Farina nfor ot ealle le or tog Rent. Articles for Sale. eta, ight Bees. Mr each insertion : 111 for first month, Ws for each subsequent month. Larger sdvertlre- ware in proportion. Announcements In ordinary reading type tad sials per tine No notice ler Gaon tic. venture ever since it was opened in 11101. Owen Sound cannot be much di 1( 110 lltlller town. The Dominion railway commission is getting after the express companies, Is the public coming in for its lettings aJr butt ? - - This Toronto News le touting for e duty' on lumber. If there is any fool thing to he advocated, The News is always right en band. If Canadians Airily desire to con- serve their timber resources, they will not complain of the United States duty on Canadian lumber. Canada can use up her tinder quickly enough without selling it to I'ncle Sam. Dr. William Osler describes "faith - healing" as an "intlnenaa-like out- break" which has its origin in the long distant past and which once or twice in every century.aeises upon the people.. It is not a new cult. • Any special notice. the ob},rt of which is this pecuniarybenefit of any individual nr swami- Mien, to ,w„herged a�� accordingly. aivertlnsoleut and Rates t display and nontract advertise - Mints will be given on application. Address all e0mmunteattons to- ?ligSIGNAL I'itIN1INU CU.. limited I,werich. )lot t ODCWCR. THURSDAY. JUNE In. ern THE MINISTER QF LABOR. Last week William Lyon Mackenzie King was taken into the Ottawa Min- istry as Minister of labor. taking charge of the branch of Government which at the lastsession for the first time was made a separate Depart- ment. Mr. King may therefore he germed the tirst -Minister of Labor in • the- Ciinadian 'Government. He ie also, it has been stated, the youngest Cabinet Minister who ever entered the Ottawa Government. He is in his thirty-fifth year. He comes'n•tau- ally by his political proclivities, being • grandson of William kenzie of '37 fame. Although' be is just beginning his Parliamentary ___ career, having been elected for the constituency of North Waterloo at the last general election, he has been -in the public eye for some years in connection with the administrative work of the Government and has made a brilliant record as • capable and successful servant of the state. Very few men have bad a more favor- able start in public life, and as Mr. King enjoys a large measure of per - moat popularity among Conservatives as well as among Liberals his career bids fair to be an exceptionally' useful and distinguished one. Ua'. KiuglaelevLion_to the Cabinet necessitates his return to the electors of North Waterloo for their re-en- dorsation at the polls, but it is not ex - petted that any serious opposition will be offered to him in the bye -elec- tion. WEST HURON LIBERALS. Annual Meeting Held on Monday H. J. Morris Elected President. The annual meeting of the Wert Huron Liberal As:ut•tation was hell on Monday afternoon in the 1lortuu blxik, Ouderit•h. It wait not expected that there wouldaasun and,e in addnion tar itlasts May - t it ops underetocal that the business 0 the meeting would he largely of a routine character. flowerer, 1herr wow a fairly good turnout. rtpresenta tive of every part of tilt• riding, ion keen interest was taken in the faro eeedings by those pteeent. Owing to the lamented death o the late preriJeht of the Assauiatiun James Young, the chair war tpken b Vice-president 11..I. Mourirs who war later elected to the presidency. 11 opening the meeting Mr. Morris re (erred iu.feeliug tel to the liter sin fared by the Literal.. of \Vest hero in the death of Mr. Young, to wh1e memory he pawl a warns tribute. A resoletion cumllllittt•e, pow' of lir. Silas', Clinton ; (i, F. titan (ioderich; Dr. Gann, Clinton; Thor McMillan, Hallett, and t'has. Skewer Kimwil, Wde appointed. The election of 'of lcers rroulted u follows : - President- -H. J. Morrie. Loyal.. First vice')resident"-\\'m. 111111 Dun,gaunuu. ' Kecand Vlce-president- osc-taalton Man One of the British suffragettes has' been visiting Ottawa and urging the "woman's righters" of the capital to more aggressive action. Maybe there- frsnrrre that rumor of Sir Wilirid's retirement. The ratepayers of Toronto have re - j -'('ted a propoo.al to build a "ase -wall" along the lake fi ont. Perhaps If.. the city authoritieti h.wl_ been content to l iantnru call tie. thing a breakwater the project Wight have b'."n received with more favor. • Isaac Brock Lucas, M. P. P. f Cefntre Grey. has been eworn in as - member of the l'rovinclat fluverc meat without portfolio. Mr.' Luras has been in the Legislature since ICOM and has taken • prominent part in the proceedin(;s of the House. Some people sn•ua-to be getting ner- vous over the building up of a "naval force" by the United States on the Tb. _inhabitants it the Canadian lake -port towns are not wort ging ahott it. and inlanders need hive no dread of the -warships" which Uncle Sam in ueiug -nn the lakes for the (raining of naval cadets. AL the same time it erould he a•pity if the Icing -standing arrangement be- tween Canada and the State., where- by the spirit of war was to be ban- ished ft'ofn the region of the (treat Lakes. should be -disturbed. t �on the floor of the Huuv' 1 a few members 011 the Government Fide Voted with thecal against the gt'.''' Thi. land was in t11J• clay 1w11.. n,i. very well known yet, but repotted 1t. 11e vt'r'1' good 1ant1, and when opened up would be lrtadit '�/occupied by st'ttlere. Whyy,, asked Me. Proudf Hot, �y► the (.QVej'humut not build a eolol- iIEaI1•411 101arof ltd nn.')) and rep th0- land : 111 doing what it 11.111 dune the t:.,. d•trht. cat minty of the electors The Libel al part y in Ontario was .1 rel y consider• cable part y yet. In the last election. I, outside of the cities 1he Liberals idle t _ 0 totes than the 1'ou.erv:utves. The Liberals 1)4111 Duly to show Chat f the p•'sit)''n they were 1%.king in nide lie1411 (11's was a ante'o1.1 ...moil • 1 , ywill 11.1ak .elle support ,f'ttwig fl•iVelds who hill tcu,le,r:rriiy (alt i Med )1(1111' s,ler•es., . 1 the Coosa.' live party. Goring the $essioit the I.ib"r.►1. Kul u er,A .evel111 good act. pill 11110111th in ,. ill.. htteirets o1 the l•.• .plc .(1141 1. �.I rreui.raibwrrpl slset"1 ..env �1 )4rnl- 1.1 ti leKis4tlimt. One of the Import ot, t, s r, • ingsbr idge. Third vice-president•- a In cat laud, Witmer. 'Treasurer Jas. hell. Carlow•, s Secietiti'y -\V. 11. Itubwttroy, God ri"h. • Auditor -W.-J: !•l.•i4lay',. (toga... . •I tet -fat1Isearsaliteuaa lewnc -- Atra. -Youngs -Ctielesesse- to field -Chis. Steward, Kitllaii; \\e it *..*nigh John McNabb, [lunge non; Golertell 10wurh:p John \\ Yeos lIutweryilk ; lluiletr-'L'hoe. J! Millan, Seefurtb; Clinton Gr. J. \ Shaw ; trialet tell -W. L. Horton. erten. t'hnirmru of polling cul'-divisiunr: Aslttteld--:x'0. t, tt. M. Duff, 14.. giinn)h ; No. A. Finley,' 1(afeking No. a, Jas. Hackett. Broome ; No. J4 . CIuwfot•d. 1'nrt AI'irrt; No. Thos. Sullivan. 'Kiugsblidge : Ni. D. McLean, Lothian ; Nu. 7, Jot J anlieeon, laurier: l'ultantne No. 1, Win. 11111. 'lentil -- rte. t� ,Tr fi 111: No. 2, Ifrl•Iert Jtin•rie, �altCoid : het. Inuit••' lung. 1 F No. John J. It diet boon. Auburn ; tree tyoflh am 1';h .;nu 1 • lou ,4 No.S. JAS. l'hiehalt,, t).nthlp. (aeu.u.ati.i� for,bhe next election, We -t %t 'watamdi--No. 1, B. J. 1 ..W.-11,-Kogr -'1'f CIi, ' •n, said h'• 111.1 ( 1 isvfuul, Dungannon; NI t'1 IS �lu•r\,y re ofa 'int nldin tliAtl ityrnlwtrine(�. Kenzie, Auburn ;•. St tteiel e: No, 4. .ilex Stewart, St, I lie- re*lisI L taa_11.v LA., •'.f Dite .- Helcua ; No- s. Jelin Sherrill. Luck -1 tem slits et which so n,1..•h 11:1.1 (a'' It F g - A COINCIDENCE. Last week The Signal had an edi- torial article under the heading "A Tariff War f" in which ta'as the follow- ing paragraph:' The chief sufferers from the action of the United States Senate will he the consumers of the United States, and it would be unwise for Canadian.; to try to "get even" by inflicting ilar injury upon themselves. If the United Stales does not want our products, let us sell them elsewhere. If we need to purchase gomis from the United Statex let us do so as cheaply as possible, rather than try to delude ourselves with the notion that in tax- ing ourselves We are sinning a blow at our nnneighlrorly neighbors. A few days later, in reading the edi- torial page of The Montreal Star of June 2nd, published the very same. day aa The Signal's article was writ- ten, we were somewhat surprised to see this paragraph : "If the Americans are foolish enough to tax their non consumers still more on the t'anadian goods the deans., we would .hardly .'get even' ----with-them-eery ectiroly by taxi our consumers on the American anode they buy more Chain 51* necesnifrre of \ protection, and 4.he revenue demand. he poorest possible retort against a notion which injures us is to injure odrselv.e still more. To levy a higher tax ,on imports simply hematite an- othee atioo levies an aleurdly high tax onseti'•irnparta is as ridiculous a proceedltg as can well be imagined. Such a Course is neither protection nor free trade; it is insanity." - c The two articles exhibit other atrik- -. log resemblances, The Signal advoeat- The Primrose. 1 know shank where the pale prlmeeNe grows. nipple+down meas. Whom memory brings the sweet romance ntatn.. -. When 1, a child, went forth to gather sloes, tallow trodden paths 1 slweys ^hose. Where 1 could follow up my tansy s trial, 'With heart uncogni.ant of human peen. Fillwt with the loves that only childhood known. As I went dreaming of the fairy queen,' Or wishing 1 some magic eight might see. Heil she unveiled my eyes. had 1 but seen Theis twenty wandering years in ,lore for toe. I think I would hero prayed to slumber there Where the pale primrose stars the fragrant Air. --Charlotte Eaton..in Tbo ('anadlan Magazine. a•: I .1 n- c- V. 1, ., tm in the walk. muet%ion,nK esQt.i.11� 11- the t.t • AV iU1nm dl. 4n-gh and HI.. LOS' lots 1144 .a'1' the I'. ., iupr w,as 111" hydruy'lechdel ts,wee seliru10, hl whish it was . prep ,-. d to supply power tin oughoul \\e-1.•111fantail, cat :4 low 1,11,0. 'I'll• 0,'1.,.,111 11 did 1101 r,irprrm-tlti. 40 up.nil.,. m', 1141 leak 111.• IMrali.n that thil una('i(uli'i.11 .1'••,I(1 tint la• furci•d into emit tarts cat w 1.it It thell.uuicipal 1 * t''ts, bid not given their issrptauV,i1. -. _The t".1",."- utent was (urciug eautioete 1111,11 int" )n.litie., eaaat-t1«`-1ji,p:"Pie' t.r,k 4 stand .ag•(itiot such a tn., ir.1- 1n1r. Another tweet i,,ll whet. 11;e I lui.l party 1+1"s, ta••e in the ilea. f11•nre 'v.y' the 1(1111•'').'1,,' question, \t1'..-I!roud('ot 'kola; ,,1 that Ile 11;- 1, ;Med dpi stand Tv ;1.' p.rptin 11c, 11"t taken in the i.•eia.alore nn (hie .in• s. nn1. Nex) ..year (belewould b,• (.,uiehtiutt of -the, ,ilu'rals of the I'r,.V it),•,. `..hied w'ad.l d••Ilur tlr pnGry of the 1.111 ty . 11 lois :and other )sae+i and in" the uar•:'ntime--it wo•i1l er`':grs h.• premat- le t,c " Wm t1( - a anything (.cath -t•. l'he l.' 'I''' :u. y t.... avomld he. I v 11.-.1,41*. 1 Ii e )4'411 isne. of 1 h u,.\14''4), M(l. 1' •run. I: •' . ,n .1 Vt. . h piid a tt•il ate of r 'pre'. to th leene•ry 111 drtutr•.-d 1. 1.- r Will 1411., !wen t' ng in the faith i pd zealous now. Hullett-Nd- 1. (4. Stephenson. Con- stance ; No. 2, Jag. \\ nn. ir., Har- tnctr; -No. ik-at; f'4ynea, (-lexl..ua: au 4, John Tamblyn, ondeshoro' ; N •Lo. 3, Jas. Snell. Clintoh; No. 6, Humphrey respect fn furthering the arta.( pence Snell, Londeshoro' ; Nu. 7. W. T. 1tid- .inste41d ,f all' wring 1)" s;tirit (1 war dell. Auburn. to gain the eseendaney. G«lerich township -No. 1. 'Isaac Brief retuwrks were )rade also b) SalkeW,'(ioderich ; No. 2, W. 1". Hick, Thos. McMillan, G. F. illair. and A (iodertch ; No.--lk---Jvhe To.rlwwc+. Saunders. Porter's Hill ; Ni,. 4. A. E. Izzard, Clinton ; No. 5. Henry 'Tebbutt, The r<trenf{th.of.sGom. Holmesvills: No. 'd, Jon Huller,• •b.r;ust. and-depreti2nr1= -Mi 1'y spirit which was s1( mu 'h in evidence. Great Britain. lo.d n 1(..11er spill re '..Lt1Ju__thai-.1y'.. 111+14)," g,11tr-rat1 end 1.ilwral5 had a pat•lirtifar ;They ii cm. FROM OUR, CONTEMPORARIES. A Sslrtioa. Belleville intelligences. \V. 11. if the women wont wear smaller hats, why not 'nake thele sit on one side of the churches and the ('nen 014 the Otlnrt•? Birds' Nests. London Free fres.. Let it be known far and wide that the hey. who riles s bird's nest is a foe to his kind. About this time of year the instinct grows acute with oppor- tunity. The binds are nesting. . horsy to recruit the species They are doing e good work for humanity: Why interfere wale*? How the Grain Business 1s Growing. Hamilton Time.. According to the Depnrtment of Trade and Commerce grain statistics the number ,,1 bushels of wheat in- spected to 141-1 wore 17.1111'' - - 110)7-(W the rpientity was 7t.e45.42$. gra n sprete t-tn -was 314.M-45. lot irF-HMS it wasRu7,- SltS.USill. Canada is getting to be quite a grnininodueur and she )nam hardly struck her gait. - r VIII ea lla-. The following resolutions Were. trodueed -mead-e:ascied.---with. _ .ht speeches by the mover* and seconde 'ed b • Win. Bailie, seconded John :ti es: .1 we, -e the \Vert Huron Liberal Associat here assembled, desire to 'express great loss vrt*11 the Liberel pat' not only in the} riding, but Ousel out the Dominion, hoe sustained the sudden demise of .ter Iatespt dent, Mr. Janne; Young. Not only a friend and adviser, but as an enth iastic worked• in the Liberal cause, had few equtla )n our country. A we recommend t hat a copy of this elution he 1endPrrd Ow widow family of the deceased. Moved by Js W. Yen, eecondrd O. F. Blair: That this Association sires to thank our lute wemtwr, Robert Holmes, fur his rattiest untiring .ports in the Liberal cal and, while regretting the loss ,f valuable services to the party, congratulate the Government securing suchen efficient office[ in responsible position to which he leen appointed. Moved by R. M. Young. •. cin by G. cal er in an 11 ti ha W to bo le Ywatchful n 11 11 u It in h p a. a t :I1- LL rt l.y Inn the t r, el.- in as 116- he nil te. and by de- Mr.and lar, his we in the as h fled Thos. McKenzie : Teethe lion. A. MacKay, Leader efthe"Oppch.ition, ntario Legislattire.--1\'1'. the Uta: sl. of 1Veet Huron in mimed meet - g assembled, de+ire• to runv(,y to you d your loyal suppnl tees in t he Local oust,our appreciation and tublika- on of the eplenlid • tight that you ve made during the past session. e realize that the efforts It you And our lieutenants have had not a little do with 1.1a':iog on the statute oks of the Province much valuable gielatiou, and that, your uueeaeing, esrhors wets -reed- the inter- ne of our VCOILUSee-l,n-Jllany oeca-. endo warded the : • u r ens tat, althopgh v''1( were few in r, you were I4nrvr I lit they dial to recognise in- any legislation that light affect prejudicially the beet in- •reats of thld..Ptuvince. _ Moved by Chas. Stewatt. seconded y Dr. A. C. Hunter : 1Ve, the I.ih- rale of West Iluron in annual rueet- g assembled, desire to ..,sear+, our onored leader Sir Wilt! id Laurier nd the various members of his Cale net that they have our I,eartu•st ali- ment in their prugressire and aide lmlinistratioa of.the _affair s. of out huuiniun. We regret that in the last election the fortunes of war were gainst us in this riding, bel we are %ssnr•ed that in a future rnlstest we will be successful in ngein giving to he Liberal party an able tempo' ter as we have tone in the pest. In '•reponse to a further resol. tb, It is surprising fe Ind how parents know the great strength giving qualities of good oatmeal. Most of m think of it as a food for the sturdy and brawny man, and overlook its value as a food for children. Every Dow and then a mother will take to feeding her children on Quaker Oats and will i e astonished at their improve- ment in strength and vigor. Of Mfrs, she tells her friends, and they prove iC for themselves, but every mother in the country should see that her childrea 'are strong and vigorous. Plenty of Quaker bats, eaten often, will do it. Put up in two sizes, the regular pack- age and the large family size, which is more convenient for those who do not live in town. The large package cos., ing an increase of the preference on British goods to Ofty per cent. and 19" hen th skin "When t 1Unitrci�fitate'e) tariff is completed, the a r,l(1 consider it ; and we will pro Hdecide to do nothing about it, save n with an even friendlier eye towan a policy of giving John Bull n hig pre nee•' The heading, "A Tat IR Oar? 'ds identically the same over the two articles. The whole thing is simply a coincidence, but, we should say, a re- markable one, it is noteworthy, too, that The Star is a paper of l'onserVe- tiVe leaning++, while The Signal is Lib- eral in politics. When a Literal country weekly and a Conservative metropolitan daily can get together PO thoroughly in a matter like this, Uncle Sam ehnuld not find it difficult to know how Canadian puhlic opinion views his tariff performances. EDITORIAL NOTES. - What is the Use? Hamilton Spectate'. Hindus are being hired as rousta- botlt' for the British Colnrnbia salmon fisheries, Chinese and Jape being so scarce, But what about the white men ? Are they too aristocratic to do this work or are they so scarce that they eannnt be found? And what- ever the answer is, what te- the use talking of the Yellow Peril, when without the Asiatics itis impressible to get necessary work done in the Pacific coast Province? Strawberry time will soon be here ! (let yearly for a hig time in (lo11erich on Dominion Day. Fernie, 11. C seems to be In line for all kinds of trouble. Not long ago it was a fire ; now it Is a flood. • The "King's Royal," the Mg summer hotel at Owen Sound, one of the finest rummer hotels in the Pmvince, is to be torn down. 1t has been a losing Obedience. I'hlladelpht• ledger. Prompt and unquestioning obedi- ence is the corner stone of the founda- tion of elevens in life. No man can ice orders properly who hart not ed to take them, and "save he wrens,* man may rule." 1t. will he found Dint the men who won their way to positions of power and respon- eibility have ineat•iahly been the men who did not reason n1' argue on even "respectfully represent." but who promptly did as they were com- manded without g4sestionin 1t Is the large man, not the Iitt.le�lhap, who recognises a eupu•rior authority: Farmers and Daylight Saving. Guelph mercury. Ata meeting of the special commit - tee of the British House of Commons to which the dsy light saving bill was referred. Mr. Christopher Middleton, a member of the Royal Agricultural Moriety, said *Arleen %triets were greatly against the hill. During the haymaking and harvesting Benson the early hours of the morning were of little us0 until the dew was off the neaps, while the hour which it was propoaerl to cut, off in the evening wart one of the moot. velueble in the day. Another difficulty, .aid Mr. Middle- ton. wee In regard to cows. ('nws had more regular habits than the men who tended them. And they world not be ready to give milk in spring If the clocks were altered. Then, In September there wnnld i e an addi- tional hour for the rows to wait, and that might affect the quality of the milk. tains a piece of handsome china for F •�I.1 (1;j�l�1 the table. -- Making Quaker Oats is i I Canadian ind'ustry. -. !1 . S ondon Life puc, f� tet ,40Das Q 1'-o � V Because Every desirable feature is contained in the special Reserve Dividend Policies issued by this Company. See a sample copy of our Endow- ment at Life Rate ; it protects your estate and makes provision for your future. Do it tq-day. W. II. KOBINSON. District Agent. Seaforth. W. ACHESON & SON. Saturday & Mollday Bargains JUNE 12th and 141h. pRALLELEIL W H ICH COI lE BUT SELDOM. UHhoe MUSLINS. -•:Ill piece. of late arriving, tine Drees Mitr11115 uigandie aid dimities. Dote. sprays, etrips•t and floral pattrrn1 in a huge %aunty of exquisite now colorings slid warranted fast. Itegulsr %alut•r, 12r. 15e and- 11•ie-oat ,# sale Saturday rend Moude'y 6c ''till. 14 ser yard t 0(; SEPARATE SKIRTS.- :l0 only 1rulies' Dress 51311(444 in methl,,m and .Ittk reer4', e5.., ieguhn• values 11 1.11,1 to $11.75. Statue- y0. -ye 1(1141 Al lay - DRESS GOODS 111 pier*" of all pure wool Press Goode acid Mailings, 111x1)1 and lams) III INhfe•lot hs. striplings tta11a111its and Cleat tweed elfeetr. Regular prIcei .1111', Oki. 75c and 81.1e1 per yard, Saler- 3 day and Monday Sale, at per yard .............. 9e HOSIERY. i.'sb.wWi Wise: meth-net-weight,ca+huuure llurlery. uaw(ar- SCOTtCuHLs I'NQIl:LpElrUM.tSI. XA1!I1l„ynJh,albfl.prcrkie0rl file patterns. ft0, 8or 4 -ands wide. )u 261 patterns, Special S ala, and laid tree -at per square yd. 35e,. 40c, 5oc and 6a'. RUGS AND CARPETS :to urn.' velvet.. Ilrusselr and "\\'ill''n Rug,. just oje..swir, ..11 2: per cent. moiler their V (146,4'. size. ir3i,3x 1. 3ix1 yard... On sale Saturday :1t each, $lo oo. $15.00 and $25 00. INSPECTION INVITED. I.eeer1 rnthera, Tmmnln, will send V. n free a alke of tieit famous I' I:tn t , l toilet snap, if you inenti.an this ;silk': CENTRAL !.....Ilea, .r STRATFOr;3. ONT. With 1 -windy -tire; reef,' -exper- i1'rlee to its et edit this college is r 1 (11r.g.� h00l in Western 1)utati0 ) Thr, e departmet, t s : Lt MMERCIAL. SHORTHAND ani 1 ELEGRAPHY I),1' ('/1145)'' elle 11.. iN1•g.nt. our emit se+ most (i Neoral "lend -, in-trurtr1)0 •'Xpeti •need. ()or grad -2 ii.tcs til.• nal-t,.l t i p,-1144,1'- ani` 1,-e,- .1 Hs n.n,• others. I'.nte n i).".r. (o r ear tier eatal..gle , - • si I :.t.n'rr kr M,'F.ti III. ‘N. -, . • P4 ir,ip.ti-. Don't miss a day; eat Quaker Oso every morning for breakfast. BUGGIES - BUGGIES 1 have r' •-tved shipments ,f t}r n)oo Models in GRAY ',ad MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the twat lints nla':e ada. Rubber Tires. AutnmcLle Seats fIf a+1d in :r. l.1' .l idsaa In first- S •-etntS-Camegrs--_. - [tet OPENS . '• t'riUS-f 30th, •• • • 11 • 1• ,, a•. • ii (jl1ULRILt1 UUSINE3S CULLL(iL J R.1,i.'P W. ACHESON & SON. A good s - -and -hart! f;rirllrr o,r `I sale• in goof repair, to -.:1' h riat.5. Several goo I drivers and some . own for sale. Robert Wilson` \gent fes Massey- Harris Implements, MC - loth! Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Flarruws, Land Rollers, etc., etc. -1 bouillon Store, w.w...w..r - moved by Wm. Bailie and seconded y Dr. Dunn, tendering the thanks of the `._ Association to \\ ni. Proud foot, M. P. P.. for hie work in the Legisla- tare during the pest session, I'roudfoot made a few remnrks on Provincial politics in the Tight of the proceedings of the lecent erasion at. Toronto. He prefaced his " address with an expression of regret at the absence of the genial pPI'snnHlity of the late president. James Vnong, said Mr. Proudfoo', wasatrite I,itwra1, a man who had the gmxiwill of every nommanity in which he was known, s ep1Pn(tid worker Anel one whose death was a Aevere Mae to the literal patty. "We revel's is memory, and we trust our friends wiTtspot forgot the etas .lames Young affintys took as presi dent of the LiberaF.Association o Went Huron." Mr. Proialte't alto n1 ferred to the departure front' the rid ing of Hobert Holmes, whoa+, ah•anc he regretted. Passing on to a hrilef review of the recent warden, he Hai that the Opposition, though tew I nurflbers, did all they could to erre• n the Government, from making mi takes ; but in spite of their efforts th Government. did make mime mistakes For years when they were in optics'' 'don members of the present Govern went declared that no port 1411 of th public domain ehnuld IM• given awe to corpxoratlnns; bel during the ecs Mon these gentlemen had made grant of two million acres of lend t f e d n s - P • 1' a the (:anadian Northern Itailway. The Opposition fought this propose) Benmiller Woollen Mills As ns117d 1 shall be Ins pitied to bus, and giaeTile HlorlrtoT' Yash Pim t: Fon \V41111,, Tooth washed and un Washed, ,,r will exchange for ray manufactured articles. You will find *fine assortment of .Tweeds of Various up -to date patterns a`1" r a gruel enpply of fled Illankets. Write Blankets, and Yarns of various colors. This season f here marl made up n number of Tweed units from cloth manufactured at the mill and invite intending purchase -re too iniip.ct them. I guarantee that they are of pate wool and will giv) satisfaction. JESSE GLEDHILL HENMILLER. Central B81ne s s College STANDS ready to hrtp young men and women to wul tndtpcndence and success. It has given the start to thousands upon thousands of young people. It can help you. Write for Catalogue. Enter arty time. W. H. SHAW, -Yonge and Gerrstrd---'qtr- -Toronto. THE BEST Iv generally CII, rt.••'p,..t in t h- cold. Ilargein-d*y goods a)'• 1(11 right in tootle lines. !nib n-hetrTon 1411' toying (ir:)cereles 1,luidity is the prune cnm'idrrn- tion. A "ha ain" in Grbce•1- ins 1.1110 Isargliin at. all utiles, Pal arc mums the go SIM arejnl right. We owe nn epeeinl bargain days, hit We are sell ing good Iir•x:rl ies ALL THE TIME .4t the right prices. Feet y thing in our store is fresh and right, and we guarantee the .Duality, every time. (live us 41 trial order. Sturdy & Co. 'Phone 91. On the Square. 1'. S. Have von tried '.Inhn- sten'e Military Rr•ea41 ? The lest yr L. We sell it. OUR RI PUTATION 1 , '1'I,.•\' IS, for the best comes from ex - Teri tics of . kno'ltfl9 how to use the . ht:.t materials that can be bought_ THE TWO .11.A /TINS Tailors and Furnishers TREMENDOUS BARGAINS IN CLOTHING "QUALITY" Special Sale For One Week a !ucki' purchrl-c last urt:k Of.exactl\ th rte - o11t' Nlt'I1 . 1411.1 Youth.: tt0=1t1eCe Stilts, all 2.)1 it Csstttu•t' 1;:;4t) 1, ta'C;)1c ,Il .l position t,1 give the greatest bargains ever of- fered in goad clothing to the people of Goderie:i. The story briefly told is this They had thirty-uta,z suits left un their tabl•.'s; hardly test) alike, and they wanted to clear th; In , i it, sn by gctod buying t r tut, tll.m at nearly One=Third of Regular Prices There are fancy tweeds, homes.puns and serges in the lot, sizes ,;3 t" 44. Thk iS the biggestsnap we ever have been ahle to offer-cvery suit at _the price is a great big bargain.• The sale is for one week -they ought not to last tiv,, hour,. We Divide Them into Two Lots To makc this sale a big affair, we put on sale fifty Men'snrce-PieceSuits in tweeds and worsteds,single and double-breasted styles, at prices that mean a big saving to you. Read every item -it's worth while. 60 Boys' Three -Piece Single-I3reasted Suits Mixes 2.5 to 33 Regular 4.50 Snits for . 75 pairs of Boys' Knickers 50 Men's Single and Double -Breasted Suits Sizes :1 1 to 12 $8.00 Suite for 110 10.0III and 1112.00 Sulfa for , 7.05 13.50 and 1115.00 Suits for 9.7;i 100 pairs of lien's Trousers $2 1111 and $2.25 Pants for $1.515 3.5o Pants for 2.05 Come Early and Gef Best Choice Walter C. Pridham