The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO
g+44+ * ok4+++* 444+ ++oki vi9 910 *4'' 44 iv 4*44*4*X
The News of the District. • I
t4, 44444 +.4.4444++++++444,. 44 44 !454 +4d,4 4*..
avpsDAY, Julie let.
Mlae A_onis and 8andt Nixon took
• in the celebration st Bruaae-Ta on the
The members of the gun club held
their first shoot at Marnoch on Vic
Loris Day.
young people of Brick church Ep-
worth League were the guests of the
members' of Lhe Westfield League on
Friday night last in the Westfield
church. An excellent program. part
of which was contributed by the vis-
itors, was rendered, after which re•
fr•eehulcute were served. Some time
was spent in social intercourse and
when the meeting was brought to
s close it was generally agreed among
the guests that their friends or the
Weetfleld League know bow to enter-
MONDAY, May 31st.
$J. H. McClinton le in Manitoba at
present on a business trip.
'Miss Mary ('hamney has been visit-
ing friends is Wingbmrn during the
past week.
John Ferguson, wife and fatnily, of
Luclenow, spent Sunday visiting at.
the home of Thouraa Bamford.
!firs Bell, who had been visiting
• her .cousin, Miss Lily Taylor, for the
past few months, returned to her
home in Dakota last week.
The members -of the Westfield League
entertained the meinber•s of the Brick
church League on Friday evening.
A very enjoyable time was spent ty
all present.
We are glad to know that Mrs. J.
Parks hes so far recovered from her
recent illness es to be aide to be
around again.
iYenNtsrroaT, Suite and.
Mrs. Thos. Leigh, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is visiting with her father, Mr.
-- Hawkins. - - _
A nun i er (nein this neighborhood
attended the horse fair at (itderich on
Kenny cIMan's threshing outfit
passed th ugh Hail _place Tueeday,
en route to tntai : Mr. McLean was
accompanied by Frank Hayden, of
Sbeppardton. Lo took charge of the
;CHotten NOT -There will be no
service in St. Anraw's Presbyterian
church next Sunda , as the pastor,
Rev. C. M. Butherfor. , is attendingR the
Assembly meeting h d in Hamilton.
Christ church pal it war vacant
last Sunday. owing to v. T. Hick,'
Joavwg to conduct the fun rel of Mr.
hnston at Dungannon.
Mies Nellie Jewell has returned to
London again.
Mr. and ]tri. R. Mohring and bal)y
_-__.left hest week on their return to ther
home i i rado.
Mrs. Meteor arrived from the West
lest week on a visit to her daughter.
Mrs. eenrge Newell, of this place.
Rev. Mr. laugh experts to attend
Conference this week. Mr. Robert
Young, of Guderich, will take his
place at the different appointments on
John V*nstone arrived home on
Tuesday last on his way from the
West, having stayed over a few days
in Toronto. James Manning also re-
turned on Friday night. Both have
exiles Cations of returning West at
some future date to look after land
niversary services at Egmondville
Presbyterian church on Sabbath.
The pulpit here was occupied by Rev.
Neil Shaw, pastor of Rgmondville
ILA M. -W. J. Albert MacGregor, a'
forever prorrietnr of The Sentinel,
who recently purchased the Sim-
mons printing business in Winphsan,
has this week purchased the o'aidence
of Mrs. Halsey Park, on Patrick
street. This is one of the best -
situated residences in Lowu and will
make a very comfortable home. Mr.
disposeMacGregor will likely dispose of his
residence and property in Lucknow.
Cusetige.-T. F. Cain has moved to
his new residence ; the residence be
vacated has been leased by John
Blake. Mr. Blake's former home is
now occupied by W. Horne, who
recently lived in Dr. Newton's frame
house on the hill. Dr. Newton has
disposed of hie brick residence and
will fit up the frame buildingfor his,
own place of residence. Thos. E.
Finlay is having a new residence
erected b Mr. Cottle, of White-
church. D. It. Mclittoela has added'a
new verandah to his residence on
Havelock street. A. T. Davison is
LUCKNOW. AMBERLEY. able eontributionsand genie of prose
MONDAY, May -Met.
The ferniers around here are nearly
all through seeding. -
Walter Wilkie was kicked by a
MONDAY, May 314S,
Mn. J. E. Aggnew is visiting friends
N ,w
bllb SM. !!ib ie. --
Rev. ,Messrs. Sawyer and Ford are
attending the. Methodist conference at
Alex. Kennedy is on his rounds with
Luoknow Chief, the noted Tom Reed
and Wilkes•bred horse.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith, of Wing.
harp, were over -Sunda guests of the
latter's parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. Alex.
I)un. J. McCharles' restaurant wee
a lively place on Saturday evening.
The Lucknow orchestra furnished
music during the evening.
Rev. 0. R. (iunne, rector of St.
Paul'. church, Clinton, couducted err -
vices in St. Peter's church on Sundry,
Rev. C. W. Sanders conducting ser-
vices at. Tara.
The Orangemen- of Lucknow will
celebrate the Battle of the Boyne st
Brussels on July 12th.. They will
have the pips hand to -lead the pro-
ceeslon and liven the day with their
excellent pibroch music, which is al-
ways an attraction that is- much ap-
The ofliher•s of Lucknow 1. O. O. F.
for the routing term will be the same
am for the past six months : P.
W. J. Albert MacGregor ; N. (i., Neil
McKenzie ; V. IS., Don. McLean ; F.
ie., D. Mallough ; P. 8.. R. V. Me -
Kenzie ; treasurer, A. Roes : cond.,
A. Bennett ; ward, R. R. McLeod ;
chaplain. D. Patterson.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be otwerved - in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday next. The pastor
will be assisted by Rev. D. McLean,
pastor of Huron church, Ripley. Rev.
Li 1 meg errd1simieted .t hean
horse last week but is ttuproving
Mr. Huttel will preach in the Meth -
whet church next Sabbath eveniug at
7 o'clock.
We are glad to hear that Duncan
Th.rburn is able to be around again
after a pew weeks' sickness.
Robert.Steele returned homee last,
week from Fort Frances, where he
1111 btwn working with his brother at
the bl*cksutithiug for the winter
The Awberley Rovers have decided
not to play football this year but will
play baseball. They think that they
will have things in shape for a start in
a few days.
TU1esuAY, June let.
Wellington Nixon spent Sunday
with Mores Champion.
' The fanners have finished seeding
and are wishing for more rain.
- Thomas Woods, of Stratford, vis-
ited friends in this vicinity last week.
Mrs. Hugh King and sister-in-law.
Miss M. J. King, spent Stigday at 1'.
McGuire s.
Will Taylor, at Knox College. To-
ronto. called on friends in this vicinity
this week.
Mr. Series and daughter, Mrs. How
itt, of Auburn, visited Mrs. Thompson
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of l.uck-
now, and Mr. and Mrs. Finlay, of
Asbfield, spent Sunday at John
erecting a cement stable for his
horses and hearse,..
TUa*DAT, June tat.
r. and Mn. J. N. McKenzie visited
fri?nds here last week.
TuasDAY, June let.
We under•atand that Mr. Vanetter
is severing his conoe^_tion with The
Signal and is going out West for a
holiday trip. We hope it will bave
the desired effect mod that Mr. Vanet-
ter will come back with renewed
youth and in the enjoyment of perfect
health. We can't afford to lame such
men as Mr. Vsnatter.
Tna ELtuunto Weii.WAv.-A good
many people are going to work on the
electric railway and the construction
is being pushed ahead. Some people
who denounced the whole affair as a
delusion and a fraud are beginning to'
toek'omewbat crestfallen when they
�'e the turn of affairs, while those day evening.
Issho always had an *hiding confidence e Mims Maud Pierer has n spending
111 the railway and its •nanagement the past week with her xis r, Mrs. T.
--ere-hnskingforward--toareing in tb•' t>ork„at,DungaFnnon.
near future, the rare passing tip and p g
down The tine rrrtwde 1- to -Miele at of Deem
most capacity with freight and pas-
%engers. About this. time next year
we shall be able to go up to Kincardine
fe in
seeiner a Povely have a grove beside tthetrtown.
take a strnll rertmd ineeee
and return in time to do the mielk
Won't that be jolty?
Mrla. Hughes and chilit-en, of
Guelph. axe visiting Win. Hughes.
Mise M. Henderson, of Kinloss.
spent a few days at A. McLean's last
week. A
Mr. and Ars. Rod McLeod, of the
4th of Kinloss, visited friends here
last Sunday. \
A number trod aaound here took in
the picnic at 'Ire Point on the
Miss Mary McLeod, of Kinloss,
spent a week withher aunt, Mn.
Sandy G. McKenzie.
Miss Irene Woods is&ttendina the
w ding of her brother, r. Woods,
of Detroit, this week.
MONDAY, Ma 31st.
Miss Bertha Twamley, from Pros-
perity, spent Sunday at Crewe.
Miss 11fat•ya Culbert, of Mafeking,
spent the weekend at her home here.
d Mre. (iodfre Hail visited
attteh m of m. y
Mr. and Mn. Fred Culbert, of'Mafe-
king, called on friends here last Tues.
Mr. an y
h home
'iV Shackleton rs-
We are pleased to state that
John O'Connor is getting along nicely
after Swing gone through a success-
ful uperation last Saturday for__ appen-
dicitis. Dr. Jamiesou, of White-
church, and 1)r. Kennedy, of . Wing -
haw, performed the operation.
Nurse King, of SVirtghaw, is attend)
ing the patient.
Baia. - Hemmen,. -- The Roman
Catbolic church here was the scene of
a very pretty wedding on Tuesday
morning, May `Lith. when Miss Anna
May, daughter of Mr. atul Mrs. John
Redmond, of Westfield, became the
bride of John Bell, tormet•ly of Blyth,
ixtt now of Claresholm, Alberta. At
N:ail o'clock the bride entered the
church leaning on the arta of her
father and tool her place before the
altar, while Miss Annie Donovan
flayed the wedding march. Rev.
Father • Laurendeau performed the
ceremony and it beautiful nolowas
rendered by Miss' May \Villiame, of
Seaforth, at the offertory. - Raymond
1t. Redmond, brother of the bride:
acted as groomsmen ani! Miss May'
Bell. of, Haget•eville, of the
groom, as-inalesivaid. Williant__llelp.
of Tot•ouln, and James Redmond, of
Westfield, filled the otHee of ushers.
The bride:was brautifnfy--towned in
ivory sirt'ru with mandrels of em-
broidered Bruwets net. with 1.,;..1.1
veil end orange bloesowy. and carried
a bouquet of cream roses. The brides-
maid's dress was point d'esprit over
white silk and large white hat with
plume and she carried pink roses. After
the ceremony the wedding party
drove---to---the bone' of the bride e
father, "Fairview Fare," Westfield,
where dinner was served, the gueete
numbering about eighty. The prem.
ente were very numerous and costly,
fioclnding some handsotne paintings.
china and silverware and a cheque
[rota the bride's brother Raymond),
showing the esteem in which the
young couple are held. The groom's
gift to the bride was A $:ds) cirque, to
the bridesmaid a handsome bracelet
and to the groomsman a gold locket.
After visiting friends here for rt few
days the young couple leave on a
honeymoon trip, going by boat from
Oweu,Sound to Fort William, then by
reit to Vancouver, then to Seattle,
then back to Alberta, where they in-
tend spending the summer months.
The bride's travelling suit is navy bine
chiffon taffeta anti white hat with
plume. Their many trienste wish Mr.
and Mrs. Bell much Joy in their voy-
age o'er the sea of matrimony.
lL*MDAY, ,!tine let.
K. Lv-Coltsyt.tre. -At 0::111 o'clock
Tna ing, Jene let, the mar -
triage n1 ?piss Gertrude J. A. Cornelius,
of Idtnesi(1e, and Frames 1'. Kelly, of
Ashfield, ` fook place at. the Roman
Father ('orenree pee forming the crre-
On ` the 24th of Maya yon son
arrived- tit the h..ete
Whinney. Congratulations, D
A. Culbert had the misfortune
have Several of his sheep worried i t
week by dogs, but the owner of th
dogs has made ample restitution.
TvkaoAT, May 25th.
Tow emu t Corsica, Maa'riNo.-The
council met today *s a court of re-
vision and appeal, tore members all
present. Having each severally sub-
scribed to the atnrmation required by
statute. the following appeals were
then considered : M. Lockhart'e assess-
ment, confirmed: \Vet. Haloes as-
sessment, confirmed ; ltobt. McGee.
enneesefon 11, assessment lowered
111011; John Cole, dog struck off ;
Mrs. Elizabeth Scott; to be added as
owner of lot 35, concession 7 : Robert
S. Reid. who has rem,ived from the
municipality, struek off. it was
moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded by
Mr. Mellee, that the assessment roll,
an now revised and corrected, he
adopted and the court of revision on
the same be closed. Carried. The
council resumed. Minutes of the but
meeting read and passel, nn motion
of ('ouncillora Scott and Coming.
David Conk was present, asking for
compensation from the townehin,
owing *s he claims to damages he has
sustained to his property from water
flowing back on the same from the
H*Ilahan drain. Moved by Mr. Gil-
lespie. eeennded by Mr. Cowing, that
the Reeve and Councillor McGee he
Instructed to go and view the prem -
lees and report on condition of the
same at the next meeting of council.
carried. Bylaw No. A, Mal, defining
the boundaries of the different polling
sub -divisions, and bylaw No. 7, Ignit,
to flx the amount to he paid for
gravel, were both duly read and
passed. The following *cconnts were
ordered to he paid ; William Rohin-
enn, salary ea erevessor, $It; : William
Robinson, equalizing union school
sections 19flp, $22 ; George Quton,
drawingtile and putting in culvert,
concesson 3, $4 ; Martin Ar•matmng,
removing tree top on southern bound•
wry, HO rents ; Fred Seandrett, draw-
ing bridge plans. $1. The council
teen adjourned to meet again on
Monday. Jnne 21at next. ALaz.
Potrraartsl.U, Clerk.
TtlksnAY, June 1st.
Rev. W. Hinde cnndected service in
the Anglican .church on Sabbath
morning, in the absenceof the rector.
Rev. Mr. Caudell.
Miss Lottie' Stirling has returned
home for the Bummer from Toronto,
having completed her course at the
Faculty of Education in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Douglaa and family,
Mn. Shepherd, of Galt., and George
Millar, of Paris, were guests this
week at the home :rf Mr. and Mrs. J.
Rev. J. McNeil will attend the
meeting of the General Assembly In
Hamilton this week and key. W. L.
Hiles will attend the Conference in
Our football team!eyed a winning
Rayne in Varna on Saturday evening,
the ocore being 2 to I. A return game
will probably lie played on the square
here on S*ttirday evening of this
Miss Chesney, of Seaforth, has ar-
rived to spend the ,ommer in Bay•
field and in at present visiting with
Miss Carter, of Detroit. who also has
returned for the summer to occupy
Dr. At.kinson'e residence.
The sacrament of the Lord's Slip-
per wee dispensed in qt. Andrew's
church on Sabbath morning last, the
p*ator, lieu. 1. McNeil. having charge
of the service. About one hundred
rnemhere took communion and six
new names were added to the roll on
profession of feith.
WOMRN'a 1NaTITt-Ta. The ,Ione
meeting of the Women's inet.itnte
will be held on Wednesday afternoon,
Jerre Oth, at the home of Mrs. .1.
Whaddon, and the subject will he.
"How a Wo»un's Institute 1s of
Vele* to a Community." Theociety
intends holding * public S
ic meeting in
the town hall nn the 14th of June, at
which two lady delegates wUl lecture.
ter of Mr,_ an Mrs. Jae. Cornelius,
formerly of ne Dungannon. She
was attended by the groan's' sinter,
Miss Sarah Kelly, of G slerich. and
he poulil was sttpporled by the
fi . - a brother, Aniosdlornelitte. Af-
ter the ceremony the\ bride) party
drys to the re=idence of the bride's
paten , where the wedding dinner
waw me -ed, after which the young
people dr ve to Lucknow totake the
afternoon min for 'Toronto. Hamil-
ton, Niag*r,LNFslle, Detroit and other
pprenitis. On `their rettiru from the
honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs. Felly
will 'wide nn the groom's term in
$ATt'RDA May •lath.
John McKenzie, of i mpbx•Ilton,
Elgin county, is visiting at ). T, Mc-
Mise May Muir, of Toronto. vis-
iting Mise Bella Armstrong for few
days last week.
Mrs. Shoup, Mias Maggie McKenzl',t'
and Rol. McKenzie, all of Detroit, are
visiting friends in this district,
11r. A. Cowan, who had been spend-
ing a few days at the parental home,
left for Brandon, Man., this week.
11. %alien and Neil M Kenzie, tlth
concession, attended the Salvation
Arniy services held at iAlekrinw last
Mrs. McDonnell, of Milwaukee,
Wis., arrived this week to attend the
rom ion services In the Free Pres-
byterian chufeh.
itollo brant is moving his nut fit to
Matthew Welsh's, Lake Shore. after
drilling an artesian well nil the (1h
concession of Huron.
Mr.. McNish and Mrs. Hyndman of
near Glencoe, arrived on Wednesday
to attend the funeral of their brother-
in-law, Wm. Matheson.
Ma, ()RAM's VISIT. --Mr. and Mrs,
J. f.. Grant, of (lode%i'h, were visit-
ing friends ire Hemlock City this
week. Mr. Grant is not only it dili-
gent and efflrienf customs official of
thn ('irrnlar Town, but abet, we nods -
stand, a brilliant newspaper contrib-
utor, and hie many friends in this sec-
tion look eagerly forward to the vain -
Tena Dar, Just, 3, 1909
uccaatuuaUy tient by Lim W that prates.
which remind us of Addison or of
Maeauray's obeys'. \Ve hope that a
pew days' eonrmnning--with natters- its-
the shades of the hrudocls of the
and bring back the requisite tone tt)
eccourplish .his litany and' arduous
rural city will recuperate nus energie
Uiirrisu Reap v. --- Do not 1
alarteet if you hmppe-u to hear drum
like sounds from .the ditecdiiue of the
12th concession these summer eveuings.
It t nota •'r
t h t i t s
t 1 tat marching c Stn the
K u
12th frotu the lake shore, but Hull and
Neil beating their tambourines, with
Tommy, their Hatt recruit, carrying
the flag. They hope soon W secure
Mut•v, and Ililly the artist.
11111111ST front this sectiuu
attended the picnic. at Point Clark ou
the 2ltb. Although there was a coo-
sidereble let• of people present,
the crowd was not so Targe as in
former years, ou account of t he fact
that many far:tiel'e were not through'
with the spring seeding. The chief
feature of the day was a baseball
Kafue of six innings between the Loch-
alsh and Kincardine, baseball club,.,
with a scoreof Ju to 11 in favor of the
forwet J The statue was fast and Loch-
alsh made an rxrellent showing in
this its fleet contest of the season,
which showed the beneficial rebuke of
herd practice. while Kincardine
showed a decided want. of tt•sJning,
rubes we attribute its failure to the
too flee use of the tongue; and we
might add that there were some un-
piraaant features on faith sides of the
gauge which should bave been omitted
from the program, especially for the
sake of the many young ladies pres-
ent. -
J)t:.writ OF \\'n. MATIIReoN,-On
the evening of Monday, the :4th inet.,
occurred the death -of Wm. Matheson,
a touch respected resident of this *rc-
titin, at the age of sixty-eight years.
Born tn--itoss-suite,- i ..timid. in- -the
year 1N11. the deceased emigrated
with his patents in early youth to Ca-
nada, and ultimate!). settled on a farm
near Glencoe. Some twenty-five
years aqo he sdld out, and moved to a
farm near l.oxhalsh, which he occu-
pied "1 to the time of hie death. Al-
though strong and active in early
,uantititd, yet from a complication of
ti oubtes the deceased suffered consid-
erably at times, and was in It condi-
tion of semi -invalidism a number of
years bark. He was respected lie all
who knew hiui as a man of integrity
and upright deelinge. A particular
trait of his character was hospitality
and a readiness to help in time of
nerd. He Wok a deep interest in re-
ligious matter's, especially in connec-
tion with his own church, the Free
Presbyterian, in which he served in
the capacity of elder. In his religious
views, he belonged to that type of con-
servative Presnyterianisnt chiefly to
he found in the highlands of Scot-.
laud. The dereaesd-irsnrvived by his
wife; one daughte•, t,alefa, and
eight sone, of whom Murdoch. Peter,
FatrotiLhar and Duncan are at Thome ;
Roderick in Toronto ; John. in Cal-
gary, and William and Donald at To-
ronto t'niversity. On Wednesday a
large concourse of people from
the surrounding towns and coun-
try billowed the remains to
their last resting . place in Lochalsh
cemetery. 'Rev. Donald McLeod, of
!Skye, floottend, conducted the -funeral
service. The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mrs. Matheson,
who within a short period of time has
lost a sons an only brother and now
her husband, and also Cu the family in
their bereavement.
. NUW.-Atboms every day esftcei t Thur+.•
day -u. New remedy for extracting teeth tSowno-
fornettbetter than gabs Crowe and bridge work,
Cts:. Aluminum plates Inon•broaksblei.
N. H. - You ran atwer%have your work ouch
better done in the dental omce-more time,
better farilitie- for doing the work. more. emu
tenable for the patient.
In Dungannon for The Signal kat the Post-
omoe Book and ,Stationery Store, where
order/twill be received for nbecriptinn., ad-
vertising and job work• and reeeipta will be
given for amount. paid for the .sine.
J PLANTS at the; fuatonice Store. M.
•.VKDNasnAY, June geld.
- Jae. Curwen wade* bnsinrar trip to
Guderich on Tuesday. -
G. S. t}}'oixls, of Guderich, visited
he oh Saturday
A Hair
1f you wish a high-class hair
dressing, we are sure Ayer's
Hair Vigor, new improved for-
mula, wit) greatly' please you.
It keeps the hair soft and
smooth, makes it look rich and
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
the ends. And it keeps the
scalp free from dandruff.
Does not change the color of the her.
rore.ut. with ...a
p who. 11 1. roar
els A.a °t..
ht- shoat It.
lie121 do..h...y.
Straw Hats
A Swell Lot of them in the
Leading English and American
Styles. Ranging in price from
25c to X3.00
At the same time the new Ayer's Hair
Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting
the growth of the hair, keeping all the I
tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy
condition. The hair stops falling, den -
drug disappears. A splendid dressing.
- -i[.d. by tn..r. C. Ayer Oa, Unroll. iass....'
course, and this leseene the disap-
pointment we all feel in losing no pop-
ular a citizen ae Mr. Manning has
been. Under his superintendence the
Sterliug Batik has built up a large
business with the people of Dungan
non and the surrounding country. and
in addition Ito his business interests
Mr. Maqning has taken his part iu
churcb mud other affairs with -much
benefit to the community. We wish
hits ever increasing success for the
future. His success* here. is Mr.
Watt, who comes from the head office
of the Sterling Hank at Toronto.- ----
'Conlinued on nage t I
N-othing Intt the highest
quality of Groceries
handled at our store,
autl our stock is
William L. Lindsay
Hamilton �t Phone lo. I5S
- -- fur putting away Furs, et.
Such as Chloride Lime, t•reolin, I)isinfectol, Formaldehyde, etc.
For housecleaning you need
and our
makes old Furniture like new.
Bedford Block,
The Druggist.
friendsay last.
E. Johnson. of Clinton, emelt Sun-
day"with hit See thee, Jno. Johnson.
Alex. Pentland, wife and family
visited friends to Guderich on Sunday
Benmiller Nurseries
-Bedding Plants -
We have several hundred of the
tlE4T SttA-tit i:T and Pi -K R&D -
DING GRI(AN l l'MS ; also
liege pn iia,
S tiviae,
Boston Fern,,
Asparagus Verne.
etc., etc.
Hanging blankets and urns re-
filled. All enquiries lir orders
given our careful attention.
Sethi in your order' now so that
you may get the rhnice of the
• Address :
John Stewart Estate
Ladies' Patent Oxfords and Ties.
Narrow and wide toes, Sutton and lace, and patent
with colored tops, all prices, Ocie to $4.M1
Ladies' Kid Oxfords.
Medium weight and turn soles. Good values
at _ $1.50 to $2.5.
We have colored shoes in chocolate, tan and oY
blood $I•50 an
G. M. Elliott.
village every Wednesday aloe noon
and evening goes- Into effect today.
We hope t.hw scheme will work with
eatisfaction to ell concerned.
The wink of laying the foundation
of the Mrlb,elitt chrtt+•b h.s i,rro
cownrenerd. '11m work w 11 1•e
pushed ahead rapidly preparatory to
the laying of the corner sone in a
couple of weeks.
'esNs'gore--The great hit of the
season- -Laing Bios.' moving rarture
concert -- will be held on Monday
evening next, June 7th, in the Agri.
redolent Hall udder the wisp ices of
the Epworth• league. This company
curves * highly recommended and
!hound he greeted with a full house.
Remember the date.
IKKI' Klt.I.KD. -- Abram Culbert
recently entfered serious Ions through
the s'orrying of his sheep by a dog.
Ile es 'mated hit lost at *De and
took act n against the owner of the
dog. t he c se being tried -before Magis-
trate Bailie We understand that a
settlement s arrangerd between the
parties ent-eries the d*tltages, and in
addition the magistrate never ',t a fine
and ordered the killing of Ile dog.
MR. MANNINo tittAS'1Nte. T1,e pro
pin of Dungannon have heard with re-
gret et( the Intention of R. E. Man-
ning, Who has been manager of the
branch hf the Sterling Bank here
since it ems opened, to remove to
Clinton, where he takes the manager-
ship of the Royal Bank. Itis an ad-
vsncerhent (1' Mr. Manning, of
Thr Annrrhl Kxanrrion to the Ontario
Agrirnllurel f'irllege al Guelph,
under the nuspires (if the \Vest
burnt) Partnere' Institute,
ev,11 ieftrid on
would build you ep, in. -realm your
weight, strengthen your weak
throat and bungs and put you in
rendition for nowt winter, you
would b.gin biking it now.
T... ,t ,. • I r, i. RAN .u,t. w, ..tor
O. sae! 51 WI Aa nsoa M
•••i • - • -. 0 e c i , r ...
speci*I train* will he ren. by (i. T. R.
for the iteeti ouodatnet of excite-
nt. follow!:
I.P:.\\"M: TIME --I•aHP.-
Adult Child
7.101 a.ui $1.2., '$ .I;3
1101.MESVILE7.55 1.211 ,oto
CLINTON... ,.N.1)3 1.20 .111
SF:AF()ItTH....M. 2 1.15 ,M
ST. COLltMl1'NN.a) 1.13 .I11
111111.1N t33 1.10 ,:s5
BKI.URAI '.-1151 1: .KS
BLYTH........ 7.Iet 1.2.5 .1141
-LONDRMI4011t17:141 1.01 .nU
Arrive at. Onrlph at 1'e,1J a.m.
l'E`TIIALiA...7.1d i.2ee .tet
EXETER 7 :MI 1.25 .torr
IIRNMAI.L 7 Id I.2.i .R;
KIPPEN 7 ai 1••••.6 .ter
BR('CK/el1ii.D.*.12 1.211 .Ot
CLINTON... _8.25 ran .t1I
Arrive at Guelph at I I a.rn.
Rxcursioniste from Belgrave, Myth
and i ondeatoro' will leave by the
' regular morning train going eolith.
connecting with the excursion
train at Clinton,
Returning, special trains will have
(ileelph on 'Friday et 7:110 p. m. A
special train will meet excursion*
from l.rmdeaboro', Blyth and Bel -
Tickets will be good only on excursion
train*, valid to return the follow-
ing day. Excureinniet.t may IP -
turn on ,any regular train.
The Women'* Institutes of West and
South Huron also will join the
The *nnual meeting and picnic of
the Went Heron Farmers' Institute
wale* held at the residence of H. J.
Morrie, ioyal, on Friday, .lune INth.
Moines!' meeting itt 1 nrlork ah*r•p.
Women's Institute branches and
Farmers' ('lute* of the riding ere in-
vited to be present, Prof. Day. of the
Ontario Agricultural College, will be
�prevent and will address the meeting.
VM. Hamm, 11. J. Monfort,
(Dungannon); Secy. (Loyal), Pres.
Soo rods of 5o cent fence, for 40c per rctd.
This fence is nine wires high and stays twelve
inches apart and is made of all No. 9 sprinh'
steel wire. This is the price of a seven -wire
fence. We still have some of the other sizes
left, which we have cut down to run off.
♦ e 'have a t1i,stltity of
Hollywood Paint which will
.•net you $1.30 per gallon.
We haven't a great lot of
any one color, hut Pie -emelt
johe or first coating it will
Move ,you money.
Our ,tock of Brnthrn was
never more complete. We
lave a full line_ of Canadian
and American brusher, rang-
ing from de to $1.311 each•
Paint for iron roofs, briages and fol' shingles. We have the
famous Arco Brand in black, brown, maroon and green.
We carry a full lino of colors of Sherwin-Williams faints,
which paintla generally acknowledged to bre the best paint on
the market.
1)o you want a lieating stove for next. winter ?
We have a few that we have to carry over and we
want the room for •esuminer goods. If you can
get a $45 stove for ti 8 this is a saving of $7, or
on an investment of $3R from now until fall. say
October, your money is earning about 35 per
cent., or r9 per cent. per year; is it trot worth
thinking over? '
ill Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors, Screen
Windows, Refrigerators and all lines of summer
goods we have a large stock to choose from.
iet ua figure onmfr plumbing, heating, eavestroughing aped
electric wiring. We ran give you protbpt *tteotion .and alt
work fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone 72 CHAS. C. IEE
House 'Phone==== =I ====. ===q
......r•ri .. • Cr ✓,..t I eta