The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 68
a,VVNSw1, JUNK 3, 1909
THE SIf:NAI,• t;l►I11';IUI('II• t1NJT.'•RIO
Cured by Lydia
ham's Vegetable Compound
MAKLTON, N.J.-I feel that LydiaE.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
given me new life.
I suffered for ten
fears with serious
emale troubles, in-
flammation, ulcer-
ation, indigestion
nervousness, a n d
could not Bleep.
Doctors gave me
up, as they said my
troubles were
chronic. I waa in
despair, and did not
care whether' lived
or died, when read about Lydia E.
Iinkham's Vegetable
Compound; so
began to take it,and am well again and
relieved of all my suffering."
GttoRos JoRDI, Box 40. Marlton, NJ.
Lydia E. Pinkham's VegstableCom-
und, mad
po e from native roots and
) no narcotics or harm-
ful• contains drugs, and to -day holds the record
for the largest number of -actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thouiandsof volnntaryteetimonielsare
on file In the itinkham laboratory at
Lynn, Masa., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints, inflammation, ul-
ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodicpains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her-
self to vs L dla E• i'inkham'g V -
ta• a ompoun. a .
If you would like *pedal advioa
about yourcaso write &confiden-
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam. et
Lynn, Maas. MeT 111d11011-14 frees.
and always helpful.
When made by
Lhe Tailor West Sbr
Tickets on Sale from May Ist
The Scenic Route to
Crossing Lake Muskoka at Haia
Park and along the shore of Like
Joseph, skirting nearly. nne htindred
bodies of water between .Tot onto and
For literature and full information
about fishing and holiday--eseotta,
C. Pilta-GngyN,
Passenger Agent, '
Canadian Northern Building, Toronto.
Western Canada
Via Chicago June 35t11.
Via' Sarnia and N. N. Co.
June 15tH.
'Steamer leaves Sarnia 3.3o p.
Winnipeg and
return $32.00
Edmonton and
return $42.50
Proportionate rate. to other points.
Low rate for round trip.
Daily until September 3oth,
Full information and tickets from
City Agent.
Northern Navigation
a - �I
JRnternatronal JYewspaper ,
Bible Study Club
Sugyestrve Questions on the International Sunday School Lessauu, Prepared
by Rev. Dr. Lmscott, Brantford
(Registered ,n aceurtistes with Wet oI )right Act.l -
Sunday. June 6, Igoe The Power of the Tongue.
Janes :3: 1.12. must be answered in writing by mem-
Golden Text-Whoso keepeth his bars of the club.l
mouth and his tongue keepeth his Verses 4.5 -le it actually so that
soul from troubles. I'rev. 2l : St. the tongue is to the titan what . the
This chapter continues the thought rudder is to the ship, that is, dues the
of last week's lesson. based on the pre- tongue govern the influence of the
vions •hepter, men :'
Verse 1 -1Vhat clasp of persons are Is it necessary at all tines to watch
most likely to want to rule, or he our tongues, eon_p (ling there to re -
'masters," those engaged in good train from wrung words. and to use
works or those who neglect them ? right wordy ; just aa the man at the
Will one who is in rapt love with wheel of a ship controls the rudder
hie fellows want to rule thew, or will with vigilant watchfulness ?
he judge theta harshly 'r Is the tongue capable of setting a
Unfaithful Christiaue always put up church or a neighborhood all ablaze
a high standard for others ; what with scandal. just as a match may set
effect will that have upon the 'tan- fire to a city
dard with which God will measure Verse ti ---What are some of the
them ? "See Matt. 7 : 1.5.1 many "iniqu;lios" which the tongue
Verse 2 -How much of our trouble can cause ?
and bow much of the trouhle we make ttanyKw meal end mention «Dote
[ ro"be"s is iauaed by our tongues ? the moral poison n ewittad ,
al) -evil
If it than does not do any harni by tongue
his words. is he very apt to. do any 1)u persona with an" evil tongue al -
otherwise ?
lotherwise? ways draw 'their inspiration -from
If aman Bays Tisa and unkind "hell ----- -
thiulpr about his neighbors, and in-
tentionally erses 7.8 -Mao can do very won-
derful thins in traininganimals and
wounds the feelings u( g
othewbyiewords, is he necessarily controlling the forces of nature, but
a bad reran ? cannot "tame" the humgn tongue.
eontrd of the tongue the key nor destroy its poison • to whom may
is the
we appty to have this trfferhfaffy,
to the control of the entire man ? done ?
Verse 3---1t takes all iron bit to c(in- . Verses 0-12 - if a man -Ilse -4- hl4
lrol a horse. what is the "bit' whieb• tongue both fur bad and for g•sel, for
will effectually control the tongue ? -Messing and cursing." dura thea not
In what respect is an ungoverned stamp 1 ' as a tank hypocrite ?
tongue like a runaway horse w . 'a Is it possible for a person with an
broken bit. and what are generally the evil tongue to be at the same time
re;slts in each 'case ? (This q mum 1 well pleasing to God ?
Liverpool' and Chicago Exchanges
Closed -Live Stock -The
Latest Quotations.
atomise's:. rola g. May .1.
All the leading gram vnclaanges were
clawed to -da)'.
Winnipe4 Options.
Wheat July $1.26% bid, 0. t.,14 er $1.(lS
oatat-tk'pt. 63%c_.`
Toronto (rain Market
A% heat, tali. bush 11 16
Wheal, red. bush 13,1 ....
Wheat, g031. burl 1 ?3 ..,.
Kyr, bushel 0 .3 ....
-iiretrwMwt. hwOI
fess, bushel -J(.Ai ..
Marley. bustle" - 0 id
Uatl", whel a *Al 0-4.
Toronto Oalry Market.
Butler. separator. dairy. Ib ♦) 21 022
Huber. store tote 0 19 02)
!tuner, ereudery, Ib. rollsa 24 0 5
limier, creamery, solidi: 0 2. ...,,
Eggs, new' -laid. doyen 0 19 ••••
Ixrge. Ib. old 011 ....
Clirrwr, iwlu, Ib. ' 0 Mrs ....
Cables Steady -Hop Strong at.. Buf-
falo and Chicato.
LI • Nt)t.)N, May 3L -London ...blew for
tart ,nerdy at &Bac to 1.0,.- per Ip. fur
('an... -tan steers, dreaeed at tght: refrlg-
st a •r teal is 9•'M••i4 .) kr- re 1,0,0! ear Ib.
i t:3tPta)i., May 31...John )totters a
o to 13
see; State siren, !k•tea. Crana-
. cos. 1.:tw to 13',c; ranel,ers. 1I%c to
Live cows. Ilted to. Viae. bulb. lee
tu.likic. Ti•attier-bad;"raiTe, very -grow,
Toronto Ju seelon--L+w--$teeter-_
WerieLi of live ,:tuck .:' o ' mon
Stock Yard, were .46 , .' rl eon-
sistilg of 141e4 cattle, It p , .1
Sunday. J
Ileb. zi. : 1.411.
Golden Text -Faith is the
of things hoped Tor, The e
things not seen. Heb, si, f
Verses 1 -3 -In what
faith and hope similar P
If Adesirable thing
faith, does that give
)liar satisfaction, t
the thing Itself
What is the sou
that "the wort a were
word of God"
Why do admin
of pant ye. . ?
..5 -Abel had
ions na' Ire; now waa
reeul of his faith, or
104. eiders
IIgk..areei er.Latti-laexu Y.,' 1 fr.,.% $.60
to $"ia:0: loads Alf good. L. ' . r,.w me-
dium. $5.-a to 1640. avnim.•e 44 •.n to F. IS.
Cow. odd hut, 51 to 'j.-. l tit
84 to 45.
Sheep and Lambs.
WIC,' were umba ugrd
Veal Calves.
Priers raligrd from til b. $. t.,, cwt
i3th, tiro -Heroes of Faith.
I take it that Abraham and the Pil-
grim father., while in communion
or --with-t}red; telt it -drawing -to go to the
rich country in the distance stout
which they bad heard: that they took
this drawing to le the voice of God:
and in this faith they started n1rt;
what evidence is there that their faith
w.. true, and that inch faith is al-
ways dependable? \ - -
Verges 1:3.10 -Why is l't that all
nations and peoples. in all ti e, solar
as we have any record, (lel ve in,
and "desire a better country, is
an heavenly"?
Verses 17 -19 -dive from mentor
the account of Abraham -offering up
his son Isaac.
What is the particular virtue. in
Abraham obeying God in the Mottler
of offering .up Iesac:?
Would it be a1 virtue or a vice in
theee day' if any tnaq should du the
sante thing as Abraham did,.'
Verses 20-3I-Supposethe proems
mentioned in these wonderful vetoes,
Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and iia-
hah, had leen leekieg faith in God in
these critical moments of their live.
what would have been the difference'
in the result. ? Does faith faith in God alwa s make the
resent harpy, and ietut'e m low -
pects are
possessed by
as much or sin -
he possession of
red of our faitlll,
framed by the
the mon of faith
a truly relig-
thie nature the
was his faith the
of his nature?
Dee this recon mean that Enoch's
analation was directly caused by a
peciflc act of faith, or that his gen-
eral life of faith matte hint such a
good man that God translated him
without deal h ?
Verse tl Faith is sometimes based
upon outward evidence; sometimes upon
personal revelation ; sometimes upon tn-
tuttion, and sometimes upon composite
grounds ; what moral or spiritual qual=
sties, th.-refore, are necessary for becom-
ing a man ..1 faith? 1 This question must
be answered in writing by members -
the club.
Why is faith necessary in order to
please (Sod'
Verse .-What was Noah's faith
?Lewd upon, and wherein was his faith
Verses. A.‘1.2. --What. waa the differ-
ence, if any„between Abraham's faith
and that oft Pilgrim fathers, when
they left the O Country for the Am-
erican land of p Tse ?
S. S. Marie, Purt Arthur, Fort Wil-
liam and Duluth. heave Sarnia 3.:0)
p.m. May 13, 10, ;22, 29. 31st. June 5.
9, 12 and 15. Shinnies May 13, 1t1, :31,
June 5 and 12 throitt(h to Duluth.
Freight mailings in addition to above.
DIVISION. For S. S. Mat ie end way
porta. Leave t'nllingwnnd 1.:45 p. to
and Owen Mound 11.4.1 p. m. Wednes-
days and Msttirdayo.
(`ireful handling and despatchguar-
anteedfreight shippers.
Tickets and information from all
railway agents.
M. M. Gfldendeeve C. H. Nicholson
p., Oollingwo d Traffic Mgt.. Sarnia
_ P g
rag colors the future?
Verses 32 4o -Have ,nen distin-
guished for their faith always been
noted for their goodness?
'rhix is it thrilling account of the
exploits of the man of faith ; give toe
an wt. -count of the arhlevementw-or
men noted for their lack of faith. -
irsson for Sunday, June 20th, 1909.
-Review. -
Charles E. Sutton, a successful brect
er of pure bred Angusee, says of these •i
rattle: Our experience with this breed
rovers a period of twenty years. We
started our herds in 1985 nod, like
many people, believed good cattle moat
he red. So we selected Shorthorns-,.)
good ones. My uncle on an adjoining
ranch preferred IIerefords and pur-
chased four fine Imported bulls at a
long price. Our ranches were located
only fourteen miles from that of
George Grant, the first Importer of An-
gus cattle to America. In purchasing
A runs nun AItOt1k
our young steers In the fall we chanced
to get quite a few blacks sired by his
bulls. Spring found these doddies In
better condition than the other cattle.
They were the first to reach the feed
rack In Me--tott)Tfiing rend the heat to
leave the feed at night regardless of
weather. Fall found them fat and fine,
end, being hornless, we decided to try
them. .
So In 1887 we purchased two import-
ed heifers and n bull and frotn this
small beginning have continued to in-
crease our pure bred herd until now it
numbers nearly 200. In the meantime
we need the pure bred bulls on our
Shorthorn cowls. This proved s great
(Toss, the offspring being black and
hornless, with fine size and quality,
frequently weighing over 500 pounds
on the average at weaning time and
Pelling 5t $5.50 per hundredweight on
the farm. We are thoroughly con•
vinccd thnt we made no mistake In
this oeleltlnn, and n number of nor
neighl)nrs think the same way, as
there are Dow about thirty of them
timing pure bred Artois bulls.
A .Woman's Sympathy
Are You discouraged? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financial Iliad? le your pain
a heavy physical burden? I know *hat
these mean to delicate women -I have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to self I want to relieve your bur-
den& Why not end the pain and stop the
doctor's hill? I can do thla for you and
wiIf You will assist me.
tAll you need do le to write for it free
box of the remnly which has been placed
In my hands to be given awaya Perhaps
this one box will cure you -It as done an
for others...If PO, I shall be happy and
you will be cured for 2c (the coal of a
postage strip). Your letters held rnnfl-
drnnell ite to-dayL f�o��r�� my Ire.. tn•nt-
went. 11RF. D CURRAN. Windsor, Ont,
An enumeration of a few of their
good qualities may not be out of place.
A pure bred -not a grade -Angus bull
dehorns the calves and makes them of
one color and type. The calves when
dropped are very small, making the
loss light In calving and especially in
heifers. They are prolific. Our Im•
ported heifers never missed a calf in
fifteen years, and they are good moth-
ers nnd Bucklers.
They weigh equal to the Shorthorn
and heavier than the Hereford under
the same conditions. blies do not bother
them as they do red cattle. The car-
casses are well proportioned. carrying
a high proportion of weight to the
valuable cuts. The Weal beef carcass
is one very rich in lean, with plenty of
fat marbled through it and with but
one-half Inch of outside fat even
spread over the carcase. Our breed
possesses ns great hardiness and rug-
gedness ns are possessed by any breed.
It has been bred from the outset for
early maturity and good feeding qual-
ities and may be TdfrTi lid to possess
these desired attributes in as high de-
gree as any breed.
To all these, which the Angus has
contributed In common with the other
breeds, ft has also brought In some-
what greater wealth of flesh element
than any breed on earth.
There were n., hogs on .ab 41.-
Kenne,ly & Harrl■ are gmn,.g 4).••,
per serf lower. $.elects, h.l and w atera.1
$777, and ;730, fo.b, curs. at adun;ry
Montreal Live Stock.
)t INTRKAI.. May 21 .Soe.•ial. 4-A
feature of Inc tit- stock evle•rt trade of
Isle le that. American exporters have
been operating very frreb la U..s w'eatern
Canadian markets, on account of the high
prices ruling In the Chicago market fur
expert eattle. ant; the --bath-..f--whet-terry•
are buy Ing In Toronto are going out by
way of American ports, In order to fill
their freight engagemrnta. ..olsequeatty
there in n.• demand for ocean freight
soar* -1.-z.• -1 11:484144. -H"al"oes Ja�uuu
quenes Is dull. with Liverpool • I are offer-
ing for June at 57s W: dont in et :5e;
Glasgow at .)'s, and Manchester at 97a W,
but the tmyressiun b teat these rates
nuSl l.S ui: la order"'- o b'ui.lneui.
Th exports of cattle for the past week
wee 3)91 head, making a total f•,r the
month .. $.11.179,-110 ton.psred with 9331 for
May, I . year.
At the entreat Stock Yards West End
Market, Ih. receipts M hie Stork for
last week we :'e rattle, t.,. sheep and
iambs, alae ha wad 1555 cult,•., -while
the offerings fa local consumption this
morning consisted - last .•ante, 100 sheep
and lambs, )inn'hogs • 1)1. , apes. prices
Were -ifnnTmafritafe oaPtR�-fT7fltattNr
offerings than a week' - .• Fables front
Liverp.olnoted a further .carer of sic to
4ec per 1P. Mere this day eel'. on ac-
cnunCilrMeTeased eupplt(t4 , bad wee-
there conditions. but there was. .ane de -
...d. eapwre .. 4 ,.I e5 tat
6'ie t•
A 11ost remarkable making -
achievement McCORMICK�S NURSERY RHYME in Biscuit
The heroes and heroines of the Nursery Rhymes -not
at:tmp�cc into ttie b'tabuir,-but actually raised above the -
surface. presenting a handsome and unique embossed
The real merits of McCormick's Nursery Rhyme
Biscuits is the health -building value. The ARROW-
tion, builds up blood and body, fortifies the nerves and
makes cheerful,
plump. healthy
1t.. Ila Black Sheep. Those was
a lode tau,, 014 King Cole.
and •ahetr
%ft -111100-4
ere choice steers were made u
choice at 6t' to Pee; good at Syr to
fair at Se to Mae; medium at 4vsc to
fat cows at Ilte to 334c; bulla at 45e•
:•'.,r, and• common cattle at Rye- to 4'4c
per Ih. 'A weak feeling prevailed In the -
market for togs, and prices stored a de-,
cline of ale to 40e per he lbs. since this
iy vipeti:- Thai 1a )(i15111(#" -tart -that
during the excitement In the market
peer:ers in some cases contracted in the
cr.untry- free some large lots at high
prices. which have arrived within the
past two or 'thrice days, and these,. in ad-
dition to the 13144 head offered on the
market to -day, had n depressing influ-
ence, but sales of. e.4rrtcd Iota were anade
at 45--W 10 16.66, weighed aft tare_ • Owing
to more liberal supplies of sheep of late,
and the rr"apects of a strsdy.Inerease 1a
the receipts from row on, the market is
it-.nk.r and prtrNi Pace declined rutty to
per lb. The demand was fair. and sales
War yearlings were made at :.'yc to 6r• per
lb. Apring lambs were somewhat ecarco
and priers ruled steady at from 8(5•' to
16 each, as to size. There continues to'r
Tani, good demand for ralvea,.of which
auppties'are ample to fill all requirements.
at prices ranging from 3: to $10 each, as
to quality.
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
EAST BUFFALO, May 31. -Cattle -Re-
ceipts, 340 head, aloes and steady to lir:'
lower, prime steers, p; 7i to 17.5. Ship-
ping. 5623 10 16.75. butt her), 15.50 to 16.:5
heifers, $1.50 to $6.$), rows, $3.60 to $6..1'.
hulls, 43.51 to tE.6o, stockers end feeders
14 S, to 45.25, stuck heifers, $3.75 to 14 5:.
fresh cows and springers. slow and 13 to
55 lower. 4:3 to M0.
Veats--Receipts. 27I0 head; active and i
shad"', 16 to nue -
Ilona--R••eelets. 16rcn head; fairly nr(Ne'
and IOc to lir lower, heavy, $760 to 6760;,
mixed. 17.40 to *7 R,. Yorkers, $7 to 47 40:
pigs, 40.76 •to 56.04,,, freight.. 16.'55 to 6A. s);
Maga. 16 to 4_:», itairies, 47 to $740.
Sheep and tenths 7311 Ti4xit;
erth•e and 5r to Sp lower; Iambs, $4 +t to
5m: yearmors, 4ty, -or *75:--v►r•ei)e*+tro'r'5-
to 86.11: ewes, 57.50 to $5.71; sheep. mixed.
1:to16. .
Ohitaio Live Stock.
,'111C.5Cn'99 -Cat May 'Cat rte -Receipts.
' estimated, market steady to 14W
l..wer:-lwaysa-56': t.. a: 'yl Twos eb•ere,
54.'. to 44:.i: western steer, I47) t^ to M:
Detail In Dairy Bowness.
Dairying requires rlrste attention to
details. Any neglect of the crows or
of the milk and butter must neces-
sarily lend to losses -Ines in the gnat-
Sty of the milk and butter nnd loss In
the amount of milk Which each cow
may be expected to give If trented
The cowls must hat -n their feed at
regular Intervale and or :I yuallty and
quantity ndapted to their requlretnenta.
and they must be milked regularly.
No slipshod method of denting with
the milk or erenm is ever profitable.
It should be separated or strained and,
set away to cool ns Noon as p0aalble
after milking and the cream churned
when properly ripened and at the right
Any failure In any one of the de-
tails will affect the results to a more
or lees extent
Silver Medal Milk.
The sliver medal for market milk at
the national dairy show was rewarded
n dairy whose herd consisted of twen-
tyetight rows of mired breeding, in-
•IndingJersey, Holstein rend Shorthorn
Brides. The barn in of frame. of or-
dinary type. The cows are feed a well
bntnnced ration the year round. When
the milk was produced for the contest
the ration consisted of mll)et hay and
rat corn stover. supplemented with
corn and cob meal. dried brewers,'
g rains and molasses feed. The milk
waa prodnreed anti handled In cleanly
manner, coated and nernted Immediate-
ly after being drawn tied stored In
spring water.
Absence never fails t., make the
heart grow fonder of the almighty
* 50 it
SII•`x- [�,i ,t�
t1� &Bpi,:,,
1�' •t/tJi',
tics 25 etS. pu 1.
' 5I )oCCalcjus.otea
This is not a truss Cure. but a
treatment you clta use in YOU k
OPERATION. no to of toe from
your work. Wrte toda before yaar
RUPTURE gets any M. DO
NOT -WATT. - ---
Fill in this Coupon
,fit tar
and mail to
Dept (. :l U,tan.)
. )latae. -e i euartu .. Y.: cause. et 1u
D.tra1.1.1Wwa w
tiailroa iW'laawssarid i tabors , ANP /f i1:.PA I R NG
eta a .-I and fe0ders. .4 el toe ts' rnws Kellogg S
end hWhn,-lisle-a..-ii•iiv rat>w. Ja.3-la.- .�;j t07
Hags - Iterelnts�estimatr•l at ANC
■ �*
market str.,ng 40.6c higher: hght, y:','1 to ■55 Not a Medieir_e
17 * 'mis,d. 1695 b) 117.4:44. heavy, $7 to is N
17.41. roughs: $7 to 17.16. g•n.
heavy. 17 15 in 17.4.5. pigs, 15 re to on.
hulk of sales. $.i) to 17 Kt
$beep -Receipt,, estimated at 12.000:
..1 rkst, steady. native. $4 to NM. west-
ern, $4.25 to 11.70: yearlings, 10.91 to FAO;.
Jam. rutin. HZ to MA, western 14_M
to 59
A ked by Bulls.
Tillsonhurg, June 1. --On Friday,
William tiougi 'er of Btayham, was
attacked by a yot bull he was lead-
ing to water, and t .nth he defended
hinoelf with n-piteh , b, 4i' w..w- Mt--
ba•II}• hurt he die.! Sut sky.
(In Thursday. Harv. y Mr -Kenney.
sista of Itayham, was tad by s
hull in ill-. ...1:41,1, yard, ant ii not
experted to live. .
Ontario Child a Tornado Victim:
11rx,ublrin, .lure.• T. -MI-- i)on,dda
Shen/Mil, .11.•1 quite zeine years of age,
one of the v 10111na Of the tornado ret
Lipsgdnn; N D., WItn aranddaaght, r
of Hugh R. Mehonald,iviaion court
clerk -of this town, and niece of Rev
1) R McDnnaid. parish. priest i.1
Glen Nevis, Glengarry County.
A young policeman. fresh from
Scotland, was on duty, and had in-
structions to stop the traffic as
royalty was expected. A lady who
was unceremoniously "held tali" on` -
her way to the opera put her head mit
of the window and called to the con•
stable to let her carriage pass. "I
canna do It, ma'am," the policemen
said, "But l'nt the wife of a Cabinet
iniscer. 'IIcsnna1 tp that, ma am.
14 (1(11d not let yoo pose if you wet o
the wife of a'Preatryterinn tninister
Volt may ire aide to forget your
troubles for a tittle• het they tirnally
conte- t4aak.-at rtoger than ever after
their vacation,
Kellogg's Toasted Corn
Flakes is not a"medicine"
-it's a dainty, whole-
some table delicacy
with a palatable flavor
that calls for more, more,
But -it has all the re -
medical - value of tFe
good, old-fashioned
"cures•• your rnnt'ter used
togive you -it's Nature'":
Own Food -Purified.
It is because of K'•iloKK;s
"Secret" that Toasted
Corn Flake Eaters are a
happy, healthy people.
Try it yourself -'and be
sure it's
Corn Flakes
Christie's Biscuits How their
JP',quality is guarded
The Butter Tester Says:
i about Nutter.
I've got to br.
" 1 realize thor-
oughly that Quality
hasbuilt up this big
business, and made
'Christie' a house-
hOld word from
beau to ocean -
first of all, Quality in the butler, flour, milk
and other raw matediab. "
"I've been testing butter for thirty years,
and I've never heard of any other ftr exercis-
ing the sante care as Christie, Brown &&amu. do,
"All our butter is purchased by a" e11 -
known putter authority. He buys for ex rt
from the best creameries in Canada, and sen
the pick to us.
"Von would he surprised if you knew what
butter -good putter, according to all ordinary
standards--wereject. Most of it ninety-nine
people out of a huydred would taste and ac-
cept as excellent table quality.
"It's not a matter of price with us. We pay
a little better than the best market price,
and the butler must be in accordance.
"'uVc have a -high -standard for butter, the
same as for all ether raw materials. Anything
that drti•an't measure right up to that stand-
ard is rejected.
"The basis of the delicious goodness which
you en joy in Christie's Biscuits is the Unvarying
goodnessof the ran' materials that go into them.
"When 1 see how our orders for butter have
to he steadily increased, to keep pare with the
demand for Christie's Biscuits, i have the best
kind of evidence that our jealous guarding
of Christie Quality brings results."
4 You can taste Quality in every morsel of
Christie's Biscuits. Sold in bulk, by the
pound, or in moisture and dust -proof packages,
Christie, Brown & Co., Limited '
CARPET All order.
LAYING promptly one, d..1 to
1ti'pnlr Itonnt-: ane door We..t: of d'.. J. that is 1 .
Stove Store, VI -ret Street.
Raaktence-)Clgln Avenue.
04UElticll. 'INT
4 unait ure and 1.'udertaking:wareroom•.
Wert side Square.
'l'HONIt: Ntare4. (loderirh
Ite.Mence, 173
call..: At re nee, 17 4311:,..;:,
- Tree l 1)AIIt4U--
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders awfully otte.a..-fa_
hours, .light or day
Try our GAslot'sl•: COKU
hine for furnaces, 'ranges, •
heaters and. grates. More _
heat and cheaper than coal
$&Lore per ton cash.
New Coal Yard
i handle all kinds of hard and
soft coal. Satufa, hon guaranteed.
Nothmt, but the best anthrante
Terms, without exception, CASH.
D. F. tiamlink,
Phone 127
'PHONE 15 OR 24
N hen fn., want
7'HR liN:.'I'
Warehm).n err. 41'r.t
and Yard,4 rtrnrt and
at hock Souare
VI Ail coal weighed on the market Nolo.
where eon get 2,inn lhe, for a 00.
orders left at. C. c. CAR'S Hardware Store
rut side Somme •tomptiv attended to'