The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 49'IIN; SIONAI,• ! 01►N;ItI I• 11Nr1".iR1O
attractive nail course. Gannets the
Prizes for
WeliKept Grounds
Horticultural Society's Plans for Further
Beautifying Beautiful Ooderich.
plate on which they are served with
8 cress and slices of lemon that have
been dipped lu minced parsley.
they are to snake the main part of the
meal, sero them around a mound of
potato or make a potato border and
serve the fist[ dugs In a mound The
smelts may be skewered with a tooth-
pick, and the skewer way be removed
atter the fish le cooked, us the ring
will usually keep its shape.
The man of a certalu house has a
dish which he invented when he lived
In bleheloFqunttera. He sprinkles two
small slices of halibut with salt and
pepper and bakes thew In a gas oven
until tbey are brown. Then be puts
them on a piping hot platter and turue
a Welsh rabbit over them. The men
of his acquaintance eat the mixture,
If the women folk do acorn It.
A baked ham came to the table the
other day with a lemon pig surmount
Ing the top. The youug housewife whc
likes things "different" bad used the
pointed end for the bead, bad raised
triangular pieces of the skin at each
side for the ears and stuck in cloves
for eyes[. The legs and tall were toots-_,
picks. This is a traditional garnish.
meet for pork.
The stuffed eggs served as a fish
course at a luncheon last week had
been cut In two, the yolks removed. a
slice cut from each end of the whites
so that the eggs would stand, and
the two small ends bad been put to-
gether with the open cup at the top.
This was heaped high with a savory
mixture of the yolk rubbed smooth
with melted butter. salt. pepper. papri-
ka and sardines. The eggs were served
on white lettuce leaves and were gar-
nished with Spantah red pepper dice
and olive strips.
The Ooderich Horticultural Society of the four awards for orteh1 wand
b n will
is taking a lead in a commendable
work, that of arousing pnhlie Interest
and ululation its, of
the town, and, although its efforts to
interest the school boards and the
town council in civic improvement
have not yet wet with the success the
Society hoped for. the prizes it is of-
fering for the best -kept premises will.
no doubt. stimulate individual effort
and result in a noticeable improve-
ment in the appeal ance of our already
beautiful town. The following letter
prepared for publication in the local
press by the Society explains the de-
tails of the competition and adds some
good pointers under the beading -"A
Few Doo a."
To the People ot tiodetich.
Ooderich Horticultural 7
lieves that use reason for ita_olliat1J-ige
1s tq help educate public sentiment in
the matter of civic improvement and
to encourage our fellow -citizens in the
beautifying of their homes, thus add -
he tuoro highly's t
money prize, and we are anticipating
that many residents of earls ward
wi11 etltleavor W win this distinction.
Our judges are expected aura to
band in. for publication.eo our local
papers. as a sort of honor roll, a
monthly list of parties whose work
in beautifying their premises deserves
mention. and we believe this mention
will te appreciated by all.
We have pleasure in commending
the increasing attention given W
lawns, boulevards and gardens around
town and hope the good work will
continue to increase. No town in
Canada will better 'spay the eootin-
uenee of a systematic plan of civic itp•
proyement than will Goderich, and as
ewe all have a common interest in
,beautifying opr !home town we feel
sure that you will receive our sugges-
tions in the spirit in which they are
offered. We will be delighted to re-
ceive your sympathy and co-operation
in this work, even if youjoin
nee Society. and any .suggesuone_
'wade which will help us to serve the
public on these lines will have our
beet consideration.
♦ raw 'we're.
ing to the. natural attrsctiveuers of D t throw any rakrrtga,
our town tiu a mannerthat
to our mutual advantage pleasure.
Ibis being conceded, we need offer so
apology for addressing you as we do
A couple of months sga_ we
ori stemmas
rahbiah on the roadway in front of
your premises._
Dont allow weeds to flourish either
on your lots or in front of them on
made offers to our public school an . the street.
Collegiate Institute boot to groundst , in give all yourlook rtts Boast theack afront-
pxwutying their school g I
s were remember that a well -kept backyard
one of the tactors counseby
or the sake of saving two or
ps, cut across corners of
gorany of our parkser-
n the Square.
d this is particularly ad-
ur young folks -DONT re-
(ge done last year on
by tramping on the
a circle around the
bioulevarde or allow
n or tither vehicle
riven thereon.
ant of using an
water allow any
tree in front of
your' preemees to with r and die.
With thttee few rem♦ ka we sign on
behalf of the Goderich Horticultural
Arise MITCHTiL, P ardent.
K. C. HATS, Vice -P ident.
the la a test a Wu. LANK. Secretary.
believe that the honor of winning one Godericb, May 31, 1900.
for pot
se some takaseim, reason we he were also unsuc-
cessful in our endeavor to arouse our
it to a systematic plan of 1W.
the j
town oounc
prevenient on cert♦ lines we sig• I three
gonad, but in none of these efforts are boldest'
we discouraged, and we.shall keep on tictilarly
in what we consider is a good work Don't -
for the benefit of our town as a whole. dressed to
As We announced at that timer prizes our pbandeat the
Society has decided to swardeprizes best, grass plod night.
to the aggregate of $40
kept lawns and premises in each ward court house.
of the town. No entry is required, Don't drive o
the judges selected will take a walk any delivery w
through their respective wards once serving you to be
each month from June tJ September; - Don't for the
and make their recommendations to occasional pail of
the Society at the end of the season. newly -planted shade
There tie no conditions attached save
that the work of keeping the premises
Must be done by the family living
there, not by hired help. and size of
premises will not count -the cottage
well have the same consideration es
d ntiel grounds We
A Notable Gathering Which Will Take
Place in Goderich Next Week.
The twenty-second annual meeting
of the Walkerton Association of
Baptist churches will be held in God&
rich next Tuesday and Wednesday,
June nth and Ott. There will* three
eeseions each day, at 0:31 a.m., 2 p. m.
and 7:45 p. m.
The evening meetings will be in-
spirational gatherings and of general
interest. On Tuesday evening Rev.
J. M. Werner, B. A., of Walkerton,
will prea^.h the annual sermon. Prof.
C. E. Burke, B.A., of Woodstock Cole
lege, will deliver an address on
"Christian Education." Wednesday
evening Prof. A. E. White. B. A., of
Faller Institute. Grande Ligne, Que-
bec, will speak on French evangeli-
sation. Rev. C. J. Cameron, assist-
ant superintendent of the home mis-
sion board, will present the work of
home missions and Dr. A. S. Wood-
bourne, of the Canadian
Baptist i t,wil-
.ofions among tbe Telegne
tell of that work.
The program of the morning and The glass may then be washed 1n clear,
afternoon sessions contains many waren water containing a little ammo-
ddrtesses and discussions upon prat- ala. The washing' cloth should be
Housecleaning Hints That Are
Tasting This Spring.
When sweeping, says Good House-
keeping, an much furniture as pout -
hie should be removed from the room.
The remainder should be covered with
coarse, unbleached cotton cases kept
on hand fur thls purpose. Pictures,
mantels and mirrors should be dusted
and then covered with cases made of
the same material. While the sweep -
Ing la being done the doors should be
closed and the windows opened.
Matting should be swept with a soft
cloth or brush and then gone over with
a damp cloth to remove the duet. Soap
must not be used. as It is likely to dis-
color the matting. Soiled spots may be
removed by rubbing the matting with
a cloth wrung out In hot water.
Windows roust be thoroughly dusted
before washing and the dirt removed
from corners and (Tel Ices with a
wooden skewer find n piece of cloth.
is Rheumatism of the back.
The cause is Uric Acid
in the blood. If the kid-
neys did their work there
would be no Uric Acid and
no Lumbago. Make the
•Kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and only
cure for Lumbago is
The Witty Warden.
"You'd 'haul -j expect to 'End a
sense of humor in prison officials,"
says nn American repr.s'ntative ..n
t he leternatiunsl Prison Commission,
"but durinpl au insp.•t•tiuu wade by
some Americans hartrbu d In petal
utaitet•s of a penitentiary in Erglaud
one of us was thus surmised.
pies ur»e,' observed the Amer -
acne. 'that herr, as .el.ewhere, you
e�inrison officials find t'x:steoce paionil
iibu h.'
1 think you may fairly say so,
sir,' responded the warden, with e
grate smile, "seeing the number of
e ons wee taire On our beetle.' "-
Clamp Fastens to Floor and Keeps
Covering Flat.
Most people prefer rugs to carpets as
floor coverings, but an objection that
bas been raised to the former is that
they will not ile flat. and op a polished
surface they are liable to slip from
under people and cause tbem to fall.
Then, too, many a person hu tripped
There* the a
11 is easy enough to he pleasant
When life goes on like a song,
Hut the man worth while is the man
who can smile
When the telephone ring' and he
answers it and says **Hello ! " and the
operator say* What nuuuher ?" and
he Bays. "The bell rang." and she
says, "No, it didn't." -New York
Evening Mail.'
Many a man makes a noise like a
pessimist in order to let the world
know he is in it.
Nature has equipped every man fur
hal pines., but he gets strenuous occa-
sionally and slips a cog.
Love rules the hand that rocks the
cradle and rules the world.
J. H. Colborne 0
A Batch of specials
- 'Everything mentioned in the follgwing *list is at deep -cut prices,
Read it over carefully ; you will find something you waont in this lot.
and we gut them away below regular
prices. Just trait the reductions we can
mike for Saturday and Monday.
20C for 15c. 15c for to., 121C for 91c. toe for 71C.
EMBROIDERIES. :.) pieces from one to three
inches wide, teal Swiss makes. Regular
prices &' and 1(Ic, your choice now only
5 cents. •
AnOt ecltSt of :? perces; Ylic and line, 11.1
to 4 inches wide, and we ate asking just
to cedts.
Errata.tidery -Vlouocings Awl-1'W-Cartel-
Ve sts, 17 to":4 inches wide, oat -quarter oft
- - regular perces,
LACES. 79 pieces of Vals and Torchons, from It'
Io 15e regular. Every pieee reduced to
14irgain 1)ay Prier". This is a great snap
in Laces.
CORSETS.--Monte odd -let.of-11.A.- .-Cureeta.
pairs. fink for 35c, 75e for Wc, and $1.110.
and $1 S.i for HSc. Just stmt • lines we are
not repeating.
GINGHtMS.---About twenty pieces of Scotch
Zephyr (iiogbooks, worth Ibc and over.
Your Choice Saturday and Monday, laic.
HOSIERY, -Just 417:4 pairs of our l,:ysi - pair
lot of 3 pairs for a5c, feat black and seam-
less, still left. The hest Stocking ever "old
here for 2 for 25c.
Iteguler black, tact, fancy and white,
children's, tniasea' and ladies'. a very choice
FLANNELETTES. --A big drive in these good.,
I--Ik for:[, and 1!E113FTfic. Rome of them
uearly • yard wide. They are going east
at this reduction. -
DRESS GOODS. --Four pieces, self stripe, gree
only blue, filrwn and grey. regular
This lot vane in too late, just one
ago, and they tee now to be •old at
•MI 611111111111•00 . •111111•111.•
me Needs I'rotect.on
Dr. McIntyre. M.P.. of Strethr.rna,
made a very decided low tariff' speech
-('nom ars set reply -eta ---l4
Thorhurn, M.P., of Almoote. Mr.
Thorburl in a woollen manufacturer
and naturally is anxious to have the
duty increased on woollen goods. A
few {lays after this dentate, says The
Olds Gazette, Dr. McIntyre received
a letter from a workmate in the town
of Alrontl. winch 1$ `very tan
evidence of the dire necessity for
greater protection to•Aid the languish-
ing msnufact_nrers in Canada,. e
letter read as follows':
Almonte, April 15th.
"Mr. McIntyre, _, Forty years ego
Mr. Win. 7'horhurn was working in
tical and missionary themes. Tues-
day afternoon s conference upon the
laymen's movement his to bre led by
Mestere. A. 11. Cameron end W. C
Senior (Toronto). Moral and Social
Reform. by Rev. J. M. Varner. Also
an address on Western legions, by
Mr. Parsons. Wednesday nrning a
large part of the time will t occupied
with conferences upon Sued school
and young people's work, led Rev.
G. W. Young (Kenilworth).'' Rev.
W. Younger (Moockl, and Rev.'4 . N.
Price (Listowel)- In the after oon
Rey. T. W. Charlesworth, Clin
will deliver an address on "The PI
of the Church l the
e Making followed- 1'y
- NitiaII:lists
discussion on the proposed Baptist
Union of Canada.
Tuesday morning and afternoon,
concurrent with the 'bis meeting..
the !tidies' m
dieission Mild their
annual meeting. The morning session
will be devoted exclusively to business.
In the afternoon addresses will be
delivered by Miss L. Senior, of Toron-
to, on Home Missions : Dr. Gertrude
Hulet, of India. and Prof. White, of
Grande Ligne. There will be solos by
damp rather than dripping wet. The
cloth should be rinsed frequently. The
windows must be dried with a clean,
soft cloth and polished' with paper.
To clean cut glass use a soft brush
and warm water containing a little am-
monia. Try to corer the glass with
the brush thoroughly In order that
each little crevice shut be reached.
Dry the glass Immediately, and If
'sawdust Is mailable sprinkle It freely,
over the glass and let it remain for
some time. Then remove It with a
soft brush, rub lightly with a clean,
soft cloth, and the cut glans will be
tear and sparkling.
China dishes should bt scraped of an
rinsed In cold water and washed
toarm, soapy water. 1f there is gilt
on the china be sparing In the use of
Wrap. , - The kitchen sink and the sink fn the
butler's pantry are likely to be in a
greasy, tinhyglenlc condition unless'
means of prevention are taken. These
sinks should t,e thoroughly flushes[ sev-
ere) times a day with hot water fol.
Mrs. Hoover, Clinton : Miss Senior, lowed by cold dater.
Toronto, and Mr. A. Cook.
All the meetings of the AAlmost every set bowl contalna a
neociatioo groove, Inside anis, around the top, In
will ire held in the audience room of which 41r1 to lltr_I' to settle and re
the Baptist ehaTrc_K,--whltliatxcep.
tion of the Tuesday afternoon session, main since it cannot be seen. 1f neg-
when the ladies will meet there, and ' !eeted ton long this c*usen a peculiar
ds, will meet inicourtesy
lectof ure
room of North street Methedist
church. tacked frequently with a 'brush and
All the meetings are open to the plenty of soap or disinfectant, as It Is
public and visitors will to welcomed. quite capable of Ing mellgnant
The ladies of the church gra arming, q pe producing
and diaaReeeable odor, for the cause of
which even good housekeepers search
vainly. Thla groove sheuld be at
log to entertain the delegates to din -
nee end tea in the school -room each
Might Injure ells Case.
A prisoner at the sessions- he must
have been lrish-had been duly con-
victed of theft, when it was seen, on
reproving previous convictions." that
he had actually been in prison at the
time the theft was committed.
"Why didn't you say so ?" asked
the Soden of the prisoner angrily.
"Your lordship, 1 was sfraid of
prejudicing the jury agsinat me." sliced bacon for each person. Cot the
Master Walter, aped five, had eaten ilvrrs In four piece* and string them
the .oft portions of is toast at break- alternately with the bacon on 'skew -
fast, and piled the crusts on hie plate. era. Stand the skewers nprlght
Sweep the hardwood floor with a
soft hair brneh and wipe with a tong
handled dust mop. Where the room
does not bernme very dnaty the nae of
the dust mop atone is neeesanry daily.
Cleaned by One Who 1s a elesttoweetsie
To serve thicken liven en brochette
allow one liver and afx pewee of thinly
"When i was • little boy." remarked
his father, who sat opposite him, "i
always ate the cruet of m toast."
"Did you like them T' Inquire his off-
spring, cheerfully, "Yea," replied the
nt. "Yen may have these," said
RO TATP1310 Ov=a ZOOM.
over tbe loose end of a rug. with pain•
fel results. A klever man bas devised
a rag clamp which corrects theee
faults. The clamp is a strip of metal
doubled. with teeth at the free ends,
turned Inward. A band slides over the
clamp, and by running this band to-
ward the clutcbtng.cnd the grip of the
teeth b tightened. At the other end
are sharp spikes, which are to be driv-
en into the floor to hold the device.
The spikes are emadl, and the holes
they make are scarcely noticeable. By
using a set of thEwe.dampa on all four
sides of a rug the .latter is faetened
down as securely as ,It It were t4cked
and does not crinkle erp when walked
on or when elutes orltables aro moved
about on 1t
Love without esteem is nim st as
capricious asesteem without love
thrnngh the rack of the dripping part
and bake in a hot oven until the baron
is crisp and brown. Serve on a bed of
+ To use up the leftover dinner flab
jltaster Walter, pushing his plate remove the bones and Rate themeat
serer the table. Mix the Rah with an equal part of cold
"If the gentleman," eo rasa an ad- boiled potatoes chopped moderately
fine and warm the bash in beacon fat
nr butter. seasoning with butter, salt
vertisment, "who keeps the shoe -store
with a red head will return the um-
brella of • lady with whalebone ribs
and en ivory handle to the slate -
roofed grocer's store, he will hear of
teething to his sdtvaetage."
Men who travel on their nerve aro
liable to become nervous wrecks.
and pepper. it V a gond ides to brown
the hash nn the bottom and then fold
It like an omelet
Smelts akewerettln rinses with heart
and ta1L tngetber,.dlpsed tlrmtlk gad
Dooe up in first -case style at
W. R. Pinder's
Good Material
Good Mechanics
And Fair Prices
1s Our Motto.
Estimates cheerfully given.
Repairs promptly attended to.
Give us a call in the same old stand
'Phone 155.
Good strong boy wanted immediate
ly to learn trade.
and Trip
Children Hall Fare. = -Fnge
Saturday, June
9:30 a. m. Canada Time
Eleventh Annual Excursion
JUNE 1909
Steamer Greyh
Frlday Jonv lath. s a. m ("antral Time A rel r ri•,1.r,.h a N1 p. m
Ppw'Iai Train loaves OoMNrh fur Clinton and tcsv 4,11111.40 to Stratford
11.x0 p m , on arrival of sleareer from )i..onligla I rip
Saturday, Jima 19th. 970 a m . I1anals Time., stopping et Poet Ra►oe.
Arrive at tS'trnit S OO p m
(Sunday 1a Detroit, Toledo. Putin -Hay or Clsv.lsn4 )
A 9prrlal T.tlunloa Trap Ptratterd the mureins nr Jane 19tA, stop-
ping a Kitchell, ,bila, Saafnrth, Clinton and HolmessOle,
an arrNe In OodPrleh a a. 10
1 „m W Ingham. PMRJl v., etc., take anomie` train, June 19th, .eassota at
rlintnn CM a m , with Pperlal Train for Ondwich.
Alen a Spe -til Ey-ursine ,rsine Trate tom One1p1,. T.Imlra arc , da 0. T. R.
Ira.. Detroit /Monday. J ,em too. 1 n, p . Part Ilnrne 1 to p. m. Arrive
al ti..i.nrh 910 p m
'pedal Trains leave Ond.rkh 1111O p m for Clinton. %Ingham Stratfr,r.
Ouetph. Elmira etc , ne arrival of staamsr from Detroid
Ise.o °Martell no I.w trip Int Detroit Tu.aday, Jon. reed, at s t0 a m
(Intl the Tim** a0 a m , ("amide Thee)
M.A. web t.• served ea til* h.a.tihrl dining roma for IN. E..,'.1.. at iO.
Leech .1 W Leach C.aat.r.
Gederieh Rand Moonlight Escaroles at Coder -tele 2U.
Lean Irnr b a !b n', lore Friday *waylay. Jona lath
Edward.. Train as usual ?rem Stratford aad way Statism
WW1 STAR LBM Z. S. ATM. ttsaaeraa Apt
1s generally the cheapa•at in the
tend. Bargain -day wools are
all right in Komi. lines, but
when you are buying
Quality is the prime considera-
tion. A "hitt nein- in (.rtxrl-
ies is no b ergnin at all unless
you ate sure the greeds aro just
right- _. e.. have.. no ep..'t•ial
bargain days, but we arc sell-
ing grad (irecta nes
At the right prices. Every-
thing in our More is fteah and
right, and we guarantee the
quality every titre. (live us a
ilial "rdr'r.
Sturdy & C
Phone 91. On the Sq
1'. S. -114ve von tried
Pt on's Military Bread? '1
) et. We sell it.
OD 0
ZTe faottsry at aur-duttar-a
Thirty years ago he started peaking
N wools. He is Dow worth a quarter
of a million dullat•". He needs tie -,re
Protection, dint he, p,HiP Shill?" -
Putting It Up to E. N.
The Calgary News i Dan Mc(iilli-
euddy'e psperi says :
The trouble with the agitation in
soar a in t1•• muter of lengthening
the working hours of daylight, which
our old and esteemed friend [ilei •'Hon.
Da 1i _ ht Lewis," of Li • hthouae street,
ere:. as aro upon a
Pa-liatnrnt.during the revent session,
is that it is, of nee only in the summer
than we know w t to du wuh.
Now, if only he would evolve a
scheme that wool give us inure day
iigbtin wn?ter tt . anti keep the fay
nate in good sapt' without manual
labor, we won . feel like htxruting him
•all of the wa up the parliamentary
The lin
unwell o
•1 au afraid," said the proprietor
doubt Ily, "that you (ouid not man-
age lelwildberets," "Oh, but 1
can bald the lady confidently : "my .
hu and manage,' the wild be ,l,ta, and
manage him."
mer of a menagerie was
e day. but his wife,re.
ftejf 1n perform Tile dales.
M!• e' sae Will
where others can't over -
That's your position when
-or othee . is furnished with
antial Furniture
rom otir Stora
' Phones :
Store 89.
Residence 175
New ideas ere the tole
and not the exception..
You'll say so w lien you
' ser our spring stock.
We euggeet-err and.-.
SQUARE.mama MOM anoslosia
Sumner Wearables •
The right kind of weather is here at la,t, and now liar bummer wearabies. We
aye- nota a complete stock {f -Dress-Goods in .t1Fifi TI testsba�es and newest 1.0-.
`terials, at the very lowest prices. In fact, every department is complete and ready
for the hot weather ahead. This week we present to you one of the greatest say-
1-ing•-opportairiticw-in several lines, which are given helinv.
We have leen fortunate enough to purchase three Into of commercial travellers' shape
Flowers and baby bonnets et a price that will allow lis to Pave you exactly 50 per cent.. You
may think this ee too much of the good thing, and it really is, when you come to figure it out
that you will be able to buy any article at. exactly half -pt i.e. stere is the lot
35O shapes in all the latest styles and colors[ in a hig variety ref valises, from fdtc to 114. from
the small size Ue the Targe, and no two alike. Going on 'sale Saturday and Monday, to rtear the
entire -lot at exactly half price. -.
45) flowers and foliage, including roses, fruit, marguerites and a good big selection to choose
from, tome of thesefwere travellers samples hit not damaged in any way. 1TegtiTar 15c to
81.51), Saturday morning to clear at half.price.
batty bonnets, no two alike. got up in the• very cutest styles and shapes, to go with the
rest, starting Seturdey morning, half-price. AL this enormous clearing of milliner at such
prices we would advise shopping ss early in the morning AS possible to avoid the rush in the
20 dozen American-made ladies' summer eats, special for Saturday and Monday only. at
a pricy'that should clear the lot before the time ends. These ere made deep lace yoke front
wile lee. at neck and armholes, mercerized tape at neck, well bleached and liberal sizes in
the lot, usually sold at 2:tr„ Saturday and Monday 2 for 2.,c. Remember there are only 20 dot.,
and we cannot promise them to lest the two days.
50 pairs ladies' fine Fr('hch kid gloves, wrist length, two dome fasteners', in black, grey,
brown and tan, sizes O1 to 7i, were regularly 11.25 and $1.60, special Saturday and Monday to
clear OUc per pair.
7 dozen men's four in -hand ties, in brown, green, black, blue and several other shades,
4wbrth 25c. Saturday and Monday half prise, 121r.
Another lot of men's excelda haniker5hlefe has jut arrived, hnnght at the same price as
lest Week. These are plain and ?envy bordered, newest thine nut, regular value 15c each, our
prire for natndsy and Monday just one-half, 2 for Ibc.
Don't forget to visit this nice cool department with all the choicest and freshest goads in
stock. Here are a few special values which ahould interest every housewife for Saturday's
and Monday's selling.
5 cases nice sweet Valencia oranges at only 15c a dozen
8 cases of lemons12ic a dozen
10 cases choice tomatoes, reg I3c, per can, Saturday and Monday 2 for 15c
10 dozen bottles choice tomato cataup. regular IOc 3 for 26c
2t IO IM best laundry starch replier Ac Ib 4 Ib 25e
Cameron •Sc Moore
'THE DEPARTMENT STORES, GODiRION BRANCHeel •111.111111110 OEM= aszsassi ONO 0