The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 3THF S!R1AL GOJ» RlOH•: ONTARIO alnelleggl How the Mason and Risch continuous brass action flange assures purity of tone in the piano. THE hammers of the Mason and Risch piano action a! - ways strike a firm, clear bkrt on the strings, giv- ing the full tonz.l valu. of . rich note. They never rattle or wobble from one s:de to the other. This ii hecause the t:ammers are supported by a continuou3 brass action • flange instead cf the usu%1 r lethod o f each hammer being supported on g separ- :.te wooden flange. 4•.;,•a e,f Stairs,. d I:, 1 •, ,. ,I •res ,.et,•.d,.f .. taei,`;as e0 nine.. Masori -11d 1 • Tiv pini wit`A.aSOLI ; The�bMaso.i and Risch actio:? flange bein; cf 1 is -rte nti si wnolj will not bind shrink or ware ,• Mews of the £iricst Mrs. Sutherland has returned to Wiuggham after spending a few I,years in Edmonton. Miss Victoria Miners, of Exetey has resigned her potation as teacher bt Lumley public Khoo!. - Rev, U. W. Rivers, MAI H.D., of Belgrave, has leen invited to bee onle pastor of Ripley Methodist church. Mee. George Wrigley, at'Wtnt,_-_-_-, left last week fur Lewiston, Montana, where Mr. 1Wrigley has u good ...... - A cRA'cliitxut. (R Br. 1 g v • • LETTER. hie rest on 1VeJurad sy, the 3411 ult:, at the guest age of iiinety-twu years, was the ' hither of Mrs. (Rev. l,r. ) Stewart, of l'Iimtoa. lir. and Mrs. Stewart had just returned fr the celebration of their parents' diamond welding when they receieed wont that Mr. litegg'tit�ct been stricken with pneumonia. i e is -John W. Timmer. t,ld. dent of Mraforth, died at the h of her daughter. Mrs. Collitgburn, of t*on. Format), on '1' iursday. the 4th ult.. Wm. John Smith. of Drtnpit, for- ut the age of seventy-seven years. mrrly of Exeter, war married recent- For utterly thirty )•rake deceased had ly tri-Mtsr-rath-erfne -P.-twits-orb „f lived in the little brick cotta * a ail that city. ver Greek, on the Huron emu cart, but owing to ill health a year ago the John (Jreealry, of Ilowick, died at went to reefde with her daughter. his home near Lakelet, on Tuesday, Besides the latter one eon, Wut. H., the 18th ult., at the age of seventy- of Toronto, survives. The late Christ - seven years. timber Muldoon, 1)1 Leedhury, and Mr. Patterson and J)r. Margaret the late Mr", Wm. Galbraith. of Norris Patterson, of India, etre visit- Winthrop, were brother and dieter of ing the latter's brother, ltuherL Nor- the; deeoaeed. rig, of Staffs. Death of Mri. Rintoul, Wingky°. Mr. and Mrs. t'. S. Day, read Citi- . After a )'ease suffering from cancer,' zeta* of 1Vingbaun, are removing to Mrs, l'. H. !Getout, of Winghai, ruronto, where Mr. Day bar secured a rafted on Thursda , the hrih till,. ,to good position. the land where sickness is unknown, Miss Carriy shi _or Overaged, who was fi'ty.one pears of cupied the pulpit of Turner's church lee, was ,a thiughtcr of the lite Tuekerrtnith very acceptably on sun- Thomas-Tanetron, of Fast wawa-• day, the Ifidnl ult. nosh. who demoted this life last Feb - The recent death of MIS. Andrew r'111ary. She ens An exemplary w tt Muir, of Hensatt, rentoveg one of theta!" was aalu,h bekeywl Ly- a .) _.11f,•a metal it preserves the unvarying alignment early ,ettlrrm of that place, at the age .'itn le 1)r irirnds. SI.'" 10 murviveel ,,, • . :. —--------- -_.L ...elg1tty-row-yeses her husband, two austere. -Mrs. Stone. oaMiss Lilian Kobinsem, of 8x•tre liotise' a dgnwe, and Miss Jerome, A i yt u it not in bur illustrahoil we attach the bas one t, Montanan where she will if 1Vawanoeh, and heir -tm»irer�_ !"1t:Cl;!e of the action to the flange b' remitte fon surae time, and where rhe •\ntlrew, on the homestead; Thinuas, K a metal piece, will probably enter the State Normal bf Mal inch ; lo,hn, of Furdwich, and -.41;4 •tfutg11e on-wlikh fila in•to a metgi groove pre- t9ch«,t: JAtnea, of Ht. Helens. e • n oft C h gy =Andre r-ftfn3 p--7s'--erg Bold tri. ni.d i.t he tilfesr )'1 C le S.t!? t')t.ieother. I5O_acre- farm on the 1111 eoncrosiuu \V. E.and 'John !fiintble•y o Tt?.,, 13 0:7', orfh— leftsbut extremely -- --.o15U. y, 1'o his brother-Atchiarol.tlue leu;lh.-and Joules Mowry, of N�uz 13th concession. who will reside on bore), received word two weeks agr eef t I•iC:: ant dcta;1- in aha sound, scientific the fault. the illness of their brother. Samuel it1t: 7^:= u;)—to-dates MASON Matthew Lawrence, of McKillop, Ilitiebi. , of Didshury, Alta , and W. construction of' sod RISCH had •narrow escape lust week when E. left immediately for the \\ est, but ' 1.'. `1e' -'i %'Irl `ii:',rh piano—the little PIANO CO., fie war 'kicked un the neck by one 01 om arriving he found that the Angelo' � , t Llmeted, his cults and rendered uneunsCious 1h.tt h;had in edema hien. The Is '7'',1/V 'C-1' wlt':rathave placed itin Yentottro fur a<tttne. S+a,ue111iwcliley, . _ ,;:"1.a!'Jy` •o':aicnitholdsto-day, s.od mo your Wua- - Hullrtt. was prior to his It• to . i ` t}, . 1 / tr■ted lwoktet e: a * J. 1V. Newcontle is selling out his the, West a few v th S.?nd L;e scopac_nand well I. , - drygoode stock in Clinton and will )'ars ago ruga ed in las us rsa.owa ales t "merely --t4 move--te leiter 4Vilhanr, t11e• the implement he hu►iners i e Sea- -..1 y(,1) a klet which CX- shosld oar • Mason sad where be will have a w'ide•r sphere for skein own hr was we an avor- ^S t ht entire story�of the Math piano. This ins* us, his rnlerpriee•, bey known. 11.• weefurtyddur years i' obligates cos to purchase el Age ,old was unmarried.' lits re- ro r' -n..! -ruction Of a Ma sem and 1)r. McNaughton, of Fonlieich. Haunt were taken to_braforth for'in. Ca % formerly of Brussels, has hien hon- termer(. th ..;;Cil p:a111, i orad with tate degree of F. 1 S. I'., un Fellow of the .Royal College- of The Late` Alexander Davidson. in f:e Y1P.SOt1 and Riscn l' Street • Surgeons, Edinburgh, a rare die- A life of ninety years of usefulness th ri-01 Co., Limited - tinction. / - w,aw to its ,.avec on 'Friday. the Iat- re Neettli Itau )H li • Co., N. M„ May tspecial.1--It it s1). -h itrateful mti.ulivit.ryl lode,., •r_thu totio.■t..g that prove beyond ail shadow of doubt what Dodd'" Kidney field will do if they are only givetr.a fair_lriah Mies O. hell, of this place, wj•ites : "1 wish to ray a few words witli ie geld to the wonderful curative powers Of 11udd's Kidney fills. Whey hitve wetly tem fitted both toy father and 'nuttier. My father sulfered terribly trent rheu/mit isle foe ten years, He ectirrirhemi ctrl rn.rs Kidney 'sills and the result is that he hits quite got rid of his rheumatism. Finding that wy tether had 'wafted e1) inure' 1 ad - rimed my mother to give then a trial, • r she was ,troubled with initatulna-}� four years. She rove feels betters 1n I every way and eannut city too tuuch for lhedtre Kidney Pills." • Teachers. We all lee our leecbere. 'rhet'e the reieenl Wt. pay Dien so little. A labor of., ley, and for love is a noble (ping, and we should not debase thuse. 41141)114 we lune by offering too much beery lucre, 11r du not want' our teachers' to be stung by the nurneybee. Nor are WV entite•ly unselfish in this. 1f thee were so stunt', they luiglrl••eeereenuni- este the infection to our epollesr chit- ( ern, whom we , would not snake in .se-tlruutl for anything in the world e•xe pt to show that -they An' better 1 off---thait tlt..sis of- our meig14lrwse. Teachers ehuuld struggle to make tenth ods meet. Only thus can _they rent t t divine example. If there is o be o the industrial depress 1)t, it should begin at the bul- wark of our lila'rties, whether it he the.Ii1111:ris1 schoolhouse un Uw hill or the./ big, ill -ventilated, unsanitary _eft w1)• :ri-- Sra' Kllie . Junes w June Lippincott's, / Grand Trunk New Offices The ('rand Trunk Railway System ill their new o'gamizet in trope have opened a tine suite of of- * at 17-111 Cockspur street, Loaf - an st- wi tar be e• a ty: It is jp t opposite Pall Mull a 6 Majority of the (tame from We Minster and the weal end of Lund thmngtrttiiw- thoroughfare Aceiulilly Oxford Street and 1 lumen• t1 eeCtious of the metropole nadians alio visit London will flu ase umc complete in every way d the company are desirous of hay- 1\6 Ali eisitors•,frout the colonies make sir llea.lquart(•rs in Loddon their nor'tcrf.u,, Thea DAV, Just* 3, 11'09 3 D. MILLAR CO•''� For THE SUMMER GIRL N/1-. are showing nn extensive range of \Vhite QAtkr\pp�,, Dress Metterialr. also the new Rapti' Linens In an the now 4444 pujlulir shatter', jncluding the natural shada_11th1nk has 1,ee11 so hand to get. NEW COSTUME LAWNS in novelty stripes and checks, make very dainty summer dilemma, per yard, only aSc SPOT MUSLINS. Specie! purchase of Whits (lwiu Spot spots.- Huy end jii ahitt uat-isitmom- ge".iorttta Itthrttime. ipnea lltta teen of RAJAH LINEN SUITINGS have all the appearance of silk and the wear of Linen. All popular shades, including tan, natural, dell, Cop"iihagen. white and in' stripes. Only a limited quantity now lett. per yard asc RADIUM SUITINGS, the nearest approach to silk, makes smart dresses or waist", a variety 11 calors, pet yanl 3oe CRUM'S PRINTS. PALATINE PRINTS Special valuer in White Lawn Weeds', A fear travellers' Kemple.' of Net \Vaists At coat price. A lot 'of embroidered Blouse Fronts with triAterial for waist. N'e bought these cheap, and are selling thea) at much leu than regular wholesale price". New Dutch Collars with Jale is to unlatch. 'L bic each. New Lace t' tilers Is', '25e, :tic and :Ss. each. New Linen Cullers, Tourist fritting, lar- per lux. New Bowe, all , olure, tie. New Wash Belts.. each. Have you tr,ed McCall's Patterns? If not, why note They are the best. 95c to $4.50 -- ilk.. so M1LLAR'S SCOTCH STORE .P"" Name i West King St., O�onto, / Cay a•(eal.ce _. _. __. .1 is the perfect food drink for children. Highly nutritious — easily digested — delicious and economical. 74 1 Sunshine• Furnace is the triumph of sixty. line years' experience -growth from a small littehop to mei acres of floor space. frogs a half dou n are ns to t, sou, from an annual wage sheet dtly,ot ,n to one of $670,00n, from a capital of energy 100ne of $1.nnrl'-erell,-from obscurity to recogaitiun a Large et !Makers of Furnaces in the 'trek!) Empire. UNSHINE ;1 MA+ placed on the market thefirst furnace to be wholly and solely designed by a Canadian Company. • We employ a consulting staff of furnace carrells. who are e continually experimenting with new ideas in order t flat Sunshine * Furnace shall not have to travel on its past ri ipulalion for i I griminess. We buy materials in such large quantities tha 1. it. quality is guaranteed to us. We have our own testing room. , sn, that super- vision of construction is exercised down to the finest detail._.._ McCIary's 9 FOR SALE BY W. R. PINDER. GODERIC•H Talkie About Buggies1ig If yon are thinking of buying ,a ne w Boggy this year, we should bre pleased to have a t ilk with you. We handle rho hest (foggy on the nutrice,. THE McLAUGHLIN ONE GRADE' ONLY and THAT THE BEST 1 tx of mh nh'l. nee Maggie,. rttc. Let, we hater HIS st placed hi w d0 n- kne taken trent„ and ran • anPow eupptyf S •erlin1 arnd r tillst1veatingr Ma' ek Ia)inles manufactured by this well-kntwn comp( Any to anyone desiring first-class Farm Machinery. Wm. Knox, Newiyate and Hamilton Street s, Godrnrh ADAMS WAGONS. ( OCKSHt1T T PLOW., Abraham Wyatt, formerly of Cline tilt., when Alexander 1►avideiif passed 1)l toil, and,' son-in-law of Mrs. Jane" to hie rewant at flue he•m. of his son, ,1)1 1,lutledgs tf aha! t.rwe.•clled-e( eeateer T-LtuYidnup, s,t Warns al .and at his houw i1) ew l.i*krald. of his yeas he End toren hal .and lin nn fiatnrday, tine; ml reit, a UIHit.- tr was stricken 'he e fifty-two years. pat's ysis s,' week prey' to im se John Alexander, a'pioneer resident dee c woe- a - not i of lot 7 of the lath conieseion of Tuck- 11f h his,'bride e, raw.' to (woad enrnith, passed awry on Saturday,. with hid' near M over o est yours ago, the 2nd ult.. at the goad ole? age of resided' un il Mount Forest, where len be eighty years. His partner in life pre- r1c11t until ten withhess ago, when be deceased hint but a tew months. three he live a daughter, andn there years later with his on in rr tan raster-lr ail addressed, iYtake appointment* d do their eot'esliondenee. '*his Is innovation art tranaportali es of the colonies a no doubt will _taken advantage of ,. many 0V48g:4,- as visitors to the Moth Country. Brain and Muscla The superintendent of w factory tnt into the storehouse one tlpy and v the storekeeper tugging aNWy at case of goods. file facewatt red be muscles of his neck were tiulg- L •\ on, there. Takk" cel 1.6e ndent ; "allow me to demon-, o1) the power of brain over le then irrabt,ed it hook at shelf and stuck it into giving it a quickerk, into a pile of rubbish. aceftally a* he could, r "titanic it, *Jack; "that's why tl. W. Pet ry, who has been princi- jeel not the Kincardine H1gh'aeltasot for the petit nineteen years. has leen ap- Cpointed junior teacher in the London, ollegiate Institute. His resignation effect ---after the 'midsummer holidays. The marriage of Mites Nettie ,liras} -- nock. daughter of Ible ! Bradroack, of lea, P. Brent, of Charl- ton, New Ontario. took Ft,r''e at the home of the bride's father on Satur- day, the- lath ult., Hero. A:' H. Dobson officiating. Bev. Neil Leckie, of Londeahoro', has Accepted the coil which he re- ceived from the Presbyterian church at Iieverley, near Hamilton. Ile will be ;nduuted into his new charge on June altb. l.oudesbotr loves Mr. Leckie with regret. The home. or Mrs. E. Hill, of ('lin- ton, woe the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednesday, the e :Jath 1alt., when her daughter, Mar 1 gsiet, le -ante the life•partner of John It Noble, of the Hui on road, Hallett. ( Bev, W. E. Kerr omcisleed. Mr. ,and Mrs. J. "r. Heid and the fortner',.sitler, .1!5.411aggie Heid, all 1 of Iirucefield, ,left last week to visit r relatives in Oregon, after which they will extend their; trip to British Col- umbia. They go for the benefit Mr. heir.; hetlth, but way settle i the \Vest. The Brunswick lintel, 11'inghant, 1 about to change halide. late ne Proprietor is John E. Swart,, of th Queen's hotel; what will conduct th two houses, with Ivan Johnston a manager of the Hranswick. Mr Orr and family will probably reams to Toronto. As Norman Jerrott was cycling t Hensall. on Tuesday evening of las week he ran against a stone and wit violently precipitated to the ground injuring hie head - and breaking tw hones of hie left hand. Fortunate) he' had finished Feeding a few hours I.efere M.- aes.,J. Edward Bosman, an elderly reel Tient of 1Vinghaul, Inst with an un fortunate accident last week. H'8 beuam4 - ss•l,b•h_ was gestin/ _ 'lee■,,i fehrittened, startle its ALQerupt to ,tae -'way wound the lore around Mr. liusanai s 1.•110• leg and, (Wagging hint down, bloke two of the lames below the knee. . The A inghan i imeu is in receipt of a letter from W. 11. Wells, formerly of 1'irnberrv, who with his father, Patrick Went', is now reeidine tat Joker Mine, South Africa. Mr. Wells had just made a pedestrian tour through Central A(rice. Miring 'Which he had many narrow r.r;rpes from fever, ••niggers" and wild tweets. Mrs. Archie M,-lloriairl, n former ter+'dent of Garr. flied on lfondey, the 'lith tilt., et Ihr' horny of Mrs. Durran Livingston teeth of liru,.el., with whom she had been residing for sev-- -eral months.- She is ensured by two 'slf•sisters, 11r.. Carrie, in the \Vest, s, vel Urn Alex. Meat ter. and Rrns,rI ; her hti+lvund tarlet-cived her in Mith- Igor' fifteen yeas ago. pin beet \Wilson, who iv well known in w.Inghan,. Nees married in Melaka - 400n. , ea•k . on Tuesday, the I ltd tilt , tit Mrs. K. Hawke. daughter of Mrs. Aftiir�iti' a of tilerntrrrae. Mr.. and Mrs. W, Inota will oeole In the Kerrie Creek cot, ntI y, leu the AIherten l.onnd- -�. J`l he former it cttgaged in • tmerrantite•' rnMifre1, at the same timf conducting extensive farming sod cOnaUnetion opsernllonm, tram M nut, e1( F• here a re,hlent of Ilowirk for atnto,t half a century, suceumletl t0 an at- tack of heart fa 'lore on Wednetdav, the 19th ult. U veeaeexl was in his seventy-foot th ye. V. A man of 1111. right life and cf •rnpanionahle dis- position, he was held in high esteem by the comm.nity.. Besides his widow be lentos to m. ,tarn him demise five sons and one dang,hter. Rev. 1Vm. Gregg, D, t)., of Toronto, for many years a professor in Knox ('ollege, and one of the nowt distin- guished leaders In the Presbyterian rhureh in Canada, who entered into Varna. Ile wail a mon of holy life. a t'restlptertan of the old school anif'a ,'haunch Liberal. Besides• his aged partner he leaves four sons and three daughters. - A Pioneer of 1'.:::-tt Gone. Another of Ihe_.wurthy _pioneers of Hulh•tr, in the person of George 'watt, of the loth concession, an, swered the great roil canon CX 'edne+i- day, the 2lit0 ult. Deceased first saw the light of day in Bantfsbire. Scot- land. in ls26. in the strength of his youth he carne to Canada and settled in the virgin forests of the township id bis adoptibu. The•laud yielded her increase 'Abundantly and his fertile act•@, were anon transformed into one of the finest faring its the township. Hu his interests wettt're not Malted to agr Welt. Ile gla • gave his leisure .to the public rerv•ce; he Was eievi•r, limes u meruder of the townsh• •ounell, lie WAS fortuany years en o leer of the 1'urkeranith Branch Agri •ultural Society and he Was one °f.lh •harter members of the McKillop Fi 1°amance. Co. In polite he w,ts Liberal and in religious { ith a Pres ,ytet•ian. 1110 surviviug cuildre'u ar our suns std three daugttere; h' wife dist in themea a1 and Ingo "110 iuperit ideate to muscle." that was 01 the case, an he fill bark lie arose as meaning to Ube rte the handle was le "Yes, air," replie 1 didn't use it.' Rattled. lee had been toW that he Wight "agk papa," and he had planned to do it in these words t "I dare say that yon know, Mr. i Hocks, that 1 have been paying your dwugbter :Mange marked attention of 1 late, and now I have came. to ask her Ip hand in mare 'age. I knot-, that i nut rf• a pour Hutu, but I art an honorable d I not rk. e Weare nwillingtto figntrthe battlaid tia e of Fir life as bride and bridegroom, pilgrims a 1.,f lite•trgether. 1 loveyens,daughter s- devotedly, and 1 have come to ask e your consent to make her my wife." u" i That sounded all tight when he rend ,r the fiftieth time from the sheet aper on which he had written it ; thief was what he (rally said when to.,d before Mr. Rocks, with his h chattering anal beads of cold spiration on hie brow-;--- -i--flare say that—that is, ?cocks, 1—I—your' daughter lite has tarso paying the marked ntitm--er, no, 1 hang leen pay• het marked attention, and 1----I e arc willing to fight---er the of life -1 mean that your ghtel; seeks my hand in marriage„ 0 1 I seek her hand mud --and I lav yon—er no, your ditugh• mean elle---alt•--that is !— have t we to ask your consent ,e sty wif --that is 1 --love your ,redly ---Your daughter 1 mean L:1+ph,..,,ttis: t ---rhe teres r1s semen that 1 t her-- --and she-- -i trust i eke my meaning pt Lighting the Fire. o A Bre broke rail one night in 1) the smaller Wiens of Masse/who s w•hereupub .ilii newly equipped the w purunenl. ron)posed of volunteer e erns called on to show what it cogld e d ,. it ft of p but t o1:tree ts, . feet 1 Mr. Mt e Only One lantern• could be found. •a to a. the awoke mss pouring out •of the 1m e hunting, and the night was deck, Finales, a email tongue of fire ap- batt ,twre•d and o t a cheer went up ISS the dao t firemen Fnrned the hone in that direr- er n s lion. - Al this moment the captain cried G•r 1 o out : "hoist out what mere loin' 1 y there! Keep.that water HIT that ! It's to 1 Ihe'oni4' light we've got to pit Out the der. -tine-toy, 'Jun, - A circle of friends is nire tri -have "he- ' round. .•Isar -COME --TO THE, i Corner Grocery' ti Where you get Fresh Supplies =Well -cured Meats, the most wholesome Bread and also , Fresh iS dally. -Qoa1 Oil haadied to perfection. Goode promptly delivered. I ut'I1t'r 1',tt,t Cash for Butter and Eggs. P. T. DEAN st *l'e't and Square. 1 Sour Stomach and Headhunt? LITTLE DIGESTERS CURE OR YOUR MONEY BACK ear« Yam ao .""ate„ �QS' At all Druggists or direct from n ifs � COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., V 1 Toronto / 25c. a Boz. MISS DONOOf-1 has returned from Detroit, having taken advantage of the holiday to look up the NEW EST STYLES IN SUMMER MILLINERY and is showing a good class of Fresh and Dainty Novelties, .also a large ameortiment of • Tuscan and Straw Shapes at Greatly Reduced Prices. -mer#•es S4V L.--Donogh GUADRON "Tete Orndron borne" " You see the breaking of the springs causes us baby drivers more trouble than any other weakness in carriage cars. But there is no spring weakness in the GLWDRON car. Note that double curve. It is exclusive with the GENDI*ON It so distributes the strain that the sprin? never breaks. And then the wheels,—you see they are specially welded, and cannot warp or break. Note also that iittlekubjer cap ovEr -the nut of the• axle. Sometimes when I have il,restlesa passenger, I want to drive S - - the ctlr around the house without scratchinlr the furniture- it is a little point, but a good one. The materials for all the aENDROle cars are the very best in the bodies, tops and every other part. The fe is style and service in every `LNDROh model—('ana dian made, so that any unexpected accident can be et. chili remedied." SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DEALERS. WRITE US 1F YOUR DEALER DOESN'T CARRY THEM. Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited TORONTO