The Signal, 1909-6-3, Page 1IIA Trade - Puller Advertising in THE SIG NAL gains new trade and holds the old. 1f you have ivade your pile and don't care whether you do business or • not don't advertise. IL- SIETY,MECOND YEAR -Na 11249 ma* II The Month of Weddings For the June wedding T H E SIGNAL is prepared to supply eiceanUy printed Invitations, Announcements, etc., in latest styles. Wedding Cake Boxes always in stock. GODER1CH, ONTARIO, CANADA ); : ,11L E :I, 1909 TH)C MON./IL I'RINTINU CO., Ltd , Platoossae. ?inanelal I am offering for sale Debentures hearing interest at five per cent. per annum, pa}•abie half -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having money to invest to be sure to call and all ate, --W. L. HORTON--- THE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. men o Idoo i BORtd ass Wanted �R14 OR ROOM klt9 WANT- S) KI/. -young ladle+ preferred. comfort able home, convenient to Collegiate In.utute, bu.tuew section ur Woe. Apply at THk 1114.1• NAL OFFICE. L.- HOt'HE. AND LOT ,FOR HALF: IN Village of Auburn. - `'t oryend-a half bi , lined hou.e : cement floor 1 n cellar ; hard .ut .aft water. tine -fhb eery tot, planted with fruit tree+ and small fruit of pearly all ,..tries. lloud stable op pre n h..w. Will be wo14 on rea,n bJe terms. KU HT. A:' -AU$ EItTUN. Auburn'. 3t, 1)10 INV IS.TM ENT. -THF. STUB Y of Mr. L. Clement. of Woodstock, who eureessM two Sty-dotlor tots in a new town In Alberta lour years neo and mold them for of -'-LkuWlt' ftch bast sMsoa. is the .to�rtyy of a rhnuwu mvenor. - n Alberta land. We are _-. otlrnug lot. in the new town of "dtlrllnlr," wMrh 4. gittlfttild In the heart of the great wheat belt An Southern Alberta and at the rotation of two actin. railroad.. Write w to- day. It is bound toheld tremendous profits. (.11.1.D1NO t HAMILTON. Confederation Life Hulking. Toronto. . 49.51. Beal estate for We. VALUABLE HOOSE PROPERTIES FOR HALL @1tD0o Nine -room frame house with rood '^ :Raine stable uu premixes. ti l e s3. -Jo -roam frame hou-e. x000 Meven•rooui frame cottage, with - stable on the prem!.... LOCAL TOPICS. Better Luck Next Time, The pressure on our advertisiug col- umns this week hew crowded out it quantity of local 'natter. We shall try to do 'letter tor our readers next week. The Latest. W. L Horton's new 39-h. p. Cadil- lac is the latest addition to the auto- mobiles owned in town. lit is a hand- some touring car, comparatively noiseless, and we expert to find it a very comfortable oar to ride in. est Huron Llbt)ralt. - Thr. annual meeting of the West Huron Liberal Association will be held in the Temperance Hall; (lode- rteh, on Monday next, 7th tint.,' at 1:30 p. m. This uteetingois open to every Liberal in the riding. and it -'(1 hoped there will be a large and repre- sentative gathering. Dominion Day In Goderich. GODERICH MARKETS. f t THURSDAY. Sons 3rd. Fall wheat. ".•r t,o.n 32 35 to 3 123 yl ring wheat, per hath`- .L2.i-to 1 3. lper I. . 0 43 to O so itu<eiiwhe0 l so bash O HU to 0 M, (tate, per bu, li., 0 :,1 t0 61 .0 ('eaa, .er hu., 0 as to o tit Harley. per he .0 0 .1) to O Si Screening, ,•er ton YO p) to YUNO Flour, le'..il y, per cwt i 3 1a to 3 (e) Einar. ,latent. per ext luta_ j. to_ 3 Bear, per ton N 00 to 24 00 Shorts, per ton 13 Ib to yS in nor, per ton 9 ;s) to 9 .iii Wood, per cord 6 to to 6 to Nutter, per lb 11 17 to 0 1, ('hee*e, per Ib 0 13 to 9 13 Kegs, fro.h, per dos 0 17 to 0 1.41 Potatoes, new iU to 3i Cattle. ordln•y to good. per owt. i se to 3 L. Tattle, export, Per cwt - "-i to 3 7.; Hoop.,.. --- 1 301 to 7 SII Lambs 3 311 to a a) Sheep, per cwt r 3 S1 to 4 0) Haut. per Ib 0 17 to 0 17 Hacon,pe r lb per ll Tallow. per Ib Hides• per ewt Sher pp ,kin l Turkey a ,� ,,, Turkeys ....;;iii-.., eta oriptys.ethisweek. � 013W O1s Mayor Macklin how been t'equested o call a public meeting to discuss the bolding of u Dominion Day celebra- tion In Oudel•icb, and it is likely that the meeting will be called for next Tu.bday evening. The people Huron. can look out for a big day ln the county town on the "1-s Y First t o{ Jul and make their plane according)'. In the meantime there will 1* a lot of herd work fro the citixens� do i preparation for the day. I. 0, 0. F. Elections. The semi, -annual elections in con- nection with Heron ge;-J(7o. 8's; T. 0. 0. F., were held on Monday night, with the following results : %.his, W. T. McLean ; V. (i., K. _t'. King ; re• cording secretary. C. AA.. -Reid ; Aflnate cial secretary, f)1-., 'Tat k ; treasurer, C. Whitely ; representatives to 04 to n 06 V e 01 to 6 le re este Ie' wit l0 teat•, Duhlop, Platt and Thompson ; presentative* to Grand Loxdge, ich meets in Ottawa, Past (:rands iunlop, 4'..A. -Reid mid 15e. tIark.--- Lost or Found VONT. -A LADY'S 1401,0 Ht'NTIN(; case watch. with mom(pgram "A.M." on frost of case and a ravlai on tislde of case. A reward will be on returning same to W. fL KELLY. Jew let--_ _ _ -- - Auction Sales. - 8Ar1-an*Y. Jr.. tab. -Auction eel* of val- WHO residence on gusher street, commencing ii ealsest, at the premise,, Mas. MAIunAL,. Tats'. Urxna.- . Ymurieuees. Volt SALE. A'1' THE IDEAL FI'R- 'r nitureFactory- limy -".arra ,eye.._ le day. June. 110, at 2 o clock: -Twelve new IRat- In+.r., a nu,ntler 01 yard. of new tlokl several pipets of coach novenas, of frame. for 0014(0.5, mid heater and Id ,Inger sewing machine, mid many other article.. THOS. GUMMY. Au„tiunecr. 4S -2t w a,.evv lived l0room tram* hen*. $I.UOi) bruit frame hon R.i semi, $1,3.0 (land frame house. All thee properties to be sold to elate ..tale c,<* PRULOro POT, HA YSLBLAIR. lejBHTERN LANDS FOR SALE.- tet acres with xt orrea In ren : frame h9'IH ..Ilk 'phone In, Prim 33,00 ,',eluding crop. land • Hell loam. 33) erre: et 313 pet acre, broken and fenced. This Is ■ snap, as land 1. -going up every year. PIO acre. with so,s1 Madding•, Is) sore. broken ; price stn per arr.. 50 1 locality and phone in holies. Any of these can be bought In ss..y term... J. H TIW'SLICY, Yorkten, Soak. l Robe. Elliott's Hard uck. o .rt Lott met wit snot ier nes last Saturday night, in the destruction by fire of about 70,)911) feet of dumber at hie sawmill in tioderich township. He had left the mill in the afternoon and taktn every precaution tome. that there was no danger of fire. The titre Court (;,nlericb, Nn, 33, C. O. F., Must have started about N o'clock and The directors of the Guderich horse and visiting brethren will attend set. - someone driving from Hayfield to market feel highly pleaded with the vice in North street Methodist church Varna saw the light and telephoned slircess of the auction sale held last un Sunday morning, June 13th. The Mondry. Forty-four horses vivre of- pastor, Rev. Dr. Dougill, will preach Wanted to S- ent • feted And a numberof cattle, and a special seruror, for the .occasion. iseent'•'n_-: horsaa__aud__ fear or Clinton, Henntiller, Dungannon. Nile live cattle changed hands. Tho and fort Albert lodges are invited to horses offered. wY-Lr'_et.etl _in the light Ljd with Court Guderich. lnection. flay 101' S I•:uvNGrib .r=.n1- r'lassand tjle- prires ranged from 11105- Ch... A. Nairn. to Sill,. Among those financially iu- Brussels Poet : At the comieg - Meth- tr rested -ter 'the- stet -were the follow tides Conference. which is to open in ing : John Craigie, M. McMurray, Lindon next week, we would be well John Precious, J. N. Fisher, A. J. pleased to see Rev, R. W. Millyard, Of Cooper. Robert McLean. A. Nichol- Goderich, chosen to fill the president - son. Thomas Mitchell, Junes John- ial chair. He is not a placeeeeker, soon, F. Murney, W. Cunningham, K. hut would 811 the position with credit kwin and_to.111. Augustine. to himself and the church he has others: - -_ eesved su wen fur 5nany_yiiara. The Late Mrs. Warner. The sermon subjects at the. B►ptist i church services next Sunday ere : to Mr. Elliott here, and Dlr. Elliott is the date (feed for the annu.tl meet.".the most interesting places in the Province. For particulate see the ad- vertiserllent on mere 7. 8vaiot)tiss drove down, Net in time to prevent the mill and another pile of lumber. about double the size of the one which was destroyed, falling a prey to the flames also. As it wise the loss ie about $1,1901 or $I. 1(. The same night Stewart's sawmill. the Other Bide of Dungannon wag wiped out by fire, The Assessment of 1909. Assessor Campbell has furnished us with the following figures from the municipal assessment tor If9N): Real estate SLOPS 775 Businees nases14ment . 21Y,214 61%274 Total $1,97,4,:113 There ie en increase in the real estate afeesstnent of $:12,9(0, as compared with the figure*oflest veer. The business assessment, on the other' hand, shows a det•ewee--t+f t4,:,4s and the income auessment a"decrease of $1,1171, leaving a net increase of *10,721, The population is 4,3(1), it del.' carte et 83 fano last year. Mr. Ettlott's Story. We are repubiishing thla week from The Canadian- Magazine for June a short stogy by 1V. 8, tion, entitled "Private Donald• •eQ - r. liott 1. a-well•known (ioderlch boy,'a o an {heroElliott. . M and we A• 9 n ore• his friends here will be intere'at.ed in hie new venture. For some time he has filled a res. nsil,le position uo the ata' ;Cif- 'The oron breaking into magazine writing( he opens up a new field for hie abilities. We believe our readers will agree with i*s ai 11Ir. Eiliotes ffrot story ilio decided talent. - Moneter Picnic at Point Farm. The semi -kennel tonehrinfellt of the Huron County Rifle l.eague.te about due, and it has been decided to hold it nil at Poi e t Farm and in connection wit t me event have a monsiei• 'Arnie and general spurts day. In addition to a program of Qa,^-Iter it le huiteti to.haves. number of speeches by proiuineut omen of the district, and tee .1 or'. Iuroceednl s should draw a big en,wd (ten. it - Waite, president of the League ; Ilr. Weir, secretary, and Chas. Robertson, treasurer, with a committer; have the arrangements in hand. The Horse Sale. Income ing and picnic of the %Vest Ilurou FiillIer•i Tn'atttuL0, to be hrtd at the hospitable Mule. of Harry J. Morrie, the president, et Loyal. P. feature of the meeting which will bre appreciated will be au etddveas by Prof. Day, one of the best wen on the staff or the .1 griculUn•n1 1'ullege, Harbor Notes. The steamer Scottish Ilene art•iv this le mning with a oargo of (la. bushel, of outs and 40,190) bushels ,wheat for the elevetor and :ti,1'o) Ill els of wheat fur the mill. The steam O. 1t. Crowe' is due this afteroo( with 1'.1' 1,419) bushels of wheat for t eievetur, ar)d the Turret Court looked for tmnurrow„ with 103, bushels of wheat foe . the elevato The coal boats Leland and Unadi arriveetl _Tumidity__1,ptt1h C0IXoes coal for the.utill and elevato _. Owing. .lo_.the preY00ffl'g hfgh pr of wheat at the present time the Ho ruins throughout the country are fir ing it does not pay to export Hour the present time sad in cunsev uen are. nu)say, grinding only for dou1 tic consuulptun. This make, a alae nes+ in the demand ter grain and t (ioderi7h elevator is Among thine th are not receiving as many orders •1 ss1 pinrnt OT Rt•atn as they can -Masa The C. P. K. had a testing car he this week for the purpose of testi the hauling powers of the engines% is expected the car wili be here to out again on S.tturtlay morning. T apparatus reglgrers every truant' engine pully, the velocity at wbi9h travels• the force of the wind, etc and thus gives au accurate account the amount Of work that each type engine can be expected en do, and th railway Wren then know top what. litn they can go without overloading a engine. A *team yacht was in port on Su dav� biGfed- north, belonged to Mr. Doty, has beensol and left this port yesterday for t Georgian {fay where it will be e HAWS' ii, tlsliing. The tug Anuie Seaman wee he thio week_aniL Looks Mr., Alar blasting scow up to Situble to do Isom ',dieting for a sawnit!! there. ed VIP of ch- er on he 1e 1x91 r. lia of 1141 ur id - at ce es- k - he at or le. re ng It go he ttlw it of of e it n FY he o- re e CHURCH NOTES. Aucnmeeh !m1 H1) SE ANI) TWO WTI) FOlt yA1.17 -Well situated frame If story a ha, -0, corner 1 ambrldgo ,tart and Rrltannl.I SA-man.2 June -y,,vsucl.rkinthe even- 1.001, containing 7 rooms, hall.. pantry, wash 1 Ing at the Auc,ionestou'e, -Sale without re- toom,cellar,etc.;good tone foundation, All 'erve. 0 KO. BE('KETT • Aurtloneer. in good repair, Roth tot, can be sold with bow,. or separately, es desired. If not sold at � '`aTrni'AT, Ju tont .t ,o'clock. -Special °nee, haw will be rented. Terme reasnh•ble. /4014400 Male of emmet.. AapestrT, Lb ion Fur further particular. applyto MENKV ('w1- rugs, shoes, print", dreus Nom'''. lahle HIJRNgY. Proprietor, or (100. BECKETT, �0.. cloth, tower.. table cloths and men's Aw-nuneer, I leather sllppera This will be an opportunity 1 yon cannot afford to mien, as the goods must be ('HOICE LOT IN (JARROW PROP_' sold. There will also be a quantic of house - 1._i 3KTY, opener Market ',tweet and iiyrin I hold goods Melodlre • number of new map avenue. Five minutes walk from churches, Crease.. T'heAuctio0Honse,UgO,BECKETT. vebool•.. po.tofflro and store,. Sewer Ir, Elgin Auctioneer. avenue.. Particular. may be had from J. P. oft/mire.Ooderlch. NEW (•KMRYT RL(rl'K RUUME , ` ---- _ _ _._ __ FOR SALE BY AI 'l rtoe WO FiRST-CLASS BUILDING EDNESDAY, JI'NE I/TH, AT 2 - -Tota for .alp situated on Newgate and � F o'clock. -. Mr. John Dunlop will sell kis :eel streets I;ori r r eel .h, T rale pl may betifne nd.. hmne of thethcorner 'h el Rig.. A and Apon, For particulars apply to F. J. (Ilford .tree's, close to this Wheel Itiy,• Aouse C - M. onnteins eight room., more or leo ' cellar full epee of house. furnace ■oil meter. Pill. Dunlop ha. iu.t Mntshed th0 honer fora hortja tor him - reit the workmanship and neigh belAi'Apectal- ly go,x1, better than 1n the are nm of house., and on amount of 111 heelthfinds It ne•esaery to move his family to a different climate, This Is one of the rare chance. to secure home on • high dry spot. See bills for terms and particulars. J. DUNLOP. (:EO. BECKETT. Proprietor. A 040011eer.. 1'8kFOR SA LE OR TO RENT.- -)leaf and soft water, rood cellar and good orchard. barn and driving shed oom- Piece. Apply to J. T. SW/CLL, Hinck, street. \ 4s.tf []OCHE FOIL BALE. -- A NEW ,3 11 brick dwelling with the modern Improve men(., plessantlJ ..itse4tad and near the Square. Apply 10 W. IL ROHKKTSON. HOUSE FOR BALE. -- A TWO - Hewers h 4ck )louse illth .cern toQma beware of Ointments for Catarrh that eh nr»ee reel, Patttcnlar'k 8h-lPI"7RQ--by' GMain 1YleP(tufyr------ calling at HIONAL Ofl{pe• As mercury will .onlyy de -troy the sense of lilt smell and completely derange the whole et.. -FARM Fait VALE; i.OT'`tf, (7aN% tem when enterinet it thnuuta the mucous see 4'I(SStO\ ). (blbome ;.147 settle W woed rein.' Sreh r pilon rhonrr n c.ht M• u.ir ex• soil. been tinder wraps. for eight year.. mile a.7ttm' damage the twin r o Is phto the east of BAWD l�apid 7i Ills. from (1 r14ch, anthe,0wmr[n they mer dot' fon-foldthem. 11the *lib -Mod buildings end artesian well end 7r•.�a�,,,a1lou , Oonufaerlrefrom F J. Hell" windmill, 5 acres of orchard, boa of winter ' 'Meeh ed. p., cQfl1 mored by F. J. Chene�- fruit. and ten acre. of bash. F rtic.,ler, taken Toledo. l ,•cpnta Aline nn ectlyu up nail le or pr taken nd n,ii ,iy. surfa directly 10,. sten the rppy w JAS. YUUN(i, jt, /111- N µ'rtes, xt., I MoaA end morons surfaces ('hIrrgo, 111, 7,Mrrrfi0ex of the re. Ine _ -- '- !buying Hall'. Catarrh ('erv% 'Kettle you qt the genuine. 11 la taken Interna Ind made In FOR HALE.--iN ORDER TO CLOSE Toledo, Ohio, 1177%5. Cheney t t.:o. Te'ti• rep the estate of the late G. C. Ahapnon, I montala tree. M.11., 01a hate residence Is now for sale. 11 le told by Drus[1stn. Prtee 730 per hot tle:---, In very fair condition, has modern conventen• Take *11 s amily PIH, for ootntlp•Uoe. re.. can be Inspected at an time. For further - - partleutatw'Dp17 to Proudfone Hays t 1#air. _ C. 5. HAMILTON Executor. THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA HRAs, f)r►toi Al7TRJatam CAPITAL. Tonoero iNCORPORATED RV APECIAI, ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FARIIRR. NAL' WOTA rt DI5COt7N1'sn, !lightest current rate of interest p*ld In oily SAVINGS RANK DEPART- M ,.n (lemmas of and upwards. GODERiOH BRANCH A. O. SA]1R1,e. Manager. WEDDING GIFTS FOR JUNE WEDDINGS Absolutely the most up to.date and best value shown in Wedding Gifts. Full stock of the moat popular pat- terns in Sterling Silver, "Irene Knives, Forks, FIDOV ', (Carvers, etc., and a complete dock of linger ih•os.' 11417 Silver Platt, - Knivett, Forks, Spoons, Carvers, etc. CUT GLASS - An immense stock of Imported Cut Guise, ranging in price from $1.00 to $25.00. ENGLISH IMPORTED CHINA Royal Doulton, Crown Derby, liintoa, etc. GEO. PORTER Court House Square 'Phone 100 Goderich, Ont. Terme strictly Nigh ANTED TO RENT. - HOUSE with wo�ern ror(cenf ,i, -e_ iJ.o b.,n, in To Kent TO RENT.- PORTION OF'l'HE RE; sidence of Miss Buchanan, corner of Neleopp sad St - A anew ''t; eras S ui tabic saber for M- arty 'epic 01- for young couple with small bun - 11y Good lawn, fruit Crew, town water, afro son water. Term, gory reasonable. Apply to MISS BU('HA�.I,� N. on the premie or ALEX. YOUNG.tytrlow ('.0. - The funeral of the late Mrs. )ellnt'P Morning. 1I o'clock. "Listening Ear. Vol a Warner, whose death i5 i Wednesday and jtespnnsive Lives," Evening, 7 of lest week w,ts teeotded in our Last o'clock, 'Type Marks of Jesus (inlet." A LL SIZES OR TI 'E READY BY home, took place on Friday last front Pastor C. It. Jones will preach. The `f Tue+da.7 June 8th,' the )ULEOR71i the residence at the north end of Vic- toria Lord's Supper will be observed at the torte street to Maitland cemetery, chose of the morning service. Bible Iles. R. W. Millyard, pastor of WIC- 5010 1 Meets at :I o'clock. Cordial t•in- 1S1t11atl0IIs. Vacant tont street Methodist chuh n', (•0n- vitation to all. - ducted the service'. Mrs. \Wot•ner', maiden Bathewile Emily Gondi'. and The MaMittlivrey Mission Hand of two brothers and a sister, of near Knox church held its annual "birth - Galt, were here for the fnilerot day party" last S.ittlrilay afternoon in George Werner, of Hay City, Mitt., the basement of the church. There was a son of the 'deceased. also was hate the mend good attendance of ehildren for the funeral, and David %Verner, tuul friends 'of the band. The pro- of town, 1-i anal bre ann. 11-3. Warner tir, un consisted of dialogues, recite- WANTED. -A SMART 1101', WHO war sixty-seven years of -age And the lions, readings and music by members 1' has pawned the high orMfd entrance ex cause of her death wawa stroke of of the hmml aryl after it was over the amination. to learn the printing. An o aver paralysis, to which she 'succumbed in ''hildten enjoyed a treat of home-made tnmtttole*rea good trate. Apply et THE ielout twenty-f,or hours. - ramie. Th�•dolls, work -Maga, etc., for `+/IINA1.. the tl,,li,t h., were on exhibition and D. 0. E. to Raise *1,500. at rhe conclusion of the meeting the At is operial meeting of the Ahmtek box wee pecked. Chapter of the U*ughf.era of the gm -,Last Sunday was the anniversary of etre, a resolution was passed to the North street Methodist Sabbath effect that assistance be offered the school. In the Horning service the board of trustee.' of the Alexandra members of,tbe school took a prornin- 1Tospital in their projected scheme of eat;part, occtlpying the centre seats, Wanted building a wing to the present Mom• with the adult Bible claim in the gal - ______o _ pita) building. The Chapter ha�.en ler,, and A Sunday'echool choir lead- --- _- - a reed t, r*ire *1.519).' To 'hie end %) T0OL W ANTED • -AT TI1 the rnemhero Are looking fat• the pr`,Dnugalthegve singing. mermaThe n appropriate to Ooderlcb Produce carrrpaay.' tical aid and sympathy o the women sash price paid. f Y { the occasion, On Monday evening `V ►N'1'ED. -IMM F� D I A T E L Y. December irmms.r,eary .hteatninau.,.t .w>n e r and irLpreptrstion for this iven 1n tha train Auditorium of the gaol grist mill site, or grist min. in the the members of the Ahmeek Uhepter hur(•h and was enjoyed by a fair- enemy of Heron, neer the town of tioderieI • invite the ladies of the town to e Will Pay 'pot rash, or give part cash and bat pend sized audience, The chief feature of ieturee ance n elff property. Address Box net. THE Monday afte'rncrnne at the aurin tm the. n•ng SIGNAL. (ioderlch. 0n.(t the lower floor of the public lilted?. exhibit,P I by wDr. as a Dousiall's eeries or pelectric where plain wren-letteveewtng-tae,--IpP carried on. Orders for plain sewing number of mom-mei-rifftifuaa fated d will be gladly rereived. On Monday. number of beautiful and the lit'celebraof June lith, the holies will meet for paintings sin ill )o igell'n of the ltse of sewing. SLC MUSHY It, 0. E. thh p i Ur. were irate comment's on this paintings interesting and in - Death of an Old Resident. structive, and altogether the exhibi- Felix Hanlon, an old resident of tion wasrar o o timity, In ad - Clinton. who for the past tlz"'room giaanthein. F. Thom, musicale tvvo years had 'made his home with hie enlnlr Tine Nfii ytr*nil Nims rand son-in-law, Janina Dean, in Guderich, "The Palms." A. Cook sang "The passed away on Monday at the, good Holy, laity," and a quar•tete-MieSe,, age of eighty•flve years. The de- Colborne and Crooke and Meosr.. craned 104(14 a native of ir•elandadd Thomson and Cook -Longi"There is came to this country when a young a Breen Hill Far Away." Lilian Ed- man of about trttentyfive. 11e fleet ward, ',,cure Prise, Mildred Hoyer settled here but soon moved to Clin. and Marjory Dougall were a quartette ton, where he 'pent molt of his life- of youthful singers' who sang very a e. sixla•Hiaen wyear',lfr prede• butaaernsefatduity himof Sweet prettily Stol••1ry ThinkofOttt." hen I Read That w flee. eon . nd three daughters survive. as follows . *rtin Hanlon. of %Vii- Itafieton Mic Petrick, of ('en- LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. trellis ! F''elix, of 1 nkirk, N. Y..: Richard and .dames, Stratford ; Need a mattress! Wilmer Smith, Fpet. Mrs. James Dean, of (io 'Hi : Min. +t tee r, .elM the hr -t matters, made: and as D. ItP-ynolde, of New Limke end Zee,. tmr+on -pend. tho,t one third of J hl. Ihne in bed the bo.t i. none too good. Call Mrs. nhn Flannigan, of Sprat . and ,re 1), Mr. Hanlon leaves also a brother an two martted *t tern in his native land. The pallbearers were the five eone and one son•in,laW. John Flannigan. Eueurslon-le Guelph. The offlcet•e of the West Huron Farmer,, institute announce the An- nual excursion too the Agricultural College at Guelph, to be run thin year on Friday of next week, June I1th. The rates and timetable are published in our advertising columns. This hes always been rine of the moist popular excursions of the seasgn, and am the Agricultural College and the expert• mental farm ,ire growing in Internet *rom year U. year there is every reason to expect a Melte excursion next. week. Rvery poeeible attention will he paid to the excureinnist, hy the staff of the College and sp.•e•ial recital.** for (it -nerving the work ,inne at thin splendid institution will be Af- forded. Merely ait aholidoy trip this excursion is a very attractive one, The following Friday, June 100th, !'l IHL WANTED. GOOD P A " l� hort hour,. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. (COMPETENT GENERAL SER- I,' VANT WANTED. -Highest wage paid. Apply to MRS. CHAS. GAItROW. Fast etrevt- WANTED. -GOOD GENERAL cabinet-maker. Steady work, One preferred who has had some exneriente In making lavatory eats and tanks. 'Satins wage*, T1117 11'88EX MANCFAC• Tl-Itlri(i l'U., dusten. V. It, - 47.31 Public Notios. FURNiSIIED HOUSES TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS. Sum %isnots deidring to .,curd* lurn- Imbed hon in (iodsrch are invited to cor- reepond with '('HELI((* N AL Persons wiehing In rent t mer visitors should lease parte. THE e10NAL THE CELEBRATED IMPORTED CLYDE.'i DALE `(TALLi(*N SIR EVYLX'N 117771 • 11110) w411 +rand for the Improvementof stork 101.4 ,es.on as fnllnl Mnsn..r- Will leave his own stable, 1'om merrlal Hotel. Hlyt h. and proceed to Jamb min) te; Int 2t, con. 1, East I4awann.h, for noon: then In David Wihnn's, lot, u, con. 1, West Wawsno.h, for night. Trgeu,ty - Pmeneed to A. McDermiad for noon : then to Mountain s Hotel, Dungan - nen, ferelahi, - - A%Kovacn,tr i'ns•eed to Alex. Peer.', fth even,, A'haeld, for stoop ;limo to John.Mavage'M ospn, N, A,hfield, for night. ?Utasr.tr--Prorred to either/ (irate.. int 22, non, 7, west W*wams.h, for m.00n; then to John Redmond a WeatfleM, for nigRht. P•1017 --Proceed to Geo. rotherwlll's, tot 34, con. 6, East Wawennsh, for noon ; thed to ianiel Kelly'. lot 2. con. 7 Morris, for night. SATI'HDAY-terorselrl t0 M. ff. Ket1,'•, 10) ., owl. 7, Mord. for neon : then to 01s own stable, commercial Hotel, Blyth where he will re- main until the fotlowing ?doudat- morning. N'eeM7 otip Mc('ONNPLL, proprietor.. BELL ICE ICE We have mor Ire 1lrntae well filled end are prepared to 'em- pty old and new patrons with the hest quelity during the coming season. CRAIGIF BROS. Fa cry fecility for amateur pholnerephel. *t. •tallows•. Portrait work 440e t0 she tist lc .tyle. View, of ))oderich and art rest variety. Corner Montreal re. mo' photo, street ane There 1+ no n for year fencer w- moot Hke 1'rIelham'. For natty, wearable, set. meet. go lc F- J. l'rldh*m. The county rnu lcil is in me ' , this week. Report in next issue. The Signal to let January, 1910, to new subscriber! for int) cent.. The Ladies' Aid of Knox church in- tend holding a strawberry festival in the near future. Retnsmber the flower night et the inner rink tomorrow (Friday) night. Every skater gets a cern/stein, in the Huron and Perth ilamehell League gale* at Clinton today Gode. rich won from (Tinton by the score of 12-14 The extorsion to Guelph next week aho,ild he well patronized, The On- tario Agricultural College is one of think of going el.ewhere M .n -establish- • Monad rho corner. Den -giving gar Don't forget that June IUth is the date of the Greyhound excursion to Detroit. Band 'moonlight" on Fri- day evening. June 18th. The sympathy of many friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pringle in the death this morning of their little thirtsen•woulthr-old boy. The .little fellow had been ill only a few days. The 33rd Reglement hand gave Be theft open-air concert for the season on the Square, Req Thursday evening last and played 1h good form. The hand will -glee its eeeeud a oneert (Thursday) evening. It will be awsT at military camp the following week but will be back In time tor the moon- light excursion on the Greyhound on the Bah, - - ANNOUNCEMENTS. - '('he Signal to bat January. 19111, to new stbecribere for 60 cents. itemuember the important rug sale on June I2th at the Auction House, Sale Saturday night at the Auction House at 8 • o'clock, fEcKerr, AUcttoneer. - -- - If Cameron Moore's ad. is reed this week there ould besome beet- ling to sa a dolls Their . is o0 page 4 of Lille Wur. _F for one month from Tuesday, tine Nth, will ire given at t. , West -street rink on Tuesdays and fh relays from 3 to :i tieloe11 p. w. Th( will be a rale chance for those w wish to learu roller s k a ti ng. ' 11*UOLat fleas. - BEAUTIES OF VANCOUVER. Mr. Jane Sees-Mach-toAd •' Pacific Coast Metropolis. To the Moor of The Signal. ligan Sit, -In a foi'tuer letter 1 said something about the beauties of Van- rerr1uttAa I then hv� nn inane ex- hausted xhausted the subject 1 will try to take it up where I lett off. - • At that time I haat not been t Stanley Park. The Vaneouverit ere very justly proud of Stanley Park 1 do not quite know whether 1 shoul call it a promontory, ora peninsula but Anyway it is • triangular-shaped piece of land with a very irregula NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 3rd. Big Investmeet-Uouldin[ It Hamilton, Tor -- onto .... .... ... .... .... Great Rummage dal.- -l'. a. twine ,,,..$ House and Lot tor vale 1s YUlags et auburn I a „ --Hubs, A. Roberton Auburn HQU.e-ltobt. A. Robetts't- V header -ti, T. K Hotueaeekers' Excursions -.U. Y. ft, 3 Get a Hatll1RuC4-Woreef'r Hardware & Store Store '. ... .. 6 ... Screen Doors and Wlodowe-Howell Hard wart Co.. Ltd2 Announcements -The Autlise Ho Saturdayand Monday Bargains-wm. Ache- 1 sone Mon Auion Sales -The Auction Reese ..... 1 ct tt'eddluft (Iles -(leo. Porter 3 Straw Bata -Mclean Bros 7 Our Reputation -Two Marlins 3 Surumer Orford. -(i. M. Elliott . 7 Exennioin to Uaelp►-Wast Huron Tecm- • ere' Imo it.tta Rydaw No,IS-Town ofGoderlch 2 x AA Retchial iof 14pegain �i,talo-John ,head........ 11 4 r,tsal,-J. 11. Colborne Hyo Millinery Specials -Cameron & Moore. 4 Three ,specials --W. 1'. Prldham. 2 For the Summer Ulrl-Millais Scotch 8tofs3 (111-1 wanted-The3lfnel I Annual hleetlng-nett SUMO Faressee-Ia_ titute 7 Annual June Sale -Hodgen, Bras,.,, $ Free Lesson, In Roller 'mating -cameos Bros 1 Wool Wanted . tioderich endues commas 1 there is a type of beauty pec liar to the British Isles, and (I will n w add) - to Vancouver: . There are other subject[ thali pets hap. would interest my friend; in (ioderich, but I shall leave them\ toy some future time. Thanking you kindly for favors\I beg to remain, sir, Yours obediently. A. N.J'NE.\ Vancouver, B. Co May I1t, 1919!, --r A WORD TO THE WISE. • There are • good many arguments in favor of shopping at home and one of the most important of them is that when you do so you see what you are xR, taeteed et sending your menet away fol- sotnething which you do not ee and wbicb you may not want when get it. - -The hoaneoner•ehan) is ale at hand to make your purchase hut what about the mail order man ! • your buying at home and 0 your will et full value for your money. ea of DUNGANNON. I('ontinued from pare 7 Ed. Durnin Ip home from 'roseate r University, c Mrs. Jas. You of Toronto, is( elft. iting at David Soli 's. Miss Ethel Case I pending • week with Mru, McArthur. (Soderieh. Jas. D. Bailie has go to Alberta and will be away for or three menthe, Mea. Ilartler has returned to our vil- lage after a two years' sojourn 1a Ayltner, outline. It is situated at the entrance to the harbor, bounded on one side by Hurrard Inlet, *oil on the other by False Creek, and it has had a narrow escape of being an island, as it is joined to the mainland by a very Har- row strip only. It is a place of greet natural beauty. There you can see till" prtmevat-itrrest in iter -perfection there are the migbty fir trees, their tops reaching high into the air, won - arch, of the forest in truth, and th dense undergrowth now almost in fill leaf. There is •Nawbroad, wen -kept -drive tight around the perk, close to the water's ed railer around t Tbere is the ancien. of • zoologicalcollection, whi in Blue to la -g g a here e Bensop Case leaves this week form I Owen Noland, to spend the sumer Gln one of the C. P. R. 'steamers, O. E. Augustine bas had a cement oundation built for a kitchen which he intends erecting this summer. Mothers, others, Reeve of Ashfield, lett yesterday to attend the meeting of the county council in Ooderich. Sower' LL- Boesan.-Andrew Stew- . art's sawmill at Glenne hill burned to .._ Re. 1 am told itis Wise he park over this drive ch will probably grow a dimensionT are plenty of seat* for the weary swinge for the jjuveniles and floe well kept flower betfa now in hill bloom. In short, a charming place to go to spend a o 'yet and pleasant balf-day is Stanley Park. • Then there it Kitealino beach for the bathers ; and I'oint Grey Ind New Westminster, both ideal place« for an outing, I am told. The latter ie the estuary of the Fraser River Mutt of Fraser). North Vancouyer, Lastly there is North Vancouver. it in "Busted on the north bank of the Inlet just opposite the city. itis quite a new town, and has its own munici- pal government. The chief means of communication between the city and North Vancouver is by steam terries, which arrive and leave every half- hour. The Inlet at this point is about three miles wide and this constitutes the harbor. The toSen is being built on land eloping gently down to the water's edge, with the mountains for a northern background. Conse- ,luently they have Almost, perpetual f mer. Vegetation is usually e tuuut.lt earlier then it -is -on -Ibis side. of the water, When I have made all the money 1 want 1 hope to crone over to North Vancouver and mettle down, 1 moat not fnr•C,rt to mention the new general pnetoffice, and the now cadet h.xtse, The former is it fine five - !story block, surmounted by a dome and weathercock. it is built almost entirely of granite and steel, so it is intended to stiy. It is now being fitted internally. and will soon no doubt he a very alive place. It is sit- uated quite close to the C. P. R. sta- tion on a corner of Granville and Heating! etreetw, the two great show streets of the city -they may, 1 think, be styled the Oxford and Regent 'streets of Venrnnver. 'The new collet house is as yet only' in the early stages of construction, but is evidently going to 141 a very fine building. A Variety of "Perils," Vancouver is very cosmopolitan, 1 'should may that about every third man one meets on the street is a foreigner ; that in to say, he is other than Ihtne- dian-burn dr of Anglo-Saxon descent. We have the "yellow peril," in the poisons of the Chinamen and Jape, and the black peril, in the persons of the Ilindoos end other', Then we have the got-rfrh peril (nr complaint), This is a very real peril. it is epi- dermic, everybody hes it more or less --generally mote. Its effect on the trims of it' victims is gummed up in one w o r ul -- disappointment, Of Courpie there ars' ezceptiona. but. I sun safe in saying that this is the ride. Then there is the peril of thieves and reel estate *gents, Against this last- named class 1 would solemnly warn people coming to Vancouver with money to ingest, for unless they are very Alert the real estate then will have the money. Physical Beauty in Evidence. Rut notwithstanding theme draw- becks there are crowds of fine people in Vancouver. The people here (speaking generally) have fresher com- plexions than petrel.. In the East. 1 have met enme of the finest men on the streets of this city that 1 have ever seen ; and eertainly some of the must beautiful women 1 have yet seen outside Britain. i think i hear some- one saying, "Now, isn't that just like au Soglishman?" Neyecthelees, the groundon lesturday evening, along with a quantity of valuable pine and baeswood lumber. It appears that in order to work off the steam in the Moiler the machinery was left run- ning while the men went to supper. The flre was not discovered until practically the whole building was in ►mes. The lose will total about $3,004 with very little, it any, insur- alllce. TICK Lore JOHN Jolr 'roe. -O0 Friday last John Johnston passed to the great beyond, et the age of nearly eighty years. For a man of hie years Mr. Johnston was quite active, and his death remelted directly from a fall into a Tintern ten days previous, Pee - oral of his rine being broken. The funeral took place on Sunday after- noon, Rev. T. Nicks officiating. The pallbearer" were : John McLean, Thos. Young, David Smiley. Thos. Durnin, John Park and H. fluff. !re- cessed is survived by three daughters: Mrs- Sutton, of Waterloo ; Mrs. Carr, of Wawsaosh, and Mrs. Cousins, with whom he made hid home of late. 111;A:A np Ste-setiltuf. West Wawanosh lost one of itis earliest settler,, when on Saturday, May 22nd, Mrs. John Mallough passed peacefully away after an extended ill- ness,. at the ripe old age of over, four. score years. She wise horn near Kir- cuhhln, County Down, freland, April J(th, 11439, coming to Canada in 14461 and settling in Middlesex county. There she was united in marriage to John Mallough,' who predeceased her several years. She and her partner- in•life took up their residence on lot 15, ,concession 2, West Wawanosh, where, with the exception of ten year. in Lurknow, she spent her days until the summons came to exchange her earthly home for the heavenly. For several months her health had been failing, during which time she wee confined to her Med. Towards the close she suffered intensely at times, lint throughout her entire illness, even when suffering the greatest psis, there wee no murmuring ; her suffer. inns were borne with Christian forti- tude and resignation. All her life she were an earnest and consistent mem- Iter of the Methodist church. The community mourns the loss of s hind and sympathic neighbor, the church of a true and faithful member, the home of a loving end devoted mother. The funeral service was held at her late residence, being eonducted hy her Pastor, Rev. W. A. Smith, assisted by Rey. C. 1(uthertord and the inter- ment. was tirade in Dungannon ceme- tery. theer exrepion children ofllene survive who died in early youth. They are Mrs. Blake, of Ashfield ; Mn. Alton, of Lurknow ; Mrs. Thompson, Stain - 'sleigh. Alberta; John H.. of the same place ; Joos. A., Misses Maggie and Martha, at home, and Mime Sara, of llloomington, 111. BORN. (0ARRI('K.-In U(alerteh, nn Monday. May 316), to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garrick, a .nn. DIED, IiANIA)N. -in Ilrnlerirh. on Monday. Ms) lint„ Fells Renton, seed 45 rear., PRiNULE. -in (inderlch. nn ThnrMay. Jane 3rd, Thomas Iran, Infant eon of M,. and Mr. Th,,, Pringle. aged 1 year. t month and 13 days. The f nneral "4/1 take plumes Hatred*, freer the 2 J1U residence is Le M&1Uaa w, errof Itle . .taws, u ti