HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-27, Page 88 l ttaowAT, MAN' 'n, 1909.
r:2att c.
Ret. J. A. Anderson Y reaches Maim!. The lawn howlers are pia yin' on
sant Sermons at Knox Church. • Tthe West street green.
Rev. Jar. A. Atoka -soli last Sunday The li,alprich bluebell tem floes to
completed twenty-one years in the Clinton next Thursday for their drat
pastorate of Knox church. He waste League game. Clinton defeated
the Decision the opportunity of speak- HIy4h at Clinton on the Twenty-
wentying of the relation existing between a fourth. by A score of Y to 7.
pastor and his people. taking bot h a J. ,East Theisen has charge of a num-
-- retrospective
um•--retrospective and a preepeetive view, bet. At the Y. M. C. A. boys WRAC IR t
' At the morning service his text -war ilvitalising long-distance running.
• I. Cor. 2 :1-2. "And 1, brethren. when
T came to you. cause not with excel-
lency of speech or of wisdom. declar-
ing unto you the testimony of Goll,
fo• r ,: 'tenanted
not to know any-
thing among
Sasst mime &vire
(:bruit, and Hiw
At the com-
mencement of his
.erwou, Mr. An.
demon stated
that the design
he had in ever
' entering the Illin-
Irtry, and accept-
ing the call rroD* Knox church, was
tint which is announced in the text.
In all his ,attempts at preaching be
bail endeavored to keep the spotters
nim prominently before his mind,
making it the centre from which
should radiate all his ut.ttrsztea. Ii -s
declared that he had found nothing so Clinton. May 21.-Victorii Day
beautiful, so attractive, so soul-iuspu•- sports Aire well contested here today
ing and soul -satisfying as the !heifer and the heather conditions were ideal.
of Jesus Christ anti Hiw crucified. He The greatest interest centred around
t'Its' lir Hrwt
game of
model the Islsr kill it being t
held up the alawtle Paul es ag
preacher, whom it iwiftiRrhe well for theft -it -ran nyd t'orrhteagu : flintier
preachers at the prevent day to seek and Btyth were the contestants. Clin-
to imitate. Though Paul was an all- ton winning. Scot -eft to 7. Batteries'
round man, he war in a certain sense for Clinton, Early attd Hawkins:
pre-eminently a man 1.1 one idea. leak- Blyth. Taman, Nt•Arter and ' Sum-
. Ing all hie serlutut brOr upon the line mere. l mpire, Workman.
all-important theme, '•Jesus Christ, The Huron county- (',,ilegiate tnsttt-'
° and Him crdcifled." \Vhether - in ate cup, now held h y Clinton C. 1., was
synagogues, market-jilacet, judgment played for by Seafortb t`. 1. and
hall., In prisons. in 101114 .Y._ des- Winghain H. S. teams, the latter win-
erts, or crowded cities. his apjwals nine by I to O. Clinton (r 1. then
were not „made to the intellectual, played the winners and again proved
social or esthetic taste. of the people : their superiority in a. well -contested
his proclamalioaN were not uttered game. Score. 2 to It
with the thought of .elf -exaltation, or A splendid conceit under the ,sum
miff -interest : his - words wen -1104- -;Bios++ the -Cin
shaped to please the people: but, coni- day '= proceedings,
miwioned of God ,to preach the Go"- -------
pet in the fulness and supremacy of ire
power, the apostle himeelf sank out 01
sight and proclaimed the unsearchable
riches of grace which was centred in,
and which flowed out of, an ever.
blessed Redeemer.
Mr. Anderson said he alweye en-
deavored t� put hitneelf in such an
_ attitude that this all-ahsorbi
heroic purpose of the apostle might
deeply influence hila in all his at.
t Friday the bunch ran through
Mttldnrd and tfp-the hitt and on tlhe
Twenty-fou•ih Nome of them ran to
Piper's dam and back. The next run '
is put down for Tueedey night anti
will probably • be around 1 ollej s
The ttudert`ch hasehatt'• tarett -jroee
neyed to Mitchell on the ;24th and
played a double-header with a sup-
posedly Mitchell team. which, how-
ever. was really a Perth county com-
bination, several of the player* hail-
ing front the little hamlet of Fuller-
ton. fauapus m baseball annals.
(ioderich lost the Ilnt genie by the
score of 3 to tl ; but the hrcond game
was lioderich all the way, the wroes
bring 9 to 1. Victor Dean met with
s• nasty accident in the second game.
when a Mitchell baserunner ran tato
biro, the result being 111e low of two•
No matter whatswe ong she
new cf real roods, theretry'samalways a
f eeIieg that when we are through ex-
perimenti g we will go backoo good
old ttuaker Oats. , •
In another column will. be found
some of the ren suns (or eating Quaker
Oats; -everyone who has eaten this
food regularly will recognize the truth
of the statements made in these
Judge flout was in Toronto last week.
lyyvllle Millar was in Toronto the peat week*
Win. Marlton was In Toronto during the past
week. _ _
A. E. ('og,well w -aa in Toronto dating the
Fred. Munro was ep from Toronto for the
Bert Met'reath was• home front Toronto for
the hotels.
eta at.hrnionizing. Ando -.peaktttg a M. W.- Aswan wa. at Windsor for J -law
days thl. week.
Ifred Armstrong. of 1. unknow, was in town
or Sunday.
J flatulent -rani Monday with lair
rot n (' otton.
wn ministry in Knox church for
t..e. past twenty-one years, he said he
increasingly felt that power could
sit ch to it anty as it war inspired.
not by a moral example only, but by a
real personal sacriflce,,as exhibited in
the voluntary surrender of the life of
the Son of Clod for the salvation of
human souls.
"In the crow. of Chrbt I glory,
Towering oer the 'neck- of time :
' All the light of .acral story
Gather. round it.. head .uhlune.
The evening sel'viee a leo was of en
anniversary character, when spirituel
advancetuent, or growth in the divine
life was commended to the congrega-
tiod. The sermon was based on
---"Pant's words to the chum -list -Philippi
"Brethren, 1 count not myself to have
apprehen.In.l_ hitt this uaLlluug
forgetting those things which are be -
bind. and reaching forth unto those
things which are before. 1 .pries to-
ward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
slues in seed corn. The following warn
tiestochoo.efrom' Imperial (Reining, White
('ap Dent. Mammoth Southern Sweet. lame.
fellow, Compton'. Early. Prices right. High-
est market price paid in east' or trade for
potatoes. better and sgge. The Poetomee Store.
H. HORSEY, Carlow.
\VEDNRADAY. May 20th.
The township council will 1 t the
road contracts on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, June 8th and 9th.
MAITLAvn0oocessIoN Noree.-Wil-
liam McCabe returned lest week from
the West The many friends of
Mn. Peter Fisher are pleased to (earn
that she is recovering after her recent
illness One of our popular young
men joined the rinks of the benedicte
this week. Congratulations
The holiday was quietly spent by the
agriculturists of this vicinity. Fish-
• ing was the principal attraction for
the young folks The urndet•n ruts
ber-!ire is touch in evidence at present.
Come, boys, don't lie -beaten ; Invest
in an auto and the day is yours.
After the Steel Plant.
Marton Canadian : Mayor Jernlvn
has written the officials of the big
Pennsylvania Steel plant that is look.
Ing for a location in these parts, and
r. Symon, the owner of the sugar.
beet rectory-, id also using his influence
Fo g'ettiia bill concern to-iaeite- berr,
Leather Prices Soaring.
At advance of from twenty- to
twentyflve per cent. in the price of
%leafier in Canada will go into effect
imlltediately, so the daily papers say.
This rise, the public is further in•
fortned, has been rendered necessary
by a heavy increase in the price of
green bides, which has Teen brought
about by the scarcity, the kill of
Western cattle having fallen much be.
low that of previous _years. Barnette
makers and shoe manufacturers are
largely affected. It is figured approic=
imately that the increase in the liner'
lines of shoes will be from 20 to 25
cents a pair, and in the heavier; or
cowhide, shoes from 15 to 1p1 cents a
pair. Other lines, arch as, Its and
trsnke,, wilt also go op to
Waries Champtonsbip Contest PieMea
at Opera one.
On fdl sides, in all lands, it is admit-
ted that the battle fur the world's
heavy -weight championship, which
took place at Sydney, Australia. on
ember 9 nth, 14111, between Tommy
of Canada, and Jack Johnson,
xas, was the greatept event in
tic history. The moving pie-
this remarkable contest,
he ring side, under the clear
in -day stun. will bs shptop
ay. June Ord, at Vlc-
n ae.
fought in Sydney,
les Inctn the great
s ;emulation, no
er attracted no
England and
emseh•ea, re -
the contest,
will furnish a very stub . tial even-
ing's entertainment, hut, th will be
reinforced by other pictures �oTTing
the training campss of both cd'test-
sats, and interesting scenes of a rya
day life In the antipodes. The pic-
tures are now being shown simultan-
pimalyy at the first-class theatres In
New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadel-
phia. and nil the leading cities of the
United States and Canada,
pugi I
taken at
Australia • '
here nn Thl J
toria Opera
Although be •g g
ten thousand
centres of the wo
previous contest e
much Attention in
America. The films t.
producing every detail n
Miss n.tridge was at ber home in Burling-
tonforth holiday.
Mts. -chafer. of Toronto. wee a Wetter in
town the pant week.
Keg. Tye La home fconi Trinity College. for
onto. for the vacation.
Mrs. and MW Hutchison have returned to
town for the summer.
Donald McLean it home from Toronto t: ni-
rerntty for the holiday.. . _
W K. Elliott, of The Toronto News. was
home for the Twenty-fourth.
Mr. de Pen.er, of the (lank of Montreal stat
spent the holiday Id Guelph.
Kenneth Boyd visited hie brother in Toronto
over Sueday and 4h. t..ut t.tos-.b_-.... _.-_-
Mrs. P. K. Lamb, of London. visited her
.iter. Ma+. Ellie sallow.. over the holiday.
Marton ('Mate 1,(s retuR(sd trero-TDs:
onto, where the haan been attending the ('nt
ver. !y. • .
Mr- Carleton leavrs today to visit her son at
Detroit and will be away. from town probably
for num, Month.. .
Manager A. H. Jeffreyof the Polson Iron
Works and Nr.. Jeffrey lonnerly Ml-. Masson.
were up from Toronto d urine the ween. • ---.
1111.. kfith Neelir., daughter of Inland Re-
venue l,llcer Newlin, of acafort h, wan the
gust of Maw Emily liotdthorl.r the pant week.
Hugh It. Johnston. of the holtcrial Bank,
8•sr,, i. ts'nding the boldda)• with hie
•ousmn, Mine. Lillian apd Carrie Graham.
Fairview: Hiroo road.
Thomas. Carrick and Isaac Hanley, who have
been engaged at Till.umberg for. a .hart time.
were in liaierleh for the Twenty-fourth, re-
turning to their Work there.
Kincardine Review : Alton Glnlhill, wilb
and family left on 1'ue-day for He- paler. kir.
Gledhill and Mabrother. Harvy wtl 1a.ave--lar
New Ontario lu the near tut sue,
tJ. H. 'McCann. of Dorchester, was In town
this week. Mr. Hcl ;inn wan .owe year. ego
w resident of liodericb. barna. Dae of the pro•
prtetors of the woollen milks at Ihpe -.. .
Mrs. Robert John Acheson e,ee (..ewarl will
receive for the fIrt time ^ince her marriage on
Thursday and Friday afternoon.. June :11-.1 and
It h. at her hone. corner victoria and Trafalgar
beets. and afterwards nn the second and
fourth Thur -days of eaclemonth. •
S. iI. Jennings, who reprcoented the Canada
Paper Co. on the road fur several rears. be
discontinued I. connection with that ('nm•
patty and hae taken a poeflion an the Canadian
representative of Sinclair a Valentine ('o,
manufacturers of printing ink.. He ono 51,
Increased watery. which he will earn all right,
as he In one of the most popular- and capable
men who visit the newapaper omoee.
The bb.rd of health visited the
dairies and slaughter houses yesterday
And will Make a report.
Two big bargain days at Colborne's
Saturday 'andMonday next; 44th
and 11et. 411
At s- eprrtat-Met'ting•of the Pres -nye
tory of Huron held at Clinton nn
Tuesdcy the resignation of N. M.
Leckie, et Londeatinrn': wan nereptrri,
to take effect June nth. Rev.
Small, of . Myth, was appointed_
tePt#n-modeeata,i•, --ilr. Leckie haa.ac
cepted a call from Beverly church, in
tht• Presbytery of Hamilton.
A well -digger rays there's always
room at the bottom.
Lever Arothers, Tnrontn, will send you
free a' cake of their famous Plantol
Wilct soap, if you mention this paper.
Popular Books
Popular Copyright Books
Reduced from $I.25 to 75e,
for this week only.
"Th. Firing, Line," by Chambers,
"the Fly on theWheel," by I huraton.
"The Wheel of Fortune," by Louis
"The Red Year," by Louis Tracy.
a '•Thi Castle of Dawn," by Kramer.
"The Pass,' by Stewart Edward
"The Lure of the Mask." by Herold-
"The Coast of Chance," by Chamber-
"The Sword of Dundee," by Peck.
"The Conjuror's House," by Stewart,
Edward White.
Watch otir show window for t
leaf liner of China we are
clearing at IOc.
Terms: $TRI(Tt.Y CANN.
Court Hodes Square,
'Phase dao. G.Mricb, Oat
No trouble with Sunlight Soap.
Just follow the dlrectlons on the
wrapper and Sunlight does the
rest. Costs little- does much
never Injures hands or clothes.
wo ug hlrgain flays at Collxtrnr'.
Setutda a d' Nyioddy next, 91th
n 8 st.
'.Tie average gt I would rather be in
love then be hspy.
Von can't always lodge the dinner
by, the price.
elf we didn't -have- work --+here
*wild be no fun in loan
All the world m,y ie l stage, bui
Just the, same stage ut.ine does not
The optiutiit expe.•4a- to- ge .,4o -quo -1
baud ev -u wheu the uaLea ,triton
_shuffles autl dealt.
Northern Navigation
S. S. Marie. Port atthur, Fort Wil
♦ ; lulu bald llnitlth. j, .'tv•• Sarnia :3:1,
• jt. m. May 13, 11i. 29, 31st. June :..
11, 12 and L. Sailings May 13. Ills 31.
Je 3 and 12 through to Duluth.
!• unreigns sailings in atbtittaFtwAt>o) V.
DIVISION. F.N Y4. N, Mat it, Ala Wliy
f ports. t.eave'_t'ollingwoutt 1.:111 p, n1
land Owen Sound 11.45 p. m. Wednrs-
dlsy.:and ti5LUL fay'. _ _
Careful handling and despatch guar-
anteed freight tattooers. -
Tiekets and infornIattiou from all
railway agents.
H. H. Gildersleeve ' C. H. Nicholson
Mgr.. Callingwood Trent(' Mgr., Mut nia
Kingston Street
Opposite King Edward Hotel.
Furniture of all kinds made
- -to -order. -bre -and
office fittings our
specialty. -
Repairing and remodelling
done on shortest
Kindly give us a call
Satisfaction guaranteed
The Ideal
Furniture Factory.
W. E. Felty,
The Jeweller and Optician
Issuer of MarriageLicenses
bare a large range of
1! Gifts
for June weddings, also a large
assortment of
any style or size.
Store, 153
Rcsndenre, 1�5
We will show you an good time
all the new shapes, and at prices
to please.
1 �♦ 'PHONE 180
Creations for Spring
With the opening of the Spring st:aslJir -
nearly all men and woven take an increased
interest -4a their wean gap et. -Particular-
ly, is this true of shoes, for uring a goo part
of the winter season rubbers and, „overshoes
have made it possible to wear .dhbes that
weren't strictly' proper. But now it's differ-
ent;i \'our shoes must "toe the mark" set by
Dame Fashion; that means '
Downing & MacVicair
1 11
For Saturday and Monday
Bargains that mean undoubted,{ savings for every buyer. Real,' genuine bargain,
in the truest and best sense LU that touch -abused %ford. •• Read the list over carc-
fully; it is brimful of good things for pe pk' w-litt are-ready-t(i- si►Ye money. Et k
4, clean-u.p•ofosttyks all over this big, store before weyniet. our, summer campaign
after a record-breaking spring business.' Evert,' item printed below is worth
Cooling to)r and will be ready for youtirst thing Saturday !tenting. - ' .
Laces 2 for 5c
Tilt .nsatl,l.ofv:tlalsofthem. I.ng• '
ash coltwal lurcho, Laces and In-
iiertiuus. ' Dozens -of patterns, as-
sorted widths. spletelid wearing
- qualities. Regular 54. and over.
clearing at, 2 yards for. .... 5e
Laces 3 yards for IOC.
1,:411 garde at this price. genuine
„- 1.-r.:_,
ace t
One of the biggest bargains we ever put on our
counters. (fraud -new goods, on salt for the fleet
!iota Saturday, IS inches wide, in white, earn Nod a
lhtrie shades. Regular fah to *1.OU err yard. Pat-
terns suitable for trunntinl(u and full waists;
Clearing Saturday, at par yard, 9c
t,.---,......-...... -J
.-EU4l4alllw:rhuu 1.alw. 1 lu.u.l.,-'=-�•+•.`•�•�`w-�-'.
Bons. \Viddhs alp to :t i)hcii`rs. Vee y , t
etrOng weave' Mild j(ugrs Week! to ,'Y-`-w--v ,...-v' - Y -v - a -v -Y -v -sr- v--srv-v--♦
wear. Regular is and S,•, Salur-
ably amt Monday; ri yard*1 ' 5 ,c'1Fa'tnoline Silks, 39c
for oC .(tlki yards Teuton tie or English Silks, extra weight,
5 -Slits at 55.00 full width. brightlinieh. Will cut Sin/noted
r each--•
\1'e Carried this Snits
ru 1 e utsoverfrom
Iasi season. lit natter, we shouldn't
h tvr dour it. but they aro here to-
if. y. Medi• fromfancy tweeds,
stay ltmli c"119 1
`i.rt onlin your c. 'e :al 5.00
Silk Ribbon tic.
NrNrly :MMI tis. p 1.e loilkk Itil{atn,
:M i; quality lhr.trade uvt't', it luck)' pureltase' under
.l I w 1' \ 1
, hits Pram k Ink brown and
1 h Ibd
navy*. Special for Sutwvlay and Monday, 39c
per yard 'y
50c Ja n Taffeta Silks, 37c - ---
.mother big l4irgaill• in Silks. Standard fate Jsp•
an fattens Silk, 27 111che8 w tat.. all OW- Wallt,vl
Amami. including (-r otni :tad 111/Wk,_st.andat-d•:ak-
2 - it n -it web.. goiTw.-,ght, taffeta quality evervw here: A • leafing lot we gut at .11
knish. in all the popular dark and , r bargain!. Saturday and Monday, ' per • ase
light shades. Regular 1'2je. elem.. yard. t
ing'biturday and Monday at 6` •�n�:J._Jl_.���. _ ���^-��, '
6c �.
per yard......,.
Silk skirts $3.45
Just 7 er s it them. black or colors. ltc,.1
`, good quality '4bat will give Witham: -$3 45
tar • w..AL_ Sajyday' 3.91r choice..,
ng s R'1 - ee Ing ..c'
English twill ".Ileeting,.SN width. a splendid
;Meeting 1. c
r 01 di halt' t . Regular :We, nen
n,tl.toi •y i 31 1 .y j•'•v 'rand
5 Lisle Vests 37c ' 't ,
1 dos' ii. -1e thr,•nl 1•nd••1•vests, line lib,'
Hier • tiMooed with Ince and ribbon. A l")Ui'
1 n a ' lite- thawa
t r have thin teeny lir.. -
1 .r.it t14 i'U11.111.'I:,'111,. Sattitdlly tat each 37c
Shetland Floss 6c
-Jo. - --•&LC
: Crash .Toweling 5c .
.just our end 1:, -inch fancy stripy crash
Toweling. • Manns a 4pleudiddrying towel.
Special per yard .
;s • 51
1 inch -Crash Toweling 8 t .c
Standard se Shetland Floss,' (Teem. C\der,
white alld culcri. Saturday per skein . VC
5c i lending�;; 3 -Cards for 10c
_s ill (.old.i bt'tck and eolore 1 cal 1111 , re Diem!.
ing Wool. The iest :s• card weever sold,
1.4.... ► l,., - .r' .'.t.' t„w.-s.,,,, .,,t wt, ip.• fe• ss-.
g'wal weight, strong weave, a toweling
On! will giro• eat•••111•nt wear. Special 1
V ;rtniyla)' end al,rn.l,t .prl• yard.: . i 'C
--286, Dress Shield's 12 t'2 c' "
:at hits. s.•.uulc,i 1111.04 Shields. huar:uil.vd
rl19rling t ll tonne ;it .t eatch 19r. ......
a Ii. t(• ). perfect Sia.•s 2 x1111 a. tl,lld at :#4r
CitEnglish Quinn, $1.19
Engli>h hnneyentei', ljuilts. (ii x'all -
inches,' double bed alae, soft tlltpk.•,
g..od weight• flee from dressing.
, w'1 nal 11 a weal (teal 1111.1g't• money 111..1'
we asl•. Saturday and Mon- $1 19
day i'nee is, etch
;rtyt;a.iyda;�•,.:y FnrSst,lrrtty,l„.t fa.m 12.21-
Baby Ribbon I 5c the end
1.,1 elld. {5.,1.\' Ribbon. In yards 111 etch end.
1'1, ., •11k or o,oirr: leg 1I*r 2r the yard. •i
L.,, •,I i.1II;�e .r(,;,'1ni'.. 1 leatl'In fiat Uldll
,t ja•r cud 'l Y 15C
Floor Oilcloth
Turkish Toweling 10c
35c •
. 1 end only E.glisb Eliewl.Olelotli. f.i112 yards
retlduanorn int\ green ger 1 Regular
5n- yards .nth ganninr Turkish Toweling.r.
fancy colored stripe, rough tinieh, very g
"4 tilt running yard- `!cards! -.anti
1 oda _mutat r rd ..•. .. a
Ifi'''`r" „-`:'„- ,=-,r."^''-‘ .. Vein ' - . 1, . .
• e l:al yards et • rililbg• a .•lean -up
Some Big Dress Goods Bargains 4,_ ••A„;h,•,ten leRvet'rg !'k,!locks
•- / :11e. cle*rllli; Sat., l Al ,.
11 SOIlle w.,nderfully god values'on the I)rcti, , >N.1' y,erd . .. �n�1
!roods -counter, for- Saturday and SIonday. 1 White Cotton 9c
1'gu1 will not run across a better chance for
buying a suit or dress -than' this.`
500 yards at 121c
. This is ac cllnlHinz hal we got, from .one. of the big
joblwrs the other day. I%e Welt' ,!Hated it whole
tableful .4 rnellltlm pt•o'rd Divas Goods at N
eulonsly slim!' figure. We took it up. The g.or!. .&r . •
bele and on sale for (1, • Ilrwl lila.• Sates I..y. :1
• dozed dr:relent styles and gnaliti. , milk and 111 I
_=ilxTrlriiFntitifiiv. .HT1 going nt"'�t.
SattireerY .. -.-....4.--_f -
Dregs Goods at 19c
Plain and fancy Drees 1,00.l ,sprite and sotto r'
weight., light and dark culntinu,, all donbl••-1, l i. 1
Regular 3.. to {tic values. clearing 34 lit lint I c,
at pet- yard ...+.. 9C -.
Dress Goods at 25c -
A tableful of them ready for you 14stn:d'ly.
Heal good Dress- Dods and .4nitrnls: attit•lftle f,r i
almost any purpose you will need Dress (toasts f,•e.
'ltuguisr 444c to IMA:. Clearing Saturday, at
ler yard. .- 25e
Dress Lioods at 45c
On the 4:x' table you will find Dress (toots all the .
way up to The the yard, blank and colors. We can.
not attempt to describe the different Weaves and
qualities that will he (shown, int you will Hod a\•.tlinghgm
collection that Will beyond doubt. save you moot -v.
Choice. of- La table fur .!Saturday_ per /��.
_ yard .:. ....". .... 4
•so yatr.I i'ngtf It whir i Icon.
!might condoic finish, n •c vet*
tbfrall rpt racy sewing. rga r
1:^f• totality and .e gn.sl ml. (k„
clearing al per yNrd sem,
Half Bleached Table Damask i
Gal -on Ile:les)' half-Idearail
..y=; Dam tsk, :3 zood patternointiil.. -
that w'lll stand man a tore. + t
i15 rry sjii nasal + .;
t -,t• wash tab. V
`r tt lig* lin' peice.:SaWr•
t and on.dty,jn•1 !surd..
Pare Linen Table Uama�•k 47c
1 I ,c end only extra quality pn
! moi hal1 L.leached table (htni•ate...
• '.119.. lest il•taatit ir, wt. kc.^, - •,
shwrk. !cold tit IMk, and wurI!i
Saturday and -.Monday you A 7C
,':,lr buy pe y `!
y it at t Ara
Some Curtain Bargains
20 airs at 39c
, pairs Lace Curtains, 2; Shift+
lung• buttonholed edges, nice oil
tern*, Blearing Matur(1ay at 39c
ler pair
20 Curtains at $1.33 -
lace 1 i.rtain«, farll a'
yards long. strong net, g'"- ! p:,'
Ili g
!frena, 1 ttslldtub'dv'd en.
rrghl it $2,•aI, ,vatueday •' 3
SuitFngs at -95c - �� •- , ..
wr t
I T,4ve or fifteen $nl4engrhs mostly dirk
etripe.l. this nation•a InKNIS.i-wttattrtr+hast-- a -ItN,"t
aN(pstllr.. ltngtilar
add f�atrs 1 off'
111 odd flail'* of 1.4c1• I'firemen.- !4 +.o• e
__entitling. tJiaLare mold flown tu_.a„uhgl!'.
thin. • Prices run flout iM1,: to $.i. If von
ttleDi>JwturdA)•,at 1:1121-111-1,1411111)...,_111":„..414,,. �95c
Sieve nn IKIT window •utt wioWte riii•-
lain for. ort rag but• fly 'air of !bene
t __,.� ,r - - - - - - -
Venetian Skirts $4.65
Ladies' cloth Skirt/. made 1extra quality
all -wool Venetian cloth. Tri muil'd with tarter-
pings and satin buttons; new styles, 1.1ai•k
or navy, specie! Saturday and Mon- $4.65 '
day each•r ..
v -y'-• owe -wow ow ser teas, !liar. t t . •harked pricer
I 15 Sample Coats -
15 only lel ie,. .nrnple 1'natu. '11) •(ialiidian
• ,!rumples of 111n• 1,1 the last (i -roost mennfae-
Inners, Katy n amt black hrnndoloth rah :3 block
.elks ['leaf ing Saturday at nue-cluarte to °to-
I bled b'.+ t hon rrgnler pt -ice,
Odd Corsets
Panama Skirts $3.45 - .
- Ladies' i'ananla and insure Skirts, 'Meek,
cream or navy. New style., !trimmed with
*trappings and folds. Special for
Saturday and Monday, each ........ .$3.45
I Tweed Skirts $2.58
Tailiea' light. eolnred tweed !ikirts. three or
four good styles, striped or rheekel tvvrrll..
Just the thing for odd Skirts tureen,- $ •] SQ
-titer wear. Nat Imlay and Monday each L C7
Embroidr:ry 7c
Hundreds of yards at this lit Lie prier', Orrin-
tile Swiaa embroidery and insertion uplo (for 7
tint -firs in width. Nice patterns nn strong rant h.
Regular l2j,c to l:a', chairing `Saturday per
yard 7C
Belting Ends I5c '�
en of facet silk IlellnwR. (twig wad tight --
49c - - --- - -
:Mt pair4 of odd Corsets. - Not every sllie of
anyone kind. .1 >tatlrering together of t'nr-
*W* tor. are discontinuing keeping in stork.
Itegtalar $11111 to *i.l l4. Saturday, per 49c
Wash Collars and Fancy Belts 15c
Taney wash (',.Nara and milk 1 tenth.'..
Hrlth. Itegular:1 c to 510c. all going Sat- 15c
•nasty at eiu•h
Handkerchiefs 3 for l0c '
2.i dor. hemstitched white muslin hnndkcr
chiefs, one-j,alf-lneh bent, geet(i naltl •�
regular :pc all over. Special Saturday :3 for l OC
Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 4 for25c
(Mies' pure linen hematitehed handker-
- narrow hems, flne_tlutility. Leal Mull.
colorings, three.' 'tarter./ Col va 1 in each
piece. Your choice or the lei, lend... 151
Lisle Gloves 29c �
Sat unite). and Monday, vety special, 4
Hose Supporters 254_
1) pairs (.isle 010,,., IS to 20 inches long,
open at the wrist, very floe quality, white,
black or tan. Saturday and Monday ebn
special at per pair Li7
60c Lisle Gloves 37c
150 palm of them. Very finneepudity lisle
thread. 1/4 to d1 inches long• open at wrist. A
eplendld glove at a moderate price,waists,
(.clearing Saturday at per pair . 37
Wipe' hone Supporter', satin pad, furor wide
elastic supports, black and colon. Batts 21GJJc
spei•hd for Saturday at
Ginghams and Zephyrs 15c
301 yd., fancy Iiingharna and Zephyrs, vl t ipc-
and rhe aka, all the much wanted colors. Ifcgn-
!sr 4n. and 'Lin qualities. Pattarna amts. I- 1,..
wsh dr-ceees or children's wear.
aC Clearing Mat onlay and Monday at per yd. 151.
rell0V618 r0��;f
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ili.1?, iso wlloll � 17TI. '