The Signal, 1909-5-27, Page 22 TROYDaT, MAT .27, 1909
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by ,.c -
data as
Law reform, in so far as the Gov-
ernment's measure affects the 10-
creased jurisdiction of county courts
and the right of solicitors•and clients
to make terms and bar -gain agree-
ments as to costs, will come into force
1h Ontario by proclamation on June
10 next.
Under the sections of the new act
which come into force next month the
jurisdiction of county and district
courts is increased to cover contract
altions where the Runt involved does
not exceed $*)O; personal actions
where the sum does not exceed $500%
actions 1s trespass. re:00T y of prop-
erty and enforcement by foreclosure
oe sale where the -sum does not exceed
sato; partnership actions up to 112,00%
actions by legatees under a wit up to
$2.(100, and all other actions for equit-
able relief up10 Sii00. - -
The new law re pecting agreements
between solicitors ami clients provides
that a solicitor way Make an .agree-
ment in writing with his client in re-
spect to payment of business done or
to be done, or may arrange for a stip-
ulated salary for all work required.
The amount cannot be received by
the solicitor until the agreetnent is ex-
amined and taxed by the officer of the.
court. and the court or judge may re-
duce the amount or order it to he can-
celled, if nct regarded as tair or reas-
onable. when the charges shall then
be taxed. In cases of non -contentious
business and conveyancing a commit -
lion 01 percentage may be charged.
Such an agreement shall exclude any.
further claim by the solicitor.
No action can be brought upon any
such agreement, but every queetioo
concerning its validity may he detet-
mined by the judge or court. The
judge can also enforce the agreement,
or can order it reopened any time
within twelve months of its making.
Solicitors are, however, prohibited
from purchasing any interest in the
litigation. They may accept from
clients security for costa, but interest
thereon cannot commence until the
agreement is officially taxed. Inter-
est is limited to five per ce t.
The client has the right � change
his solicitor, notwithstanding the
agreement, upon order for the official
taxation of costa incurred.
The new law is considered by the
legal department to have an import-
ant bearing on all litigation and is ex-
peated to materially redtrce to the pub-
lic the rout of all legal actions.
No, Moodie, the single tax is not a
tax on old bachelore.
Why not have an old-time Domin-
ion i)ay celebration in Goderich this
year i
As the first summer holiday 'of the
year Victoria Day occupies a secure
place in the affection of Canadians.
A Toronto paper reports that a man
in that city, following Burbank, is
trying to cross the dandelion with the
strawberry plant. At latest report
the dandelion part was cooling along
Hamilton Times : Has anybody
noticed what has become of ell the
anti -Rowe rifle campaigners of last
Parliament % They need to make a
great deal of noise. and they almost
persuaded many Canadians that they
had same ground for their com-
plaints. This mesion there is a great
silence en the subject_ The hoes rifle
has been ecce as having Made
gond. Moat of the men who used to
fulminate against It were left et hontP
by the electors. Col. Ham HughAs,
who warmly championed the weapon,
IR the only Tory military critic who is
now heard in the House !
The meant suudden death of Henry
11. Rogers, of the Standard Oil Trust,
prompts The Montreal Star to de-
plore the fact that the extraordinary
abilities of such men as Mr. Rogers
are not secured for the service of the
state. Mr. Rogers was one of the big
men of the American Republic, and.
indeed, of the world ; and yet one
would search the history of former
times with a microscoie before And.
ing mention of such a man. The
,tate has before it the problem 61 die-
rovering a means whereby the great
ability of such organize's of victory
can he secured for the advancement of
the general weal instead of being left
to the meaner task of building'up a
private corporation. We are nut get-
ting our best men into publis life
these days. We mein to haate,llost
the seeret. And, as The Star says. it
is ► secret worth recovering.
That was a significant speech of
Lord Charles Beresford the other day
w .nbe characterized the
over Dreadnoughts 1414 "insane" and
calculated to offend other nations and
involve Europe in a "terribly exlwn-
site" caval competition. Heresford is
the idol of the jiugoa•s of Britain, and
his rewarkr will act as a cold douche
upon the excited newspaper writers
and politicians who bad Dreadnought
on the brain. Lord Charles inci-
dentally gave hie approval of Sir Wil-
frid taurier's attitude upon the ques-
tion of Canada's duty in the matter of
Imperial defence. He thought the
best plan for the Dominions was not to
contribute money for the building of
battleships but to cuutmeoce on a
small scale 10 build navies of their
own fur borne defence. This is sub-
stantially the policy of Canada as ex•
pressed in the resolution passed by
the house of Commons in the recent
M,•.xl;n. - . -
The people of Holland are having a
'dement time ceiebr(itiug_the rival
of an infant princess, who, is looked
upon as the savior of her country
from its threat.,ned alworption by
Germany. A pretty littlestoryconles
over the cattle about ttie royal baby.
While on guard at: t e gate Leading
from the royal palace, a sergeant of
grenadiers observed the approach of a
..bite peranrhuhrtnr- pushed - -by A
nurse. For five seconds he looked at
the approaching vehicle, when, sud-
denly realizing that it was the little
Prioress Juliana taking her flat air-
ing, he came w attention and _pre-
sented aryls, although the little
Princess slumbered on unconscious of
the honor. In the afternoon the
sergeant writ told by his colonel to re-
pair to the palace in full unifortn. as
the Prince desired to speak with him.
The Prince told him he had been
wet ;ping him from the window and
bad noticed his moment of hesitation
and subsequent salute. The Prince
then presented him with a banknote
to provide himself with a souveniro
the first salute to her Royal Higaneset
the Princess Julianar
The Montreal Board of. Trade has
turned 'down a resolution in favor of
free trade within the Empire, so far
as revenue requirements would per-
mit, and has declared in favor of the
principle of inter•imperial prefereneee.
The latter declaration was carried
through the influence of the protected
msnufaaturers who, wish to keep up
the'duties against the Mother Country
on goods similar to those which they
rnauufac:ture, while they would make
the duties still higher on goods from
the United States and other foreign
countries. In return for this "gold
brick' they would ask the Mother
Country to i o a protective tariff.
giving Caned' , goods a preference.
it is perhaps jus as well that the Ca-
nadian protectio ists are showing
their hand in this y. The people of
Great Britain will , oderetand from
the discussion and re .lution of the
Montreal Board of Tr •e just whet
kind 'of game a certain g sup of Can-
adian protectionists are try g to play
un thein. It is a q uuy�r kind. . "Impel -.
ialisn' which asksl.he British -•ple
to smile, when we treat them day,
because we are treating other natibps
a little bit worse.
Born May 2414, 1818.
"She Noddit to Me."
It is said that of all the panegyrics
and tributes in prose or veru ever
written of Queen Victoria the one
Oust pleared her most was the follow-
ing quaint little prem of four stanzas,
entitled "She Noddit to Me." which
originally appeared anonymously in
an obscure Scottish
newspaper. It
was published in The Signal of May
21st, 1I)fci, and is now republiehed on
request of a reader :
'('in but an hula body
TTvin' up1n itereide
in a twa•roomed bit hoosle
WI' a toot.' bestir :
WI. a coo and my anonphy
I'm at hew*. a bee,
Itut I'm far prowler now
Since she nodd.t to nil
"I'm nee sae far part wi t-
1 m gey t ria In hale.
can plant tan -three tawttee.
An' look after my kale :
An when oor Queen moon
1 sin not to vee
Din by luck she might notice
An' nod ool to me '
'lett I've ale 14t•en unincky,
An' the bl.nd, were are doon.
Till last week the time
0' her ver,ltram' torn :
1 waved n.7 bit /Wren
An brisk es 1 mold dao.
An the Queen lauchel In kindly.
An' no Mit to tile
-My eon sleet/. In Egypt -
it t nae ease to (reit--
An ' yet when 1 [Malt 01
In, salr like to greet;
She may feel for rn7 sorrow.
Shift • mlther. ye Noe
Aa may be the hento
when she noddlt to me :"
MRS. J. A. RUMBALL, Goderich,
winner in The London Advertiser's Euro-
pean trip contest for the district con.•
posing the counties of Huron,
Bruce and Perth.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Canadian Policy
of Naval Defence.
Ottawa, May Wm. The Ilrst session
of the eleventh Parliament of Canada
was prorogued this afternoon. The
session. which has tasted just four
Mouths, his been nue of the *hottest
in many years, and lies been conlpar-
i un•
a n all one h
tical uneventful. I
dred and aixt
runs Ills have
l`passed, of which some forty have been
iovernwent measures. Among the
11111 Orlant enacttueuto of the scssiun
art the provi.iou for the protection of
railway crossings, the lout of t •11 mil:
lion dollars to the brand 'Trunk
Pacific. Railway Company, ;mil the
placing of the Department of 1, ,bur in
the exrlusiee charBe of a Minister of
the Crown. The resolution +adupttel
by the House of Commons looking to
the organization of a Canadian naval
service was another outstanding
feature of the aeseion. jast-.closed.
The insurance bill wait held up in the
Senate and is again left over to an-
other,Pession. l
In reference to the naval service
resolution. there wax some discussion
in the dying hours of the session. Mr.
Footer desired to know what action
the Government proposed to take and
statd tout there was in sumo quer-
lees feeling of disappoint inent with
this solution.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier said he Wes
aware tliet the resolution passed by
the House had not gsaen satisfaction,
if not to a large at least to a certain
section of Canadian public opinion. n'h
advanced -section- who thought anti
('&nada shotdd have given an im-
mediate eimtrihutiun to t he United
Kingdom for the ptirpor0* of defence.
What that section probably expected
WAS that the G 100141ntent should have
followed the example of New Zea-
land acrd offered ft Di rad nine.; lit_ui•
so1nething of that kind. Ile deal not
agree with that stew, however. ffe
quite realized that Canada had now
reached a period in lis- hialory when
as a.nat. , AS part of the British
Empire. it should art fairly and
squarely, and make adequate prelim .
*dans for its own defence. He was
not prepared to Pay to what extent
thea should go. After the resolution`
'was parsed on March 3At-h-Tlie-Gov•
eminent thought that the hest way
of giving effect to it Was 10 confer
own lately- with the Adutiralt.J<_uf
Greet Rain. The Government did
not thi k it would be wise for Can-
ada to ke isolated action. He was
not pre red tosay that they should
make the 'anadian navy part of the
huperial avy., He Iwlteved Cah-
MIA x action should be in. Accotdance
with the plane of the Bribiw#-A.intie-
altyand, be approved by them, and
for the purport. of conferring with
the Admiralty the Government had
deerded Lo -gelid-the Ministers at'Htti-
tia anti Marine and Fisheries to Lon
don. The Colonial office, however.
had sent a despatch suggesting. that
A subsidiary conference l0 accordance
with the resolution adopted at the
last fdiperial conference might be
held, and to that the Government had
replied that. while not prepared to say
whether such a conference was neCer-
Nary or not. they had no objection to
the Ministers of Militia--anti-Marin.
and Fisheries ,poe'.poning their visit
till July.
Hon. Dr. Spume' Indiscretion. .
In the closing days of the session
the Ontario Government raure_in fur
some hard raps. The Minister of
Public Work : for Ontario committed
e had 'blunder in puberibliik a con-
fidential draft of the international
fisheries regulatinne drawn up by Dr.
Starr Jordan, the United States C•nn-
h,iasioner, and representing it as the
regulations approved by the joint
commission, when as a matter of fact
Prof. Prince, the Canadian commis-
sioner, had not agreed to end; regula-
tions and it wee unlikely that they
would he adopted. The action of the
Provincial Minister in publishing and
circulating these regulations 88 if
they -bad been agreed • upon aright
have [seriously compromieed'the Ca-
nadian representatives in their ne-
gotiations. but Hon. Mr. Brodeur be-
lieves that a satisfactory conclusion
may yet be reached,
The Florence Mining Company Case.
Mr. Lennox came to the defence of
the Ontario Government in connec-
tion with the Florence Mining Cotu-
tany'e case. Earlier in the session
he Minister of Justide, while refus-
ingto disallow the Provincial (Gov-
eripent's legislation, took occasion
sit- me.-ek'etor of Ontario to drnounrr
the m nner in which the Ontario
authont hal closed -the doors of
the courts justice to the t<'eting of
thin case o its merits, and his de-
nunciation w ..not forgotten by the
(loneervatives from Ontario. Mr.
Lennox called a ention to the judg-
ment of the Cour of Appeal as justi-
fying the Ontario vernment's men-
tion, but Mr. Ayles Orth utterly re-
futed this claim, statil threat. nothing
had been said by any of he judges to
cause him to modify in he leawt de-
gree anything be had s.d. "1 care
find no words in the h:ngllth'tenguage
strong enough," declared Mr. Aylee.
wnt•th. "to denounce the Inlrittity of
the legislation passed Ivy tate Ontario-
Movements of the Ministers..
Ottawa, May 20. -The tad of tie
Parliamentary session does not Mena
the beginning 41 a Wald).- I r the
members of tl:eGovernment. Bather,
it means the beginning of a new
period of activity. After '•ehr
up" arrears of depot mental 116M -items
atter the bogy session molt of the
Ministers will take up important mat-
ters which require their personal
attention. ilon, Air. Fielding will
leave for England next month in con-
nection with the raising id ow ore,
('anadisn loan", amounting to mime
fifty mllliona, as authorized by I',u-
liament~ flit Fierteit.-k Borden and
Hon. Mr. Brodeur will also leave next
month for London to attend the Nub
Nidiary Imperial Council on naval
defence. Hon, Mr. (araban' elm in-
tends to moss the Atlantic this Num•
mer. He will investigate the ques-
tion of Government railway" in
Germany and elsewhere on the ('on-
tinent. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will go
to his old home at Arthabsskaville for
the fleet real rest and holiday in nearly
two year". Hon. A. lis Ayleswortb
sails next week for London in cnnnec-
lion with the flaheriee cPPe is fore The
Hague tribunal, Mr. H. L. !Meilen
leaves next week for a holiday flehIng
trip with Mr, Periey, M. 1'. 'I he
Opposition leader wilt ebn cross the
Atlantic next month, and will spend
some weeks holidaying In Eittnpe.
Canedien Magi:sine fol .lune contains
e rnneiderableam, tea tit ni,uetaltyyvit-
t raetlee material.- The first not kir' in
entitled "A Femme:s•lit hent a Trag-
edy." in which is sloven the tt•igie
pier'e that narcotics h"d in the life of
th. poet Coleridge. 'f1 a nnt!tot•, M. 1'.e
Woad, makes some interesting deduc-
tions, and letters of Cole' til 's are
reproduced, showing the ends :to
which the poet would go in hie efforts
to obtain the enslaving dreg. The
well•known novelist, Hobert Ktiowlee,
cnn1rihutell a hu1101uus %ketch en-
titled "Au Interrupted Toast," in
which peculiarities of Scotch uud
Irish temperament ale der/illy de-
picted. '•Morelliy and the Modern
Stage" is the title of un aI•ticic by
Robson Black, dramatic editor aif The
'Toronto News. awl Cher,• *1101 11111 t•184
as well by rra k Y
ei h• Blake
Crofton, Mis. .1. W. F. Hiurisnn, C.
L. Aintattoug. E. F. 11. Johnston, K.
C., and about Goiter. with %holt
stork. by Mabel Burkholder, 11'. P.
Elliott, Helen E. Williams and -Dolt
Wyllarde. and relay by lsalwl Ecel,--
stune Mackay, Katherine Hale and
Inglis Mot se.
The' Canadian Newspaper Directory
for 1909.
We have just received from the
publishet•e, :1, McKim. Limited: of
Montreal and Toronto, a copy of the
IWO edition of the (' News -
paper Directory.
Ibis is the kixth edition of this val
mike work, which .11118 it very real
need neCalieda, and drs.a've& a. place
on the desk 01 every business uuln,
eh. l her lir is an advt.: t ire!' LW out.
I t',111l14dian Newspaper Directory
red describes 1,0i periodicals 1n
1' - .ula and Newfoundland. .01 1 hest
• • are daily, 1.015 weekly or seuli-
.,,cekly, LIU utanthly_.ur _Willi month-
ly and fourteen are published less
heaiuenl l)•. This la a considerable iu-
t:mese over the last edition,
-. tff addition T i'tbTa: ilii T>itec[o'rc
supii;iea a c amp:0'144.,,ac i,i12iat4,rr
givinc tht• pnpulstt01, til• chi.-1
(lUstitre. the railway. , o•legraph„ alu1
Ikwkiug 1.tcd.te'a 1 oilier tnt.1'. st-
ing 1e:0111cs of Putty re•esp.rpa'r city,
town and village in C,.usd 1.
- This' -work i-nrsteintt na rr t:M►. pn o'. -
It is splendidly 110 1111(1 and is cert en41y
a rtrutt alike to tbepututrttrers .1111 to
l'sa.aliau 11(ie'pate tw1ene_riill%•.
A. McKim, Lomita], *rt p*rtirulai-
ly well quelifled In edit and publish
this. the standard book of relerehc0
on Canadian publications: • They ale
the pioneers in the adv.'tising agency
field in the Dominion, the MrKitti
Agency braving been-fn,iw rel i+s--Itk+tr
treat in January, ISM. twenty years
ago. by Mr. Anson McKim, who in
still et the head of the business.
During allthisbine tTi-iTTiiia'e been
the acknowledged banters in this line
in Caned,-. and the agency huainesr
has Levu-tiev2luped frau, a ver y atua!L
beginning -then performing only the
functions of the middleman -tit a very
large producing enterprise which tuns
into th'e millions.
it :goes without Paying Glen that
the McKim Agency is In closer touch
with the publishers of the Dominion
.than- any- other- 8saa,--aatd-aa4aAaiaw-
fore able to get the mast reliable in-
formation.--- ---
The price of the 19114 1)i,et:tory 14
Let Your Shoots end Pillowcases
"Rest" at Times
Few housekeepers realize that all
linen in constant use will keep longer
If It 1s allowed to "rest"_at_times. Thla
same principle holds good with gar-
ments.and various toilet articles Take,
for example, the plan followed by a
woman whose hone linen- is Malted
and who likes to make 1t last. -She has
a family of three and keeps out eight
sheets each week. As sidled ones come
in fresh from the laundry she places
them always at the bottom of the pile.
so In this way the same sbeet is not
used two week* in succession, but. L
sure of a fortnight if not three weeks of
"rest." In a store closet she keeps two
other plies of eight, and every two
months the sets of sheets that have
been In use are put Into the store
place, another set being put Into the
cupboard for weekly use. The arrange-
ment takes very little time, and it is
more than worth wbtie to the saving
to linen. I'Illowcases and towels she
manages In the same way, only the
quantity of the latter Is greater: -
Her table linen ts need fur alg
months and then put away for a year.
Luxurious as it may sound lo have
such a quantity of linen, the gathering
of It 1s inexpensive, for the woman
buye n sheet or table -rave! oetaslohat
ly and puts It away, thus keeping her
store to condition. At the satne time
pieces wear out no slowly that there 1s
never ranch lona to he made good nt
We time, and the pocketbook Is Fayed
Linen sheets, like Oben'
wear first
in the center, and It repays to silt
them down the middle to get the edges
In the place. This Ls done by tearing
them In two lengthwise -Tile selvages
are then overhanded together with
very nue -caftan, neat n tilgiteriTil fImilt
not be made, and then the raw edges
are hemmed. The life of n sheet ilr
rreetly prolonged if this is done;itr-
tlme. -
(.41'tr y• r
0114 a V
eh r�c'ra'
•consi e0. '
" First, the
is +
a: ?'.�..Conipan.y.
- -A' clean record
rand absolute "se-
curityisoffered by
the London Life.
the Policy
will prove our
Reserve Dividend
Policies are
W. H.
District Agerit.
AUGUST 30th.
Sour gtadna,r. arc u.-..:,.1 , deist
txxiti00 Write 1,n. the reason. Pr.•.
pare now to enter at beginning ,4 tern!.
Mail Coarse- far thane win, wish lit ♦♦TZ
S stint). lOt home.
e.r>,. astir(\.Iftat
STANDS ready to help young men
and women to win independence and
success. It has given the start to
thousands upon thotuands of yrsling
people. It can help yoo. Write for
Catalogue. Enter any t me.
W. H. S1IAW,
Yonge and Gerrard Sts . Toronto.
f. i; tt- - - .
Viii1 twenty-two years' exfer-
ten( e to its credit this college is
reeognlzed as the Rrenteat peartical
training •,haul itl Western Ontario
Three department
Cnrpets mid I.iiit►Itiultls
especial May Sale
).4 .i, .d ;y'unl•wid„ revetslble Union
...dots, retie, fawns, greens. (i(Nxl
16401101 Me a yard, fur,,.. -:-•.3.
tan* yards of :Ill Mehra wide, pure weal.
ed iug'raiu Imre-into Ca4pet', i❑ a iic;r„
Iuatfe•111x.►iftil etTecta and 1,,,„,
Loring*. our regular iCx: duality, at 1,,,eud
Sale of Ru
I.1 only English 1VilRw Itug., flirt quality,
.14,1(1,•. of green, Mamma. 'fawns and red a.
suitable for any eouW. sizes :tat and 41X4.
Regulate $3* And $4K, 1(11' ;atm.
Brussels Carpets
No yards 2; -inch wide, 1•(rams Brussels I':ngl ish Cat pet. New rullvention;,1
designs, soft colorings and with or without harder. Regular $1.'2,i and
at per yard, ul14'i:iaL -
11x1 yards Scotch Nous (lilrldh, in It potternt, 1. IL 11 ands 2 yards wide,
extra he*vy wa•ight, and in new carpet and hu.luc-
l patterns, Regular: ,- a
)ars quality. M,ty price, per square' yard 2x
1,11' 11 yards, in 2, 3 mill 1 t:u'd. tv i.l, in 2,1 1, ,.• ��., special at per yard, :L'n•14
lite slid:. - 5
To reti►ti;e Our illllll c,t eta)cl�nf
and do it quickly- -our prices have been re-
duced tri a I11i11ill) LII11, I)oli't miss this _op-.__.-_
h.)rtuait�' of getting gttti( cl,lthing I,pr 'i -
small :111 amount of money.
On sale SATURDAY and !"IONDAY-60 Boys',Suits
It 1 tt e4' laity single'-l.rta.t.•d, it, loth light grey and dark shade..
':14x1 1'(11x114'r cloths and teed limb.. sites :;.i to ,i:3, at following 1.•
lured pricea
Regulti*'$3allsuit-,nd!esaltn$S1:. Heaular$1.:,0stt
-'� i>.8n "- f:f1) He'gular alfa) 'c •" ' 1 -
Finest assrirtttrent ire rhe f etttnat+ King7Ta1ath
, all e fes lg allay. -
ta all tl,e hes/ -$I tws, ((01tI ling the French Palm,:a very light. nasi
haat for slimmer wean- ltso newabodes in green straws. -
l'o, r, $1.25 to S3.0O.
;,ole agent for loth Century Clothing and Ring Hats.
We have nearly all the best and most popular H.1 r Preparations. Including
'The Improved Ay it's Ilair Vigor. Mr,. .\Ilan',. Hair Heebner.1
Nyal'a Hair !teeter-et.Pin:hod's Eau Ile ljninine. -
Hinwn'a Hair Grower.
%yrnol. flair ?mid.
'Turkish hair Promnter.
Parisian Sage.
And last, iiiiete d lees',o:,r nit a I; 'taentary Hair Tonic .:%1' (..t (sli....
S. E . 1-1- C i<
Central Drug Stolr,
: =N :::.
Lion asus.: s,.: _ r -Illi
our r'nase, are tl." 1 ngevt, our
courses most practirn t p_fiit _ mai. ,
instr'uctor's ou peeu'ienee 4, One greet. }
ti-u•ry cl ct ns nnit( rel h4r•r.-�;gter C
Unit'. (tat torr fit r' c,' ' login .
4 , imrtiviT &-m-FtAc tars y':
i'ttortva1 ,
11u•, h •s are esstalcc# to J,n,tt iufP and
ies� Summer Underwear
We arc rc ady t) welcome you in our new store, with
special inducements for you to pay us a visit. Come
and take advantage of these money -saving prices.
I enc ribbed white cotton, shaped body, huttcin 1.. i
Regntar value 3,3c, special price 25b,
Fine quality white cotton, with abort or no sleeves, Reuling and 'intim.
trimmed. it"gular tic, special price 180.
Fine white cotton, with short or no sleeves. high or low neck, nicely
trimmed. Regular 20c, special price 12' C.
30 dozen assorted cotton vests, worth from 1',c to 21)c, special price . iOC.
Children's Cotton Vests
Specially priced at 2)c, i8c, 15c, 121c. 11k- and i, each.
10 dozen ladies' fast black cotton' hose, shaped and seamless, special ;nit
Ladies' flne wool cashmere hose, shaped nod seamless, only 25C.
A splendid collection of Summer Waists. 1
The hest makes and steles in the country have been picked nv'r:; yon
will flrid a great satiety ..f • hoi,t in fur new "bowing now ready. 'The
new tailor -merle effects are herr• also dainty muslin, lawn, lace, net end
silk waists, everything that, is new. Prices ale right, too. The values
are wonderful and unexcelled anywhere. See our special values at each
Bridal Whitewear
Exrluisite lingerie is here in the greatest protusion; ninny beautiful styles
bought under price. \\'e invite your inspection of our new elegant showing of
whitewear, satisfied that the garments and the prices will interest you.
John Stead,
We want you to accept our invitation to come
into our store and join us in celebrating. It's not
our birthday, or any small event like that. We
have just received our second shipmentthisseason
They're so good they won't be here long, as
there are a number of married "couples off the
gas -line" who won't be happy, though married,
till they get one of these stoves. The finest sum-
mer stoves ever offered to you ; have so many
good points that they have to be seen to be ap-
preciated. Won't you come in and look?
Specially priced at $r.00 to $:5.00 each.
Screen Doors, Windows, Refrigerators, Ham-
mocks, Lawn Mowers.
MARTIN-SENOUR too per cent. pure PAINT.