HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-27, Page 11 1 1 Ilii AATrade- Puller Advertising in THE SIG- NAL Karns new trade and holds the old. It you have nude your pile and don't care whether you do business or not don't advertise. d srarrilOL'JND YlAtl-NeeRt4I- -..1ODERif.M-,-N1kRI()• t3kN-4I 4: 1 . 4 -1401.1 - I IThe Month of Weddings Pot the Jane wedding THE SIGNAL is prepped to supply elegantly printed invitations, Announcements, etc.. in latest styles. Wedding Cake Boxes always in stock. THE eltitA1. MIUNTL1if11;U.. Ltd', Puauuaae. Financial 1 ata offering for sale 1)t,bcnturea heaving interest ,at five per cent. per annum. payable half -yearly. These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof- itable investment. I would advise anyone having money to invest to be sure to call and Hee Me. W. L HIORTON rIlHE STANDARD 'LOAN COMPANY' NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of runnel advertise- _m.nta mutthet left at this. office. Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Roomers or Boarders Wanted i)UARI►KKS (1K ROOMEIte WANT - D F:U.--voung tames preferred. Comfort- able horse. veermw(ewVta•-a'ulieinate lestatut-, bu-ler.. .a.Ylou or lake. Apply I THE 1hl• NAL OFFICE. -Wanted to Rent F:lrirs, (sob. per dos s r to 0 1" LOCALTOPICS, , Oh4xtert3hcehy` dae geed.eawvuih utghetspxxumnt• her services for A meeting herr. The The Toronto Excursion, C7ieterich branch wets rl•prescute.l in the 'meting by the inhuming littlet: The special excursion triiu wb'ieh Mrs. C. A. lural, Mee. S.,ClArk, Ike. the C. 1'. R. ran how ll.'derich to Swana'n. Vies St•watt, Mrs. fie•a►tty, Toronto today muter the auapiees id M •t. McKinnon. Mrs. Wept.) Melanin, the Bowling Club bud fifty preeengers Mies Sslkehl. Mr..• Il. Jonmr uud Mts. from this town slid excursionist. ,pat, Buchanan ilrlrgate. were fore - were • to be taken on at the differrot rut also (enol Wni Banti ewe r pry -s etatiuns, ti .tar esti w I'inwulxl. soil IIIintstille, as well all front thea The 0. T. R. had probably 'Ix/11t t'i»tun branch. twenty-five excurriunirts on its regia -- • - - - - -- --_. SArcuntii May Ilii -Ap' a r. ►alt of nn lar train this morning. Considering Plans. renter. h}' the Mao -ter in Ch iullNrr `.t A Consiani.edering ng of Icer public U.goxir Ii+JI yr.trttl:ay Sir 1'huw+ty Military Notes. school Is'ard was hr1d,ou'1'u.naduy even- Shaughnerry lit Muntrrel, prreident The nate of the military estop for ing to tuneidrr the rqu)4N•titive plans of the 4'M)aiian 1'a'•ille 144ilw»y, will this district has et I+ast been definite' Yllblllltled tor the new pul'Ii. seI oo4 hove In obey a .ubpnrmw and' 114 )('I4 fixed. and,the 'fdnl Regiment will o building. The weull ere pit 4eut weer +to u uinterial suit u.•.y in an ucuuu tol.urtdonon'Tue•sday, June $th, messes. Blair: i'ntt:--Hedgers. Me- nt(riu.tthr.ualal,auyw lx LiavlgtSt. twelve drlr Lean, Saunders and Sturdy.- '1'4c, Ire slut 1, u'inr +tun J 1. 1111• pla1014145 Lt:,Cul. \%ilaon,•of no/forth, the piens were 4111 tical and of thew ,are Jamey B.itle ei'1'hueuld, 'l'Itoo1,w new coo in/m(1 nR ot11,ei• of the :Gird ihrrr• were picked out for further tom• ('umbo and John 11. Arutsttong. Si) RegiweOL, wait in town on Monday. aitl..rotion, as h,•iuK tsar, the.•. 1,104 TI :.a Shxughu.__4• 4• at present in Torre is room tit No. 1 C puny for suitable, The board decided to take Mnntnwl. and an officer will go there A few recruits. and Capt. Dunlop will a trip to 'rorpnt, to ex the this week to serve hint prlsonelly receive applicaliuns f young wen behuobt of that city and obtain in with the st hitotn a,. Thi. action has wishing to join end go to recap. - forulati.,u regarding the hlfilding' of been, postponed kill -three different 01.•The Twenty-fourth. improved pulite; schools. •ruaiuintt on recount of the ilhtrsy of J. • will 1.11..e up their rr.idrn,e rim \Yixxl- lan.l Fetal. s, sear Iluhureville. Aurtt d 111 tg lite Kurds (l mit ref Lown re we Mr. 41.11k141.11k1Mrs. \\-. It. Forster, of 11011111%V tile, the 41rtloan p+trent4 ; Mr. and Mrs. It, Forster, of Markham, Mr. Forster being.* brother of the pu griut, and Zito Messrs. Vet), of Dolt/wet/We. The bride's rioter. Mitts Je..ir, t•alllr IImutt from Colliugwutyl for the ra'ruL Another G. & G. Railway Suit. \ W. lronatd, generel ruanuget o f the .GODERICH MARKETS. The twenty-fourthof May was. n At the Harbor. ,. atm liars of the c pang. Thr . bawl Tllctuba1 way nth yttiet day ttrtitnts . a Tt1e business- • •rlw Uovernment survey bold (day• p1aintilT; all.•r,• thalfey »creptetl R FalFvr w a perp ak -.,- ..mil Y• -t-1 placer wrrr ieitrd, and ftagr »red f3n•- flritl Irft lust Ft'idur•, -ixamd do n the ci,nt1iict to build a portion lit the lv, per ' o■ + /a to m sit , ra 'Hr'da Ir, rho lake air n eltoj the am aey ret GuTpL &(ioalveuL R,iifway on the theewheat ier bask . o et is 0 ei &Itrrnotn the junior bind Rase a pont the irerleur and.•,I'4)010 chrn"••1 lets.. l sutwu-l. uaa-as_ibE. coutrat•toro who Oats, per huh.. - - _.:.--11 Pi lb a 117 concert on the Square which wits Ise., ,erbre-• a a', to n41 i A. a result of the liartl.ld's wink hen• were hlfiddinK-t'lhrr temtb u s of the Barley per D.•.•h a t•, In o w much other curet- Thr boll game., the 1►rparantent of M»rine has .rut i rued. The plaintiff.. tiny that the screening. mer ton y„ nr to :. ret and other spres at persons tit- Flour. oately, per cwt 324 to x.11 traCtrll fitly or WxIY• pP1.Oha fr rent ilia rucl ion', lis .hip rapt ail', to be 1 wire ILirt•n to 11ndet..land by Ute C. I'. Flour, runt, per cwt ., • a 2, ie J t) Otxlerieh and on account of the cheap nen 4 he lookot)t fur n • shoal Plat out of ! it. that the terms were lower than Hee, per too 21 m to 24 W Dotterel'. -Thr -heal is drw•ritx•d +1e » they afterwards found out they wore. Short., ter ton . • he n, to t; ,Io railway rater many spent the day Dotteoim.tre '. t e -moat fret north of New t e• ' t Ant to he laid a em the 1Tartl r Wu sof to 5 +t1 out df [neo. 't p ppincer bC amore= P per mrd - s o, to ,s a' relent hada good alhro e. the range light4 and eolith of the . 1111• h:k.i. a. 4 r ret ler con Ill Hirer, per It. .- u 17 to - • !• K P miter breakwater. The in.trectiuna Cheraw, per 1G OLS Co 15 The Horse Muret: aro• ro uprn the rang,• light to the Is Crown Responsible? 4,4)44teW., wee ... .....•... ,',. ie se e:r- -We arts inf...u...1 drat the en,. t.4e- tui th n. tau 1.1Mees hung i Ottawa. ,Iay I' --1 the ten creme t'atues. ordiuy log owl, per cwt. ,. :a to . "1 'uf the Otxlerirh horse mlarkrt 1,444'. td•: Thr werk'.:u•rival. of grain cargoes C' 't !hi, alit 4 tauou 1 to rete u . 1 et C.mis, .... ..twrcwt n 2) to : so :urs the Turret 4',own,- ferret Chief, vs, Ihr King waw argor14 The appeal !tarp....... ••7 •d to 4 yr calved entrance cards for t from auction 1.•kinM , ...- S .9, 10 .. ret rale rib Mmuday, May :31st, from point• Turret Court. Turret Cape and f3cot• 'a ass Irk » jntlgntent • of lbs rx- --- .r-dlsti[1FC,as-twent>t' miles Tis"[tl,. et'"'- r1.w44aa4• -Cerci. .Iistei..eing . • - ierANTED TO RENT. -' HOCSi. 1 with modern ronveuiennm. a1-0 born hi ooue.tiw'. Apply to C. S. EWiNG..urto ..or to Elul.. A. Natio..._ TO Sent . t7\l) RENT. l'OItTION 01' T111 Its: 1 .tdro a of M. Buchanan. tomer of Nelson nod-Sl.Andrew • t tt et.. Suitable tattler for eld- - _and Orly eouplr or for prong rouble With small fain. ity. /loud lawn. fruit tees., town wAter. also soft .. _-watL•r. l'rnna eer-T 'ossbtc- APPis- MISS sut'HAI N•A4. on the )fetus.., or ALEX. YOC%t , ('slow Y.U. tate-Torbste. • F-- trusters It would he a comparatively ea.y matter to deal with others. An offer from tin• Esu Magnet 1 Company of Burton, to put the policeman's night chock in working order. or to supply a new one. Wer referred buck to the c tee to get further information. Councillors Su4Jow•s and Humber had mads tion 1oiwrept the offer, an expert lis he *eta herr to install to' clock :old a Itve•year guarantee to ire given, but the mutton of Councillors Crsigie and Munniuge, to refer the matter hacktto committee, prr%+%iletj, The council meets again tomorrow 1Fridayl evening. • LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF, - j.':wine., uy tett• (rondos. taout. 1 wit'. ow shades, fancy etons, lorthu, i .,, fancywork up{die., artl.t. mnteruile-thtfee are verse of the linty carried by Wilmer Stull h, 41a'.t .treat. Volt are inviter( to nail and in• aped. ' Viclotaa Day hay .roma ,and gn,s,. het'F. J. I'ridbun the Tailor is et ill hem, and hag r .un1•4y of 01 (Itt .umuwr suiting. for mem who like to Ise well dresse.t, ' Style, tit end tailoring guaraft.ed to plea. I ho 110,1 4stldiuu.. June the month ntwedding.--will sown be Isere. It i.m•t u..' -.ars fur the photuata{{pt er to wk a newly -wedded couple to "I.Hrk plea), un. end the look. air mon-lnree:urt .tel when the In -hie and groom we the handswlp M lein rtdehthetrldrdton'rie-'twrned on< by -,)stb.... Ibe Photographer. • The county attuned meets on Tues- day, June 1St. Two big bargain days at a Horne r, -Satordhy and Monday next, 1Nth and :31st. %V. Lam.. treasurer of Court (lode. rich, C'. 0. F. bar been appointed alt delegate to the (Jilted Lange meeting to be T,' ik i i London iii Jule. \\'r were pie:toed 10 notice the na111e of Jettier•Mclewen, a former pupil of 1L 1:.1 rJu-J be lief 111 graduates al (h,goude Hall published lust week. The regular monthly meeting ret the Golerich branch of then %Vunteu'e In .T3tute Will 1,e -Thee Jennie Of Mrs. Tichbourne on ?heredity, June 3n1, at 0 o'clock. The business Olen of Wingham are talking -id closing for one afternoon each week in the month of July and August. Would this pot las a goof I,toic for(ioderich also:? 1 ,t per 1 north lit (rud.rich and as fa • south a'. loon.. 1 hr hater tt.o owner lit t )tis ..:. uta to - u ', i The Masquerade. Carnival.. - . 1 -Kee ' - Fs Kippree and jndgintf-by the Carnitreat. ntentlpbarge., which un rettempti 11 10 Tatlow, per ib to o 0450 „lit 1'}' the director. whp;h hav,• seen Thein eves., `R..:1 mtutn+ti-of kits : ,ctrl, t (;,H)rrirh 4,1t -i sur ill }ixy, ifs. t IIWa a .amt .., e w to e tooled skaters at the fancy dreg, earn- -1 •ruck u sunken brr;tkwater Hud were }She,•,.kio, ter to p. rehtrnrd there will toa. s',,ne fine feat at the roller rink on Fridaynight (•hicfCen, - In to lis animals offered for sale. The der- aS danutged. The contractors hovel been . TurkeyA IJ to L yA t f f nth in the veriest building iliis itreuitwitter in list;, and 114)11. per 1h .. :w n 17 to n 17 I(ltkl,gt)d e')t(►IWlltli._.• Out»Ids ..n.rkru on page s c hi- week. e1 xti riper• a numbero n er rlussys was good. The judges were J.• in'Oe tubx•t• of the came year A portion week std un Munda --T-- ruornittpt. it is gratifying town th.. ,\'' (inert. .-v,1 nth alci:n" and IL of the .upx•rse urtttre. sun. wished • • Haysand they nwaidsd the .rizra ri. Lnit or Fpnnd nurulm•r of lemons fr outside who I ewnv and rho• rr,uttin•Irr ' 1'.•ut, in - lull Asad, LIIAlirlf' l.uit , Stoat iiiie ltn,I I was. +aae►a laY ilL tl 'are patran4zing toe-rmaPerlit Hectic Phillipa, ••4'ow0irl;`t ,fie, iurgitrrt da tiutrand lightest night, buLthrsr- ff-UMT.- M.A1)Y'M(IULO Ht'NTtNti' ")5.1' -- ` -'- ---- -- t.:aw.un, •'Pea.ant I;irl t'• gent=.' l tncy, 1 , Y•,• mot ritdncrd when navigation IJ .etre watch, with nenn.Igrnm "A -M." on West Hurn* Women's Institute. 11. I7a.tlen+an, • ::rilor; - C. il.iya, , opened in 4154. and were *tweet when frtstt ', i a,rl engrarlag d., u" -"le of .:..e- 'The annual tneetdn of the Wr.t "Indian ;" Indite.' ramie, Mins 'Annie A reward will be pod un returning 1.4111. 10 W. R the 'accident . in this rust occurred. Y. Eel.Li', Jeweller,' Huron Women's Institute was held at Ries. "Market Girl:" Miss Nitta Kerr, Th,c Department of Marine. however, -- - - - ▪ ----- t'linton on M•idey la.t, whim the fol- "1'i'e •rune;• p¢eat,. lir boy*. cower, ! hod given notice of the rousse to be ' lowing oftlrer, Were elected : PreenJ.'r Kelly aId mind herald Kidd, '1intaken on entering the harbor 441M44)id ' Auction Sales. - dent, Mrs. Jenkies, ltolnlesville; vice- Dust Twins;' Robert lieldee, half , ileneel. 'Che Exchegmer Court judgn - -_-- - _ _ - _ - - president, .Mrs, Mwanson. (ikxierirh :' dr,•sed as s, man nod half eras +a 4r- . Yield th:►t no duly was cast on .the WR SALE.- A'l' THF; IDEAL. FCK. secretary -treasurer, Mis. Watts, Clin- men. In the twe'-milo• race there , l:overnment engineers to buoy the nano- Factor'., King•tea •trs.•t, on Y,atur- 'ton. Mrs. Ashley, of L.,ntleshoro', were five entree., the wrinnvr. liming ! herlror, that the preexist' taken sums y Jun'- stn. at 2 elseit '-twelve new ere cave en ad nn ,ha -r. of Insti- a. follows : Ilan 1Vi mP, Jack-, sufficient if ruarinrrs execrised reason- jreowe a number of fools of new ticket( 1 RR .e.eraiWet• f rom•h geeing: oilcloth. tote morin --amt wo-pleanett--were the sbd ;.linnet- -- in rine R'+ttie/n. gnat that ?rune. fee muchrs,,.a+l heaatr and pip.., 2 ra•;atkonablr carr sun. nut used in the. singer sewing machines a,s('•, twiny other McDougall Wins at St. Marys. 1,,,,,,,, 'inlet*. llytrr,e,.•Nt,t:v, .*rmtta,,rr,-Orr-2t ISitnations Vacant - - - ._. _I ue.ihnut11 l;_11.._ uud Dancey. Norman Mrl)nngal!, of F erree e , for the appellant. Ur•ysler. K. l'•, for Hill. added to his laurel* as a IODIC' the frown. Jnwas dgnaenl'reserved. iri.Tiitni rfititnrr on Vieloria My, tier'' --`_ winning Ibe Straltotd-St. •Ater)» read Died at Wheatland. rare. Hr roteri•d the thirteen ,.red Inn Monday. May 17111, Mrs. Archie threemilirter melee in 1.24.:41, Fifteen I1,,,indsy, passed pr•iretully awn', at "lolly" started and the tlni.h was as her h. in Wheatland, North fellows : Dakota. After lung and painful suffer - 1st. - McDougall, - Puttees UiU, ill._ the deceased *MI a daughter of 1.'21.M:7 tl)r. Int ilitatn -Given. Of (()Morar, 2nd -Runt., I1, '4. and .an here un a visit to :lid Prpp.•r, Mtrattatniltonord, I.1.2GK.Ia, her pindrents.lt)•2hr w While here• she was lib -Waw•wlrk. Toronto, I.:Ct. Lrkrn ill with rhnnnaliartt Is'ing :nth-Muirhead, Hamilton. 1.4(1.15. ie•are,'ly ahlm to return brunet. Mhe nth--Prit:•hatd, Toronto, 1.1'2.1.:, :110011 bee/Valle helpless end she suffered t7 41 ith-Westfell, rHemilton, i.12.45. great pain, whirl she bore with won - it tl ' s n (.:alt Ll i ( cheerfulness. Nth-hxs . red dr ul patience x &H ill sur . f b All finished t t t rf Illy rx'e . ,Thr f mil services Were conducted The first prix..• was a 111141,) silver cup in the Methodist Episropai church hy and 11 gold watch, Rev. Mr. Morrison, who spoke from Guelph end Goderich. ' f the ewurxde,_ ! Spee fought a good The Guelph Mercury.ova : 11 looks flight. I have finished my coarse. 1 es though the deputation fr(iaelph ; have kept the faith• hind friends Mid Oolrrirh which went to (►t t uya had lined the grove with bunting, during rite ruuuth lit 5darrh J,ad b*d.. ferns and li li loving lone the :•n+tet being cruor' elite.• . upon the Oov,rnment sod rrlvrrls with Ire, lr tl from Iriend. far told near, Mrs. Ih►Iliday's the,. Something would Ix• door tea roto• nrafdeo name wan (ltrnlim(• llr.•n. {tete th1 .hretkwmtrr .at the ha11*1). She WAS born in Colborne township Mayor Ila'li4lg* has re. .elvet) A letter and after her marriage lived in (3odr line Alit.Mannings, ir. which heslst.rs rich fucafiw }'ear., Then with her flint the (frlr.ramtm• rntsvryfinat lttte'yuting husband And ihrrr children eh.• been taking e.auolings in the harbor I went to North Dakota, which had for the• press ton weeks, and it is II" , Pince been their 1 . She is our - fleeted 'that this is the first stip ALl ABLE 1101:$E PROPERTIES Felt SALE. '1 J44A Ntne room frame bol .e with Rood ♦ r frame stable on pan `'• ,•h,r4201n ![sees e.11i.r. ..til MOO eene ouh. e prranrnsM0.11erge, with . -$1(504 Goal 10 -robin frame house. 1 POO uood frame k u,e. 7 100014. .• • ;1,3;41 11o0d (none hon1e Alt these erotism* to be .dirt 10 etas Sista t.:Jt I'Itot:IrFtKIT• If ANS&1LAIIt ` rEIiTERN LANDS FOf,MAi.E.-• .._.1? let *CM. wpb 32 wren In crroppp: frame 1,0..1 with 'phone in, 1'' ire Rt)rafinrinding .'cup, land at rich,loam. :es, arms •1.514 pt ere, ).ruken and freed. ?ata I. a .nap, a. land 1. Vino/ rep e'.cry y4'ar. LN acre+ with gaol building.. al acro. broom I price 1141 per sere. {noeltuer!!Iy and Aeon it Inca... - oTtile.e can be 1sldgIl!-ta-ersl Wima, J 1KW:ILL'Y. Yorktoo. Mask. lIu Mr: AND. TWO LOTS FUR I1 *ALE -Well :toned frame ti story _.... - _--_ _s„,. -e . corner Lunbrto2gc nitre, .and. Britannia 14,'l. rnntalnies 7 room.. hall•. pantry. wag1• n.un, cense, etc.. good .tone foundation. All Its. .•a be •u.ld with in sae( repair- Both I u separately,asAeslr..l. if not ,old at fn' ore will rnn•, house w1U be rented. Tenon 'rewnn tbl e. For farther particular. apply to HF.NItY Hi IK] F:Y. Proprietor, or 1. kt,, HEt'F; Auctioneer. isfrj "Is slits CA1I"141)A'i'. Tll1 :colli DAY 01: 1 t May. et Y o'clock -Big auction ...In of 11 new martre..e., nue seenn.l-haud couch, 1 new winch. 1 new cents: table.. 1 gramophone, 1 bt-day chick. 3, ureses parlor suite. 1 glas/4os In. 1st 1 drop -head ..:wing machine, 1 -seer'.- hand sewing machine, 1 WTI Lc desk. with rail- ing. 1 ,tarn washing uosehine, 3 wnngoin. 1 wa•hing machin,. A' yard. Tapestry carpet, 2 trust- n, • I set of d(sb,•. 141 piece.),1 toilet .et1 a. M1 r 1 1. 1 r 1 pair of .filo I whin for Ina I omen. r K 1 i r' for bray window, 1 brie.. keV le. 1'sideboard. . rne•hott.m chair., 1 IedeteM, 1 new beet .'j.sptln4. I cradle. 1 trtree b 'tenial. M mF-w,. 1 tophuga'1, 1 light wagon, 1 lumber w on. 1 clothe. Ii'Nngle. I b.ork.helf. 1 bureau. 1 bacycls lamp, and a number of et her article., .Inch a. kitchen ',renal., etc. Thee aro not being otter - .d for -ale but In be old. We let them go to the hlghrrt bidder Soden every Retarder.' -MM.-M'ICETT. Auctioneer. I O1 C(71N- SA i,F FIFTY HURMK$ AT nig COLSORNE HOTEL STABLES • u. MONDAY, MAY dl, 2 O'l'LO('K tt(OICb, LOT IN (DARROW PRot' J' EHTV, corner Market street and Egon 111e01e, Five minutes walk trill, churches. ar nue. 1.rttirularwdou ebe twat efrom J P. !I1 W WN. liedertcb- 11i'O FiRST•CLASS lit 'ILION(i sol. for ,yle, situated on Newgate and h.rt street.,- (ioderich. -Terms _ as :nay he tweed uttsin; For particulars apply to F. J. 1.111I.HAM. _ f-f(1(-tif:Y(NtfMAtrli-OftTO RENT. -- 1 l Hari and 'ft wa4 r, cocci cellar roil Rood orrhad, hero amt de. inle,tt shed corm i'lete. Apply to J. T. NEWELL. Hinck. at act. 41a11 NOISE ('011 HALE. .-A ''i1 KY brick dwellingtp, with the modem Improve- rnrnr., pleesantlyy situated and near the .Mq,,iafe. Apply .o W. it KU13EItTS)UN. UjO1.MB FOR SALE. -- A TWO• 1s YTORtr brick hence, with seen mom., 0i. Rruee .trees. I'artfular. 0411 be 11.4 by awning at SIONAI. Unice. 33.14 !k{tM i+(iiti4Adrl£; 1.44T- CUsN•-I 1' l 4:141110' a, 4'otborne : IC erre* of gad and, linen tinder grmm for eight year+, f mile sot of I ,unlop and 'ii rules from tloderlch with good hulloing. aril nrtsnan well and Windmill 4 acme. of orchard.. beet. 04 .winterfrill, and ten acres of bush, i''4r_pert iculai+: . T, ine will be a gild opportunity W aei-a aptly to JAM. YOUNG. Jr., est pt waters Pt.. C .I.•age. 111 1lFhorse, when you bare the stock 30 pick hem 1f - THE OODERi('H HORSE MARKET. leOR MALE. --1'V ORDER TO CLOSE O.durich, Ont. i' up the e'tate of the late O. l'. Shannon. Int. W. 7, CL ARK. V,S., JArrs 4o.lrnety. AI. i4., his tate residence i, now for ante, It Is Presldsnt• vice President. h, (cry fair condition, has modern eonrenlen- J O. GAMBLE. Mgr. !jetting Harsh. can me. cbe In.pected at an time. For further (iso. BLACK, 'Secretory. f Part bylaw).apply to Proud(oot,' Hay. & Blair. - C C. J. HAMILTON Executor. T ly B STERLING BANK OF CANADA Haan tropics Unarm AU 5.,atirnn CAPITAL. • 1111.10/3OM INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the Farmers we have opened Branches In Ile villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and HAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the FAIIM*R. SALE NOTES OHICOONTRD. Highest current rate of interest NA WNW; in 11 DEPART - on deposits of If LOH and upwards. (JODRRiOH BRANCH A. O. GAMBLE, Manager. .Notice. to_crtdit- _ 'tV*'t'TI?H.--}t F4*H' HO•. WH() ba. pa•-rr114,., 1111,*drool 011.11 rt- .mtm.tiwl, to lean. 11,e printing• AIt 01,001 151)114' to learn a good teak. Apply at, rill': .11:4.1.. IIOMPETENT ()ENERA1. SER- I./ VAST Weere.b.-Apply to Mlttl. CHAK. (AAMWM.. tact Ntteet, - 1t ‘V ANTKftiu. r -k- e(ill St) ►dGwISER0A10. preferred V110 pa..r.h.4 - e.orye rxoef.ehO 840 )1mking I:tvaory .t. and intik,. Apply. ntating mutes, THE -UrwEX MANUF'Al-'. Tl'Itl\o co.,SU..ra ',S. I4, - • Wanted `lt.\N'i'EI). - 111A1 E. 1)AM: 1 TLY, 1 yu.l gels. mill .i1,4. or grit i he eonfiTy ofltultitl 'ne44r jitn tow'li- Will{1•).•004.•a b. or 4tr"pert ea -h ale W- ane*, m est7 property. Adore.- IIOX 101. TILE 141W(Al., tiudenrh. - , Ftlf RotiCM to Debtors. `°TICE'1'1) DEli'rons,--ALL 1'EI(• sots indebted to the estate of the lee Jamie:Young are required to {sty their ,te. count. to %V. T. Riddell, Auh•u u, merchant, uu or before the 2411, ,lay1 May. whet! a• - not paid •r.11 I pton aa• nnt-MTlttr.---.: - Dated at Auburn thi. Lith alp• of Nov. A. 11. true. M. K. Vol Mt, • PIM Ad uitdat'al n t. Public Roth*. NOTICE:,--MTItAYIeD ON 1'0 1,01' 11, Wllllnm start. on the 4911, of May, IRO, a hen. '1•he owner rani have ,..ole by pay tog expels -es an•1Z, ito ing property. 01.1 V 11t H I'KN\INoru1.1 1 1h:E:TINO OF. H1 -BON l'0('N1'Y 1 Cut eCI I , The emceed of I ha- 001p.H•a4I)0. 0t ,Jas 004141 y ut.liuruu 'raisineS in, the eunijcfl r rhaluh the sown of lludrti,•h un the 1 day orJuoe 11011, at :4 ((cl.k'k p. la. A11 ae. onto. twain•t the county regnlrtng Yt[lent-tri Orme be t+l•'••l w.Ns he Week ata or before Saturday, May 2 •t h. - W. 1.3Ngrefert.___. IMted *Op Pah. Mara, tow/oils the completion of the break- )ivrd by her hn.band and . by nine P i•Itildrrn, as follows : Will. of Carting - N. The r pletion of the break- ton. N. 1►., ; (quarter; O., of I(,,.'.0 Water is w matter of element to N. 1). ; Archie. of Minneapolis, Minn. : 4;uelph. it would mean much more Frank, „1 (:„'..ichor, N. f).: Lee. of trent,. for (lolerieh and an iocre:ureal i Iisltoat, N. D.. Mrs. E'. Collin. and !.hipping on the (Menet and (hetet 4, Mot. .1. Centra, of Wheatland, and the and Guelph .luiertimo lines. ' Miser.* Elle and Carrie. et home. Mrs. Public Library Meeting. -- J. P. Brown, of Goleriele is n sister The p.004. 4444thowt,p1..ret ostitg{sir Atte tlereaptvi slut many friends in of...s4J.+wt.lts;aaLlis-lalrriise-w: s 40(1 '414""" Oolrrirh 'Join in sym- Aw:arde•d to 11..1: A. McE.wan, at the patty with lhelrera-ii ones. - monthly meeting of the braid on Sat 1 ,,.,.1 J... .a jbsl.LO4". Council, urilliy tent.- The p1'h71' ne $tt ., lifer 1.101. The tx)e lies .4 ith atlee- few- tine -w e- . -Thr ate ute oral meeting of the town duos is Lite wea.ahleari1Jau_Lliilditw,-V ncil iota. held on _ __,I •aley even- . .... uio iillT iTSn uiibrr. r+n. JjIURNiSIIEi) 110 USES Tit Ijl•:NT Nutt TIIK -----he' 4M4i# -MONTHS. - - Sommer visitors bemiring to mews* Ioni- an: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1 Natke . hereby given to all persona having claims against the Mlate of J Aslur \'ot•.o, late of the village of Anbnrn, in the Iamnt, of limon, saw -miller, deceased, to .end in same duly vended to W. T. Hidden, of the sold tillage of Auburn. melch niL on or before the :2tth day of May, narl, atter whlt•h dale the atmini.tratrlx of hti estate will di.trilutte ' ,one anlnng the person' ens11lest thereto, Miring regard only to those claims of which . he has notice, and will not he liable for the proceed. of the sante .n dl'trlbnted to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been meowed, Dated at Auburn this 13th flower May. A.D. 14e. M. H. YOUNG, 4134 Adminlstratr{s. NOTICE TO Ui0rfiTORS. IN TRE MATTER uF' TII • ESTATR OF CHRISTINA aPR('N(i. LATE 0F' THE VILLAGE OF DONOANNON, IN THE (•0t'NTY OF HURON. WIDOW. DE- ('kAIti'J). Notley Is herebby "leen pnnnsM to 1:. A. 0.. ('hap. 1Ne the.) nil creditor. and other. haring claims against the estate of the .old CI.rl.trn* Sprung. who died on or Aloof the Orsi tiny of May. 1411, ore re. nlred rel nr 11.103 the first. dal of June, 1104, to wont nr dell, cr 1n 1110 nndrr•,ignrd, wdlciter for I'har10n litr,in, of the town.hlp of Wawano.h, III the county 01 Homo, the executor of the said come. their ChM.dlan ant .crnarrm+, sddrr•.e. and de - 'oriel -tone. felt nerUrnlar, of their ellen. and •Internenl of their ar'nnnl mid the nal sire of the snror4N00• It any, held by them. And further lake notice thst after .oeh innt-mentioned deb: the .Pftl executor will prosect to dlot rtbat0 the overt. of i he d.ressewt among the panic ontll led therein. hoeing re girl only to the realm. of which he .hall t hen have notice. and that he hilt not re liable, for I he sold aweeta, m- any pert I hereof, to any pet .On or persons of whose vial lel nn111•0 shall not hove ben received at the time M ench dis- trlhntlon. Dated the 7th day of Moy, A. D. IWO. CHARLES (ARftow. Solicitor for Charles Ulryln, EtMtl g. ported th.• ie•rrbpt of the Legi-lalive great of 5119.4$, and the eines. fog a 'monis Were 'Ordered paid : timierirh; Platting Milli Co., lumber fur- window_ Inoses, $l.:si: 11. It. Snaith, electric push button•, :.s•: l:undry Rro.., re- moving nshr, hin.}engrs, 12; 4. 'E; ' Tn. for f • fire 1 'rhief ,fait..)• t:) he die mere(mere(WAS -41le new proposition (tom Alr. (flak. with reference to his hun,'hiss for A Ka'. omit. The objection 1., the o1,1 Lyl,w tat► i 1:a i1 gave the boy -if -me right, of expropriation at any time,, which, it wain claimed,, trade the imnk 1ll$a li1 arh,•nm an imMr.riilile eine tit Jinallcc_ The librarian n reporters, the rt reijet of /1.62 during the month ref April from Bale of r(ader•4 cards, tine., ,•tr., and AO Issue of 1 book• ati,l 'Agszinrs, The members d the board in Attend- ance were Mrs.... Tigcrt, Fowler, tt1(I N feronns w(hlnif :nom( t heir Mor. to sam- mer shitting snook% teat particulars a( 111F. 'I'IMAL VIE l'11.KIIKATED IMPORTED ('LYI/E" DALE SrA41.It'N SIR EVVYLY'N 117771- (('44*•' wiltstandfor the inrptovrrnent of .tock- thin season a. follow.: Monts tt' • 4.111 leave hi. own stable, e Mercl.l lintel. Myth. and proceed to Jacob leers'. lot -erns 1, reit \\'aw,n.ish, for ,,"nn; then to Ihivld Wllaon'., let u, tom, 1, West Wawnnnwl., tor night. TrF.itkV- 1'rn,•eM la A. McDnrmlad's, NI1e, for mein : then Ib Mmintsin". lintel. Duetan- 1101nfor night. 44 snxr.nar Proceed to Alx. I'een'. 4th tom., A.tifeld. fur, noon ;then to John Sar tees, , nn. 0, Ash6uld, for night. Tntn-I'.1 flwre11 In tlllh.rt (prate.', Int tJ, con.:. woo w•awam4.h. for amts: Mut 14 John Redmond ., West held, for night.' Pion lr-l'r.wval IA lien, Fnlher•gill'', Int 31. iron. e, Knit Wawannrh, for noon : then to 'lintel Kclty'. lot :'. rem 7 Mo*N1, for night. :, ivr.nAr-Pelle.) d to M. II. Ke11r 0,101 k, rnn. 1. Morris, for neon : I hen to hl. own .4ahle, Cononmetal Hotel, 444,0h, where he will re main until the following Monday morning. RAYM'iMD M'•('oNVF:1.1,.1 Proprietor.. WM. HELL ICE ICE We Irate our Ice Hnu.e well filled and are p11 11111'ed 111 mop - ply old rind new patron. with the best .go*lity during the homing l.•4snn. CRAIUIE 131t0S. Turn and IM. ' ereIng, 1 Forster -Blake.. - The i-e,idhnre of kb.. And Mi•a. Wil. Jinni Rieke sunW, graced with n festive gathering yesterday on the we:1..m of the marring., of their eighth &nigh- t-t•r, Mies ` 51.14 Edith. --The Tempe man is Oscar 1t. Forster. .on of Mi. end Mrs. W. I1. Forster. of 1lolrtn•.• vine, and the happy' eeent which gave hits the I:t,ly of his choice WAS cele- brated ret 12 o,lock, noon, hy nee, it. 1V. Millyeril, pastor of Viet Aria street Methotti•t church. The bride and groove • were unattended ata! tested before a hank of term and palms. The bride looked winsome in ea eeetelmae--..f mirage silk anki hr.e fingers were n Lxptuel, of bridal rnee. Mh. wits given away by her tether. The wedding myrrh win played by 1►e Lemme Millyard. After the ceremony the wed- ding repast Wn• partaken of end the fifty or so guests anent a happy time before bidding the bride end groom "Iron voyage' on their honeymoon trip. The bt•ide' s travelling dress _war of tette chiffon broadcloth and Tn5Mn hat. Along with the Keel wishes whirh were .bow.red on the happy couple me they Is,arted the train were very repines'.hewera of confetti, end The Signal joins in the g.nerel et- prr.sion of felieiteth'ns. After a *lett to Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara, Falls and Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Foster 'fife, lr -law wan dtseineeel in t•unnnittre of the whole and Councillors Humber and Munning.'moved to the ef effect that t11,' lawn have the p,,w.•r 10 pulrhS$e the plant. Aftot• twenty-one years, ret the espirIOb,ln of ally one year. ('renn- eillorr Jordan and Dean moved in wm.ndorent that the town knee i power to expropriet. ret the end of ' 1we•nty years or ret the 1xpiralien of ' arty flue year.. thereafter. The ' amendment was rallied. 1n e Itis Coe/wellies. Mannings and ilmmis•r Again 1111". t to 4errnrdant•,• with their Don in a Flee, and 1'eouncil- _hn Jordan and Dean agent proposed their' attnendhN•nt, which was canted on the following vole : For --Reeve (tallow and l:onneillors Creigie, Sal - lows, J,ndnn and ()eon. :Vey trete 1417 Reeve Keit! and Onset:lllnrm Mims flings aud Number. The. committee' report wax adopted, Councillors Mun- p i n g s and !lumber recording their vein-- in. up Ilan.- This clans. 'if the by *VI whieh re- mitted application to he made within tier. • Mon the of the expiry of the franchise if the rotnpeny wimhed * r•orwal of the frenehi'ue Was at.rnek nut, and it one decided tet have the amended bylaw submitted to the vote of the people, Mr. Mem to pal the Costs of diking the vote. ..The Elgin wvfnue Is)nleferd cam* tip rnn (44*' rusiun again, hill e. l:ouncilk,r Jor- dan had left the meeting iefore this the matter wm lett over until Fridey. The filthy hmhit of spitting tnhaeen Pere on the sidewalks wan spoked of and the special rotnmit .tee wall rm- p uweMd to take *.'tion '.brp to it. It wit.'. iggestel 1hU,*t ifput sun84ex• questions thoroughly satisfied the ample were nettle of a few of the of- uomntiegee, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS --May 27th. Fags esti Term Otioste-Uoderick Busiossa('ellars 4 Kir Kvylyn--McConnell & Bell 1 Q4,,ty Boy. Sults et Haj Reduetlonr-W. C Prldham, 1. House for Sale -.1. T. Newell 1 t(omeseeker: Kacur ase -Y. F. Lawmen-. 11 Regal Shoot -Wm. Sharman ! Servant Wanted -Yrs, Chao. Ostrow l Popular llak,Redured-!sa Porter..... ,$ Take Cars of Your Halr-8. E. Hick k itwart lioy Wanted -The distal 1 Ladle.' Summer C)1derwear-Johu Stead- t For Sale-Tlu. tlundry .' I Warm Weather Coining -certiorari a Moore 4 Flower Night -troller Rink ...... l Amwonosuleut-Cameron R• Moor, l Burns-Julla.lal C outset - Victoria Opera inflow's a Auction sale of hey Horeee-Uoderich Horse Market; Newest Style. In Rummer MUlinsry-Mia ' 1lonogh.. 6 Reader --Ia. Hums,. Culew s lawn Mower■-Mowell Hardware tet 6 Hen Strayed -Oliver H. Pennington 1 Mg A maitre Sale -Guo. Beckett 1 Two bargain IMya-J. 11. content' 1 - il 1. our Treat -Worsen' Hardware Hiczclait Catrt Jas F. Tboouos_-._. .. 1 - w'at•h for Neat w'eek's Ad. -C'. S. Ewleg.• . • e special. for 8a1urdy a11d Moody-:.Hernewa- tiros s 4)1 \Vin. C. Landels'ruugh• recently of e ndesir+IR iaa dienstweeloChier f*i-,i in Tuckeramith to Joliti Murray, of the Kipper road. Mr. 1.en lsien moth re- ceives in pert payment Mr. Murray's twenty.nine acre farm near Egwond villr, on which he has taken up his residence. Comity Secretary I.. C. Fleming, of the Y. M. C. A.. was in town last night and meta number of boys who are thinking of attending the 'county Y. 11. C. A. camp which it is pro- peNel to hold on the lake shore ab.00l eleven wit's soils Golericdl some time in July. CHURCH NOTES. Organist Cogswell of St. George's church is moving to Toronto with Airs, Cogswell shortly. Next Sunday will be his last as organist at St. ()purge's. Court Ooxlerieh. No. i2, C. O. F.. will atternl ver•vire'in North -et -met Mrthoe dial church the second Metndey in June. Dr. Dougall will preach a special seruaon. Visiting brothers are invited. Geoffrey Holt had charge of the organ t. (ie '. n M. ore c 1 Sun- day. tech teem S tet; a t ro da .Weunderstand h e w e t• h bm r n in- viten by Dr. Ham to take hie place et St. Jame, cathedral in Toronto lhlr- ing the Doctor's ebsence on a vaca- tion. Evangelist 11 'lies. W. ,'etch will continue his meeting with the lthur•rh of Christ on ensenth street all next week. until June jth, Services • renes At F p. tn. Mr. Prteh will speak en Friday night, May Y}ith, on ••('owpromises of Satan : " on Lord's Day, at 7 p, u).. on "The Different Things by Which We Are leaved," ustrate+ily tecbart, All are invited to et tend. The sermon subjects et the Ilaptist church services nest Sunday are as follows : Morning, "Counsels nn Re- ceiving the Word of (lttd," an expnsi- J.ion in the Epi.tle of Jhaees; evening, "The Rights nett) Privileges of Church Mru)Lership;' the fifth address on "The I ndebst elite Position of A Dept est Chime')." The .question of so-called "clow" cent rimtniun will he discussed in this address. A cordial invitation to all. fifm•th street Methodist church will celehratr• its anniversary next Monday with special ai•rvirrs and mi Monday evening with an entertaiflnient. At the Sunday aeeeiwe.-there will be bright music, oral Ileciorstion+ end appropriate ser - mins by the pastor. Rev. 1►r, Domain. On Monday evening the life of Christ will bre illustrated in picture and tiring, the pictttrns being reptile -TO tett Iuasftrs thrown on the renews by lir. 1)0,1 g e l l' s splendid eterrnptiron. ['horns. a'1 solos will Int rendered -during file evening, and me a good pro- gram *tieing prepared an enjoyable evening is in store fur those who at- tend. Adnii'.sion, 25c and 15c. Rvervbsdv invited. London' Free Prete : Will the Carman -Jackson controversy he m- eekest At -eekettAt the Lennon Methollist Con- ference. which ellen!" in this city in a week ? Thur seems to he a very greet probability Mat it will : in fart, there is said to Iwo a very lively debate in .tore for the dry 'lien the college report is brought in for• rent-i•rrrath,n. The sane thing is laving 4'.okr.l for at the other ronfereneee. whirl, are all coming on now, and the battle for and against higher criticism will be waged e11 Along the line•. There iv no danger of either tette hating it rill their own way in eery pleb me which colons. There are t'ti' y r.t tins ',vintner*. standing high in iie ronnaele of the eonf.renre, too, t .e world he with ler. t'nr•nynn'te tiler . ttitlsh, lend- At the Pante One there a jest as ',tel. wart mdvnr•ate' of a mo liberal view n/ Biblical writings Al dual rinee.• The same subject rams tip , m snme- whatelifferent been et the a feret)cr wbirh was held in (lolerich j t two year'. ego. At the, conference, ong the r•lavv recommended for ofdin on Were 1 wo young men •Cencrvn whose dottrinal IR,lie4 sutrlt'bmly w sn.piciuus. The remelt *el th*t they werebrought before eon: retie. end pplit were, a dootrinal test at the linnet. of it conference committee, of which Rev. 11r. Bondy wcs chief ee• *miner- H.1th were atinitial co et Vie - torte College, but the result of the CHANGE OF PROPRIETORSHIP. . The term of partnership between the publishers of The Signal having expired, a change of proprietorship is announced, Mr. Vanatter retiring and the burinses, plant and goodwill being taken over by The Signal Printing Company, Limited, of whlch the pro. visional -directors are W..11. Robert - sun, W. K. Robertson and A. M. Rob- ertson. Mr. W. H. Robertson will re- main in charge es editor, and the edi- torial conduct of the paper will be along the 8411w WHO ad heretofore. Itis with much regret and reluct- ance that The Signal parte with Mr. Vrsatier. who for *natty years haes been identified with the office, first as foreman with McGillicuddy Bros. and D. McGillicuddy and latterly ae one of the proprietors. Mr. Vanatter has made no definite plane as yet for the future, but will take a trip to the West before settling down. The mechanical department of The Signal will he to charge of Mr. Harry Turner, late of New York, who is well known in Uuderich and eicinIty and who has had along and varied exper- ience as is printer. Under his-super- IIILenderl.'r the toll department of The Signal will be carried on with effic- iency and with every consideration for the wants of its patrons. It is requested that all account* owing to the firm of Vanatter & Rob- ertson he settled at once. and that all accounts against the firm be Immedi- ately presented -for settlement. DOMINION DAY. To the Editor At The . v IRnrL Six, -In lest week's paper you men- tioned something about the 1st of July celebration. 1)o you think for oneminute that the people of Dods - rich are going to hand over their tuuney for a few men to handle and never make a report of where it is gone; Will you please find out when and where the celebration is going to he held on the money that was col- lected lastear. and it the celebration is over, will you kindly ask the come mittee for a report of where the money was spent and bow mush money. if any, they have left over t A celebration he a good thing, but a statement of where the 19148 fund. went to is better, for the citizen. Yuure truly. 81417ARS DLA L. Oodericb,-May 27th, IRMIN. It would be unfortunate it dissatia- fection over laet yty►r's celebration sl Id paralyze all efforts to hold cele- brations in the future. Ooderich reseal to -have a good name for Dnmin. ion Day demonstrations, and if we have not kept ftp to tete mark the last taw yeast all the more reason we should wake a special effort the, year to r.' -establish the town's reputation. It, as "Square Deal" seems to suggest. the i.»i.In have lust confidence in the old management. let n new committee of active sten, in whom everybody ham confidence, be appointed to carry on this'year'e celebration. We should have n bid day in lloderich on the -- First of July, and in order to complete the arrangements in good time a start should be snake at once. Who will start the ball rolling? - • ANNOUNCEMENTS. Two big bargain days at Oolborne's Saturday and Monday next. ?.Nth atl(1 :slat. Deal with the stores that 'bock up every purchase and you will find it no trouble to get money haek. See peg* •1 for our ad. You might save some extra dollars if you gettheer.• in time. ('imettoe tt M0(IRK. FLowiut NxattT,-The management df the roitel' rink announce something view In the Way of an- attraction for FrideeAight, June 4th. They call it a Yews night and each skater will i e per ilted witfl 1 carnation during the gg e nin . Admission - Dente tint !Mie. Ale, chlldreu 13e. Band in at- tendance. - AUCTION SALES. .Annear, May lark. -- Auction .ale of Itouaehold ferallurs and h'rclahlntp• mm- tnaneing 51 4 o'clock ahem. Mi.. T. H. tension. haat street. omprletres.. U1'abay. avetlonwr.._ DIED. WA MER. in(i wlrrlch. nnw'Mn.slay. 'IAy !4t triply (inndle, helnval wife of earn OM 'armor, aged a7 piens ands day.. •The ha,Fetwl will tate pla.•e front her late tonlden.•a Vletorlt .1e018., on Friday. May at 23n P. m. Petrie. at i o'clooki ro Mala Mod cemetery. w .14