HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-20, Page 66 Tuoraoai, MAY 20, 1909 THE SIGNAL: (:OIi)ti'F,ARIO AFTER DOCTOR S FAILED Lydia E. Pink ham' '.'.. eta• ble Compound Cured tier. 'Toronto, ('Aosta.-"1 shall endeavor ton describe to you how 1 felt before I began taking Lydia E. Piukbam'. Veg- etable Compound. I scarcely knew what it was to be ll. I had awful ,terrine -d' wnpains and usually before my monthlypericwit I suffered terribly and had to go to led. I was not ablx to walk across the door the path was so bad. 1 doctored for a long time. but the doctor's treat- ment did not do me any good. I (rave Int all hopes of ever being well again until one day tpyhusband saw the ('om. pound advertised in the paper. lir derided to get me a bottle, and 1 am thankful he did. 1 had not taken -one bottle before I began to feel better, and I kept on taking it until now 1 ant a different woman. It also helped -me during a tenuity and childbirth. 1 ran thoroughly rra'ommeud your Veg- etable Compound to any woman who is afflicted with female tretibies•" Mrs. J. M• Twr:ro.+l r:, i:I8 Nassau 6t., Toronto. ()wade. The success of l.ydia F:. !Inkhorn's Vegetahlerowpound, made from roots and beets. is unparalleled. It maybe need with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, iofiam-- mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities. periodic pains,backac= bearing -dryers feeling- ilatuletu34 gestiott, dizziness, or nervous prostra- tion. _-=.„FINE TAILORED CLOTIIIN6 FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by 1 DUNLOP Lhe Tailor West St. =-= =MS= CANA0IAN PACIFIC �.7nternatlonal ,fiewspaper Able Study Club ¥IcToRLAi DAY RETUIIN TICKETS Between all stations in Canada, east of Port Arthur, at SINGLE FARE GOOD GOING Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, MAY 21, 22, 23, 24 Return lim;t Wednesday, May 28 C.II at C. P r. Cay or Cepot Lcket COM,. 410o. Agent Goder,h J R MASON, 8taton Agent. L. Suggestive Questions on the International Sunday School Lessons. Prepared by Rev. L», Linscott, Brantford Iltestt•teKd 1.11 ,w•ewnlanee with the t opyrlght Acid J Sunday, Say 23. loon -The Council at Jerusalem. Act. xv. : I -3i. • untrue wen' Golden Text - We twlieve that What ie the difference between the through the grace of the Lord Jesus "yoke" of the law and the "yoke" of Christ we shall be saved, even as they. Jesus ? iv. 111.) Acts xv. : 11. Verse 12--Hecell some of the Verses 1 -o -Are good wen liable to wonders done through Paul aud Barn. hold wrong opinions ? abws among the Gentiles and way NVhen goix sten differ in opinion what bearing they had upon the dis- what i.. the letter way iu order to purr concerning eircumcisiun 9 reach an understanding :' Verses 13 -21 -Who was James who When a professed Christian Beta angry next addressed the council ? witk another Christian, on a :sere matter James, the brother of Jests, was of Opinion, has he or not backslidden the prerideot of this council : is it probable that his.altdtess was of the nature of the judgment of the council on this vireo ion 9 ' Verses 22.20 -There seems to have been no formal motion pass .d by the GRANO TflUNKY's EM from the love of God, and what spirit does it show? IThis question answered in writing by members of the club.) Circumcision nu doubt originated from supposedurposes, if health and council, but they appear• to have physical cleanliness, and afterwards reached a unanimous deeitioa as— berame a national institution of the outlined in the address of the press. Jews. State when God first made dent ; say whether we are bound to cn. umcisian the sign or token of the take this decision as the voice of God. covenant between Ilion and Abraham In whet particulars is the great wisdom of the council shown in set- tling,this dispute e Vas each•ot the commandments given in verse 21) intended to be of lasting obligation, or weer some of them only temporary ? From whom ars ChriaUane to get guidance on all rnattere in this day ? Veraes 3035-- Thera! never will tw time when disputes tuay not occur in P cttnrch end between Individuate; bow should they Always Ire settled ? Did this trouble in the church help it or hurt it, and does God always overrule trouble, whoever may be the um of tt. fpr -the good of hi. chil- dren ? VICTORIA DAY EXCURSIONS Return Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Onside, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. Good going May 21, 2l, Z1, 21. Return Iitnit May 20, MIB. A. • Y. P. EXPOSITION SEATTLE Very low sseurslop tate in clTect May '20th, ISM1p. and his seed and to whom the rite cif circumcision and fiat's versant ex. tended. (See Gen. xvii.) Is circumcision now essential to sal- vation ? Is the belief of any doctrine iue essen- tial to salvation Ventre 0 -11 -Is experience of God and His dealings with us conclusive proof of lite wilLof Gott in the matters which the experience covers ? Is thorough discussion in church courts a perfectly right way to arrive at the will of God in any matter ? \Vere_ those who taught that rites. cumcision was essential to nervation. as well as being narrow, necessarily Sunday, May 3oth, mop -Believing and Doing. James ii, t 14-211, Golden Text -Faith without works is dead. James ii.: 30. Verse 14 -What does James mean here by "faith'-? , - Can a man have trate faith if' he .is not filled with love for his fellows and wing all he can to help them ? if a man "say he hath faith," what I. the test of whether he is telling the ti Lith 9 At* there those today who say, and probably think. they have faith, but, lacking loving hearts, and the fruits 2,f love, are dece ving flkemee-tvel't- What el a Christian's proof to him- self that he is not a deceived man in defining In he in the favor of God 9 Verses 13, 18 -How do you class those who see pro le in need of food hale it or not, and whether they are members of the church' or not. rod whether or not they are even ortho- dos itt their views? Hare any who attend church regu- larly and profess to be t•eligioue, but are harsh with the poor. give nothing .to charity and care nothing for the needy, got saving faith? Have those got saviug faith wbo pray for the poor and needy and for the rick and Bufferin d B end yet do nothing to feed the poor or comfort .the click ? 'claret/Is? erses lit, .'t) -Is there any more merit in mere orthodox or is there any essential tuoral blame in were heterodoxy.? pp Granted a man with the spirit of and clothingand do not do an they Jesus engaged in good works, what does he lose by being heterodox and can to supply the need? what does he gain by being orthodox? Verses 21 -28 -When (sod told Abra- ham to lease his own country and to .start for another that God would show hitq, was there any other way that be cy pId WM, faith t n Gx', b t h actuallystartin on theJourne ?hat firths meaning of, "and Abra- ham believed God and it watt imputed unto him for righteousness' ? Love Is an essential part of faith and love implies action or good works, hence is it at all possible for a person to have faith wbo is not engaged in good works ? This question must be answered in writ- ing by members of the club. 1 Leeson forSundav, June pith, limo. _- The The Power of the Tongue. James iii. : 1-12. Which person more nearly re- sembles Jesus, the one who talks very piously, and prays with the needy but giving theut no help. or the one eneedwith- tb r supplies who Rerousl o y hist any religious pretensions? H moan helps the needy •tt supply their own needs is that as well or tetter than supplying the needs direct ? Is it possible for a church to be do- ing (all Christian service which is not helping the needy either in its own or some other community ? Verses 17, 18 -Is it possible to show faith without works? Hive all those who with loving hearts are engaged in good works also got saving faith, whether they protein to Full informntien and tickets from F. F, LAWIEICE, Town Agent. )t1lRe Hotus tt.;,U a. m. to 8 p. m. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO An Unequal Law. for several hundred of them to com- bine and raise a fund to pay lawyers and collect evidence,' either to bring the criminal law into operation, or to cause the Dominion Government to remove or reduce the tsrif. This is The Ottawa Journal's sum- tning tip of the case : "As Nr. McLean says, -officers should be appointed by the Government to ascertain the whereabouts of the colnbine, to col - 'Met the evidence and conduct the pro- secution. This isthe logical conclu- sion of the tariff provision me against combines. The individual cannot or- dinarily support the cost of such elab- orate enquiry as is necessatly to con- duct a caste against- a combine. The Government protects its revenues, but fails lamentably to protect the in- terests of the great class of consumers. The demand that it make specific pro- vision by the appointment of officera for the suppression of the combines is entirely sound." Torose star. The speech of Mr. M. Y. Mclean, of South Huron, in the House of Com- mons was an Able argument for a more effective use of the tariff law for the suppression of combines. The tariff law provides that on proof of the existence of a combine in any artteir, the Government may reduce or remove the duty upon that article. it is a good law, hut it is a dead letter because the means of enforcement are not provided. If a protected manufacturer thinks that articles manufactured by his foreign competitors are being im- ported below value, he has only to drop a hint to a customs official. and the matter is probed to the bottom. He pushes a button, the machinery provided by the customs law does the scat. He incurs no responsibility, paya no part of the colt, in- t -tire no risk. Quite recently a firm of importers was put to consider- able trouble and inconvenience by a charge of Undervaluation which proved to begroundless. Had it been well grounied, there would have been seizures, fines, and all sorts of pnnieh- utentt for the importer. Now take the other rate. ynppo.P, instead of a charge of undervaluation by an importer. there it a rharge that certain protected manufacturers have formed a combine which enhances price. and drives independent traders out of business. To whom will the in- jured person apply for a remedy ? There 1* no offlninl, there is no mach- inery except of the [noit complicated and expensive kind. The individual consumer could not afford to institute proceeding.. It would be m•ceesary TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursions Here's a New One -- Ice Cream with THINK of the moat delicious eatable you ever ate, then buy a Lox of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. You'll find that with Ice Cream or Fruit it affords a decidedly rare flavor —makes a wonderfully palatable dish. There's no describing the 1. ', yet the tongue instantly appreciates it. Try it yourself, to -day, and be sure you get V0 Pka Mads •t Loado.. Coach Cement Au 0..r 37 MJhon Pak.R., old ,n C.uad. ...d United JM.te. is 1908. 'ADE meat .k(,,•PAIN.41 NASEXTOP,I.' 90{,zi MAN & Bir [tice 25 ets.Is 1 RD'S LINIMENT CO. -LIMITED •- IS14MTo C c g,caa.artn .5. TIi ORIIIINAL AND ONLY rIuIN� BtNi1RE� OF 111TA1IONS SOLI) ON TME MER1 FS OF 11NARU'S LINIMENT TOASTED CORN FLAKES Ticket,. on Sale from May 1 .t The Scenic Route to LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN BAY , MAGANETAWAN. lla10EEREL and FRENCH RIVERS. Crossing Lake Muskoka et dela Park and along thee hore of lake Joseph. skirting nearly ripe hundred bodies of water between Toronto and 8udhutry. For literature and furl information about fishing and holiday resorts, write C. PAICR-OngRN, Passenger Agent, Canadian Northern Building. Toronto The Nc,w Minister-- "iko yOu know wbo 1 am. my little man ?" Little Billy -"Certainly. ikm't you know wbo you are • THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Un. chanced, Chicago Higher -Live Stock -Latest Quotations. Monday E2enlnt, May 17. Liverpool whew. lotuses -closed unchang- ed. and corn unchanged fr,e1 ytturday. Chk•aRo May wheat closed lac hlgh,c. July Dec higher, cern h.c :.wer, and oats lac lower. Winnipeg Options. `rpt Arbeat-M■vvl U.. btd, July n.74%$1.06tilE Oats, -May 47%c bid: Jule. 411,,c sellers. Toronto Gresin Market. Nil heat, fall. bush Wheat, red, bush Wheat. goose, bush Ry., bushel ltuckw•heat, bushel lees M, busel parley, bushhel Lints bushel Her View of Art. An old gentleman who owned a fine estate not far from the country seat nt the Duke' rrt Devonshire (which ie open to the public when the Duke is not there) one day drove with a party of friends to this famous residence, taking with him Mit hntttekeeper, Martha, a gond nM-ttonl who had been with him agreat many- year.. Arriving at t'hataworth, they passed slowly through room after room of almost priceless pictures. But Martha apake never a word, al- though it was evident that she was not missing anything. Each and every picture that her eye lit nn underwent a most rigid scrutiny, much to the amusement of therest-of the party _- - At last her master turned to her and Reid, "Well, Martha, *hat do you think of it a11?" "'Why," exploded Martha t.ptar- outly. "i canna Pee a .peck o' dust anywhere F'—frpprnentt'e. 41 .1 to 41.30 1, in C b ,,.. 061 0 f0 ...• 051 Toronto Dairy Market. Butter , store Iota 0 L on Roue". _creamery. lb- salla _, 0 3 ___ r!_ _ Rutter, rreasaery, solids0 21 0 n Eggs, new -laid dozen 0IVi 0111 Cheese, new, ib 013 01341 Cheese. large, ib. 0 14 .... Cheese, twin. Ib 01414 .... - New York Dairy Market. stow YORK. May 17. -nutter -Steady: receipts 5031; creamery spectate,. :car to :15I1e•; .official. 2R); extras. T.4•': third t, fleet. 21c to lir: state dairy, common to finest. 72' to Zits'. Proves*. common ter--•,, 1. , try to".l'k.'-•,rereirtl'- rdrb,ty, (met. 20 ; weeRrn It ttatLOn creamery. Bret. Ylr tw.?re. _.. •�, r Cheng' t.ady ; r eIPtJ.�O'(... ntw_J.lata full rream•.speelals 1T. to latter: do, smell. colored or .White. fano 1_tae ._ do large colored fancy. 174,- du . „mmon to fair. 1k- to Ile: skits, fall to special. 2c to Ile. Eggs -steady : wee -mete; _...1,176: mate Penna. and nearby fancy selected whits. 2.x 1" More;- dn., fair to choice, 24, to 74'tc: brown and rinsed. fancy; :dive to ?Sc. do fair h. choke, 'c to 2c; western. !image packed, $a{c to 2214. western, first. 21c to 24c: 'heeerraa.- sec on -"WV; southern, beet, -'Olga to 21c; seconds, 20c. CATTLE MARKETS. --- Steady-Hoes Sc Lower at Buffalo and Chicago. LCININJN. May 17 -London cables for cattle are steady, at Mee to 1444e per lb, for Canadian steers 1 d weight: re frtgereteer Tref is quoted et 10 4e .10 10440 per Ib. Toronto Junction Live Stock. ' TOR(INTI) .11-N('TION. May 17 - Reeeipc, at the t'ni-in Stork Yards were 52 carload-, ri,nsisting of IotM) cattle, 25 begs. 20 sheep and 47 calves. Cables ;y04, steers. steady, hub l(t-.are.l.• st"w. ,F•LI,ulls and far cows slow to 14 t -ewer; medium ant summon - cYlVlos.• sterol, -1`.r shade tow.. steers, •p; to r 15: bull•. 4e 1 to f:. 512 cows. Calves -lie. rims. 1250. market steady to 60e lower: veals. ft 50 to r -,5, nulls, N: butterniks, N t. N :•a. *cheep and 1 am ba.- Rteceipt s. 10.6A1: steady -sleep. $4 Ion to 46; sow. 36'.•. visite. VI To` tt. tS1 bwr-itt"� t" 1+1a- 14 eaeto•- here- culla. P.. Kentucky ■prlug lambs, 1: co.mnon Indi:+na. du . $n. • Hog.-Ite•.tpte. 11474 Market uneven: good 'medium hugs. ST0,; phis. $7 :a/ Chicago Live Stock. • Cilli ALX) av 17.-(cattle-Itereipta.SW. tlrnated Rt '. market steadv- beeves. 17, I" t, 47 _7 xae steers. NCO 10 110: we.lern steer N ,. 10 M: stockers and feeders 43:01 t - 171( '-ores- lend -betters. k 4. to $14.551 salves. 1.1.Z to $7.701- Huss-ltecctPte estimated at 44.55' mar- ket Sc (ower. It itO, ga. h, to IE 314,: mixed. 47 to 47 31-. heavy. -$718 10 47.'.0. rough. STAG t„ 1715 go...I to choice heavy. 17.11 In G:a'; lie'. >•• to to 4R :5: bulk of nostril. Sheep - Receipts.uttmateal • at 14 14*; market stead, . native. 84 to 46..4: west- ern, $4 to 46 toyeatltnis, 46..3 to 47 41; lambs, natirv. M 'to Ir gs.40, we4tere, et Z to l I wir- Exporters. Export steer. .old from Vor, to YIN: export hull., N'.l to N.S. The '.port steers selling under 1 per cwt. were gen- erally of lurid welsh,, some of then% teeing too Any heavier than mann of those bought far butyl erg' purposes. Export Corsa sold from Y. rn 43 25 Prime picked Iota of hu•: hors' .'••r's and heifers dell at 13.43 to PA./. mads 00 thud, P.'S, to $7, 1a. medium. :L common, .N 75 to a7 row.. $.1 75 to sa 3. Milker. .ad gprtegere• 2•' r' Rnwntreer Nought 5 milkers and springers, at, 143 to f17 each. Veal omit**. Aleut 1M -veal calves Id from 1.7A to $5 per ret Cheep .N 4.1.14.. Few sheep and lambs were on sale. 155- 4x,rt ewe. 4' rn a-..2; per cwt.; yearling Iambs, f7 to Y:•� Orr ret. . F . Puddy Atones hots f;. 7t, rob ,• ears, at rodat?y p. Ti5i3"an7f the Tr. 1,. Menlo ('ompanl. quoted hts, fed and watered. at the marks at 17 77 per ca:. Montreal Live Stock. , .. - - - !MONTREAL, May 17.-iitseol(at.l-.1t tot Mon rest Stesek- Verde'- Weal 1.wet 84arket. the recelpte of 1144 stock for th'e Weept ending Mat:L..were_315) cattle..3_$Lefleep. and Limbs, ''114) hose and AM10. calves The.. offerings for meal consumption tilg morn - Ing mmounted M I.+rt rattle, Ion sheep and lamhe. 1509 ?toga ambled -calves. Owing to a smaller supple of cattle than a week ago the undeilafe to the- bunker 7,311-- Unties n-ff=tlnues strong and pekes are etendlly ris- ing. A (tattoo SWOP the fairly good de- mand front ecttrirtere on a(etrant of the strong --c•abla_adxkea front Liverpool, width noted an advance In *dreg of '4' to 1c per 11., its t.oini.ured wnt%<tttoge of, a week ago. and elated that the market wax decidedly firm, se suppl a were very .hurt A few fancy Ontario, tri tl-fed 51,P1. were 50',1 t•. hutrhere :,t 11'„c to 144c, while exp"rte's, batt from :'¢c to tic per Ib : ,•holes riser' lit ought AC. Rood 514.• In Sv,r. (Alt. 3r It. ,,•. medtent.-4%4c-io 47tH:. COW,. 414c to 514 o hurtle, 4441 ►n 8' ant rnmmnn stork. :me to 414r• per Ih. There was • good enquiry for small menta, but owing to email offerInge,prirrs ruled vers firm: yearling .beep gold nt albs to 7c: MA "therm, at Thr, to fe per lb , end spring Inmos. at from Si to $t each, as 10 else Th• demand. for ethos wits good and PRIPP were merle nt from t' to 41 each. as to etre and mtalirv. A .11,05 feeling prevalle in the market for hngg and priers have ernred it further advame of 6c to 15e per rwt.. since tills day week. and the prospects are the, will go .1111 higher. as suppose corning forward are not coital to requirement.. this, eoupind with the strong rahte 'deters. reeelvel nit Cana- dian Lacon last week,. ',Melt noted a HeeIn pricey of is to :r pet eW' . PINTO" to greatlt strengthen the sltuntlon, tvemen4 from parker: for tuppllea woe keen and Pose antes of aetrrted tots were mode as high ng ar 7,n. hot the (silk were at $r. M per cwt weighed off the rare. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST III7FFAtdt, may 17. -Cattle-ele- relpte. stn head. eetive mid Ilk. to Sac haa4.1, prime stern, 44.64 to G: pptng• 4P IJ to N si: hutchert, K 20 In 44ehl.50; hell- 115, 1/410 to 46.28.. cows, 1.50 to PM, hulls. 41.75 to S5 A; stockers and feeders, 14.26 to fs. to; stork heifer. 93.70 to 9421. fresh cnwe and eprineerw,. 1124 to 445. Veale-Recelple. 2310 head; active ■rid steady; 44a{ to 47.10. Hoge-lterelpts, IoM head; slow and •1eadyy to Sr lower: heavy. $7 II to 9774; ort' .4 47.55 to97 70; Yorkers, 47.31 to .40; p11., t.rrt. iu101467' Aairtnn h:7. 1A94:00 f7 60. 31' Nhrep and Lambe-R5celpta, 1.,155 head; sheep, 411155 and steady. Iamb*, mew an Omer; mer; !strobeN YI to 45 33. y , 47 In 47.25; welhere, 45.IS to 150, awes, fu an to K 7+ sheen, mived, 42 to N. New YOek Live Stock. NEW TORi, May 17 -©eaves-Recelpu, Quaker Oats Griddle Cilia Tjy them today 1 Tile family Chit halt*eaten Norte Oats griddle cakes hair a delightful sure pros coming In it. }Asides the delic- ious flavor, there is the pleasure of knowing you can eat all you want, and the more ynu rat the better for you. 1 Mx hest of all foods for anyone wanting more 'trength and vigor. Hundred.' of thousands of packages of Quaker Oats are consumed in Ger- many annually and almost all of it if eaten in the form of Quaker Oats griddle cakes In the cereal restaurant of the Quaker Oats Company, located in one of the large cities, these griddle taker are very popular. Here's the best recipe few making them : 2 cups Quaker Oste (uncooked); 1% eup flour. 1 teaspoonful salt; 1 tea- spoonful soda -dissolve in twee table- •pnonfult hot water. 1 tetspoenfnl baking powder (mix In flour); 214 cups sour milk or butterm.li 2 ease beaten lightly; 1 tablespoonful sugar. 1 or 1 tablespoonfuls melted butter (according to rlchnesa of milk). Primes., Soak Quaker Oats o,er night In milk. In the morning mix and sift hour. sods, sugar and salt -- add this to Quaker Oats misture and quantity of melted butler, add ogee beaten lightly -heat thereu(hI7 5114 cook as griddle lakes -they make year (south water for more. Lucky Supply of Stimulant. This happened on the Lek*. Shore flyer not lung ago. A men rushed 'In from the ear behind, evidently in great agitation, And said : "Has any- body nydo lv in the car any whiskey ? A *amen in the ear behind ha. fainter',." Instantly dozens of tleek, were pro. durwl, The Hutt? who had melted for it. picked rip the largt•et one. drew the rusk, and put the bottle to his lips. With a long, ioitiafled sigh, he }tended it heck and remarked : "That did me a Int of good. 1 needed It, for it Al. ways makes me feel queer to see a woman taint,"-Heffalo Courier. A homely recipe for humility is given 1.y ftnbwrt, Rurdrtte. humorist and preneher. '•If you want to reel- i5e your own importance," he adviser, "put your finger into a howl of Water, take it out, and look at the hole." Here ie an illustration o1' a thing striking a person in the wrong way. Not long ago 1 was di*euesing with a friend the fortheonting maniere of a man of forty-fonr with a girl of twenty-two, 1 soggeeted that there was a considerable discrepancy In the ages. "Yes," he said. "it's bad enough now, he'. twice her age ; hitt it'll he far worse when she'a forty-four and . he's eighty-eight." And so it would be, Avoid the Trees. Wooistoci sentinel-tteriew. The shocking accident at tate Col- lege, resulting in the death by light- ning of one student and serious in- jury to another, adds one more to the many warnings that have been giten of the great dinger of seektng rrhrgr under the trees during thunderstorm.. ih a general way it may he said entirely safe that no place i ant y wen the lightning is dangerous : but expert - t Once has shown again -land Agsift trees are to be particularly avoided. The temporary shelter which ,the trees afford in not sunl.aent eompe•uta- tion for the great risk. !letter get thoroughly drenched in the (own than take such chatters as the tree affut;ds'. y , day, no doubt. the ways of naturee wilttw so well undrratood that the d'oger rrdm lightning will be re- moved : in the melintinle keep away from the trees. - • must work t 1 with vnur I,p rgt'al ever in 14114. He must, find bal'gains for you : he must protest von in *tyke, in-spaal+tiam_In_p lyes. Hr is enlisted in your service. The nun-ad- Vel'tisieg merchant in not. When fluty calls n man up it et., 1, gets the busy sig�tal. A Modest Utterance. Quoted from a resent pr.tsperity speech : Ilar 1t ever occurred to you, Air. ('hairuuam, that the cotton i•lulh made in Sopth Carolina annually -wtud , ,,oake a eller', big enough to cover the entire face of America artofi Europe and lap over on the toe. of Asia ? Or, if all the cattle rhe rinsett in each year micro one C0W. she c4.411.1 browse Ort the tropical vegetables along the equator. while her tail switched icicles off the North Pole% and tont her milk could deal a .hip- • ries from u and (glee,* ae • borer , her d toad of h t'hark+tott to New York ? Or. if all the mule. we market each year were one'wulc. it would cons the entire annual Corn coop of North Carolina at .me tnral, tiiiitl int the Wilts- oft the sun without swelling: Illflirts; or .bak ing its tail ? Or, lithe hog% we rinse annual were one hog, that animal would dig the Panama :'anal in three route, without grunting, and its 5.111 ,41 would be loud enough to jar the' roeoenuts off the trees along the Canal Zone.-- New York Sun' Sarcasm. t-'A-rotlege graduate once applied for work in it l twlu r camp. tie was I•dd Ret lntu.y 't tti. the other end bring in charge ut act old and experienced lumberman. At fleet all went well, but at Ih.• end of the second day the young roan's strength begat' to wane. suddenly the old ruin stopped the saw cud spat. "Sonny," he said not unkindly: '•1 don't mind yer ridin' on thin saw, but if- ire }roar:tile` seine -to ytnt t witib you'd keep yer feet oto the ground." Wins Trade by Deserving It. The non -advertising mercnante do not seek your p itronage, ones. atten- tiun.tr favor -to why should you con- fer thew ? Theprogressive tnerch- e"ts piny at'eution to you, thurdeserv- ing to have yrmr `attention in return. They are "on their mettle." all the time. to a -core velure for you that will stand inspection -that will stand advertising. The feet that he adver- tises places upon the merchant the necessity to "make good" -tri meet II VP.mopeitian -tri buy well so as to tr Abl. to sell to your profit as well as his own. Ile i. placed under a perpet- ual teat -end he must emerge always with your inereaxing friendship. lie Tne lou teat singer dales not always drop the biggest cola in the contribu• tion box. A• Woman's Sympathy Are ynu discouraged? is your doctor's bill n heavy financial load? 1a your pain a have physical burden? 1 know /what these mean to delicate women -L have been dUcouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself. I want to relieve•our bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's b111? I can do this for you and win If you will assist mo. A11 you need do Is to write for a free box of the remedy which hers been placed In my hands to be give n away •Perhaps this one hos w111 cure you -It has done to for others. Elf eo. 1 shall 1.5 happy and ynu *111 be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Your !"hers held fond- d"ntlall Write Inc-.Infor tne v fr... tr. .•. sent. MILS, F. E CL'1t1Lt1I Windsor, tint. it ' 9 _.a__. liner? CYhristie s Biscuits come from— Tho rom—iTho cleanest factory in Canada THE Christie. Brown biscuit factory is in keeping with a the international reputation of the firm. Visitors know just why Christie's biscuits are the best baked -and hundreds visit the big factory every season. The Christie, Brown people stake their reputation on cl .t:i:ac.ls a:1d quality. The raw product is the purest and best money can buy, and every ounce of it is carefully analyzed before it can enter the -bal-Ce-ri)oms. Every device and machine -making for the perfection of the product -is used in the big factory. The bright and cheerful employes, all arrayed in spotlessly white uni- forms laundried on the premises, speak volumes for the sanitary conditions under which they work. You just buy Christie's Biscuits once and you'll know why your neighbors call them "so good." The best grocers keep them and they cost no more. Christie, Brown & Co., Ltd., Toronto RUPTURE CURED AT YOUR HOME This is nota tt1us Lure. but a treatment you Can use n YOUR HOME. NO PAIN, DANGER or OPERATION. no loss of un: from your work. Wrte t oday before your RUPTURE gets any wore.. Do NOT -WAIT. Fill m this Coupon Name ,'Idflress /'! nt r• L'11 p and mast to - - -- W. J. PROST Dept. C.. 22 Ontario St STRATFORD. ONT. CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HAIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE•MADE-.-.' ---- CARPET 2 ad.,, • L .. r t •' . y at tended to LAYING t lament moderate tteiwir Roma- : • Me door wc•t of C.J. Harper NIO,m Store, Rcpt etreet- Its•uiencc-Elgin Avenue. tluUtatit H. I,,. : 1 G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER ANO FUNERAL DIRECTOR F'undtnre and l'ndertaking,w.rcruoao. Wet dda 041.0•. 'i'HUNg: Store Cl {iutencb I2e.kdoueR 176 7110.t et'l.• At rr•.,. it t..-,.:1. U:!;,.,r. 12715 J. BKOPHEY & SON ---sol: 11114Lusa- Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carfully elle, o.:d DI at.110 ._ hours, :. light or day OKE Try 0111 GASII.,t Vii. 1 Fine for turuaces. -range-. heaters and grates- �Iul e heat and cheaper than 0(711 $6.00 per ton cash. New Coal Yard 1 handle all kinds of hard an'1 soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed Nothing but the best anthrax handled. Terms, without exception. CASH. D. F. tlamlink, Phone 121 'PHONE 15 OR 24 Warrhml�"22241 When no want (and Yard. l x-'rr 2"'d I THE F�FJs1' \at Dock/ �annare COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON H AN L A11 (anal ellg�hod nn the market rvalra whnr'rt ymh Mt w2(03 IM. fora 1011. WM. LEE• [tinders left at 1'. C. T.k:k•`t Hardware Mtore e551 adds donors rompUv attended to'