HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-20, Page 3The Mason and Risch piano
action—rapid, accurate and durable.
THE piano action is a most im-
portant factor in tone pro-
duction. It either helps or hinders
the musician in his interpretation.
The Mason and Risch piano
action is so scientifically designed
and so mathematically exact in
construction that the parts work
together without friction.
It is the most sensitive piano
made — responding instantly a n d
accurately to the player's every
graduation of touch. There is no
lost motion.
Mason a d Risch
The piano with a soul
Study, experiment and hard work have pro-
duced in the Mason and Risch piano action
three attributes of perfection a free, easy
touch, rapid and accurate repetition and the
greatest durability, MASON
Try a Mason and Risch piano in our PIANO CO..
warerooms to -day realize what a truly / Limited,
perfect action means to a musician. Send roe your Mos -
We're always pleased to ex- tutted booklet eaptala-
My the reasons way
should own a Massa aad
Riuh piano. This in iineers
obligates we to purchase.
plain the details of the Mason
and Risch construction. Mail
us this coupon and we'll send
you a booklet that illus-
trates and explains it fully
The Mason and Risch •
Piano Co., Limited,
32 West _King St-,
is made from the tinest care-
fully selected cocoa beans,
roasted by a special process
to perfect tho rich chocolate
flavor Cowan's is most deli-
cious and most economical.
Sunshine Furnace has
four triangular grate bars,
each having three distinct sides. ' the
siseie-p,sce and two-piece grate no such -like
prPVision is made for expansion ne conttertieni-
and a waste of Coal always follows a shaking.
On the left- and right-hand sale. are cotter pins, which when
loosened permit the grates to slide out. These four. grate Intrs
are made of heavy cast iron, and are frusheit up with bulldog
teeth. 1 lie teeth will grind the toughest clinker ; end
because the grate% are made in mations, not neloaaran nothing but dust and
ashes peas threugh,, futt after ;aril shaking a different aids _can he _presented
to the fire. Also, with the Sunshine grate there ie Ter liail.hreaking
movementS neat hed to the shaking. Ily gently rocking the leverafirst on the
left and then on the right, the ashes are released on both sidesaind fitt through
into the pan.
Not only does it take longer to put poor paint on your building than
good paint, but you have to do it oftener. D,ivkle the cost of paintalg
your building into three parts and two of them go to the painter. The
third part pays for the paint. If you gct paint that will last 6 years
you can afford to pay more for it than for paint that lasts but 2.
Sherwin-Williams Paint is thc highest quality and most satisfac-
tory paint made. We control the mos. important raw materials from
which it is manufactured, make and refine our own linseed oil. and in
many other ways safeguard the quality oi all S--W.Prociucts. They may
cost more per gallon than many cheap and inferior paints but demon-
strate their economy on the job by covering more, looking better and
lasting longer. Ask your dealer for
Made in Canada 1111SONOVI111114411.1 CO Montreal Leonia%
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
Digestion. Money back if they fail to
At •Il Druggists er direct fres
25c. a Etoz. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto
XCIV3 Of the Sistrict.
Ware Oliver, of the Mollard line.
Clamant., !sieves thiii week on a eielt to
Ws birthplace in England.
Joseph laitubrook 61 Yelling bir
household effects in Exeter and re-
mover)); to Fort Wayne, led.
Mr. 4411 Mot. George elerehall,
Seeforth, •re mourning the toes of
their infant deirghter, *Red
Clinton's experitnent in sinking test
we'll) ha* proved ratiefactory and the
of waterworks from arterian wellr.
. Counselor Henry Fiyerniann, of Me.
Killop, was bereaved of his wife on
'Ilolibisu.rsday. the lath Met. Seven young
childreu are left to mourn a mother's
Mr. and Mrs. Robfat Breen, foraier
pioneer residents of Turnberry, who
are now living retired in NVinghain,
celebrated their golden wedding last
Furdwich. have been bereaved of
their youngest eon, Alfred F., a bright
child of six years. Tubercular menin-
gitis was the came- of death. .
Joseph Mustard, a former resident
of the Goebert line, Stephen, diel
at hie home in 'London on Sunday.,
Interment toot place at Heeler. •
Ridgetown, a former puttee of On-
tario etreet Mettiodhe church, Clinton.
lieu received the degree of Doctor of
Sacred Tbeology from McGill Univeta
Arthur Cardelon. of Clinton, has
been very auccessful in his inertia.
merrtir in real relate in Fon William*.
Last week he eold mottle property in
that eity for three Game :bathe Limit!
for it two years ago.
Seaforth with her sister, the late Mrs.
Kirkman, while thr latter wee on the
Collegiate Nadi in that town, died at
the home of err brother in Guelph on
Tuesday. the 41.11 basaa.
Meta Laura Jean Sheppard, &fowl'.
ter of the late Mrs. Jas. Reby, of
Wingliam, who has been nureing in
Mexico for aome Bums wee married in
Phoenix, Arizona, recently to Leslie
E. Gregiory, of Chihuahua, Meeker.
The North Huron license commie-
reconwidenst ion ha
granted a license to C. E. Lepard, of
the Exchange hotel, Wingham. A
transfer of license at Wroxeter from
A. A. Esty to Watt. C. Currie also
was granted.
While Christopher Jobb, of Turn-
lierry, was Ara/init. to ..Wiugharn lees
week his horse becrme frightened and
ran away. He MIEN thrown out and
hie leg web broken. A year ago Mr.
Jobb met with a similar accident to
the same leg and had since been' lame.
Wm. Chattels, who was many
years ago engaged in the grain Wei -
tires in Seaforth and later in Ifensall.
died of cancer at the home of his
daughter in Denver. Colorado, re-
aently. Robert (7harters. of the Mill
road. Tuckersinith, ie A brother of the
tin arriving in Winnipeg aon Thula=
day. the eth inst., Miss Alice H.
rth. yteingeat daughter of Robert
Smith, of Iltillett. who left for the
West few deal; prey' ly, Was mar-
ried to John Andersen,of Roswell.
Allan., whom elle met while visiting
her sister in the West IL vetir o.
an, of Seaforth, were in Toronto last
week attentling the fuperal of the
general mantitter of the Dominion
Brewery. Itemised was married
about five years ago to Miss Winni-
fred Killoran, who with a little ion is
thus suddenly bereaved.
Mrs. Neil McLauchlin, of Brussels,
and daughters. the Misses Jean and
Mergeret, are removing to Torunto_te
reside. l'rior to her departure last
week Miss Jean, who has been organ.
tat and choir leader of St. John's
church, Bruseels, for the paet eleven
years, wee preeented by the congrega-
tioa with a purse of goal accompanied
of the Methodist church, London, has
arcepted an invitation to becoine
pastor of the Witighain alethodiet
church, ?subject to the approval of the
stationing committee. air. Rutledge
wee created Doetor of Divinity, .-in
absentia," at the annual convocation
of Weeleyan Theohigical 1.'011 e.
Montreal, lamt week. lie writes tl t
he will consider it tui great an honer
to servo the Master in Winghain as in
the First Church, London.
At the, groat age of ninety-three
years Mrsaa4ohn. Blair, one of the
pioneer settlent-of prey. passed away
et her home in Cranarook on Thurs-
day, the tlth inst. Shaahad been con-
fined to her bed for the past four
years. - -1 Wesseeed. was ...good woman
and was revered by the whole town•
ship. She hi survived try four 80118 -
Peter, of Halbright. Sask. ; John and
Wm.. of. Portage la Prairie, Man. :
Robert, of Grey --and two daughters -2
sire. Cameron. of Hensall. and Mine
Jennie at home. •
Clinton Assessment Figures.
The neeepsora return), fi ir he town of
Clinton for 111141 give a tate! iteleeti•
meta of $761,3 Itt, net P in a business
assesement 11170,531, end taxable In -
Mittel" ^Mona to 111023. The popu-
lation is 2,3141.
a former resident of Lucknow arid
later of Theeitalon, Ont., reeently un-
derwent a very_ critical Tr/earn in
Mt, al ichaers VoliFfir 'Toronto
whereby a stone between five and Kix
inches in length was retnoved from
one of his kidneys. It is considered
and has attracted a great deal of at -
r (anion in the rity. We Are informed
there are good prospects for hie re-
Died in the West.
Many friende in Menton h were
grieved hist week on learning that
Miss Annie Edge, formerly of that
town, hail died under an operation for
appendieitis at the Inditstrial school,
North Battleford. Sask. . Mims Edge,
who watt a !criminate of the Church of
Englend Trsining School' In Toronto.
liaal been engaged in deaconees work
in that i•it y before going West three
years ago. She hail since devoted
herself to the industrial eibication
Indian boys. Her tamaine were
taillight to Seaforth for interment
from the home of Henry Edge.
A Sudden Call.
The smitten death ef David Follick,
was a great shock to the citizens of
the villege. 11e had been slightly in-
ditipoised for a few days, but lied
spperently recovered and wax in the
act of lighting the fire when he fen
to the floor and ex pine! instantly.
tied and wait held iii high repute. Ile
was oeventy-seven year* of ego. One
roe, George. of Retiree. and two
&eight...eve. Nati. Vail, of Exeter, end
Mrr. David Dow, of Hensall, ata left
to mourn his removal from their
Former Resident et Clinton Dead.
Wm. Foster, of Montreal, travelling
-representattee- tor .17 W.' Lae $
Torotatii, died •spdilenly of Bright's
disease while in the Queen City on
formerly contliwttel drygoods busi-
quently engaged in the liquor hiplines -a
in that town, reuitivilig to Montreel
eight year.' ago. He was in his fifty -
Muth year and ir eurvived hy hie
widow, the oldest daughter tif the late
Jas. .1 Clinton, one bolt *Int
one daughter. His reillailiN were
taken to Clinton for interment.
Death at Mrs. Saimaa, Clinton.
After a lingering illness Sarah Lie -
remota, beloved, wife of Jeciai She
tuansid Clinton, departed thim life on
Tuesday, the littli iiist., aged forty-six
yeare Deceased, who Wall 1.1 'it
England, cerne to Canada with her
patellas in her youth, settling in the
remainder of her life. 8he was a
woman of beautiful i•haracter and was
lath! in high regaraLlat large circle of
acquaintance*. Beeides her Inieband
4101 family of three sons and four
dalighter» she it survived by live
Mottles). and seven sisters. almost all
of whom reside in the vicinity of Chin
Seaton); .Assessment,
The waresuient of the town of Sea. -
forth for the year -true gives the tut -
lowing figures : Total assessment,
getetne7; which includes churches snit
sellouts ; total value of real estate,
; total value of buildings.
alkS:01.s.50 ; business assessment, liable
for general tax, *feta:la; business tax
halite for school tax only, *ataxia.: in -
only, $2.2,0e0 ; liable for local hu -
;movement tax only, $411.011) ; totel
school populationafeaSta-total
tine, 2.110; number of dogs, 87 ;
value of church property, Prestiy-
Salvatiop Army, $7100 ; ease value
of town property -town UR eials
sealee and grounds, glaaaal
works, $13.000 ; hose, hose reels.
$3,aisi; XViiktole, settles at station; $a
echool, 01.5110 : separate itch
salmi c annalist*. Itettite tate $12,000
publie library. VOW ; total town
property, g56,2)00.
$600 tor a Name.
The publimhers of The Cannalien
Courier want a name for a new agri-
cultural paper they are about to bring
out. They want a particularly good
one. too, anct are willing to epend a
hit of money to get the cleverest and
moet imitable name anyone tein think
tint in cash hung tip is prises. As
the publication is to appeal especially
growers and horticulturist* the con-
test is limited to taiwe actually en-
gaged in these occupations.
The new puhlication is to be A lArCe
illustrated weekly, nuhecription $1.
It as intended to be as national in
eharacter as is The Canadian Courier.
and to circulate throughout the, Do-
minion. J. H. S. Johustone. who for
ten years was associate editor- of
Americas best stock journal, , the
Chicago Breeder's Gazette, will be the
editor. This eeems to be a pretty
good guarantee that the new telackly
win be foal of origina/ and attractive
features, and that the information it
givea pioicultttral _matters .will be
The ptizes °tarred for the best name
are certainly attractive, and should
bring ire twine clever muggeetions.
At Cross Purposes.
John Smith,- a Presbyterien. and
Hannah Jones, a Baptise., heeitated
*bout marrying became. they faired -
that in leter life religioue disputes
migh.t. karma Thus the year. plotted.
1 hen John eats sent abroad for a
year by the firm which employed hitn.
lade. Towards the year s end. hy a
remarkable coincidence, each reeeived
from the other a letter, the.t War let-
ters crossing in the mails. Hannah
wrote :
"Friend John. -The obstacles that
tood in the way of our marriage have
et last been removed. This day I was
received in full membership in the
Presbyterian church."
John's letter ran :
-nearest ffennah, - We have nn
louger an.y ground for delaying our
onion. Thie dee joined the Baptist
iirch."--Chriet ian Endeavor World.
Not Allowed to join Her Husband in
United Statesa
Clinton. May lila. - The people of
this town ere indignavit and amused
at the action fif United State* HIM
migration or curt officials in refus-
ing tiaallow a woman, who bad been
Visiting her old home 'here. after
residence of Nome years with her hue
baud in New York State. to return te
her hurbend.
Mis. W. 110. , the daughter of
Joseph 'Cooper of_thie -town, inerrant
ht -r hintliatul two yeare ago wed went
with. him to live in later, N. Y. In
the fall of 19117 she came home to vain
her parent. anti remainett sonie
months. returning to her husband
agsist etlitie to Clinton, and was here
two months. but on returning on
May 7 site Witit stopped at the Surpera
ham Bridge and refused admittance to
the United States.
Argument nor explanation availed ;
she, with her small baby, had to re -
tut u to Clinton, where she now is.
The Calle, has been taken up with
the authorities in IVaiihington.
The London Election Casea.
Hamilton Times,
The London election yeses in. which
ney secured the recording of a
ctinvictiou in a 'York County Court
Wiley niid
Reid, aild whieh so much political
capital Was made, haVe been before
the---Coiset of Appeal, maid Wawa) been
or( aside. 'rhese eases, as the public
will hear in mind, bore everY aPPaaa-
putem job: The defendants' COO -
tended that the, trial should have
taken place in ilaindon. Not one of
yet, by a gross stretch of itriatrary
power, the accused persons were
dragged from London, and obliged. AI -
great expense and disativantege. W
defend thenimelves in a Toronto court.
This was effected by alleging a P011-
opiracv in Toronto, and in having a
preliminary examination before the
Police Magistrate of that (et y. Er-
, were made by the defendants to
oectire a change of venue in the effort
to get a free and unprejudiced trial ;
but they were unsuccessful.
. Justice (Jarrow asserts the pris-
oners' clear right to trial in the coun-
ty of Middleeex where their offence
was alleged to have been committed.
and be says that riala was interfered
with by the Crown, which introduced
an alleged Toronto eonneetion which
tureed out to be etterly foundation -
les); in fact. He finds ttheolutely
nothing in PritchetCe evidence to
etoginect the accused with that per-
son's confemsed overt act. Nothing re-
alm but thrown -statement and- the
Judge deelaree that the eliarge wholly
awl. Mr.- Smoke elleclaren agrees
th his colleagee in quashing the
vict ion, and expresseir himself
st gly its to the duty of the court
whe it discovered that the matter
t properly within its jurbidie-
le eignifieantly says that if
roe /Adapted in this case -
for partisan ends -were to
"the criminal liter might
engine of oppreseion and
he London" persecution
e finding of the Court
ot only wms the Gov-
. in dragging the
ato court for trial
hind. and tending
justiee, but that
etesi Wag not
'oy evidently
"ation of the 1
t. and he is
testing his
ter. The
a per-
Taira -mor, MAY 20, 11Oa 3
Every linty wants somet hing new for the Holiday; perhaps it
is a New Waist a New Skirt, New Gloves or New Belt. a New
Collar or New Tie. No matter whit It is we are prepared to
show the Newest Novelties for the holiday aod suininer wear.
NEW LAWN WAISTS, richly embroidered fronts. long sleeves.
iu sites 32 taisee.inch. special, each, $1.00
SEE THE NOBBY NEW WAISTS, just to hand, In dainty lace
and embroidery effects, also the New Lee° Waists, just the
thing for smart, dressy wear, ti eacb , $2.3S
LADIES' WHI rE WALKING SKIRTS, two designs at 11.7sand
$a.as each, good full Skirts, and ars exeeptionally good value
for the money.
lars which Are so popular in the calve just now, front, each , aec
large iwarl bleach.* in a variety of designs, only, each, 3Sc
NEW LEATHER BELTS in 111)1110 very chic designs, from, each, 23c
GLOVES IN ALL, STYLES in long or short, in cotton, taffeta.
lisle or silk, in almost every wanted shade. Remember in Kid
()loves we only istock Perrinea whieli Wean* our gloves are the
Wet. t hat are nuulti. One piipittar Didier Move is splendid val-
ue, every pair is guaratiteett, in Macke, tam) and white.
rettes are noW most populist ; wo hare them from, each, I0c
the co
doubt les
The end of
is marked 1.y
Of Appeal that
accused into a To
reprehensible and
to be miliversive
the evidence 'Prat -
such as abould have
viction. Hun. Mr.
feels keenly the Immi
Court of Appetite jtidgm
twitted in The Globe as pr
good faith in the entire mit
less atria about it now. for
peace of mind, the better.
ment should mark the end
formanee which- is far from n
credit upon the Atterney-Gen
Departmenta or tending to res
hoe and- essididistens-im -Ontario_
ministration of justice. lt wauld
a pity if the publie phonic! have reaeo
to believe that ten. ath ,, i ll istration of
et int ins I justice i• prostituted to
partisan ends.
Pointed Paragraphs.
Hid; food maketh a poor appetite.
And a pale white tooth tnay have
plenty of nerve.
Bread is the Ara of life and mince
pie the id Ming block.
--The- phenomenal- tr.nAr-eomeaanda
more than a nominal salary.
About the one thing that a chronic
borrower will not take is a hint.
People who search for gas Irak
wit I) eandle invariably find it.
%General Belief and Private Opinion
do not belong to the Flame regiment.
No boy was ever so much attached
to the 0141 term as wam the mortgage.
A woman who has to attract
attention by improprieties never
heads the proceesion.
There ts nothing in the languege of
flower( an eloquent as a pair of
pressed tulips. -Chicago Daily News.
0 413
ae fa.
Xi Cr 0 0
Corner Grocery'
Where you get Fresh Supplies
I NI1T I-zured Meats, the most wholesome Bread and also
Fresh Fish daily.
I0 died to perfection. Goods promptly delivered.
Cash for Butter and Eggs.
ICorner East street and Square.
'Phone 110.
I'll Explain Why
I Always Drive a
the breaking of the springs causes us baby drivers
more trouble n any other weakness in carriage cars.
But there is no spring weakness in the GEN)flalDhl car.
Note that double cdrve. It is exclusiVe with the GENGIR.0141
It so distributes the strafn that the spring never breaks.
And then the wheels, --you see they are specially welded,
and cannot warp or break.
Note also that little rubber cap over the nut of the axle.
Sometimes when I have a restless passenger, I want to drive
'the car around the house withbut scratching the
furniture -it is a little point, but a good one. The
materials for all the GENDRON cars are the very
------ best in the bodies, tops and every other part. There is
style and service in every GL FoINIONI model -Caxadian
made, so that any unexpected accident can be easily
Tits Ofoldrms
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited