HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-20, Page 2to Tuosseav, MAT 30.1909 TV E Si(:NAL: CUI)ERICIt• ONTARIO IwUERIC11, ONTAItUO.) PUBLISHED EVERY THURSI AY IT ,VANATTLit a ROBERTSON :Telephone tall No. 3 Terms of Subscription : 00 per annum in ertvana,. 9 Sig months, 30c ; three months, dila Te United State. subscribers. $1.30 a mar letrteUy la adsaeoot — - _.-- Subscribers who fall to receive TAN sweat regularly by mall .111 pouter a favor by ac quelating es of the fact at as t date as =When when • change of addles. 1s de.trtal, bolt the out and the new addre a should be given„ Advertising gale* Legal and other similar advert'iements, tine per line for first insertion and lc per line for each subrquent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil scale, twelve lines to an inch. f)usiuw cards of six lints and under, per yeaAdvertlwments of Zest, Found. Strayed, Sit- uations V a( -tat. liltwtloas Wanted. Ilow,e.for Sale or to Rest. Farm for Sale ur to Rent, Articles for Sala, etc.. not ezneeding eight lines, ilc ee�s�eth lesert ion ;$1 for first month, 30s for each subsequent month. larger adverti,e• menu 1n proportion. tsaneanoements in ordinary reading type ten ornta per line. No notice low than 23x: Any special notice. the object of which Is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or awoct- ation, to be ooneiderod an advertisement o/d to be charged a,icordingl . Rates for display and contract adverti+e- meou will be given on application. , Address all communlcanons to VANA ITER g ROBERTSON, Tea 111oNAy Remericb, Ont OODIIWM THURSDAY, MAV 20. tens AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GODERICH. A preen dsapateh of a few days ago stated that the United States Steel Co. were contemplating the invasion of Canada and that they were already looking up doss along the shores of Lake Houton aid Georgian, Bay. In Owen Sowed the despatch �* ken • seriously geld the town cou' ci and the Board of Trade were to- gether to discuss the first move\of that town towards securing t e coveted pries. The Times says press report was takes as the basis o discussion sod it was unanimously de- cided W make a push for the industry. The management at New York is' to be written to and ©wee Sound's loca- tion pointed out. The facilities afforded by the town in the way of shipping and its close proximity to an inexhaustible supply of limestone—a very necessary article in the steel in- dustry—will also be presented. Should the letters sent open up the way and it is considered that an interview would further the ioteiests of Owen Sound, a deputation will be sent to New York or any other point that might meet the wishes of the+ Steel Company. Collingwood also has its eye on this proposition and appears to believe that it can offer at least as good facilities" a+ Owen Sound for the successful es- t .bliehwent of such an industry. Goderirh should have as good a chance of securing this plant as either Owen Sound or Collingwood, if the proper representations as to this town's advantages are made to the Steel Company. %Ve have a most favorable position midway between the sources of supply for iron and coal : we have superior facilities for the shipping of the finished product : we have the neceesary limestone right at band, and an excellent site could. we believe, be provided. If our business men want such an important addition to our manufac- turing interests, they should take action at once to bring our town effectively to the attention of the Steel Company. It is evident that a Canadian plant is to be established somewhere in the Western Ontario peninsula, presumably on Lake Huron or the Georgian Bay, and if Goderich is to secure it it will be only by ener- getic and persistent action DIVA he part of those concerned with, the business interests of the town. RAILWAY CHARTERS. A statement of the number of rail- way charters granted in Canada in the last twenty years is published, serving as a text for newspaper sermons on the evils of chartermong• ering. We are not at all eoneinced, however, that there is necessarily any evil connected with the granting of charters to build new railway lines. Railways are needed and should be built, and if any man or set of men 11 willing to undertake the often thank- less and profltleeu task of securing a charter and inducing capitalists to take hold of the enterprise we see no good reason why he should not be al- lowed to do so. Where the evil comes in is in the granting of publie money in aid of railway construction, giving the promoters of a new line an opportunity to sell out at a big profit before the road has actually earned a cent. The remedy is not to stop the practice of granting subsidies pretty freely, but to discontinue the sub- sidizing of railways with public money. If railway charters were granted to all applicant., with the condition that the mad must be built without public aid, ehartertnongering would become a lost art,. The alternative ie public ownership — tie ron,tructlon and operation of railways by the Gov- ernment, ellmioaL10 private manipu- lation and private profit.. A MODERN MOISIN MOOD. Punch pictures Lloyd -George as a bugs giant. wielding a "budget' club _ *std muttering, as he looks for a vir- ilm : "Fee. fl, to, fat. i smell the hlood of a plutocrat Be he alive or be he dead, ('r@ grind his bones to make my bread." it would he nearer the truth to rep- resent the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer as a twentieth-century Robin Seed. levying tribute from the wealthy people and handing over lbs money to his poverty-stricken neigh- bors. Robin Hood's- exploits may not have been in the line of strict moral- ity, yet they appeal strongly to people who love humanity rather than abstract just i c e. Llgyd-George's budget may not -b• higfcalty righteous, but as the motive is to take front these who have to give to those who fur!_ not it_ is notualikel that it• author will in ibe popular pied be re- garded as • hero ra _tbhn as a highway robber. The income tax is not a logleal im• position; neither ars wore of the other measures by which the Chancel- lor provides for his huge budget. The doling of old -age tensions from the public treaaur'y, while it may be con- doned on. humanitarian grounds, can hardly be justified except to the minds of those who are prepared to accept the doctrines of socialism. Yet titers is a sort of rough justice In the whole program, and until the logical method of levying tires is discovered and ap- plied Lloyd -George's scheme will likely find a very large measure of ap- pi oval. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Dominion Parliament was pro- rogued yesterday atter one of the shortest sections in many years. The Canadian Nest has had an earthuuake, _. Ferhaps it was just a final settling down of the late lamented "boom." The general elections in Newfound- land have been fought and won—and lost. What the issues were.. does not appear. but 'twee a glorious victory for the party headed by Sir Edward .Morris. George Meredith. the Eoglish novel - int. is dead. at the age of eighty-one years. Though not widely popular. e bad many admirers who gave biro very high place among modern waiters. e of the members of the Scottish agri aural antfin asitri1tt Which vis- ited G nada last year has purchased 5.000 res in southern Alberta. ser tan t'a - Y ing $740HI-fpr--il.—Tbie-is * geed testimonial for Alberta. Sir Willa in Van Horne says rail- way -charge in North America are too low. Mir William is quite ortho- dox. He is a ilway map, and every man has a stro - suspicion that rates are too low in •'s own line of busi- ness. "Obituary poet is published in The New Era only t regular adver- tising rates," says ou esteemed con- temporary of Clinton. + his is a good rule. The only aweed.-ent we can suggeet is one which was forth by a former editor of The Sign 1, to wit : "Obituary poetry on obitu • y poets, half rate." The Sunday observance law i to be enforced at Coney island, New 'ork's famous resort. This following the abolition of race -track garnblin: in New York State, and the adoption laws prohibiting the sale of liquor i several States, it begins to look as i we should have to revise our opinion of Uncle Sam's land. A etary is told of a boy who, after mastering his catechism, confessed 'his disappointment in these terms.: "Say, dad, i obey the Fifth Com- mandruentand honor my father and mother. yet my days are -not a hit longer in the land. for I'm put to bed every night at 7 o'clock just the same." That boy ought to get in touch with Mr. Lewis' plan of iengtbienrng the days. The Ontario Government makes the preliminary announcement of the re- organization of the Provincial police. for the better prearrvation of law and order throughout the Province. The details of the scheme are not yet pub- lished. The lack of an effective Prov- incial police force has been the sub- ject of considerable comment of late, and the Government presumably is snaking an effort to meet the require- ment. _— The Georgian flay canal ie probably a feasible scheme, hitt that it is needed at. the present time, or will be needed for many years to some, as an addi- tion to our water transportation sys- tem is more than doubtful. When it is needed it should he constructed as a public undertaking, and on no account should its construction or operation be codtmftLed to private hands. Foe the present the improvement of the existing trans- portation routes furnish( employ- ment for -all the money the coun- try can, provide. The Globe says : "it any person imagines rte provisions of the eo- ealled Lancaster bill were mors stein - gent than those contained in Mr. Grahatti n level -crossing legislation he is very much mistaken. The former dealt only with crossings in cities, towns and incorporated villages, while the latter deals with every level cro..- Ing in Canada. Further, it declares as dangerous. without waiting icor further eviden _e, every crossing at which a serious accident has taken place during the past ten years. whether in city, town or country." The Christian Guardian discusses the question, Does wealth increase pleasure ? it concludes that wealth ie not the only factor in pleasure ; that it is not even the chief factor ; In fact it plays but a comparatively small part in the production of the world's pleasures. Upon which Thr Woodstock Rentinel-lteview com- ment.): om- ment,: "We are all prepared to agree with Thr Guardian on Sunday, so long as we are left free the other six The Searchlight Of Government investiga- 'tion established beyond question _ 01:0ACi `the Company's economical man- agement, honest dealings with policyholders and sound .invest.: ments. Examine one of our Reserve Dividend Policies, -Lai e:.t Guarantees, Liberal Conditions, Attractive Options.' r London Life. POLICIES' W. ACHESON & SON. W. H. ROBINSON, District Agent. Seaforth. days of the week to devote our tittle and our ntetgy to the puisuit of wealth as if it were the only thing worth pursuing in this world.' An all-round increase of salary to the member@ Of the civil service at. Ottawa was Authorized by Parliament last week. lurtead of offering oppo.i- tern to this increase in the expeuses of government. the Conservative mem- bers tumbled over one another to .e(•ttre even greater concessions to the civil servants. There was one notable exception, Mr. Crothere, of Vest Elgin, who declared that the depart- ments were overmanned. and that the civil. *eremite were getting big pay for the work they did. Judging from the -way -its which positions in the civil service are sought After, it does not TwT ai if there were any -tr rTett of increasing the salaries at present. We have all heard of Weateru en- thusiasm. especially in regard to the things of and pertaining -to -tile Weet.- A pretty little maniple comes to hand in "'I .ad y Van's Page" of The Saturday Sunset of Vancouver. B..C. "In contrast to the news that hes drifted in from the E.ut, of cold weather, even dipping to below zero at many points. and accompanied by metry 1?) snowstorms, our bright spring days ate doubly appreciated. Cont clear mornings when all nature tools as if fresh fropu a bath, and hav- ing donned a clean pinafore. are some- thing to revel in. The monrrtaive courteey demturt77 early in the morn= -Ting end thenlij' ack on the s y -pt lows and watch the dat play with the world. The sn-becoming every say more brazen in its beat. pokes warm sunbeam -fingers into the earth and K ira the growing thinge. Then it steals along the snowcaps of the mountains and nips off a bit here and settles a bit there and gives the little ire -cold streams • vigorous put.h to- ward the ocean. And -that ocean— which ilia really ocean (the Atlant be- ing hitt a fretful. nervous sea and of in the running with the dignified Pacific has the string fever Luo, an - coneequent pranks 'ret Ire own.`( dumbtonnds the marine. -s with queer tides, has great frolics with the wind, and spring -cleans all the shores with suds -tipped waves and sings Rally In all its doings. "To the people Of the interior lands ■ 11 these glories are but things to read about. They may tutee their bwu peculiar spring joys, but it is only British Columbia, fair maid of the western mountains, that may enjoy roving delights unlike any other. An'd it is only her coast cities which are blessed with all the delights- of mountains, eea and land. Could any heritage be greater Really, they say there is sn occa- ()nal hour or two of nice weather•at t e Coact when the rain stops. 1 Two Lovers. 1 envy every flower that blows Reside the pathway where she goon, And every bird that sings to her. And every breeze that bowie to her ..s fragrance of the row. I envy pet's rhyme that moves her heart *1 eveattme'. A od even tree that wan ter her lta brightest bloom, and bears for ter The fruitage or Its. prime. I envy every southern night That paves her path with wooubeams white, And silvers all the leaves for her, And in their shadows soaves fur her A dre.rn of dear delight. -Henry Van Dyke. in March Century. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES Gertnougb-Dsylight Already. Brussels Ibst. The hired men of the country will hardly stand for the proposed new daylight bill. As they have to get up aLfour is tha/not nit* muss, it would hardly be worth while going to iced if the legal rising time was set back an- other hour. 1 . der the heading "Week -end Mus- ings a writer in Thr Stratford Beacon puts t some very readable matter. In last Saturday's- issue there was x referentto the school hook question which eft es us as eminently sensible, and we (pi e it as follows : "The wrt r is in sympathy with the movemen to do away with the text books in ' e public scTiikli s being common pro.. •ty. He. has had to buy text books ..d to pay for them by the fee syete.t as well, and he knows a little alt ut the cost from practical experienc- having had the respectable nurnte of six pass through the public s. . ools, and one still attending. It doe not therefore make much difference to him on what plan he has to pay r the thinks of that child for the mho time she will yet be in the public . oels, hut if he had to go through the the ex- perience again he would pref to pay for the text books outright anlet his children own them. There ime to be some old looks in a chest souse sere which he highly prized becalm he used them when he went to ech..1, barefooted, too, by the way, in t summer. It appears 1 e would not h allowed to do so if he ss t rt• gt illy, to school now, even in the cnnntry. So much for progress. 'He does not helieye se intensely in the doctrine of 'The microbe* will get you if rm. don't ni101e our,' ,a ri•,t.• people, but three is will t a doubt danger of infection in the common property system. And now II, tt. under the beneficent reign of James the Fieet of Ontat •. renderol are to cost only A song a .. man bad tenor twelve rhildien to supply with book. what does it a•np•tnt to, anyway? Nor sines it seem neve-tam y for the puldit- stip el 1. ;;ti II to sop sly the honks at wholesale priers. The view that the hnnkeeltet•4 night To have a chane. to maks. a little. profit is certainly worthy of consideration, and if they do net got it on the hooks theywill be compelled to tender .t higer pricen for the other enpplie.' to he r pus rbased forthe school=. The in - .pectora and the pi ir.cip (Is of the pub- lic schools (night to be turn cf good judgment, and the wi i:er is touch mistaken if they do nut recommend that each child in the public a'ohnols have his own iooks. If they do the managetnent committee end the board will probably adopt- the suggestion. Whether the teach,' s recommend it or not the board should give the parents a chance to purrha.e individual books for their children. They can rho it now, if they wish, it is undentoixl that some do, but (nen they have to pay a fee covering the coat b. -sidle, which is not fair." A Serious Omission. Hamilton cpictater. Invitations to stir ,d the Alaska Yukon exposition et Sesttls ore being distributed to the • di eta of Ontnrio'e weekly papers, Neglect In 'melon the usual 1 raosprr tati"n ;iris i ieges was. we rreeume, a mere oversight, but a fatal one, neverthetea, -Worker est and have dun good work thele needs a little repare to some of the nut Wiling. and School house in Dist No 3jneeds to bee under pinned" the Greater part of the School Houses are in good repare we will have to bare fume new books this cottoning year we nerd a set of New Maps in all of the Schools would recommend the Appropr(a• tion for the Coming year Schools 97101 Text Books and Maps 123 Repairing School houses 40 F:. B. Lilley Supt of Schools. The printer of the report adds this foot note : "This report was ordered printed exactly as macre." The super. intendant was evidently pnni.l tet tt. Eclipses This Year. '�I�I��j,�lll�'llr'NNureiP u!GII'I'I;Igiil��ld ��i�l� �'I' UUYINU OPPORTUNITY IN Carpets anti Liuoleums Special May Sale 3;U yard. 111 yunt-w id.. rev rrible Uni„a 1'ti pet, ruiorv, red.. fawns, greens. tia.1 t.itterar,_-1{ryfttinr Inc it yarA, fur...,..,, 11441 yards of :el inches wide, pule wool. :filed l.igrain i-eveble Carpets, in a of patterns. in horsetail' effects and tiew colorings, our regular 73c quality. at per yawl Sale of Rugs _. 15 only English tViltun Hug•, first t uality, shades of green, lamella, la•v its and led., Suitable for any Emu(, -sizer, :Sal and :t¢x4. Regular $3J and $3K, fur =26,00, Brussels Carpets sot) yards 27 -inch wide, 1 -frame Brussels English Carpet. New conventional designs, soft colorings and with of without border. Regular 41.23 and at torr yard, .1.icial /t • ......$1.00. Linoleums 14*) yards Scotch Moor Oilcloth, in 11 patterns, 1. 11, 1} and 2 yards wide, extra heavy weight. and in new carpet and parquet patterns. Regular :;;'s a yard quality. May price, per . iutu•e yard Zsc 1.201 yards, 10 2Titbit I -yards wide, 10 1 patterns, special at per and, •;lite attrl . s $a. W. ACHESON 8&' SON. As there.tvae no mail for hint, why 1 preaching for an hour or so un the uu• should he wait ? - -• • mortality of the stall. ''Its -Hoek 1” -,raape+d the teaderAat, I "1- knotted at the mountains." he ilia "1 thought you were joking I "— � charts!. "and could nut help thinking, Philadelphia Evening Poet. 'Beautiful re you are. you wilt be de: strayed, while uty roil will uot,'i gazed 'tool!' the ocean, and i•ri In the year Itktw there will be four eclipse*, two of the sun and two of the nln.tn. A total eo•Iipme of the moon will occur on June :had. partly visible here : a total eclipse of the sun June i Tilt, _ritdale_bcce-.meilartial sclitss_ak sunset : a tuteql eclipse of the moon, November 27th, Visible here, and :a partial eclipse of the sun, in Decem- ber, invisible hew. Terooto Star. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is in splendid health: and may put-irf-a- somewhat strenuous "recess," -1 really haven't decided about fay trip," he said --yes-- terday. "I'm afraid my holidays will n bespent at Ottawa. 1 ant not likely k to go to Europe so far as 1 know at -peanut." --Doubtful Economy.. - • Hamilton lime.: - Peculiar. isn't it., that is Use face of the daily announcements of the hund- reds of thousands of (totters of saving wade by the Whitney Government in conducting (tie affairs of the Province. the expenditure should continue to in- crra•.e by leaps and Ismail:. almost•• doubting within a few years:. A Project for the Future. Hamilton Sprcla:or. That Georgian Bay canal , scheme is again to the fore. it is an immense Undertaking and may he soots 'day most desirable; but in the rni•`antime it is extremely doubtful if PArliawent would entertain any proposal to hsud the enterprise over to private Utter - este, n•) tttatter how rosy their prop- osition. The Difference. Toronto A swallow taken from its nest in Antwerp end carried a distance of 147 utiles made, the return trip In 'ffTidih• toes. as corrddppared with four hours and seven minutfs by the fleet of 7-N) carrier pigeon released at the same time. But tblt swallow wan on -an errand of its ow and the pigeons on someone else's er . nd. Criticism of e'vorce Law, Montreal star There seers to be s ine who defend divorce by Senatecomr ittee, not be- cause it raises a high eta third in the muter of evidence, bu because it makes divorce difficult an. costly )o get, no matter what the evi. ence May its. The meaning of this hit ' t • rich sinner can get a •tivorre when • poor woman cannot. Those who -pprse divorce altogether are in a logic and respected position : .but,ythose bo propose to make it a luxury for he wealthy, Instead (IT a rare act justice equally available for ell cit zens, neither exemplify logic per com- mand 'evert. The Difficulty of R lorm. Wontstock "eutinei-t:eviete. it is calculated that the mesrnre of tatiff revision now before the United States Senate will lower the Dingley tariff by seven1l•eno•ne-hnndt•wltlt of one per cent. . And this after a pro- tracted trolitiral eampaign in which both parties pr•tifrss..l tole in favor "f a revision that would affot d euTtiitanit ( I relief. There 1Ltee_not seem In be much in the result .tu_boaet-of._eo.f it as the people are concerned. But it ie the way with protective tatiff.. However dim ult the upward prowess, the task of scaling down bacotrtra in time almost -al impossible one. The mo•ected itit h ts are always alert, nd tire aro nrt•anized; they know a st•tLe y ss ...1 ::nd they know how to et it. „ Vher_ ::r t-ic .^.vi:wt;s Are. f• :t 1.4 041icr. One s only to travel through the Ni..gnrn • isttict to become impressed with the Aloe rtf nn electric railway .ervie a to t hN firmer and fruit- gr.nvet. 11 I ui t ()t the Province is being gridi .ed with electric line., Vintage, tow eit y and- country me Firing brought i t" vel y crime relation• ship by na.mai o1 1,, •e.vicea. All the erhsn commit ties show new life ass result id-tt•e tarn. People are encouraged to soft!- " It » I- rms. Vila lege and town lite is r tile pleasanter for those who ran, ret-. i•q resist the allurements of the big ci v. Travel is cheaper and easier than . was when stone' t stlways ,held the t tire field and managements in ' To into and Montreal dictated mete or lee obnoxi- ou. terms to helpit•.s custnmet , The new era is one to stimulate p educ- tion and industrial- enter Nr make :evidence in the districts se ed popular with homeaeekers. And c Rai is likely to flow steadily tower( those parts that show condition, that bespeak prosperity and p: agrees. Something to He Proui Of. Montreal Witness, We sometimes hear that politics makes strange bedfellows. It may also be said that politics twinge queer people into ()Mr.*. We presume it was politics which selected the super- intendent of schools of Dyker Brzenk, in Maine, who *eat In the following report. rho Nt•w Yo(k Evening fret conchae that it is printed entirely es published in 1 he animal report of the Selectmen" : During the Past ) e it gaol 'attest has hears shown by Nearly all of the teachers they have shown good inter Stranger Than F ct,on. En -many -parte ref Australia; where civilization has not yet secure! •h of -a footingrbhw..lt rissina aikle stwge- coaches still transport mail and pas- 'mongers -iter desolate to i. s t land othrwise inaccessible. On one s f these trips a tenderfoot was sitting next to the _drive . who, in Accordance with the, u.t of these fellows. was stuffing the younger with all sorts'of wild stories. - "Yes," he putstled. 'you'll see lits of things over here: \Vhy, in this part of the country the kangaroos. collect and distribute the mails," A little later on. by great good fortune, * kangaroo happened to be standing up on his hautuates right against the rnt,th *Inge trail -some distance off, looking intently towards the coach. "There you are I- said the driver calmly, pointing out to the kangaroo. "There's one of 'mu oust- -See the mailbag aruuzul-- his -tieclt)'- Sure enough. there was a keno/Aron. and the pouch arrangement which Nature has bestowed upon this animal for the rnrrying of its young looked at this distance uncommonly like a mailbag. At the sante thine the ten- derfoot was it bit skeptical. The driver knew exnctly how near he cold get to the kangaroo before fear overcame its natural curiosity, an -4 when the (alit( had been reached - he gave his whip a great crack and shouted nut . at the cup of his voice. ••We've nothiug fur you Garay -- nothing foryou today !" Off went the kangaroo by leaps and Founds. 1 rsrx 0r 111110. ('ITV err 7.01.1C DO. 1 - 1.1',' n. ('"1' sTT. I 's' Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the nrnt of F :'J. 1' henev & Co. doing ba•itte.wlathet:-ltyef-Telede,t'anrit, and'Stat• afore -rid. and tha, said urn. will ;sty the sum of t t.E 111'NUItED tNA.1,AI:y for each and every cmw of 1 catarrh than c.mnot be cured by the 14C of Hall's Catarrh l nr _ FRANK ('HESE:I-. Sworn to before mend tubsc bed in my press tile -0,11)1.5h day of December. ,D. Iwst iSoall A. W. (i1.F:ArIN, NOI,ory Pistillc. 11.111. ('March Cure i.' taken internally. and misdirect!), ou the hhwxt and mncout surfaces of 14..ystem. (tend for testimonials (tees F..1 tui: N F: y it (U., 10-1 n. kIfTcI- Foniiy ll'IIr consupatb. Central Business College A Steady Flow. 'Mighty as you are, you will event- ♦ truly eloquent parson had leen i dally dry up. but nut 1'' • IT'S TIME EVERY MAN HAD HIS Spring Suit Trade -11,1s Ist•ii good, especially. in the illgh clothing- people are so well pleased with our cloth, the splendid patterns, nobby style and general mak.- Lip, that they don't mind paying a -little extra to go something especially good. - Now if v; ., litv.•u't got your Sp' ing Suit yet. get it now and get good selc,tion. Pi ices 512.110 it, w'-1' fist, SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY At $I2.51, new Spring Suite, in tine English Worsted—new coloring- -int dark brown stripes. (Imre-britt.,n, sit+e le- la•errt.rt,-altek styes, taus. cuffs and flaps., (test 1 ' us. and Made ill N0.1 style. Special 812.50, TROUSERS—k'iftraapairi.art-darkstrewvmtct1Troueet-t. t,•gnl,ir price $2.5O. Special for Sattirday. oufl' $2.00 Sole agent for 2014 Century Clothing, King and norsahno Hats WALTER C. PRIDHAM J 0 W1; HAVE TOLD YOU THAT STANDS re •y to help young men and women to 11 independence and success. It hat liven the start to thousands upon t'.usands of young people. it can help ou. Write for Catalogue. Enter any ime. W. 1f. SHA Yonge and Gerrard Sts • Toronto. CENTRAL eilii STRATFOfD, ONT. With twenty-two years' exper- ience to its credit 11118 college is recognized as the greatest practical training school in Western Ontarirr, 4 Three departments: J COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND 1111 and TELEGRAPHY Our classes- are tLe largest, our coursen most practical end our instructors experienced. OurK rad• nates are assisted to positions and Isiscreed as mote otheta. Enter now. Get our free catalogue. 1T:f.1.orrf Ai MCT.AilIILAN, Principals. ENTER ANY TIME GOO ICH BUSINESS COLLEGE ha. t.euo e..ted in the er,rlhle of ex. pertenee, th the fire of 1,111141e opinion• and he. not men found wanting. rhe oneness of marinates ha. ant Aron excelled, Not he largest, Mit the high est grade m rn theins.. School In Wn+tern 1lntarin Individual Instr. etlon. No ,araliou. Mall 1 nurse.. F: or any day. Write for portion 11F.:4).`tl'OTTI)N' Principal. Martill `nll). ppcu reP i nt I.' hili Blur It covers `3311 square feet, two coats. It wears longer and Itlitks better than any other paint. It is absolutely pure, that's why. We have hundreds of people using -it: they want the hest; they get it in MARTIN SENOUR 1011 per cent. pure PAINT. Be- low we give' you a list of -names of a few people who have used it. Ask any of them if the. paint is not the best, they know. I{ev. B. Nott,. Mr. McCracken, Mr. Boyce, Mr. Nott, M,-iteck Ilays, Ili, (fallow, Mr. 1)an. Meturen, Mr. Jas. Dickson, Mr. I)I Bickle. The following first-class painters use and recommend MARTIN SENOUR ion per cent. pure PAINT, \Ir, 1), Munroe, \ir. D. Black, Mr. W. Black, 'fir. A. Snazel, Mr. Geo. James. Our Public Buildings require the best paint. The Jail, the hospital and the Court House • are painted with MARTIN •SENOUR too per cent. pure PAINT. - -- -Our Guarantee— We guarantee Martin Menonr faint not to chip, flake or peel off, and to give setlefaettan In every ease, and WE MAKE GOOD OINK (1 'ARANTEE by giving the money back to any customer returning th mpty can if the paint does not do all We claim for it. f you are going to use paint wo want you to c e in, lot us show yon we have the best pat t, and get a color card. Whitehead, Oils, Varnish and Brushes. See Our Lawn Mowers. V,'e have early mol„• al the la,... t Innes, WI. sharpen and repair Lawn Mowers. Screen Doors, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Refriger- ators, Lawn Hose, Sprayers. Pure Bluestone for spraying fruit trees. You 11 buy the best and buy it cheapest at Worsells' HARDWARE, and PAINT STORE.