HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-20, Page 1A
Trade -
Adveruaug to THE SIG-
NAL awns new trade and
holds the old. I( you have
made your pale and dont tare
whether you do business or
not don't advertise. „
A Good
A well -printed letterhead, on
good paper, gives a firm's cor-
respondence an appearance
which at once recommends the
buuacsr in whose behalf it is
sent. THE SIGNAL prints
this kind of business stationery.
vANATTER t ROBIi:KTsoN. Pi/autumns
1 am offering. fur sale Debentures hearing interest
at five per cent. per annum. payable half -yearly.
These debentures offer an absolutely rate and prof-
itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having
money to invent to, be run• to call and awe me.
nil &hangsof running. advertise-
ments must be NR at this offlcu 6jt
tdonday noon to ensure Insertion
in Issue of Nene week.
Tuuruoav, May = th.
Fall /Wheat, tar bush 31 15 to 3 t 15
wfeg.t beat, per bush- _--t-.- teeter .. i.. t*.
firs per bust u W to u 611
kwheat.Iwr burls o et to 0 et
Oats ht„ par b'L 0 Seto 0 43
0 psi to 9 !u
eta:M J -.i
Screenings ter ton. .tate to el Le
Flour, fr•.dly. per cwt 3 )u to a u,
Four., .stent, esircwt • :12.i to 3 4
era• ,es. u )
1 l n . U Irl
S44Jrb•, per ton 'j„ •Li in to :tl •I
Hay, per ton a ,m, to it Ira
Wood, per cord f )0'to a )111
Nutter, per IA. , „e ,,,- L 1» to u DL
Cheerer. per Ib 4 iJ to a 13
Kelm, fresh, per dose,0 I7• to' 9 Iv
Potato, new . .. . ' .YI to :.i
('stele, ordin'y to good, per cwt. 4 S1 to .i e3
CaeU.. septal. pet AWL -
LanHsaw s 'Ito •`
Sheep, per ewt - 3 81 1. tin
Hann, per Ib It 17 tu 17
Macon. per lb X15 t0 0 Y)
,perlb i3 io IS
Tallow. per Ib
ers or Boarders Waatod
1)M:IL9 OR 1(00M ERS WAN'''.
'ow.gLadlee preferred. t'omfort-
nven(ent to .4 ttivtitut5,
ser Of lake. Apply at THE 811....
ted to Rent
with modern
rwmectiuu. Apply
to has. A. Nairn.
)vmNatace,, alto bare in
C. S. KW IN(i, sN•Gi,..or
'Dill ED 1100M
Apply to MRS.
, 1110 HINT. -A F1'lt.
---1 to rent{,, A lady prefer
-- l'-. LETSON, SL Devld'. ',tree
1 sldenoe of Mira Buchanan,
IiuA SLAndreW entreet.. Meltable
eery meet* oe-fa, law it eaueie w)
ply. Goad lawn. fruit trees. town wa
water. Terme sere reseolable.
a11ti" BUC'HANAN. 011 the P
ALKX. YUCNG.t'arlow P.O.
F THF Rt'r
ler of Nebo*
ther for eta -
muesli law •
r. arse soft
POT to
ism. Or
Beal Mate tor bale.
$1,500 Nine -moot frae houu-r withto
,' fraow stable enmpreuen.
s$1 )300 leRht-room frame house,
• l4rrn•ru,a, fraune cottage, $1,000 .Ub1e on the preuuses.
Sl,a00 Good to -room frame house.
- ._._.__ $1,0w (food frame house. 7 room.. '
$1,350 Good frame house.
All the*e properties to be sold l0 close estate.
lAt aeree with '3t, potato to crop frame
kuu.e with okone in, Price $1.Um including
crop. land a rich loam. IA1 acres at-lnt per
was!. broken and fenced, Tnls be a snap. a*
hitt nr1 going up every year. ler acre* with
3004 buildings. eel aotea broken ; price rs) per
*,•m. 14001 locality and piton* In house. An;
of - 1,-e can be taught 1n ea.y term*. J. H.
1 Kw't4LEY. Yorkton. Sask.
II sets -Well .Rusted trams li story
hoose. corner Cambridge street and 13ritannta
mad, containing 7 loofa*. Mlle, pantry, wash -.room. cellar. ora : stone foundat oo. Al
in gad repair. Roth lots can be sold with
Ilea*, 0r wear -away, ea desired. 11 not sold et
m1,e, house will be rented. Terms res.onable.
For further tartirulers apply to HENRY
HI/RN KY, Proprietor. or UIS), HECKKTle
,A u(tione.r.
IM to Ola
Hider. per.cwt4.,.,,.,-,.,...,,,,,•,,• _a en 40 a 34
sheep skin) IA tri 1
It%lckent§ . 111 to W
Turkeys . ..... ..,.., e12 to 11
()ut.lde markets page a this week.
• Auction Sales.
OtrokS OF X1.1. 1.11pWRII'TlON'
t' 40 3a 7113 MA4auKMes r ns.
MO DAY. MAi. 3l, 2 O'CLOCK
We hay decided In addition to our, monthly
Market to aye i mammoth Aucttun Sale and
invite cele front any persons having horses
to therms.
We will gu ntee to have the buyer* here If
you furnish th hoest. Sale to be renducted
on the smite p clple se the large horse sales in
Co*LI7maa:- n entrance fee of is fur each
burse. 2 percent. f sold; nothing if not sold.
Buyers w111 has the privilege of trying
horses until N ocloe or day of sale : if horses
ere not found se rep seated pout money will
be refunded. Our am toaive satefia:Uon to
both buyer and setter,
200 HOR•'ES.
ERIN, corner Market street and YAW,
avenue. Five minutia walk leen churelie-
.011uo1*, postern a and .tore'. r)ewer 1n Elite
**,nor. l'antrular* may be had from J. 1•
/MO W X. l iodcrl.11.
L lot. for .-,ale, .ituaret in Newgate ani
trio r.., Ulderich. Term. *ts may ere
agree a `ran, For particulars apgly to F. J.
Wt111HAL- _
HOUSE FOi4 13ALen. - A NBW
brk•k dwelling, with t he modern ImGruve-
nlrnts, pleasantly situated and near that/Aare.
Apply to W. It. R(1tIItTSON,
NTOHY brick house. with *even rooms,
nn Brucestreet_ Particulars ea) be had by
telling at HIUNAL Office.
■ ('KSSIO\ A t'olborne; 127 orate, of good
sol, been ruder grass for eight year*, 0441*
east of Dunlop and :H miter from lice erich
with good buildings and artesian well and
windmill. S *erre of orchard. beat. of *Inlet
fruit, anti ten acre. of bush. For ,Articular,'
Apply to JAS. YOUNG:. jr., Nu N waters a.,
/wage. 111. _ _ _
I' tip the e.t*tc of the late U. C. Shannon,
41. D., his late residence Is now for *ale. It le
in very fair condition, haw modern cons enlete
.es, 1•*1) he inslsret'.I a6 any time. For further
lealeulare apply to I'toudtoo4, Hays k Blair.
• C. J. HAMILTON Executor.
Hs Orrice Tc o.,Ino
ettraellegiea Canasta 411,000,on0
To Rliaciel V R n4,l'e181T$
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
Highest current rate of interest
paid In our
on tlrpeleits of 11.04) and upwards.
A. G. GAMBLE, Manager.
Send for entrance cant, ving a de*erlptlon
of your horse for rale. Add s*
Tilt UUl/KitICH Hlri K MARKET.
liuderich. Ont.
UR, W. F. CLAaw, V .R., JA w t'oM1ol.l.r,
I'reride);l. ` .r-Prpedent
A. O. (1 seine., Mgr, Sterlin Bank,
Urn Item k,'tecreinry. Treasurer.
;:,.tom t
s.1 !' g t -Tfatv
/ 411:0".11-4M 4W• %p.%
4.7 Auction House. -.1
n ti!y
f '1h' mas'1e 1 ni
furniture «41440.14 reverye, :
ye are continually ahang(ug the list award
Ing ae the dIRereut places Are mold. Now 1. 1 he
pupae time to buy. 1)o nut put it oft' until it I-
I ate,
li street: barn on the place. Ilse minute.,
walk from the Square: at A bargain for lumen•
late sale. ..
1001) BRICK 1101'HE. ELECTitl('
elf light and furnace, on Trisfalger street : n
near Wheel HON Factory. A snap.
Write. 'phone or rail at. the Auction Homme.
Furl her tarticulan, from
BK(•KETT i ('0.
Notioe to Creditors
1 N.i lee is hereby given to ell persona having
claims against the e.tAte of JAMVAVut•to, late
Of the village of Auburn. in the county of
Huron, ,,*w-ndller, deceased. to send 1n same
duly verified to W. T. Riddell, of the said
village of Auburn, Merchant. on 01 before the
atth day of May, liana, after which date the
* rnitaattwwtsla. el his .estate . will distribute
seine among the persons. entitled 'there 10,
haring regard onlyto threw clanns_of which
she has notice anwill not he liable for the
proceeds of the e.t*te so distributed to any
pones of whom, claim notice shall notbevy
been received.
Dated at Auburn this 13th day of Nev. A. D.
PO*. M. 1t. Yl l'NO,
0:34. Ad m i n i -tram r.
Netter ie hereby elven pursuant to R. R. O.,
!'hap. 129. that All ered)tnrs and others having
•Ialme against the estate of Use add Christen
Sprung, whn deed on or *Lout -*ha _Brat day of
May. Mee are required oh or before the 11 rat
day of June, It✓ te .end er deliver to the
undersigned..ollcltor for charts* eilrt•1n, of
the township art Wawann'h. In the minty of
Haran, the executor of the ..IA estate. their
Christian end nrrn*me., addrraes, end de-
'rriptlona, full •,artleulars of their Malmo end
statement of their alv'.innt and the nature of
the *merit les, If Any, held by them.
And feather take notice that after such
last'menttooed date the -ane executor will
proceed to dl.trlhnte the sett. of the.ii'eiamed
among the partiee, entitled thereto, having re
Bard only to the claims of which he shall then
have not. and the! he will not no liable for
the saki aaseta, or any fart thereof, to any per
eon or persona of whose elate notice .hall not
have been received to the time of such dis-
Dated the 71 h dal M May. A. n. eigt
('HARLEe OARltt,w,
MolieltOr for Chitties lilryin, Kea%V.
Rey. Mr. Hinder -Married.
tha Hatucxlay- task 1tev. M. Tur
rector of St. George'rchurch. officiate'
at the marriage at the church of this
former rector of Trinity church, Hay-
field, Rev. W. Hindi, to Mrs. Hudie,
of Hayfield.
Navigation Notes.
The arrivals of grain bottle the pant
week at the elevator were the Turret
Cape, Turret Court, Dundee, Midland
Queen and Scottish Hero.
The steamer Leland and tow
Canaille arrived on Tuesday night,„
with cargoes of coal for the Big Mill,
and are unloading.
New School Trustee.
Dr, W. S. Turnbull was elected
public school trustee' on Tuesday
night at the nomination meeting for
the vacancy in the St. Andrew's want
representation on the board caurevl by
the resignation of Jamey fait. His
nominator end Iecnntler were James
Tait and l3', E. Uodgens.
Successful Students.
'Among the successful students in
the recent exminuet ione at etas Seined
of Praetical Science, Toronto, we
notice the uawe of G._ .IL __Kiliutt, t1f
town, who pawned his second year it
irrt -engineering -.•ourse-
honors. The nacre of J. Isbister, a
former G. C. 1. student, appeals in
t d year list in mechanical and
electric engineering.
Many Goderich friends will be inter-
ested in the ennoutcceweht of the
warr•itige on Friday Iasi of Miss
Eleanor Isabelle, only
and Mrs. Thomas McGillicuddy of
Toronto, formerly of Goderich. The
bride is the daughter of a onetime
proprietor of lhie loomed and The
Signal joins in best wishes. The
happy groom it Gordon Menzies
Ilolmee, of McMaster College, Tor-
Smith Properties Not Sold..
Twopropertie9 on Kingston street
belonging to the witness-- pt -41144 late
Abraham South were offered for sale
at aoction-os Monday. but no trans-
fer was
rans-ferwas made, as there was very little
demand, the bids le•iug away below
the value. These propertiea were l he
corner lot adJ'oining the King Ed-
ward hotel stn) the property on the
corner of Kingston and Victoria.
streets. A vacant lot on Cypress
street also was offered.
New Furniture Factory.
The Ideal Furniture Factory is the
name --under --which- AL: new :hi►sitiess
venture in Goderlch it 'advertising.
The teen behind the venture are Ed-
ward Robinson, Grunge Snaith and
Alfred Vt ilkin and they have secured
the. 'factory building arrows front the
King Edward hotel on -Kingston
street, where they are fitting up
machinery. The ground floor will be
the machine shop and the upstairs
will be devoted to the finishing de-
partment. The management expecte
to have things running in a few days.
Mrs. Rumbait Wins.
The results of The London Advertis-
er's European trip contest were an-
nounced on Tuesday, and in district
No. a -comprising the counties of.
Huron, Bruce and Perth -the winner
iw Mrs, J. A. Rurubalt, of lioderich.
The result is very gratifying to Mrs.
Rumtlall's friends, whn stood by her
loyally throughout the contest and
rolled up for her a total vote of BO,.,
:lel. A itrucefteld lady, Miss Mary
Uibsou, was second in this district,
with a vote of 12..112, and gets a con-
solation prize in the shape of a trip to
the Kootenay.
The Horse Market.
The directors of the lioderich horse
market announce a mammoth sale to
he held on the alst of May. As there
will h.. hoses a lrotn_ all' parte - of _the_
country, for all eLtwsem of hors's. we
xpect to Neeb etre of the largest
lbellimgs the town ham bad for some
e, and the:prowoturs should be
Lost or Found
1 111T. -ON THE 30TH OF APitll„
J in to . or on the Dunlop 10.d, a 41*ly-
fawn-coin, . raincoat. Felder will please
laevo at SIONALotflce, " 1-t
S1tii. tions "Vacant
i r eakiaet a+ak Steady work. U as e
proferred who bus ,ad sour experience 10
making, Iarntory * *n4 (ante-. A .alp
tar03,wage.., TWIG 'CS#:X MMANI"Fitt
It: KIN GCee, awsex, B.
Al housework, Houses -(e. ling all eomplete,-
Apply to MKS. (1OOLt iv, . i'CICN11 •LL,
Monuewl Areal
11141. WANTED, -TO
Uf looper N) Whem on hosiery.
pert._ R. M. AA1.LANTYNF--,
a, tratford.
u.t be cx
to/. 1)01
31. - r
-ougratulated for their work and re-
crive every )'nemiruyewent from the
Wwuepe•uple: The horses will he sold
by auction, where everyone will, have
chance- to !rid anti know hew-Uw
are selling,
Huron Old Boys July 3rd.
The officers of the Hamm Old 11.)79`
Association of Toronto announce the
tenth annual exeinsiuw under the
auspices of the Association, which
will be run to Go,lerich and Winghain
ism Saturday, July :ird. Two special
trains will leiter the felon Station.
Toronto, at 7.15 N. m., stopping, at
North Parkdale, \Vi•Nt Toronto and
Brampton. It in expected that the
trains will arrive at their lesiwctive
de.tinatlons at 12 o'clock. Returning
enecial trains will It'ave (inderiell And
•Winghain on Monday, July 5th, at 6
p. w. Tickets :ire good: to return,
However, on any regular train On Sat-
ut•dey or Monday. 'fife return fate to
(ioderich is 61.85 ; children, I15c,
Municipal Notes. .
The Mayer and the town clerk
drove up to Kintail this afternoon to
Itjeet representatives flow Kincardine
and the town -hips tet Ashfield and
Huron wit1(4 reference to the appoint•
went of an engineer by the ill ullei pbl-
itteir- to safeguard -their inters -iota to
connection with the building of the
electric• railway.' The COI •hese aµ
Anted by tbe ciniu.•il consbdel of tbe
rt• Illenlllers
last y'ear's council, but roust of the
Members of the cowl '!tee hail *04.4,4.
ests to keep-thenl sat hi tee.
t war he
writ was issued 1 k in t
ease of the town 'walnut, the Wheel
(Ctgs tbmpany-f4oE tag- over 41
dispute as to the Ilinount. ne by the
company 00 repayment on t e munic-
ipal Loan.
Coal Contract Awarded.
At the weekly'nleeting of the ater
ntld light MOUltul4Nlon On Mo day
Spon was- the potehase of the ct
'empty fare ;the coming season T
fullowipg offer. were received : From
the Pittsburg end Buffalo Company,
Cleveland, $2.U5 ; Norfolk and Cheat.
peake ('nal CO., •ll.troit, Ked Jweket,
$'2.75: Fairmount Coal Co., Detroit.
112.15 ; Meadow Brook Coal and' Coke
Company, Detroit, $2.2.5. ' These
prices are for delivery at (Jdd.'rich
harbor. The offer of the Meadow
Brook Coe and Coke Corup.any, being
the lowest, was accepted. A sample
ear of their coal was received a short
time ago andtested et the pleat .hare.
The contract is for'2,1a)1 tons. A few
amounts were ordered traid. the larg-
est bring from C. J. llarper for
(311'.1)2, for lead pipil7for the -season;
Baseball on Victoria Day.
-711e-players whre-g,,-err-M;t,ht.1 i
Monday next, the 2tth, for the two-
ba-chall games between the two teems
will be es follows': J*ek -Tait. 1I. Bel"
altar. Jetties Wiggins, C. Webb, O.
beau. V. Dean. C. Devine, Jack Idis,
C. Black. L. Elliott and H. Walter,,
with Presto Strang As scorer. Fat
the first game Jay. Wiggin. and V.
(lean will be the 1attety and for the
second, the League game, Tait will be
it the pitcher's lox and I►tin will
eateh.--The proapecta are for a large
representation from .Gnderich at the
neighboring town on the holiday.
The G. l'. I. it showing up well in
the. game. Two Of the town team are
(I, (;• I. 'students, Walters and Dean,
and snotiieiiiiiident, 1)ii-ffa1dirntay.
son, Will play on the Lochalsh team on
Victoria flay; against Luckiow, et
Point Clark.
Death Of Mrs. Echlin.
After an illness of ten weeks Mib.
S. el Iychlin missed to the ivotle
unseen On 'Tuesday 1avt, and to the le-
teAved !unhand and children and the
ether r•l,atveti the sympathies of
y ft lends Ate extended. Mrs.
Rrhlin was eel slighter of \V, 1e fast
Let, lite 1.1 t',.Ilenne t. awn -hip Itud
now ,f'Gn,lcr tell, her 'teet e' ma melte-
ing renter- 14 ,4.41,1. Potter, and she
is etetteel'•l by foul s:Nters and live
blethers : \irs. D. :ticker. of A{inni:
pep,; NI re. feel, of New elexico: Mem.
Watts, of Arizona, land Miss Carrie
Putter, of town ; A. H. loner, of
Maple Leaf farm, flask, : Samuel Pot -
tet'. ti( ColIw,rne ; Sydney Putter. of
Regina i Will Potter, of thr Grange,
near Chicago. and I, :moles Pot'Ar, of
l.urktow, Mrs. Echlin leaves beside.
her Mistimed is family of three chil-
dren : Cecil, or Sault Ste :mail•, Mich„
and the Mises Roth And Uephls, of
town. The funeral will take plate to-
morrow afternoon to ('ailment' ccto)•
lot y.
Women's Inst:tut. Meetings.
In the list of Women's In•tlhill
meeting ...to he held doting 1 .c a •.t
two mouths the fnllowiug in thus
Merrily are noted. The aprak,v'. f,o
lhe•ae meetings are Mre. L. '.1.' Ashley.
of Ieu leeb)I11', and Mts. W. 1Vuelan1.
of Forest. The dates are :
June 16,
Kbm, dren flail.
11, Clinton, council chamber.
. - 14- i2) Huin/esville, Mrs. Mulhol-
- afternoon.
'11,IlayIebl, town half,
L's., Exeter, Senior's hall.
,. 111, Ie,ndeshoru', 1'i IT.•t's hull.
ii 17, %%Ingham, C. (f. F. hall.
,1 Is, St. Helens, public lien.
1!t, Kintail, Young's hall,
21. I,ucknow, towabaft, after -
n, )n.
21;, hI,ievnle, Foresters' hall.
'•'.ti', Jamestown. MUS. James
('itt'u home, afternoon
Victoria (fall. evening..
1, Welton, A. 0. 1'. %V. hall.
, Ethel, township hall.
Gerrie, town hall.
2. idea -worth, Orange llall.
weary of the hug journey, needle' ilk
rrlict u'e&ple'a feaetlfor the ear as the
lit, color anti elit tel the costumes of
the women made Inc the eye. 'fhe
.tiarruritiun111 drive a bargain was teen
when ' of the men found their
way iliitvd town and (Rend tint •ender•
Gaud that a merchant meant the price
11e Beret quoted.
Their First March -out.
The •junior hand of the (iodt•riclt
Musical ).e•iety, which has been in
training. under Prof. Heinicke since
last fall, had its first ntat•ch-otat 011
Tuesday evening and Mule a very
fevurabte inlpreesion. There were
twenty-one players in the ranks. and
though they ere novice., most of
them having made their first lie-
'gltaintauce with their inatruulentr
only a few Hu)ntha ago, the way they
played on Tuesday giver prone* of
their becuming_a very 4(0(•ft)i lw•gani-
zatiun, The junior hind will give iia
first outdoor concert on the Square un
the Woo noon. of Vi.Un-i4. Day. The
33rd Regiment band wilt -commence
ill slimmer outdoor concerts shortly,
and we event to ba assured of plenty
of mimic this"1uwwer-
Osgood. Hall Notes.
Toronto, May Ci. --The J. 1. Ouse
"1'l,l•rs44-040 Alea:taiut. Cu. _of Xut'an1L.0 is
smug E. Livingston of Blyth, count y
of Huron, for the delivery to thtwl of
un engine, pump and machinery,
to be unjustly detained by detendant.
JaCui) Andrews of Lucknew has. had
a w4 -it iarued against George McCay of
Kittt•ardine, claiming $5,611111 ,damages
for alleged • falest abreast and malicious
Toronta), May I I. - -A reserved ease
was granted by the Court of Appeal
ye(erday horning in the case of the
King -against Willi+sris.1. lllulunia. sell•
!cowed by Judge It. L. Doyle of* the
county of Hutson to two and a hal(
yearteil the penitentiary on a charge
anductiuo at Sessferth t4 Maud
(lolly, daughter of Jots Bully. a lefa,l•-
er,At the towtahip-ot ilfchjllop.-the
!wing au unmarried girl under sixteen
ears of age. The gneettun, retest -vett
is, whether the evidence dis)•Iueted the
n nee charged or any trftrene for
tvhi h Holmes could limb:! ly be con -
j 1N'l'KD. - iMM1 1)1 AT1
f gond grist twill site, or grist mill. Im t e
money of Huron, near the town of tlotlerier
Will ray'pot cash, or give part cash end hal-
enrtln city property. Addy..-,. 110X int,' THE
SitiNAle_lieglcricll,._ le f
Notioe to Debtors.
OTiCET(1 DEHTOItM.--A1.1, f'ER-
11 semi. indebted to the meat* of the tate
James:Youn are required to gay their Re.
count* to W. T. 11144.11, Auburn, tnerrhant. on
or before the 14.h day of May, when all as.
counts not paid w•111 be pierce In .albs
Dated at Auburn this 13th dey of Mar. A, D,
1!eo. M. K. YutNO,
In td Adniin1st rat rix.
Public xeiiss.
e connr110f the eorpor*tion of the county
Meet th the rnnnal ehw
of Heron will 1st inner in
the town of OcdeHeh on the 1st day of June
next, at 3 oclock p•
All account• against the entity requiring
.('ttlenteet, must he placed with the clerk on
or before that%inlay. May erth.
11'. LANE, Clerk.
Dated May Pith, 141(1.
We Inter unr Ice llonee well
tilled and are prepared to sup-
ply old and new panting with
the beet quality during the
0041)4(144 Newton.
The Gypsies Transit.
About 11 n'r1 k thig anis ing a car-
avan of gypsies rriverl n Glalerich
and created Il e a excitement
along the route of ) eir itiferary, the
swarthy faces, and t gay eolms ,f
the .pewee* of the teen and chit•
dren,tivatngtthe AV. •f ailwho were
within sight. e pa y were on
their way from ' awn near raml (tend
trrttreiraumm• ramping R mule ftp
Maugeen way./ They made a top for
noon on the' omtnuns• near th aka -
lend bridge horses were hob d or
Allowed to' take te roll on the err .nil
men, wotoen and children sw•ar .4
from tile rigs, and the first passer- v
was greeted with, "Match, match,
front an old .gnaw with a hig meer-
*c um between her teeth. Demand*
fr snatches and requests to tell 0110'01
'thine, mingled with the brawl of an
tmknown Longer, and the peevishness
of ode or two of thq younger children
Victoria Street Church Concert.
;There\was a fair audience at the
,nncert given on Monday evening in
Victoria 'street Methoilist church,
end a program of real tnerit Was
given. The i4horuses were especially
well rendered. )ring given with pre-
cision, good tan quality and just ip•
imitation. Mrs. uogins sang 'a solo
in- ,- gave valued
issiltance in the 1:hor(Iw8. Tfltii
Cook anti W. J. Deelt were the other
vocalists, coutributi I((itlwrs which
were duly appre siiiited.r. Cook win-
ning an encore, to whiclt\however, be
.lid nut respond, Messrs•\1'owrie and
Belcher rendered a duet, Mkaan. Hale,
Drew, Belcher and Powrie a quar-
tette 'and a &utile quartee(te was
given by Mesdames bugging a Giv-
ens, ;thane., Nicholson and NI hers
and Messrs. Puwrie, Drew,-
)rew,and Hale. Mr. Kerslake gavel a
cornet solo which deservedly won an
encore and his second number was
equally enjoyable. A piano- duet by
Mrs. JaMee Andrews and 1). Lertune
Millysuvd was excellently given.
Mr..Millyard actedws accompanist for
the evening. with the exception of the
acrnmpnn intent- -tie- -Alam..-Buggine'
+ung, which was played by Mr.
Jordan. Mise Levy's recitations made
a pleasing variety in the program and
the dialogue Wes annething along
semi -dramatic pines which created
ranch interest.
Death of Mrs Ramsay.
After aN1 illness of Wont five emu's
fr chrome bronchitis Mrs. W. ..J.
Ramsay passed away Pit Thursday
List at the age of forty-eight years
and eight months. During the last
flys. weeks of her 11141118:. she hall been
"rnnfhtcd to lewd. The funerad took
place on Sunday lafterno in. the ser.
t'irr stthr hotter heir( eontleeteit by
)111 a s'
Rev. 1 r. Dougall, and the . t rupee at
the graveside- by Rev. \\, A. Smith,
of Dungannon. The pall heaters wt•re
Elliott, Samuel Sheardnwn,
Chapman She,trdown, Thomas Nich-
olson, Leonard Westbrook and .101m
Robinson. All the beet hies and
sisters of tete deceased were herr for
the funeral : a Mr, and Mfrs. J. %V. Mug-
ford, of Newcomers, Ohio; Mrs. Kip -
pen, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Mu ford, of Heaflrrth ; Albert,
Martin seed Fred Mugford. of Col-
borne( and Mee. -(plats--► L laWlu.y._nC
Nrwmatket, a sister of Mr. Ramsay,
Filo, was here, Mrm. Ilamsay was
horn in the township Of Mat•tpnsa,
Vu:tot in rottnty, where her tnsrriesee
look place, 1 •Iliately nater their
to. triage Mr. and Mee Ramsey
moved to Uuderich township, near
Holinemville, and for the paid twelve
years the family heal been residents of
ticslerich. Besides the bereaved. hus-
band a fancily off -four children sur-
vive, all residing in town : Mrs. Keen-
an, and Misyee Nettie and Lily and
Percy. itt hurtle.
The Rebekah Degree. '
1,•tst Thirsdav Mr.. Barlow, of Oa1t,
preMddrnt of the Rebek*h llsseulhly of
Ontario, was in lawn to institute a
lodge here in connection with the 1.
tJ -l1 .F La 1 he a(ternog11 1.4e lodge
!vee init1(4101 Ana Hite work colifpt•Y'ed
on the charter members, after which
an in-Dmitri/nerd wits made until A
1i dark in -the warning. 1'ol•ty or fifty
pe r'0ll') Ie•tarlle l)1enth011 in the, even-
ing and rec(•ived the degree, after•
which 1 he elect lain n( ufThIere wee prn-
ree.le•cl with, The instailAtion of of -
firers followed, Mts, li.at•Inw acting as
deputy grand Master (and District
Deputy Taylor, of 4 Beton. net grand
rnar•hnll, and the following ofYlrerq
were dilly installed : N. (4., Mrs. J. 1,
Moore- ; V. ti„ Mrs. 1'harhee Reid : re-
corling secretary, Mims Kate (hindry ;
financial secretary, Mee. ti. M:dwarde
treasurer, MIs. Gibson ; warden, Mr..
ltltrryt Reid ; rnnductnr, Milts Fal•
enner ; chaplain, Mrs. )ltrongh ; It. S.
N. 4,., Mr•s, W. T. Marney ; 1..
(4,, Mrs. Frank -Martin.; K. S. V. (1.,
Mies Falconer; L. S. V. (i,leMrs. J, J,
Edward ; iI. S. yMiss Cowan ; 1., el,
`(.. Mine k, Campbell ; 1. (i., Miss
Spence; O. 0., Mn. Oeorgn Williams;
organist, Mrs. Harry Martin. After
other matters of Noblest; had beets.
transacted on adjournment was made
the banquet. hall, where refresh-
'nta were serval, followed by an in -
ft al dance. The meetings of the
I(at will hr held twice' month and
the It meeting will be on the 27th
Crabb - demi:Mail
The Toronto Globe last Thursday
load t he following, which is of local in-
lete 4, truth the ht•ole and gcOotlt
'wing well known locally ; "The hula.
of Mr, A. U. MacViear, 211' St. Clarens
.venni.. *Mt the seetu '-7'tti'tltttt -bet
pretty wedding on Tuesday, May 11.
when his aunt. Mrs. Elizabeth Stew•
wart Campbell, was united in mar-
riage to Colonel Christopher (7. Crabb
of t'hieago. The ceremony was con•
ducted by the Rev, %V. li. Findlay of
St. I:noch's Presbyterian church in
the presence of immediate friends. and
relatives only. The bride, who seas
given away by her nephew, wore a
hand -embroidered Parisian gown of
old ruse Venetian cloth, with picture
hitt to match, and carried a shower
bouquet of roses and lilies of the val-
ley. The bridesmaid, Misr Lillian
Young, was gowned in white Bilk
tr11t11, went carried' a bouquet elf' pink
roses. Colonel Holwau ti, Purinton,
of Chicago, a veteran of the AlllPriean
chittour, the Spanish-American war
and Philippine campaigns, assisted
the groom. The g1Cruuul's present to
the bride wee a ne.•k►ace of pearls and
diattlonda end a twin pearl ring. set
with diamonds ; W the bridesmaid, a
jewelled pendant and to the !test men
a diamond and pearl scarf ria. After
hen heon Ttie happy pair left for an U , 1111 h 1 I the
extet:dtd tour, taking in the Broad
Canyon of Arizona, - !California and
etre Tutt, 11'illiaot etreeL len on Tuesday
marmot en a vitt. to an da ill ' r, Mrr. (Aar);
Mexico returning by way of the euro Kngene Allan, toad will {,enA •month
uw.tone ' a1 , lenient, H. C., with mu and her hwbaud at thou home, 1)e -
and the Grand Canyon and Royal 11041•
Store and t 11100 Fittings, etc. -The Ideal Fur. Factory s
Cabinetmaker Wanted -eugenic Mlle Co,
!iuetee. N. H ..
tall ncoet hilae- he rt11 1
Novelties for t'letorie )ay -D. Millar Co..- 3 '
Jen., Meeting -Huron County Council 1
you Fly High -Georgie Johluton . 1
\veddtng` Gifts -W, E. Kelly ' 1
ing 11'e*k s Selling -Cameron & Moors.. , . , . 4
ladle. Waist. -John Stead , a
Excursion to Toronto -u. T..R a
lteAder U. 'r. It a...........•,•. 1
Announcement -ileo. lleckett. .... I
Plumbing, Heatms, etc,-W,1 nadir • 3
Superb Showing of Summer MUlloery-$oft- e
.Lt 10i). Heat.
beat -J. H. Colborne 4
Announcement. --Henry Mornay. Carlow 1
Furnishwt Room to hent -Mrs. C. Iwtaoa,1
Annwnlceu)ente-Y 8. Crompton* Co 1
`teen Anto111n, Texas. anti wfll rflmala in GOds-
rich fur .awe month..
Mise Tuw leeud, of Bellwood. Ont., arrived in
mermen 'tun.day, to .peud the Seamon et The
Fronteuac, the residence of her brother. H. .4
Mrs. Frank Elliott b home front et, John's
Hs-.ital._.Tomtite, where she underwent an
1,peratioi.. She war, away for come weeks end
i' recovering slowly.
Mr.. W. F. Latimer has returned (roan
etratfuld, where .he ,pent .il weeks In the
hospital. We are gird to knew that Mrs Lai -
mer is much benentted.
VVe regret to learn that Mrs. Alex. Kirkbride
of town, who has ta•eu spending- the winter
with herda)ghter. ling J. Wy+oma, of IMytoa.
a. .na o.pto re.
Gorge of lulur lu hrb 'le travel-
led in a grey tailor -mule suit, with
Parisian lace+ waist and grey totter,
with plume*. They will be at home
In their friends at 55 Lal{eview
avenue, Chicago, after July let.'
Frank Munro Wedded.
Matt)' readers of l'be Signal will be
intereet.•d it) the announcement of the
wedding of Frank Munro, of Winni-
Re . Black arrty i w
ed n town tied from
1'asa. eon, Cal., to .prod *new works. He is
up ,plena but retort. In. wife end family es in
nee rate health. lila many friends are glad to
me hint.
Rev. Joeeph and Mr.. Elliott lett on Hater
day for Montreal, en room fora European trip.
At bions. real they were to joined b1 their sen.
Jerk. ['hey Intend to spend some time In
France end will be away about eve montke.
Mr. ala( Mrs. Frank/Meerq who wars wait
ded at Truro, N. S„ on etas-eth Inst., were to
town this week on their hot%ymoon. They are '
peg son, of Mrs. D. E. Munro• of visiting Mr. Munro. mother• Mrs. D. F:.
Aul)ua Munro, al Auburn• before going t0 their ItMme
u,- which took place at, Clifton. 44, we natag-
N. S., on the 8th inst. The Truro Frank Turner, a former welfknowu GoderIch
Daily News reports the pleasant event boy. late of %vi...Uwe. 1. In town this week.
LL. fulluwN : Mr. Turner le taking a nier'.e In medlefne .a
"A ver t home waeddiu wok Toronto Cnlversity end having completed W
9-P X R-ltrend. t'ir wpending .few days with hir ole(
place•, at the hums of Mr. and Mr,. friendsln Uoderlch beforereturning (o Wln-
Afexauder Chisholm, Clifton, nn May news fur the vacation.
U, when their daughter, alias Georgia,
he-wifc of Frank Munroe -tet Chance to ProftL__
Winnipeg. The parlors were heautt- We have just received a long-dis-
fully decorat)d with carnations 1(cul . tanee'phone cell from our Brantford
mayflowers and plotted plants, and .lure, saying that they have wade an
US, held& Tarty attest in a hewer of enormous purchase of over 5C0 charm-
blwgts. Oueats to the number of in New York wash suits for ladies
fi/ty aritnesaed the ceremony, which I and misses, at less than half-price;
was Peek' m d by ttrv• Mt•, McLe0t1 ' ani that they are sending to Ooderich.
of CliRon,. The bride mss bitlautitulty in time for :Saturday's selling, 164 of
guwnr,l in a whirr. .int uurs 1)111', those- stylish garments. We are in -
empire style, 'with trimmings of rose., strutted to say that at ff„o'clock Mat-
p41ul1acr bar ,yyell taring caught" uP ut lay morning those- extraordinary
with mayflowernt, and carrying a twits will be on sale. The regular
bouquet of bridal P054') She was at- Prices are =74.54), $9, $10 and $11,5I,
lesidwi .by her sister, Mas. Mattie
Choice of the lot $L.2a. E. B. CaoMP-
Uhishotm, and curtain, 44 Gluiye Tl)v & Co _
Crowe, who, wearing dainty white, I ----- -
with picture hats and bouquets of ti. T. R. Excursion to Toronto.
pink carnations, made pretty brides-om was attended by An excursion will to run byUrand
maids. The groom
Mr. Harry Chisholm, brother of the Trunk Railway from Godtlrio h Lo
bride, The wedding marches were Toronto on Thursday, May 27th, lesv-
played by Mrs. George Black. At the nig on the 7:1(1 a. uL train. and re-
turnin on anytrain on the al3tb,
conclusion of tits ceremony. a
luncheon was served. - after which this I For th excursion the special low fare
newly -married couple were driven to of $2,115` -tor the rand trip is offered ;
Trurochild(1 R. station, aca)mpwnied
a14 fesPleb
u Qui 51.3. The O. T. K. has a
bynumber of friends. Mr. and Mrs.. to and (_
Monro left n•
by Maritime Ex es. for floes no
their future house in Winning, visit. I t le
ingen route Quebec, Montreal, Toron- allowing t
to and other cities, and will be at Through ca
bot11etrs'Winnipeg in the course of a and informs
few w *. The presents received by "ea.town t1
this popolar bride were numerous and 0^e1 a, m, to 0
valuable,Cpnsisting of silver, cut glass,
linen and Cheques. The groom's gift
wee a banderrine pearl and diamond
ring, and to\the bridesmaida whole
pearl rings."
Case Dismissed. Two dinners on th
M lay lust was ennlewhat of a hot- days at hotel in
iday, or at all events a day oit for only five dollars
.\shfield residents. a Targe muter of cheap outing, and th
whom were in town for the prelimin- cost. There is alwa s something to
ars hearing of the cane against two see at Detroit, and it i worth all this
Ashfield young men. Dean and (1'Cu11- ' trip costa to spend two aye there, to
nor• who were charged with breaking say nothing of visiting our friends.
.irteoI, Mctter's- *tore windows at Port. This in the eleventh yea Lha White
Albert. Some thirty witnesses had I Star Line has made it pis able to take
been summonsed by the Crown, and in : smell a delightful trip at low cost.
addition there were it oral Many Only R I
I li0forthe
Y 8 round nd ripon the
t e
spectator* fn
m the northern town- '
Grn )'hu
cul and :aIle for O R
of the
ship. Police Magistrate i3uUer pre- fins dinners. Remember the dater
sided. The hearing had hien ar- June I.O.
ranged for the town council chamber,'
but the areommodation was alto- ANNOUNCEMENTS.
gether inadequate and an adjourn-
ment was made to the court house.
The trouble took place on the last
rain service between Toroo-
erich, And the last train
ve the city until 7 p. to.,
e full day in the city.
b : no change. Tickets
Ion front P. F. Lawn. -
agent ; (Ace hours
. m.
The Greyhound Excursion.
An outing trip' f two hundred and
sixty miles on t t big, magnificent
steadier of the \White Star Line.
steamer and two
etroit at a oast of
a wonderful)
t is all it need
Big bargains in pictures at pp
sale at the Auction House. (iI.J
BF:I'K K1-{'.
night before local option came tato
operation in Ashfield end Mr. McGee Handsome New York wash sujte\ lst
sealed to Wave had at idea there half -prism. S&tnrtisy, rhoics, a1
would be tenable. He had been over beet styles at 15.25. URoMPToN'S.
to Dungannon earlier in the day and
after his eetnrn walked up tram hes 1lµ elegant wash suite. Your time to
term to the more in Port Albert, He - proHt. Half-price and lees. Chnirr,
and his eon and John Hutcheson wet 11'4.'25, worth.$8.50 to•4111.60, Saturday
in the stare for over thew hours, frons at ('HOM1'TON're.
In:at) p. tn. on. They had some •'104.11
option herr" and otherwise put in the
time, but had no light,. it appwara
Mr. McGee and the proprietor of the
hotel were not nn the best of terms.
The party in the ,torp heart a num-
ber of trigs whieh had been in the vil-
lage drive off and the ocrnpante say. Ex(Tnstnv Tal TnnnsTn,-A specisi
ing goodnight, but later saw the riga excursion will he run on the Canadian
come back. and it was atter that that Pli eifo Railway from Ooderlch to
the trouble occurred. Some of the Toronto on May the lith, to the Wood -
party in the store thought they bine races, uA epe-eiwlly cheap rate
noticed lights in the bar 41 the hotel hes been secred *2.65 return, good
about 11::01 and on two n"l•asiona Mr. going on *penial train on the morning
444+4 4tent+w4nok- a strati down t.iwar•ds Lt)f tltr.7tband-good to return sits traits
the hotel, but on the second hell 10 nn the 27th or the lath. Special hsin
make tracks, being pursuer! by some will leave (Ialerich et w. rn. As this
young mall. When they arrived at is a very low rate t► large crowd is oa-
thestore Alt. Ilutrhea,n took refuge ranted. Secure your tickets at the
inside and after this 1 he do or w.,a h.)t.- C. P, It. office. Jos. Kinn, Agent.
tererl and a couple lit 1 Lige .stones
canoe through the whetting of the
More. This was .bent Ail the damage
that was done when Mr. Malice left
rut home, but next morning when he
resulted the /rote there wag some ad-
ditional damage to the windows, and
to the showcases ins'.de, and n few
.Rmillome, (' art idesrnw'n - from 1111) Seagestore r mier.•nn Attorney -
ducted the $1)1- tiralitiO • :imT M.' T::'
Cameron, K. C., acted for the defence.
A number of Wlthemmee W0t•0 eifaht-
ined, but .the evidence failed to 1 (111-
nect the defendants with the damage
done, and the magistrate decided to
dismiss the action,
NKw Yomc WASH SUITS. -- Our
Brentford house bought over 500:
(inderich gets its share -161 of them,
Saturday at 9 o'clock -suits of the
most Unusual style and quality, worth
14.50 to *11.50, choice =5.25. -ORGY)'•
Captain Trethe*ey H away on a trip to Port.
1 Mrs, r'aptalnt M*cilrlrmM we* one Of tae
axcur.f0n14' to Toronto this week.
mks 4I-FMng*II of Toronto, la vlsIting et
the remittence of tear. and Mrs. Jewett Kidd.
.tis.. Jennie Well, hes returned home after
spending the winter with heroism', Moe It. it,
Vetter, in Detroit.
(40044)er Holt arrival home last V'[dlas Mom
WynvranaY, May Doth. - Vnreterrel era
lien sale of valuable mill property, mill steels
engine. Mole oto., b•Io,ging to Ute wipe. 01
the 1'.. Jame. Young, at the Auburn saw
mllle, eninmencine at 1 o clock aharp. The maw
end planing mills anti temper shop, at well as a
1*,,re .eentlt 0f leather end other articles
will be sold. W. A. Creme, auctioneer.
Aueion rale or
hnusehold furnitere and furnlaMngw, Om-
mencing at 2 o'clock sharp. Mae. T H,
W s real -flub- *Week eroprfetrem., Two*
Or..eav, auctioneer.
14AMSKY.- nu 4w, a lley, May 145, on Nr,
and Mrs. Dried Mammy. wassned, •
d*ught es.,
HAMRAle in Ornlerh-h, nn ThnreIay, Ma
Intl, Meana Mu for4, beloved wife of W.
J. i(nmeny, aired 1e years, s mantis sod 3
ECHLIN. - In Olwderirh, on Tnud'y Mar nth,
Franey. Itodency Potter. es oved wife
of iarm,el Kehlln, aged 17 Fete'. 9 months
and IRd*y.,
The /.meal wall tette !dare from the s.,0•
dente of her husband, N (0 street, en
Feder, May ?1st, at 1:30 o'clock am•, to OW
borne oemet erg.