HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-13, Page 88 tIaPUaDLT, MAY 13, 190,
1Coacludal trout peyrs I.
blue trim rued with white. The
bride and gi oowl drove to their hothe
on 12-32-2e and were followed by the
beat wishes of the company se well as
by showers and shower of rice.
Beeeball Notes.
The Goderich baseb iTteam So.S t3
Mitchell for the 'lith to take part in
the day's program which that town is
putting on. There will be two baseball
matches in the morning, the• gest one
league game in the l: t,,,•t and
Perth League, between Goderich and
Mitchell, at 11 o'clock. and the second
au exhibition game between the saute
tisams. In the afternoon a program
of horse races will be the attraction.
The Goderich teens will appear in
their natty new suits on this occasion
for the ant time. The team has been
practising regularly at Victoria Park
and the players are showing excellent
form. So tar the diamond it the
Agricultural grounds has been too
wet for the team to get to work then•.
The reputation of the titalerieh
team is evidently 'spreading. Three
communications have recently been
received from outside points from
players who wanted to Ret on the
team, one from London. one from
Brantford and one from Toronto, ha;
Manager Tait bee decided that there
is plenty of goad -material right i.
home and feels confident of being able
to land the pennant again with the
home boys.
it is rumored that the beechen
veteran, Joe Doyle, may get into the
game again this season With the
(lodench team,
Home and home 'games between
Goderich and Liu:know and Wingham
may be arranged. Lucknow is in the
old Lakeside League. in which Gole•
rich was last year, and \1'inghem ie in
the Huron, Bruce and Wellington
The club is taking up a euhsci•iption
this year, laving at ronsiderable ex-
pense for new suits. The team matte
a good record last season and is de -
Nerving of substantial support,
The tool weather 1. giving +ti me fellow. a
chance to get their .prang »Dat• before the hot
term conuneurc+ F. 3, Pridham h. turning ont
an elegant line thi. year. Can't do better than
give him a cell.
The art of photography In all Ito branches hu
been diligently studied by K. It. Sallow.. t'all
at his studio. corner Montreal street and Square.
If you want anything in to. line. Hi+ work 1.
aiwara h4rb-n•lase.
Window shade... 'toy vine. made to order at
Wilmer Minute, kOet oust. Patent extension
iltnatessetod. will Ila any window. Room neould-
ing+ to order. Picture+, fancy chtna, and a
great Twisty of article+ for sailor ornament in
the bouse, at Wilmer Sill tth -.
W. C. Loscombe. K. l'., of Kincar-
dine, is dead 'fpr had been practising
law at Kincardine for about thirty-
seven year*.
The regular monthly meeting 01
the Daughters of the Empire will be
held on Monday afternoon at the
court house at 4 o'clock.
Once more we Would state that com-
munications sent to this office without
the name of the writer attached -nut
necessarily for 'publication. but an evi-
dence of good faith -will not be
The May number of The Busy Man\
Magazine has an article on Goderich'r.
noted photographer. R. R. Sallow., and
his work. with a portrait of Mr.
Sallow. and reproductions of some of
his views. •
M. Sanders. foot specialist, who wee
to be in town all this week, wax
alightly injured in the collision on
the C. P. R. on Monday and had to
return home. He will announce the
date of another visit to Goderich
shortly through the press.
Farmers have been much delayed in
getting in their spring crops on ac-
count of the lateness of the season, but
are making the heat ruse of the present
favorable weather to get their seeding
done. The fall wheat anti clover have
come through the winter In excellent
On Saturday morning C. C. Lee's
store window attracted a good deal
of 'attention with its display of ten
young foxes. It wan an amusing
sight when the cunning youngsters
were given their rations. The ani-
mals were purchased by Roht. Creigie
from Hall Rutledge and John Wools
and had not been in the window
many days before the whole ten
found purchasers.
The town council has givon loamy•
tions to have the dead limbs trimmed
off the trees on East and West streets..
This work might be extended to other
streets. The other day a citizen
called attentionhe n
to t red of re-
moving the dead limbe trot' some of
the trees on North street. He said
that a strong wind might easily blow
theist down, and rn long as they re-
mained they would he a danger to
Kincardine Reporter : Mayor Mal -
color received a letter from Mayor
Macklin, Goderich, in which that
gentleman suggeeta that all the muni-
cipalities interested in the bonds guar-
anteed for the West Shore electric
road should meet and decide upon the
appointment of an inspector to verily
the estimates of the eonetrttotion com-
pany, also to ser that the company
puts 01) its money in the same propor-
tion se the municipalities. The letter
will be read at -the council on Friday
A large delegation of ladies from
(it.der•ich are attending the district
meeting of the \Voman's Missionary
Society of the Methodist church nt
Seafortb today.
There have been seven vacancies in
Maitland Presbytery in the past •six
months. Several of the vacancies are
now tilled. Whitechurch and \Velton
being the vacant charges.
Gospel meeting» will he r:onducted
by Chas. W. ''etch, evangelist of the
Church of Christ, at the church on
South street, for a week, commencing
on Sunday. May firth, at 7 p. m. All
are cordially invited.
The - ntatives from $L
George's c nrc,h who attended the
Anglican Sunday school convention
at Blyth yesterday were Mita. McKim,
Mira Dinsmore, Mies Thurinw, Rev.
M. Turnbull and D. J. Naftel. Next
year's convention will be held in
Rey. Dr. Dougall requests his people
to reed ever severe! times the fleet
twelve verses of Cohwsisne, which
will he the basis of his expositor seer -
mon next Sunday morning in the
evening he will deliver the fifth in the
eerier, of sermons on "The ;Making of
a Home." Snbjeet, "The Queen of
the Horne•"
The Epworth League anniversary in
comic...tem with Victoria street
Methr.disl churrh will be held next
Rowley and Monday. On Sunday
Rev. W. A Smith, of i)nngsnnon, one
of the rising young men of the ennfer-
ence, will preach both morning and
oveniug. Mr, Smith is being tram: -
(erred to the Alberta conference and
this will probably be the !set oppor-
tunity to;hear hint for some tine.
Special mucic will be neutered by the
choir. On Monday evening the young
people are giving the last concert of
their series.
An exposition of the Epistle of
James was cmllntenced by the
Rev. C. K. Jones, at the Brilti
church last Sunday morning. , These
sermune and addresses will he contin-
ued at the Senility morning services
sad Wednesday aveninservices lin-
td completed. Thr 1.111) .t next Sun-
day morning will be : •'• e Fraternity
of Poverty and Riches and next
Wednesday : "A Natural History
Study of Evil." The third of the
special addresses on "Tbe ipdehatahle
Position of a Baptist C'hur'h." entilltd
"The Proper Subjects for Church
Membership," will lw delivered at the
evening service. These 'Adresse' are
creating considerable interest and this
and the remaining topics are increas-
ingly important. All are cordially in-
The annual district meeting of the
Methodist ehm•che. of Goderich dist-
rict will be held in Ontario street
church, Clinton, do Tuesday and
Wednesday, May leith and 19th. The
.uinisteiial session will convene on
Cussiday at d:av p. W. and the full ses-
sion Wednesday at V::*1 s. in. Super
in•endents are requested to forward to
i••• Sunday school secretary a copy
their Itchiest reports a week in ad.
,.,ace of the district meeting. A
meeting in the interests of local
option and the laymen's missionary
movement will tw- held. on Tuesday
evening at 8o'cltck. to beaddlessed by
two members of the district ,meeting.
Rev. D. Rogers is chairman : Rev. 1'.
1, Snowden, Ph. B.. financial seetW-
tare, and Rev. A. H. l r own, B. A..
H. IS, Sunday sebool secretary.
Last Sunday was the simnel mis-
sionary campaign Sunday in the
Anglican archdeacons of Middlesex,
and the pulpits of the various
churches were t.ccupi' by clergymen
from other chntrhes. he rector of
M. Turn-
' • 1 Iry
L GeorgieahaLL'ch.
hull, took the work at Hayfield,
ti hen and Varna, and the' work in
Otx)t•rich was taken by Rev. H. A.
Thomas. of Watdsville, in the 'torn•
ing. and Rev. l'. E. leaking, 8: A., of
Wingham• in the evening. M1. 'leak -
ins preached in the ruing at Y'lin-
ton .and Mr. Thoma.. who preached
here in the (nornine. went to (Tinton
for the even g. The rector of ('lin•
ton, Rev. C. R. Dunne, was in Lon-
don for the day, preaching in two of
the churches there. It had been
arranged that Hes.' Canon Dyson
Hague, of Londino, was to take the
work to Goderich in -tile meriting, but
the Canon was prevW,ted from cours-
ing by illnees. Both. Mr. Thome')
end Mr. leaking preached strong tills-
sionaty sermons, Mr. Themes taking -
for his text the words, 'Old ye into all
the world and preach the flospel to
every creature." and Me; Jeakina
taking the words, "As my Father hath
gent me, even .o send I you," coupled
with the words which had been Mr.
Thomee' text in the morning.
Eniphasis well laid on the missionary
idea as the ideal of the-ehttreh. The
clergyman +honk) not legalist hie
parish as the limit of his work but
should regard his congregation ae a
source of strength in the evangehza-
tion of the world, and the conception
of the missionary' ideal was what was
needed to transform a church of
empty pews into a church full of pile.
The command to go was the marching
orders of the church and it was en'in-
dividual commission. the responsi-
bilityfor which could not be dele-
gateto someone elm or shirked.
Hotb the clergymen who formed the
deputation to this parish are men of
ability to the pulpit and their ad-
dreesee were listened to with much
interest and apprecia'ion.
Mountains of Evidence Still to Be Mined
-Mr. Pigott on the Stand.
Toronto, May "r. = \�The suit brought
tangy the Michael AA.-,Pisott Company
ainst the Guelph ..fit Goderich Rail-
way has been adjourn until Septem-
ber. Fioods, cave -i . unforeseen
earth -structure all playa rt. From
day to day the kerne of a noes were
taken up. for the suit is for ver half s
million dollars of expenses hat were
not included in the conte t. Hey
atter day Mr. .1u.tice Britton nceeia-
ingly took down the evidence that
bears on the questions involved. Day
after day G. F. Shepley. K.. C.
interrogated the only witness so far
called, Mr. Pigott himself, bringing to
Tight work of every nature.
And Mr. Pigott for "sixty hours ham
continued his deliberative an. e
•sometimes hesitative, sometimes Jeri
sive. hut always sure. He known hie
ground well and backed by his mar-
vellous memory he details the work,
the different kinds of machinery, the
difficulties. conversation., lettere, any-
thing that he had to do with the
building of the road.
It in estimated that spread about
the room there are two tone of paters
of all kinds bearing on the crate. High
pit+•s of examination.. records, ac-
count Tooke, Government reports,
letter Taroks by the dozen. memor-
anda, file., photographs, blue prints,
plans, altogether a seemingly hopeless
roans of data. But it all uterine some-
thseg and refers to some portion of
the suit.
it is growing tiresome. Fm the
judge to the youngeat law clerk, of
whom there are half•• -dozen taking
down the evidence. all are wearing*
wearied, almost listless. espreenion.
The arae k trenchers ehnn this court,
and walk about the corridor., waiting
for some brisker cage to come up.
Paul 'forget meulea trip to Toronto on Sat
R. 3, MrOnw returned lad week from hl -
trip to Winnipeg.
Mies Maul Thurlow we+ home from Toronto
for a few day. the peel week.
Mb. N yds Ibuson hat returned from Walker
alkerton to.p•nd the +emeriti In town.
A. Roy Adan•+ hes gone to Toronto for two
%reeks on a bn.lne+a engagement,
Bruce Anderson. of the Hank of Co,nmerre.
Baster, was in town over eundss•
Henry McHanfy, el bonthampton, I+ 1n town
for n hew day+ revisiting. old acetic..
life+. Ausebrook and Mt.. Anaebrook left on
Monday on a trip to Heaton and New York.
.1. 1.. Killoran I+ In Toronto attending the
funeral of hl. brother In low, E. 1). Itrown, of
that city.
5, A. Me(,aw, general manager of the West.
ern ('anode Flour Mill+ Co., Ltd., was In town
Mata Hndi ne, of Hayfield ha. been a clnitnr
dnr11)1 the week at the re+Idenre of Mr. and
Mr, Adam "'Dater.
1'. Heeney, of Calgary, formerly of the (taetph
k Holerlek Railway at.B, wax in town for .
few (ley+ thi+ week.
14'lodged. ha.. been tInna few flay.
at North nay w11.x1
11h Mr.. 11 gay
been ?letting there for some time. They are
exported home fhb week.
Mr. and Mn.. Thomas sundry hare moved
Inle the ham+e on Elgin avenne lately °erupted
by Dr. Hallow. Mrs. (Inedry will metre on
the third Tuesday of earth month.
W. (len (7atnpben, choir oondneter of W1114.
rhumb, (lIntan, formerly of (red rayl mane
np on "t ay evening _to hear Mr. Adams
concert In North ,tenet 1(eU,odee church.
iVensesln.et, May 12th.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. Douglas were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. lough for a
few dap+ last week,
Miss Minnie 1 wl6wle returned home
last week from St. Thomas, where she
d been for the insist two or three
The - London • • Ardvee4iaee tripetm
Europe contest hag caused a great
deal of interest in.this neighborhood,
more especially now in the last week
of the towpetillon, and the results will
be eagerly watched for•.
St'lo 0i Hgvet -AT4N++.-llottsaa:Iaap•
ing end house repairing cue the order
of the day with our villagers. The
ladies are each and all bury making
the inside of their homes shine like a
new 'drilling, while their "'better
halve." are doing the sane for the
outside. In fact. most of our citizens
seem possessed this spring of a west
praiseworthy zeal for the go•dpppear-
anee of their premises. We notice
the following a g those who have
Unproved and repaired their homes
lately : Itichyrd hllfott hag had the
house on Main street intently pur-
urclassed by him raised and, a cernent
foundation pat under it. .Mr. Spencer
has done the same with his house and
1V,n. Higgins has had his 1poved Ines
from the street- and also put on a
foundation. Win. Stirling has had a
f dation put under him kitehen soul
a cernent walk laid to the gate. Mr.
Tippet has hada walk put down. Mr.
Fowlie has had a cellar not under his
store and Dr. South is hating an of-
fice built on the lot, between Mr.
Whiddon's store and rhe peals/tutor.
ahoy =Use
All are pleased to knew that Hugh
Me('onnell's two sone, who have Igen
ill of fever for the last few weeks, are
almost well again.
.ern S 'HV -
:\NUTl1 a:n QLI1 RK k T
Lest Friday morning. the 7th inst.,
in her eightieth' year. ane of the_ old
settlers, in the person of Margaret Mc)
Gill, relict of the late Malcolm Smith,
passed over to the sgr nt majority.
She and her hu+hand fif tiled flfty'•tl•e
or fifty-six years ago on the farm
where aha• died. viz.. lots 4. 7 and K,
concession r1, anti cleared the broad
acrem now occupied by their children.
They were typical of the sturdy race of
pioneers who fifty to seventy years
ago seteled in the woods and laid the
foundation for the prosperity enjoyed
in this country today • The -funeral
on Sunday was largely attended and
t,etitird -to the respect in which the
tiartiily rs bald. : Among- those left to
mourn her death are her children,
Neil and Mors. of Brueetiehd, sod
Alex. and Misses Jane and Myrn, at
home. The patlheat ss _were B.:\1air.
J. Jones, A. Me tb, li:Iloeriwn, R.
Stephenson and J. Hood.
IDA '. May 7th.
A Giant Mee(ioek,-1f$is township
has lost one of its nowt popular resi-
dents in the ppwwral•sing away oil Sunday,.
2nd inst., of Cherie. W. Taylor. in his
forty-sixth year: Mr. Taylor wag tip
to December. 1907, a strong robust
man, but at that tune he was taken
down with in heavy cold and pegged
through asevere sickness from which
he never fully, recovered. 1Veslnes-
day of last week lie wain able to he in
Wingham. but the following day be
was seized with .tort►*cb trouble.
The deceased was n mon of John Tay-
lor; and was born in this township.
where he continued to reslde all In
He was highly re.pecled end
was man of many good parts. His
death at an early age 1.'oggrelled by a
awry large cheat) of frieusle. He had
all 'hie life been n staunch Liberal. ;
Solve` years ago he Wail married to'
Mise' Bertha Nord, daughter of Jas.
Word, who, with two daughters, 1
M r r OM* and)
'se •s Alberts.ando one son N
Notrllau, survives. His aged father,
five brothers and two sisters also stn'-
vive, viz, :-')avid, of Blyth
and Thus. H., of Westfield ; William
and Robert, of St. Helena ; -Mee. •Jeri
Stalker, of Wingham, and Mrs, M.
Leek hart, of Auburn. The bereaved
will have the sy'hupit by of a large
elude of friends. The (unreel to the
Wingham cemetery. ..n Tuesday after-
norm now largely niteattlral• _�
Baseball Challenge.
We. the Iroquois baseball club of
(1.derieh, 1(11• unable to accept the
challenge of the Tiger baseball duh of
(1' el rich for a game ot1 1 he 21t h of
Mae, but will play any date after the
:Nth that the Tigers see tit. 'Signed)
J• F. lotto, C'apusiu of in quols,
Lever Mothers, Ts -ironies, will :end you
free a cuke of their famous Plant 01
toilet soap, if you mention this paper.
of clean, sweet-smelling
linen Is obtained with hall
the toil and hall the time
it Sunlight Soap i. used.
Sunlight shortens the
day's work, but lengthens
the life of your clothes.
Follow directions,
Northern- Navigation
N. o. Marie, Port Arthur. Fort \Vil-
liaul and Duluth. Leave Sarnia 3.:01
p. tn. May 13, Itt, 22. :at, :31st. June ,i,
9, 12 and 15. Sailing. May Ct, 19,
June ii and 12 through to Duluth.
Freight sailing. in addition to ahoye. -
DIVISION. For S, S. Mals and way -
port.. Leave 1'olling,wood 1 :141 p. m.
and Owen Sound 1 L 6i p, tn. Wednes-
day. and Saturday+.
Halt -price sale of leather
Ono halt gross bull size leather
Hand Satchels, manufactured to
retail at $'.'.til, sent direct from
factory with instruetious to clear at
belt -mite .. ,, . .,,, .
several tither Jines from Mock,
regular 81.11p and $1.511, Waring at
• 680
Abort 1 dozen Purees cleating at
al t half-price, front lir' up to
Don't uliweseeieer our choke Can -
sullen \Vnll-1'apers this season, and
bear in mind we are selling Borders
liy the toll same price as Side-walls
and l'eiliugx, commencing as low
as • lc pet tuft "and up. Imported
Papers from 15c per roll up to'
!Eat. Nothing like them shown
anywhere ie illie part of the coun-
Court House Square
'Phone too. Goderich, Ont.
Benmiller Nurseries
-Bedding Plants-
We have several hundred of the
l(E'd'L' S(' 1(1141' 1 PINK 13 PAS -
__--_ Co
!frijol retire.
Boston 1•erhe,
Aspar*gus Ferns.
etc etc.
Creations f6,r Spring
p g
tilts opening of --the -Spring- se;tsm-
nearly all Wren and women take an increased
interest in their wearing apparel. P;trticular-
Iv is this true of shoes, for during a good part
of the winter season rubbers and overshoes
have made it possible ib wear shoes that
weren't stria!). proper. But now it's differ-
ent; your shoes'mist "toe the mark" set by
1).inic Fashion; that meads
Downing & MacVicar
1k.'X-C-ii.,PT Tiilr.3YATFIt
We carry in stock evclything that ran be rtasooahly wanted for .._
in the 73atbereen. ,
It sth,nnd Toilet Sponges, all sizes and kinds, from iic up to $Lal,
'fuller, and Medicinal Soaps, in great variety. I,
Large 1onkish fiat t1Towels. Bath Gloves,
/ttllttter Mii.mgrs, front -We -4044, ou
Rubber Bath Pads, Ribber l'.aupiexion Brushes.
Hand Scrub' and Naiil (3, usher.
_ •'Ste:u-n'•Cryslxl Velvet" in "..Ge and Nk: boxes, but softening and p.r.
Tiitutng water.
Tale Powders, all the hest kinds.i.
Hanging leiskete and urn' re-
filled: Ali eng1lriFs or -orders
*oven aur cwt eful attentu tit.
'Address :
John Stewart'Estate -
S E•HIC ,-
Central Drug Store.
I will pray
4oc to sec PER BUSHEL
Careful handling am/ deap:l•tchguar• ler good marketable Iitatoee.
anteed freight shippers.
delivered at
Tickets and information from all
railway agents. C. P. R.. McGAW
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson or
Mgr., Colliogwobd Traffic Mgr., Sarnia I GODERICH.
Miss Donogh is now needy with a full line of Practical, Wearable, Stylish
A Full Assortment of Everything.
Everything Newand Up -to -Date.
Reasonable Prices.
Miss N. L. Donogh
$500.00 ®Q►'� this season's plantirgn at it cell d.
A choice- lot of red clovor., aL ike,
lucer c and timothy. always on hand.
Frank Maedel
The old and telivl le .c•.1 :and feed
store that has-been ver>ing the. farm-
ing community for the last '2.i years
'1. .411 * live' covetertr at the pteunis(.
on Hamilton street arnl solicits the
petrology: of its old costumers and
a visit of all who wish pure and un-
adultered seeds, from the hest seed
firms of the Dominion.
A ane lot of silo and ,cob corn for
I anh
Five Hundred Dollars Fln tr and teed delivered ae avast to
y hart of the town. '
the address
Hamilton Street
Every harmer, Breeder .t::•1
Agriculturist will be interested.
Watch for Large Advertisement in the
next Issue of this Fc; c
wwwlemsmn•st•lIMBIBMIMIMI•asomemMw11111111111111.111•3111 --
OUR SPECIAI, tor this week's announce-
ment is choice Pine Apples at Inc, 121,C
and 15c.
Our Motto
QUALITY and VALUE combined with the very I, i
service ptiaihle,
Our Terms
Money refunded if good. tit lered at not satisfactory.
THE MOVE,... -
We are. tooting to our new `stand, the store late y occuptcd by.
H. 1. MORRISH, Grocer.
w.tm w: ha?z all o37 o!d patro.is and puny new on -s w.!1 call
and inspect our new stocks.
will be given to supply the best to the trade for the .east
John Stead, -
+sa�m t�sttr_��s
Talking About Buggies
if you are tiiinking.ot buying a new Baggy thin ye.•r.
we %botil.l be pl.•a..ed 10 have, a talk with you. We
handl' *h•' 1.••'t ifu:;et• on the market- -
11 THE
e -�
• and
t _ •
Iigio :11 I.' //� THAT THE BE ' :
The hest rtexlels .un• el,snlies, Lot us allow per the tit.•
h,nlrl,..,f tie. new Buggies we have just placed In stock.,
N. II. 1 have r:aketl the agent'''. 'for the McCormick 1mp1„
merle andcan n na slimily. • •ding and ttnrvrnt tag ae !the- I
tnannfaetnred by thi. se ..11 -known ,company to anyone d• Jripg
first-clarsF'artn .Ma.hiuery.
Wm. Knox,
Ncwratc and Hamilton Streets, Goderich
Summer Millinery Opening
For Tues., May 18, and %//owing days
We are preparing for a special and comprehensive display of Summer
Millinery to commence Tuesday, May is, and continue throughout the
week. Tho styles shown will be those that fashion has set the seal of her
approval on for summer, and we know they will interest you. Come and
see them. You aro invited to come at your convenience.
Clearing Rain-
coats at ,$E.$0
Li or 2t of them, gout 1�rn•
matte, serviceable garments
for driving, will save the
coat over and over mg ' in
wet and dusty weather,
Odd lines bring clewed
et the little price
of $1 •50
Raincoats $5.00
These arc better garments.
made from h'glter grade
material., hive more .tyle
to them, come in tlu'ee-
gnarter end fall Iefigth,
colore gray, fawn and fancy
mixtures. Worth in the
regular way up to (�(�
$In.ial, special, each �5W
Better Raincoats,
$7.50 to $18.00
Very.tyiish garmentar l
these, vary useful tpl, mar<ds
from tall wool or Bilk cheini•
calls trnatod to make there
positively rainproof, or from
rmbherized silk 1 hat is gg1Ia1''
ante's' notte creek or herd -
en. Dark and light color -
hip, new styles. each
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