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The News of the District. z
144e4t stit4t*Iffeille6116 46454541464644646+444545454-4t -?'164645466166fle454.5466#6 *466* +66'61184464646346***104,t454f*
DUNGANNON. 630,415: population, 1,611); malt, i'onSabbath. 'Flue evetii»4 eervieeatt
sone between 21 and ltd. 41$J; births : the Methodist church was a itialrawe,
rt A. NEWTON, DHNTINT, LUCK- tlfitleq, :15; deaths, 71 euianer of dug's! to allow the cougiegation to unite
NoW.--Atbousesyereasiriereeet *there with ihe l'resbyteriater in their &Doi -
remedy for estreonna teeth laiouno-
y arweletee.-
• Mosnsr. Mey 10th. PORT ALBERT.
We airy glal to hear that Ileneau TcKetity, Mese
TIturburit le able to Ise almond
Serviee in the Methodirt chj,trch ti. i. L iiLlutento
ilirektleifternoon at the usuel their homes hew Jets. lbsydeti
de a buriuers trip to Seifert on t•
day anti Nits. 11 Hinton, ot
Dunlop, were gueste tin Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. J. K matey Rev. U. W.
Strundeer, rif lateknow, • occupied the
pulpit in ('britit cluing* last Sundey
....Mos. (1)1..) Kerr end eon, of Cali-
fornia. are apeteding route tine. with
the fermer's uncle, Um. Inaper
Mr. Cprliaw, of Gewrie, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Diver last
Week W. Howler •tedul 11. Me•
(alertly, jrof Bennet. were traurient
visitors in this neighborlerod. •
MONDAT. May Ifith.
Sellout. Ritenier.-Following is the
April report of S. N. No. 5, Celborue:
,.!tff fre..%rort.T.thsaf° wv" - pfirt - 1.-4,11S---Statiirlrial e.
•11,: tluV„",:,,,,,,Pstesys havs our woik Heuer Winule Olid on. Loirie kfeWhiiin y.
bi(',„. done ei the. del"' 01 or -1"re time. Helen Chisheini. A • Moser, Meryl
I the work wore win.
bettor forifirl" fur du ng ' Bottom Jienuy Illurtors Agnes Nor -
tsarist* tor the pattern.
ria. Part 11. -Minnie Thurlow. Sr.
I 11. -Beatrice I 'Ilisholus Mai -y I ilid-
§..i4 ,,,,i,,,,,rm, f.74,1,1,...,,,,,,,!„, 1. At the PO4,
ordcr. will b• roostred for suboortptIons„ad• Hunter, Della McCann, Erneet 11 gie,
votiseia sod job work. and motets will bs Andrew Bogie. Jim Thweinuits Jr.
given for auxouiioi wild tor the rants, • IV.--iteggie %Venn, Annie Thump-
LICHOOL BOOKS AND ALL KINDS son, Toni Chieleilin. Lorne Thurlow.
ta of school Juliette. at the Pimientos Hook Sr, [V. -Harvey McCann. A Lice M.
and Met ioaory Store Now that Rawer is owe TR017,Int. Teacher.
houerelerelna le to order end you will wkill
oew well peper. Von win nee ue•ortiste LAILIIUNN Lisette. -- Tile terrific
...tile, et llio roetonioe Store awl will make no ales we have hail lately lutve been
nears., lo oureheelny, there. VDU &IV illViled
fated on winduaillr. Mr. tioldthoi liter
tom...tett thy 'dock. M. RYAN. Dungannon.
SN'ensweinav. May 12th. mill at the lake bank wee carried over
i. 1,. manoligh wade 6 hwauelia trip the hank, causing a good deal of, in-
Turouto thie week. jury The excesmive wet wi•ather
we are having lately is very discour-
- Cliff. Rivers hag taken a position as in to farmers, putting the work es
clerk in Chas. Elliott's stove. the harms back, but it is no lase twine
lack Roberts, of Auburn, spent Sun- diecouraged. for seed time and herveat
II day with hie parents here. will come ail right • Alex. Horton
W. Gibson. of lieeforth, called on has had fairly weed recces,' with the
(Heinle here one day hod week. incubator; having "hstched out two
ti. atoning and wife, of broods: It ie too early yet t‘t decide
whether it will be a proliteible enter -
visited the latter:* mother on Sunday
prise dr not The autos are again
hist- running tip mad down the EllitAl, t11,11C11
W. 'Oliver has recovered from his lIl the annoyenee I of the ladies wh,, meet illness and is able to be around itrh.e ms ow road. It le to be heiwa
again. •' •
that with proper care and.consiti era-
-- ..- ----- --- - -
Thoas s.-Shalley htitillated tde cern-
tion for the rights of others no harm
rut foundation under. his house at will be done.
preeent ireetapied be Mr. Palmer. ,
tr. K. -Kermit manager of the
• 14erling Inint. • ere,' ig giving. up
hourekeening. MitWire ruld Hate
;al haye gime 14) Cliffaftu, where they
\ will reeide. M. lieninger will occupy
' thehouse vacated by Ms. Manning.
' Arthur Buoyao, who has held the
i _j_titiior• in the Sterling Bank
ie for Immo"[F, ii -Ce, lies been trans.
, forr to the Adelaide street branch of
the It il. at Tnronto. Hit position
here hare been utken by Earl Rivers.
shatur-Ne_neat _rear has_ lam ! clerk
for Chas. Sinop..
eititv t!teteisre.-The merchants of
our vilbure have decided to clew. their
Fieer'orTersitieas every Wednesday
ettermion and airening during We
months ofJune. July and Aierilet„
This will prove a boon to their em-
pinyere,-- wenn will now bare re little
time that the' may mill their own. If
prewar Of the. village end ,.ssierotinds
• country keep the fact that all
rs of businese are eh I- at the
mentioned heroes+ thelr inds we
everything wi prove ipiite
'. ' "- - - • '
sae NI
VDNAY. May 12th.
ss • Sadie Carter, of
.aulturn, • iting relatives around
Nile the reek,. ---- N1141. 'Stein-
toiti. of • is viiitisig with, her
1 • • -Hetherington.
_ ch wet weather
the farnie_rs a at. despairing of
getting to any c p at I this epring.
Very few have ski Al An grain rio far.
W. NI. S. ELK' (les liens --The
ITTat 'N. trait !ea 1 ni y at the
home of Mrs. Isaac 1 Gerrit ton fur
eh* annual meeting is si el lion of
offirers. The results we a,. fo lows :
President. Mrs. ('harks 'rvin ;
president, ,M,ra. John Ihis iw ; re -
bay. Mrs. it. Er,hlin ; spond
serretaryi Mrs. [amber 1 -
Miss C. Steeple -rd. There we
thiety huller preterit. Th
ineneliele were received into
society and MIN. flit -yin Iwcame
'needier by eaying Winn! fee.
Makes two life inenthei•s for :side.
Mies ale -plead has beetaa life tnember
for KAM. tiine. The nexCrneeting will
le held at the home of Mrs. Stanley
hour, 3 o'clock.
‘Ve are all glad to see L. it. Wild -
fere( able to be around again after a
tow weeks' illness.
Mr. and Mr.. James Wilkie and
grenddlaughter, Hazel Bradley. spent
a, Tow days this week visiting friends
at Tiverton.
John Mason is hussy at present
building a new houw. John is err -
Utility a great worker, but be. has a
that -class man with bine William
Steere, who ie also a great genius.
Tits: TANDY WEATDICR.-The harri-
ers aroupd here are beginning' t"
think that they Will never get started
reeding. The man that has the neat
patience, however, will have the beet
crops this full, for halt of tile taxmeii
ere trying to sow in the mud and they
(-Ain't expect a good crop. The old
story is that there was a man who
said he had never seen ft spting yet
that there was no reeding time, and
be had seen hundreds of springs.
TVANDAY, May Ilth.
Mrs. A. Miller left last Tuesday to
• hilusteav. May 101.1i._. vail. triplets III Mrint rm.! .gt ..t ft,. Paul's chinch,
A. It. Pinlayson is confined to the Dungannon, last Monday Mr.
house with a severe cold. and Milt. Wilson Irwin. of Belfast.
D. Finlayson, of tioderich. the well. are the guests of Mr. and Mrirri.ditiNr
known anthority (,anerinin trans- 1.1i)Olifis ftslaY a
puttatitat. iu hia _report la &iIl1U1 leditanne .fautile. uf-
thelerich. .pent the week -end visiting
reletivee here Mrs. John Cant. -
well and Mies Bertha, of Sheppard -
ton, were renewing acquaintances
UM* en--Tlenewidey send-Fristar--
" CREWE. •
Mosisiv. May loth.
Jimmie's-Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cul -
f. Create, were die guests of
Mr. and MI's. John Barkley. ef Ceder
Valley. on Sunday Mies Ethel
Templetou. of Ooderich. speut a few
days of last week visiting relatives
here, returning to Gatlin ieh on Thurs-
day 1•;srle Durnin, who has heels oat
Wiat for. few weeks, returned h
on aiondey. He epaalre well of the
Wert, yet there is no place like herue.
A number of ourdidate* f rum
here were confirmed by Bishop %%II -
- Matthew Lawr.
estee, who has been in the employ of
11...1. aforrieduring the paat year, left
on Monday lent to take a very re•
Voneible Position in Grescott. Ari,
vine. Matthew mei. gebend fae5e-
ite here, and our very best wishes go
with -hint to the NVestern State
Mrs. John Young was under the
dotage* care 'hot week, but we are
'Ideated tee le -e -e ehili-nruch improved.
and we trust .he. will. soon be enjoy- VlsiTiNii OLD FitiENDa. - Dr. W.
inn her usual good hralth again Chambers, formerly a resident of thie
..Tiirta.balnews- apent last - week eret was---siteiting te ----- -1118-0141-
with her delight...T., Mem. Telford, in ft iende here last Monday. The Anc-
Oodeetch MINS Male/sty has. re ter has been•practising his profesnieen
turned to her hr,,e after opent1140 with notable succeed during the past
the peat two ha Tornorci b -w years in connection with ,the
friends. .. Will NlePhee es /deed to Grand Trunk and Canada. Pacific
orert 'a ho.- IR1V_ Ad/LW tui4 itnilnlY11 in the Northwest.. and is
Itrothere. of limiters have the cen. now on his way to London. England,
trecL ' .The W ----- en'a Foreign ill order to take it special court's,' in
irs.anary Society held It. merahie diseases of the ear, eye and throat an
meeting at the homst of 'M., 11 J. Use, marieipari ineepitislas-of-tinit asity.1
Morrie un Wednesday last. This is the Remind, time he is. villain*
_ t lie greet metrtipolis, as he attended
, COLBORNE. the houpitain there a sheet time after
her graduation some years ago.
this Minister •of Railways concerning
the navigariiikty of the Eighteeu
Mile River in connection with the
Wert Share Electric Railway. drawn
*who ing the hid:deer.
TUKODAY, May Mb. Tile lientineti - Thiele the
\ A yearling colt belonging to John
••411vants broke its leg recently. season'of the year when birds of that
well-khown speciee Of that NOA-C4N4P4
M. Sehwiuttz had the mirfortime and the Greet 1.akes called thelier•
last Friday to lose another valit&ble ring gull helve the, peculiar habit of 'beryl Johnsten. It T I
,the 4.14- porobriordavattee-Llielter.- Jr, H. -Johnny titen. Pt; 11.
stretches a considerable distance in- -Elizabeth Itowere. l't. 1 -Irene
Pt7.-7.=-Cecil Johnston.
Geotge Mei; A (",s, -Ilaryey An-
nerenn-, -Freddie. Finlay,- Tnettny
Glazier, tieorge Twninley. lAtaretta
4t.- --CaetreiacatT-Mise- -Many hielwan and Mn- Wends
• visited at the latteer borne near Rt.
-Helens last week.
- -11fewsetTlt LKarter A SterelresteRV.
-The lipworth League anniversary
in contest ion with the Nile Meths./idle
rhurch will be held on StintlayaVnel
N"ndaY, May tied and 2Itti. tIn Suit•
day knecial rrInone will be preached
it lo::111 a. In. lend p. m. by Heir. nk.
L Currie. of Lunderborti, and on
llonday evening the atnnisal ten -
/meeting and concert will be held.
Tea will lie served from 11 to S o'clock.
- Adair* rimier program of
instrumental end vocal music, read-
ings and addresses will he rendered by
the following talent : Violin selec-
tions 1,y Miss ileiniche and Mr. Hein -
free. of tioderich ; readings by Miles
torn -tide Ifairt. the talented elocution -
nit, of Hensall ; eolos liy Mist Hart,
Kier Meintosts and Miss Jickling, of
Marys: addresses by Rev. Dr.
Delman, Rev. 11. Currie and C. W.
Webb, II. A., of Stratfonl. Admis-
sion 'tr.
Tritteney. May Ilth.
-Nerrne.--.-eiVeridtror hens are ringing In
this vicinity ....Mies Kato Brophey left
this -weer" month's visit with
Neale in Allem- Michael elm -
mines and his cousin, Miss I'llnlent
visited in linderieh the latter part iit
last week Robert Sprung visited
Thompeon laet week
(Index McIntosh .viniteed Hellett
friend, bun week One of the
bungennnn creamery wagon" emn"
teenced gathering cream in this sec-
tion last week quite a number
from this vicinity attended the fun -
end of the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Freil Mos. Mgt Friday.
Where is
Your Hair?
In your comb? Why so? Is
notlhe head a much better place
for lf ? Better keep what is left
hcreitbelongsi Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new Improved formula,
quickly stops ailing hair.
Therefs not a particle of do.tibt
sboutit. We speak very posi-
tively -about -Ms, for WS know.
Date nef change the col, r the hair,
remote wok seek NW*
111s Skew it te year
. Ides do de be ody•
add --- It,
Indeed, the one great leading feature of
our new Hair Vigor may well be said to
be this -it stops. falling hair. Then it
goes one itep further -it aide nature hi
restoringthe hair and scalp to' i bealtby
condition. Ask for " the! new kind.'
...UMW by sus. c. arts oe.. soeseu. tasiesanna
Hullett. joined • the silent inejot•ity
last 'Saturday in the village of Dine
gannon. Over silty years ago she
accompanied her hosband, the late
Gabriel Sprung. from I he comity ot
Prince Ed weed, &relying at Clinton.
ts-cognized then by a enlisary building.
The base lite- wiss.almost a primeval
forret, the woodsman's axe on the
standing tattier alone guided the
'weary traveller throtegh the forest,
the prowling Neu. and the nightly ser -1
'mule by the ravenous wolves broke
eke monotimy -Cif- the wilderness.
ble_mik_ two sears ago deceased re-
ed to Dungention. where she ',Ad
trance resided. She was a 'needier of
lit.. Methodist church. She leaves
two sons, Richard. of the Northwest.
and Robert, of Manitoba Her re-
tuning were -interred -in Hatt* mann-
tery, on the base line. tiullett
Mns-cfA xlayllitb.
NorKs• -JI, White. of Stratford.
railed -at ti.Jahnston's last week
J. C. Stothers was home fie- the week-
end froui -.Ernest Rieke
has secured the services id 6.MeNall
for -tire summer -Mies' A. Fisher,
of 1..nektuise, is visiting „her sister,
MrN. It. Reid Hugh Phillip* was
on the sick list leek week.
A Nu Serino'. it gm err. -School re-
port for s. S. No. It, Asinield, for the
sitioith of April, Names are in miler
a need : Hr. 1V.-Leile Blake, Mary
5 lei.. Ernest Hail. hir. tV--
Etlle Jr. IN'. -.le...le *nth -
...Is. Edith Johnstim, EMU) Twainle)',
T.lttrety Wen: Jr. 111. --Ida Glazier,
Lillian Alton. Sr. Pcter Glazier.
1( 1. rumored Diet these will be •
wedding W. -our neighbor -hoed in The
near future.'
On account of the wet Weather
tanners have heen,..caoneiderribly de-
bryed in seeding Ott
George Ytitinghlut. of Auburn.
ahipgrd two carloads id export cattle
froutV.: ellaw 'dation laSt. Saturday.
A number of our farmers are taking
their cattle to Clinton today 'fin. sitip•
meet. Mr. Reid making_ a Imminent
Wensitanne-v. Mal h.
TOP. IIKKAK.-The fleet era
he family lif Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
II( the Lake Range. occurred
ay in the lamented -deed] of
istaghter, Itachael Kingswell.
gtwell wise in l'er thirtieth
Mrs. K
ear ant hail been ill for the past
t elve InOnths. Her husband sew-
s. She is Imo of A large family,
eurvived -en eleven resters and
'others. The funeral will tinge
Thursday to Donna ceme-
place o
Mostrav. M ty Illth.
Semen. Ra oer -The followingls
the rtanding he pupil's in Na
4. St. Helens. fo the month of April.
leered . on weekLY testi stel _Ketleral
profli•iency : V. Imenin
Oretta NVeltit. Nina Wood.. fir. IV.
-John Webb, Et el Mt•Pherson.
Harvey Webb, Mattes t Miller, (har.
(+nee Mel )onald. Mai Mitaitillin.
Itert Miller, Jr. IV.- mes Smith.
Sr III. - Clara melte. 'enny An-
derson. Winnie Woods, Has I Ander-
eon. Roy Met,Millin. Erneat Gaunt.
Jr. III. -Stewart MeGuire, Ear Cren-
ston, Andrew Gaunt, James 'tchi•
Ann, !Wilfrid Met/Minn. zie
Ewart McPherson, Roy Stni h
(Ionian IdcPtierrion, BeAttie Seat
Cecil Hyde. Mr. II. -Della Cranston,
Gladys Hyde, Ethel Andereon, Edith
'ikon.- Jr. 11.--Iiihn Omani.- Herbert
Mcquillin, Gladys Webb. Mary Mc -
genii% Willie Forster. ! Mrijeeka
Gaunt. Pt. 11. --Alex. Purvis. Versa
Weenie, Eddie McQuillin, Victoria
Nixon, Lorne Wood's Wilson Woods.
Pe. I. - Willie MeQuillin, Joeeph
Forster, Lizzie Purees Madeline
Gaunt, Evan McQuillin. Jean Gantt,
Torrance Andereon, Stanley Todd,
Joan McQuillin, Anna Purvis. Leslie
Purvis. A. A. NAYLOR, Teacher.
Sr land, for * few days, and the only
time of the whole year when they!ure
to he !WOO by inland residents either
feeding at these ponds or Hying
aruunii in..greaLciunni_ uverlencL !re
thoee who love the grand in nature!.
and who see its poetic side, the loud
and etartling harsh crier of these sea -
bit de are pleasant sounds and air the
blood, for they at once recall to our
minds oi• are associated with the roar
of the *nighty_ breakers of the ,s_vild
Atlantic when they surge on the
twitchor the dart' and recoil of the
mighty waves against the precipitous
cliffs of a rock -hound coast- And
when we think a little we can easily
see the reason why nature has given
to many Of our shore birds those high
and shrill or harsh and reedy call -
notes by Which they make their pies.
ence known to leech inner. Many of
the smaller land birds in the iiiiiet and
peaceful inland rnralffistrlete, which
do not tfy any considerable distance
Ir each °titre, have comparatively
weak call -notes„ which are, however,
pine adequate for their purpotee.
But on the shores of the Great Lakes,
and especially of the ocean, where
there are prevalent high winds and
where. there is the alinoet continual
(lull and heavy roar of the 'turf. the
notee of the above-mentioned lent -
birth would -he -meaty inadeenste
therefore the ehOre birds have often
loud, ha" eh and screaming voices
pitehed espem a different key. SO air to
pierce through the dull and be tvy
sounds of the many waters. Aceprd-
ingly, if we are not too dull to under-
stand, we can comprehend that in the
creation, or in the laws of nature by
which the en -Minion of these nen
birds takes Pere, in the plan 'if thie
great Author of the universe, not only
the food procured fr the watere.
nail adapted to the internal economy
of, these specie', has been taken ac-
count of, hid even the very roar of
these waters has been considered, and
videel-iif -inch a nature
given tosea-hirds Oa in Pipit's of the
many conflicting pounds upon the
'shore they tan make tbeniselves be
heard when they rail to each other.
litit. as a great lecturer once logically
put. it, "where there fs a thought
there -mita he a thinker; min where
there is a thinker there must be a
personal being."
*rens v, May loth.
MONDAY. May 11Ith. Work is being commenced on the
The seri ice at Donnybrook next Carnegie building.
Sunday night is to take the shape of Hugh Findiater and M. Mitchell
a songaervise With special singing made a betimes trip to iVInatham on
and 111111111C:---- Mmlthkr- - •
We are sorry to have to state that The Missee Font visited aVingham
Ida Thompion is very low at present friends on Saturdny afternoon and
with pneumonia. 1Ye hope to bear evening.
of a speedy recovery.
Jack Fortin le home *gain for a
time. after tieing on the police force
in Torontn for the pent few miedhs.
He mu -purees going to Alberta soon.
1, st Left Cu! t. --Ow ing to the wet
weather there woe not a very lerge
tendance at the Fanners' Club meet -
lee -IAA Thursday evening, about
twenty members being present. The
tneeting took the form of a debate.
The senject was, %Vlach IS the more
Ornfll,tIolr crop, corn or roots Sides
Were rhoren-by A. !trophy rind D. Mc-
Allister. A. Brophy took the enrn
PTA of the mierition and I). McAllister
the roots. The former won by it
I I"' INtinte. Meyers. Crinh and Robert`
Thompson and A. McCabe Acted as
i"deert, mid Joseph Kinahan was
ehsimem. The next meeting is to be
held the second Thursdey in June,
when *nether &bete Will take plaeo:
8idet are ehown by J ...11rophy_and J.
Kitiahen and the sublet is, ."Which is
Inerhore profitable, to sell grain or to
feed it ?"
MONDAY. May leth.
tbtKII•twr 13H.P.VITIVR. Mr.. Wm, Amennistorev FUJI-WM. - Awesome
irdienehridadrenh,emtif tiorrie, are Robinson has returned his roll for
ttf MitM Edith Item, and the CnIloiving figurer, plat.
of Wingham, has reterned Ing to the ftrunisament of the townehip
1.4niz• irafiztezile! spemndhlienrgfoartiortnight with MY tAkPli from it : Total number of
We are weeks appealed, 41.712 aurae cleared.
'.07 glad Istoallmettoornt that Mr.. Hugh 311,3Z1; acres woodland, 3,544 mere%
shush land. 2,21114 ; acres swamp, marsh
Mi" 11. Woods has returned to Walt, and waste land, ; value of real
Pr" 11""Pital, Toronto, to write on her roper( y, OrT,CCieli value of
examination. We wish her nos. 41415.91101! vai" of Pr"cr
*very success Mise Nellie White evempt from taxation. $5.750: hunt-
i"Pendieg a few weeks In Dungan- neat &Revelment., $3,277 ; taxable ni-
WEDNICSDAY, bitty 12th.
DRATIt in, Mits. Keitit.-The •dealli
took plaee yesterday after an illness
of onty te tee, days trf Mre. Henry
John Wert-. at the age of thirty two
yeais and eleven months. Mrs. Kerr
was it netive of the township and was
vela' highly esteemed by all who
knew her and she will . be greedy
vaieeml. lawiden name, wee Mar-
garet :nand 'Mills. She been mar-
ried seven years and leaves it family!of
four girls. N'iolet, Laura. Mary end
Ruby; bearten-her enrenwing husband.
with wh, en is wide! .circleu(linen&
syuipathize deeply.
Tueense. May Iltb.
A nternberjrneri. here: attended the
laymen's missiinetry congress at Luck -
W. W. Iletuletausertit Luck -nosey -I
rented the farm west of No. 3 for
Messrs. McKinnon and Miss Maggie
lit•Mi4.11.4Pfl '.pent a ahoy at Alex. Mc-
Lean's' last week.
I I•ESDAY, May 1101.
AUcTION SALK. -The estate of the
late James Young iutend having an
minion -sate on the ;nth inst. Tile
planing mill. dimwit, cooper shop and
a large quantity of I 'her and ()they
etfect• will tw offered. Mr, Cure IP. of
Wingleon, will svield the ha ----- wr.
I 'HUM NtiTI. -The sersion of
Knox church is making arrangements
for an elet:tion of elders at at' Peri)!
elate The managers of the Ellis -
copal church intend everting sheds at
the eliiirch The Baptists are add-
ing en the wppearance- of the rhumb
Krounds by applying a good coat of
Pettetexat.. - Itolwet Sprung, of
Manitoba, fol. years a reeident of the
brae line. Hullett,• i% visiting friend -
and relatives! this neighborhood.
He 1.11416 to attend the funeral of his
mother. Who died at Deingannon last
week James Armstrong, of Grey,
was here last Tiles lay attending the
ran eleti �T tlie rs. Sprung.
Bei MY T111.1114. -The metwruill here is
very busy tit present. They finished
rutting the heading Lod week and in-
tend cutting the staves MP soon as
they can get a awe* cutter
George runghlut shipped a carload of
cattle from here last Saturtley
At the lea 'meeting of Morninir Star
Lodge, A., F. and A. M., John Wilson
was elected ti 'evader, filling the
vacancy caused by lleeehetth ef• the
late Jas. Young .:. MI11. Artlitar.
who hex been seriously 111, bits taken
a turn for the better.
Tint Tinatenosnt leo -
Arrangements have been about emu-
pleted for the building of a telephone
line front Wingbam to St. Augustine
through Whitechurch And Donny-
brook In the near future. 'The
propoeition, ftei mitlined hlesers.
Speaton, of Winglusint, AM Gillespie.
of Whitechureis hots been kindly re.
ceived by the up-toelete fermers
slang this line, rind several of them
will here Instruments instAlicd in
their homes.
Miss Bridget Hogan leaves (hie
week for Toronto, where she intends
staving tor some time.
T. F. and Jacit'l 'fruiter/ion have re-
turned femme froth Lucknow. where
they were setting op Mr. Button's
Newnan. They will new finish D.
McLean's linens
'James McD, maid has received the
sad news of the sudden 'tenth of his
youngest son, Allan. et Portage la
llerret. DeeNiNt;. As the amine',
ments ream -dinar -tife-iinerme for the
opening of the Annum hotel beep
been completed the committee te-
epectfully ask ail- who have retb-
scented to pay et their earliest con-
venience to C. Domain, treasurer, or
to any of the members et the commit-
tee. A. Itobeetert_ mow read,v_
entertain the travelling public at the
Auburn House. It is good to are how
pleaeant and ttninelika Ate. and atere.
Rebel -ton have etrade-the old hotel
MRT ----- CM ltl NKWF.-The
official, lewd of the Ambito) circlet
met Monday. Mity lira. Benjamin
Taylor, of Weettield. wore appointed
representative to the dietriet meet-
Thrtenth the couvun system.
which has worked no satiefsetorily
ell concerned. the finances of the
eireint were found to lie In riplenelitl
eondition. there- being sonleient flt
.1. 11. Alexander, ni" 'Toronto, is the treasury to meet all demands.
speruhtig a few day, lit his home here. A song tiervit e be Mb, in
The Lucknow branch of the Smith the Metieniist church next Mundey
Bruce Women's Institute will meet at morning.
the home of Mrs. Ferguson on Thum Dit %Tel or Mits. SI.ItUN(1.-0110 ef
the oldeet settlers of the NUM line.
day, 13th inst.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor, who has been re-
siding 'at the home of her father.
Pete, Dorrilena has -gone to live with
her husband at. Nebraska.
The pipe han-d concert on Thtinelay
evening last was A grand mimes,. and
reire trent to nil whet attended. Mr.
end the Misses Macdonald, of Wing -
ham, assisted in the program.
Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll cnettbreted
services at Whitechnrch and lAng-
side Presbyterian churches on Monday
last, the pastor, Rev. G. M. Duncan,
having gone to Port Credit, thus leav-
ing the charge vacant.
The minionary congrees tneetings
held last week proved a great benefit
to the entire commimity and new life
has been Imparted to missionery
effort here. Four young people of
fered their eerviees es missionaries to
Ib. foreign field's
Rev. Pra. McFrulyert. of Knox Col-
lege, Toronto, rondueted anniversary
services In the Preehyterien church
say consumption can be
cured. Nature alone won't
do it, it needs help.
is the best help, but its use
must be continued in sum.
mer as wen as winter.
Take It In . little cold er writer •
Geta small Donk now. All DrudA
come, $1.100; total assessment. $1.-
I have received shipments of the
wee Models in
Two.of the best lines mine in Can-
Rubber Tires. Automobile Seats
and all the latest ideas in first-
class Carriages.
A gool second-hand Grinder for
trt good repair, to -inch plates.
Sevetal good driver", and some
lOWS for sale.
Robert Wilson
.% gent for
Meatier. Harris Implements, Mel-
lotte Cream Separators. Fleury
Plows, Bissell Disc
Harrows, Land Roller*,
. etc., etc.
Wat erem :IP -Ilaitilltcm Street,
(tinted. It.
Spring and Summer
In Fina English Natural Wools,
French Balbriggan,
Ellis Spring Needle.
and all the leading lines in Summer Underwear.
Call and see the New Rubber Collar,
in all the newest styles.
NIAINS 51111 °MOM Ate
A deliciously dainty chocolate confection
indescribably inviting and toothsome.
Like all of Cowan's specialties, of
superlative 'excellence. The name
"Cowan" stamped on every bud.'
The Cowan Co. L(mited. Toronto. 71
Prait ie. N101i sympathy is felt for
the bereaved feruih. ,
,The "insitistieon" magnifies, every
that, -AA nentee-how --deaf you are-
si:::ii•ndn:h4a11t) the r cm.ornitir.inaTI .itimean.tit,f
your deaftfess was, aa Tom -Mi. -a the
auditory nervi' Is alive: you will hear
Another Link.
Geo. Spatton is adding another link
to his chain of business college.,
which! alteady pewees a large "seen of
Eastern end N% estern ntal io.
A,liout June 1st Mr. Spottoo will in-
visite the Niagara peninsula and estaho-
Mart a college at- Welland. This in a
good nentreand the venture sbould
be a !MINI, atiCeet40111 one.
Ir potting awny Furs, etc.
such as Chloride Lim. , Cieolin,
Por bouseclesa:Mg p.m need
and (Jur
makes old Furniture like new
Bedford Block.
The Druggist.
at once, Call and We this winderfol
invention de lllll marated by Tenho &
S.ms at Dunlop's drier store, (bele-
rieh. no Nloieley and Tuesday, May
17th and Mb.
A man must always lie present when
he ie being shaved. Tbis is one rule
that hes no exoeriticici: .
!louse -cleaning Helps
House-cleaning titue is here again and we would remind you of
our good* that make house-cleaning.'. 1141430006. Here are Ontirie
til them: Pure Carbolic Acid Ine an mine*. 2 ounces for tic.
Crude C union c Acid 2.1c pint. Formaldehyde telc pint. Copperas
10c lb. Borax lele lb. Sulphur (pure) lew lb. Household Am-
monia Vic bottle. Toilet Ammonia 25c bottle. Criolioe Dian
leotard rele pint. Call or 'phone us and we will give you right
goods and prompt delivery.
Drug Store Goderich
ll800 rods of 50 cent fence, for pc per rod.
This fence is nine wires high and stays twelve
inches apart and is made of alliNo. 9 spring
steel wire. This is the price of a seven -wire
fence. We still have some of' the other sizes
left, which we have cut down to run off.
we have a quantity of
Hollywood Pend which will
(eat you $1.30 per Kelton.
We haven't a great la of
any one tenor, bin, Inc emelt
jobe or fleet coating it will
+save you tnoney.
Our stock of Brusher was
never more complete. We
have a full line of Canadian
and American towhees rang-
ing from :PC to $1.50 each.
Paint (Wine) 'roofs. inir.ges 'and for nbingles. We have the
Arco Brand in black, brown, maroon and green.
We carry u full line iif coiner' of Nhervein-Willients Paints,
which paint is generally acknewledged to be the best paint -on
the niarket.
Do you want a heating -stove tor next winter ?
We have a few that we have to carry ,over and we
want the room for summer goods. If yati can
get a $43 stove fur $.18 this is a saving of 117, or
on an__invtinent oliati_from now_niuil_fall„ say
October, "5:Egiii• trioney -earning about per
cent., or tff-ver s.ent. per-yr;u7- -not-worth
thinking over? .5
In Rakes, Lawn Moweri,-8-crecn Doors, SCreen
Windows, Refrigerators and all lines of su mmer
goods we have aIarge stock to choose irons.
Let us figure on_ your plumbing. heating, eavestroughing and
electric wiring; We can give you prompt attention and all
work fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone 22
House 'Phone et 2