HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-13, Page 6Tamp- --r, •_ 'IVUD1T,'MAY 13, 1909 '1'IIE SIGNAL: (,OI)1;1tI(11. ONTARIO THE object of all expert bakers and cooks is to make a pure white lo,f And this object isattained by the use of PURITY FrOUR Purity is a hard -wheat flour of decidedly superior whiteness. It bakes into a pure white loaf. So, you see, to get the really beauti- ful white loaf you must use PURITY hard- wheat f lour. Jnternational jYewspaper Bible Study Club THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Lower -Live Stock-- Suggestive Quest( Ins on the International .Surly School Lessons, Prepared Dr.. L & by Rev. . Inscott, Brantford t fteataWed in Iteeordanee Ntl 0 the tbl'yrtKM.wtrIetttr 7 Sunday, May .6th, 19(11 Paul's First Missionary Journey.-lcoiutun and Lystra. Acle >,iv.: 1•:11 iu bhapiot; 11 child's destiny as post. (;lit/lel: rest-�U1._ tbv hold, alai nation are idols : hit the I.oe made n ode present national condition. the heavens. should the state provide fur and main- ' Veres'e 1.2 -Point out on the map in fain all those who are born in an iw- your Bible where Icouiuw Is situated. potent condition ? ('an two wissior ,ries working to. Verses 11-10- Is faith,Iike this man gethcr do more good than they. could had possible for all, or is it a gift of working separately % God. the same as the irsultaut grace • Has the story of Jratis host or gained and healing % in its charm ulx)n the Multitude since Was this a miracle., and whether or hhat'dwy % not does God intend to run this world 11as the unbelief of these Jews a by law or by tuiracle ? 'natter of the, intellect, through leek ' Whits 11=t:3'-'VhwT woe the Idea of evidenee. tea wee it a Matter 411 the that -these people !tad of the (laity ? heart : thltt ir. x sedan of their re- How would it be likely that Ilarn• tx•Ilinn against (:1x4 % alias resembled Jupiter and Paul Mer - Verses 3.7 --Hew do you, account for cury to these F1eory.1e ? the fact that the same evidence arid went- Ib it a bait lis human nature tri be- ual demonstration winch made one part of here in some popular superstition the multitude turn to God with gladness rather than the plain truth of Ond % of heart made the other part angry in ureses 14-1.:-1f a man of God is heart and murderous in their actions ? lasing regaldrd in some superstitious This question is to be answered in writ-. way. is it his duty to administer it iso by members of the club t uditikr Wotitd you judge trona: thio -tory Have-the--beet--et men' the. name that all the good people were on the natural passions as the worst of men side of the eplatler, and alt the bad What comfort 1. there to oe in the and dishonest pe.nple on the other fact that (end made the ''heavens and side % the earth" ? Will P wise and brine li1a(- 501110- Vetoes lti 1K -Doer. (f(xi pay the times run away- from such danger as saute attention to the chips of the threatened - the • atxlet14•M.- 41F- er4li- •iruwr M 11e -does to the 4`eope 41f 4 always stay and face it % saint % The epnsttea tied -to-- Li'rtatw ltl-3F-sties it the saeM itn Derhe : where are these paces situ- pie w►w atoned Paul who before this and botterl. beat " VVemerr. Cana& Flow Mina Ce., 1-44. - Ai, mill, at VVinotpag, Brondon. semitememerell FINE TAILORED 1 CLOFIgNING I WEARS WELL DUNLOP West St. ell Are_parents ever to he blamed for ts he who. laid out for dead ,through either fthysicai or more defeeta In 'toning, sterte arr ht. why' the next heir children day preaching ilia *tory of mercy and Ate pre•natal influences as powerful love ? Sunday. May 33, 190, rostacil at Jerusalem. GRAND TRUNestrEtiv VICTORIA DAY EXCURSIONS Rettirn Tickets at Single Fare Between all stations in Canada. also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y. litnit May 26, 111011. A. Y. P. EXPOSITION • SEATTLE - Very low dentition rate in effect May 210th, 1909. Full infortnation and tickets from Town Agent. Latest Quotations. 3onda1: y Ea 01•1115, 1 a, 31. W. Liverpool wheal futures ,bora+l 1.1 lower and euro tad lower hum Saturday. Chicago, May wheat closed liarec lower. July ler lower, corn be.' lower, au. Cala ye -lower Winnipes Options •p! 41.14 Y.W. Cats- May 431,µ• tint, JuI'v 4;1%• bid. Toronto (train Market. Wheat, tall bush fl l5 to ,L'1'r.1. ra.L bush _....._.L W oat, goose, bush 1 13 Rye bushel 0.71 buckwheat. bushel 011 Peas. bushel 0 93 Marley', bushel 0 011 Oats. bushel '......... 0 41 Toronto Dairy Market. Rutter, separator. dairy,,0 24 Rutter,gp.urc luta 019 Mutter, creamery. Ib. rol15 "• Hurter. creamery, sat1.15 .,0 7'1 , Eggs, new -laid douse • 0 the (*beef.new, .lb n 11 1'liretn, brim. Ib 011 12h4Y.e, lw'ta..lb ..._-..-y..lJlk- New York Dairy Market: 20 0 20 0.1.313 NEW VoRK. May 0* -141Itter-Kaider.- Reecipts. 7703, 'creamery spee1415. •••7(• 27c. estrAN, 93ier: third to -Pic: proems - rosette -err tn eperlat 17•• to Zloty:. western, fectort-.-ftrut. Jac; tweet. ern imitation ereamer . first. 21.. to 2'3.7. Cheraw -Weak 'and low er Het elate. 03. Eggii-Weak-ftecelpt P. A.9114: state. brown and mixed fan(•y. ;:Se; do., fair to choice, -210 to f2e; wetter'''. storage Packed, 2-Ze; western, first Ylatic; seconds. 111 to L'Otaic; aouthern. first, 2etec; Me. sec - suldresatis hell? givt•it, for positiVe proof that Lydia E. l'ildthaufa Vegetable l'onnsiimil (1tree cure female ills. it owns., ill...Mrs. Alt von sperliag, II Lang- don Street. Lindley, May Fry. KlUalOy, Kans.. Ilre. Stolle Beaman. Milwaukee. Emma hued, eal lot Carpo of Lite, South (tend, Fr e,l .'retia, tint S. lefarette St rout. Nath, Kentucky..11N. Lierie 11 t and. Nn•olianld Mo.wers. Sarah Loustiluout, 'sp7 S. Mune', Si. Paterom, N.J. Mos. Wm. Somerville, 116 (Iw,barah Avenue. Philadelphia. 1•a... Mrs. K. R. Oariett, 2407 North Unmet Strcot. Semite um, Wis.-Mrs. Carl nahlke. Maternity Tensible.. Woree.tsr,• 11...e.+Mrs. 1lurylva (',•1e, 117 5,mth date Street. -isiba siediertedeek 4i,-A.41.AaJoau.u, tag • M. Pratt Street. Rig Kan, i*a. Mi. W. R. Pooley. Atwater Statl.m. t). -Are. Anton Mu-ihau d Cluemnati, lb... -Mrs. . U. Ms.14..e►s, 2132 l tuber% .(venue. Mogadore, Chi... .Mrs. Lee emirs, u.0 131. , 11ow.ttvtlla, \.\'.-tin. A.' A. (dile... Johnstown, N 1',-ylrs. I N. ameba, 1011 K. Main Street egrecomem-tttw try Peter taegewh.L . Aveld 4 Menet ione. ihuseecw&3nr..Mrn. Yes t. t+aaar- Adrian, tia.oi.rua 1'. Henri'. 14..ute Ito. 3. ladtsannep.lie, irel.-.1teeeie V. Piper, Al "Meth Addison Street. lmolsville, Kr. o NN. Siam 144,:621 Pourth St. South west Harbor,' Maine... Mrs. L1111141 Robbins, lit. Ire.rrt laaht St anon. Detroit. Mich. -_ Mr., Frieda 14ssaau, 044 Meldrum Aveuur, On,saa. lyr�flale ItlipIaeeM,ests. • Mosler. Ills...Hn. 31.,ry 11411. IJgonler..Iod. Un. EliseW,..I,R.P.D.Kn,4, slethourne, Iowa.-31rs. Clare 11'aterwaan, • K. P. D. No. 1. Bardstown. K r...Mrs..toseph 11Q1. Usfor.l Mlrre� H.Mr-Piewl.ee. 7l/nnrep lle, tllnn.•.3fre.•John H. Malden. 9113 Second Street, N. $bamr.,.•t. 'tam, 11. F, h. No 1' -•- Rot IT. _- mese 54,••gnt.tl04-. J!xdi.-1tku11 No.3. Boa (0. Chester Ark -Mrs. Pella Wood. Orilla, fa. -MN. T. A. Cribb. Pendleton. fn•t.s.Mr.. MAW Marsh*II,R.R.44. Cambridge, Neb.-Mre. Meths-3toetagder. Cables Steady -Hogs Lower at Suf. fate and Chicago. Toronto Junction Liv• Stock. Stock Yards were ii7 carloads. con- eisting of 1481 cattle. 26 hoge and 21 Acts :v. : 1-35. • ."yoke" of the law and the "yoke of Golden Text - We believe that Jesus ? 10.) hrough the grace et the ,Lord Jesus Veree 12 -Recall some of the. Chriet we shill be saved:even as they. wonders done through Petal and Barn - &has among the, Gentiles and Ralt what bearing therhaci upon the dis- Venies 13 -21 -Who was Janne* who next addreesed the centred ? James. the brother of Jesus, was the 'president 'of- thee manneirtt-ii- -it Verses 1 -5 -Are good men liable to hold wrong opinions ? When good men differ in opinion what is the better way in order to reach an understandinir? When a_ professed Chnstian gets ang with smother Chnstian, on a mere matter probable that his ruldress was of the on this question Verses z..-zt- ore seems ,to iniVe been no formal motion pass_el by the club.) . council. but they appear to have Circumcision no doubt oxiginated reached ,a unanicnous deciaion as froin supposed purposes of health and outlIped in the address of the presi- physical cleantinees. and afterwards juaitvw in.titntion_rd d,aenet any whether we are bound to Vitillecision as the voice ot God. Jews. State When God first made k circumcision the Di.; or token of the ' what particulars ii the great and his seed and to whom the rite of Ging this -dispute ? - te• nded. (See Gen. irvi given in verse :.1) intended to he of Is circumcision now ntial to sal- _lasting obligation, or werr some of eatien-it- only temporary ?- le the belief Of -any doc rine essen. From whom are Christians to get tint to salvistiun ? guidance on all matters in this day ? Venires 6 -11 -le experien of Hod Verse"; 311 35-- There never will he a -And- lib. dealings with us cdnclusive time when dieputes may not occur in P roof of the wilt of God in the roattere the church lind between individuals ; whi• h the experience covers ? how phould they alwsys be settled ? Did this trouble in the church help Is. thorough discussion in c courts is perfectly right way to a it or hurt it. and does God always at the will of God in any matter ? overrule trouble, whoever may be the Were those who taught that 'cie- cause of it. for tbe good of his chit- rfumcision was essential to salvation. dren ? as well as tieing narrow. necesearily , Lesson for Sunday, May 30tb. 1909, UMT1113 guru! -AteltevIng and Doing. What is the difference between the M. from the love of God, and what spun. does it these 2 This mteetram muse -be answered in writing by members of the one load ef very clue. e steer.* being nold by Ininn & Levark of the latter price. whlelt is A reeoPti quotation reported thus Jar this sta.9.1111. Expo( t yet, Prime picked lots .001 7,i* from 111..40 to load. of the loon butelters' sold at. sanded trent rs to Ir. eacl.. Only II'. lio-411*.ated "'Unit* r were on sale, •' abeam awl Laselm. Receipt, fight. pet., s Ewes, mon yearlings, M. to 05. spring Iambs, 0.30 $6,15'foi .7terh-Mortla (Moine:. report hay - Mg pant $710 per cart,,,, fed and watered care nt country points ',II _Kieuttedsi.. ofiii1736-fed mid water* rst_the_mar, Irk, end Pet and 'we tenet. E. PuddY reports SrN f.o.b. curs at autiotry points. taw twat -_strawit--Xtswiti--Wwwit7-Nod- Market the recelpta of ity.• *stock for, the • h1-1'11 and lambs. Wei hogs and Yea. valve . week ending May were :ran rata...An while the offers,' Por Meat -eon- prumptiOn this morning eohtilUed 11.1.1 rattle. 74 sheep and latittw, hewn and 1.114niltal;:mePpatte. with the steady upward tender.) of yrIcoa ter estUe-In Me. went - ern market. of late 41141 the filet that $4.1n was paid for ehotee exporr st..k la Toronto et the latter o nd of Niel week has 'Oren full, nialat &Med. and 1.1-1,... to- asty ehroWed ettother /4 1., Der mock, iupted mit', weaker ..101.• advice* paired WI Wro.k ago. •shows hat the local situ ion Is healthy. There was some- theime,espeeterey-anek.--lbek. r,at,1 per retool, tees pef head, for ' tepee weight g to 1100 pollniln. There were sum.. c.r.robred stock on Slie market. whl. I, eidisisted of three brills and • two 1,11.•r* The hulls welicred about 10110 Pounds (ouch. for w1101. seller was asking , 61,et• per pound. Try (lenient' front al 'butchers • and wi sale dealers wee pot ait keen as le was week ago. hut osi the erM.1.• sidtair trade wee done and the :market weft moderately active A tea Int .ey. PtPs•rs sold at Mao: mon at rec (.1 4v, end irtferior et 3c to Pec per pound. • very light, vet an , feeltn: ',revolted In the market 1 red, 1.1) rd lower than a week Han The /*Mond was fair - p▪ ate al orb's.* ranging from El to 'each, and calves sold a front 41.5. io 1", each, portant change in t'ie tree hog .situation. erlertm lots `were made at 0.31 to .• 36 per rs-voTrfistr,- *sighed off ars. \ East Buffalo Ceti!, Market. tle-listroslytts, 17M heed; active and fresh coW. Id springers. • stmne. L.1 to 6611 _Yeats:, Hegel LAO vh,ead. slew and Sp Nigher. beat: 07.4 to 0.c.. milted. ei to 13.48: ostrws.47.- eitetut And b. R scow., ytiarliiies. weedy . New York Live itoek. NEW TYRE .W,7077117.----Raewise -weeensull- 4750; •teere mow and fee to Ire: tower; ming ptegdy to a freetkm higher; cow*, steady to • abode lower: •Il mild; nteerli, te• S1.34; dreamed beef eleedy. pate. edtporte none, • and none lo -mor. menet, het filte lower on heavy reeetpts; yeah,. 0 to IC; few oeleeted. M.IlIa to 1,, 0.40; tireeeed italyea lower: illy dreas• ed reala, 1.3e ; vaunt: y dressed. 101411tele0P, and Gantt,. - Receipt*. I:. "91 higher: bePt lembe Me to lee 1•04 i•ci •.11 "rold; sheet,. all clipped, 44.60 tp et x. few M•10: r111111. 13 to 11. clipped lambs 1. tet 01; spring lambs steady ; Maryland., ri per IM few, bv head. at 114.60 to Chicago. ltd. -1110 Wm. 'Fully, le Ogden Av. Coffeevalle,. 14. J. Jones. l311C111111111,0411...4 Mrs. Plots AM', 13M Clevelmtl. Ohio ...miss. Llsaie Steiger 010 • -Mrs. Iiillierd, Mayen" Windt*. Herrin, t :has. rowel, baltknore, 11.1. --tire. W. IL Vord, 19:01 Lau- 1'1421;0.1Mo, 1110.4 • 11 ow Aline Wallet.... Roseville. Ohio..Mrs. Ella Michael, e.r.1).3. Deiton, Ohio.. Mrs. Ida Hale, Ike M. Nil. ""fLebstsui, Pa ;..Mrs. limey Mille, 233 Leh- man Street. Petroit,Ilich..-31ro. Louise Jung 332( 'neaten{ 141.• Ovarian Tremble. Philadelphia. Pa...Sint. Obea Poet, sat inutortilarutoit Willimantiell,;!...hume.i:Nrrs."-.Ma Woman, M rs. Rubel Johnson. Rockland. Mame,. Mrs. Will lrout,g, Col. Seventh Avenue. !Fort Rueter, Pe.- .11r*. Mary Jane Shute CANADIAN PACIFic $75.75 Pacific Coast aNn RETURN Wide choice of toutes. Liberal Stop- overs. Ticitects good going MAY 20 to SEPT. 30 Return limit 31 By direct Canadian P.oute. he Goan' Wait and the Rocky Mount& s. Mit the Aleskit.Yukon-PacifIc Expo. at Seattle and nthermecial Full informetion from JOS. KIDIJ,Agent. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO TOURIST and WEEK -END Excursions st . The Scenic Route to _LAKE SIMCOE, SPARROW LAKE, MUSKOKA LAKES. GEORGIAN PICKEREL and FRENCH RIVER S. Crosaing l.ake Muskoka at Bala Park and along the shore of Lake .loseph. skirting nearly one hundred bodies of water between Toronto and Sudbury. ""' For Hterature end full Information about fishing and holiday_reoorta, Write C. Pistris-Gartev. Feininger Agent, Are you clutcouraged? la your doctor's' hill a heavy 'financial lond? In your pain been put at 10250,(410. a heavy physical burden? 1 know whet there mean to delicate women -1 have 'rlie rued would certainly t rAVIVSY A cure mimelf. I weed to relieve your bur- "Mould he eplendel iseetion of country which been disicitureged, too; but learned how to Anna. WhY not end the pain and atop the rrofltable not, only to the doctor's tun? 1 cart do this foe YOU and r"rnPanf nit he a big traile-bringer All you need do le to write fnr a free t" St.'" "rd. w11J If you will nutlet me. boa of the remedy which halt been pInced -- - in my hands" to be given away aa Pcrhana thin one box will cure yeti- it hut done en "I linden/tend, darling. t hat if I ask for 01h.111.. lf ea, 1 'shell 1... happy end for ynor hand your father intends to 1 yon Will be cured for 2c (the coot nf a kirk me out.- "Vett. Clarenee, re- ' /imitate entrap). Tour letters held ennfl- mrpe if...4AT f,,,,.,,,,, fr„,, ,,,,,, plied the coy maid. .el believe there CANTIN'S SCHEME Piaui for Constructing Stratford -St.- Jos- eph Railway. Stratford, May lith. -The Beacon says : At the,,meeting of the provisional Railws,y held in this city yesterday afternoctn, action was taken for pro- ceeding With the _work of construc- tion. The interests of the old board of provisional directors were acquired am' traneferred to a new board, -which subscribed $12.1.:e11) in stock. 10 per cent. of which will be paid into the treasury at onci•. in compliance with the Railway Act. After due notice has been given in the Ontario (Myatt*, a nieeting of the shareholdera will be held at which a board of permanent directors will be appointed. The Beacon is informed that a eon - tract eras made by the new ,pcovls,_ ional board with R. H. Sheewood, of Brooklyn, N. Y., for the conetrue- e beads of the company. Mr. tih tr r and has constructed several of the I init., railways and bridles on the co Pittabur to the brid St. Louis fo being Among t wood has beet/ e eited in the ter The proposition so fa cipalities are concerned company before starting $50(11,tels The rood is to he .1 mile* in length, extending (nun ford to St. Joseph on Lake Hilt Carlingford, bt.ieseldale and Exe or lieneall. It 1* proposed to the road for $25.000 a mile. to equip it in the best possible manner. These bonds Are to be for thirty years, carrying is rate of four per cent. intereaL It is proposed to ask the municipalities to guarant,e these bonds to enable the company to float them at par Instead of at, a diecount as unguaranteed bonds usually are sold. The company state that there Would practically be no risk to the numiripalities in the transaction, es the half million of the company's stock woold have to be lost before the !stunk' pantie' (meld he caller! upon ter pay anything. If Koch a contingency thrill have the entire property in their poisession. to he run Ns ft Hadelphia Inquirer. owned institution. The gnarantee would he !Trend over the municipeli- i0 them fitratfortre share having Frank 3. Cheney mekee oath that he la mentor finer of the firm ef P. J. Cheney Ce. doing Pa.. which is 'second only A Surfeit of Oysters. the, volume of traffic, A /148,1 editor once got a big ad. • Munber. Mn Sher- vertisement from a place which sold nancially - nothing bat oysters. The place had at Mt. -1.0"Pni just opened, and white the proprietor zulla emu- was wining le advertise he didn't have the cast te spend ; so the ROWS' as the tenni- t is : The him t,0 $10 worth d(oysters. paper tnan took it card which entitled 0,rk is "A fey/ days later' n tramp printer le„set stmlled into. The Clintette office and ,•nye wanted a Joh," relates the editor. -I 1001._,,: had not/skier Wolfer him, but t.old Liu T1/I man he might Beep beck in the coin. poeing-room, and. as he had no money im buy food. I gave him the meal et on tbe oyster parlor. I didn't r from him again for more then a One day he came into the of- ing hit drawn and worn. 't want to seem dimatistied ou've done for me. Mr. he, 'and l'in willing to bit of food ; but for n't you get an ad. emporium P'" FOR S/CK CHILDREN. Mrs. Roee Hawthorne Lathrop. Who Has Dole So Much Good Among Sick Chi:rine:ell New York, Ree- ds Vinol. "In my work among the destitute sick I give Vinoi in many cases where it would be impossible to give cod liver oil in any other form, on account of the extreme vreakness of the patient's stomach. 1 have known Vinol-to testore appetite and infuse new life in meny cases of sick women and chitdren when everything else failed. Little children Mee* to delight in taking Vinol." The reason Vinol is Ito far euperior to old-fashioned cod liver oil Mid em- ulsions is because it Mamie" ell the bedy-huilditig element* of cod liver oil actually taken from feesh coda' livens with the disegreeable oil eliniinated and tonic iron added. Al a body builder and strength creator for old people. weak- women, delicate children. after sickness and for all pulmonary trouble's. Vinol is recommended by over 5.600 - of the leading druggistti of the United States. Your money will . be returned on and if Vinol fails to benefit. H. 41 Dunlop. Druggist, °oda ioh. wee flee with wh Carter,' ea admit that wonderfully 11 heaven's sake, from a ham and "There was a strains( Man here to see you today, peps." ea little Ktheli as she ran to meet her fattier in the hall. "Did he have a "No, gra : he had itiet a plain Nervous Penetration. • (Ironer,. Mae nottlit. Camden, NJ...Mrs. Tillie Waters. 461 Liber- ty Street. 11(.14delplOa. 4..104 Julataftna, 210 Sioijel Street. 1(400 ?rice 25 CtS. 1)146 TILE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINC �VE " OF IMITATIONS SOLD ON 11IE MERITS OF MINARIIS LINIMENT 1 N% oat duty ealls man up , It, gets t busy signal. the power of Lydia E. l'inkhani's egetable Compound to cure female fortn for the use of th,ir names in 'this advertisement -but are _ etlier--4mtfor-ing-Avoteen -to prdve that -bp -14-E. Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest tuedivitte, awl hat 'the statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit are, the truth and nothing but the truth. Of °Mk 11101.1.812.1 for Math and every ease of Caterrh that cannot cared be the nee Of Hall's i'eterrh Cure. TRANI J. HENRY. rY Haire Catarrh I sire (taken internally, anti ects directly on the blood and mneon. anirfaeeit 05 the spit/sm. Send for trodimonials free. Sold by all Druggist.. 7 te. Take Hall e "emit> Hee for cored i pat ion. COME Me 11111M0 1 1Corner Gr-oceryl . Where you get Fresh Supplies Fresh Fish daily. Coal Oil !resoled to perfection. Cash for Butter and Eggs. 'Phone 1 10. It Wee a Bargain. A doh man, who wag (let sined the Immo. for a part of the day. handed hit wife, who was going down- town. a quarter of a dollar and re - wrested her to get him three (-igen' for When 'the returned she handed him " l'hat •thowt that. women can beat frig purchases, I found a 'dare where I could get eight for it quarter inatead of three. !aril that going 14 And the poor Man, IIJ1 he took his medirini% merely remarked : "It certainly is, dear. - Thz Best. of - All fireairSzst Foods There's a reason behind all fads and fancies. -breakfast-food-3 atiif The market was floo4e.d w:12,1 health foods (sa-ca'iled.) But 7:the best breakfast foorLin the world.ia 'Zephyr cream" Sfxla .11iScuits crushed in cream or fresh, sweet "Zephyr Cremmit Sodas have more original goodness than all other sodas rn,-.‘aufattured on this continent. More than that., the original goodness of Christie's Bisenits is lasting. The flavor does not vary. ' All big biscuit makers buy a good brand of tbur. We buy all good brands. Then we blend the best brands, sift. and test the Mend until we find a dough that'will sustain the Christie reputation. ExpeniffVe! Yes -but we know no other way of starting -to -make biacuits up to our own high Every, ingredient entering into our " bakes" is the purPst and best we can buy. Jur " Zephyr Cream " Sodas Crushed in cream, or fresh milk, certainly do make an excel- lent light breakfast. You test them. AT YOUR GROCER'S Sad in hon., or in small family fins, damp and dunt•ptoef. Christie, Brown & Co., Ltd., Toronto RUPTURE CURED AT YOUR HOME treatment you tan use HOME. NO PAIN, DA1)IG Tile IS not a truss 1Nhr.t ONPIRrAT.ION.•nar loss ot one RUPTURE gets any viorse. NOT WAIT. Fill SO thia crown - rime So. -and eel to Dept C.. 33 Ontario St CHAS. E. GRIFFITH AND REPAIRING HAIR MATTRESSES REfiEWED AN D RE- MADE *ova dtore. Wetit Street. IG. JOHNSTON 1 nn ALMER F41NERAL DIRECTOR WC., .44e 6tiwirr. Nrght`Oells: At loaldenee. 13 Willi on issaanaamacossaseumememsel 1401)11U & SON I Funeral Directors lamer0-tright se 11•Y COKE Try our GASHOUSE -CONE Fine for furnaces, ' ranges, heateri and grates. "Mere heitY-ina Cheaper $6.00 per ton cash. New Coal Yard I handle all kinds of hard and soft coal. Satisfaction guaranteed Nothing but the bedst anthract:r Terms, without exception. CASit Phooe 127 PHONE 15 OR 24 Vrhon Too want ( and Yards mi _ COAL ALL KIN1A-OF COAL ALWAYS N HAND trAil Coal weighed on Ilia market *calm where you get 2..031 lbe. for a ton• WM. L.EE. order* left at 1,Ekk hardware Store