HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-13, Page 5FT I 1 1 1 1 TUM SIGNAL GODERIOH.: ONTARIO BOOKBINDING MAGAZi NES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES • bound tat repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER 0001)8 .l2:3 THR slash Ooderloh, "wing r. ->r TA.YLQ11. ST.MTYUMI Public Notion. *tTICE.-THE I'UIILIC HEALTH AL T of Ontario require that all ..swan over stir 14 aro liable of 3 to . hoe emmata!. wconviction a,at for failure to ,wooly with such regulation.. The u,wtical bruit!, °direr will be In his °Moe ml the nest 8Am/day 4l:w000a of each uweak tat o.'loek for the free vatadoalJa, of persons Attending_ fur such purua,e. A. C. HUNTCIt, Medical Health &)spoor. L4VSOPSIM t)F CANADIAN 1,1 N' S.THWICiT LAND RBuULATIONS.` Any person who is the .ole heal of • family, any male over tit yarn. old, may 1 reload A quarter -section of avalloble Dominion land In 1launtulw. S.wkatchew*u or Alberta. '1'M 0Vphcant must appear In person at the 1 Wmin. lou lands Agenry or Sub- Agency fur the diem net, F.utry by may be wade at any Agency, on certain condition+, by father, mother. eon. daughter, brother or .liter of intending horae.leatei. 1mt1a...-Six months' residence upon and cult ilium, of the land in each 0 t three years. .t hmuer•tuafer may live within nine mile.' of his hrnjuwt..d on a fano of at leant fir *ores ,lel) uwnen and occupied by him or by his father, mother. Non. daughter. brother or .1.101. In certain districts * homesteader In good taudu,may pre -erupt a quartereeotton Woodside a hie homestead. Price 00' per acre. 'tootle.. -Stint reside ala uwnths In each of six teU°nhe�)hwe required to earn homestead mama) and runts -ate fifty acre. extra. A homesteader who ho' exhausted hie howe- .tead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead. in certain dotrirta. Price PAP per erre. llutlers-Must reside six months in es:h of throe years. culti- vate fifty acres and erect a hours worth WM. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.H.-Unauthorlwd publication 'of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for.' Watchmarag, etc. IJ - A1.SEY PARK wanNMarga..lxwge,ts�n tir•rtclaN. South side of Square. Goderich OOtu-. Civil F.ntrineerlinj t('AL'tiliAN M. KOHERT$, CIVIL d Hydraulic Engineer. (Marto (.and eon'eypr. oM.e�McLean Mork, (iodide's, corner thinnest street. Telephone Ili. tune ( (.FRED 144 COOK. TEACHER OF 1 ItianoplaylnR Theory. Harwwn. and 4ounterpotnt- Ponds prepared for timorous - tion. of Toronto Conservatory of Music. Apply at T Kumon'. Mu+lr Store. tinders -h. Mnal*ye in 1 Mom.. at n+Mterne of Mr. Aka. Marken me. 4 41110110 A rut. 'Medical , RS. EMME1tti)N & TURNBULL. 1! A. T. KIIMItHered, SI,41.4. W rt. •t•erarul.l. Y (Mora Handlton Street. .Phone sol Lt. );mmereon . re•4denre, North Itreet, o)ppo.dte St. tleonte;.chun;h.'phone lett . Turnbull'+ rsidenc e, Montreal street. lleulhweet of Public Library. 'Moos Int. 1+ \V, F. GALLOW, M. B. a lake N residence. 'Non h .trees, Uoderich,. north of 4 .,;esp7 ftea herr office. Telephone Ill) — Legal — - - - 1 1. KILLORAN. BARRISTER. vi , solicitor. notary, etc. Money In lend at Inwe-r•n.te.. /noire -North entreat, uudench mere +moan Oglce). In daforth Itaturdaye and Mondays... lit ii (. CAMERON. K. C.. BARRIS- TkR, solicitor, notary public. mtt)Moea- li ,ltun Set. Ooderlch, third door front !Junius D t(tUDFOOT. HAYS & BI.AIR barrt,tetv..ollrltorn, notaries. public pr. • 10154n the Maritime eurketc. Mee. evot. side &snare, next door (•. A. ?learn'., grocery. i'rl wive hinds to lend at IcW,.l rice of interest. W. PIWCUgWT. K. C. It. C. HAYS. O. R OLAllt. a ill AKLES()ARROW, L. B.. BAR- ItneTltR, attorney*, solicitor, ate.. Orde- n. h. Money to lend at Insert rates. �( 0. JOIINSTON, IIARRIS'l'KR, jot. sollritor, eummlwloner• notary public. Offices Hamilton street. uoderich Ont. - Insurance, Loans. Etc. \Gl opik PRIVATE FUND`( TO loan. Apply to M. IL (•AM ):IW,:. Ik.rrieter, Haenlltew.treet, lioderlcb. ROBEKTSO INSURANCE AGENT. Ia7A50 i.L(Inytmto: British, Canadian and American, A....1 near, 041 0,5000 ANTI r,Mr'IJ/r ' I.t&NII m 110: The a an Accident and�,«,,.4rantue .'ortnretlm., LInd1Pd, of London, k g. )'I NCI ITT AND l)rARANTxa IM,N,w : T C. 14. Fidelity and Guarantee Company. (nice at residence, northeast corner o Pic tort. end St. David's streets. 'Phone 704 JOHN W. CRAIGIE, L!FE, FIRE and accident Insurance. Agent for leading mutual *nd stock rnmpsnlee. Insuren,•e in al 11n.s effected on nest plans and at lowest ogee. ('a14 at office. corner Went Street rind Square 01.ddrem J. W. C.A1U1K. Nodesich, Ont. fele ,hone Y( At,f, CLOP MUTUAL FfKE iN- 1J�t`` M L' R A N t' IC l; O, -+'arm andel isolated than property insured. ()Meer. --J. R. Merman, Pres., Klppen P. (t T. rinser, Vlce.fre. Brueefeld 1'. O. Thome. L liar., Sec.-Treas.. eleaforth 1'. o 1)tr ctorn -W in. Chesney. Seafurth : John U. linens. Winthrop • Deorgo Dale, So.fortl ; John Hennewels, lhtblln: Janice keens. (leech wool : John Watt, Hedrick ; TMs.. Fraser, ohne afield ; John IL. McLean. Klppen ; Jae. Connolly, (limon. J. W. Yeo, Holmenville, agent for Wo.t Polloy-holden con pay aneeenmente e nd .t their cards reoetpted sit Tozer k Brow ' . Clinton, or at R. H. Cutt'e gfeoer7. Mese street.Ooderloh. X nage Licenses WALTER . KELLY, WALTER ' 1('H, ONT. Watchmaker, J . eller and Optician. lamer of M Liana.. W LANE, ISSUEOF MARRI- . AMC Ilpeew, Ood. Ont. SRAVitto PA 13 EDFORD BLOCK BARBER OP. -TMs well-known and popular end offeh air cutting, irons the beet service in aha a. tJ e e n � pe�t,,� ,>t. eta Ladles ham 1 "_Dalt.'M1�t7s. Only .kilted hands emp0 elf` Yl ('RrRlf u(, Pr1p f for s appreciated. H. H. — s- Anet1oneeilnilt THOMAS GUNDKY, LIVE STOCK sad general aoetteneer. Moss on Rooth atz e▪ t, where N will found at all Uwe. • wd,d every._ .ffaet'r71Os.odd arets etreyou .Bataanramose AUCTIONEERINo. All trenches carotene attended t0. ram telex rive stock %lea. real 'Vigo mod merehan hes mita made anywhere. Write for dates or 0011 gal talk It over with deo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Gaierich Ont TMephesse Ilk. fN THE SUMMER HOTEL AGREEMENT REACHED ISETWEEN TOWN AND MH. LEE. Town Proposes to Make a New Park on Lake Bank Opposite the Hotel --- New Market Building Not Yet in Sight- Portlon of Elgin Avenue to 8 • tioulsvardod-Rogular Meet ing of Town Council. The regular meeting of the town council war held last Friday, with Oouncillors Humber and Dean absent. Considerable time war takeit up with a discussion of the terms of *n agreement between the town ural Mr. Lee for the rental of the sumttler hotel. One wetter that caused it goad deakuf discussion wag the disposal of the two lots tau the lake bank across from the hotel. These lots beta* to the hotel property and cuprequently are included inthe draft agreement between Mr. lane and the town and also in the option which• the agree• went gives Mr. 1.ee, to purchase the property at. $41,41411. The council, how- ever. frit that threw two lots rhuuld be retained by the town to form a park. It Was decided to put a path- way down the trill near the hotel and also to move the bathing house to the beach below the hill. a■ lheN-1. P. K. has acquired the beach where the bathing house now .lauds. It wee felt that the changes at the dock had made Harbor Park less of * park than it former ly cow and the council thought that it would be in the inter - mut of the town to recurs a (lark farther south on the lake bank. Mr. Lee had some hesitation in acquiesc- ing to this, as many of those who bad spoken to him *batt buying the hotel thought that these Iota were a valu- able asset to the hotel and would snake a good place lot. the building of a dancing hall. Of course if the prop- erty were wade a public park it would be there for the use of the hotel" guests as much as for anyotle-elle and on this view Mr. Lee did -hot .rein in- clined to block the -town in making the park. Annther difficulty was as to the .Iswid..auleut of the hotel. Mr. 1wts.-winted the anewaiuent-plu:ad at. the amount at which he is to have the option to purchase, but (his it lee. then half what the hotel is at present atom/wed at ami the Deputy Reeve' raised the (westien whether the .coun- cil had any power in the /natter, It was finally left over, it beim: node'. stood that t11e couoc,l Was 10 favor of the reduotion of the assessment. and the platter will- coin'. up before the oust of -revision in the regular -way. The other terms of the agreement were aseenteti le. Mr, Lee is to get a lease of the hotel for this and next year at $1 a year rental *nd to have the place free of taxes. except school taxes and water and light rates. Cuuuctll,n' Jordan has been tuniting up against sour snag* in the carry- ing out of 04)1111' of the tdeaa which he h*o twen advocating in the council. For instance. on the matter of mak tug a eu)all park or beauty slept at the intereectinn of Elgin avenue and Waterloo street, the cetuetet y and parks committee brought in the fol- lowing report : After carefully meal- nring the ground at raid corner it was found impossible have ruses e L u E v e u park 'tartest on account of the tayout of the 'blew .Ik and sewer system ; if a Isnrlevaid was started on 'Elgin avenue we believe It would have Se ask the counian cil to set aside the RUMt Iwtter, and of $W to put in trees for one Klock on Elgin avenue, the work to go- on at once,': under the. supervision of the chief and Councillor Jordan. ittr. Jordan explained that the rea- lm his name had been pmt in the re- port fir supervisor of the work was that the cheirwan of the committee refused to hive anything to do with the matter and Councillor Hallows was too busy. ' The proposal was to pot in say twenty ornamental trees for the distance o1,ahout a block on Elgin avenue, Scotch tir being sug- gested. Mr. Jordan. however, wag not sure that he might not run up agaioet another snag if the sewer ran down the centre of the road, se it would not do to place the boulevard over the sewer. The committee's re- port was adopted. only ('oancillor Munnings and the Deputy Reeve Tot- ing No. The DeputyReeve wanted tr'bear C,ntncillor allows. expression `of opinion on the matter of the boule- MEN'S OXFORDS Wo have all the young men's down-to-(lateshoes. We should like to show thein to you. Men's patent colt oxfoy'dr, blucher cut styles. all patent and with dull or colored tope, 9:454). $1.00 and $..oil. Men's tan oxfords, blucher and b ckle styles, new laeta, $:3.51. $1, and BIN). W have some new goods i n and ox -blood hoots, jus rrived. Come and have a k at them. Ge M. Elliott yard, as he• and Councillor Jordan were the member. of the capitail tc' who r. t1""""'C ill the repot, One reason for the clear, full but Mr. ti.dloNs sail Cuuucdlur .lor- den had covered the ground. Mr. Munnings objected to the de- ' tone vision as to wfl.ch.bluck 10 select, for the experiment and the supervision of the work bring left to ru yowlg a member of the eouncil,an Mr. Jordon, but the Mayor ruled that he the nod - ter had pained the cout1011 Mr. Mun- nings was out of order. l'uuncillor Munuinge made the comment, "1'111 out of order, but I'm right," to which tlouneillor Jordan's refeinder - w fie, "It taker the young members of the council to get things passed." tater on in the sleeting when Councillor Jordan war suggesting the giavellitig of the southern end of South street, which he said in wet- weather_ was in. a "beastly" condition, Mr. Slunllimge threw 111some little auggeation a1a1111 It Iwnleral•d down there and Council- lor Jurdsn made the rein that they would have a boulevard down there next year when Councillor Muriuings was oft the hoard, to which Mr. Munnings was heard to add, "And when you are Mayor." Another twitter which Councillor JordO I1461 hall a good deal to do with is that of the market, but the report brought in by the coumuittee dues not look very promising for the lisle estabhahment of a market. The committee reported : That we cannot uecidr on any feasible idea, but would recowrnend that at next municipal election, if 110 opportunity (lora hot present itself before that, a vote of the people be taken on the market question as to location and whether or not we e.tablirh market days. 1 ouucillor Jordan. however, did not seem quit•• ratislied that !time- t hiug could not be done reel' yet and on his notion, seconded by Council- lor Uraigie, the report wart bent luck 10 the committee. The public winks committee recumm- tnended: That the cement sidewalk in trout of Fut•r'a hotel is' mired and put down by the town ; that the Oldie works committee repair the fenc at the fair grounds ; that no action Laken on John Weis' letter re takin care of the Lair grounds and that the *trees inefrectur 4. ivatrtu:tul to take cafe of the grounds and buildings; that John 11unlnrv11's tender to put in concrete Mere on concrete (outing' at $1.2.; each and concrete routings at r*Lhlnt.ccrptrll ot_Lhewont re- quired at the smuttier hoteTwn1 tli*t the work bo done under the super- vision of the itUret inspector; that another warning moire he inserted in the pipers *goblet dumping refuse on 4he rtleels; that the 0)4.irman of the public works committee have the dead Munches triwn(ed off the tress on East and West syt•err . The report Was *dueled, with }he exception of the rivet clause, which was- referred luck. 1'be finance committee reclen- metid, the payment' of .-number -of a;•euuutr • that Ur. Whitely he paid $11 in full of his account; that no action be taken on the account of -lit l'aualiai Municipal Journal for $t1: that the account of The Star fur $;a for work done on the printing of the bylaws 11e allowed to atom! over for a while; that the Ma •tar be emis.w,',ed to attend Co the repot -e of $311 Inurt- g.age on land in Ashfield. This report wag adopted. The rprr•ial committee reentu- mended re Elliott's. elevator proposi- tion that the additional information be allblttitted to the vonnl•il ; that bemires he called fru to build a wait. ing room at the dock according to plan B submitted by Architect Fowler. After discussion on the elevator question it was decided to take no atti0n, Councillors Hallows and Muu- nine moving in this direction, it be- ing felt that the sketch Mr. Elliott had put in was not sufficient informa- tion for the council to act on, Coun- cillor Jordan moved in amendment that it Mr. Elliott pay the coat of tak- ing the vote of the people on the ghee - tion the matter he submitted, but got no s•ronder. He voted No to the motion to take n11 action, The other clause of the report was adopted on motion of the Reeve and the Deputy Reeve, The estimated cost of the waiting roan as given by the architect is $3 9...ei aud the build- ing proposed is one that could be moved at any time. it is designed to provide .accommodation for pas- sengers waiting for boats. Woe Mrs. Trays wrote again asking the council to take some action in laying w r e property side alk in front of her proper y o n St. Patrick's street. The sidewalk had been derided on by the council two years ago. 1'ouneillor Munnings moved to have the matter lie over for the present. Provision to avoid the water which was in some people's cel- lars was more important than build- ing sidewalks this yeerand the ques- tion o build side- walks whether or n t old an Ida - Y walks this year should be decided be- fore Any particular walk was voted for. The Reeve seconded C ,uncillor Munnings' motion. Councillor Jor. den gave notice of motion to rescind file action of the council at the previ- ous meeting when it was decided h' w do nothing w to this walk. T Mayor was on the point of decltyin Councillor Munnings' motion carried, when Councillor l'raigie euggested it might be well to take a vote, and on the vole being taken it was found that Councillors Craigie, Sallow' and Jordan and the I)epnty Reeve voted against the motion, and it was accord- ingly declared lost. Fred Hunt wrote from Chicago ask- ing for the planting of some trees around his pt'opelty near the summer hotel and the nutter wee referred to the parka committee, J,. M. Proudfuot .eked for permis- sion to cut down six deed trees in front of his property on Raglan street and this also was sent to the public winks committee. The matter of license fee for Mr. Hoie, who wants to peddle popcorn and peanuts. PAP retie red to the finance committee. Mr. Hai+ is will- ing to pay the proportionate share of the feN' of dull for the balance of theyear. A letter from the i)epartment of Marine and Fisheries stated there would be no objection to the driving of the sprint. 'piles .uggested, if the work were done subject to the ap- proval of Engineer H. J. Lamb. The matter of payment of the fee b e i to Union for menthe ht in U of Ca- nadian M niripalities was brought up again by letter from the Union and the matt r was referred to the finance cummitt 0, Nome of the metnhers of the cos it expressing their apprecia- tion of the work the Union is doing in the terests of municipalities. M. 1 Icon addreeeed the council as to to es on the Welsh property on West street which he had purchased, He me willing to pay the principal oft a taxes against the property but wa ted the interest thrown off, ex- po ning the reasons why payment h not been made before. This was s t to the flnence committee. A number of matters brought up by Councillor Jpprdao were referred to various comihitteee : The gravel- ling of a southern end of South of the Mason and Risch piano. Tatra Dar, MAY 13, 1909 S The rage hu teethed led showing metal . anneiio* between n.,tre The Manse arJ Ninh Aaratic Screw Shoeing the Aerate Screw in ,nen ,n I<I position Piano n'� NO jangling or uncertain notes come from the Mason and Risch piano. Each note is clear and full. This is greatly due to our agraffe system. In most pianos the method of preventing vibration of the strings between the pins and the bridge is by means of a metal agraffe bar. Mason aid Risch The piano with a soul. There are two serious faults in this method. First, the metal bar gives a metal connecticn between the notes. Second, there being no means of keeping the three strings of each note in the trichord scale separ,at- ted they very often work out of position. In the Masbfl and Risch piano we 'use a separate :affe screw with each note in the trichord scale which also isolates each string of the note. $ -_method absolutely prevents a n y v- ibrationof the strings above the bridge and holds t m i n' exact position so the j' MASON hammer cap strike them with absolute - and RISCH accuracy.PIANO CO.. Maius is coupon to -day and /L`mTORONTO we'll send you ' jnside Information" ` thiwed >aar uln- a booklet which t. is you why you 'Iris the reasonsrwhy 1 should own a Mase and Risch enea,dewa a Mown red �� Rauh piano Thia io ao way piano in preferenc - to any °meatsame to purchase. other make. The Mason and RiSch Piano Co, Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. Name Straw... llllll Province not necessary and the Improvement of the li;htinit', the light °0 Market .11'''1 un which the committer hal made' no rep err. --the removal of two trees in the Ntim.rr d•hieh were crowd- ing at hers and which were not yet too large to move to somewhere else, and the removal of two guy -poise on the Square which were not used now. 1'he council adjourned -at a late hour. - A Triumph for.Henry George. Montreal Whoa... Henry George may be said to have triumphed in Mr. Lloyd -George's budget, a salient feature of which is the taxation of the future nneerned increment in the value of land to the extent of one-fifth of that increment. Henry- George held that the increase in the value o1 land which resulted, not from any service rendered by its owoer, but simply from the develop- ment of the eurrouoding community, belongn properly to the community and net to the owner. Ile held that if the public .•laimed that increment (here. would be no holding of land for a rise In value. No one would want land who could not use it to. its fu11 value, and consequently those who could beet 111 44.P it could always have it. !sand ownership would no longer he a creator of social inequalities and a bar to the progress of communities. 1t is in old countries, Where there ,is a limit to the quantity of land, and where e possession her th of it ew•ureg tra- ditional consideration to its °wile , that the present system of la 41 ownership, or, as it may fairly be called, hand monopoly', does the mot Kann. Those who own In have naturally Leen altogether tar he to see with henry (}forge a es. He treated such possession a NOM y ; the value of the ptvlperti had be n created by the people( and was 1 equity, through taxation, payable hack to the people. That/ the prom ilea. said, would tae cyrlfiscation, and in+ view of the fact' that that form ref ' property has hitherto been acknowl- edged by law; and, indeed, spoken of as real es ate, it was open to that charge. 44.'. Lloyd -George has not gone s) far as his namesake. He does not invade existing values, but he pro- poses to tax. not to its whole value, a. Henry (femme would hare him (1e. but .- to one-fifth of its value any increnwtit in . valuation that takes place here- after, Phis does hot promise any great immediate relief, but 011en4 al splendid vista for the (otu•'e, as owing to the decline in the value of looney land is at, present rising feet. The • great advent age of thin r.rin inf lam - Con is that instead of teeing n tax on enterprise or inions,. as most other taxes are, it is an enfranchisement of enterprise. Uutlo k for the Year, The Weekly Sl 1, of Toronto, River this interesting 'view u1 the pros- pects for the fermi . for the oration now opening. A ra er cold. back- ward spring it is, but, 'ven favorable weather from this time 1n. the pros- pects for the year are mos. encourag- ing. There W&* no scarcit of fodder this spring, and cattle ha e cont. through the winter in good cn , Ilion. 1n all lines of produce the iodic: 'ams point to a fairly satisfactory lent in -.prices. Hogs are very- high -,ham s and beef are at a satisfactory figure, the outlook in dairying in tram/dna, and for the staple of the Nest highly profitable prices seem asstyced. The prospects are, tt%, for large production. In the \Vest .the area in wheat will undoubtedly be very greatly inereseetl. There will be at least 75,4)00 more people to assist in production than there were last year, and the acreage in crop of those already nil ,th grnuod will also he widened. in /Ontario, despite a dry fall, a gond dial of plowing was done before winter set in and the probabil- ities ala fn heavy seeding in coarse grains, to ether with increased atten- tion to tai n and more general sowing fur ani ug 0rom as a provision against drou t. The shortage in dairy cart ', following upon the dry Beeson of taco years ago, has also been fairly NV 11 made up and it it., indeed, th hogs one that Ontario farmers seem to fall short ofbeing aro g in a Position to take full advantage of the situation in which they find themselves. On the whole it is doubtful if the country was ever fared by brighter prospects at this season of the year than thoa. now existing. and, if there is no set -back during the next five months, iisnl will prove a banner year in the history of the Duwi11iml. Dreams. "A re/luta/We and lucky thing happened to MA once when I wag bead broke," inlpauted the aspiring (•net. It was near to t111• 1'hlistmlas holt (11;n -s. and 1. necdiiig money badly. seta a puri., to a certain magazine. On the third night. after, 1 dreamt that my !0,0511 Inoi Iwi'n a040pted for fifty drillers. Of soon. when 1 woke up I was much die appointed., But the very next day. lo ! there canoe the fifty -dollar check for verses !" - "Ab, you were in lu'•k." "Wait. Two days subsequent, lack rain ' my poem, accompanied by an explanatory epistle from the editor, in this he said.that owing bra- dtuam hes tn-*.+tree had dreamt the third night,preeiuns Isarn0 night *. mine !I the (reasurer, under the impression Hutt his dream wag a reality, fur - warded toy check on his own hook." "Refo,arkahl., indeed! .yid yeti re- turn the cheek 1' "Oh, nn! I sent. back the poem, Ur- gether with a note, slating that ender no circumstance could 1 dream of re- turnin,( the fifty!" -May Lippincott's. CURRENT LtTERATUR$. THE MAN' BURY Mae's. -The merry month of May ushers in sunshine and flowers, and .equally acceptable col the warm day's and beautiful len.lscapa are to the lovers of nature will the May number of Busy Man'. prove to its readers. In addition to several original art ielee of merit and interest, the Is'st contrihutienr in the leading periodieals on political and commercial affairs, system and huoineme, industry and world•wide development appear. The most instructive and entertaining things in twenty-dve of the fnremest m.gazineo are presented • and the selections have beet' made with e view to furnishing Nnmetbing that will please all clews of reader's. The May edition of Rusy M*n s IA hand- somely illustrated and its contents are certainly of a comprehensive char- acter. ft takes a whole legislature to change a man's name, but one minis. street, t lrrping 1 of the electric lights cob b' lgfnted the clock when ter can changes woman's. A Tremendous Priced Wilbur Wright, on the broad, green plain of his !who'd of aviation at Pau, felke.1 about his early struggle.. "R'.' h tai in those Dayton date," said he, "wonderful offers, magnlfl- ccnt prorni.r., but whe'h it canoe to the *Mind laying flown of - motley, then gloom descended on the scene. Onr friend, with their mouths full, of millions and their quite etnpty hands, reminded me of * Uaytan iarber, "This barber .aid one day as he shaved me : 'Thos's a fine pup of Simmons'. I'd give anything for it.' " 'Well, it's for sale, Isn't 411' said 1, "The barber burst Into sneering laughter. 'Oh, yes, it's for sale,' said he, 'hut do you know what Minimum wants for It P Why, two dollars! ' " The Ideal is the Best In must lines of merchandise Nome one make- of a_ _given tinge 1s Nclnu1tedge*1 the hest and very often cuuir►iaudi a higher le ice, Ideal Fencing Merits Claims of Superiority, L hut, 1uruu1.,1.'I • for Ilse 'acuter, by 1 tar buying in carload tote and paying cast, rod the wauufrcturele, doing the large hus-I Mess they ,I , we ,ore aide to sell Ideal at prices that are acknowledged tl be the very last going. Oar first carr °f Ideal and roiled Wire is practically all sold,a rn l and herr• . , gum i tar fir 11 lere,l to he ln.•r'e by the 7th or Atli f Nay. C:11 ,11i"lk��� e.4 };l)' buying at once you will get the best choice sizes of rolls and lengths. tel L. The Howell Hardware Co., Limited. Some people cannot even too the Any tau can afford to be a poet if bestttltyMEM -- - --- he dee t need the money. ---- Wise men lose a lot of valuable And niimy a mac after .robbing time explaining some of the things Peter to pa Paul tries to stand Patti lhev knots of other peonle. ell' YOU Want a Pair of REGAL SHOES —and so does every other well-dressed man here. They're the aafartcst\shoes that money can buy --exact reproductions of expensive metropolitan custom models. They're made in quarter - air" giving you an erad fit Regal Shoes are the greatest shoe values in the world—that's why we sell them. Let us show you the new Spring styles. WM. SHARMAIV, Ontario' G oderich, M MISS CAMERON LInvites the inspection by the ladies of Goderich r slid vicinity of her new stock of MILLINERY 4 for the spring and summer of igoq. All the t latest shapes and styles, novelties in 1 trimmings, everything new and correct. HAMILTON ON STRE T E t GODERICH. �- - - ----• .____0.____'___..4___ HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRING GOODS .lust what the housewife wants for house- eleafling■. These are our regular prices, and if what you want is not on this list try Parsons' Fair . for quality and price. Carpet t 'racks, 2 packages, .4. Chair State, Inc ('eat finlike, per dozen, Ittc Ammonia, per bottle, t(.• Powdered A 4. it'1tfli t ortaln-t'Altrit; TifiPf.1 ends, 1tk, Braes Extension Rolls, Plc, 4,.,Jr1c Machine 011, per Witte. air and ltk: Shelf Paper, per package, 1r: Best linen Shades, „&it: Beat Linen Mhadv,.with lace, 51 to Flare Veils, 111 quart.., 410 1''lare ('ails, 11 mina t, Dec )*.quart Milk fans, tot: e -quart Milk 1'*,, lite 111 -quart Milk fans, Ile 12 -quart Milk Pans 12e Mrs. I'nttri Smoothing Irons. nickel plated ..... .....$LIs1 (,ast14. Soap, 2 rounds for irk; Coffee, worth Itbc per pound. for "ie (}Ikl'den Seed*, 3t: fiWtiackag. or 2 for •N• Hest American Oilcloth, white and colored, ...2ie I'gg (%ups. per dozen,. dk: and 2. -se. Pillow Sham Holders,.....dlc Mop. lilt and 15c carpet Ileate'rs,.. 441, and Ilio: "Stack ('at Shoe Polish Paste, Se. • itefnre you-rltrrhale yrntr spring Wall -putter, look over oar large eta :k and compare (air prices with other's. All borders - Nnht by roll. sarne as side anti ceiling. We bate a complete stock of I;antulitui and American Wallpapers. Good F:nv;elopee, tier package fie•. Best, Linen Envelope, per package.. 11k• French Orgatthlir Irish Linen.. 1(k flood Pads, ,,c Straw Cnlfti, tier pair,:- T,o Toilet Paper fads or nolle, le, or 4 for'Li,c, Larger size Pads or atolls, Pc, or:3 for 2.114'. We have a very large *tock t MilTitotl' rndelrwear Vests, IOc, 15c aril 2w, and a big variety of ladies' and children's_ Hose, Nark and colored, PARSONS' FAIR East aide of Square, Goderich.