HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-13, Page 3t.,,i'y;pr3 �„$�J1mFlr'1 • f4L�s THE SIGNAL GODERiCH.: ONTARIO Tutor oar, MAY 13, 1909 3 "Mother Said, if I got hungry while she was out, that I could have a Mooney Biscuit." Moore 's Perfection Cream Sodas THE MOONEY BISCUIT AND CANDY CO. LIMITED. � n 0711. lirMr a(R4.. TION c el l; • '4' STRATFORD. HAMILTON, U 1 T A WA• SYDNEY. WINNIPEG, CALGARY, VANCOUVER ,2] An old-fashioned, - ,11 \v, irkinz_furn Ice is a nun pr(xigcer. At Consumes the 44i, hut through leaks and cra'c'ks wastes the heat. It is14.,t•ernnemy your -own home. or in your tenant's home. if Von are thinking of l'iuilding'lou shnyld be inter- tn Sunshine _Fucnace: Tt aifds-l(J(J }ice cent.tto torrifttTts- --As ,n a, you let the on •.you furnace. The "'Sunshine " mart v: ill 1 c• pleased to ell you just how the rooms ought ,to • e • laid out wit an eye to securing mr b�at(st heat from 1 , tum- stttam. sIItTtLfir 71 tlf--Com'...,►.- ,Tf you want t , r xperimrnt with the Iluc.,tilm i!,,e specify . '"Sunshine •� 11.jrl)u want t' ":C the yucstlbfl . • i'• ilii-",Suns1•Inc." INICCIalryS FOR SALE BY W. R. PiNDE•R. GODERICH Before you invest in paint or varnish, inves- tigate and find out which will last the long- est, look the best and Rove the most satisfac- tory all 'round. Ask the local S -W. agent for facts and figures about SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES Made in Canada LMfJrWlfIN iiuU,YS CO Montreal Toronto Wan IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? 0,..=••• 25e. 25e. a Box. or direct front THE COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TOROIQTO Children delight to use it. Polishing shoes with " 2 in z " is child's play. No more sticky, mussy, hard shining propositions but an instantaneous hard finish, waterproof and permanent, which softensand preserves theleather at the same time. No substitute even half as good. fews 6i the £itrkt. Clinton and Browses' will celebrate the 11th of May. Mr. and Mir. ('has, Inglis. of Wing - haw, alt) ren3U.VIUg tU thaw. David Cook. sr iClitrttrn, cele- brated the eighty-fourth anniversary of hie birth last week. Miss Effie Powell. of \Vroxeter, was utted 1fl Christ church. Wiuntpeg r•ecently'to Sidney Read, of Regina. T. Urant, agent, of \Vroxeter, has sold his 511 -acre farm on the 11 line of Hawick, to It. Harris, of the Howicb bouuduty, fur$I,IIiU. Dr. J. E: McGillicuddy, who has been practising with Dr. llyndman, of Exeter, during the past year, has entered into partnership witli 1 . Rev. N. M. Leckie, 11. A., B. I1„ of I , .lealoro', has received a cats from Ifeyerly ' church. West Flawboro'. He bur not yet 'Moak(' bis intention. Misr Maggie Llmtb, an old resident of Harpurtiey, diem at the Royal hotel, $rafortb, uu Saturday, the 1st inst., after it short illness of pueu- worlia. The general business of the late John (i. Skene, of Brussels, ham lien purchased by Mrs. Tb pain, who has been ' saleslady In the store for several years'. .\ former • Clintonisn. James W. Mercer, of the Hain \\'agon Co., of Woodstock, was married in that city MaggieWealiseBray,ot ohe :atilt ult.. to f f\Voodstucl:. Robert Jarrott add wife. of Hensel', who went West about a month ago, are returning to Hensall, owing lar the sale oil -the property of which Mr. Jar- rett Was appoiatsd .onager.-_ Rev. Mei l'uuerun. formerly of Fairmount, pteaebild his initiatory Netluoas 4114 rector of- 8t. John's churhymnal*hymnal*and +.it.- reneger', church, Walton, on Sunday, the 2nd inst. The death'of John Dunn, a former resident of Londe t'ow' and uncle of Mrs. Hrogdrn, of that piece. necnrrerd at his honkie in St. Cloud, „Minis. re- cently, at the age of eighty-four years. R. kettle. a former. well—known Ad. esteemed resident of Klippen, died at his home in London on Monday, the :Ird Met. He was seventy ye,us, of age and bad been In (*Wag -health aU winter. Win. Currie, formerly proprietor of ttre (:Brunn house, Wroxeter. haw pore chased the Kin - Edward hotel in thatplace. A. A. Esty, the 'former pro- prietor, has removed with his family to \ m b \ arn fur this p r anent. B minimalli/<16- in arts At tl►e rerrirN atVictoriaUltiversity.Toronto, Miss Lizzie S. L.awrtnee, of McKillop, was awarded the Massey bursar scholar- ship fm• obtaining the highest mark in the eiawivatioo ou the English• Bible. Albert M. Wallace. former ly "t S hill, who. has a tine home- stead near if Ietord, Sark., hoe joined the ranks O he benedi.t'. The lady who 1.Y now Mrs. Wallace mei previously Miss Inertia M. Johnston. of Hoisseeain, Men. •- A recent number of The l'bristian Guardian contains a photogravure of E' t R'ilfurd. M. fl I.. 1t. C. ft : -.(-O Lhlinlsttrgb. earn o1 Mr. iuid Mrs. John Wilford. of Hlytb. who is tr--i ho sent to West China as a medical mission- ary of the Methodist church. Miss Elmira S'Ulgdill, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. ` W. Stogdill, of the ti.,shen line, Stanley, died on Thurs. day, , th inst., nst. after an ablest( of flee weeks. Mite waw only twenty-two, years of age. The remains were in -j tiered til Hayfield on Saturday. The death of Frederick Ueorge 1Vm Morlock, which occurred at the h of his daughter, Mr.. Oestreicher, of Crediton. un Sunday, the 2041 inst removes an old and highly respected resident of that coram 'ty at the ad- vanced age of eighty•Ilve years. t!Hefore leaving for their new sphere of labor in Bruce county Rev..A. and Mts. McNeil -were presented by the rnngregutiott of Duff's church, Wal- ton, with a purse of Rohl and *life membership to the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, respectively. On Wednesday, the :Nth ult.. Rev. L. K. Eidt. of Dashwood, tied the mot r•itiulrani knot between Miss Surma E. Rothaermal, daughter of Mrs. Pauline itothiieru.al. of Dash- wo od, and Frank E. Case. of Dasb- womxl, son of Thomas Care, of Exeter. .lames Jeckell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jam,•i Jeckell, of Exeter. was married in Montreal on Wednesday, the 'Lath tilt., to Mise (:race Mande Sample.' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Sample, of that city. The happy couple spent their 1 ylnoon in Ex - ewe. returning to Montreal to reside. Justice Magee has dismissed with costa to the defendants the action ot• Frank Everist, flub,' protium' and commission merchant, of Toronto, against the Urand Trunk Railway U0., for VW- damages on account of the loss of Del barrels of apples in the conflagration of the Londeslor(i sta- tion in,November, IIs7. Robert A. Barton, who several years ago conducted n drygoo ds busi- nem in Clinton. in pat tnerehip with the late A. S. Fisher, and who later conducted the Phoenix eofee and spice trills in Toronto, died of heart failure at his home in the Queen City recently aged eeeventyfle years. lie is survived by five children. A quiet wedding rx•rutrnl at the home cf Mrs. Wm. McKay. of Oran - brook'. on Wednesday. the ^..lith tilt., when her daughter, Annie, of Bea - forth, was married to Alfred Box, ai that town. by Rev, D. 11. McRae, of Cranhrexrk. Mr. and Mr's: We will reside in Seaforth, whet,' the groom has pun•hase(1 the business of H. W. titerweer•. Thomas Mc('reight. son of A. blc- ('r'eight, sr., of Myth, s(rccumlwd to it lingering illness or lubercolnmis on \Velnetday, the 28th tilt. Deceased wan a tine young Ilion in lila forty- third year. He was an engineer by profession and worked on the C. P. )t. in the vicinity of North Bay for some years. Ile it survived by his father, one sister and one brother. His death is the flfth in the family in five years. The Lutheran church, Dashwood, wee -thronged to its *linnet- espseity on Wednesday. the 28th nit., on the oeeasion of the marriage of two of the most popular young people of the place; Misr' Susie E. Shrader. second daughter of Jacob Shrader, and Den - can Snider. yotmgrat son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider. Rev, 0. Tbun was the officiating clergyman. The bride was attended by Mis. Ethel Keller - mann as bridesmaid, and little Freda :abrader. her sister, as ting -tearer. Wm. McCallum, of London, was hest man. Mr. and Mrs. Snider wilt reside owno odthe g..'.em's flit, farm root of I)ash- , Wingham's Assessment. The amissmmt "1 the t iwn of Wingham for the present year shows ' a total of $7711,1111. about the saute as last year. Lamle sere assessed at $131,21111; buildingP, 1113;11481U; in- comes, n•com s, $8,als1, end the business a►sew- ment is $N:1,7;iu. Tile population is given at 2,331, an increase of U► over last year's' figures. Nas Made His Pile. A t3hicltga despair's lowing reference to a former Seating II (Ary. : "Today Wilmot Pringle, ut the firm of Pringle, FitchA Co., retired 1 (runt the exciting life art u board of trade tuna to ttie simple lire of, a Ut*U lsow ley. on hi* ey, Mr. Prinkle is only forty -rix years old and posse...A a fortune of IIt2,Gtsl,tsp, 11e says' he longs for the West." Barn Burned, R. J. Mel.auchlin, of Brussels,. had his tarn burnt to the gr 1 lust week. He wits feeding his horse when he knocked a lantern MT its trek, Seeing what he h*(1 dome he wired the lantern and run, but on teaching the door he found that .he had only the handle and by this time the hay was a utas+ of thine. Ile was more successful in his Mott to rescue him horse. To Protect Railway Crossings. The Dominiee1 railway commission has given orders for the i•iwtalling of an electric Ie•lI at the C. P. 1t, caves iug at Queen street, in the village 01 Blyth. It ham timber ordered that the C. P. R. either install a sit),ilar hell at the [glint where the ruilwuy crosser between conces$iour I0 and 11, in the township o1 Morris, or acquire at its uWI) expense about u quarter of an acre of land at the said coursing and cut down the knoil on this' land so as tb give an unobstructed view tl'ow the road of approaching trains. -• Baby Burned to Death: A very sad and shocking celautily befell Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M. Ilrslginw, o[ the;ird concession of Stephen, on Saturday. the 1st inst.. when their *tete am, Herta y 'Raymond. was burned to death. The patents. had gone to the barn to tan' groin, having their two sons. atria three years and thirteen months, in the house. hear- ing the et, es .v cry ng e mo rushed back to find the 1 se full of smoke and her baby it charred mass in the earner. It is supposed that the elder child was playing with the fire awl in Rome way Ignited the tittle one's clothes. BAD LEG FOR to YEARS. Zam• Bak Works .'Complete Cure. M1'11. J. Minntl, of ltr3 Thurber* avenue, lh•ovidence. Itb,ale Island, has hero cured by Zaurltuk of a bail kg, whish had detlel alt remedies fur sixty leulg years, She soya :. "\Then a child of eight, 1 Was lfitte• 1 uu the leg by a dog, A doctor cauterised the place, but it never healed tip soundly. and 1 have suffered with an ulcerated leg for over sixty yeat't. 'Mit( oc- curred i a 1. Etigjj� t rte tine tr a (u vain to het the sure. At nue time 1 Was an iu•puttixul 4(1 the East' $utfolk Hospital for a long period. end for Olive years I was in • sed out of hospital*. 1 was euutiu- uall • in pain, and the ware would out. • heal.. bait continued • to discharge. 1 , Twelve months' ago 1 Came out here to; my daughttr, and during the voyage 1 had to keep my bed. The shovel doctor examined. soy leg, and gave my at plaster, which 1 had to take off again. as it made the pain so I intense. When I reached arty (laugh- ter's house, she sent , for a medical man, who said noticing could ever do It any moue!, and although 1 tried other American doctors, they did rue no goose. They said soy. Ing would never be well. "One day lily youngest daughter hroaght home a (xoi of %aur-lluk, and tlt) •rd ore to try it. With the first application 1 seemed to find ease, and further treatment with %aw-Ifuk did we tar much good that 1 went for a proper supply. 1 kept on with the %Stu -Buil U't•attnent, and *00(1 naw that the wound was getting better. The discharge way reduced, and the pain was ceased. 1 persevered with the %anelhik, and, to earl it long stns')' short, it effected a cure. It is marve1- 10i1,1 it. think that. after suffering fur sixty peals, '/. Hak has been able to make nty'h•g tterfeetly sound.– ill -Hak it a cotribin.tion of politer and purity. Musty herbal; h is l)terror 14) all ktJQ)yn trgisdiea_ for ironic sorer and' wounds, eczeuta, salt-rheugt, ringworm, eruptions. Saris core ulcers, cut., burns, bruises, akin diseases. It also cur's piles. All druggists and stores sell at .IIIc. it tax. ore rroul /.ani•1Tuk a or - onto, foe price. Three boxes for $1.25. Camp Education. Exeter Loses an 01d Resident. Exeter is mourning the loss of one of its n1 e. t drat residents. in e i the person of \\'1 G 11 passed n. a soh a sill r i [, his reward Grigg, jQ' 1 oat ThissedaV I lie tenth nit., at the patriarchal age of eightyeight years. Deceased, who wawa tailor by trate, spent seven year* in apprenticeship in his native town in Cornwall. followed by three years of further study, he - fore taking a position as R Ihtish«d tradesman in London, Eng. On coming to Camel* with his wife and familyin 1+tiii e opened up h ( ted a business 1n in Exeter. which he conducted until hi+ ietirement Hftern years ago. He leaves a family of right children add .*veal _grandehildren___ and great- gr:uMe•Itildt•eti ; hi wife predeceased him two Yenta. An Eist Wawanosh Pioneer. fit• -3„4ir-arrrlNirrtr)R p..M.-. a . of I m•un,'in 10« person of Mts. Win. IJnkla:rr, of \V,n;tharu, passed away on Peiday, the :to ell. 111t., et, therife age of eighty-three years. 1h•ceitsed, whose maiden nnmc was ifetsy ti.ink- later left her nativen h me in the Orkney Molds rothe spring 44 1i(,1 5, and a few months later–waled with her husband and patents in the un- broken forest on int :N of the lath concession 1.1 Bast 1Vawanosh, where she cootie pp ed to reside until her le- i to l.Qwer Wingharn a year ago. I'p to 11 •w. days previous to her death, when she was stricken with paralysis. site had. enioyed remark- ably gout health. Besides her partner - in -life she is survived by live sons Jas. It., of Turnberry ; Wm. S.. John F., Peter and Thomas, of Witighatn, and twodaughters---Mrs. James Pat - Lemon, of Ilpiasevain. Miut., and Mims Carrie. at home. Death of Mrs. Coulter. Mrs. Mary A. Coulter, who was for twenty-five years primary teacher.in the Sritfoitl public school• died at• Ingersoll on Friday, the 30th ult. Two years agw.ehe wa' foisted bv- ill - health to ).'sign her position and she went to Ingersoll to he with her son, ,I. Andereter Coulter. Sum, lithe afterward she underwent an opera- tion in a vain attempt to save bei• life, hot she steadily grew worse and bad been confined to her iied for the poet. five rnnnths, fairing her residents. in Seahnih she took an active interest in the 3)eth..liet church, of which Rhe was a devoted ulemlwr, and endeared helmet -1 notonly to the little ones with whout Abe. .aww-IAA _intNtt*LPly--*dual affectionately in contact. but also to the community at large. Besides her son elle es-.nreired lel five ...astern anfioni•ttoThi•irr ; Miss f';. P. Hargan, of Meaferrth, is one of the sisters. Her husband died many years ago. Return Tickets at Single Fare. On account of Victoria Day the Grand, Ttunk Railway Speen' will issue return tickets at slnjtle tare between all stations in Canada, also to Detroit and fort Huron, Mich., Niagara Fall. and HntTahr, N. Y flood going May 21, 2'2, l., 21 ; re- turn limit May 211, Ittth. Frill formation and tickets' front if:. F. Lawrence, Grand Trunk -town tic et agent, deri,h, Oo "',' D. MILLAR CO. 'Those al MORE NEW DRESS C000S Many new novelties in Urpae (foods have arrived during the past week-. tnelnhingthtrntw-sltades, 11110f1 air "WisTFrta, catawtbiaa,,iadpe and 1 hr new fawns. They some ill the new stripes and marked for quick ellirlg at, per yard. 711 0 • 10t• New Lawn Waists New Net Waists We are whowing the latest novelties in I.twn and Lace %Vitiate, Just irceived tr the tuaker's. They are the very newest and nobbiest \Valor, we have ever shown, from ti 1.00 New Linen Collars, New Dutch Collars. New Belts in all styles, New Motor Veils. SPRING, CLEANING WANTS (lir House(urnishing Dept la the bury place these days. Our stock 14,nl never letter asw,t•tel than 'now, and everything it marked at deices that will appeal to shrewd buyers. NEW CARPETS ar 1 "h m. 1VooI, 1'apwsl ry. \Vilton, Brussels. etc., New Carpet Squares all sizes, Oilcloths and l.inoleums in all the wanted widths. Curtains and Madras Muslin lar a great variety of styles and design . to suit all tastes. McCall Patterns and Magazines, for June, now on sale. MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE the Reading Camp Association is un• known, yet it is a work in which all who love their fellowmen "should he interested. This Association aims to uplift the men who toil in rmr Ca- nadian lumbering, mining, tisbuig ulld railway i•onstruction croups. It is in- teNien,iminvtional, embracing every Christian elfin and ministering to ( men (!d n of N r r. The method u i hal of t o i h r this : Aa instrnrtnr, generally an un- dergrliduate, sometimes a graduate. is SI 0110 x catnp. On his arrival thele he ere,•ts a tent and tits up tallies and !winches for it. 1 he teat is supplied with newspapers. magazines and hot pits. Per lisps there is also n blackboard, a few chemicals, some slaps and possibly a t ravelling library we b ) 'eon IIIP1r 111• � pro t , nt of Education. With this a tlnipanent the camp school is 'ratty for wrn'k. Every day the in• structor pule in his ten hours its a COMMON 101101er. Attaight he teaches his classes. During the last eight yeas.. ten t•heuwat,l men have -Rome to Rehm)! from (the to. two hoer* a night ten -itrthe yearisnttnvrrtwenty- thousand men have hall an nppoi'- 1 'ty to live like decent Chtiatian citizens by reason of school, reading ro , Moat y. club and church. "Just wit a 110n11 these reading bons are to r o n t r the men t o cat n o U De r can imagine who is not acquainted with the cou.litign. existing there. What a stay they are to the young fellow who leaves a godly home for the bush or the construct' camp and is cooped up for days and night* together in the . patty of men of rho• lilrst words nisi biwert,ideal+it were possible to imagine. What a harvest the Destroyer of men's Iivp res in these places. We owe a dut to the 'man in the camp' that he may be. save! for Christ and for Canada, to manhood and to citizenship." Any caring to learn more eon- cerninglthe work done by the head- ing lamp Aeso•:iation may receive an illustrated report of the work done last year by applying to A. Fitx- *trick, H. A-, Superintendent of ' nip Education, 1123 Traders' Bank ridding, Toronto, Ont. For Rea! DeIicoumes3 with Fruit, wet, a Box ©f 10 Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. Just add milk or cream and Presto! you have a combination so teml�tin palatable that you'll eat Kellogg's every time you want real, appetizing Food. Kellogg's is pure, wholesome and nourishing. Be sure the name is =11 ire<efoxid TOASTED C Oyer 37 ilbon Pa ago* • din Canadaalerd U.S. in 19O$ Made i Loudon, Canada. RN FLAKES j always drive a Because every part of the tar is built in the Toronto factory, and of the very hest mttter:ftls—thetiouble curve springs cannot. break ; the specially' welded v, -heels ,cannot warp ; the tops are of 1 the best satin for parasol and the best leatherette for hoods, and the bcdy of ftitcst wood or prime German reed. They're Canadian inadas.) if ther•2 should be an accident it can be easily and quickly remedial. You can Always Get Holme if you Drive a Gendron 1 ' y '.rete. lana '1r.41, r• w'r,Ir it lour Ara.• Mr,* 1 t ry than. GENDRON MANUFACTURING CO. (ieadln,n Limited Driver Toronto, Canada