HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-6, Page 8A WONDERFUL MEMORY.
All Sorts of Details Stored in Con-
tractor Pigott's Brain. - •
Toronto, May 4. -Michael A. Pigott,'
wbo is one of the plaintiffs in the
half -million suit against the C. P. It.,
is proving himself one of the most
phenomenal witnesses who have ape
�learrd in the non -fury assize court
o� r tetany years. The action cou1-
menced • week ago Monday, and
every court day since Mr. Pigott has
occupied the_ witness box. All last
week his eoupael, Wallace Nesbitt;
K. ('., led hits through a detailed ac-
count t,f the conatrnr•to' of the
Guelph-G,derich line, wa.tng him
thousands of questions. Mr. Pigtttl's
answers showed • wonderful memory.
Scarcely once did he need to refer to
any written document, describing
with the greatest accurateness events
which talk place five years ago.
This mor g George Shepley, K.C.,
counsel for the railway company,
took Mr. Pigott through a 'searching
cross-examination. Such details as
the number of cubic yards of earth
taken from • certain embankment,
the length and height of • particular
trestle, or the date when certain
dredging was done in IIA),. were
given with scarcely a moment's hesi-
tation. A certain letter, Written in
1904, was referred to. None of the
counsel on the case knew much of it.
yet Mr. Pigott could repeat it almost
word for word.
You may refer to your memor-
andum if you wish," said hie counsel
on one occasion, when Mr. Pigott
hesitated a moment.
"No, thank you : i'11 have it in a
minute," replied the witness. and the
answer was fot•thcmning almost' im-
mediately. The direct examination
lasted nearly a week, and the cross-
questioning promises to last quite as
long. -
Warm weather at last ' Ha, a you ordered
your summer mutt • M. J. Pridhan, Was all the
latest goals. of ,elect materials, and auaran-
tee. s►u.fat•lion to all patrons. Ilon't put ole
ordering peu£.uom.er outfit • day longer.
- The mpring day. de bringing out the anus'
taut photographers. 11It. dalluw. has a full
!tat of supplies and 1 ,. petal attention TO
amateur's trade. Artistic work in photography
of all kinds Cor. S,Iu•ro and Montreal street.
Now is the time to attend to your window
shades, Wilmer Smith. Ka.t street. can sup-
ply yon with anything y t, watt 1w this -Wow
See the new pu-tttrng in the window of the
' Kest Street Art More. Souvenir postal oarde.
fancy goods. etcin great variety.
Jae. Postlethwaite's house on Keays
street was sold at auction last Satin --
day tot'. A Nairn. at =701,
J. W. Smith has let the contract to
C. A. Reid for a tine residence to be
built on- his property on the north
side of East sweet. the house will be
a red 'brick.
Mr. and Mee. William !!lake. Trafal-
gar street, announce the engagement
of their daughter. Maty Edith, to
Oscar R. Forster, of Holwesville.
The wedding will take place on the
:lith inst.
The cable on th'e flsg•pule in the
Square became "buckled" last week.
and the mast had to be taken down to
get it straightened out. Tuesday
afternoon a large crowd of interested
sightseers witnessed the replacing of
the mast.
The Tiger Baseball Club of (iale-
rich challenges the Iroquois Baseball
Club of (iolerich, junior champicna of
Huron county, liMa, to a game of base-
ball on May 24th. Kindly answer in
next week's issue. Signed, F. t'.errclt.
Manager of Tigers.
The Seaforth lawn bowling club hag
elected its officers for 11A19, with Jas.
McMirhael, the veteran bowler, as
president, and Dr. F. J. Burrows as
secretary -treasurer. The club will
bold its annual tournament July 14th
and ]lith. Seaforth else has a ladies'
bowling club, which has reorganized
for the coming season with a full list
of officers.
Somewhat of an innovation is cred-
ited to 8. S. Cooper, the landlord of
the Normandie hotel, Clinton. He
has ordered a supply of Bibles, so that
one may he placed in tch room'in the
house. The "commercials" wbo stay
over night at the Normandie will
doubtless' appreciate Mr. Cooper's
thoughtfulness. as in their hurry in
getting out on the road on Monday
morning they sepmetim em forget to in-
clude in their packing a supply of
good reading ,natter.
Mr. Hamilton, of Japan, will be the
The annual meeting of the Auxil-
iary of the %Voman's Missionary
Society of North street Methodist
church was held in the parlor of the
church on May 3rd. The work of the
Auxiliary has been rteadlly advanc-
ing and the secretary reports an in-
creaee in membership and finances,
the lacer being in advance of any
previous year in the history of the
Auxiliary. Three life -members were
enrolled during the year. The follow-
fngare the alit -ere a Ihnu1•ary presi•
dents, Mrs.:hueeth and Mrs. George
Cox : president. Mrs. George Ache-
son ; 1st vice-president, Mrs. J. 11,
Colborne ; 2nd vice-president. Mrs.
'S. l Hick ; 3rd vice-president, Miss M.
Lam ; curreapondillg . teeretsryt
Missll, F. Freeman : recording see.
teary; Mrs. P. T. Malls ; treasurer.
Mrs. W. Gundry ; superintendent of
systematic giving, Mrs. Davidson :
organist. Mu, (Rev,1 i)ougall ; dele-
gate to branch meeting, Mrs. W.
Gundry ; alternate; Mrs. P. T. Halle .
delegate to district convention, Miss
IC. Acheson.
At Victoria street Methodis.church
on Sunday the sermon subjects will be
-11 a. m. -"Our Rearguard.-' 7 p. w.
-"The Great illuminator."
Rev. Canon Dyson Hague, of Lon-
don, will occupy the pulpit of St.
George,' church next Sunday morn-
ing andin the evening the preacher
will be at Wingham.
Some mtmths ago I)r. Dougall..
pastor of North street Methodist
church, introduced a Sunday morn-
ing course of Pennons from Coloa-
e ians. The courts was discontinued
fnr a time but will be resumed next
Sunday morning. In the evening the
fourth in the series "Making a Home'
will be delivered. Stlhpect, "The -
Kingly Husband."
On Monday evening. May 17th, a
g rand sacred concert will he held in
the Victoria street Methodist church
which will undoubtedly surpass the
former concert! gotten up by the
young !attire and gentlemen in the
rival series, as their rftorte are United
in the production of thin one, and
nothing ham been spared to make it
an unqualified success. The music
will he of excellent quality, especially
the choruses, which are of the latest
The ladies of North street Ladies'
Aid, desiring to express their esteem
and gratitude to Mrs. William 11o1 -
land, who for the past eleven year!
has been a most efficient and zealous
treasurer, presented het,' at the chore
of the Wednesday evening service
with an exquisite cut -glass create: and
sugar set.. Mrs. Holland was notice-
ably affected by the unexpected pres-
entation, and she and her husband
fittingly expressed their surprise and
appreciation. Mrs. Holland has been
again elected to her old office.
The annual Anglican Sunday school
convention and rnri-decanal meeting
for the county of Huron will he held
on NVednesday. May 12th, at Blyth.
The tnorning session (wenn with the
holy communion in Trinity church at
11:45 a. m. and after lunch the meet-
ing of the deanery chapter will be
held in the church. At I :t5 p. m. the
afternoon mention opens and after re-
ceiving the reports of the different
school" in the deanery the following
program will be taken up : "The
?Sunday school as it is and as we
would like it to be," by Mime M. Hard-
ing, of (herbs ; "A question for you
to answer." by itev, W. 11. Dunbar,
Summerhill ; "The aources of our Eng-
lish Bible," by Rev. 1). W. Collins,
Exeter ; address, Rev. H. J. Hamil-
ton. of Nagoya. Japan : 'A L.aeher'a
experience with the infant clam," by
Mrs. McKim. O(wleeirh ; "How to
make our teaching spitituall useful,"
by RUT. (7. K. .leakin,, 11. A., \Ving-
ham. At the evening service Rev.
o.ra.I,,:u,.,tt Lads w salt.)
Cyril ('aerie it tip from Wycliffe College, To•
ronto. for a few day.' vacation,
Mr' Kickley, of Guelph, 1. visiting her par.
erts. Mr. and Mn. Wm. Sharman.
Mita Grace Stewart. of Henrnlller, len last
week to visit friend! at Cleveland,
1t. Roth. who was recently transferred 10 the
Varna branch of the Sterling Hank, wa• in
town for Sunday.
Mr, Henry Martin left on Monday on a visit
to her daughter, Mrs. Harry, Knight. at Toron-
to. She will ab+i'vlslt at Hamilton and will be
away for several week.
1'. Hayden is attending the anneal
meeting of the Ontario Dental Society being
held in Toronto this week. Mr.. Hayden is
also In Toronto this week.
tlte5.1 C. It. Jone.• Left for C,1e11onia
fist Thureda y on the reeeim of • mewatM that
her mother. ,Ir.. John Cowie. war very ill.
The latest word ha. been favorable for Mr..
t'ow ,c• . speedy re•uvery. , .
Mr`. John Somerville, of Sirkton. Litealet1T-..
Mt.. Kate Reid. of t hi. t own was taken ti. -
or.ly ,ll on suoday )ir. holland and Mrs.
I;rummett len on Monday to attend her, and
Mr.. Hulla,d returned yesterday. reporting
the patient somewhat Improved.
•W. IL 'tognya it Sr., lett on Wednesday
moncing for Toronto to take the position of
topographer 'with the tmtarto Bureau of
kluu• Two years ago Mr Rogers graduated
in civil engineering from Queen • 1'niverslt y.
K,ngann, and during the .ummer of ISG had
charge of the party doing topographic and ' eo-
Iosurvey work In the Montreal Meer silvnr
field. After TWO year absence he Is returning
to assume •somewhat entailer dpties.-Seaforth
lex !tor. Mr. Roger. 1e a forner student of
Goderich Collegiate Instltnte
Quest, qui roe{F,Irsente au parlement I
fidcral um pro et de tui sur !'utilisation
de la Iumi,•t'e s u jour.'
As our French Is not so ready as it
might be, we have not had time yet
to read the whole article, but it looks
like a thorough explanation and en-
dorsement of the proposal.
Hebert Mclean made a !trip to Toronto this
Mra. Widder and the Mires \Vidder have
returned to town.
Miss May roster and !lies Susie Beattie were
in Clinton over Sunday.
Vara U.I,..hlan of Toronto. is visiting her
sister. Mrs. C. G. Newton.
Mer. (lifted, of Brantford. vl-1••i1 her reit
tine. in town over Sunday.
Mlrniternoldr, Rodgers Reny tpWlntr, wa
In Toronto for a few days this week.
•Idn.. A. C. Hunter has returned from • visit
of several weeks at New Yora City.
Mrs. Gillle. returned to her home at Strat-
ford on Monday after a visit at the old home
Mite Mary Gordon, of $thepperdton. is the
guest of her friend, Mn.. Junes Howne. the
,tan.. Nell Campbell left o. %'. a doe.day morn
ing for Toronto and later will moon to
Dr. L. Mabee attended the annual con,
vention of the dentiet. of Ontario at Toronto
last week.
Miss Jesse Strang awivwd heere seer greet 1
from, her exteudel t not with relative. ■t
Hivereide. (►1.
Conrad Smith, of Milrrrton. arrived in town
on Monday to take the pceit ou of as.l•Iant In
Hick . drug More.
Mr.. and the• Ili -ars Arhe.on lit, e ret uwird
10 their home on Cambria road, after .pendicg
The winter In lorouco.
Mir Samantha Bowman, .f Washington. /
nf.. will ba the gut this mouth of Mrs. NI. a /i
Messner and Mlr Hayti.
Preston Strang returned on Monday from
Toronto. where he had been attending Usgoude
Hall. to speed the vacation at hoose.
Ernest Jordan ha. returned frau, Montreal.
and has taken a po ltlon on the engineering
sof of the Ontario Watt Shote hallway.
Mrs. Peterson and 11t.m Peterson arrived last
week to spend the seams •sn Godench. Mr.
Peterson htakes Dr. Johnston house for the
season. .
('omnalore Willi/mot. who has bed teller at
the Hank of Montreal, has been transferred to
t he Brantford brentl, and his place .s lagan by
Mr. Kush. from Sarnia.
Mr.. Smeeth hast returned home• alter an ex
tended visit to her daughter, Mr.. Tindall. at
Montreal. Mr. and Mr.. Tindall ere removing
from Montreal to loronte. •
Fred Davis, proprietor of the Hotel Redford.
returned last week from his Kestern trip.
looking as if he had en Toyed it. He disposed of
150 (•annuly, of hurry in the Wel•I.
Dr. Mammy, dentist, who • few years ago wee
engaged in (Iodate!' with hr. Hayden. and
later located at IMcton, b moving from that
place to take up a new practice at Beighton,
t'y„1 ('aerie, who has heen vLdting hi. home
here for t few days, lett lent week f.44 Prince
A elan 1, Sa.k., where he will .pend hie vacation.
He posited hie rxnmtnation st Wyettrfe txurge
taking high honor-.
Her nonny fnenM in Godertch will be In
torte ted In learning that Mit, Beatrice Haien,
of Toronto, formerly of (idderlch. Is entering
on • 000r.e of study for ymfeeelonal nurse.
She left for New York Mot Friday.
Mr. and Mr..J. A. Rumball are staying at
the Ilotel Hertford for the Bummer, having
rented their house to Mr. V. R. Hodttene. MM.
Kimball will receive et her apartments at the
hotel on the asst Tuesday and Friday of the
Having •uece•sfully rompleted his course In
Toronto Dr. Sole i- home A sin. The I,oct or
obtained the pat graduate. degree of Master of
Dental Margery aryl bas been �((laced on the'
eca,duing staff of the Hoye' (allege of Dental
Zurich Herald : Themany Mends of Rev. A.
1). tiischter and family will be pleased to hear
that they will remain to town another year, or
possibly 1 wo years, •e • change has Alen made
In the Hues of the Evangelical ('onferenre,
whereby minister, may remain fire years at
one place.
The Kincardine paper. mention with regret
the traneferof George M. Harts• mail clerk,
from the rem between Kincardine and Palmer
[on to the Hufal-Goderich run. It Is twenty -
fire years. rays The Reporter. since Mr. Harris
Mod marled on the Palmerston run. He went
to Kincardine to relieve but eventually re
ruined. There he merrier' and hie family,
coneisting of Ross. of the Merchant/1 Mona,
Port Arthur: laymotet of the 'traders. Hank,
North Hay, and Eric. Attending Toronto Uni-
versity. were torn there. The death of Mr.
Hari.' wife a short time ago was • ,evere
blow to him. Remand., ., vory much hitting to
remove from Kincardine, where the hest pert
of hi. life hart been .lent. Ilia many friends
regret to.se him go end the best wlehee of the
oommunity go with him.-
Mr. Lewis' Proposal in French.
La Pattie, published at Montreal,
ban along article -in French,. of course
---on the "daylight saving" hill and its
author. A picture -which seems to
have a French cast. too .ib given of
the latter, with the following explan-
'•M. E. N. Lewis, d, -put.' de Huron
Northern Navigation
Nib*N9-411143NK- 4404:TE
. 14. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort Wil-
liam and Duluth. Leave Sarnia May
Mth, 10th, 15th, 19th, 'tdod, :ilst, June
5th, 9th, 12th and 13th. Sailings May
111th and 19th, June 5th and 12th
through to Duluth. Freight sailings in
addition to above.
DIVISION. For S. S. Marie and way
ports. Leave t .,llingwood and Owen
Sound Wednesday. and Saturdays.
Careful handling and despatchguar-
entred freight shippers.
Tickets and information from all
nitwits, agents.
H. H. Gildersleeve C. H. Nicholson
Mgr., Collingwood Traffic Mgr., Sarnia
Underwriters Sale.
Pursuant rsuant to instructions rnrcir eil from the
underwriter, the a ndet-signel w ill receive tend-
ers for the purehn.e of the .framer Po•Iyn.
damaged by fire, now lying at the do•k of heed
Co , Lumber Merchant.. hoot of Berkeley
street. Toronto, O,Oallo, 1, t0I10 duck 00011 of
SATURDAY, MAY 8th, tgoq,
At hi. ofnce, correr of Scott cold Front streets.
'Yo- tenders- nee•es.arky accepted. Tender.
will be opeAed in the presence of the bidders at
Lhe time and place above mentioned. Che(ue
of In per rent. to be included with tender: rani.
will be returned if tender i+ not accepted.
The steamer can be Inopected by intending
purchasere on appllcalion.
R'. G. A. LAMHE. Lloyd • Agent.
The Beomiller Nurseries arc not-
ed for the excellence and quality of
their fruit trees.
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Ever-
A good collection suitable for
planting in parks and lawns.
Roses and Climbers
of 1 he best varieties. which if plant•
ed ui a go od..rich clay soil will give
the best of ratitfaetlon tithe buyer.
Hanging Baskets re -filled.
Send • post -card and they will
be called for at any t me.
Address :
John Stewart Estate
1 will p.ty
40c to 5oc PER BUSHEL
tor goon marketable Potatoes,
delivered at
C. P. R., McGAW
Frank Maedel
et 1 •essmamailmiimmil
Having purchased the Grocery and China Stock of Ches.
A. Nairn. it will be our endeavor to Maintain the good repo, "'
tat ion this store hoe always enjoyed in the past.
Our Motto
wilt be QUALITY and VALUE ccwbined with the %cry be.l
service possible.
Our Terms •
Money refunded if goals ordered are not satisfactory.
ONE PRICE ONLY. waking it perfectly safe fur chil-
dren to do your shopping.
We would ask you to kindly have patience with u -
should everything not be satiefwrtory, as until we have
moved it will be impossible torus to give the trade our per-
sonal attention.
.eiturdsy we will sell
Jardinieres up to $2.03, Choice 98c.
Mr, t rill%'.
Pacific Coast
Wide choice of routes. Liberal Stop-
overs. Tickets good going
MAY 20 to SEPT. 30
Return limit Oct, 31
Hy dlr.nl Canadian Routenee the Golden
West and the Rocky Mountain*. Vial,
the Aleek. Yukon Pacific E.poaltlon at
...one and other verbal at tract lona, rim
Information from Jfty. KIDD, Ag.nl.
Round Trip
Children Half Fare. Baggage Free.
Saturday, June I9th
9:30 a. m. Canada Time
Eleventh Annual Excursion
JUNE 1909
Steamer Greyhound
-- -Friday. .tuns lath • • m I'entral Time. Arris (todMrh a 'rip, m
Speeial Tram lass, 1 ioatsnch for Clinton aml Way Matinee to Stratford
11 3n p tn on nrrlral of aeamer from Moonlight Trip.
.aturday, June 17th. 93. • ni , Canada Time, s( ;; tng at Port Nor -n
ArrI,. at Detroit 6 00 p. m
(Snaeay In Detroit, Toledo, Put.lo-Iia ('I.,Mand.•
.% Special Excursion Train from Stratford the morning of Jnoe 1:Ah, slop-
ping at Mitchell. Unbus, Seaford, Clinton awl llolmesville.
and arrive 1e Ooderieb 9 a m. -
From ttilsgham. lelgra•e, rte., Wks morning trala..Inne 19th. connects at
Clinton 0,en a. m . with Special Train for O.rlerlch.
Alan a Spselel gm -ursine Trak from Guelph. Elmira. etc., via C. P. R.
Ian.. lo••'rnu V..ndsy. Jose tit. 1 01 p.m.. Port Il anon 5 301. n,. Arrive
at ii olerich 9: le p. n,. i
p.., lel l rain• leans Ii•slarlch GAT p. es. for Cllu',,n. w'n„hun, Mrateord.
,elph, Plnur•, .t0 , on arrival of eteamet from Detroit.
I ea.e l lnderich nn last Trip for Detroit Tuendav, .inns (tied, •1 90 a 1•,
Nota the Tin.. • 30 a. to , 1'•nWa Tin.)
Meds will 1. themed in the beautiful disking room foe W. Lacunis.. at 50.
Lunch a1 tisk Lunch Counter.
Godench Band Moonlight Excursion at Godench, 25e.
Leave tioek A 30 n•..Inck t ridny evening, ,lune 10th
Excursion Train as usual from Rtratferd and Way Stations.
WHITE STAR UNE, E. 11. AYER, Excursion Agent
Sprang and Fall is when most of the HOME and DOMESTIC
DYEING is done. We haven full line of ALL COLORS in
Diamond Dyes and Rexall Dyes
and are pleased at any time to show the sample cards of either
for per packet, with full directions.
Central Drug Store,
Wall -Paper
Now in your chance to buy WaII-
p.ipper before the choice papers are
picked over. Our prices cannot be
,eaten anywlidte, even outside' Of
Golerich. 11'e are selling pretty
Itttle pattern* ii. Canadian Papers
Hs low as 4e, JIc and lie per roll 'with
hoidens at suns price per toll as
side-walls and ceilings). while the
higher -grade ones' range in price ae,
Me, 12tc and 15c per roll.
Imported l'apers •
P have all elsg ap( line 111 Amer-
ican and Knglish `ball -paper's, noth-
ing like thrid ever shown to (hi,
-part of 1 he count 'y, comment ing at
i e per roll up to 81 per roll.
Washable tiles
NVe have several lines we are
clearing et 'Lie per roll, regular 35'.
Better decide to paler now while
the paperhangers are not tow busy.
V rite -rise ('Asn.
Court House Square.
'Phone zoo. Godench, Ont.
Creations for Spring
With theTQpening- of the Spring season
nearly all men and women take an increased
interest in their wearing apparel. Particular-
ly is this true of shoes, for during a good part
of the winter season rubbers and overshoes
have: made it possible to wear shoes that
weren't strictly proper. But now it's differ-
ent; yotlr shoes must "toe the mark'' set by
Dame Fashion; that mans
Downing & MacVicar
Ti, old and reliable seed and feed 1
store that1 been serving thi Tirm-
ing mnununitV for the' hist a. yea',
is still a live concerti at the premier.
on Itanlillul street and solicits the
patronaitt Of its old -Vuptontert 4111,1
a visit of all who wish pure andrun-
adulterod seeds, from the lest seed
thous of the Dn
A fine lot of silo and ^cab corn for
this :vessel's plautirgjust 1eceived.
•'u choice lilt of red clover, 'strike. -
lucerne mei timothy, always on hand.
Flour and feed delivered es usu.el
any part of the town.
It1;venlh'r the address
hails two ifttsrestaag
To maks: this week.
Hamilton Street
I StFor those going to build
1Ve have height about hall a milli„., feet o1 No. 1
Heuiluck, at a very erase nab! price, and to thine who
i, -g . n ttity %c••
p and needs to car will motile
are building y, f 11 pu
a 00holesale rate, 113 cheap .1. abu ciota get it buying_l,,
I hr carload.
For people who are feeding stock
\Ve b.,, •• tn.lalled n
-Irmo grinder. it has often lii;en
suggested to us that so shnnkf do so, snot we have -now
acted on the euggest ion. We have an experienced 111x11
in Charge, onr plant ie running every day, e•e you eau -he
sure of laking your load .,f ,hop 1 with you.
And we can supply you with whatever you need iu bunldin
in I es', glass, builders' Iwtrdware or cement.
We are giving some extra bargains in the Carpet and
Curtain Departments for the great housecleaning month
of May. There 12 items are decidedly special and there
is an undoubted saving of money buying them. Of
course you can depend on the quality in every case
Jnet one end. real good Union • ('at pet. pat-
tern suitable for bedroom. colors guaranteed
not to rim, grind heavy weight. Standard 25C
:L I quality. Special per yard....
2nd Extra
This is a.1g110111 y that sold at :air in Iola of
plaees. IL 1. extra heavy, Made Rout good
yarns and the colors will not run. A good
pattern for ordinary rooms. Special per 36c
yard JV
3rd Extra
This Carrel is motile try((, tits least -of waste,
Ihiproughly scoured and cleaned, and is posit-
ively free from grease or any impurity. The
dyes are guaranteed fast. Petti'rn is a good
one for general use and the regular value is at.
least 75c. Another epeeist at per yard 57r
4th Extra
.lust two patterns, extra heavy super two-
ply all wool Carpet. The beat quality we
keep. A carpet that will stand no end of hard
wear. Patterns rentable for ted rooms nr
silting rooms. 18 old at Pile everywhere.
Special May pence, per yard-
5th Extra - -
Just Otte rand, grxiTTyii.TTty Tnpivlry Cart el,
will look well and glue entisfactory wear.1
Very ep. ci,.l at per yard JUL
6th Extra
Extra close pile English Ta1wstuy Carpet,
made by one of the twat mills in Euiitlend. Merl
ground with net seri ll"paTlerti. VeryC
special at per yard .... .
Pongee Silk 39c
More of that natural Pon-
gee Silk, guaranteed pure.
The last shipment of a hig
Contract made -tope-the-afro.
It will coot mote after this,
so you will do the ,test to
busy now white the 39c
price is per yard
7th Extra - -- _ ._
Body Ilrj,ssodv Carpet. tient •ground with
small floral design, close thick pile. A r trlet
that will titan+l any amount of haul wcar,wJ3c
An extra .peruse at per yard //
8th Extra •
Threw pet terns in Nott inghnm Ince Curtains,
full three nmd.onr-half yards long, buttonhole
eilgeiri very strong net, suitable for any neon.
Splendid curtains at a popular price. Put
therm against any you will get anywhere a'
$1.25 and w•• think yon will buy here�� •00
Special at per (pair
9th Extra-==-- - -• .
Thrtir. Pertains are particular! good velar.
It••uular $1.5x1 qualities. Made rum the hest
Nottingham Ince with utton•holc edge..
Extra large. %.•tv strong. price Icer
pair......... ... J
10th Extra
These Curtains at ttl.:ot are worth a1 least
*1.75. 'We could have marked thew *2.1Bt anZf
abiz.• av•.eryRefarally nuatt ofbaigain the way.a1 Nper $1 ew patter,
full s'Q
pair - JJnsV
th Extra p
This Curtain is exceptionally gond, *222.tell is
a,ily wh.yfit is worth. The pattern is tine of
flue heat we ever had, and the quality of u' ' i.
54.110 ntt'ong. Batton -hole edges. $1.90
Np". int nl per pair
12th Extra
1 patierns in Japanese' Matting. reds. blues
and green's, gaol designs. rnnde from clean.
straw on rrrttrtn warp, good enough to ask Q
rot lose for. A May special, at per yard 1 (JC
2 Lace Bargains, 9c and 25c.
(fc or 2Sc for laces worth double almost._ Every
kind represented. A tablefull at each price.
At 9c.
:001 of .1151 yards of Laces and Insertions, dozens of
pal terns and vat 1sties white,-ni rotors. .H('ylttggr l.a• to
25h•, choice tif'thw tabh. at per yarcd'fc, or 3 -yards for
A Table Full at 25c
M at of these are Trimrling Laces and insertions.
They nom. in white. ecru, cream, black -and all the
wanted widths. A elan lip of lines that Nnld nt 40e• to
75c. All going now at one price, and that price, e]5C
per yard
New This Week
Handsome Novelty Dress Goods, no two lengths alike, fresh from
Paris. The correct weaves for this season's gowns.
Monotone Stripe,
75c and 90c.
:timed one Striped Suit -
mg* 10 inches wide, rnnde
from pure wools, will make
c'ceptionelly stylish gar-
ments. Colors rose, Noe
and the new green 90C
alludes, at per yard.. �7
Directoire Satin
Cloths $ 1.25
Very scarce material and
one of the most fneh14amble
shown this mention. A mie.
tore of milk and wool with
the milk thrown to they mor
fare giving it a bright 'Witty
finish, so much desired nt.
present. New shod•'•', .6111.11 ns
mauve, castor Anil $125
black, at per yard
Satin Cords $ 1.35
This is one of' the newest
material, of the oration. it.
pia tes -fes -amt- - dlerws
Paris. We have only one
dress length of any color and
chow it in all the aeason'M
most' popular shade.. Pure
wool, at per $1.35