HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-6, Page 51 1 1 i 1 1 1 VOTIVE TO IN V FNTORK.-THK la executors of the u..teie of the late licence Aehmon llavr tc.I,led w offer the whole..laic for debenture*. Imola Sad consists 1 stocks, nal +•tate. 1'rrtlra oolong w Invest un' any of the Alio, ``rupe•rtmu can flet full particulate ou aptjtmt, l uu w the eke M1 inkrI.1.A t'. Acheson, ixeeuLrtx. t P. Motown Bsecaton w'11.IJ AM LCIIESok uode:toh, Dee. ,th les':. Pnbllo Noties. NO,'ICE +111•: 1'7ULIII HEALTH Aeof 31nl.nth* mullree 11•0 vaat x•lall urt,wrautoi il 1, d cat car rev that parent* AIM hallow . Ibm»ltd con virtim. for Tallest to ev'np1y will uuh regulation,. • uu+b1al health orttrer will 1,0 to his Milers 00 the first Saturday Alterman' of varh tenunth at y u cluuc1 k fur the face ,'aociontion of 1I,rrrr,n. . at tetalail Health i1Hl...nttrtluoe. A. C. HU` That. t1•NDI'SIS OF CANADIAN 1,71 N n(TI1WIMT LAND ItIWL'LATIONB. Any pr -Nun who 1• the ,oh, heat of a fam11Y 10117 mato over 10 year. old. may 1 extend a,ptrrte•r keel sen of r. allable Ikaiiii Moil laud 1n Manitoba, tta..krtchewau or Alberta. The apebraut toted appear in per+un at t lie 1 wulin. ion Lend• Aauu•'y ur Suer Agency fur the d1.Irirt, gutr) by YrooY uwy la, wade at any nge•ucy, tot cot la a oouditwiu, by father -mother, .w,. tissgbtor, brother or slater ui wood seg hoire,loa er. the leo -44.1 month+' residence upon and ruln,.a inn of the land In ea:h 01 three year*. A h,,,w.teuulor uwy live w .tbin One mile, of r lrly'owned and ocit cupied at by hint or h* iiit ytr i+ father, mother. run, daughter, brother car .l.tur. In certain districts a homee.tevler In good _ataudlo 111*7 prerapt a ,timet++++.1ion j ulo'. - er Mu -t ,1,le +u aunt la. hi 'el each oft euda year. frontal/Ile of bonn•ateal entry alncludlug the nate required to earn hume.teed pale/ill a"d cultivate fifty acres. extra. A home -trader who line exhau.ted hi. 'nape xhh +141111 and runnel ordain a pre-emption may lag• a purchased homestead In certain nal e. Ian - net reodev1. Price (1111 per err l u .e+- M. t r,,adr^.ix month, tn each of thane Yvan. cull •Tatetlft7 solea and onsethouworth W. W. tt0141 V. t DRY, • Deputy of the Mlnt.ter of alb Interior, Veit-l;neat horlud publication of yhlr ad ,erti+emeat will nut be laid for. 'Ratcjl •, r 11 AI S- KY I'ARK ll WAY. uMlash Jsw sl.IAN'trlTiclAV. h .Ile of 1.pu,re, Gollench. Ont. Civil Engineering THE SIGNAL GODER1CI1.: ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSES. Applications Granted in North sad $ 01th Huron. : '+ The license commissioners for North Huron Rust ou the 211h tilt. a4 'Wing - ham granter, lirenses as-frdtnws: 1Vingham-J. E. /Swart*, Alex. Orr Klltate, L W. 1lnnnou, Mrs. Linsley. Iiitravale--J. C'. Johnston, littlKEa rhos: Hill. Wroxeter- C• Currie. Blyth -- IVa.'-"Mson, Wm. Me. 1'auxhey.. Watton The appliratiow of 1'. R. Vpparel, %%Ingham, was left over Until the Nth of May, when the commissioners will tweet IA 1(4111. South Huron. The South Huron tamed of license coluwisriouera suet at KrucutlpW uu April ZS t, cunstder the applications for licenses tor the ensuing year. No shop licenses were granted is this die- LricL The following tavern license. were granted : Hayfield -Alex. Robineou, Coth,ter- cial: Mrs. E. E liott, Albion. Exeter -W. T. Acheson, Central ; I.. W. Palmer, Commercial; , Johu Morley,Metropolitan. It. W. Mo- ney,ansion 11at1u%, got two months to sell that his rola. Township of llav--R. It. Johnston, Dominion House, Zurich: J. P. R, Comuaercial hotel, Zurich Rau, ; Mrs. W. Nicboloon, Il'ake hotel. Township ..1 Tuckers►uith -- Ilruce flu1seulern', Dixon House, Brum- field : tett, lit rung, Struaog s lintel. Cuutralia- %Via. Moffatt, Duffel•in Hauer. Cenditenl -August Hill, Central ; H. ('. Clark, Royal. Township of Stephen It Cu ' g- han, Khiva hotel, Khiva: Joe: %iter, Ontario House. Mount Carnel ; Ezra Brenner. Shipka hotel. Shipka ; Mrs. Wm. Fritz. Brenner House, Grand Bend : Wm. Zimmer, Commercial hotel, De,hwol,0i. The following resolution, was Panned: 'That the ap •liration of N. M. Cantin, St. Joseph, for a tavern license for the Balmoral hotel be not grunted in the meantime, but the commissioners ate willing to take the clatter into their A Ore cnnaldeMR101r - Whet 'VFr they. ,are satisfied the future develop. ment and business interests of the locality justify the granting of w cense, and, further, that the hotel Ile tap to the maid reshm of the her A('GIIAN M. R(1IIEWI''1, ('1S'11• ▪ and Hydraalle kultOuver, Ou1rrio La.u4 Bert eyur. e Ml.w-McLeitn Mach, Onderlrh, corner Montreal 'trnt„ Telephone I3. "tunic t t.F'ItKD E. ('t0)K; TF.ACHKI( OF y tsweetsener. Theory: iiaew awe- cad e ..0 i, rep but. Pupil. prepared for elatttitla- 1,.ufToronto tburetrleryofMu.le. Aply arc Mud, St ore, (i,etrrirh. Men.taye infllintuittit rr./de..e of Mr. Alva. Machete Tee: wetemtp+t roe,. w Medical .err xw. EMMERSON & TCIRNBULL. ill tor. lit aLL-ICNOWMt MA1tiIVRYrES. W , Ont., May -:!rdi-fey., ri . -Mr. % n. Ilell, 1. P ..r ihi. I I.r,• ihe''t•full cuuhibute. Li, itlna.,i,. lie.I teetirrwrtyT W the efficacy of Dodd ., Kidney YI . lie to Meer : _Dodd to yrer I- was an. in - 'from kidney truulde 1,4.1 difT ell •11 rel'• J ••' For mare tense sufferer and withn.i h LOST QR DAMAGED` FREIGHT. e The Canadian Freight Aseociatiea-$sek• ing to Lessen the Evil. To prevent 111e trouble and expense Daubed Ila bright being luta, of item - aged i11 (1,011sit the Canadian Freight Aarurialion is circulating ap get tbu height agents of the tlitieteilt Iail- ways ate illustrated booklet • which shows why freight is lust or damaged, and how - this wlurce of lose tau he avoided. 1n the brochure m sta•uag • saaJr-olihauLruLtta. or having all freight shirtiest to proper shale idol plainly addressed. . Amongst the things that height men and shippers should remember the booklet mutes the tottowing-- po111ed :- Shippers and f•on.igneex blame the cal ter when a shipment of freight fatly to reach destination or it de., live) ed to Consigner iu *damaged ruu- dition. But a small number slop to think it is wore their fault than the canker's. In the beginning the fuudam r1tat rule o1 cllrtirlr in nc- reptingilterchandise was the requit- ing of each package to tw pl*toly marked, showing hill -name of cotl- rigneu and destination. Prom a will- ingness to oldige patrons this vital re. 11j1ir'n1Pnt has been w) far "ride - tracked," wl to weak, that it is .out unuouIal for' boxes, hales, 1)undleN and pieces to be accepted will t *II V marks. Coupled with the disappwit- auce of full marks came' the aesthete' decline in the etrewgth of packages in which goods are shipped. Boxes and sacks are math of thinner material. crates are substituted for (,011*0x, alai Narks are now being tined by hone rhiptwru for articles which should not he shipped in thein. To insure the prompt and safe delivery of goodie, ie, it is neressary for the shipper to plainly marl. each and every package, bundle or piece of haat than a earhtad ship- ment, showing this information : Om. signer.* mune in full : bill of landing deotnwtinn in frill : State in which destination is located : if more than one 1tati1n 1111 0111)14' taste of same name, full mune of county unlet be 1 n tutu k* shown : all previour,rll ppl g w anent be ohlitertit'4 - The name of consignee and dentin*=' tion must be legibly written or sten- ciH.•d, and as Ler away from any 1.1 her writing or unlike ma pp,ssible. it is a great help to all when lltlptwa's Selye and location are nt('o idiom'. with the west' "hum" mei. lug them. Every int luagMr1- h auoUa car-pirce- o1Tt-1.d fur shipme t should lw pte- veittrd 1 ,Carl let* in. ,nlhlion to stand the wear anti tear not only ria all 'I ai1 dentes, but also. the hewn/. ling incidental' to tr+in1pl,rtatiou via trail anti water rents--..: - What helps produce that perfect balance of bass and treble in the Mason and Risch Piano The Detroit Conference.' tidies aha wok lir er-TKe-Treatenent o•r - 'Ternary : hitt tiv,>•nr. T` HE even scale of the Mason and Risch -piano will appeal to any critical musician. is you pass from one note to another, from the bass to the treble, there is no change in the tone purity. Each note is clear, sweet and full. Mason aOd Risch The piano with a soul That is due to; exact ' principles on which' our' overstrung scale is constructed. We have secured a depth, richness and purity of tone • thioughtrot the: eut -v register -of 'the Mason and MASON Risch piano which is not equaled in any other in. and RISCH 1 , PIANO CO., stru111ent. Limited. Mali uttliis coupon to=day and well send -- TORONTO Send me your iUu*• you an illustrated booklet which explains traced b.r.klet explain- ing the reasons why -I - should oma a Mason and Risch piano.- This 1s no way in detail why the Mason and ]tisc'h r the best piano for your home. local ph sirians Ite 'felt that. J as get- A conference was hell in Dattnit ting no better. I seinduced to give the other day. the Object of wah'h watt (1 .1d's Kidney lalls`a-trial and 0m "better trade refatiunll.w th Canada." pleased to state (fiat ftrr takingtwo More than aduzrn States, tordrring'on nr three boxes 1 felt ve nits encouraged ser to (hold's hulney ('ills and well lt1' a vel _I was in my li 111011 better. I. aside were represent :nntinut• with delegates came fr 11.11s ase now as east to Duluth on the e: In the sorue of the Canadian cent!' A. T. F.iaxawop, ]K. P. W 14, Tt•krnt•I.1. M. H. ('(11..' Itrmil!o1 Street. 'Phone Int. tot I.rade..O.- Newt k Creel. "" py 1e Rr. George .rnnreh. 'phone tall 10. Trunbull+ r,wtdenro, Mn.: real at reit. Southwtwt of I'ublir Library. 'Phone 114. ll11Atl.0W H. B. It. ism.. omelette*. North . r- f .ttii«lerfcl. of .,nt t act ne.I,t h of +ut y.11r41 ' 07 ether. Telephone. 111 Legal • • KIl,1.OKAN. BARRISTER. .m to lend at ie u Money 11 ata. catnep.etc. _.j. .cal„ +ants ) Rtr orse" NK.1 enoe. 11esaorch satudays and Mna1.t)•. 1j1I(i. I'AMKItl)N. K. (•.. HARKIK- '1 h.1:..nhrltor, notary public. 111140---- - Root:0n Street. U.dench. third dour from (i K1lIr INlBAYS k BIA IR • tea.«ttet udwnee public pry • 4ertn tl✓ :*.ttims (' oar, etc. teller, sense d':e 1(.)1110 nest door 1•. A. 1alrn'agnRwr7• Pal ♦aur bunt. to trod at Ioneg+.( rat••+ of teleran. 111rAWWMUSWIWYT. K. t•. 1(. ti. H*Ye..0. 1, 45Alll 4'HARIES °ARItOW, HAK- ICINTF:It. attorney., .nllril.,r. eta., Oode- rarh. Marry to lend at Inweet 1•rtnv. 0. JI)IINKTON. RAKRI!Tf..K, ,11 ,b.-itnr. rrnnmlaalnner. notary public. H: Iron street. Uodench _. Insurance.. loans. Etc. * it 0 011 I'1(IVATE.FUNOK To s1 lean. Ap710 M. 11. i'A)1 • Ilrtrieter, Hamilton .treat. 4:Wench. WIt. RORISIrIVON, + IN!q'RA N4' g AG.EN T. tow *vi 1,tmnrclxo: UHu'.h. ('anadlan and Alerrienn., A' -n.e,t rine aWARR nen D' WI'l tygf*' LI Ii, ITT : The Ocean Accident. and Unarentre . "monition. !Atoned. of Landon. Kng. lnsr.rr ,•+f, Gr' 1144]1101. IM)111R t The t', S. • )Tdetlty Mai Guarantee (oen)wny. melee it n,Jdence. northeeet corner of VI' het* grad att label +:ansate. - Phone- 1711 1OIIN W. CRAIUIE, 1,?FR. FIRE, to and Rce•idrntInanranee. Aitentforlending mar nal and et.w•k root{w'lee. ineuranee in all hem .•I►rv-owl o, tr+f plane and at low'• -t ref.". ('ell at peace, corner %%'eat Street and 4quarc 0r eddrear J. W. t'RAIUIuf„ UoieHOh. Una. Tele .horse H eta•1%JLLP OMUTUAL. F1111 IN Art ri ll R A N (' F; r' O. -Farm and laol*lyd Men property insured. A. McLean, Pres., Kippen P, (a T. Framer Vice Prev., Hn.re1old 1'. t. Than.. F. ilnT., S'•r-TreM.. Warmth 1. .1 • 30.ne'0** - W In. ('loony. S.•ntnrth : John O.Ur eve WInthrrwst'1 • (iennee. IWe, rieafnrth; Jahn Rennase,/.. Ih.Mfn: Jtin.o* 71(1110• lee"' wane d : Jahn wrap.. :tartaric ; Mho,. termer, i rticenelel ; John H. McLean. Klppen : Jae. (''»11.417, ('Tinton. ▪ J• W. „Yeo. Holmesrille, agent for We•.t amen. 'eliry-holders run lwty 1w.e••.+nleut. WI._ sr) their card. treadptel at Toyer a bw,i., Clinton. or of K. Idd. Cutt'e droner7. L ne•ton .(net, Uoderlch. Marriage Licetines 'WALTER R. KKLI. , u(/USK1('H, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and ()ptieW. Issuer of Marriage Wcenaes. W , LANE., ISSUER OF MARRI- AUK llwrlos..Oaderlca.Ont. SHAtnra P&ZLOZ 1?Dirlfl BLOCK BARBERSHOP. , rb Thl+ well-known And 'tcopular '.ta.,! n Ida )setae. the Ire.% ee•rvFr In .hey1g. hair cutting, etc, sic. 1Ad1.'. shampooing 1 Only aklll.wl hand, employed P hotgf4yElt Proprietor . ill appreciated. H. It = - V Aluct10neerlfE thwt l -might ate t tit! coon aging some other astir anal the ih on the rat. while w, Inc d- ens nT t ( Ing Toronto w r re ales, n• q-esentrth is from Governor Warner, of Mirh'gan, w•el- kidney trouble to try Mad es Kidney ('01114.1 thedelegates gild w rmlyen- l'iHs 1 rheettIWY cunt.iibutic 161 l tlin many 10 their wonderful h ling ps,werm," • Round-triExcursionsa L w Ra d Low `itnrx(htthe' purjose of the nil 'venton_ TTieregate Judson', (:rand Rapids, *tart tor 4)110)) markets and 00 un- necessary bonder vexations, t' legate Mlt cher, of slwrruleare'tiirtold caw % ,ollardub0 igen $I.\(M11,I)Jn in twelve yeat • u►ltd that millions of money was Ilylst.•tl yearly because they cops put»hattr I her in Ontario in .(_going to Oregon and 1'irginl dozen other men mobil It. A h publican. the d.sratc be. WIT; nougeed the Dingley tai itT au out on common sense. and also ata that the l'niteol Stales wits to crazy. 1'he, Canadians present h their ronin among Macdonald o 'rite Globe, who to/ occasion to tr tho.P present the reciprocal thin relation.) were. th thing : that who ou juin hands ie trade you will not ke up the sword of war.. - Of course, we hear i this over *net ober again, and w'he the t•iiited ~fates Congress meeti L liecuss tariff matters they still stick p tty ck,sely to the l' as regards le 0.)tective tariff. But in One thi- a •iprocity talk is going to tell. In time a ma- jority of people on loth stoles f the line are to be convinced tl.at p.'ay Ing more for a thing than it is *doh. pot became carr neighbor wants make it in place of the fellow n ho cot1t make it brat rind ehe}tiwst, is lard' husine+., and that the present notion of tariffs and bonuses is* w,ante of the good things that nature 4(1311 climate and industry have given our con- tinent. on-tinent. Montreal WAS not represented at the confe,ence. The Hoard of Trade of that city was invited to semi a represents, lve, but in piers of repre- sentative they sent hark word, so the papers state, that they were not in. (rreeted. It meant nothing to them and they did not cars to discuss these question., 1 wouhl prefer to believe that the Montreal Board of Triune has been mia"luoted in the uhllter. Of comae, the majority of - the twling spirits of that body are ultra•pro- lrelioniels, by reason of the fart that they either own or are interested in protected and pap -fed concerns, such as --cotton mills mid hen and «(eel worts. The Mason and Risch . Piano- Co., Limited, 32 West King St. Toronto. IS Name Street'.. a City Province • 1111M111212111M1 o t ale tt 1iash.Portland. Ore.. a 1a'. Tartans,, Wash.: Everett, • Nash. Bellingham. Wash. ; Victoria, 11, 1' 1'iInemorer, 13. t'..: San Francisco. Cal.': Isere Angeles, ('al., e:r. Good going May :loth 1 4, Soptenler Bawer n awit October 311i. l) :eFll/h r 'tickets and hill information call on , F. F. Lawrence, Urand Thunk town Oak. agent. tioderich.! Ali is pmt gold that glitters in u mining prewpectue. ; __ - e •s v ski deepfrith Beauty 1 not en n a y e the woman who 101150.. 1 MEN'S OXFORDS We have all the young men's down-to-dateshoes. Wo should like to_ show them to you. ]ten's patent cult oxfont.. blucher cut styles, all patent and with dull or colored tope, *WI, $4.00 and at.iO. Men'. tan oxford., Witcher and i)wekle styles, new last., g:3 t , • I.11n and s 1.aiO, We have some new • goods in tan and ox -blood boots, ,jtist arrived. (onle -and here a look at them. G. M. Elliott •. T)IOM,tM OUNDRY. LiVE STO('K A.Woman's Sympathy nur..anNprnernl oncftnnesr. °Mena nn South Aro you Alarmirnged? fa 3'ourydnctnr'a •hen tint , ern hn x111 1111 found at all t.lme+ hill a heavy flnanclal had' 10 your pain er tying +aloe,. Terns reasonable and a hr*vy physical burden? 1 know what Phone ;Kort used to give• you satisfaction. AUCTIONEERINO. `11'.• „ nn'.nchne natefally attended to. Farm .:h. ; 11, a 'lock .alae. rel aunt,. I04 nlerrhan "l••• mad. aap.hene. 1Vnte for date. or , M11 and Inik It. oder with neo. Beckett, HennIton street. Goderich Ont Telephone No. rot these mean to delicate women -I have iron dl.rouraged, too; hut loarned haw to curs myself. I want to nils,. your bur - done. Why 1.01 end the pain and atop the dm•tor'a bill? I can do thin Nor you and w1U 0 you w111 assist me. II you Toed do )e to write for a free box of the remedy whteh has been placed 111 my hands to he given away.•l'erhaPe this ono hoe will cur* you -it ham done* for other%.• If so, 1 shall hn happy and you will he cured far 2" (the cent 111 w po+ntgr hemp). Tour )ellere held cnnd- drnnaUy Write to -day for_ 17 Fero treat- ment. MRS. f . 2 6'UiiltAii.. rlodsor. On(. ..- Pew Sfi.d He Lying not of ice t for Ke- r= ge rd iff -MLitt noTE& Fr*. The Mall and Empire.) J. C. K., Clinton. -I Pi. -There is a ditr h that, l a existed r t I furr rt least -.«*tonL-tare than tiny years' a dividing 'line be- tween tie', properties Mallet' now by A. Anil It respectively. ''rhe dtteh empties into a -highway 441(11.'' In onl'et. to construct an ice noted. H made( dam I m nc t'oer the "highways ditch:" -1his dant -causedd the wilder hack up into the line ditch and thus clogs the tile drain. which empty into the line ditch from A's land. Can A compel the renewal of the .hent i 421 road overseer rtertinr.1 t itater- tere. Ought A to apply to the town- ship council for redress? IZ ,le I here any tine. Inuit within wtli1h action must tar taken ht• A :• .1. 11., Myth. ej.,.-11 a ,gage is upuh' pay 5ble tq right Years earl tier mortgagor pay it MT in five years? 11t 'an the mortgagee enforce payment t the end id five years:? Ans.-:-The int•t•est Aet ' 11. K, O., lap. 1211, Kee. .1 says wherever any ihcipal or interest by the Levens of a ,rtgage i. ))uwle payable al some o. b ' lfld lire years from the o the mortgage, the tgagor at any true •after the .•xpiration years tender the prin'tp1atn-rrd s due ander the mortgage. and iutnlhs' interest in advance, to aunt ugag'-e, and demand n' Ais of the tnortgage, and if the gee refuses to accept the mo 1, he will not iie allowed any flat - ther ) rest in. in it h•om Ihr• time of ouch t )der. The effect of: lhi.i stat- ute is f ive the Mortgagor the 111-it'i- lege of p ing 01T his mortgage at the end of fl a pries. 11) There is noth- ing in the el tat' authorizitlJ or pet -t twitting t ' e'n triga,g..e to enfo,o'e stay relent oft pre Mimi and int Pt est at the'etwt of liver 'eats. 1fe earl tint? n CURRENT LITERATURE. in fes 1 dat f dna of luta titre the chars mortg WoMAN-w MOM 14 ('OMPAVI(Y,--The hoiden of our ehanging aatenel renter falls upon our daughter., claim% the Wnman'e Monte Companion for May, and this idng•izlnr shown by striking example. luta Jhyit•es. ).caw iniwy• toirvey is otic way of training girlie. In this Fame home is a charming *Miele by Horgstet S:Ing.ter, show- ing that the millionaire her is by 011 means AS black es she is painted. Miley Heaton Vol.*, in h.'r awn in- imitable style. proven that if ',rehire fat it is our own fault. In a more serious mond is a trip through the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Sir Camper Portion Clarke as guide. Thio valuable article 1. illustrated by exquisite reproductions of famous paintings. Other articles of interest,' are "The Att of Econotny." by M John Van Yorsfr- end "The (' 1 miters of New fork." by f pert Higelnw Peine. "An ieriperiwl Wraith," by (lora Morris. Fontaine eharming reminiuopnces o the 'im- press Eugenie. Lucy Green." n friendlessovent'en,yr old girl, tells how .ht went to He tbn 'wnntles., in search of a job, an ow she got one. Them are .omo it Berl Morita in the nntntwr. An Exception. A harrel of floor fell nn n workman the other .l4%' hut. I leiv iv an exert•- tinnRl ,'her, AR flour of hole has been going the other way Montreal Star, t)n. thing a woman rant tinder '.rand is why a ,nen won't. wait for a b teleran sale when he wants anything. _l.ei _nuc u'ight /and exercise.iL.under the mistletoe ity of some proviso con- tained in the mortgage itself (if any). cru B late_ r • Br. Marys, April :71. --St. Mary's de- cided today to guarantee the bonds of the Huron Ik !truce cement Co. to the ex,tont of SKIM. The bylaw on the Waller 11•i1s nuitmilte•(i to the people today Y Ind wn* carried, by w large Majority. - - L ' F',r. .elf T -against, 'Pk The cote '.any propose erecting a =2.50,01/0 plant and will eolunwnee building in Ju•)e, send have the plant in operation next May. - - "dither, 1 was whipped again the Any for that ILh Icnion table. - "Eh. hIe.""Eh, laddie: how to that : 1 t horht ye had It clear eneuch to nu• this 'morn- ing...?" "Ay, mit her: rntt ye- ask it straight ou, and thou 1 .au. sly it. But the Insister aye 1Ave14 it." TOWERS FISH 2RAND WATE ?PROOF ,. OIL?D GARMENTS arc cut on irirge patterns -designed 70 give the hearse the utmost comfort UGIIT' DIJCAl11E MAN .1.o TE 113 true"' WATERPROof 40 NW MOM," KY 4Jle AGM Mf JAN. W rnr oro' csents N l Nese Terra C... ou. Ca ... tit THNR DAY, M. 6, 1909 The Ideal is the Best L1 tu0st liner of merchandise sane one slake of a given Hanel atainetwllniga'd•thte hest, reed- very often eu1)tnand. a higher price. Ideal Fencing Merits Claims of Superiority, but, t,utunately for the 'armee•, by our buying in carload lots and pa )'iqg rash, and the mintage! tire' s,'doing the lal'ge"bns- Mesr they dot, We OW able Ito sell Ideal at prices that was acknowlydge11 t. be the very lwst kuiug. Our Il•rt car of Ideal 'rid foiled Wire is practically all sold, and the secutidCit. is ordered to be here by the itlt or s *tl► of May. 1nt' hu intr at. otic(' you will get the best_ choice of 4iies sof roll, and lengths. - The Howell Hardware Co., Limited. •ommimmismorwmas e MISS CAMERON Invites the inspection by the ladies of Goderich and vicinity of her new stock of MILLINERY for the spring and summer of 19o9.All the latest shapes and styles, novelties in HAMILTON trimmings, everything new. and correct. • STREET, O GODERI C • HEADQUARTERS FOR - SPRING GOODS 1 .lust. what the housewife wants for 1) re- cleaning. These are our regular priee3, d if what yon -want is not -on- this list try Par: Fair for quality and prier. Want -a Pali• r of +Yana. REGALSHdES -and so does every other well-dressed marichere 1 Thcy'rn the smartest shoes that imoncyjcanl! I uy-exact!reproductions of expensive metropolitan lata custom models1The 'remade ingoofier- sizes, giving you an erad fit.Vegal Shoes arc the greatest shoe values in the world -that s whiwe sell them! Let W show you the -new Spring atylka.f O *•. vais;wyy• ;west.: WM. SHARMAN, Goderich, • Ontario. 11 I'na•Iwl-MT* 2 pwekw1014 :)o 1'1,111 Kenl'. Ilk' ('oaf. Hooks, 'ter dozetpa.;_r1' 'I' 'il rinuin, per bark, gI• -. 1'..wder•ed ,. (1111411141. . rat While l'urtain !Niles. brass ends, tttttttttt 111.' flett'1r"Erten-gluts hauls, 1(111•,' Machine 1111. per bottle, 1, !heaVnPda1p1er ,jckwg,, Is( Linen tpeist., ,3");! Bent Linen f'Ihades,seith lace, Fare (hails, In quart 1Sc Flare Pails. 11 g)tatrt,.-.-.._tele. It -quart Milk Penn,. Ile S -quart Milk Pan.,, ' Ia1C Pt -quart Milk Pans, 11r iZ,t(uart MM.ilk 1'a11s,,..,.,l tt - Mea, PnU'' Nnux,thing lent%, nickel plated, Alamo Castile Soap, ".ands for CGI': (4.4Tw•, worth she per pound, - t for Gp (iwrdrn !b•enle.:M! tier rateknge or '1 fhr ' r•• !Jest .1me)•irnn r►ileltth,- white nod colnt,vL 2:11: Egg ,'ups, per dozen,.. Dec and 2,.0•. Pillow yhnul lfoldeee,,.... dlk \Inp•,, ...... ...-..Irk and 15.: 'arpl.t !fent el ille And 1. e ifl *4' ('wt Shoe Polish Paste, 'h Iii•fore you purchase your spicing %Vail -paler; look over lair large MIA/'., and eon -104e our prices with others. All !rimless meld by roll, same ns vide and ceiling. We hate w eon `date stock of 4'annlliIII and Aiilericnn Wall -papers. (lrxxd Envelopes, per pietism* :x• Best Linen Knvelopem, pier • package .. ...1110 French Organdie 1r•i.1, Linen., • ltk' (;fast Pad u.s, ._••••etil' `ltrrw cum.,pwte }matey ,Ac Toilet )'aper 1'0/1. or Italie, 7'., or 1 for 211e. Imrger sip.* 1'melm or ltoll,. Ac, or :I for CGI'•. %1'e have n very Large stork .4 Kummer 1'nderwear Yenta, ilk, 1:)c and lar, and a lig variety of fattier' and children's ,Hone, black and 0olored, PARSONS' FAiR East side of Square, (lodcrich. COMING •. `:.•.. el PROF.-DARENWEND of TORONTO the petit Bair GOIals Art - 1.4, is e g with :. ,-, ... 1 i !, ►% r j / rr / - nAIR coons ,,„,, m , l l e :.l MOTEL BEDFORD, GODERICtJ .on Wed., May 12. 'Dnrinl[ tl$i visit we will be showing the very latest Parisian and New York styles, and yon are partic- ularly invited to inspect and try on any of there • creations- . $WITCHES, as, a • '- CLUSTER -CURLS, CORUNET•BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS. WAVES, WIGS. Etc., Etc, We give you the same choice seler- tion and aariofsctinu _as. you would get ltretfOr00irtestablishment .. DUREN%ENDf _ SP PATENT TOUPEE for Gentlemen who are Bald, is a tnasterpieceof Scientific }fair Construct- ion. Securely adjusted. tomb hey.h them just as .r _,Y F•own '• t ► „„ Nt. elf F o Qarenow 0.1 \ 4.4" lor " ' - and your hair. Absolutely inde- tectable, They protect you eu- Catarrh, Neu- etc. and will make from Conde you look 1i1 years younger. salR ht. Over tktfx)U of our Toupees inane. Don't fail to see them. Dorenwend Co: of Toronto, Ltd. 103 OS O .1 y NOE 8704E7. 1 befit. REMEMBER, ONE DAY ONLY. 7f I e MISS CAMERON Invites the inspection by the ladies of Goderich and vicinity of her new stock of MILLINERY for the spring and summer of 19o9.All the latest shapes and styles, novelties in HAMILTON trimmings, everything new. and correct. • STREET, O GODERI C • HEADQUARTERS FOR - SPRING GOODS 1 .lust. what the housewife wants for 1) re- cleaning. These are our regular priee3, d if what yon -want is not -on- this list try Par: Fair for quality and prier. Want -a Pali• r of +Yana. REGALSHdES -and so does every other well-dressed marichere 1 Thcy'rn the smartest shoes that imoncyjcanl! I uy-exact!reproductions of expensive metropolitan lata custom models1The 'remade ingoofier- sizes, giving you an erad fit.Vegal Shoes arc the greatest shoe values in the world -that s whiwe sell them! Let W show you the -new Spring atylka.f O *•. vais;wyy• ;west.: WM. SHARMAN, Goderich, • Ontario. 11 I'na•Iwl-MT* 2 pwekw1014 :)o 1'1,111 Kenl'. Ilk' ('oaf. Hooks, 'ter dozetpa.;_r1' 'I' 'il rinuin, per bark, gI• -. 1'..wder•ed ,. (1111411141. . rat While l'urtain !Niles. brass ends, tttttttttt 111.' flett'1r"Erten-gluts hauls, 1(111•,' Machine 1111. per bottle, 1, !heaVnPda1p1er ,jckwg,, Is( Linen tpeist., ,3");! Bent Linen f'Ihades,seith lace, Fare (hails, In quart 1Sc Flare Pails. 11 g)tatrt,.-.-.._tele. It -quart Milk Penn,. Ile S -quart Milk Pan.,, ' Ia1C Pt -quart Milk Pans, 11r iZ,t(uart MM.ilk 1'a11s,,..,.,l tt - Mea, PnU'' Nnux,thing lent%, nickel plated, Alamo Castile Soap, ".ands for CGI': (4.4Tw•, worth she per pound, - t for Gp (iwrdrn !b•enle.:M! tier rateknge or '1 fhr ' r•• !Jest .1me)•irnn r►ileltth,- white nod colnt,vL 2:11: Egg ,'ups, per dozen,.. Dec and 2,.0•. Pillow yhnul lfoldeee,,.... dlk \Inp•,, ...... ...-..Irk and 15.: 'arpl.t !fent el ille And 1. e ifl *4' ('wt Shoe Polish Paste, 'h Iii•fore you purchase your spicing %Vail -paler; look over lair large MIA/'., and eon -104e our prices with others. All !rimless meld by roll, same ns vide and ceiling. We hate w eon `date stock of 4'annlliIII and Aiilericnn Wall -papers. (lrxxd Envelopes, per pietism* :x• Best Linen Knvelopem, pier • package .. ...1110 French Organdie 1r•i.1, Linen., • ltk' (;fast Pad u.s, ._••••etil' `ltrrw cum.,pwte }matey ,Ac Toilet )'aper 1'0/1. or Italie, 7'., or 1 for 211e. Imrger sip.* 1'melm or ltoll,. Ac, or :I for CGI'•. %1'e have n very Large stork .4 Kummer 1'nderwear Yenta, ilk, 1:)c and lar, and a lig variety of fattier' and children's ,Hone, black and 0olored, PARSONS' FAiR East side of Square, (lodcrich.