HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-5-6, Page 1A
Trade -
Advertising in THE SIG-
NAL gains new trade and
holds the old. If you have
trade your pale and don't care
whether you do business or
not don't advertise.
I A Good
A well limited letterhead, on
good paper, gives a firm's cor-
respondence an appearance
which at once recommends the
business an whose behalf it is
sent. THE SIGNAL prints
this kind of business stationery.
0QNtr,f..*-440. I
Y,ANNT` AR t ROBERTSON, Puss oasas
I am offering for sale laebentures bearing Uttered
at five per cent. per annum. payable half -yearly.
These debentures offer an absolutely sate and prof -
noble investment. 1 would advise anyone having
money to invest to be sure to call and yes Inc.
11'2 I.CE-
\Ve have our lee House well
filled and itis prepared to sup-
ply old and new patrons with
the beet quality diving the
co:oleic reason.
as t0 t
F with modern convenience., alio been in
noosseer poly to('�t1.1,MAN11.au terrew
to chit.. A. Naha.
To !tent
IIdence ur
of Mims Buchanan, earner of Neon
and St -Andrew's et rein.. Suitable etcher for eld-
er). couple or for young couple with small farm
ily. (Mol lawn. fruit tree.. town water. slat soft
water. Terms very reasonable. Apply to
Vert' RUt HANAN, oe Ilia premises. or
ALkx. 1'ut'Xl4. Carlow P.U.
Beal :estate for bales
`f Fun BALs
e�tjn Nine -room frame house with good
r frawe stable 0n pr.•nr'c., ,
$1,300 Klghtroonl frame house,
( l oil Seven -room triune nonage, with
$ o stable on the premises.
Good (food laroom frame bonne.
$J .000 tese:
-$1;3:0 Good frame hour.
• - A11thp;proyrrtlea to be sold to close estate
nevem* r. MayfIth.
K�ga wheat, per. !1 t. 0 ! 4 l0
40 (0 1 is
F e per bust 048 to 0 40
Hua itwheat, i ter bomb 048 to 0 :',
oats per bulb., 0 40 to 0 13
Pear. ser hn.n , 0 83 to 0 a1
Marley per be ,h 0 4.4 to 0 3is
*menhir ,.erton..3u 00 to ^J 0i
Maur. fa•.dly,'Wt ew6...., ..., 3 WItoa en
Flour..ratent, pet cwt ...... .., 3 (U to 3 s1)
Nor, meteor A Arte- 11140
Shure, per too Yl In to 24 in
Hay. per Nm H 00 to 0 Int
Wood, per cord SIU to 8 180
Butter, per Ib , 0 IH to 0 144
Cheese, per Ib 15 to 0 13
slier., trash, Wader- -..-.. • la to dist
Pnoateem, new .i to Si
Cattle, ordtn'y to good. per owl. 4 to 4 St
Cattle. export. per cwt • 4 to 1 sit
hs 7 Yi (,r
,.. iso 444)
Sheep, per cwt 310 4 d)
Hain. per lb ........;-4.--,
Flacon, rib s --:---mss-+ ...•.a13 utf
Lard, pe lb -) $'3 to to 0 13
Tallow, per Ib I'1 to 'e
111doe, per owt - 0 W to n Y,
8hoey skin, W W
('hlckena . . - . la 440
Turkeys .....•..•....• :�.: -�•- 13 to 14
Outside marketw'ou page n this week. •
11 FTHUll1ST
LANDS' FOR 'tftt .
• 7 Iris aces' with J2 scow In crop : frame
house with 'phone In. Prim 11,181) Including,
.•rep. land a rich loam. 33' acres, at 0114 per
acre, broken and fenced. Thi. I. a snap. as
land i• going up every year. Ie? acre. with
trend building,. at acme broken; price 040 per
aro% good looallty and phone in house. Any
f t hr.e can be .bought In easy terms. J. H.
T4Ws1.1Y, Tarlton. Seek-
11 SALE: -Well dtmated frame Ii .tory
house. corner Cambridge street and Britannia
road. containing 7 rooms. halls. pantry. mesh
roomreline etc ; mood .tone•foundaUoh. All
in tad repair. Both las can be sold with
bo,,,, or ,.iorately, re desired. 1f not gold at
once, home w111 be rented. Terme reasonable.
For further particular* apply to HK\RY
HoKNEY. l'ropef ter. alt OW. BECKETI'.
1111011'14 LOT IN OARKOW PROP-
%) ERTY. corner Market street and Klgin
avenue. Five minute. walk frxn churches•
schools., p(rtotece and Mores. [ewer in Elgin
avenue. l'articulere may he had from .1. 1'.
BROWN. Ooderich.
I lots for sal.' moistest nn Newgate and
Ladtrecte, a.sierfrh. Terms as may be
Preed upon. For particular.; apply to E. J.
Death of Miss Brindley.
The death took piece on Friday last
of Miss Louisa Brindley at the age of
fifty years, and the funeral was held
on Sunday. Rev. It. W. Millyard, pas•
tor of Victoria street Methodiet
church, conducting the services. The
pall -bearer. were James Bell, John
Johnson), Matthew lirutnmett and
David Sproul. Miss Brindley had
been ill for tome time with 'an inter-
nal complaint.
Graduated in Scotland.
The Edinburgh Evening Dispatch of
April 21st gives a list of those who
have teased the final examinations of
the Royal College of Physieiane of
Edinburgh, Royal College of Surgeons
of Edinburgh and Faculty of Physi-
cians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and
among- the successful - ndidat
D r; Jame» Robert i:i Touzr1,T son
of our townsman J. C. LeTonsel.
Dr. LeTouxel's many friends here will
hear of; hie success with interest.,
The Summer Hotel. ,.
A epeeist meeting of the town conn-
ed was held last night for the purpose
of discussing the tonna of proposeal
agreement with C. C. Lee for the
operation of the hotel Mr. Lee asked
the town to put the building in repair
and keep it iu repair, to make a road-
way to the water down the hill oppo-
site the hotel and to pay the insurance
1411Li lee 1tie" hove that --hotel at the
nominal rental of $1 as advertised. free
of taxes, he agreeing to run the hotel,
A motion was made by I Councillor
Sallow s, seconded by Councillor
- .:raigte. that town pay-the;Inset=
once and taxes. and an amendment,
was 'made by Deputy Reese Reid and
P. T. Dean, that Mr. Lee pay the
sebool taxes iaruountitfgto$757 and the
town pay the insurance, 1120. Reeve
(;allow and Councillor Munnings
Voted - With -the nulnutiwent. - Which
was deelaretl carried. Mr. lee has
not vet signified his acceptance of the
Look Who's Mare 1
E. 11. Ayer, of Detroit. the White
Star line excursion agent, was in
town this week red brought the sum-
mer weather with him. He was bill-
ing the June excursion to Detroit by
steamer Greyhound. which popular
event will be on June 19th this year.
going down on the Saturday and re-
turning. on Modtlay. Special trains
for the accommodation of the people
Along the O: 1'. R. and l', P. H. lines
have been erranged. for, and every -
tiling points to another suceessful ex.
curator. Further particulars are
giver; iu the advertisement on page 8
of this Pam..
ie Death of Rev. M. M. Goldb_ rg.
The death occurred on May 1 at. his
home in Woodstock of Rev. M. M,
(iuldlerg, who has for the past two
or three years been partially par-
ented. His- death` was not unex-
pected. The .late Mt. Goldberg was
born in Warsaw, Poland, in IMO, and
received his education. in England.
1034)9 he came to ('anada and was
aired shortly after, being rector of
the Noglish church at Lucknow,
Markt le, Port Doter,' Dungannon
and 1•:: twood successively. He is
survived bis widow and one daugh-
ter, Rosalie . The funeral was held
lun Monday 7t'ft'w2St. Pal
church, 11 cols • k,
W. S. Hawkins Wl (;old Medal.
The London paper on Saturday
announced the results INT' exanitu-
etions at Huron ('olle_e, and his
many friend. are pleased ' note the
high .standing taken by I .Iter 11.
ilawititis, or Port' Albert, a oim.•r
strident of the /i. (1.4. Mr. Ha kite
is the winoet• of the Matthew Wi . in
gold medal and a good likeness
soprani on ..the front page of
The free Press. This medal is given
for preaching without manuscript. for
extempore luldres., (OE reading of un-
pteparesl peerages_ Inot Biblical). and
ane ether teat deemed necessary by
for examiners to determine the best
and the readiest all-around nubile
speaker in the class. Mr. Hawkins has
completed his fourth year. taking a
high standing in all the subjects.
Hugh Bain Ordained.
At an ordination eervice held in
Westminster church, i'orflnto, a few
evenings ago fourteen young men.
Situations Vacant
1 1111. WANTED. - T() OPERATE
VI .14oper machine un hosiery. Mut be ei-
pert. -.R. M. IIALLANTYNE. Limiter). Box
;s, Ntrot ford. 1'.
1 alneral ewvant wanted atsaur. - 4457
to 1.y, J. M, F110.11.
1 .errant immediatedy. Apply to
Mita. A. e:. Mo.DONALD. St. David'. .t. .41 It
CHINKGirls iris for powerdrlven machines
in. • bright, clean knitting mill ; good war
Apply et once to No. 2 MITI. PKNMANS,
LIMIIFED. Paris, Ont.
(3odorich n Ia [•ere the IOthoe.
gwue sewer fim a mtr•eo. a
vent to have nothing to do with a 4hild. and
the nurse to sleep se her own home. Apply by
letter to fort Hurwell. 1),IL _ 4.113. _
bound or repaired.
all order's w
site ed. W on leaving
e ^ with Till SiONA4 o4Mob.:.
. Roomers or Boarders
11. onLast 4net, one fame and one tine 1J KD. -Young lutes preterrro,�dd, Conlfort-
•ton,• re.ldeace, modern Improvement.: must able home. oonvenlent to Collegiate Tn•tlt me,
be sold immediately. No roe..nnable offer re- bumse section or lake. Apply et THE SIG.
toned. Stone homes har stable on the premises. NAL OFFICE.
11 brick dwelling. with the modern improve -
wrote, plera.ant I sit noted and near the Bts.
Apply to W. IL It()HKItTSI)N. QM
STORY brick house. w Ith seven room,.
rec.treet. 1'a, Ocular. can be had by
g at SIGNAL (Mice.
I'F:SSI(\ k. t'nlborne ; IC acnes of god
roil. keen under .as. for eight yewne, 1 ndle
ease of !trollop and 31 miles from Oalerteh
'1amid. buildinga and artesian well mid
Windmill, 5 moos of orchard, best of whiter
hot, sad tern sere* of Mush. For particular,
•Dply to JAB. YOUNG. Jr., 4e1 N Water., et.,
lineage, 111. PIam
mp t ha e.tate of ihn late O. C•
, Channon,
M, 11„ hl. late snideness u now for .ale. 11 le
to very fair condition, ha. modern con venien-
_VN..aanbe Inspoetel at any time. For further
Perticolara apply to Proud foot, Hay. & Idris.
C. J. HAMILTON Executor.
He •)cries Tonnes°
urE.rartao carnal, • •1.000•000
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
BALE noose 011C0CNTEn.
Michela current. rate of interest
paid in
on deposit. of 11.00 and upward*.
A. O.OAMBLiP Menses*.
�op1 grist is111 site, 01 Rrkrt mill. In the
county o- f Noton, near the town of O01erleh.
Will pay spot cash, orltire part cash and bal
ance In city property. Addre+. BOX 114, THE
SIGNAL Ooderlch. 4 ttf
h'oi Sale
1'0014 FOR HATCHING., -S. C. W.
I.4 Iprhorn ease for sale. Fifty owns per
.rt r.,fft1fg.� ^etwe.eft(410 we„-ee1111Ftee-i{
Otto ne'•
I: k:k N K W MA% Benmil ler, Ont.
Pieties to Creditors
Notice Ie hereby given pursuant to R. B. 0.
ISE. Chapter 1.441, *lotion 38, that all pennons
baring clams agorae the rotate of MaximIlllan
peachier, who died on or about the 31th day of
Marsh, 1tr,l. are required on or before the Stith
day of May, Ier+ to send by pp0,r.e.) prepaid. nr
deliver. to the onrtierdgned, solicitor for Joseph
Heorhler end Rev. 1), A. Melte., e.eeftore of
the last will of the said deerosed, their names.
addressee and description.. end a full nUale
ment of rartlenlars of their claim. and the
nature of the security. If any, held by them,
duly oertlned.
And notioe 1. hereby glren'tIsar after the said
date the said exer,loro .111 prn•red to dis-
tribute the wised. of the d,,,s.ed among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the Metal. of whk:h the shall teen bare notice.
I. 1. K I',I.OItA N, Gn�erieh, Ont., Solicitor for
Bald Executors. 1131
Dated the dish (ley of April. leve
Motion IK hereby given pnrwnant to Sec. 40 of
Chap. 124. R. S. 0.. Iter, that all [arson. Kevin`
claims or demands against t Ise )dere of the said
John Flatland, deccu,ed, who died on or about
the 13th day of Manch, Ileo, ere required to
mend by post. prepaid, or deliver to the unties.-
nder..toned. solicitor for the adminl.trtnr,, on or
before the 13th day of May, 1000, theirt'hrIottan
and Rumanian and addressees. with full mirtln-
nears In writing of their claire, end Abatement
of their amount., and the nature of the men ri-
Wolin any) held by them, duly verified hyena..
tory declination.
And lake notion theafter the said Lith day
of May heel, said utmlnl.tratoro w•11) proerc.A
to diet Molts the ;.rete of the said deeea.erl
among t he tarn* entitled thereto, having re
gard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, and the .aid adm)nl.t rotor.
will not he liable for said a -nets, or any {{art
thereof. to any persons or person of whose elalm
notice shall not have been ,.eelved by them or
their mid Anllclinr at the time of such 410
t rihntInn.
Dated April II, Ire, The (*anode Trost (o.,
W. 4(ItY14)041. London.
1 union.Thew. Samp.nn,
sailers for the Isade' horotlgh.
said Admloltltratore. Admin. rwtora
-----Auction- Sales...
it or
I am bwtruetel by Mr., AbesMie Smith to
'ell by mitotic auction at the prembe. on
Kingston street. on
MONDAY. MAY 17711,
at 2 o'clock sharp :"
1.0T r_i. The corner lot adjoining Klnw Ed-
ward hotel. Suitable for a Amine.. block.
and about the only vacant lot fur rale in
the bu,ine s tart bf the town.
LOT •lM. The property on the corner of King-
ston and Vletgria-troete. on which there
1. a /mod frame house and n .cued (rune
table. Look et thi. property and aro If
you dont think that thea is a good business
1.07 A Cyprus stmt. A vacant lot ad,(nthnitt
George it'll". property on Cyprus snood :
would make a good garden Idt.
Tkas..: Ten per emit. of purchase money to
be paid or arranged for at time of .ale : bal.
anee within thirty days, Any Information
wished can be had from MIC•S.- ABRAHAM
SMITH, South street. Cod,rla•.h.
JAMES 4M1T11. 'THOS. 04 •ND1tY.
Clinton. Auctioneer.
The Executor. 11 the (,.tate of the lute
(1e0. -re Acheson will sell by public auction at
the properties named, commencing with Parcel
Na 1.
at 1:30 o'clock sharp :
Paa1'rt. No. 1.-t good comfortable frame
dwelling on Bruce street, at present oocupied
by Mrs. (:oldt hexer,
Paltegu. No. 2....A fool frame dwelling on
!truce street, latae) occupied by le. 1'. Paulin.
PAm yt. No: 3.-rtc'rrmo nrtarde frame dwell-
ing onBruce street; dcc'pied by Mr, l'on,I,,.
Pato gr No. 4.-A o0Mforteslde frame dwell -
Ing on Bruce stmt, occupied by Mr. Murray.
I'AIo l(I. No. 1.-A comfortable frame dwelling
on ltrnce street, occupied by Mr. resin.
PAxrer.lfn: tt--A nraret --mmtoreti' 411sed
brick reindeers on Ne�,•1.0tI.sltear occupied far a
number of year. by lir. .1. L. urnbnil. well
. Ituated and In good condition. 'Thi+ property
1e a splendid Int-set:neut, a. it ban always been
PAargr. No. 7. -One of the iwet' residence. In
Ooderlch. A large. comfortable, well. built
brick home. with splendid lawns, fruit rets,
etc., on Nelson .tree), oro dad by WM. ( ass,
Kan. If fla-
n f hleftd44. IS tittle A : - t
distance from the Square, ehuechos and schools.
Potter. No. e. -A good frame house on East`
stmt, with a good garden and stable, calnven--
hent to the factories and 0. T; R: depot. - -
These propertir•. most all be di.pn,ed of to
wind up the eetele, and will positively he .old
to the highest trtdder. They are ell well situat-
ed and In every way de.irableprnpertle.,
Teams : -Tett per rent. of the p0 rehase money
to be paid at time of .ale. halaoec at any time
within tt' dayps from slue of .ale,
Alen tender. will be aeeepted lip to the 12th
of May foe Meek No. 1, en the Senate and
North street, and block No. 2. Hank of Montreal
block• on the *Imre and West street. Full
pertieularn can be had from the undersigned
MRS. O F:/). Al'HMON 1
WM.'A('HF:SON Executor...
1.1', BROWN
Hit V.. Auctioneer.
Public Notice.
Take notice that the Municipal Council of the
Corporal ion of the Town of, tloderlch Intends
to eonetruet newer. 0f 0 Inch the petro on
crag= 71(14) To I.43(14>1
OF 08.141
Newgate Hamilton .t. Apert. at. 1,157 R.:1 le.
St, IMv lel Vlctorja at. Albert AL Lan ft. :lIn.
Lighthouse Waterloo.t, Wellington ell ft. m In.
and to arse,. a portion of the final 00wt thereof
by twenty annual epoelal asex+nenls upon the
property fronting or abutting thereon and to
IM frenetttterl thereh and that a st 'dement
.flowing the Land. liable to and pmpa.ed to he
' eclally assessed for the .old work• end the
names of the owner. thereof so far a+ the .ane
can Inn ascertained front the lastrrvl.rvl as
sessment roll and otherwise, I. now filed In the
mare of the Town Clerk. and In open for In.i.ee•
11on during r)(1100 hour..
The evtl mated nest of same Ie 01,10133. of
which •',Lt.; is to he provided out. of the gen
ere) fonds of Ihr mhntrlpnlll y.
Penton. entitled and dr.iring fn petition 414
council egain.t undertaking the proldwsl Work
most do no on or before the seventh day of
June nest.
Iatwl this lath day of Apet'. 11144.
11 2t L 1'
L. K NUX, .Iht Clark
4 J `\11rG
- .- ,: r -r. 1' a -.-;4»
...„ Pv
- 04,brit } X 5
`'ATI'ItD AV. MAV- rs•ri4. :1"1' 2
4'10'e -cock, at the Auction Hoare, ('onibined
Novo) Seed 10111. one Ingleside (rep. good as
new, states, sideboard. 3' lens parlor smite.
dlshes..0 lea of lea- Wee tray«, 4,0 yard. of
4(001 carpet, large coneignmele of picture-.
open for consignment* any time for anything.
Term- cash. Sales ereq Saturday.. UlGUR(ik
BECK ET r, Auctioneer.
1it� klt7'IKSFORSALE:.
sere have farm.. hotel. and town property for
-ole. Look over the list. This M onlr a few of
the properties we here for .alo. Hoy now
e fore the boom .torte.
4,l11 fig
down .gond) ttorte house on Fast
▪ Meet*: Mao Targe rooms: bath. fur
electrin light.; beautifully tlnr.lrad
inside. 'fhb. t. n Fare bargain for Immediate
sale ; owner going %rest.
:+100 down bmf•+ franc house with ; ram.,
do.e to hwtorte.. 0tohe foundation
bargain. -
(100 down bay, flame house on littler
tivrrt ; tr rooms, cement sellar, cental
location, 3 minute• walk front Square.
$.j n down brick cottage on BruceceV
ta•a! roonne good clone cellar,
nplendfd krcntlllo'
down b to chopping m_ Ill, 1J h. L'.: n
4' - tr,,,.tler.at ga+0410. engliie, liablIe
Leaf chopper. building *sat, all complete.
$100 down new cement back 1 .c, s
rooms. barb, furnace, wc11 nniehed,
all eonvenieneen. on Trafalgar street.
$100 down. New rod Beek house, 8 room..
f,rnare, bath room, daetrhh wiring,
censor full else of home, two .tairwny.. Trnfah
gar street- •
x;100 down Isere. of Incl in lhoderleh„
Snug house, apple, plum and cherry
trees, ttayaeld road ; bargalp.
4100 down bay. 44004 ;Froom frame home
Ilona on the place.
oi, IA • town. 1100411100.0 and lot on 1Vulfe
ntreeet- ,ur,nne% Gurney furnace, broth
rootn, electric Tight., easy term,.
down buy. new brick house on V
torte •t,. 7 rooter, bath room, electric
lighttftxtnree f a"•.• aH tuederneowvenieece.
.100. downlbul•. 1 e o acnes of choice Raider
sand710)1 0 Tinel ham on ihn piece.
Huron road. about 1 hdlg from t'ourtho0.e,
$1 OO down bey. geed m room frame hone
two totem l/'ellington street. clan to
West street.
$100 down buys one and a half story frame
house in good condition, 8 roosts.
good cellar. Owner going West,
$,,x100 -down lays now home on Oxford
stmt. G0.) eviler and foundation, 7
rooms, elude to Wheel Ings.
4100 down. , New collage near t1 heel Rigs,
s fnote4 More or leas. Mier terns.
Inn down. (Mod frame hone on Hinck.
street, about I aero of Land, barn snit
out11004+ has 8 rooms.
$1 nil(;own. Rriek warehouse on Handl-
ton sttcet, make flue .lore for any
line of btl$hw*, feed street in the town.
41 Of) down buys 44001 renew Clot rwa
Mt le,e
tion. ' ions; It ever.-
+1lln ddown bhy good fare, (doer 40 Niels.
Mch, new4,on4•, goal hares :old sheds,
All new wire fence .8 nen* of orchard.
elfin down. Hrlck home on Elgin avenue,
to romps, ptend And birth room. Thb
Is a rare bargain. _
I On down buyet building lot on
l'aledonha Terrace, overlooks 1:. 1', It,
y1100 down -Farm of Lin agree, ,o,o.lbuild•
Ines, brick dwelling. This 1. one of
the best farine cheerio I:nderlch-
a4lO on
and up for good town lots. Wegive you
part icula,s.
fit An sloe n boys large building. milting And
'0 boiler, etc., for removal,
$100 down buy., neer cement block IWaso,
8 rooms, flimsier', cellar full ales of
hou.e, elegantly tin,.hed, ear factories.
$@100 down fora iron., in good locality, Ira
`0 . Ing a to In leer cool. on investment
'should pay 15 percent, with 11, mon tun. ,(
,pant door.
Ti 100 down hny. rwa.tmry hr)'k Mime nnts
Krays street. 13 room., 4 town le, pr,
minntee walk from a -our? Hon.r.
$1 On down buy+ gond town lot, on south
100 down hop. r 0n story red brick. In
central part of town,
$l00 dn. n buy. town Int and new barn,
on. Nelson 0r,, next Mr, Hetlreat's.
$ 1 00 dandwn. of buyfruit.+ large ho"". 1
$$1 00 down buy. large barn for removal.
S' 0' down hey. good frame hone, 'writer
L_. (aunhrldgn end *Bennie, 7 marry,
done fomdal ion. I w0 )own 1sSts, sell either oe
Also t1/t yetis town Int. for sale very three.
Write, 'phone or eel) At the Aeel .lon House.
Further particulars from
RlctaLATT, a CO.
students of Knox College, received
their licenses to preach. Among
them wee Hugh .1. Bain, a Ioniser
Otm.erich boy, who war ordained for
mission sora in British Columbia.
He left the rattle night for his field of
labor. Mr. Bain Is deserving of
hearty congratulation ulx,n his admit'.
sinll to the ministry after several
of hard work at his studies.
Without the opportunities some
young men have he has Steadily
worked towards the goal he had set
hefot•c trim, and with the same qual-
ities of perseverance and industry his
future efforts tare bound 'to succeed.
ile should have before hint a career of
much usefulness until 'we hope, of
honor and pleasure in the sphere to
which he has been called.
Harbor Notes.
The schooner' Azov is a busy scene
these days, being gut read for leav-
ing port on Monday. The Azov loads
flour here.fur Blind - River and after.
wards goes to Little Current to load
lotat+at- for Sat loin.
TheBig coal hoist fort'unloading cits coaaclte up -
ply from the boats.
A number ot grain boats are ex-
pected in the next few days, both at
the elevator and at the trill.
William Campbell, son of Light-
house keeper Robert Campbell. was
second mate on hoard the Russia
which was wrecked on Lake Huron
laud Satmd:ay, and 'the captain was
Captain John McLean, formerly of
Goderich. Mr. Campbell has as yet
AII nii worn trona his son since Ene
West Murrill Women's Institute.
A meeting of the West Hbron
lietd-- fir- the
council chamber, Clinton, on Tuesday
afternoon, April 27th. Representa-
epresentstives wereresent from lloderich,
tiohnesvttte, �Vingham and Clinton.
Mrs. W. Jenkins. president; occupied
the chair. The most important item
of business was to arrange the time
and place for the annual meeting. A
mllluniCat ion :was read from H.
president of the Fatnlers. in.
stitu extending an invit atiein to
join t ' in in their *Initial meeting in
June. (ter a annewhat lengthy dis-
cussion 1 as decided to hold the an-
nual meet; in Clinton on 'Friday.
May 21st. n all who could make
ent,and the bride's brother, Lieut.
Chas. Varcoe, of Toronto, was home
for the occasion.
C. A. Nairn's Retirement.
An event in the business circle' of
Oralerich which deserves more, than
passing mention Is the retirement of
Char. A.. Nairn from the grocery busi-
usiness which he had conducted for the
long term of twentynine years.
Though Mr. Nairn is well within the
prime of life, it is remarkable that,
with one exeeptiou, we believe -that
of John Butler -he had at the time of
his tetiretnent,the longest record con-
tinuously Its business of all the mer-
chants on the 8ituet•e. lie has been
one of our moat rapal/le, enterprising
and successful bubiuesa men. and it
will be a "entree of satisfaction to the
people of Ondericb to know that be
does not intend to remove from town,
Outside of his own business Mr. Nairn
hoe ieen associated with several of
tbu industrial concern; of the town,
which will still benefit from, his con-
nection. As president of the Board of
Trade for two years, as treasurer of
the hospital board since its inception,
and in various other connections he
has done elut is doing good service for
(3oderich ; in fact, in any general
nnwemetlt in the town r uirmg a
good business -head Mr. Nairn has
been looked upon almost as an indi:
Mr. Nairn's successor in the grocery
business Is C. S. Ewing. late of Tees -
water, who has had *good business
ex , rirnoe and will no doubt tllajutttiu
is nese nt it high standard.
Charged with Arson.
Ira 11 c,', the former lessee of James
IsotetitiTtensaif,-wes •
fore Ile- police magistrate on Tuesday
morning, for the preliminary 'hearing
in the charge *Anima biul of settingg
Hirt• (ti -the hotel. Up tri May SO, 1907.k
the night the fire took Mace, Bice was
proprietor of the hotel. having leased
It for ,a term of three years up to and
including November :llhh, 1005. On
January•. 1. 11107, local option wiped. out
Bice's license. Three months was
given hitt' to dispose of his stock.
Over a year after a mysterious adver-
tisement appealed in _The London
Free Press as follows:
The' madeasigned will give $00 to
any person or persons that will give
Excursion to Toronto -Joe.
Kidd, ........ 1
To Seattle and Return -F', F. Lawrence..... e
Reader --O. T. It 3
Frdit 'Prase. -John Stewart Yat to 11
Varnish for Avery Purpose-Woewll's Hard•
were ..,.... i
House to Rent -Mb* Buchanan.
Properties. fur Sa1e-I'roudfoot, Hays Amer 1
More New Utero udr-D. Millar Ca,
Iteadan--Taube stn....... .... I
A Gentleman SAW -Cameron & Maore"• •
Men + • •-
o U- M. }:111ott - y
•l..e to I/virolt- White star Lane s
iffats--Ts,, Two Martins
House %l anted -l'. S. Ewing 1
1'ae idc l'me s
N antete,I- R. M. Hallllaoi Beckett
A %%seek',. epochal Prices -J, H CNboeas..,4
The Ideal is the Best -Howell Hardware ('405
Inst Day of Moo ing Nate -John Stand 4
Introduction 4..- S. kwh,g a
Extras from Carpet ant Clain bepart•
menta-Ho4Yen. Bros It..__
Auction Sala -Thor. Gundry I
t (. I. it
"The Ladies," responded to by Nei
Cameron ; "Athletics." reeponded to
by Hugh Polley and Kenneth Boyd i
•`i'he Winners," responded to by the
president, Dr. Hayden; "The ,Losers."
responded to by the vice-president,• A.
M. Robertson ; "Our Y.114. C. A.' re-
sponded, to by 1Valter Naftel, Edwin
Clark and Clarence Young. As a vent -
anon in the program of speeches a
vocal solo by Alf. Cook Was very
pleasingly rendered, and at the con-
clusion of the program a hearty vote
of thank, to the losers for the excel-
lent treat provided was mooed by the
president and heartily applauded. As
the national anthem had been slang_ at
the opening ff toe-.toiut ifeitlha gatb::
ering joined hands round the tables
and concluded with the singing of
Auld Lang Syne. In speaking of Otte
Sister Associations _J/dr. 1'leniirtg_.1ew
erred to tbe•organization last month
of a new branch, at Hrturaels, which
started with an excellent hoard of
directors. He told of the evidences of.
fraternal spirit between the various
branches in the county and suggested
a debate between. the Go detich and
Clinton branches. It is proponed to
divide the membership of the Godes
rich bridal, into two (Briskets, red
and blue, and to arrange • system of
credits in a friendly rivalry. In the in-
terests ot the Assoclation. The da
tails of the plan are 10 he dieseussed
next Monday flight and a full meeting
is asked for,
The Drainage Problem.
To the Editor of Tho SfgnaL
DEAR. Stn, - Kindly give space in
y paper for the following few
questions and renlarke and oblige a
citizen and ratepayer of the town.
My flnt question is, Is it, not pos-
sible to drain our town and have it
dry as it should het
Seennd goe.tion, 1e it because It
cannot be uracned that it is not dens P
1f it is not a thing that can be done.
why, I suppose we people on the _
-Huron road may -sink areswim.
Third question. Is there an outlet
for the surface water that fills cellars
and places on the southeast side of
the town ? Look into 1t. DutTs gar-
den on the west side of Huron road.
and on the town side of Neil Murray's
cottage, whose cellar fa, or has leen,
full of water. Mr. Wootton's cellar
also has water in it. Robert John-
ston's property is a lake three months
of the year.
This is a very important matter and
why should things be PP they are ?
I am told that it would not take much
of a scholar to nod an nutlet for this
surfaee water.,We want to know
how long we re going to be in this
position: We have wafted long and
with a degree of patience, but we are
not going to Wait much longer. Our
property is not much use to us under
the icipsl gavel nment of the day.
Surely the public works committee
has some knowledge of the state of
things and we hope this vexed (p101 -
tion maybe looked lx)kt'el into. We are loth
to apply to the county judge in this
matter, but it may be the only
Yours, -- -
Ooderich, May :3rd.
North st •act Methodist Church
-FtIAY, AY '7TH,- 1.909 - - -
Idl. Roc' A ms's, O tai and Choirmaster.
Organ. -Toccata (Dubois) - A. Roy Adams
Chorus. -Triumphal March in "Naama " (Costal Choir
Song. -The Gift (Behrend) \, Miss grown
Violin.•=Sehnsucht der Sennerin (Ole Bull) Bliss Meinicke
Chorus. -Bridal Chorus in "Rose Maiden"( Cots<en) Choir
• Song. -The Swallows (Cowen) Whys.' May
Organ. --O Filii et Filiae (Guilmant) ' -A. Roy A ms
Song and Chorus. -Land of Hope and Glory, from
"The Banner of. St. George(Elgar)
Mr. James Thomson and Choir
Reading: -The Substitute Dr. Dougall
Quartette.Lullaby (Mote) Misses Brown and VVightman
Messrs. McLean and Thomson.
Piano. --Marche Russe, two Pianos (Pessara)
Messrs. Detemme Millyard and A. Roy Adams
Solo and Chorus. --Finale in " Rose Maiden" (Cowen)
Mrs. May and Choir
God Save the King.(
'Pickets, 25c.
it.namvenien t to -attend ...the :i' armer'e
Institute could do so in the forge of a
pienie. Arrangements were made to
hold morning and afternoon epee'
the former to be devotd'to MISine$s,
while a J,rogram consisting_ of
rand musical selections would 1111.1n
the afternoon,
Yesterday wag a day of pleasant ex-
citement and interest et the home .of
LL -Col, J. A. S. Varcon and Mrs, Vac
ter.. I Tfy, ahce rarm. Carlow, the or:-
'•.'.Frac Isein the Innt•riagt• of the
daughter. 11 the hone, Miss Mabel
Vasco,•, to 1'. Christopher Trrthewey,
moons engineer, of fioderieh, son of
(tap'. and Mrs. Tref bogey, of town.
Aa b •Illi ing the marriage of a soldier's
daughter, the hrxt.e Wpm decorated
with flags and arms, the ceremony
taking phaco in an arch h2neath thu
?obis of the t'nion Jack And the Cana,
lar ensign an a shield of bayonets.
ace. J. R. Mann, of Auburn, ufllciatpd,
the erre being at 10:31I o'clock.
Mendelssohn'a Wedding March was
played by Prof. Fitzgerald, ot Lon-
don. The bride's dress was of mauve
voile over white silk, trimmed very
handsomely with cream silk applique.
Her hemp; 4. Lias of lilies .of the valley
and m•aiilenhair fern. The brides
maids were Miss Dale, of llarriets-
vile••, and Mise Frank Mclean, of Dnn•
galrnon. Miss Dale wore white milk
and carried white cootie. Miss Mr.
Lean wore )result erste de chene and
carried pink recce, (`apt. Bert Vat-'
coe, brother of the bride, wan grooms-
man. Atter the weeh$ing hreekfatt i
the b,•id.al party drove W (ioderieh
and alt•. and Mrs. Tretheweyy took
t r .Ir, for n hip to Detroit, Niagara
Falls and other prints, follower) by
the good wishes of a host of friends.
In whi'h The Si R nal heertily joins,
The popularity att.he young couple
was attested by a magnificent array
of wedding gifts, including many
handsome articles of cut glean and sil-
ver set of crown derby china from Col.
Ray, of Port Arthur, end handsome
thegnes from the parents of the bride'
and groom and from either relatives of ,
the bride. The groom's prevent bn the
Inside wee no elegant bracelet.; to the l
bridesmaids handsome pearl rings,
and to the groomsmle a gold watch- I
fob. About seventy risme mets pre*
nny evidencethat-wilt weeulre the con-
viction of the Marty or parties that
eare:I,1 the horning of his hotel in the
village of Hensel) on tbo morning of
May 39, Itp)?. JANilts COX WORTH,
• f#('fMtt.
.The evidence 'given before Pollee
Magistrate Butler on Monday was
that of Peter Lamont, warden of the
county ; and Mraors. Wilson, McDon-
ald, I'eart, Nickerson and Welsh, of
the vicinity of Herman. Bice rented
the hotel for $:ii1 a year and hie lease
Tgd a year and six months yet to rut)
et the time of the fire. The strongest
evidence was Huai of Mt•. Peart and
Mr. Niekerlonn, who swore to having
heath Bice make dome remark about.
having eunsultell,hi. Lawyer and being
told that he could get free of his lease
by paying .one or two months' rental,
that he might pay one month's cental
but would put .a )latch to the place
before he would pay two. The police
i tiyrfetrate, however, did not consider
this was sufllcient evidenrn to send
the man up for trial ;and n we'ek's
adjournment was de for the frown
to bring further evidence, W. Proud -
foot is acting for the defendant.
The Y. M. C. A.
A very interesting evening was
spout the V. M. U. A. - rooms on
Monday night last, the occasion being
the treat provided by the loiters in a
bagatelle tournament which had been
in progress for same time. The first
part of the evening was taken op with
the playing of games and the rooms
presented a very animated applears
antn. A meeting of the board of
directors was held during the evening
and Kenneth Boyd was appointed set'.
retary in place of Will Johnston, who
has left town. Letter in the 'evening
the gathering was invited by the vice
presidept, Mr. A. M. Robertson, cap-
tain of the losing side, to sit down to
w we'll -w read board, and ice cream,
rake, coffee and sendwiehes began to
disappear, and after the inner man
had been medalled the folk wing toast
list was introduced by (3. F. Blair,
chairman .,f the county committee,
brie? epeeeh(•s (wing made in response
to ow towels, which were drunk in
coffee: "The King," honored by the
singing of (:oxl Save the King;"Our
Sister Aswow•tation," responded to by
the county secretary, 1.. c. Fieming;
Monday, May 17th, is the date of a
grand sacred concert in Victoria street
Methodist church. Keep the date opine.
The Howell Hardware Co. are talo
ing contracts and filling contracts on
hand for Star Portland cement at
$t,itt per hill. off ear. flet your orders
in at once; the lowest -price Portland
cement has been sold locally.
Remember the date of S. L. Taube')
visit to lioderich, 'and 11 there i. any-
thing whatever wrong *Tth your eye-
sight, make it a point to rr,nsult him at
t)nnlop s drug ..tore, on Monday and
Tuesday, May 17th and 18th.
i Mt'oRT.'CT.-Your corns, bunions
or ingrowing toe -nails cured. Face
and ..calp treatment for superfluous or
.ladling heir.. Consult specialist at
Bedford hotel. Moderate charges.
in town from Monday, May 100, un.
til Saturday. May 15th.
excursion will he rem on the Uanadia3 --
Pacific Railway from Oo derich to
Toronto on May the 271,h, to the Wood-
bine races. A specially cheap rata.
nuts leen secured *2.05 return, good
going ..n special train on the morning
-Of thi'77thand gdbdfir retorts any tra n
on the 271h or the'lmtb. Special train
will leave Guilarich at 7 a. m. As this
is a very low rales a large crowd is ex -
meted. Secure your ticket* at the
U. P. It. oMee. Jos. ,Ktnn, Agent: ,
The "ar:ousticon" magnifiers every
mound 4(s) per cent. That means
that, no matter how Leaf you are
nor what the original cause of
your deafness was, as long as the
auditory nerve is *live, you will hear
at once. Call and erre this wonderful
invention demonstrated by Taube &
Sonia- at Dunlop's drug store, Gode-
rich, on Monday and Tuesday, May
lith and lath.
w•r241Cau v. May 111.h. (lrnat clearing gaffe
of renldence property In the town of 1ioderIch
r nnrneneing at I :n o clock, by the executors of
the entale of the late Georg. Acheson. Toon.
4emote, gum Pelee r
OOLUflont ;. - In (olhnrne, on Turo4ay.
May tut, to Mr. and Mrs. A..11. (loldt here.,
a son.
MONK.- In (hoderlrh, en Sunday, April _nth,
to Mr. and Mn. h intern Monk, Victoria
nowt. a daughter.
GRAHAM -- I'AItSONS, - At I*so Pro , (nt•
nrado, on April doh by !teen Hart, Osnrgo
Ilnahem, r., of F:.linnurgh, *offend, to
Carrie F:. Tenon., daughter of (he ate
Ooorge Par,eone, of Ilotorlch,
BRIVh1LF:V fn lin.terlrh. on Friday, April
slab Louie& Brindley, agad Ste yearn