HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-29, Page 9sal.,
only for
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or sweet-
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Will Pat
'our Pocket.
Toronto Daily
:e daily market
on1d sell your
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'alt a cent extra
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year's twtbscflp-
red weight on a
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weekly fePOrts.
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VW The News of the District.I*�
WIDN6a»AY, April 21st.
The twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
peril Stewart give • birthday party
lent week to their young friends. wbu
woo, aD enjoyable afternoon.
Mrs• t'ummingai r putting up a new
wire fence along the front of her reel-
deuce. When it appearance finished
uupwove the place.
'113. sawioif machine of William
Worm, of Putt Albert, was iu our
„uJst lust week and did good work at
t1i• Ironies of Messrs. Linklater,
Arthur end Robert Quaid. The saw,
wheel is run by a gaerline engine of
six horsepower, is slily manipulated
by Albert Quaid. of Port Albert.
A FAMILIA.. FlUtIlti Cioes. The
death of George Burrows, win.curred last week• has removed a well-
known figure from our midst. For
many years: Mr. Burrows did most of
the threshing in this neighborhood
and was always capable and energetic.
The hinsnwa bicw l attended passed Rh and
would probably theweath rebeeoen much
moree fav-
lugrr bidd
TossDaT, April 27th.
T e eeOlawas hasagut back W their
work after their Easter holiday and
the work of the school groes on again.
The Very wet weather We have been
baring lately Intl retarded farthing
operations. Sowltime is going to be
late enough after all.
The weather continues Very cold
wintry. although the ice bas all
pew off the lake. We hope to we
warmer weather before long.
Fred Sutherland, who visited here
Taal tall on his way to attend the Pies
bvterian college at Halifax. has Hu•
_ ylk.d We term and called here on his
way mit WOOL weir belinitb Volition
in the missionary work of the church.
Mr. Young did oil the road again
with his travelling store. with x11
sled. of a.•eommodatton for the Ladies
along the road. Mr. Young a accotn•
medial wnd,friendly manner make
him a general fayorite along the road.
'r ell&. CREWE
• MONDAY, April :nth.
Miss Ethel Finnigan is indisposed at
Miss Mabel Wilson. of Saratoga, is
1Vm. Mharkleton and Abd Cnlhert
a'IJtd ten feet to each of their wind-
mills Is.t week.
P. J. Mctilynn. of Detroit.. spent at
fardays las week visiting his par-
. vita Mr. and Mre. P. Mc(ilynu.
Thos. Culbert received a bad kick
se the knee front a hone and is laid
up at present. He is improving
nicely. boweVer.
Abram Culbert and Robert Hasty
hive been investing in town property
,n Dungannon. Both families intend
1.. retire io the near future.
Thomas Henry Culbert had the mix•
lortllnr to teta few of his ribs broken
el a runawayInst woe! k, 11P fe.1. i
tit stiff and bore, yet he carries his
.iiial pleasant lmile.
Mr. and Mn. Isaiah Kilpatrick, of
I nit -age. are spending a portion of
their honeymoon amongst their
ummenmm friends here. We join in
reogratulatirrns to the young couple,
4 Isaiah was formerly one. of our
t'rewe boys.
Ai"7%s MAFEKiNG.
THVRADAY. April 1st.
Smoot. Rgrowr.-The following is
the report for v. 8. No, 9. A.hHdd,
for the month of March. names in
.inter of merit : V. Class --Walter
Alton. Willie Alton. Sr. IV.- -Leila
Blake. Mar Saunders, Ernest Hall.
Int iV:.-. s ibhnston. Jr. IV.-
liiitb Jobnstoa. Jessie Stothers,
l:ldin Twasaley, Tommy Glen. Sr.
til. -Willie glazier. Jr. Ili. -Ida
Ideate, lilly'Altou: Jr. 11.- Marie
iakar. Beryl Johnston, lista Twam•
Irv. Peter (;lazier, Johnny Olen. Pt.
lh -Elisabeth Bowers. Sr. 1. -Irene
M,rao, Jr. 1. -- Cacti' Johnston.
1Numm.R. ('rl.nitaT, Teaeber.
MONDAY. April b th.
John Reid called on friends last
Mise Kay Slathers was home for the
Merl Heid was hauling logs to fort
Albert the past week.
Ina. M.11ough visited his sister. Mn.
W. Blak'', lams week.
Sas. Webster, of Lucknow, called on
Thos. Blake yesterday.
Misr Bertha Shackleton. of Crewe,
M visiting Mrs N. Shackleton.
Peke Cook is busy plowing on the
ream he bought trona Mr. Mctluoid.
Misses E. Edwards and Grace Blake
slid Geo. Campbell are on the sick list.
Menary has left his bush here
dtet�working in it most of the
Th0.,"[f. Hell bought a horse last
mak fro F'. Johnston and If. Reid
purchased tape from W. Smeltzer.
with the saute feed, would produce ilk's, =teal helpfulness and financial I AUBURN.
t wtxes elands in the very !runt rank
y i ` Leet Saturday tt . T. Riddell and J.
Lon of the average Ontario cow, ID is doing in Luekuox speaks fur u' C. l'in'k each shi Divi a carload of
these, gHitleunru have determined self am an evidence of the liberalness of ,tato,. front the....Himont .fire
to revolutionize the dairy industry in' the organisation and the quiet. hurt {a
Obit auttautuuiy,ass a,luatry iWLu:h1» tw In oienecr_ht whir . its Opera. Vaume' Col, of UIi Maitland' hl�x•k,
certainly in a deplorable coedit ion in tions are bring carried on. The meta- tot ud. eretiing a Wan dill li !ilia year.
the average rural district. errs together with viadling brothers ; John JOhltgtmn has weiircd the' eon -
residents of the place uccu iwi the tract for the cement foundation and
k fall 3' front Brats of the lorrutdfal L�piscopal I Thomas Shiers for the framework.
•-!elsrr+tir'• LOTHIAN. Ichurch. and presented a fine appear- � Robert ttnbertou is busy at pseient
fitting up the old hotel property. Ile
is ends opening a temnistance house'
. travel-
lingforu• tccu m. dalton 1 the l d rl
t! , w t
ling public. That tndispeusable ad-
junct of every known 'Totems of Cele
adian enterprise, x Bonus, is the topic
of the day.
...Ilse., which latter mrioun ss 1 tlsAn,iv. April 27th.
Najd h xuthuritier to be the undue• of fraternal urgunir. alone.
The work
.2.eita1_1a_Y April'2ltjI atter folly representative of the tturd
Miss sna Kenpwo, of Laurier, vis- u
►arhreel. cottu
al eo(1dRj
area a4 Mn. James (fim re'r ror a 1sraa isaI intelligence of • the corn.
few days Met week. ityy. Rev. C. W. Satider•e, rector
Cheater Ritchie's many friends will "Gln. Peler'e church, delivered a die.
la pleased to learn that he is now able
sours. which 'was rewarkaWy suited
to walk for a abort distance. with the' 10 the (ve"'on and whirl gave.'evi-
aid of crutches. , l dance that he ham ability of a high
, t useful
D$ATU or Moo. MUKlart'It. The I order bed has a bright and
re -
many friend. of Mrs. Alex. Mord, d i 1 future before hie. He hissed lir
will he wee to learn of her death in wank. an "the importance of being
Y men of character," and of 'living tour
Wingham on TWmday, the beth inst. to the pure principles of the Order."
Deceased wee an old and h'ythly The brethren thot•ouyhly appreciated'
esteemed resident of this place hu1t •'le excellent service and the suoeeM
great many years. Her funeral took of their anniversary.
place from the Prerbyterirn shurcb at
Lucknow to Kinloss ... netery and a eaff
very large number of friends end r' WE$T WAWANOSH.
acquadntanees attended the obsequies.
(vA. NE -TON... erNTI`ST. I.Lr -. „nee„oflast-meet;,,rr,rere,ewda„d
LU7f<. NOW.- Athome every day eaeeet iiur■'
eye New remedy fur extracting teeth Minnow u proved, on motion of Messrs.
form). better than .w. !'sown and bridge work. 'Thompson end Watson. The tress -
etc. Alununum p ate. uwnbreaknbleo.work urere statement, showing a balance
N. 4. - Yuu Dan al wee+ he muck
bazar done In the dense avJo.-our mon 0041, on hand of $24$, was filed, on wotiou
bettor facWtl.o for doing the work. more com- of Melissa. Aitcheson and Thompson.
testable ter tee patient The clerk reported that he and Coon-
OTICE.-THE LOCAL AGE. •Y ciNnr Wilw,u had purchased a cafe
1N in Dungannon for :,i
Thegrdist . Mel • for the townshil$ from Wm. Little, -nt-
oaaoe hook and - Stationer Store who
orders will be received tor ub.crlpUon.. ad. Lucknow, for ill and an order WAS
v.rttrine and job work. and receipts MU be :emu on the treasurer for $lib for
elven tor amount. Odd for the „sane. 1 •mint aerami. and $2 for removing
tCH(N)I. 1;OOKM AND ALL KINDS tit .rife to the clerk's office. Mattern
of .clad sib plie. al the postern,* Ifouk iae t • the roads and working the
grade were talked over and arrenge-
maJe. f.ur•*ttending to_tht
council thin iyljourued te,
ptlthat to OCIOOk asa
ion of the assensment
rat business.
MoNDA• , April 'lath.
Leonard Cook has ngagod with
Jobe Gibbons fav ilia
Tenders are bring recel _to
May 1st for the repairing o Donny -
TIICKbDA Y. April 15th.
Tuwrsttlr Coutcclt.. -- Council met
today as per adjournment ; members
all present except Cnuneillor Wilson.
and Stat lonary Store. Sow that (teeter i, over
boo..cleani ng 1• iib order and you will want niwiti,
stew -wattVon-vent - Mid -upto•tem- outs. T
tylei at the P.r.totnee .io,re and will was. nu
mletake In pureha..lnir then. You are Invited meet on 'iiia
to Inspect the.tock. M. RYAN, Dungannon. court of rev
WetDNanuav, April Withe roll and for ge
leeward C:...e. of the
Sunday at his home here.
Mr. Ferguson sold J. 'Roberts, of
the Stennis Bank, Auburn, spent
Sunday at the latter'. home bare.
Mee. J. •Ryan In itt preiteet bottle -
what indisposed. Mrs. Sprung, who
noisier; with Mrd. Ryan. is al -au un'�Ter
the doctor'+ rare.
Bishop Williams will conduct .•con• Charlie Martin has moved
firrnation servIe Inlet Paul's rhumb --Jack's place at Fordyce and int
Monday, May aid. at foes) it. re. working it this sumtnet.
n' u
co r Im w dray of eevrn ur right for •• m. It�1_)ines u, Herr,' - Chamney
confirmation.' ! and Jos. Chamney areeacb putting in
a considerable number of the this
brook Jlethod'st church.
ds -
Rev. W. A. Sm
through illnes •to t
Sunday. The. pulpit
church on Sunday eve
h was unable
e his work ;ear.
the Methodist
ing was neer--
pied by Rev. Charles' Ru berford. ,
The•rreastery frill re -o, here in a
few days. Mr. Hettinger ill again
have clfarge. He hiss disp d of his
general dewiness at SL Aug , and
will move to for village se bra as a
I se can be procured.
Wm. brown. ref. Por- Albu•rt
rived on Monday with his ren
mixer and las rouonencwl work
,Mr. Mole'e new Neck. Mr. 'tiro
bourarrUp notate i.nt11t en
Mrs. Hole. Metier. Who hese been
ill with pneumonias in lWingham
losj.ital for the past three weeks, is
now fully recovered and was taken t4
the home of her parents lot Friday.
Mr. Tom impeded several of the
sehnole ire -this -nighborlosal Iast.r-
werk. On Thursday Iorenoon he
-gird No. No. 1f. arid in the afternoon No.
H, tatting Miss Lawrence.' teacher of
No, t, with him. Ile alms met the
trn•treee of these sections at their re-
spective schools,
-.---' Bggtariavr. Aptit'i tTi.
.1',,wsoutie ('or1.it.. The council
met to day pinrouant to i djournment :
diernler, all present. Minutes of lent
meeting read and continued. A Com-
munici► ' from David took waking
the council to remote obstructions at
present on the Hallahau drain causing
the water to flood hack on his prop-
erty, or else to pay damages Got estP,
was received and ordered to be filed.
In the matter or the petition of John
Pfeffer and others' presented et bast
meeting of council re construction of
another polling division in the town-
ship, the council after due conside►a-
teen granted the petition and the
clerk was instructed to peeper., the
nwewiftn• bylaw for next meeting of
the council confirming the same. J.
1:. Gillespie, being for only applicant
for the position, was re-engaged to
operate the road grader for the pee.
ent. Reason, A cumuttmicstion from
the manager of the Dominion Bank,
Winghani. sews received, stating thin
the balance at the credit of -the treas-
urer 1 account on March elle1 hurt
ammmted to $I,i0i1.13 and special
/miry drain account of $bio.'li.
Filed. Jas. Cunningham wee are
pointed poundkeeper in place of John
1'. Scott. Owing to the ne' hhoring
municipalities having for .f me time
leen paying a higher price for gravel
than has been paid in this muni-
cipality it was resolved that the prire
allowed for good gravel this season he
at the rate of ten cents per yen! in-
stead of seven cents As formerly ; no
damages to be a/lowr,l any owners of
gravel pits for drawing of the RAmc.
Cheques were issued for payment of
the following amopnts : John J.
Ilallahan. repairing culvert sideline
'CI and M), concession 5. $1 : Wm. i'.
ilailahan, repairing culvert opposite
tot 42, concession' I. $f ; Hicherdettn
& Rae, Wingham, 110 Ilia of flat iron,
$VXf ; J. A. McLean, Wingham, 1*)
frost pf elnr plank, $.; ; The Municipal
World, binding book for birthe, mar-
riages end deaths, $'2 0R ; The (:rand
Trunk Railway Company, for euper-
vieinn of laying drain on right of way
of Johnson drain. 9 0c. ; the Reeve's and
Councillor Scotty; expenses in .connec-
tion with trips to Tuckersmith town-
ship, re bridge building, $4 ; Wm.
ANNIv6KoARY 3RRVIt•6M. The - an- Walden, balance of. gravelling cnn-
n ivereary services of Lucknow Pres- tract, concession I, $5. There being
bytesSan church will he held on Sun- no further business the cannel' then
day, May lith. when Prof. M,Fadzean, adjourned, to meet Again on Tuesday,
of Knot College. will preach at both May 2Sth, at 10 o'clock. am a court of
morning and evening services. Very revision and appeal. and for the trans -
interesting and helpful services are action of other township business.
expected. The proceeds of this anni- ALEX. POKTIRPI6t.D, Township clerk.
versary occasion will be devoted to -
the manse futid end large and gen-
erous contributions are desired and
will no doubt be forthcoming. MOIrDAT. Apra 37th.
Mirent.NARY Co4Oagaw.-Meetings We are pleased to report that Mn.
o f the layymen'. missionary congress Percy Walters is able to he around
o n oil Wednesday ofternoon id the Again.
Methodist church, in the evening at Mr.
the Presbyterian church, and will be
d daily including Snndwy, May
2n Amon the speakers are Canon
Tischer, N. W. Rowell, K. C., Rev.
Ju. Allen, M. Parkinson, R. A. Allen,
lieu Ise. P. McKay, Canon Fe-Tee-
y. e.
Env. U. Howson. Rev. W. Fe -Tess
leaved, L. C. Taylor, R. 1). Cameron.
John Joyntand i. (f. Murdoch.
ODDr6Lt.owsi AT (�Rt•Rt'II.--Motet
favorable wether was allotted to
Lucknow and its neighborhood on
Sunday and there was an excellent
turnout of Oddfellows and an interest-
ing annivereary service at St. Peter's
church in the morning •The occasion
WAR one of especial interest to mem-
bers of the I. O. O. F. throughout
thio Rection. wbo In edmmnn with
their brethren thtoughoutthe Domin-
ion never fail to recognize the occur-
rence of the anniversaryof the birth
of their noble Order. which in point of
fraternal co-operation, social ameni
Mertioutier Corucit Nirreis.-The
visit 01 Rev. S. T. Bartlett, gen-
eral secretary of Epworth Lcagure
and Sabbath schools, to the Auburn
circuit last Sabbath was a great sac-
cess. As a preacher he fulfilled the
highest expectations and the your
people were greatly encouraged and
hler.ed under hie able, practical and
spiritual discourses. The Sabbath
schools of the Auburn circuit ,will be
reorganized ibie week ..... ,Next stab -
hath the pastor will speak on the
great missionary congress, giving
special attention to the national mis-
sionary policy that was adopted at
that --gathering- and- --distributing
printedcopies et that policy tc all who
desire thew The sacrament of
the Lord's Supper will be adminis-
tered in the Auburn Methndirt church
next Sabbath and the official board
willeneet in the same chureb at 7SR)
p. m. on the following Monday
are again reminded of the uncertainty
of lite, by the death of Mrs. Arm•
strong, which sad event tookplace in
the village last Thuraday. Deceased
had reached the advanced age of
eighty-tourears. Born in the
{'Vanity- r Montreal:-ttrtler Dirty.
life he accompanied her parents to,
Whitby, where the greater part of her
life was. spent. Thirty-eight yeat1i
ago abs -Cama to the jtth c
of Hullett, along with her late bus
band and family. After the death of
her hii'land she resided with her son
Martin, on the old homestead, A few
years ago she came to the village to
resttile with her daughter; -Mrs. Ma
She Seas a member of the Methodist
church. A grown-up family of Boo
and (Inc daughter are left to mourn
a kind a d aIectiooate mother. no.
lowed a dirge nilu►ler• of friends
and neigh iris. her remains -were ern-
at resting ve ted o t it la r to lace in
y t h g P
11's cemetery. Base- line.-th -then
vuship of Itullett.
not needed
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tunic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin, impure
blood. Follow his advice
every time. He knows.
iY .. a.
s ear e.
gyp r�
Ask yothr doctor, "What is the first Brest
rule of health ? " Nine doctors out of
ten will quickly reply, " Keep the bowels
regular.' Then ask him another ques-
tion, "Visit do you ' Mink of Ayer's
Pills for constipation?"
�ataes br W J. 0. slyer Ora. x.sirell. araaa�
A Good Suggestion.
The tiltrieh Herald say._: Vere are
indicationm that the 8t. Marys &
Western Railway Co. may extend
their line_frontExeter via /.urich w
lioderich. The latter is one of the_
beat lakrposts in llntarw-.and as -the
C', 1'. R., which ia going to operate the
Itaad when completed, bar come to the
south side of the Maitland at great
expense, it looks as if they were ex-
pecting to connect with one or he
other of the southern lines. The bu n-
nerM nun of 'Zurich. Hayfield and
Goderich should !uric a !determined
effort to have the line extended
through thisaectioo of the county.
i'apa Got Off Easy. re
Teacher. Now. Henry,' if your
father should come haute .with SM.
and give your mother one-half of
that, what would rbc have i'
Henry --A bat.
.Mistress -"Bridget. it always seems
to - Dae --that- taw--eesseriest -asistm essw
get the brit cooks." Cook ---"Ah. go
on wid yet. blarney." -Illustrated Bits.
Heinous ORence.
tlz`` Adjutant bat ing orefion,'weaver•
ing second button of a soldiers tunic
unfastenedi -- 1)asli it a11, 'sergeant-
tajor. Here's a feltah half naked !
ke him it prig oar '
Frank C
Saturday o
Mornay. April 26th.
wpbell went to Toronto on
husinees trip.
Mn.. }tam
here on a visit t
of erection ehonld progress rapidly.
Mr. Mole .expects to have the build-
ing ready for uccupati by June tat.
Mr. Murdoch. a layman. of l.uck-
now. conducted the service in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday morn-
ing last. He spoke on the• laymen's
missionary movement and delivered
w very intereeting discourse. A num•
her from here purpose attending the
miesionary congeries which opens in
Lucknuw today.
W. M. S, Thr - open meeting of the
W. M. S. held in Elliott', Hail on
Monday evening last With quite sec•
cers(nl. A very intereeting, program
Wit., rendered. The lhu,gennon
branch of the W. M. R: is in tr front-
ishing conditinu. having increased
largely in membership the Iasi year.
The next regular meeting will In• held
en 'Thursday of next week at the
n,;avt.s, LUCKNOW.
Movi.tt, April _hrtl1.
11. Bogor- ham moved to tht resi•
dense owned fry Jas. titian and
recently vacated by R. Mct'harles.
J. (i. Anderson has purchased a new
Ren automobile. Thos. Agar accuse•
ponied Mr. Anderson nn his initial
trip from London on Friday last.
W. J. A. MacGregor, former pro-
prietor of Tin. Sentinel. has purchamed
the Simmons job printing oft1.•e at
Winghani. He will still retain his
reel -donee and property on Havelock
Oliver Johnston 1►aa purchased the
residence of D. C. MCMor•ran, on
Havelock street. This im one of the
beet properties in town and will make
an ideal home. Mr. -MrMrnran in-
tends moving with his family to Brit.
ish Columbia.
Bon 1,)xh Ctrn OFFICE/Po. - At the
annual meeting of the Lu,•knon lawn
howling chili the following on t
were elected : Hon. president. Reeve
J oynt ; president, N. H. Smith : v ire-
prewident, T. Wwt.mon ; eeeretary. T.
E. Lawrence: treasurer, A. McDon-
ald ; managing committee, Phos!.
Watson. O. 11. Smith and Natter
MoNPAT, April 26th.
Rory WI flint: left lent weak for Al.berta, where he intends to reside.
Wm. Matheson arrived home from
Toronto i'nivereity a few days ago.
Dan Winne. ham the contract of
building n driving-ehed for R. Hullen
this minima.
Bryan Rockingham was engaged in
'hmgling top roof of the Free Presby
urian r•h, rah last week. -
Miss Tens McDonald, Ri o1P7, Was
'ke fnrct of the Wooten Md),cnnen at
the beginning of beet week.
Mies Lilian Clark hex renamed her
duties at the Lochalsh school after
'Pending Mester with friends.
the first barn -swallow wan observed
in this aertion last Friday, but It
Mei more than one swallow to make
Miss Rhode McKenzie. Din may:
.'n end Eddie Robb have returned to
'heir respective educational inatitu-
''"ne after spending Easter at home.
To IY4•ROVK DAIRYI2f6.-1). N. Me-
hrnzie, it. Hellen and D. A. Men"'
44 have purchae d thoroughbred and
Arad. 1lniatein calves (one each), the
re"Rsnitore of which have high r•-
evdsfor milk prndnrt.ion. They were
°kern! from dairymen near Sebring -
11111 and Ingersoll It ham long been
!Si known among dairymen that the
nelstein cow lakee the lead as a milk
reducer, and realizing the simple
wt• that it is more profitable to keep
Il11ryit th mono
f milk aper year than from one which,
fir+ y: nxti P
sr., of Michigan, is
her sen, David.
reseed tor the Season.
"bones (telling a story` •Weil, the
evening wo on-- Jo. "It did.
eh" What di it wear : '•
"Well, if you model know.1 belies
was theclo.e of a minerday."-L
• Repeat it :- 'Shiloh' Cure will al.
way ure my coughs a colds." •
No tier how silly a etty girl
talks me ever seem to notice it.
InspecturTom a Is semi-annual -
visit to S. S. 'No. 6 .. Friday last.
Mrs. '_ Wesley S house, Nelson ►
Rohieon anti Colin b mpbrll have
been laid up during t • past week
with severe colds, which in to be a
.vary-trrmm.>ir-t6fnft-est-1,.�. , t -We ti
hope they may *non be trod again
and that the boys may be a• in in
their places at school.
Rev. S. T. Bartlett. of Toronto.
era' i.ecrctary of Epworth Leman]
and Sabbath schools for the Metho-
dist church, preached excellent anui-
versary sermons on this circuit on
Sabbath last. It is an event which
will long doe remernbe'red by the
young people. as it ie only once in a
great while they can enjoy the privi-
lege of listening to the secretary. 111.
work extends over such a large extent
of country that his time is very much
and Mrs. H. Wileon and daugh-
ter, of (:oderich, epent a day or so in
this vicinity last week.
The gsist mill at tienmiller ie get-
ting some Improvements in the shape
of new machinery this spring. Guess
things will bum this summer.
Quite* Wire number of people from
these parts boarded the train at Mc -
(Saw on Tuesday of leet week, en route
to various parts of he West- Among
them were Jam Manning. John
','anstfone, Thor Mitchell and Will
Johnii. .
Helmet it:-"Mhiloh's Cure will al-
ways ere my coughs and colds."
"i'm in a difficult over my. girl."
"What's wrong 1" "I've hear saying
such nice hinge to her that she is
getting conceited. if i atop she'll
think 1 don't rare for her any longer.
and if 1 go on shalt think shed too
good for me."
TrVIDAY, April 27th.
Seeding is the order of the day in
this vicinity.
\Vm. McAllister visited Brussels
friends last week.
Mies Mary ('mernn, of St. Helens,
visited in this vicinity this week.
Chess. Moors, of Kingsbridge, las
Wm. McIntosh's farm rented for
pasture this summer.
A number from thin vicinity at-
tended Mrs.' Armstrong's funeral in
Auburn last Saturday.
Peter Beringer, of Butte, Montane..
and Larry. of Riveredale, Ont., vis-
ited their .`.rother. M. J.. the begin-
ning of lira week.
Mr. Hettinger and family intend
moving to Dungannon in the near
future, as Mr. 13mninger has secured a
position as buttertuaker in the butter-
faetory there. John Boyle is going
to move into the dote when Mr.
Deninger moves out.
WEDSiKIAV. April2rtth.
1-nion revival services !n the Pres-
byterian and Methodist churches hieve
been held during the part two weeks.
hy the two pastors, Rev. Mr. McNeil
and Rev. Mr. Hiles, assipted hy Mr.
Wameley, the colporteur.
Archie Armstrong left on Saturday
fur London to spend a few days wit
his sisters, alter which he leaves for
the West to join a party -of surveyors
at Calgary for the I ummer'c work.
Robert Scotchmere hes rented Mr.
Armstrong's farm. which adjoins his
own, and will work them both for his
psi b
TcgmDAY. April 27th.
Two of Hugh Mc('onnell'e sons err
seriously ill with typhoid fever. All
hope for their speedy I ecovery.
tewt»rtY STANLEY.
TLIiOAT. April 27th.
W. 1!. Johnston and family moved
last week into David Cameron's hone•
on lot 5, concession 4.
Walter McJteatb and family are
moving this week inte his home on
the 3rd concession. He .old his farm
on the 4th to Wm. Barden, of Aseter.
'I he funeral of the late Mrs. Shafer
was largelyAttended 1t Tuesday.
She was a As
kind and generous woman
who will he,greatly missed. it is said
no one was ever sent hungry from
her door.
Mrs. (Dr.) Al... Murdoch, of Rainy
River, and child are visiting at the
home of her father-in-law, William
Murdoch. nn her way home from New
York, where she hied been called on
account of her mother'. death.
It doesn't take long her a handsome
young widow to convince a woman -
hater of the error of hie ways.
"The physician attend-
ing me .prescribed. -on my
rallying from an attack of
rheumatism, your Scoft's
Emulsion, which 1 have
been taking every winter
since. I find it most valu-
able in strengthening and
'building up one after a
severe illness. I have not
had rheumatism since the
time mentioned above and
I owe it to your most valu-
able Emulsion. it is my
life now, and makes me
strong and healthy." -R.
I'ICARD, Grand Ligne,
For two handfed years be-
fore Scorr's F. n',1oN came
Cod Liver Oil was used for
is modernized Cod Liver
Oil; the purest 'and best oil
partly predigested. -!nide
palatable and suitable for the
most delicate child or invalid.
It enriches the ,blood, tones
up- the -entire system, and
drives out rheumatism.
ALL Vitt/0O21Tb
Let ,W a..a ea. a My et Mr. )than'•
1 -iter and ether Montano on Um mob.
A Pont Card, mationingtbIPSPPr.
it oobeiest.
sco7T ! corms
1]{ Weltinetee St.. W. Tweet°
We hare our
for the
spring trade.
Leather, Cloth and
Sweney Collars
A goal (lean stock to clitolie from
(her beery eraeson---issatoriossenaitsg
and if yon need vine Of onf
Best Team Harness
don'tleave it too late in the season.
Our increasing Mesines* la the
twat proof of our giving satisfaction.
Tana DAT, f, r t : I'. If 9.
Spring and Summer
In Fine English Natural Wools,
• !Perch Balbriggan,
Ellis Spring Needle,
and all the leading lines in Summer Underwear.
Call and see the New Rubber Collar,
66 11
in all the newesti styles.
The effectiveness of housecleaning can be ma-
terially increased by the use of paints and var-
nishes. Your work will show results, the
house will not only be cleaner but look cleaner.
Perhaps then is a chair or two (hat should be varnished, some shelving
to be palmed, or a lbw with worn spots that needs unsealing. It's the etuft
things like these that in the aggregate makes bouse "spick and span and homey.'•
S -W. Brighten Up Ftnlshes
paint, varnish, stain and
en.• • . iinhh for everpthlnt In-
side the home. Tell the Sherwin- •
Wltliams dealer what you want
to finish and he will give you the
your Up Finish particularly'
to- Write
for booldd, B60,
a Tew.RTO V011111111.14
ghten Up
House -clewing Helps
Ibnuse-cheaning time is here again and we would remind you of
our goods that make house-cleaning a success. Here are some
71TMein: Pufr'Ciir1sdlii' Ada Tik" ion odnce,""71-ounce. 11F 2.1c.
`(rude Carbolic Acid 2c pint. Formaldehyde 50c pint. Copperas
Irk Ili. Borax 11kc R,. Sulphur (pure) 11M• lb. Household Am-
mon -MAW bottle. Toilet Ammonia 25c bottle. Crioline Diein-
fectart-Ottc pint. Call or 'phone ow and we will give you right
goods and prompt. delivery.
Drug Store Goderich
Ir =251
1111111111M1/111116111111111111=_,___' \
••.Mrirs,:e .'N'C.,w,r, t.. 4, If loess tatter Pease ease reef •{knit• to ,live►• it s r' ' nee *int . •p►r.:; oto:
80o rods of 5o cent fence, for 4oc per rod.
This fence is cline wires high and stays twelve
inches apart and is made of all No. 9 spring
steel wire. This is the price of a seven -wire
fence. We still have some of the other sizes
left, which we have cut down to run off.
We have a quantity of
Hollywood Paint which will
cost you $1.30 per gallon.
Me haven't a great lot of
any one color, but for email
jobs or first coating it will
rave you money.
r. stock of Br,ishes was
never• We complete. WP
hive a full • e "f Canadian
and American 'brushes, rang
ing from 50`ta 114.50 eaa1
l'aint for iron roofs. bringes and for shingle", We have the
famous Arco firma in Week, lwsswn, maroon ansLgreett., ,- . „
We carry a full line of robin, of Sherwin-Williams Paints.
'which paint is generally acknowledged to he the hest paint on
the market.
Do you w a heating stove for next winter ?
We have a fay we have to carry •over and we
want the room for simmer goods. If you. can
get a $45 stove for $38 this s a saving of $7, or
on art investment of $31 from Qw until fall, say
October, your money is earning bout 35 per
cent. or fR per cent.: per year. is 1 of worth
thinking .over ?
in Rakes, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors, Screen
Windows, Refrigerators and Al lines of summer
goods we have a Targe stock to choose trom.
Let ns figure on your pl bing. heating. eavestroughing and
electric wiring. We ran give you prompt attention and all
work fully guaranteed.
Stere 'PMse as
Home 'Phone t
= = i