HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-29, Page 44 Tiosnoav, APRIL $19 1004 THE SUMMER HOTEL. NO ARRANGEMENTS YET MADE FOR RUNNING T. THE SIGNAL : GODERICHe ONTARIO �--I♦-_-�� O Town Council Has Correspondence in the Matter --Dispute with Wheel Rigs Oompsny- Complaints Against Sexton Aldous Ventilated Billiard Room and Bowring Alley Licenses. A special tweeting of tile town c°tnl- cil mss held on Frdav evening last. with all the members of the board present• in answer W the request of the council, Mr. Aldous. sexton of the cemetery, was present, and, being asked as to the trees he had cut down in the cemetery, he said he had had instructions of permission from the cemetery committee of the year when he was appointed to eut down trees that were in the way of other more suitable trees. His instructions were to get the cemetery Lo look more like a cemetery and less like a bush. Some trees were on paths and inter- fered with pallbearers at funerals and some trees interfered with other trees which were more suitable for a ceme- tery. The roota of the elm ran down too deep and interfered with the [lig• ging of graves, whereas aspire were all right. Some trees he had cut down were dead trees. For every tree he cut down he would like to plant six. He had asked for young maples from the town but had got tired of asking. He would like to plant twn dozen young umpires every spring. The past winter was the first time he had had time to cut the trees. The matter of.certain objectionable language which it was stated that Mr. Aldous had used at & Dean, but Sral wAa brought up y r. Aldous wade an rmphstic denial. "I defy anybody.' he said. "to say that iinre t have freer there l • base -said anything to hurt anybody's feelings - Mr. Aldous admitted having made a mistake in this way the first year he war there, but since that time he said he bad been very careful. - Councillor Sallow. said he arse will- ing to take the word of the parties who had told him of the matter ahead of Mr. Aldous' any day. Mr. gallows had a letter from Mr. the cemetery of Beckett, chairman m 19117,to the effect that e + umittee in he had given noauthority to open pathways through the new part of the cemetery, which Mr. Aldous had done, and Mr. Srlldwe asked Mr,e-\Id- ons why he had done this, Mr. Aldous' reply was that he had had authority from Mr. Beckett, and, as it was one statement against another, there seee,ned no use in presoing the matter• and in further ekplana- tion of the opening of paths Mr. Ald• nus said that it would e absurd not to do so in a cemetery with such gra- velly moil as was in Maitland ceme- tery. The gravel which was dug out of the graves had to be disposed of, somewhere. grass would not grow tf' it were spread around. Hence be laid way paths and used it for that pur- pose. . While cemetery matters were being discussed Councillor Jordan brought up the matter of having fees eharged to owners of Iota and the feet used tae forma fund to keep ell the lot. ice. good condition instead of having some lots well cared for std others neg- lected. The Mayor said this hal often been discussed in the council but for some reason or other had never yet been adopted.. Councillor (dumber had a sugges- tion for the sexton, that at funerals he should appear attired in a Mace suit instead of in long rubber loots and rough clothes, but Mr. Alduus claimed lie was always tidy at tuner. els and w•as as well dreary(' as he could afford. Councillor Jordan brought up the objection that sometimes the sexton interfered with the uudertukeia i1* the pltciug of riga in the: proession and so forth, but Mr. Aldous claimed Oust tete only eases of Ilia zere in. the directing of rigs following the rigs under the control Lit the undertaker, to prevent their going in the wrong direction or driving over the grass or something of the sort. Councillor Sallows and Reeve (ial- low moved to leave this matter to the cemetery committee. Deputy Reeve Reid and Reeve °allow thou 1(. that as soon as a rig entered the cemetery it should be undeeethe control of the Kelton, and the twitter concluded with the remark from Mr. Aldous, "Your Worship, have 11'erwission to retire 1 want to get bonne." The matter of arrangements for the running of the summer hotel for the season Caere up again. Lettere from two parties who have been looking in- to the proposition were read. One wits frourthe solicitor of Henry Potts, manager of the Temiskauing Club of Haileybury. Mr . Potts. the letter laid, was prepared to take the bntel on four conditions: That he can comae to an arrangement with Mr. Lee re- garding ,•ental or purchase of the furniture ; that be can supply liquor to guests of the hotel during the sea• son, provided of course that he will undertake not to supply those other than. guests ; that he can secure a (ease of not less than three year* of the hotel : that the town do whatever repair* are necessary to put the hotel in a pror condition and that Mr. Potts will not be liable for an t*les and the rental merely nominal. The other letter was f' 'm Sirs Farring- ton, of - Toronto. ', 'ie letter state+[ that Mr. Parringt+. would much prefer to rent the 1 eniturA,for the first season. se be wot, d then . ave a e ide� -of the Brain*. -f the- This he This brought up the difficulty of making arrangements with Mr. Le for the rental of the furniture at x satisfactory figure. The matte- was for some time asad tltelly -a motion was passed looking to a solo- cided tion of the difllculte, amount A letter from the town solicitoren with reference to the summer eheTet table and $ ;was as follows 1 "The Mayor asked., tAMea, Dep sake of peace to allow them the i1*• Latest Liu the ELM) loss on the sale of the debentures. Un [notion of Cutin- cillor. Humber and Munniugo, a resolution was passed that the w,Gri- tor be instructed to collect the full amount of the claim less the interest on the $L,3UU,'and this was carried unanimously. On A request from Chairman Hue - AT THE FACTORIES. Godericli Industries Are Busy, wills Many Orders on Hand. The Goderich Wheel Rigs Co., Ltd., has at present a staff of seventy-six uu its payroll &ml is adding to tile seta - her. Skilled wachioista on coital). Bible go-cetts are hard to he got and bar of the cemetery and parks coin- the company could employ a good mitlee he war given power to have uiauy wen, in thio liar. The Company hay seven commutator' wen on the need Nod a travelling het -tee covers the \Vast for it with live travellers. There are enough orders o1* hand Lee for watering the Square was Tett with keep the factory busy fur several the committee. months, and in one or two lines the Some market matters were dis Company has had to Mat reset he sales• cussed with the mark,et+elef' k, who was men to take no more orders +intil•'tbe presentOne war as to his not a1 - ways beeng on hand in the morning as soon as his services were required. Councillor Craigie moved that his hours be from 7 a. w. to ti p. w.. but the matter was left with the market vont- unites to see if there is any hyliw Caretaker Wet,. start on the work oT thlyiug up the Square•, and the matter of the purchase of any ad- ditional hose that alight be required factory catches up with those on hued. During the spring a-goud deal of over- tiute.has been put in at the tutory. The (pod rich Organ ('ompeny bas been working full time tor the pest year. and lose at present* a staff of uvrrnin the matter. 'Che clerk mud uiuety•two or ninety•three. The fae- g K tory is kept husy filling orders. The he had risked to see the bylaw but had cowpony has let the contract to a been unable to do so, and s1* did not landscape gardener fr ni Detroit for know what his home were. Mr. the beautifying of the sueruuutlings of Towersey glso gave 0n explaua ' 1 the factory, ltoulevst•ds are to le hii,l T157' real .n the balance opt Iru+t yea+'s tut, and shrubs and vines planted un rental heat not been paid yet ah.l the three streets on which the factory promised payment at an early date fronts. The Company hopes the The e(pecial Itatuwittee recoil...town will co-operate with a in it: wended tlikt th5 Ctlh'f and sergeant et ' aesthetic elrorte. the police fume be supplied with the.. Work on the two new buildings Ie annual suits of clothes, each suit t . ing erected for' the Zloty Engine cost f25 : that one suit be Meade 1.y Works ('o.011 Newgate street. is pier Martin Brothers and the other by Slc• grrsaing and the Company annuwicca Lean Brothers : that the platter 1 its intention to proceed with its boiler getting caps foe the policemen be left . works and structlral steel plant as with the chairman of the special cow- soon ae the othet buildings are eta). wittee : that the fowling all(•y license pleted. The Company has an *bund - be CO for the first alley end $15 for once of work in sight. each additional runway. and that M. •The Kensington furniture factor y Dinsmore he granted a license for oeie reports business satisfactory and is year under thy above ten" c that Mi, mmnitig fill time with a full staff. 1 dis be granted s billiard license. The Jackson clothing factory :aid Councillor Jordan moved that the the Ooderich knitting factory, the bowling license' he $54' for the first chief employers of female help. lep.'rt alley and $15 for each rulditlona! ton- Maine's good. William Slur rat. way, but only himself and Couo ill et• manager of the Jackson f1 -try. ..•v. Mallows voted against the motion to prospects never were better. '1'I.e adopt the report as brought in by the factory is just on the wind-up of aunt co '1tee. user a eels. and after eEtick-taking A. --tea the hillierst license fol 1h^ amount paid last yesi: was $100, 1St last September the . ••wp.u)y has been for the first tabic and Val for each of bola with rush work and has now e other tables. Mr. Edis has &added work ahead to keep it busy tor twiny th table. and. un woti0n of Omit- months. Mr. lsallace of the Knit- ;raigi. and Jordan,-4}-ssaa`sheeettim Cam a leave the license at the same the West as improving. !'lie l' tin lest year, $IIX), the bylaw 11* pit IIy has a ate, of between tteirt v -live O end 4111111111111111111 1111111111=1 � 1 then Price Quality, and what is not in It everyone were a judge of what is good good dnerchandEie, Some stores would be out of business. • Don't always trust -thi` prit;.e.:itia_often i isleacling. If you are a.judge, look at the goods first, then the price. We are willing you should try us that way. - BUT TON MOULDS These goods have leen *carve for n • time. \Ve have theta i1* stock r now io five sizes, 30, 3t1, p), 45, and 51t, and prices Sr to ilk•. 1f you want any get 0110111 8001*. They are going fest. BUTTONS Are a novelty in dress ti. Ks this season. \\ a are well supplied just now in satins, :1 sizes, black, hlue, green and brown. WAISTS We never before showed so gaol a select of white lawn Waists, embroidery' 11' ed. short and long sleeves, sotue open in 1. see and sunt. in (runt. 'tires are from $lets! he $'1.50. W e never had such value at these CORSETS Alontt 40 pail -sof our .well-known I I ,\ A Corsets at a big drop i1* prices, 50e line t..r 35e. and a line for 50e, and III .00 and $1.'25 hues fur 1Xk. There is nothing wrung with this lot to cause this great drop in price. We are dropping them and filling .their places with newer numbers 1) & A. PRINTS -iVe want our store known ss the great print house. The hes 4tuakesalways last color,1 and 1: c. here and ever yard as� r GLOVES Our stock of fare 1^ Gloves is now c 'tete. Silk lisle finished '(levee, both long and short lengths, the short ones 2 -button lengths and the long °nee'�inch length, short length prices 25 , 35c and Nlc, lung length prices 25c, 351', fill and 75e, colors black, white -and tan i1* both lengths. This is the bet lot of ghfves ever offered herr at the Above prices. ('0101' and examine thew. LACE CURTAINS From 30c to $3.75 per llair, all Nottingham lace, values exceptional- y goon this year, lengths 2i to 3l yards. If you want curtains give us w look. WHITE GOODS Exceptional value in Skirts, deep eriili, i pct y trimmed and inade of good floe lawn. 1,..+v ns, embroidery triwnmed, well - made of line '•Litton: 50c to 1,2.25. A lot of Drawers at reduced Prices. HOSIERY Our 1,310 -pair lot of fart black, e+'alllle'ra cotton hose is going fast. and re it ought. Never such hosiery value shown in [tai. town. Two pairs for asc. Sizes, 1'e, 9, ly Anti 10. Absolutely fret black. Ile J. H\Co1borne MOW 1 0 �• singer in comic opera. Oriselda is $Lis+. Enclose one dollar with your wholly charming. and one doesn't in name and tuldress to Vanatter & ttoh- eleeseveatuet Stephen for fatting to ertsnn, The Sigma[, einderietr, 44nt. love with her. The plot is ably' handled. and the theatrical atm°• sphere -diat+netly--:-seed. The tale bolds the re'ader's interest till the end, despite the tact that ',battle, murder r p s Are coax r ,Lie u sudden death- and u P h-• spa oto ie ' fur thrix +i +rte. the short r r are of a high order of excellence. piety Roberts Itinehart, author of 'The Mau in 'i.nwe•r 'reit" awl "The Circular Staircase•," - contributes a hreezily funny story 'cath•! -Lady tlogdiva- at the. Springs"- Maarten Mamie. a v iv idly powerful i•hat:0•- ter stn y entitled "eIrs.'Siarehaut' Elsie Si egIlaster, n cheract•ristic tale of tl' • Penneyl•ania Germans •• "Thou ...mil ;Dolled' DaggetL" : and MinnaThomas Aitt.riLit, •'The E*ve.- dropper." it clever love. story. -The Departure." by EIli %Vheeler Wilcox, to read $40 for the fleet , forty and is working full time. for each of the other •t 's afternoon in hi t ie see Mr. Lee cillos l'r me to Councillor II: Reeve gel ld - - voted for tb?s CURB:EN r LITERATURE. ' this emit- d ..•+• in n t mover An positionJ m hiswith be v Ce to r• Alntl refereenurse R ter. i did so and from the converse- order of the wotio• and Reeve tint- •1'urt l'.vNAutav M.�o:.vzlNt:. —The tion 1 had with hint i do not think low' and Cnuncilloee Salluws and llaoaiixu M,+gazine for May is a west. there will he any rltdirtilty in the w -ay I Humber voted no. C'ts)Weillor Bean Intere•alh,g her, The first aril,* of the town renting` the premises to had left the council toot before the hi {o,int , , of I iutelinrss is entitled whomever they choose. Mr. Lee un- i vote was taken. The co ittee re- ..Keiser �� ilhelm : His Opportunity derstands thoroughly. Iso he tells Lie, , poem as amended, was then. ttpteel. and Failure." It affords r .plead"I h 1, r building e rentthe 1 sin th t can o • Humber asking thetownR 1',u cath 1 H i1* 'n that C un p ' t u e present situation u and that if it is not convenient or sat-' negative vote be recorded. dent rt Lit n fill p the 1 t t Europe. l)utxri+ia Outworn Pfilire isfactory fur the tenant at a wme a Mayor raked what the town t t `ystent" ie a vigoroue criticism by time to rent the furniture 6e will r!'- tended to do in the veer of persons:. a writer who move it. Of course on the. other Juhn Verner Mc.\ter. wishing to purchase gravel from the apparently arently knows whereof he writs. hand if it can be arranged for the in- Www, gravel pit, and it wax u.cidwl. yunUr•al : A Greer l'1* viol cu g' tenant to rent the furniture I on motion of Deputy Reeve Reid sod centre,' is contributed by :.tubo S. on pt basis satisfactory to Mr. Lee so ('ouhcillor Mannings, that the town Slaelxau. end is finely ilhlstnted. h the letter fur him. Jut he is fully aware that the fact'of his furo- ttui -being there doer mot- stn any interfere with the town's dealing with the property in whatever may consider atvieable.- A letter from the town solicitor with reference to the diseute between the town and the Wheel Rigs people u as to the ai+nint due by the latter on the first lr•peyinrnt of the municipal loan WAN read. the solicitor took the position that the comPa''•y had ab- solutely no claim for int. rest on the whole $50.000 of the haw tram the time the debentures were sold until thetime the money was ,paid over, ti bps advisable for et—f Sewed (after the ceremony) : "Dear est, do you really think 1'll prove a satisfactory mate 3"- - Mrs. Sewed : "Oh. I guess you'll do es a elate, all right. Now Zook me over and tell me what you think .of your captain." --,slay Lippincott's. I.teriet:urr'H rent MA Y.—Till. 00111. piece nobel in the May I.ippincott's, 'The Puwegranate Seed.- by Kath- arine Metcalf Root is one of the moat delightful love stories which have ap- peared in it decade. The hero is an artist, the heroine A dainty young novelist i . A Special Offer. %%t' :try aide to alarmone* ;+ s{e•+vul rate tm new enhei•ri's•r. for The Montreal Family=lleaald au,l Weekly Star i1* cuwbiouliun wit... The Signal for the remainder of the year. '1'o new stbsertihers the two papers will toe sent until January 1st, Ilea for m-itatioos of Dodd's Kidney Pills are • legion. The box is imitated, ' the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and the name-Dodd's Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original u safe. Dodd's Kidney Pills have a reputation. Imita- tors have none or they wouldn't imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodds Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. Thera is only one DODD'S. Dodd's U the original Dodd's is the name to be care- ful areful about - KIDNEY PILLS (hood fob printiag at The ;;to 1•• IIIBUGGIES - BUGGIES • 1 have received shipments of the r909 Models In GRAY and MOUNT FOREST BUGGIES Two of the best lines made in Can ada. Rubber Toes. Automobile Seats and all the latest ideas in first- class Carriages. A good second-hand Grinder for sale, in good repair, to -inch plates. Several good drivers and some cows for sale.. Robert Wilson \ge'nt Ler Massey- Harris Implements. Mel- lotte Cream Separators. Fleury Plows, Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers. etc., etc. Wareroems Hamilton street, 1,'•et.•ne h. REO What Counts Most in an Automobile ? the ability of the car to get \ t u ecdily and comfortably to u want to go—and back Isn't safely, .•t herever in ? this "get -t institutes the g ' [REO"• —an reputation a 11'5 that mighty the uniqu the world.. re -and -hack" ability. chief feature of the hat has given it 'njoys all over Simple in con.:truction, and pos. cssinlr it nd smooth-runn requires little ci is and other reaso d I family ouring Car. most powerful - gine, the "REO adjustment. For it is the i ea Write us for further b logue and descriptive cheerfully furnished on p Write to -day. "THE CAR THAT GETS YOU THERE AND BACK" 1 formation--cata- erature will be a i icatioiL REO MOTOR CAR COMP + Y of Canada, Limited St. Catharines - - Ontario M. C. ROSE, 123 Bathurst St., London, Ont. Distributor for Counties of MIDDLESEX, ELGIN,: OXFORD, PERTH and HURON. Applications for agencies in these Counties should be referred to London Distributor. REO You no longer have to pay a big price for a Satisfactory Car The "REO" Touring Car at $1,250 places at�our disposal -every possible .Joyment of motoring. You'll laugh at lite men who pay more for a car, once you get • • now the wonderful efficiency Ind en. of the ''i- la)." • . No fear of being passed on the road nor on the hills, nor of being stalled in the_ mud -or sand. The 2 -cylinder 20 H.P. long stroke "REO" motor insures against such things. •!'his is the car but with 1909 improve tife►tts„=-ttrat won :r "perfect score" --+n the' i908 Glidden En(lurance Run of 1,700 miles: There is also the "REO" Runabout, ,11 $650, possessing the same"get-there- and-back- ability as the "REO" Tour- ing Car. Vas .wsnwesawoere REO MOTOR CAR COMPANY of Canada, Limited St. Catharines - • Ontario