HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-29, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH •: ONTARIO
SW IN/0/1111/111111111111111111111/ MID MO*
Interesting Week i
Two Exceptionally Good
Offerings in our
Millinery Department
At $2.98
A lot of new shapes in all the leading colors,.
handsomely trimmed with silk flowers and ribbon,
all new trimming. Very special price for the
week $2.98
At $3.98
Another lot of new shapes in all good colors,
handsomely and becomingly trimmed in the new-
est styles, with silk flowers and r•l)bons. A very
high-class hat, special 53.98
Saturday's Special of New Corsets
Some good saving opportunities from our
Corset department for Saturday. A lot .1
Corsets made of gond quality material, new •
styles, with and without suspenders, in
white and drab. i
A lot of Corsets, excellent value at regular
prices. You will notice the big savings in this
portholes line. In white adr
nd ab, tpl
- rhes - tinter ray, speeiah-. .
Another hue assortment, all sizes. in whit
and drab. Heguler values 50c and fNdc, ' e.,
Saturday, epeeist.....................JC7C
A shipment of new Embroidered Silk
:Bulls in all the new shades, including
blue, catawaba, .wisteria, reseda,
taupe and tangarine. See this display
Iwhile it is complete.
Aw Wash' Ne s Material 256
We have just psaw•d into stock a new RANI,
material our buyer fortunately. picked , oil..
Javanese Crepe ('loth, A fine soft 'wash mater-
ial with a roil stripe. We have this in all the
new shades orbs, blue. rarawaha, I wisteria,
tweeds. taupe, etc. Special ,price. ,per
The New Idea Magazine \
A book full of favored reading, :,I,t,
includingstyles and fashions for women.._
-'rice 2c__per copy. ._____..._-____.___
Lace Curtain time is Detre again
our new stock will 1 convincing
that the patterns and:des ns will be
the latest. Our prices ran a at 50e,
5i:;'1'+i:fltt11t:5$ul, tu:$i o0 per parr: -
New showing of Shirt Waists 98c
\ large range of new Shirt \Valets in All 111..
new id . ' - and -styles.--toads- of the (]Q
finest quality lawn, all sizes: Special_. 98C
ISee window) -
Corset Cover Embroidery ro derY s L yard
Y a d
.'t lot of new Embroiderite- purchased at a
very,htw figure, nice fine. muslin materiel, a
row of beetling running through an entbroid•
erect design. Very epe'ial price, ler i a
yard• •
New Stripe Dress Goods
Some new Stripe ss Goods
in the new
/diodes. This is a very
hard 10 .serial to find
hut we fortunately got hold of same in the
new ehwlee, including eeba, blue, cataiwaba,
taupe and wisteria.
New Satin Cloths. in red, green, navy, black
and brown.
New Import Shipment
of Laces and Net
.A large range of' Allover Laces, Val.
Lat't':.iitt I nSeyrtin ,_gt Tnck ed , ets, iii
:ill shades.
This being a late shipment
will assure. jtwi..the latest designs vitt
colorings.. .
The good housewife neglects no opportunity to educate herself with re-
gard to good Fresh Groceries. For instance. when she runs across an in-
structive advertisement like this she reads it from start to finish. Here
are a few specials that will interest her.
-_._Friday and Saturday
l'a,•kieges Cort, Flakes.
:t tans Choke Tomato., 2w+
t Ihr Tapioca for - .2.1c
:i Icor Choice Dried Peaches 25e
7 Ilan Condon Snap .. .'Loc
l'hoice 1.titter and Fresh
For the Week
1hr Washing Sada ...... N•
it Packages Pearline.....
t'hoice Bulk Pickles, per quart I`r
1 lha Hest Laundry Starch.1'hc
1 dozen nest Leptons dDc
1 dozen Choice Seedless Oranges, regular 40k,
Eggs always on hand.
ameron & Moore
Cullough Tyner took plan tart wee
at the home of the bride's parent
Ur. and Mrs. England an, former res
deka,' of gxt•rer, the tatter bein
[orweely Miss Sivade.
Rev. J. Ii. lidniiruq: It A., late r
l'helteuhrm, Orangeville Presbyter)
has been inducted into the pastorat
of Knox Presbyteiian church, Kii
outline, ow sueaaiesur to Rev. Dr. Odor
ray, who is enjoying a test front his
labors hi Toronto. Mr, Edtnisou's
salary will be $I.91i* per annum and a
free wailer.
The stockholders in. the North
Huron ,Teltt- phone CIL_ Utak
ham uu Muudry evening. the IIlth
inst., and eloetwt the following pru-
rrwna I director.
J. Greer, WILL Maxwell, 11. B. Elliott
and Ileo, Stilton. ('anvaa,WZ•r were
authorized to wait upon the farmer'
an the surrounding country.
k I erun, war hot a in Nova Scotia eighty
a. { years ago. In lfki{-vete -artNw4 *oft
i• ier parents in (irey township,. and
g three yent'e later was merriest to her
' late partner, who eondueted a tuer-
,f cantile buaine,.a in !Marvel() and who
wan reeve of Tendert y for suite
years. After his death Mrs. Messer
,_ continued to reside in illuerale until a
few years ago, when she went to live
with her daughter in 1Vinghatu. !k-
ettles her daughter rhe leaves one run,
John. nt Saskatchewan.
Death of Aged Qashwood Man.
The residents of Itathwood were
grieved. and shocked eu .Mt'udry of
bust week when the news spread
through the village of the sudden
death lit August Sell*oeder. De.
()eared had been in excellent health
and war a.riatingthim wife ill manip-
ulate the w'a thing tuachiue when be be-
came ilfAnd. retiring lo a eolith, int,
wediately expired. Born in Germany
overeeventy years ago, hecante-to Ca-
mille with his parents in hie childhood.
settling on a farm west lit Dashwood,
where he lived until' his retirement
anti u•uiuval to the village ten years
ago. Ile wrr a genial: cuutpanionahle
man and had hunts of friends. He
war married four times and is our -
view] by his widow and a large
An Early Settler of Morris.
Miss Jean Ritchie has resigned her
position as printery teacher itt the
Brussels public school, which site has
held for almost thirteen years, and will
go West iu May, a gond position
awaiting her there. Mier Florence
Buchanan, daughter of Mark Buchan-
an, who is at present teaehing in
Uxbtid e, will succeed her at a sal-
ary ot 146(1.
At the early age of twenty -rix
years Miss Lily Marsden, the adopted
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .lobn
Mooney, of Morris, was called from
this life on Monday, the -9th
auother victim lit the white plague.
Before her illor,e, she had heen a
member of the choir of Brussels
Methodist church and an active
worker in the Sabbath school. He -
aides her foster -parents she is rur-
vived by her mother, Mrs. Marsden.
Simon Hunter, of the 4th concession
of l'sborne, received the will intelli-
gence last week of the death of hip
tort Simon, at Nanton, Alta. De-
ceased had been ill but a week. of
acute f3righTtretieeaur Hv viterthiteve
eight years of age and was unmarried.
An estimable and enterprising young
be was P ra s ,
K in Wett
lie i. survived by his parents and rix
brothers and tee sisters. '1 he fro•
hmai•runsdrnt.were taken to Exeter for in -
David F:erguaon, a well-known and
este gmefii esldeut cif itiekerurlth and
formerly of Grey, paused away at the
haute ot his daughter, Mrs. James
Strnne, of the 1th concession of Tuck•
erniitht on Tuesday, the 214th inst..
after -a week's illness of pai'slysis.-"Hee
was sizty-seven years old and it sur-
vived by his daughter and one son,
John, of British Columbia ; hitart-
ner-in-life predeceased him twelveI
yearn. Mr's. Duncanson, of Grey, is a
sister of the deceased.
bleb. Henry James, who had been
Visiting her son, William, in London,
died after a severe attack of pneu
monis in Victoria hospital in that
city on Thursday. the 15th inert Her
rrtuaitts were taken to Brussels to 1*
laid beside those of her tate husband.
Deceased, who was eighty-three years
of age, had been a resident of Bros -
eels for thirty years. She was a hotel,
lied woman and was highly esteemed.
Barry James, of Brussels. and Win.,
of London, are her only surviving
I children.
Thomas Mcleadzean, jr., of the
lith concession of Grey, who had been
an invalid for tnore than a year,
Passedthe 171.11.
in -t. He had Viten a %utterer from
nervous paralysis and in his weak
ectud+taaut- Ata—attack-44 laa14,utaataia,
developing from a slight cold, proved
fatal._ lbeeews.d, who was waw _of
Mr. and Mrs. 'Phos. McFadzean, of
•Grey, wan forty-one years of age.
Ile was married to Miss Vora Kenny,
formerly of Leadbury, who. with one
child, survives.
The citizens of \Vcozet,er had an
esper'ial intereat • in the ceremony
which occurred et "l'aatlehill Farm. •
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Henry, of near Whitechurch. on
Thursday, the I3th inst., and which
made Miss Elizabeth R. Henry and
Chas. H. Hinde, of Harriston, hus-
band and wife. The former taught
in the junior department of the
Wroxeter 'school for a few yearn mod
the ground is a former "madness mate
the place,- Rev. Wm. Hartley. ut
Blyth, brother-in-law of the groom.
tied the knot in the pretence of only
immediate relatives.
A Woman Preacher,'
Progressive Huron is not lagging
behind in the movement to enlarge
the sphere of triefulness of the fair
sex, Last Sabbath the good people
of Clinton broke loose from the
shackles of ancient nuperstitution and
turned out in large numbers morning
and evening to hear Miss Annie Hall.
the evangelist, 4,1 tiuelpti, expound
the Scriptures from the pulpit of On-
tario street Methodist church, Dr.
Margaret Calder, of Wingham, is the
only lady member of the medical pro•
feerion in Huron and abs is winning
distinction as a surgeon as well ex a
Death of Mn. John Messer.
Mrs. .John Meeeer, an esteemed
pioneer resideotof Illiterate, died sod- -
denly at the home of her daughter,
Mee. Wm. Gannett, of Wingham, on
Monday. the 19th :ant, . Deceased,
whose maiden name was Jessie Ilam
' 'Phone 20 The Department Stores
Goderich Acton
•.. o.......1■.m.i..i■.1■.. .11...... •
Xews of the istriet.
Wm. Patterson and family .and Mr.
Gill, of Seaforth, removed to South-
ampton laat week.
Robert Noble, ex -editor of The
Wroxeter Planet, and Mrs. Noble re-
moved to Toronto last week.
James Douglas. of Belmore, has
taken to himself a wife, in the person
of Miss Margaret Munro, of Carrick
Mrs. H. Townsend, an esteemed res-
ident of Gorrie, died at her home in
that place nn Sunday, the 18th inst.,
aft era brief illness.
The Fordwich hotel and livery busi-
ness hat been purchased hy Wm.
.facklin, of the 40h conee.,sien of Grey.
Mr. Jacklin's sons will work the home
The 50 -acre faun on int fl of the 7th
concession of Orey, • owned and erect -
pied by W. H. Cele, ham leen pur-
chased hy Nelson Cardiff, of the same
line, for $2,(661.
Iferhert Johnston, son of Robert
Jokneton, of Seaforth, underwent a
successful operation last week for the
removal of a decayed bone from the
side of him head.
Minim Mary E. Brooks, eldest daugh-
ter o1 John Brooks, of Morris, wan
married in Winnipeg recently to C.
E. ltorsey, of Napinke, Man., form-
erly of Toronto,
Hobert Duneannnn, Ft. A., formerly
of Welton, who ham eotnpleted him
course in theology at Knox College.
Toronto, has offered himself as a mi.
sfonary on the foreign field.
Benjamin Caldwell, of Carberry,
Man., son of Wm. Caldwell, of the
'/,nrieh road, near Henmall, was mat
tied nn Wednesday, the 14th inst., In
Mies Irene Garland, of (Carberry.
Elwin Bennett, of the vicinity of
(lorrie, was ria ied at the home of
the bride's mottle Mrs. Rachel Gil-
mer, on Wednesday the loth inst., to
bliss Bertha Elizahet\Gilmer, of Car-
On Wednesday, the ,. Inst., the
F,limville par•eonege wit seed the
marriage of Richard Johne nd Meiia
I,nue lHallantyne, Mrth of 1 . imp.
Rev. J. H. Fair performed the ere -
Cha". Edgar has sold the front 111
acres of his farm on the 11th rnnees-
eion of Howick to Chas. Irwin and the
fifty acres in the rear to Jacob Kruel-
ler. both of Howick, fora total sum of
The slates of N'inghant fall fair have
been -changed to September 28 and
2A, a day or two earlier than formerly
announced, in order that they may
not contl't With the -dales of the
Brussel!' fair.
Miss 'Taylor, who hal been in charge
of the primary c1am. of Clinton puhlic
school, ham given top teething and is
succeeded by Miss Minnie I.. Ker, of
Clinton, a recent, graduate of the
Norm it School. -
"Bobby" Kerr, - ( lntnn'e Meeathnn
racer. has received invitations to run
in France And Germany after the
British championships at Stwmfor,l
Bride, England, this summer and will
probably accept.
Hon. Georgi Bentley, eornrniesioner
of Public. Works for Prince Edward
island, who died at his home in Ke.n-
ainttton, in that -Province, on Satur-
day, the loth inlet., is is brother of
James Bentley, of Blyth.
s. G. Plummer, of Clinton, was
'ei,ed with a fainting spell while out
walking recently and lay for more
than twenty minutes on the cold
ground before *reietan•e arrived. He
has recovered somewhat front the
Adapt Stewart, of Stanley, has sold
fifty acres of his farm on the 9th con -
emotion of Stanley to John Diehl, of
that. township, for $2,4(6), Mr. Stew•
art has still 251) fertile acres and his
reeidence, on which he will continue
to reside.
At the recent final examinations at
the Agricultural ('allege, Guelph, 1I.
A. Dotrance, of McKillop, secured the
highest standing for his year in Eng-
lish literature and rout position and or-
Mort' and was awarded the (leoree
Chapman scholarship, valued at $2n.
John llensford, of Clinton, has just
dieeovered a possible relative in Hans -
rd 0, Burknam, Count of Abdul
1 id and commander of Turkey's
itnp ial navy, who is a native of
Nova rotia. Mr. Ranaford will not
go to rkey at present to investi-
A pleasaeit,,funetion was held at the
home of Mr. tied Mrs. Conrad Keller,
of near Daehwi d, when their daugh-
ter Kiln was un ed in nierriage to
Wm. Rot hernial, t Dashwood. Rer,
Mr. Than offleiated A the ceremony.
The happy couple will\reside in Exe-
ter North.
Mrl1 Louts WAlper, a f mer F,xe.
ter lady, died at her home in 'algary,
Alta.. on Wednesday, the 14 . inst..
aged forty-one years. She WAR ,rtn-
erly Mia., Emma Hoskins, and as
A daughter of the late Wm. Bost'
and it raster of Mrs. John M-letighlin,
of Exeter.
A. H. Mesgrove, M. 1'. P., ex-prin
ripnl of Wingham public school, will
teach the continuation class of the
Exeter school until midsummer, as
substitute for Miss Stella (Iregory.
who has been granted temporary
leave of absehce owing to nervous in-
The marriage of Minn Elsie England,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. 11.
England, of Chicago, and Elmer Me-
Ttrere passed away et her truute in
Hluevale au Thursday, the 15th inst.,
Knottierof the early settlers of Mores.,
in the person of Mrs. John Berliner,
Deceased weltered a pat'alytic stroke
about thirteen years ago end bad
aiut:al)een ill delicate health and sub-
ject to recurring attacks. A woman
f gentle and kind disposition and A
devoted member of tib Hluevale
Methodist church, she was held in
high and alfectionate regard by the
whole eontutunity. She was seventy•
two years of age and is survived by
her husband, three sons-- Win., of
Linter'_stead ,.....Js .
Man., aril John, of Kenora-- and
three daughters—Mrs. C. J. Thornton,
of \\"n • \ . \
c hug. .hs. .G Dens u
K id, f
Gtalerirh, and Mrs. F'. McCrack.n.•, I
Well-known Kippen Woman Deceased.
Mir death of Mrs. henry Schauer,
nf, Kinster:--svitteit—ottavowed-ora.-gun
day, Ute 1Atb inst., is trade more sad
by the fact that this is the third death
in the fatuity in five months, . her sis-
ter and hr_ither, Mrs. Kraft, of Dash -
ref, and -John lleiehertz having re-
cently predeceased her. Mrs. Sehafysr
had been ailing for years, but her ill-
ness did not become serious until two
days previous to her departure. 1). -
ceased. who was sixty -tour years of
age. left the Motherland in her child-
hood and settled with her mother in
New Hamburg and subsequently near
%orich. For the last •thirty-six years
she had been a resident of Kippen.
She wasthe soul ofhospitality S holit
P y and
many a weary traveller ,was chta're
un his way by the cordisl n•elcome. of
the hostess of the Kipp, ..tel The
whole village mourns her hies and
sympathizes with the bereaved bus-.
hand and daughters : Mrs. Watson,
of Kipper, and Mrs. Jas. Hick, 'of
Dash %l ext.
A Former Resident of Seaforth.
George S,dt•, one of the Aral
settlers in what is now the town of
Seaforth, died at his home in Toronto
-Friday, the ltlth inst., at the age of
eighty-six years. . He had been rrooqy•
fined to the We're for Lite pest eight
but waasaltla to go about until
stt•icken with parslyeis a week before
h1i. 4.,,atb. When deceased crime to
Seaforth fnun his native home in
England fifty-five years ago he found
only a cluster of shanties: shortly
atter he was building the first hotel in
the place tar the late Robert Car-
michael. While pursuing his voca-
tion as a contractor he aided very
materially- in the development of the
town, Retiring from active life
owing to ill:health about twenty years
agoo, he removed to Toronto, but he
always maintained a lively it terert in
his old home town. His remains were
taken W Seaforth for interment, the
funeral services lacing conducted at
the home of him daughter, Mee. James
l,tove. The other surviving children
are Mre. J. 1t Sill., of Wingham
Misses Mary and Jennie, of Toronto ;
Wm. 11., of Belmont ; Charles, of Sea
forth ; The.. G. and Fred, of Toronto -
Ciliate Richard Finds a New Lease of
Life in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Acadia Siding, .Kent ('o., N. H..
April lith, ISpeciall.—Cathay Rich
mrd. J. P.. well known and highly te-
speeted here, has given to the public
his reasons for bis faith in Dodd's
Kidney Pills lam a remedy for kidney
disease. Mr. Richard says :
i was troubled with kidney disease
for forty years and bound myself a
warn -out man at seventy-two. But
after using two boxer of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills I find all my pains gone and
1 ran employ all my days with the
hent results."
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the friend
of the old folk". They titske then
feel young again.
Subscribe frit The Rignal.
TA1fit1IMV Arttrc 29, 1909 3
Lace Curtains
AND Window Muslins
Beautiful new fresh Curtains are here really for your
--_ inspection. .iutyw-ted.d recd. by utuselvee from Nottingham.
The valuer are the very lest, and the designs are the new-
est and roust up-to-date.
Nottingham Lace t'villains at all prices, from 2tic per pair.
t1pee$p.II,iol lice in Nottingham Lace Curtains, extra width, full 34 garde
long (iniebsetliorder all around-: in a variety of designs, special,
Another lin,', a little' bet ter than shove, $I.2 perpair.
Better qualities at 91.:rq $1.7,, *2.461, *2.A41. up to $6.60 per pair.
See the new ecru and two-tone et/relit
Swiss Curtains
A large variety of Swiss Curtains in a variety of new and rich deigns.
fr 9'2,Zi per pair.
Madras Moulins
modulo Mu*litts are beeseuing mute lxop,tlar every season, as people
appreciate their extra wearing qualities, and they eonce in a great
variety of designs.
Plain Madras Muslin+, all colors, from tate per yard.
Tasselled Madras Muslin), ecru and colors, from 25c per yard.
Large assortment of Plain Muslin*, Frilled Muslin', Scrims and Nets, at
special priers.
Door Panels
Zhu• assnrttueut of thus Panels is utnst complete, and. prima are ex-
trrmriy nuilerate. Speelirl values at Me, )4&e, 50e, 75e, Alk: and $1.114
e tc-h.
h J 0
....New Wheels....
New Tires, New Seats,
New Caster Brakes.
Great Bargains in Rebuilt second=hand Wheels.
—Old Wheels refitted and made as good as new at moderate cost
-Complete stock of Bicycle Sundries now on hand
Let us put your wheel in good shape
All work thoroughly and promptly attended to
Opera House Block, Kingston Street.
I'll Explain Why
I Always Drive a
"You see the breaking of the spt-it<igs causes us baby drivers
more trouble than any other weakness/in carriage cars.
But there is no spring weakness in the GENDRON car.
Note that double curve. It is ea(clusive with the GLNDRON
It so distt;ibutes the strain that the spring never breaks.
And then the wheels, you see they are special yy welded,
and cannot warp or break.
Note4also that little rubber cap over the nut of the axle.
Sometimes when I have a restless passenger, I want to drive
the car around 4 he house without scratching the
furniture `flisd little point, but a good one. -- The
materials for all the DENDRON cars are the very
best in the bodies, tots and e'v t'ry tit her part, There is
style and service in every GENDROh model --Canadian
made, so that a4ny unexpected *cidwlt can be easily
"T7ie Orndrnt lem•rr-,
Gendron Manufacturing Co., Limited qgoe