HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICHr: ONTARIO **iv, 4' ***** 449 4444 ++ +40444, * ''',r4.i i 4, IC 4.4..i •i ;;i.,�; 4 The News of the District. * +4644444464 4454645454********444***4+44* PORT ALBERT. ` LEEISURN. LOCHALSH. Tl'RsIAy, April 13th. Ditto IN SI trrt.ANl1•-Thr sympathy .d the counlunity it extended to Mir A. Miller, who received word film t4eoU& ul sQUI4 days ago uL. the death of her wothel•, Mrs. Sinclair, who was resident in that country. Aa Ain TG NArlaATION.-.-Postal J is sending for a salt -illuminator cow plies. lie lays that it is slush More pheasant to he sittingg in the -psalm than to lose one's bearing on a dark night in one of there long lake shore laues and to be entangled in a barbed wire fence on the one side and on the other to have the cheerful prospect of driviugover those high cliff*. at the foot of which can 1e heard the swish and roar of lake 11 gnu's mighty breakers. Fuses eon Maw -dos yluserr.I..--- Mre. A. Miller hate received word from her sinter Misa Sinclair, who is a missionary in India, that the proceeds from the Hemlock City reho t enter- tainment held last fall, whish had leen sent W India to assist. in the ,•,rection of a miseiou beepital there, haul been duly forwarded, and that the same was received with most grateful appr•e(iat• of the en- deavo•s put forth on the part of all . those who hal &ssintexd in the good . suer. Unt-VITIK$.-Mise Bella Armstrong is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Munk - man, Arkwright Miss lusty AL' !menet' is spending the Heater hob, dews with friends in Detroi!t. Mies Donald& McDonald 'arrived it the -1W - entail home last Friday Rod Me. Lennon had a successful auction male of surplus stock last Tuesday..:... err. W. Moffat. Culross, was visiting last week at her father's, Donald Mc- Intyre a. . .. D. T. McKenzie lost '& valuably horse, [sat week, -from &cute epldi)[e*tion Miss Kebecoa %1 fatal• *,on is at present- rullowing ofek- sites as nurse at Seaforth.. Mia. Mary Finlayson left hilt ulfeday to visit friends around (ileac. . • ---•--- •Af--bfTKfklN#--- hailed • with great pleasure by the n'iends of Hiram, alias Silas, when Ilia production No. 2 came out in hilt w,•.k'r Signal. It •appears our patient et the sanitarium had been lying fur many weeks in a kindof mental tor• per ever since the birth of his that effusion. Bet the cling of beef -tea and this had been actually doing its work, and when t e mites had given him a little o our perhaps t.s, strongly vitriol' tonic, which we had loos* k idl 1a3es-age. a! a lama Wit. the effect,sras magical. His Bret Wold* were ••Bend fqr grandpa Jim." This benevo ent, white -hawed old gentleman i mediately cane, and it was soon a ident total) present that Hiram waayy in the throes of 'bringing forth tw effusion No. 2. . Atter moth mental labor on the part of H. _end niu h profuse physical perspira- tion u the part of the kindly a:afar ing v uerahle grandpa, the effusion was nt ready for the press. On ac - 1.1.41 i f the consequent exhaurti pi ant nervous prostration. sleeping pc - tit 's were administered by the medi• e attendant to the two parties, and now nw lying in thr.aarue saarb- At the Last account H. was doing sl well as could la• expected, 'but grand - tether J. appears to 1e uneasy. In has sleep, his mind appears to wander hack t.. the scenes of his youth, when Ile, as: a bare-footed loo, used to catch seekers in the Eighteen Mile River which were of a size never before heard of nor *ince. At times he works hi- hands and arms in a man- ner which suggests the rolling of saw- logs with a canthook. This alternates with .a kind of nightmare, in which J. appears to be flying in terror before a hand of infuriated housewives hurling chunks of heavy dough at his head. , who appease to connect him, for some unesplamt•d relwon. withathc bread's not rising at baking time. As for Hiram, the outlook for hili is some- what serines, he, of rolirse' being in a greatly weakened condition since the birth of the twin productions. To add to the horror" of the; sitnatioi, the medical attendants whisper that it may be triplets and that it may be ueceesary In resort to the C. operation in -order to save his life. His friends are naturally very &nxiut/s; and nut el uu'1' goal oat err we have instructed our private detective to send in weekly bulletins concerning his health for their benefit. SAYFIELU. %VKUNKSUAY. April2I.t. Mien Josie Sterling returned home this 'week from Toronto. Mies Luella Sterling and Miss I'ewpsey, of Onelerich, epe-nt Sunday in the village. Miss 1*. M: latanbury, win spent the Easter holidays here. returned to Toronto,ein 1Verineethy of this week. special /weeie•e) are being enndueted 111is week alternately in the Presby terian and Met leadist churches, and are weal at tended every evening, Rev. W. Hinds and daughter have vacated the metory and have moved n'•roev the river to Mrs. Iludie's house, Where they will board for the (4111110). r. \Val. Foster. formerly of Varna. who recently returned from the Rest and purchieed the property belonging In Richard Elliott on the Rant road, has moved to his new home. Mr. and Mrs, It. Elliott have ,,loved to the house on Main street lately Porch/wet by therm from S. McEwen, while Mr. and Mrs. K. Murray, who hue.' been occupying the house, hare moved to Mr. t'urner's house on 1e,oisa street. TEACH YOURSELF NOW For Your Own, Your Children's and Your Friends' bake. i)iseaeed parte of the air passages can hest be reached by dry air. The bronchial tubes and lungs cao only Is• reached by dry air. !trope' is a dry air treatment from which you' get the balsamic effect of living in the pine and euealyptic formats, where catarrhal and bronchial troubles do not exist Ifyemei destroys the gentle that ''alien dieeaee of the breathing organs : Poe simply, by the use of a rubber in- haler, mix Hyomei air with ynnr in - weed breath as it reaches the diseased pert); to 4.YhP.re catarrhal, tornn ch flit Tramp or pneumonia germe are molt i plying by millions : their life is snuffed nut, as they are the disease, their ex- termination means quick improve- ment,. Jas. Wilson has the agency for IHYomei and will furnish the complete outfit. for 1{1314) under guarantee to *atm*. Refloat it:--"Shiloh's cure will al- ways cure my cough. and colds." NILE. TIK$DAY, April:lllth. Owing to 10 touch rain the farsnel•e are linable to proceed with their timing work, Thie will 111146 1,1111/111 vary hate with Uses saiwdiul(. The Epworth l.eiague of Nile Metho- dist church it again preparing for its annual teauiei,tmg on the 24th of May. Further parlieutars hater on. Tr/cassette April 20th Char, Brown and fawily arri f4. Muskoka last week and Mrs. Jas, Hayden visited at last week, WetiNKstsav, A01114t11. ved axe:m os LIWAI.6. -- Misr Jessie Mr. Linklater and Miss Huth Shaw are at the home .pending their 1.t. cater Militia yr touter --.that_ luct•ental fold. -...,Mims Vary Clutton, rioter of A. Clinton. is tilt' visiting her old heal- and old friend - Mr. We are sorry to learn that A. Mr.,Clutton has leen confined to the to house by au' attack of rheumatism. s ;We IIope that tl( will soon he around be again Thi•-Fa:efer--i:erace- Th the 111/11 /6•011n•r1 chur'-h was very enj.'. 1) ; and although the day was wintry the attendance was good :and the display of Easter. hale was splendid (;edege Fulford, who has been con- fined tylhe house most of the winter, hi improving somewhat In hate h, although still a lung way trine hell;; well. A very servere attack of rhu- watisIn has leen the cause of his trouble. ItiMovatt. -Jas. Scutt and fats moved Suit week to the (arta Scott recently purchased f A number of boys around here were Howitt, of Auburn. We are hurry throwing stares at- Mrs:--3smew-Ken=-a.loratWade- but we wish thniu._tutrt'.es ut41'1 * 1 s,• and broke suit. o1 the in their new home. Koh, will windows. 'They were brought before Magiatr•ate Beilie and we think the boys ere rather furry for their fun, as it his proved rather expensive. latetal'y. I:Let-n(1as. The Epworth' League 11e1d its xnounl sH•eting for election of °nicest last 'Tuesday even- ing, resulting as follows : President, Charles Oirvin; first vice-president, Mill F. Bray ; second vice-president, Mrs. John Immtow; third vice-preri- much unused by the ladies of t Y. - DK.4•rii tie Mie. lir it)u )wi, - -The death of George liur•r•owe, who palmed away on Thursday, April lath, at his late residence. Wellington street, in his fifty-eighth year, removes a suf- ferer from that dreaded disease run- sutuption. Mr. burrows leaves to mourn hie departure his bereft part- ner and six children : Mrs. webl, of dent, Mira (al14dyyn Pentland ; fourth Duluth ; Mi.. Nina. of Gtelerich vier.president, lUis, Minnie (ii fie; `•s illiau, of Stratford ; John, Reggie fifth vice-president, M is. Mabel Bailie; and Lindsay, at h e, The funeral, ;t) o'clock to'.uu,'rich cemetery, Wee, very largely attended. The member@ of the L. 0. L. end A. 0. U. W. lodges. to which chweased belonged, followed in se body, Het.. C. M. Rutherford, of Dungannon, \officiated. The pall- -hearer,. were Samuei -Pohl(, Win. (flamer, Jlvtteph 'Thomson and John Ryan. eixth -vice-presi[hmt, ' tat. She pyrenl : Uvhich took place ,els Sunday et 1. recording secretary. 1. lerence Duatowi cot•reapodding secretary, Gordon Young; treasurer, James Moreland; organist, Miss P:hn& liir4'in. CREWE, - MONDAY, April 19th. N11Wsr Neuss,--,Miss Irene Maize visited her cousin. Mien Martha John- stone, at 1.1114.1, fur a few days this week - - - Miew-M ei....11usty -sr aist .a few days with hr inter, Mrs. John Blake, of Mafeking. 'riles 'Mar Cullnrt. of Mafeking,is hour fur her holidays ..., Mrs. John limiter, we DUNGANNON. • 44. -A XKWT11N. ilE.YTLaiT. LJ11 NOW'. -At humeererydee exceet Thur. day. New renway fur extract lox teeth ISonuw forint, better than , frown .rid bridge work, etc. Aluminum plate. mon-breskablra. N. n, -You can always have yyoour work mash al's Hurt to et. it not improving a& I better dune in the dental cc -more , )' Y O K 'I tatter facilities fur deltic the work, wore cum - well as her many friends would wish. (unable for the patient. Thomas Irwin has hired Jun Culbert to help with the reeling 00 his tach» here - ._.litxruir..John.tune and his sister Martha, of lanes, spent 1'hureday evening at the home of %V. H. Maize .. 11 in repotted in The Dungannon N ws of the Pith' inst. Ttntt Andrv'[ tamed from the, West, but as yet no ;one 41•(7111 te have en hili but the writ«r Ftex1 C Wert - bass moved to the Finlay farm a Mafeking Mrs. Witt. Pierer. w vi Sead asgh ter, Mrs, T. J. Park, ei Dungannon, eta Friday lir. acid \ars. VVttt Begley and leu returned ,I Ilau,ilton en Mortality list .Miss It?tiara Culbert is spending her holidays with her sister..5I•e. 1'. .S, He.'il. at Maafe- king \Ira. lieu. 1t. irniir, Mrs. 14teesniet= Fiotltav ant! Keil t)ucniu leave here tomorrow for•Floral, Sas- katchewan . - . , We have lied so much rain this'spring that the seeding will be late, a, the ground is too wet to work yet. - - - - - MAFEKING. Motoev, April filth. tiKEVITIEs. Mrs. *SLtiAl•t if inlay si,ena •a few days with her friends here lase. week miss Aliiva Blake and Masters l i eT l{Lck,•crit }to 1 y AiG•n, of Lucknow. visited their aunt, AD Blake, Iasi week. George t'iastpdtrll and (ir,r. a Slake sae 4.n the -**rt- list -thio wer(r. , ... Jame. Webster. of lurk now, 1t. vis- iting ber d au whirr. Mrs.Thomas u )Slake. John Miller, of St, Helene. visited at Jaunts Webite,'s on Sauantay John %Veard is work- ing with It. Johnston now and Bert Finnigan is engaged with Thos. An- derson , Fred ('utbert, of (9•ewe, hats moved up on to Stuart Finlay's term Miss Rrllali Mensry, of Sheppardton, is visiting Mile Mary 11 11 'J C. and ISAilie Mtutheix returned to their ,,'hoots at Henntil. ler and Lanes yesterday. LOTHIAN. Tut:.•tu-4a. April Jutb, Miss Ada McKenzie and Alex. Barnby have returned to Lucknow. Mrs. A. Mackay, or Port Elgin, vis- ited friends here daring Easter week Irev. Father Hogan, of St. Thomas, \ end \\' visited hialpsrent-t; .Ir. nl .t4.s M. Hogan, ,recently. W. W. Henderson. of IMtroit, went his Easter vacation at,the horse of his recreate, Mr. and Mrs. 'r. F. Hender- son. Mr. Hughes. of St. Helens. has moved into Hugh Murchison's house on the 12th eoncesaion. V.'e weteotne him to our neigborhosl. - OODERICH TOWNSHIP. TrKsu.+y, April''a(th. WEDIONlas. The 11e111e of Mt. and ,Ins. John Cox, tiealerich township, ens the scene of r. #3.4641 liut._p.etty wedding on \Vednewley, April 7th. when their delight t•r: antis 40f4*; was united in marriage to T. M. 1Voods, of liuderich township. 'l he ceremony war reefo•nled by 8I'V. W. L. (files, of Bayfield. in the presenee of the im- mediate friends of the bride and groom. Roth rnntrarting pnarties are very well and favorably known and the gond wishes of all go with 1 hem. The marriage took palace on April 7th of Mies Pearl C., the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Newton, of Porter's Hill, an John F. schnlidt. of South Eesthope. The bride hooked charming in & travelling snit of blue \'enetieu cloth with waist of white silk and allover point d'esprit trimmed with insertion and lace, frith hat to match. The presents were n utla.'rnus and costly. among them being a handsome che, k from a cousin in New Vcrrk. Th* -young couple are well known land their many friends wish them surcease and happiness in their wedded life. WORSE THAN ONIONS. Had Breath from indigestion Cannot be Overcome with Perfumes. Nine -tenths of the offensive breath is a result of stoneta trouble. If, can- not be overcome by breath lerfuntee 4)4 any other palliative ineesuree. 1f you have a bad breath ; if there is heart bun n, tlatnlence and gulppings of undigested food; if the• stoniarh burns or smarts ; if there is sleeplessness, nervousness. headaches or any ether eymphons of indigestion. nee Mi-o-na etnn1aclt tablets and get well. - A feteent box of Mi-o-ne stomach tablets lasts for a Couple of weeks and will ward off a dozen mild attaeks of ndi e. 'nn while I ts continued mss Will give an absolute end complete onre, ,las. Wilson has seen so many cures made by Mi-o-ne stntntu'h tahlete that he gives a guarantee with every isox to refund the money if it fails. No, Cordelia, Cabinet Ministers do not deliver sermons in a cabinet. Repeat it : - 'Shiloh'. Cure will al- ways lure my coughs and colds." RTOTI('y:.-THE LOCAL .AGENCY 1 lu Litungu,o u n for The Signal hint the l'o+t taut -.,..k a„e :leo..,.... lit enter, wilt be received fur1 riptrou•, atf• verll.ing and ,iib work, and receipts will tie given for awouute paid fur the saute. LUCKNOW. Tt'Rsisal, April _loth. Wm. Buckingham has purchased the resident.' of W. C. Johnston on Stauffer street. Ulu, J. Mcl'harles, of the Star gro- cery, is opening out an up-to-date res- taurant in cotuectiol with his busi- ness. Rev. D. T. L. 11eKet•roll, pastor of Lucknow Prosbyti•rinn church, and Rev. A. Miller, psalm of Ashfield Presbyterian (hurt -h, ex, hanged pul- pits un SAIII/M11 111.1 !iiia lilacs Haiti and - Miss. MMilliS who had been spending Easter holi- days with their pnrente, returned to 1ta,.iilton on Monday to resume their studies at the Horned Srhool. W. J. A. Mac(irog. r,- former editor and proprietor of The Sentinel, has +mrchasrd a printing business , in 5%inghm aand will make a cialty t, c .4 rorrrmereial and-- tlr>wtil7 and the menufactin'e of rtdber stumps. I %,„C1t001. ROOKS AND ALL KINDS a7 of ,drool outt,plits. at the nnJrlWUonery5f8f ' sowthn e- hou-e,•Ieaning i. in order and you will wand new watl.pa a•4.. You will dud up-to-date -e `` Ie. as the P to ce . Y w rel store and will wake, ho ini.take W wreha.iur thane. You are Incited to 1repeo tLc.tark. N. ItYA!t;, Uemganuon. Mot*IAY, April lWh, Semen. Reeterr.-The following is the thly report for March of U. s, S. Nei. 17, its illeId and Rest %Va- wanosh. The numbers indicate the percentage obtained : Jr: V. -*Char, lie Niiens, 73, Sr. 1V: --Ella Stothere, 't.1 ;Calvin Iiaili4', rpt. ; Norman. Kirke, ,s --i}L -- Oliver Kirke. t15: •1 eorge Nixon, Jr. 1111 -!Ernest Mc- liratten, 111. Sr. 11. --Marie. Sproul, tq ; 1» h.'lle Stothei-s, 111 ; •('ladys Riv- ets, MI. Jr. 11,. -John Sproul, li'1. Sr. Pt. -*Ira Stothers, KS. Jr. P1 1.-e '}tmeard Sproul. Those highest 1n sprning were :-Ella, Burghers, Muter Sproul. In vonduct, Oliver Kirke, Ella St.,thers. Those whose names ate nlet•k10 - were absent imolai., RP . part Of the •exanlinatinne. M. ts. part 1ttKLeTe Tsar her. 1\ KONKsu t v, April 21st. Mra. Turner . and her daughter Gladys went today to liiniiie for a Wrektt it.,__ - - _ .\Ir. Wallies. is offering for sale the two lots just -went of Mountain'm hotel. The sale will ►.e held on Fri- day. !level fleetly •ell lust week into the rooms above the drug stun'. He has engaged with Miss Milligan for the summer months. - BAKERY BOSINI•:as 1nui,-=S. poach hag Mild his fakery business here to N. Treleaven. Mr. Ronda, however, retains peeression until next year. The laymen's missionary congress in\ O'-totll.x Houk Lucknow wink. held Loin April 'Pah t rA„[er M or to -May oth. RTeelinge for men at 1.114- l're.hyterian church each evening and unretings for w•eruen and children each afternoon in the - Methodist church. ' Vota drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera- tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. r '.4, �. �.olut, unr rurmul.. g W. sent.e •I,.,,hot from our med,mu•• vers woo 4.s• r.. doctor u4. Unless there is daily action of the bow- els, poisonous products ■re absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your consnpation .by taking laxative doses of Ayer's fills. �aaW *r ah. 4. C- a7N Oe., Low.,l, v--_ ST. HELENS* Ttlea»A,, April 2httli. Wotts''s lNs'rrr(TK.--The unuugl meeting of the %Vonten's institute will be hell at the honk. of Mrs. A. Anderson on Tuesday, tpril 27th, in- trad otTh iraday. All heti member's :itc requested to attend. O0). -BORNE. SVsaisee,uav, April '21st., }'rrt'tr Preceerltr'rw: - Y he itr.be.ativ.rw for fniit so tar are ivied. jud ring from lhr iniwt'nse 'show for . bels oft the +tp de. tutu', plow and .cheers. _trees, Those who live been taking stock of the prosp•cti report that the present veer clay le' a record one if the heathen lei favorable' for the developing of the blossoms during May and the first wewit of J.ms, Hurry Up, Mr. Moyes' Cn,ite-tr-re 1,X7.-Wirrk on the new Methodist church will be commenced this week. (Geo. Stothelr has securer) the eontract for the bricklaying, Gro. Begley for the carpenter work and N. F'. `Vhvard for the eavestroughing. (free MeteriN..-The postponed s n meeting untie- at er the uepiees of the SV M. S. will he held on Monday evening next in Elliott's hall. :44 very interesting program is in course .1 preparation. Everybody will be mode welcome. A. silver collection will be taken. I- time- l'I.oarNaa-There is a scheme on foot in the village to secure early closing of stores on certain nights of the week. This is a step in the right direction and should meet with the hearty approval of all. it is not fair to ask clerks to stay at their poet until 9 or 1(1 o'clock at night. (live them a ehenee. They are hutn&u like nus- selves. AUBURN. resile', -A -pill 31th. - A. -C. Jo,ksun haw -taken.. charge. of the sawmill her'. Owing to the ort weather seeding is progressing very slowly. Charier Howson lost hie entire horse -Derry Down" this week. Ile was found drn,l in the 46111e when Mr. Howson went uut.in the morning. BAts Rn.tiw. - Both i•oauls to the' meths,' ELM 111 a poor state of repair at present. The direct one from the village is impassable. 'rile public are warned/ that if they use it they will run all risk. The one trade by the railway by way of the -kale line 1s hardly any better. Some were in favor of hindiug the railway when the Bonuses ante granted and all have now come to the conclusion that the railway creat} is ---take all you can get and give as little its return as pos- sible. TiiI',hATk Cei141NTIN.t SuOTT.-\Ve are again reminded of the uncertainty of human life by the death of Chris- tina Scott, which occurred un Satur- day, the 17th fret., at her residence on the lath concession of Hallett, NOWA wa,v Morn in the township of Dumfries sixty -ane years ago, Iler father, the late ,Fames Scott, took up the lot on which deceased died, fifty- nine years ago, and removed his fam- ily (hereto, and there decease(( had resided the greater part of her life. About twenty years ago she was at tacked by rheumatism in its severest form. Medical skill was of . ne avail and she gratleally grew worse, for the pest thirteen years Ming unable to walk. She took a keen interest in everything taking place. Never idle. her mnment* )f leisrim were spent in trading and she required an intel- ligence *have 1 he average. Although A groat saffferer, she was always kind and cheerful, her life giving evidence of the hope she •V,tertainetl that be yond the dark portal faith in the eternal Son of (fop gains admission to those milliner)* prepared for those who love Him. Followed by A large number of friends end acquaintencee her remains were conveyed to the cemetery on the 13th concession of Hallett, where they were consigned to their last resting place. Luc o• kn w Lodge, No. 117, 1. 0.0. P., will celebrate the ninetieth anniver- sary of the Order and thus recognize the manifold blessings of the Father of all mankind by attending ,divine ser - vier at the Episcopal '-hutch do Sun- day morning at 11 a. n1. The' iareth- ren will meet at their halg.• rooms at fO:'JTmna`wiltinarcll t:. the church. W.E8T WAWANOSH. MoNn.sy, April 11111,11. A PloNkgn GONE. -Able of the early settler* of West Wawanoali passed over to the great majority op Satur- day, April 10th. \\'e refer to :Mrs, 1\...:�., ..., .eli,,1 .#44., Tate Wesley - Fatrrier. Deceased writs (sin eighty- four years ago in the township of Nel- son. Ont., and came with her husband many, years ago to the- township of West.\Vawanosh. she was a noble women, and there air few higher#( :teepee 44 chertwtee- khan- -4>at-of- l.," deceased. She was kind and hospit able, and for forty-six years was a highly respected resident of the town- ship. She leaver two sons--J,iuiltha,_ and \V. It. Ferrier, of \Vawainosh also one daughter, Mrs. Sherrill', of 1iViughain, who infanta the demise of a faithful, affectionate mother. EAST WAWANOSM. tlevttAv, April 19th. II tereersi- lieu. Jefferson spent a few dey. visiting friends in Wing- haui last week Harvey Watson left for Manitoba boat. Wednesday. We wish him success .... a, Mi.r A. I. Lawrence, teacher of No. 11, retard, on,Saturday, after spending her vaca- tion at home Miss Josie Camp- bell was in Bingham ml Saturday. Will Taylor, of Knox College. returned to Toronto last-Mondaj- after visiting his i g !assent,+ mod other friends on the nth daring vacation. A. A. Naylor visited at H. I1. Taylor's Lon Friday afternoon last. Tilt. contract of draining the s,hot)l•grnun.ls. at No. 7 was let to James Haggitt, who completed the job during the holidays. THE LATH DAVID ScuT-r.--Another of the pioneers has passed away, in the person of 1lavid Scott, whose death occurred on Wednesday. April 7th, after a short illness. Deceased had reae ip t.(1 the ripe age of seventy-eight years. He was born in Halton county and carne to Ihi. tnwu- ship when a young ratan. In Dari he settled with Hiw- -t.iriiwrly M 4116 Elizabeth 'Elliot\ also of Halton County, en lot ail. colietasion 7. nil which he resided continuously until his death. Benue years ago he WAS .derteel to a piece on the township council, first *1444 counrillur and after- wants as reeve. He was one of the first erhonl ernstres elected in 14. 14 No. 13 and for forty yearn continued in that office. 11e was a member of Knox church. llelgrave, and in poli- tics wan a Conservative of inde- pendent leanings. liesidee his widm4•, four sons and three daughters survive hien : Peter WV., William 1:., David S and Cyrus W.. Mrs. W. M. Scntt, Mrs. John E. Fells and Isabella E. We'll tape oar chances alongwide the man who would rather make&child smile then nodal. *dollar at the ex seof his fellows. MONEY FOR THE FARMER K mike TIMI per rent. 1111 cont money by inveeting Spa ('rilliP naw..- :You can do this by pute ting nett Apple, fear, Plum and Cherry Trees this spring. A Beautiful Home for Everyone MAY he had by phinting a few vines% and shrubs, such as Bose ton Ivy,Dorothy Pr Perkins Pink Climbing Rome. Clematis, and some oratnarnlaI tires m• ever- greens. Address : John Stewart Estate BENMiLLER, ONT. An esteemed salbs,•riter et Lep 8 11- -s tt)serfptfl ttir-1m* Signal, and +tilde : '•SVoi,ld have paid it soon but waiting to go to ode - rich by *$ (l ctric railway." -_ - tnle7hh TIM 'Dar, Arutr. S'J, 1909 7 Spring and Summer Underwear In Fine English Natural Wools, French Balbriggan, Ellis Sprint Needle, - Merino and all the leading lines in Summer Underwear. Call and see the New Rubber Collar, "Kantkrack" in all the newest styles. McLEAN BROS. PALACE CLOTHING STORE. The use--SL}_paint is an economy__t protects and beautifies. It makes buildings last longer and look tett: . But be sure and get the right kind of paint _or v;._ atiisil for your purpose. Ask your dealer for SHLRW/N W/LL/AMS PA/NTS AND VARNISHES Made in Canada Ai JfftRI I11111L4MJCU fiontreat TorontoWtnn Low H s for Settlers. '1'o certain coin in Saskatchewan and Alberta eaah•-Tuesday during April. Fill information sand tickets from any linnet Trunk agent. Talkative,' ' "1 wouldn't objeck t ' wan dat keeps tilkin' all de title , -.aid 1-nid Eters, •'•11 lie didn't inei,. on th'un ler in a question every tett minutes or so dat you's got to answer to show you's keepin' awake." -Washington Star. IL is easier to stop the barking of a dog than the sinei ae of a luoasauitO " i can truthfully say that i believe that, but for the use of your Emulsion 1 would long since have been in my grave. 1 was past work -could not walk up -hill without coughing very hard." THIS, and mods more was written by Mr. G. W. Hower - ton, Clark's Gap, W. Va. We would like to send you a full copy of his letter, or you might write him direct. His rase was really marvelous, but is only ate Of the many proofs that Scott's Emulsion i. the most strengthening Arid re vitalizing preparation in the world. Even in that most stubtvern of all diseases (consumption) it does won- ders, and in less serious troubles, such as anemia, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, or_.loss of flesh from Any rause the effect is much quicker. era. Aottl. of 1(x)TT i:31i-til1Oti -be enrolls SCOTT'S and or It. ALL DRUGGIST'. Ina or roll TrIl Mr. rower/,.n'• lott.r An,1 4,rno Iitor.tur. on (.•. mpt, ,n Judi •, n11 ,1 u. a row owe the Mr., SCOTT & BOWNE 126 W.Ilinaton SL, W. Tnrento 'J Collars Collars WI. hate 0111' I'ohm s for the spring trade, Leather, Cloth and Sweney Collars A goal clean ntes•k 141 choose from (hg bony srau•on is eommenring and if you need unr of our Best Team Harness-- dont. nil• ce' o 'wive al. to Late in 1 he season. Our inerea'irtg 1•1114111"4/1 is the hest proof 111 aur giving sal isfa(tinn. H. E. KNOB A(JlH111N. BICYCLE NO$ `$'OPE ....New Wheels.... 14 1; I1ANU1.1•: (►NLX THE -HEMI MAKES TIIA'' ARE MANUFA(TITREH. I BICYCLES, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES and GENERAL REPAIRING. Opera House Block. Kingston Street. New Tires, New Seats, New Coaster Brakes. (ireat Bargains in -Rebuilt second=hand Wheels. Old Wheels refitted and made as good as new at moderate coot Complete stock of Bicycle Sundries now on hand- - Let us put your wheel an good shape-- Allworkt lt orou hl and g Y promptly attended to- _ WM. YULE BARGAINS , In going through our stock we find that we have too Targe a stock of sev- - _. eral lines, which we are going to offer you at greatly reduced prices, some of which are : Fancy English (iraniteware, German (iraniteware, Hall, Library and Stand Lamps, Hollywood Paints, Wall Kalsomines, Stock Food, etc. Call and see our Bargains: they are greater bargains than FIRE SALE BARGAI Wi: HAVE Siat London Fence Machines, complete, who h we offer at each aq,S° A gaanhty of No 11 Cleveland ..oiled driatbonlzed spring Steel Ware, which runs two rods to the Ib. We are offering thus at, per Ib., 3t 4c A quantity of No. 12 and No. tl Weaving Wire, at, per lb. 535 rods of different styles of No. q wit e, ideal Fenc.ng, 1514 rods of different styles of No. 9 ware, American Fencing, Sob rods of different styles Pittsburg Fencing. zo rods of Dillon Fencing, to rods of Maple Leaf, making a total of 2385 -rods of fenling, which we want to turn into cash, and also to make rOon, for our Spring Goods. COME EARLY AN GET FIRST CHOICE. In Numbing, In r . e t in K. avert sou g hi n g T'insmithing, attended to, and fully guaranteed. 3c tc., all work promptly Store Phone 21 CHAS. C. LEE noun. 'Phone 11�