HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-22, Page 66 TEVIIiIDAT, Aral. 1909 THE SIGNAL : GObERICH' ONTARIO OWES 11ER Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com pound Vienna, W. Va. "11..•1 that 1owe the last ten years of my life to Lydia E. Pinkham's \ ege• table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shade*. I had been under the doctor's carebut gotnoreiief. My husband' per- suaded me to try Lydia E.'Inkhorn's Ve'getable Com- pound and itworked like a charm. It re- lieved aN my pains and misery. 1 advise. all suffering women to take Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound." - M its. I: HMA WHEAT N. Vienna, W. Va. Lydia Es I'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from gqaatiye roots herbs, contains no ullrcotics or harm- ful drugs, an today holds the record for the largest umber of actual curet; of female di of any similar medi- cine in the coup , and thousands of ._ioluntatt�y?etatiuio ale are on file in the I'inkham la tory at Lynn, Maes., from women who have been cured from aim. it every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul-- ceration,disptacementa,fibroid tumors, irregularities, per , Iic pains, backache, indigestion and .• rvoue prostration. `very such suffer .r woman owes it to If to give > iia E. Pinkham's atrial. If yo ula Iikespeciad advise about yo write a confiden- tial letter to Pinkham, at advice b t I; M1 advice free,and alvr international jYewspaper _Bible Study Club • Suggesrrve Quest! m, on the International Sunday Se heat! Lessons, Prepared X Dr. L by Rev. . .nscot Brantford rant% ord el(eliis,teresl in .accordance with the t opyrtght Art* April 45th. 1909 The Gospel at Antioch. Acta xi.: 1)4: 10; xii.: 9. . Golden Telt-The disciple* were culled (iiiistianCtire.in Aut.och. Acts xi.: _hl. Verses ItI :21 Who were. they that were "scattered abroad ?" lied these Inco any autbol•ity from tlw church to preach? (See Ate viii. 4 Ia it the duty of every Christian to piearb Christ, whether nr not he has leen appointed by the church 1c do so? :) 1s it possible to enjo'y the fullness of (:owl's love and never gay a word about it Ave good people liable to be narrow in their views? • Are persecutions and all soils of trorrieleitlways helpful to the ebildren uf. tiuli: Some of these dieciples seem to have been 'tallow and preached) to Jews only : either*, being broader, preached to the Greeks also ; what iu.ula the dif- feram x_in.iJiaae IU*tI1 %Vhieh is the greater tniwer to broaden our views, *tad stale us love everybody : our environment. or sink - big deeper and tieing higher in the hive «f (44x1-:-- Vet se ±1-Whetheriinien is narrow or broad if he only preaches .resits w God use hint to extend His i ingd ni? Aro any efforts to extend Lie king - d if tied ever in vdin! `.Verse'�t-Did the •'wa the' mil had rect'i*tesl the e' id of God. give the church at Jerueah n joy or Sor- row ? . What news is the ,oust joyous either to a In a church Sunday. May and. Whitt was the purpose *.of sending l4aeu sisom ? Verses lei -21 What sort of wan Was Kal•uabas ? 1. it necessary or not to be filled with the Holy Ghost in order to make converts or to comfort the children of God, and are these results always attained in the min• istry of a gun filled with the Holy Ghost? tThisquestionmustbe answered in writ- ing by members of the club.) 1)o we exhort one another as much Aa We should to "cleave unto the Lord Are half-hearted people well pleas- ing to God1 Verses 2J -2i1 -1Vhy did liaruub.w start off to Tarsus to seek Saul ? Does it freq,tently happen that tivo holy IIIe'n can 410 much -4 t,ngaether than they could do working apart ? Wherethere the disciples of Jesus first called Christiane ? What had Christ's followers leen called precious to being .called Chris- t inns ? Verses 27-2s 1s thegitt iii prophecy. that is telliug future events, given to any person today. Verses,'J4-iii--Should the church of Christ today be a pract'I brother- hoewl, carie for one ane erl and raping eat15 oilier 8naria ply and n. every tither way, as the need mtyhe:- Should out the church be dein, fit its members the work now being dune by fraternal aor'ieties? Chapter xii.:'95-ll:u•uabaa and Saul took the contributions from -\nti's+ up to Jerusalem to relieve the need there and then returned: was it just aPYf obey had been up there preaching? 1909.- -Paul's First Missionary Journey Cypnse. • sending Pan- and r mission %Void(' it he a help to each local church trxfay-te*fast and pray before eiwh miaeionai y meeting ? Do y-tu think the women took part in this service. and, whether or not. what reason is there to debar women from any of the church's work ? Vet se 4 -Is it possible or prnct ical to he guided in every journey we take •a.f in :ill else livihe Holy Spirit Should A pastor ever take eharyle "f a lt.•w churohl:-without -tiring.- dune ed to do so by the Holy Spirit ? Piease point nut on the ,nap,f in your Hille where Selrtcia. Sidantis and CYprus are situated. '.Vere they consciously, or un - con: •busly, directed by Uuil the Holy Spit -it . along their jultrney ? Verse d hould men •and wonu'ri. in the otdin walks of life. be. as faithful in pre hing the gospel, or testifying for J . wherever they mar he, as Patti and Acis 1.f: I.7.:. Gulden Text -Go ye into all the world and preach the goapel to every creature. Mark 16: 15. V.'ree 1 --Where was Antioch ? h a t const ituttd a Christian char then -and mr,1 : \Vhat a the difference between• prophets an , cachet's 1' Verse 2 -Mut. 's meant by •'nrinis- th. What mental, physic• nrjiiriytual amt. • le ate there det'Ite 'olrl tikt Ow? How lout should a person a gin trent food in Ocie, -to constitute 1'I.f .l iall fault :' What right has the presentslay Protestant church hr discontin'1e the mac -tree of fasting? When would the eats of a company of •gall• sten he Most se'usitive to the voice of God, during a feast or a • ' - Were there any connection between their ministering and fasting. and the Holy Spirit speaking to theta ? Is the Holy Spirit apt to speak to those gilt/ are not intense.: engaged in the cause of What is necessary in order to culti- vate an ear for the voice of God ? Should We all, be "calle.l-Tat God, before unelerteking any kin'. of work? Verse 3 -Ought the churl h today to send out missionaries to new districts and to heathen countries ? If it is the duty of the church to send out missionaries. is it or is It not the duty of every person. whether a member of the church or not, to help support them ? This question must be answered in writ- ing by members of the club). Why ,lid th•'y fast and pray before et "B" IN THE CIRCLE of those who wear our easy and hand some shoes, and you will never have cause to complain of tired feet.-.. We. pride ourselves upon the excellent make of our shoes throughout, from the selection of the ieather•s to the finishing of the shoe. They are made n all sizes and 'widths, on.. the bee and most approved lasts. aud'are not only easy -lit ting and stylish, hut very durable also. WM. SHARMAN GODERiCH EG. far. liht4 o IVIAN Price 25 (ls. pakte RD'S LINIMENT GA. ---U141TEn - WINS TeC.001 U^'I-r t 1H, t.5 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE BEWAiE Oi IMITATIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF INARD'S LINIMENT 'PHONE 15 OR 2 /Warehouse (ler. West l When yen want. (and Yards ( street and THE Mixt •t flock/ \sonar• COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND w�W weighed ga Coal weiNion the rtele. yea pt 1,li3 11". for a ton. WM. LEE. as= yet at C. e', LEE'S 11ardware Stare II Sonars. prewpUv attended to' Itofttm htyrps'na that after putting t a big bluff • man falls ns'.'t fa rnabas were Ferre 1) -Hod many •laces men- tioned ir, t .is legnon ate rested on the Island of Cyprus I ' your ‚Hall 7►at-40 -tiTe„4 eie,i o thio roan Elyntaa ttO claim to be a prophet ? \ Verses 7 8 -How do you account for a man [wing so had as o try to pre- vent another wan fro serving the true God ? • Verses 0 -I2 -Are good n$'n justified in rebuking had men with V�ehemence, when they would stop a work of love and mercy Is it possible for a had maiq to es- cape the just penalty of his sin r�:y Lesson for Sunday, May 9th, \\\ ltll)p, Paul's First Missionary Journey,-- Antioeh in Pisidia. Acts sill, : 11i -•'i GEO. ROBINSON NOMINATED. Candidate of Killarney Liber.Js for Manitoba Legislature- Kill;uney, Elan., April lath '\Vin- nipeg Free Press despal chi. -The Lib- eral convention held here today for the purpose of n • ting a candi• date to contest Killarney conatitu-' enev for the Legislates. was well at- tended' and resulted in George 'neon, of Hinge, being chosen OP the candidate- The following names wer• placed in nomination : Geer. H. Monteith, George Robinson, Geo.. Campbell, .1, 1'. McKihbih, Ales. Rankin, J. M. Rankin. las, Mc- Nnnghton. M. M. Hayden, ltev, M. P. Floyd. J. W. Swale and A. McQueen, jr, After all these gentlemen had de- clined to stand. with the exception of Mr. Robinson, it was moved by Mr,' McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Mc- Kibbin, that Mr. Itohineon'e nomina- tion le trade unanimous. Mr. Robinson in accepting the nom- ination said that he thought with good hard work and unanimity in the Liberal tanks this constituency could 1w carried, and from that day until election day. whenever that might le, he was in the battle to win. in a few words he showed that he had a good graep of the public questions and Was quite callable of showing up the iniquities of the Roblin Administra- tion. The tweeting was 'addressed by R. H. McDonald and Mr. Fisher, of Winnipeg. and J. B. Anird, M. P. P., of Pilot Mound. Mr. Robinson, the candidate, re- sides wt--Nierga, where he holds- the position of postmaster. He in also largely interested in farming. running three farms in, the conetituency. He was both In trilderlftb forty -flee years ago. was educated in the public schools there. and graduated from Goderich Collegiate in U{R:I. He moved to southern Manitoba in 'MAL. meeting first at Roiaaevain attd later at Ninga, where he ham been engaged in mercantile and farthing interest since. Mr. Robinson is well known throughout the constituency as a of sterling honesty and solid in- tegrity. Aar_ Ituldnaaaiaa-hrothnr of Petra.. 8, E. Hick and of Capt. \Vat, Robin- son, of (lolericb. Colonist Excursions to Pacific Coast and Mexico. Daily until April :soh, nn_e-wayy sec- ond -}'lams colonist tickets will is• he Plied by the Grand 'Trunk )railway System to the following pninte at very low rates - Vanr,,uver, R. ('., Seattle, Wash-, Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore„ Los Angeles. ('al„ Man Francisco, Clal., Mexico City, Pte, For farther information and tickets apply 10 F. F. Lawrenee, town ticket agent, Goderich. Repeat it : -"Shiloh s Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds,•• 1f a druggist len t given a golden harp and crown when he dies, will he he Rationed with "emnething jnsl as gond s.. CURES INDIGESTION. All Distress from Stomach and indi- gestion Vanishes Ia Five Minutes. Take your sour stomach -or maybe you call it indigestion. dyspepsia, gas- tritis or catarrh of Ptonetch : it doesn't mutter - take your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a ie i -cent ease Of Pape'• t►iapepsin and let you eat one 23 -grain tt•ianguie and Nee if within five minutes there is left any trace of your stomach misery. The correct name for your trouble is foal fermentation -food souring ; the dipfestive orgund become weak, there is lack of gastric juice ; your food is only half digested, and you he - conte affected with lyse of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating : vomiting. nausea, heartburn, griping in b rwele. tenderness- in the pit of stoutaeh, had taste in mouth. consti- pation, pain in litub4, sleeplessness, belching of gag. biliousness, sick head- ache, nervousness, dizziness and many other symptosis. If your appetite is fickle and no- thing tempts you, or you belch gas or if y u feel bloated after estltilt.--lit if your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this t here is but one cause - fermentation it undigested food. Prove to yourself, after - your next meld, that your 'stomach ill so good as any :.that there is nothing really wrong, Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of dlecowtort or misery. Alinoat instant relief in waiting for pouf. it is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepein. How to Make a Lawn. Prof. Hutt, of the O. A. College, at Guelph, gives the following advice on the Way to obtain a goal lawn, and the matter is now timely : "The lawn is a problem that has conquered runny, but a gond lawn is only a Mat- ter of care and the right soil. To ob- tain the happy HI impels -carpet -like surface the lest seep to 1,e until in this part of the country in a combine - tine of blue grime, red top and white clover. ,Thisshnld 1* mown as thick- ly as possible in the spring, so that when the grams grove it intertwines in great profusion. This system brings superior results than sodding, The beet fertilizer 11 manure, though a commercial fertiliser can be used. The manure is applied in the fa11, after the first frost and Is•:orp the first snow. In the '+piing the 'snow rune into the gr 1 and feeds the very roots of the grass," A Special Offer. Wo are able to ennonnee a special rete to new anhsrribet•s for The Mon- treal Fetidly Herald and Weekly Star in etentenation with The Signal for the remainder of the year. 'Tn new subscribers the two pipers will be Rent until .Innuary let, 1911, for $I 111, En clg, one dollar with emir 114n1e and iultire•os to V*hatter ,t Robert eon. The Signal, Godes—kb. Ont. THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Clos, Lower -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. ,Monday 1 {,•nine. April pi Liverpool w host futures to rho 1161 lower, raid core led higher than on Saturday. Chicago May wheal , lose,l 1'er lower, corn sec higher, and oats 'et. lower: Winnipeg Options edea&: -Ando IL'r'ti hast. Jut. al "4', hid, Mao 91.3 bid. hid Oats -April 43ifc bid, May Toronto Grain Market, Wheat, fall, bush 11. 15 to 21 16 V. -heat . rad, blah. 1 14 1 0 Wheat 10014, bush 1 tb 1 10 Rye, bushel 0 75 Buckwheat. bushel 0Peas, bushel , 0 1111 Worley,Withal 0 60 Oats, beulhel 0 W Toronto Dairy Markt. Rutter, separator, dairy.... 014 Sutter. store lots 011 Butter, creamery, .elide 0 !1 Butter, creamery, Ib, rolls0 x 1011,. new-Wd, doses o 19 Cheese, parse. Ib 14 Cheese, twin Ib 0 leie Holey. extracted 0 leie 0>r 0 19 0 29 099 01 New York Dairy Market. NEW YORK. April 19 -Didier, steady. omelets. 6790: creamery. specials, 11, to }glee; official, 21c; extras, to Tie•: third to 'first, 111 to 26c, held. third to lied. IOC to 27c; process, corner to ape- r1aL ate to We. western factory. nret, 14.4 r., 191•. Cheese. firm. receipts, no. state full cream, ,pedals, 16e to re, do , tansy, Wise: do., good to fine, 15' c, winter made heat. 1404e:- 4o-, good Li prime. 13iec to 1 e; 40., com_ lmt0_to fair,13c to 11r, skims full to specia1:ESf'it r61Siir"" Eggs --strong. recelpte.. 71.=.41. State. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy. selected white. MSc: do • fair to choice. 1 .' to lac; brown and mixed fancy, 1cdo., fair to choice, 311ec to =Vac. western storage, packed. Mo. western fl 21{ee t fife ,eeonds, -3610--10 .11c: 1. UV; do., gerunds, IOe to vac, • BRAND CORN SYRUP. Makes House!�e�o ug Easier ler o '1tU, ;1,11.1 summer "Protea Brand Syrup'' ` •!:uuld be. More largely. used by everyone. I t simplifies the slaking of deli- cio!: n. ell•.to sucji :in extent that house- keepi r ., I•: 'omen easier in Cveryway. 1.'1i.v. a ili.*nd Syrup eaten with bread. toast, hist -nits, pudding. porridge ur paAtrv, lir—ail , s ..astaining dishes that please the p;iklte awl. don't' ti• t the ixtaly—�ttghes that -ire pl.tin, v: h.lesomc, cosily 1. ed and easily digested a tl at the•anit•'lititi•.very;,uourishing,-,,. nt. e Wuultyotl try CROWN BRAND SYRUP? When you .r..,a."o iter nrR -.. thil.k ..f itp•wit" it. w•hnle.nmeneya(, of all the dainty and delightful dishes you can make with it, --when you think of CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Firm --Hogs Steady at Buffalo and Chicago. LONDON. April 19 - London cables for r•'6,Ele are steady, at 19'tw• to i'h-r• per Ib. for Can 'tan steers, dressed weight; re- frtgsrlFtr Per Ib.\ Tor to Junction Live Stock. TORON JCNc1riON, April 19.--- Reoaipta or. v. atmk at the. Crum. Stock Yards ere 54 carload*, eon - stating of 1196 the, 1*1 hoc.. 33aheep and lambs and •5 calves. sap era Export steers sold l640 to X.70.. the buck gang at i. 50 to 98.00. export bulls sold at K31 to fu tier -wt Butchers. Prime picked Iota of butcher sold from 15.30 to 35triads)10 of 1 to R •V••mrdlum. atl 61.60 to tN.90 , ORIm N to $4 :u. , owe, 11 'O to XIX calmer com- mon cows, >1.,01 10 31.80. veal Calve. A limited number of veal calve. add 39 to 26 per cwt. Milker. and springers. Fred Rowntree bought all the n.9lkera, and springers 9m .ale. 11 in number, at $4 to 16o each. 'beep and Larrobs. Ren 1pt. light Prices were. if anything. a little easier. Export ewes. Nee to X. rams, 9250 o 84-14, yearling lamb. of good quality, 3 3.50: .amnion, 6 to 19 par cwt ; spring Iambs. 33 to 1s each. Boor Prices unchanged. $sleets, feel and wat- ered, at the market, 3.50 and 37 14. f o.b., cans. at cowMry points. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, April 19.--(9rwrW-)-At the Montreal Stock. Yards.. Weal End Markethe receipts of live stock for the eek ending April 17 were 11710 rattle. 11C s p and lamb., 1104 hogs and 1410 calve. the ' ferules this morning consisted of Not cattle. ' sheep and Iambs. 2775 hogs and 400 felt'- Altho the weather was unfa- vorable, 1t Ing wet *rid cold. there was a fairly large tendanre of buyers, owing to the fact th they were all pretty well clearaed'041t of s k gad d coasequenc.. they all wanted a w cattle, of whl, 1 the supply was none , large. The de- mand was good and a ray active trad.- was done at firm. prices. Chale advtcwe, continue firm, consequently -,ere was al- so some demand for export - • tint for small lots to complete s • •- - - with from St. John. N.R. Clinic* and belfers sold at Hee; good. at Wttc to 664e: fair .t 416c to 6e. medium, at 4iee to 4(4., common, at Sne to 4e. and buns. at Wee to 6e per lb. 'ens condition of the market for same and lambs was unchanged. prices being firm under a good demand and =all nipple and eels of yearling lambs were made at G4yc to 7c gad nld Sheep at fie to bier e••r ab Being lambs Were scares and wnnte.l at prices rang- ing from 93 to 66 each, as to aha The. °Metes of calves were fair, which met with • good demand at from 12 to :s each. as td, quality. The undertone to the mar- ket for hop continues strong and pricer. are alt IIS tending toward* a higher level. he supply was 0:'.. ly large, but as peckers and. dealers were short of stock ths•delnand was hest and an artier trade wag done. Sales of aslectsd lots were nude at 9114 Per cwt. -weighed off ears fables front Liverpool and Landon os Canadian bae•nti, were Meting and or - ed an advance In prices of 3 to 4 ' - ewt I its fine "Lust 1-t tf4111 flavor and clear golden colour, --and how it will save you trouble and bring variety to every meal --don't you think it worth your while to order some. Children thrive tin it. Adults enjoy it, Fa your ..nrearnre Ce,wa Breed Syne w pd win 2. 5.10 ed 20 air lids ne w.k I.h - 4 fib. The Edwardsburg Starch Co., Limited ESTABLISHED 1868. tooth.. CARDINAL,. Ont, Ufhce.: MONTREAL. TORONTO sad a&ANYVOIRD Jug East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST RUFF'A14). April 19.--Catty-Re- celpts, 1100 head, fairly active and stei0 prime steers, 9640 to 9675, shipping, to 1131, butcher., 9614 to Il16i heifer:. $4-25 to (6; cows, (I to 95.1; bulla, 374)t• 16-116; stockers and feeders. Eli 1.. IG. stolek heifer, 33-50 to N. trash Dow's and springers, 314 to 914 veal.-Recelpta, :.900 head; meso Power, N to 3.71. Hoge -Receipt,, 11.800 tela tivs and 6c to lac higher; hoary. 1 1 3.60; mixed, 3 31 to 97.16; corkers, ! .r, I. 3.15; prig, 9666 to 3475, roughs, i' 1:, 1'. 3140; stags, 96 to 9680; dairies, P.9) to $.10:-..._ - Sheep and Larnbei-Reoelpta, MOGI t,, -ad slow; Iambs, pec to 10r lower; tarn' . h'^ to 9190; • few 3: yearlings. *JAI '0 1', wetbers, 46 to 16.16; -ewes, N.60 to 61.75, sheep, mixed, 32 to 3. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK, April 11. -Reeve Re- ceipts, 6006; steady to firm: steers, 9190, belle, 3275 to 34.75; cows, 37 -too 9616; dressed beef, steady. Export to- morrow, 707 rattle. Calves -Receipts, 7411. Market, 1 wer. Veal*, * to 3.A; few ehotee, at 3A '.e -a 36; culls, N to 34.50; city dreams.) vee. +, to Wee, few, lac, country dressed, . to 10e. Sheep and iambs-rteceelpte, ' '', steady to firm; wdnlled sheep, 34.50. w. clipped do, N to 06; trooped Iambs, .• In 38.41. clipped do., 36 to 97.1. Hogs--Recelpts, 9861 steady to fats. state hop, 3.26 to 97.60. Chicago Live Stock. f'IITCAOO. April 19 Cattle-rtecr.1 estimated at 21.000; market steady to 10.: (over; beeves, $4.76 to 3; Texan steers. 5410 to 16.70: western steers, 3.40 to 15.75: stocker and feeders, 53:0 to M.60, own and heifers, 22 to X. calves, 96 to 37.26 Inure -Receipts. estimated at 24,000; mar ket, steady; light, 8070 to 3720. mixed 56.*) to 3720; heavy, 96.53 to $.30; 6186 It, 17, god to choler heavy, 16.16 to 331; Olga, 66 66 to KW. bulk of sales, $ to $.20. Sheep -Receipts, estimated at 2.,110. market, steady; native. tiS,to 16.16; weal ern. 3,14 toi6.16; yeerllnros, WA to 314, lambs. native, 36.50 to 1130; western, ISO 1. 11g. Woman's Wa . The saintly thing shout a woman is how she can adore a man that nobody else ran tolerate. -New York Preen. Significant. \Vhen a schoolboy begins to comb his heir and scrub hie teeth 01 his own free will. it's a sign that he has matri- monial designs on hie teacher. ('hi sago New.. Foolish, "A mane a fail it be believes every thing 'is/ wife tells him." mays the philosopher of ',Mt, "Intl he's a hog ger fool if he iln sn't pretend he doe., ' -Cleveland Leader. 1 Why Christie's Biscuits are the ,best GOOD , I3ISCUITS\are made by more than one or two manu- facturers, and can be baked from any one of a few excellent brands of e • ur, but the Christie way is differe The best millers in Canada ship us samples of their flour twice a year, or oftener. We test the samples and-sefect the hest brands for our purpose. \\'e blend the brands which we have proved best— keep on blending and testing by actual baking until we get a dough good enough to sustain, or better, the Christie reputation. Every ounce of raw material is carefully anemia before it can pass into the mixing room. The bestsugar, pure, fresh creamery butter, new sweet milk and_deliciou' cream—these pure ingredi- ' ent, mixed with our blend of flour, in the Christie scientific way, yields that delightful, appetising crisp- ness and delicate flavor which has made Chrir-, , „'s Biscuits favored above al othertable dai nties from ocean to ocean. Yes, -Christie's are the best biscuits money can buy, yct they cost no more than just ordinary biscuits. Sold by Craws eierywher$ Christie, Brown & Company, Limited, Toronto tramormataimm mean Kidptly :tout,... \ :, aad Feet 'vol• t. 3, r,nrrca!ova, What yen 1 . , u,,- * 1r l.l,;u,.t .:. Take iN LLS ';'.z:e t."y.:r i,,�, .Y._ •,.s•��I"�rLi �l . t;10; 'ctt.nt-Cr_-,4id0—o,ict01•; tae-ycth0these vital • n- 4, du„' ,vc6•;'firrg!In.:h,(andA-ttaandHeerlret-neutralize t'oakas t. 1 -et on receipt of price. Fer.eedy ,noes 6y Dolt Drug Co.. Winnipeg. REPT. fl. —RATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO. LIMITE3 1-;',304T3 ted► _-- :: , o rne7,T-- -}amt 71' .y LITTLE DIGESTERS Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote Diptestion. Money back if they fail to cure. Atall n, ott,.•e "r d,rert (rot. 2Sc. a Box. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HAIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND REMADE CARPET All order. LA 1NG promptly alteude4 ler Y i teems moderate Itupalr Items+: one door rve,o 011. J. Harper,. stove Store, %Vent Street. Itesideece-Elgin Avuuur. (4uler. 1:0.1) ysl i G. JOHNSTON EA' ?4LMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR (uruitureand Uudertaking;wareruoa,n, West aide square, 'YBONE: Moretti. Uodurich Residetwn 178 Night call: At rwidetioe Si w'llhaat Strout. J. BKOPHEY & SON - ---101E LIADINU-- Funeral Directors - and Embalmers Orders carlally s[Lt,.ed to al all born, ,.Igbt or day FINE TAILORED ICtOT111N6I FON MEN 1 FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL i When made by - Lhe TailofQUNLOPWest St. 4 — U' t_ • 0. Very L F wFares t0 NORTH PACIFIC COAST t hu• -e ae. second . bas. 1 is t, hon- or'ti to t int sleeping ears( n,Pnt 4,1 moderate berth VIA CANADIAN PACT FIS. Direct Line Full infurmat ion ft urn JOS_ K1UU. - C. I'. R. Agent. - (iodPrroh. ReLW GRAND TRUNK_sYISTEMAY NEXT HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS ALL RAIL `-IA ('1I I('A'O MAY .Ith. VIA RAI L and BOAT Steamer leaves Sarnia .1::1, May 19th. Vnnipeg and \\ return $32.00. Edmonton and return $42.50. I'1» lona , rates 10 other points eastern Ca ada. Tickets Kos"I fur days. Secure Octets frontV - - F'. F. LAWI NUE, wn Agent. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY. 11omeseekers will find the route by Chicago. wihtlut0,, Fort Frances anal Canadian Northern the most intPr.•dting and direct '•• Western Canada SETTLERS' and HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Apply to nearest (:rand Trunk Ticket Agent, or writs C. PRICK-GREis, Passenger Agent, ('annmlian Northern Building, Tnrnnto A• woman's Sympathy Are you dlerouraged? la your doctor'. hill a heavy financial ioad? 18 your pair' heavy physical burden? 1 know what then mean to delleate women -I have been dlecour ed, too; but learned how to nrn myyeetf. I want to relieve your bur- den*. Why not end the pain and stop the du, tor'a h1117 1 can do this for you and wilt tf you will assist me. All you need do Is to write for a free hex of the remedy which has been placed In my hands to be given awel'.Perhaprl this one hoe will CUT, you -it has done en for others r. If so r shall be happy and ynu will he cured for to (the eOst of a postage etampp). Tone letters held rnnfl- drntlally Write to -day for my free tic,, n.enl, MRH. F. E CURRAII. Windsor. Ont.