HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-22, Page 1A
Trade -
Advertising in THE SIG-
NAL gains new trade and
holds the old. If you have
made your pile and dont care
whether you do business or
not don't advertise.
etX1'Y:r'IGosit use
TA Good
A well -printed letterhead, ow
good paper. gives a firm's cor-
respondence an appearance
whtck.at once recommends the
business in whose behalf it is
sent. THE SIGNAL prints
this kind of business stationery.
I am offering for sale Debentures bearing, interest
at five per cent. per anwum, payable half -yearly.
These debentures ( " r an absolutely sate end prof
itable investment. 1 would advise anyone having
money to invert to be num to call SOMI see lite.
bound or repaired.
lllorder. promp tl Att.nded to o. isaving
a -with T11 F. OIONAt, Ooderlcha
Notice to Creditors
Nattiest. hereby given 0ar1nan to See. 36 of
1 hap. 1.0, It. S. 0., tan. that all p,r.on. having
dour.. or demand. &garnet the rotate of the soul
John Holland. de,erecd, Wien d,ed on or about
tau• tab day of March. lob. ere 'wowed to
-end t.y post. {{repaid. or deli, or to the unite]
waned, militibir for the adu,lnistrateiw. on or
before the Lith de of May. IO. their t'hrietian
.0100(0ee and- U(rotdreeese., alth full pltrttr
War. in writing of their claire.. and etatement
of their :recount. and the nature of the mecum
tier Of anyi held by them. duly verified by stat u:
tory declaration.
And take nutlee that after the .old 13th day
of May. 1:01', rid admintatnwr, will prorn'ed
to ',,tribute the sweet. of the mild dec need
onions the parties. entitled thereto, haviug n
gaol only to the elaim, Of wbkh they hall
then have ns:mo.. and the .1.d administratora
will out be liable for mid Greet., ur any pan
thereof. to any ',cremes or pera,n of wbo.e claim
notice shall no hart, been received by them or
the•r amid eolleltor a1 the toned eurh die
Dated Apttl11. 1•.e. TOSCaadsTrusl
W. HItelMOIK. 1.0000,,.
r 110630. Tho,. Hampon,
solicitor for the Il.00de,.horolien
sari Admmietrston. Admitted mien.
Deal rstate'tor Sale.
11 SALY-Well Ituu.al frame it .tory
Weise. corner 1'ambrtdge .trent and Britannia
road. t'ontelslag 7 rooves. hall.. pantry. *well
ream cellar, N4 ; Meg stone foundation. *11
in geed repair. Bola loom Sao be wad with
bones. sr separately, oe desired. 1f not 'cold at
ewe. hon.e, will be maned. Terns rew'onahle.
For further partkolars apply to HENRI'
HoKNET. Proprietor. orp0KO. BACKLIT.
.111ee tn.wrr.
Li Kitty. corner Market street and Klgin
,...nue. Fire minutes' walk Iran chorine..
edp,wl., pontoelre and etoree. sewer In 'Aline
aernue. !'articular. may be had from J. P.
HRuWN. Gr,h•n,
I lot. for Mel. -Ow
usted on Negate and
hottreet', G'eieneh. Tuna• an wap be
owned upon. For particular. apply to F' J
1 en hoot .treat. One tealee and owe nee
•Ione rwMdeoce. modern iwprovnmen t.. n,u.t
pee roll immediately No reasonable offer re
fowl Same house has stable on the prenifeae-
brick dwelling. with the modern improve
mem". Vlewmentl7J• ail mired and near the soiree.
Aptly to Il'. It, IU)HKRT$4,N.
stoles' brick holies, with seven room+.
oil Bruce etreet. I'artirulare can be had by
. railing at 14 MNAL Unice.
SS if
1' l' l4I0\ a, t'oltourns : 1•L! scree of good
oi1, been miler emote for eight years. }} mile
west of Dunlop and 31 miler' iron, lioderieh
with gond hulldin a and arMaien well ami
windmill, .0 acres o[ orchard. boil of winter
fruit, and ten were.' of blob. For [articular.
apply to JAN. YOUNG. )r.. 1011 N Water. et..
Chicago. 111. trpnm
11 up the estate of the law G. 1'. Mhanaon.
36. Il„ hie' late residents to now for Role. R is
in very fair condition. has modern POO, enter
11e., can be fnepected at any time. For further
Particular. ripply to Proudfont, Hwy. & Blair.
r, J. HAMILTON, Kxeoutor.
in the Yorkton dldrlcl- Your chMce nt
four forme. containing fan acres each; two
with bulidingnt on and telephones In the
he80s. Will sell on sway teepee., Information
osgwrlIn` the eouatry cheerfully Elven. J. H.
7 F.W)4L&Y, Yorkton, Hoak.
Hun °rebs Towner°
4111.110wrlaw OOPITar., - 111.11011.000
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
We solicit the Patronage of the
Highest current rate of interest
paid in our
on deposits of $1.(0 and upwards.
A. O. OAMRI,It; Manager.
Trern oav, Ape4I Yhld.
Fall wheat, 'ter bush 11 eat to 1 1 el
H,41ng wheat, per bush..... I arc to 1 lo
It) w per ble., 0 4e to 060
Nue kwheat, I er bush 0 43 to 0 50
Gate. per be b., 0 is to 0 63
Pere, ser 1,,,-1 0 01 to6 ai
Harley, per his .h 0 15 to 0 91
recess rhg. Ser ton pi 101 to a1 00
Flour. tr•.,Ily. per owt 2 Ire to ! MI
Flour. ,stent. per owt 3 on to 3 (0
Rear , per tun 24 0
Ye ip
Y 11
YI Olt :o
Hay. per ion ... k J. to J
Wood, per porn 6 (01 to
Mutter, per Iti 0 Ir to
(*home. per Ib 0 13 to
Ifsg . freak. per dos 0 I3 to 0 17
Potatoes, sex 1d 111 --et
Cattle, ordin y to geed. per cwt. 4 In to 1 20
Catde. export, per est '4 an to 6 (1
Sheep, per cwi,
Hun. pe?r lb • 0 17 W 0 17
flacon,. per lb -.... 4*S to 0 t
Lard, per Ib 13 to 13
Grain Gender Installed.
The Ouderich Planing Mills have in-
stalled a }tttrain-grinder and acts pre-
pared to do chopping at any time dur-
lug working house. This will be a
great convenience to the farmers. A
wood man is in charge and the hest of
facilities are provided for patrons.
Tennis Club Meeting.
A meeting of the Goderich tennis
club is Balled for tomorrow 4Friday)
afternoon, at the court house, at 4:30
o'clock, to organize for the season.
Che club last year got itanew grounds
in good shape. and there is every pro.-
pe't of On enjoyable season before the
members. All who are interested In
tenniaare invited too attend the meet-
ing tomorrow afternoon.
May 8th the Date.
Friday, May lith, is the date fixed
,tor -thea coseert to 1* given by the
choir of North street Mott�rdisL
church. The choir, under the leader-
ship of Mr. Adams, ie making diligent
Preparation for the event, and an ex-
cellent program of choruses, quar-
tettes, duets and solos. with organ
and piano numbers, is in prospect.
Keep the date clear and hook forward
to a moistest treat.
Former Goderich Boy Married.
Announcewentn have Ia.en received
in Goderich of the marriage on Tues-
day, April U' Itb, of William J. Jones,
1/1. WI V• p eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam
ones, torm(trly of-t7lyat.
ily moved trot Goderich a few veers
ago and settled at Hillyard. Wash-
ington, where Mr. Jones has been en -
the co.Lrectin_g _ business.
trmarriage took place at ITE. -Pat-
rick's church, and the lady of his
choice is Mary Louise, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. August Caral,in. His
Goderich and Loyal friends unite in
7Lito 715
560 to sae
Tallow, per Ib IN to 0 u6
Hide., per cwt , 41(Yi to a 50
Sheep.kin,..........:.... r 4e to W
4 "hit-'(i,e to to !n
IL u, u
u�t.i:1c i,.hrkets on page file week.
Lost or Found`' '
{i1)51'. ItEl' N'EEN \l'11, WAl.
, TF:4L-,, a,1, vo.em.•Ion' of 1 elhornr, and
O. 1 trout h"n•e•. mR Tlw penny. Atn+t C.Ui. a.
blsrk fur ',,.•cru.,'. 6-lndrr wt11 plr:,.r• lca,e-
a1 A. 4. ('AI. II:365.6-:., horn,::.. •hop. .ude
rieh. 41 ".
' Iteemen or Boarders Wanted
1?l►AIll ►ERN Olt lit 1UMEItS\VAN'1'-
.1 Young ladiese preferred. a ,. a I
abl, home. eorn *merit IO 1'olIegh.t.• 1n-'r,rr,
bu.Wa•e' rt.Lousir bike:. -Apply at 1111. P.
NAL 0FFIce:.
,�/:(9i'1'F'iT i3iM E Dj ATTGY.
wood grid mill .iter or peri., mill. in the
county of Huron. near the town of tioderlch.
w'lll ay spot rs.h, or give pan *,.h and Mel r
&nee 1n city property. Andre.. HMIX 11,4, THK
SIGNiI. 1Jodern-h. I •tf
Tender Wanted
Ow I,s w
( toth linlentow 1 ,Il be ro•wlve'1 up t.
May lat. ION, for the rct.urina of Donut' ok
Methodiet church. Th•+',lidding I. to h• rated
and a hawinent wall put molt r it N fort high.
to be veneered with hnek, an okra. to be put
at the heck and a pooh al the front. 1•lan.
and .pet•tllratlonr ,'s,, fro ren est the reidrnee
of Samuel Thump -on at Donnybrook. The
towel., or an tender not nrrt'sranlY tweeted.
WM. KIIHINSON, Malnucn. Ont.Wa-
wanu.hl. 13-:11
Auction Sales.
A 4.7 001/. ('OMFMITAnue. 1.;i T
.A NI41)SK HALF .41111,, OF LAND.
Situated on the corner of Keay. and Raglan
chert, In llielerirh.-
Mr. Ja.. Poetlethwaitr. who ha. (ee•tn wnl'k-
log In Brantford and want- to wove there.
w111 sell by public surf foe et the pretense., on
HATVKItAY'-..M A-V -tr4T-:-4te4(:---
at 2 o'clock .harp. the dwelling at present oa•u
pled M him.
Thinfmwgeod frame r,atage, with two pot.
of the eery -beet garden grened. There le ale
choice fruit• and everything 1. In good -ha e.
Thla ie w good horse, well .hutted, gnwnotit hie
-Id,•walk on et rect. and I. not over ten minute.
walk from the !•.lumps, three minutes walk
trete the Collegtatc likelinte and convenient
'o the new c hhad 3..orges'tt-to-"tie-imft-cm
Britannia rood.
It. will he sold without n•Merve- •
Tyro m Ten per rent. of pnrchaec money
to to paid or arranged for at time of MI.,
balance within thirty day..- er. w Purl iew hale,
pnrcnw+e money may remain ors mortgage it
arra eed .K:
Proprietor. Auctioneer.
'v v..,;'p0' `e�
yIrMe` i SRi
``tallitUA i'. A I'11I1, 211 IL A1- •s
Al ()clock, 4,. Moore., including oil paint-
ings, large mirror.. This mile will be held on
the •Jath in.tead of the In -h and will error,' a
rare opportunity in picture buying. OKI`
MK('NETT. Auctioneer.
o'clock, oo the premise., Sidon street,
ma smote homer, mien tailor, bath and
closet In the hots*. 3 lot., room for two or more
hoi4ses. In the beet pport of the town fart (ru-
Iana from the linder.igned. (:K0. WILLIAMS,
Phonrietor. ORA►. .CK ETT Auctioneer.
► 3 to 11 o'rlork, coats, pant.., vista .harts,
Mite, rap., ribbon., drrn4 wo,1s, handkerrhiofe.
me. A regular clean mist t'amerm k Moore.
corner store. Montreal t t. No reserve,
111t(IK(3K RKt'K BT r. Auctioneer.
/I1HUItSDAY, A1'RJi. '19TH. AT 2
o'clock, at. 13 (newton street. Mr. and
Mos. Nunan have tn.tracted rue to Refit without
reserve, nt. their reatdenee. all the honoehnM
furniture. ronulding of parle. dining room.
bedroon, and kitchen furniture. Everything
must go, am owner. are leeving town Terme
cash. OEOROK BECKETT. Auctioneer,
We have farms, hotels end town property for
male. Gook over the II.L Thie f, only a few of
the propertlei we have for wile. Itsy now
nofore the bene, Marta.
Write, 'phone or eel! et the Auction Honer.
Further particular. from wncti0neer,
041016(0 Rlt('KICTT.
$', 1 O' Twoetory hrtek hour* on Keay'
.newt. 13 room., a town tote, In
mlantew walk from ('Dual House.
11150 (need town let, On South 'street.
$2 200 Twn•.fory nal hrlrk, In central
L+� pir't of town.
$600 Town lot and new born, nn N'M.on
010145, [text Mr. Hodson',
$'2, 700 forge bonne, I'wow. all ,kind. of
$6,000 Mod farm. Easy term..
$225 large barn for remeeel-
f41,31 -til flood from. hm.r. corner ( am
bridge end Britannia, 7 room•. stone
foundation, two town Loa, sell Whet or both.
Mail and Empire. The new 1chool
will be as large as or larger than the
hahasschool, and the suggestion
s been made that it woiuld lee a good
wove to make the new school the
wain school of the two, as there will
be ample room 1.q the grounds for
games of all starts and the location is
Inure Central than that of the pres)tnt
school on North street.
iTo Take Up Outer End of Intake Pipe.
By meads of the small pipe ex-
tended out inside the waterworks in•
take pipe and the force of the stream
'of water sent through it 1t was- found
thgt there was about 115) feet of the
intake pipe at the outer •nd filled
with sand. An opening was forced
through the sand twice by the stream
of water and the water from the lake
came through for a "Mort -time, but
the sand filled in twain, mut appar-
ently the only way of solving the
difficulty is to take ap'.the pipe and
have it cleaned out. Vo he,t the pipe
is once cleared 1.111 again it will le an
easy matter t , keep it clear by Mottl-
ing it out with the apparatus which
was recently installed.
Canoe Club Presentation,
There was a special meeting of tl.e
Meneeetung Catte.P tints nn Tburoday-
night last au a "aeittladT' to K. John
Acheson prior to his departure en a
brief but Interesting expedition. Sup-
per was served in M. C. C. style, Alex.
Saunders presiding in the absence of
Pte•eident Turn b u I1, Afterwards
there wan a speech by , the chairman,
followed by. the presentation to Mr.
b. w,...t Met pie chair, is
token of the goodwill of the members
of the char. Dr. Mabee and Fred
lirnphey inade the presentation, aped
"Jack" replied in suitable tunas. The
proceeding: dueled with- it musicat
program. G. 1... Parsons and Frank
Lloyd contributing solos and A. Roy
Adorns giving piano selections. Mr.
Achernn's wedding took,place in Tor-
onto yesterday, and the nlembet+, of
the Meneee•tring ('ante flub join in
the felicitations upon the happy occa-
Oddtellows' At Horne.
One of the must enytyejtle of , noeial
fonetions is the am111111 at, home of
Huron 1,04tge, No! Ir!,;1. O. O. F., with
which it has been mode tri Celebrate
the anniversary of the Order, and
this year's event, which wans held last
night, wax rho exception to the rule.
The first part of the evening was
taken up with progressive towhee in
the lodge room upstairs. 'There were
thirty•four tables. and in additiou
there were a number of perfume pres
e•nt who did not play. The prizes
were won as follows : First Ituly'e
prise, Mea. F. J. Rutland. a picture ;
second lady's prize. Mrs. Doty, it
china fruit dish ; first gentleman's
pprike, Harry Stew.; an umbrella;
etwond !gentleman's prize, William
Abell. apipe. After,therIag•iag
(*used an adjournment was made to
the downstairs room, where refresh-
ments were served, after which dime,
ing was indulged in until about :i
a. m , t he Smith Kms.' orchestra sup-
plying the ►uusie. The success of the
affair reflectre credit on the committee
charge, consisting of C. A. t(eid, 1(.
1. -King and J. J. Edward.
Skat and Curling Association.
The nual meeting nt the %hare-
holdere the Goderich Curling and
Sisting A. oriation was held on Mon.
day everting last week, with an at•
tendanee of to The financial state-
ment out 'tted Showed the timely, -^
indebtedness reduced by $:SII the p .
year, the mortgage'' cow standing at
$.Wel. There is a cash balance on
hand of $147.24, the largest item
among the receipts for the year being
the rental of .the skating rink, ESP.
The r•e'nl eat ate is put down at .a valu-
ation of $:3,051. The old directors
were re -a plsointetl, as follows : Dr.
Holmes, \%'. L. Horton, A. Farrow,
3. 11. Colborne, R. S. Williams.
Nicholson, \V. Wallace,. J. T. Gold.
tine pe., ;}-A. McIntosh. F. Davis and
William lane. Sheriff Iteynolde and
Judge Holt were appointed a,ditt.re.
At the directorei meeting the follow-
ing officers were elected : President,
1)r, Holmes: vice-president, W. L.
Horton ; Secretary, William Camp-
bell.- treasn_rer.iL W. HidI S manager,
W. L. Horton. Some email account;
weep ordered paid and a vote of $111
was made to the secretary for his Ser-
Lords Day Alliance.
• At Knox church last. Monday even•
ing Rev. A\'. B. Caswell, of 13rwntford,
gave ran interesting address in behalf
of the Lo Ti. Tray Aniiul,'e. 11rr etti't1
that while there might not Iso need of
special vigilance in the preservation
of the peeve arid quietness Of 11161 53ab.
halt. In a town like Ot Slerieh. alae vie
operation of such places was needed
in meeting the conditions which Bruer
at frontier towns and in the Targe
cities, and also in watching legisla-
tion. especially at Toronto. 111• spoke
enthusiastically of the Lord's Day
Act pas.*d during the last Parliament
at Ottawa, which he considered the
finest piece of legislation on the sill-
ject in_ existence. He also paid a
tribute to the Premier of Ontario,
who Was wholly in 'sympathy with
the Aim. of the Alliance. Still,
corporations were constantly seeking
concessions in regard to work on the
Sabb*th, and it was necessary to
maintain an organization to watch
and combat these effort.. Arrange-
ments were .tuide for the collection of
funds in aid of the Alliance through
the tnedin,n of the various churches
of the town. Rev. it. MilIvanl pre-
A Clean Kill of Health.
The Dominion (government iso tak-
ing necessary precaution in order to
prevent the inttnduetinn and ropiest
of injurioia pests in orchards. In
January a number of nests of the
hrown•tail moth were discovered- in
New York State in nursery seedling
stock imported from Frame. The
Government. concluding that a
similar condition would likely exist in
connection with stork of Canadian
nurseries itnported from France nt•
other countries, commissioned A.
Gibson, chief aae{atent of the division
of entomology of the Ottawa Experi-
mental Farm, to in.pect nursery ,wwd-
ling .tock imported from Fennce by
the various nnraeriee throughout the
country. Mr. Olhrml has examined
the etriek of all the lat•ge nurseries,
who import for themselves and ale.
Sell *gam by wholesale to other smell-
er nutveries. A few days ago he enm-
pleted for this spring hie work of ex•
Bowling Club Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the (inderieh
Bowling Club was held last night in
Secretary Lane's office. when the fol-
lowing eiMeers were elected fife Abe
ensuing year: Presidrnl, T. Me})ee-
mutt ;yice•Lne.ident, J. L. Killoran
treasurer. Joseph Kidd; secretary';
%Villiers Lane; executive committee.
Dr. Hunter, J. East Jordan and F.
Rutland ; auditor, A. G. Gamble.
e question of holding a tournament
an.1. other matters, were left in the
hands, of the exeeutive 'Conti ghee.
The mts•rship fee was place -(1 at
Mls Mall rr .
s s a ed
A quiet w yester-
day s ending took place y t
day at Myth, w• PIl .Miss Jennie halls;
who is well know to many In G,de•
Fist. became the of Jame:+ Math-
eson, of KewsseJsi•r,\Indiana. The
event wee sol sed a ,, the rc+sidence
of the bride's,sister. Mrs.'('. Gardiner,
by Rev. J. L. Shall. The\ceremony
was at 12 o'clock and after \he mar-
riage, the wedding repast amid the
offering,,f cnugratulatiuns the 1 py
couple left for Lond,,n, pm rout' to
their future home at Rensselaer. T'
groom tote lived for some time lately
s} London. Aniong the guests were
Mrs. 1' T. Halls, sister•in-►aw of the
bride, and Miss Edith Wiggins. of
town. , -
To Build New School.
.4 special tweeting of the public
se'hool hoard was held on Monday
evening last for the purpose of com-
pleting ,the . purchase of the (gib.
bons property for school purposes. A
motion by (i. F. Blair and It. H. Cutt
was to the effect that the board auth;
orize the purchase. the purehase price
to be $.i,(MM), $),(ss) of whieh i,. to to
Pahl when possession is given for the
put•31' . of building and the •halanre
when foil possession is given. The
chairman of the bard and the ,pere-
tary were given power to sign an
agreement for the pnreliese and affix
the corp rate ere! -thereto, IL was de-
cided to build an eight -roomed school
and to ask for competitive plans by
advertisements in The Globe and The
5ituatlons Vacant
I 111155 /nil. for power -driven machine.'
in a bright, clean knitting mill ; gro.1 wage..
Ap 11)• at nope to No- S MHI. PI:SMAN:+•
LI lit t 1610, Paris, Uni
agent to lint and oAl real c -tat'., We
will lay a good men right for hi.. work. Ex-
r'•Nen(w not oer•e.eary. 11'e will Instruct nn
,ipldne until be learn, the bc-ine.-,.free o
large•. Apely l6-TtlE--wiO+TM.YtN REA1.
ESIATK h\1'HAN(5 ('OMPANY: 7$ Dun-
dee •tfeet. Leedon. Car.uG. - 11
17 Gndertrh, nn nr befnrc the Neth of M,'y, a
g••nerai servant and a nurse Tho general ser.
1•(11, 16 Moil nothing to do with a child. and
the nurse to elcep at her own home. Apply by
loltcr to fort Iturwellr int. 42.41
Yoe Sale
Leghorn eggs for Pale. Fifty cents per
setting, or two Petting. to: Hike-, or error 12.50.
05016,05 NEWELL. Hcnmlller, Ont.
1 known a., the (hsngc Hall. on the 5th eon
eeaelon of Colborne; else the furniture end
shed. Purthemer w111 have six menthe to re-
move building. Sale will be held at the pre
mitece on Friday, April 06h, at 11 0 clock p.m.
The sale 1. ne...w it owing4t to the removal of
the meeting place of the Drente to Hrnmiller.
WM, MIi.LWAN, Trn.tee.. 47.2..
ING.- ('.4ll'. Leff_horn. end Barred
ltorksegg.,:Se. per 15 f1. ,O per Im. Extra
chole°. 1.11 per setting All from high-ela..
'tock. Ville to DURST 811041., BenrUler,
Ont, 11 Inn.
executor. of the ferrate of the late
George Acheron have Seemed 10 otter the
whole e.tele for sale. The properly con dst.. of
real ware, debenture.. 1ponde and stoke.
Parties. wt.htng to Invest In any of the above
propertlse tan get full particulars on applies;
Ono tether axe -Morn.
Mas. K,.r.A C. AoHltonte,
J. 1', RAnwt }KxeteWrs.
Goderich. Dec. yah Ifs .
We have our iee House well
811bi1 and are prepared to sup-'
piy ofd and new patron,' with
the hest quality during the
coming se*mnn,
amination by visiting the Bennilller 1 al., Clark v. Lawrie et al., Stokes v.
Nurseries, which , import 11,11111/Ally flor.aehoe Quarry Co. t•t al.. and Mur -
direct from France several thousand ray Y. Brown et a1.
seedlings. After a careful examine- Bisset v. Guelph & Goderich Rail -
tion, Mr. Gibson found n0 nests its the WA), Go. le an action ft damages for
seedlings. He stattel that this way trespltss.
the only shipment in whieh he had Morrow v, titan runk Railway
not discovered Bunte of the nests. 11. Co. and Videan v oderich Elevator
his exantination5 at the other nurser- & Transit Co. actions for damages
ies he had found a total of rixtysix for injuries rived.
nests, which' of course were int- Scott v. C. P. K. Co. is an action for
mediately, destroyed. The fact that damages arising out , f the railway
no nests were found in the Benmiller crossing accident near Auburn last
shipment should be of considerable year in which Mrs. Scott and two
satisfaction to cuetowrs of the Stew- children were killed.
art Nurseries and the people of this There are t wo libel snits against the
section in Krueral. 11 is yvorth some- proprietors of The Goderich Star, one
thing to know that trees got there by tbo proprietors of The signal and
other injurious pests.
are free twit. the San Jose scale anti the other by W. S. M.cero.tie, of St.
L6,. -Col. Young, of Goderich, is
Opening of Navigation.suing' the Exeter Canning & Pre-
paid t 1'(0 serving Co. for the return of money
paid on shares in the -Company and
for the cancellation of a -sutwcription
for stock,
Oatenby v. Hre•ton et *1. is an
tilenelleh, whieh left tar 1:Iaveland.10 .114,4 nen in yO,4neu'liou with t rt
load coal. The Winona went to Point Bleck in a gas company.
Edward, the MidltndQiwen to Cleve Jr Hobkirk v. Sinillie et al. is a ease
laud for coal and the -lgawa also to from Henden, in which the setting
Cleveland for coal. On Monday the ,aside of a will is sought.
Donna( ona (leered for Cleveland for Bank of Hamilton v. McDonald
Steal and on Teasley night. Ll(e Strath. et 41, le an action for the collection of
court left f..r Erie. Pa. ...The Pellatt a cheque drawn upon the agenc • of
leaves today, bound up the lake, to the Bank at Winghaut. U. Melton -
load grain for Montreal. The 101 a1d, of Ashfield, anti John Hamilton,
Two Mars was trying tA, posh through of Ternberry, are the defendants.
the broken ice jammed in the harbor Daniel E. Carney. of Colborne town -
entrance as early as the middle of last shit). is suing the \Vaterloo Mfg, Co.,
week, but was baffled in its earlier of Waterloo, for the return of pr -11 -
attempts. It has now made a good missory notes given for a thtt'sloug
ata,•t on 1 he season's work... outfit which is alleged to be deft' rive,
The arrival of grain heats at the ele- add for 'images, • c.
vator is delayed only by the ice at the The four non -jury -dares are : Town=
north of the lake. ship, of Hay v. Bissonnette, to enforce
Dan McLaren has had a gang of a bylaw opening a road in the town-
btwy -moving the --Government ship of _Hay.: Eggert_J)t al_..v. ileeu,
lifeboat station farther out towards an action for a le aey under a will ;
the lake and placing it in position. Semen e( al, v. McKenzie, to enforce
The boathouse was moved to leave a uuu'Ig. " ; Mcleod v. Young, to
room for the frelght.ehe4e-it is -peri- -clear a c:..,.
posed to build for the C. P. R.
- wmage, WIeSr, Explosion, Disaster,
Liquor Licenses Granted, _ _-- Last Thursday a threatening letter
Thr, hoard of license comtnissiunerti was found shoved through the door of
for L'eon'e Huron met on Monllay last the Blyth station on the Guelph &
at S.'sfurth. Thr hoard is composed Goderich Railway, which read as fol.
of 3. B. Iloever, Clinton. ehairmau : lows :
Adam Hays, Neaforth, and \Vin, Pat-
torson, Iiulletl. Applications for ' Tu the C. F'. R. or the G. and O. Iiallwsy.
PP 1 beg to Inform you that in three monthe
twenty-eight - tavern ' -•«pmts -..ea LLu rifJLO batik W& 1.'t Iwt Said et Tildow et
three Quip licenses 11 • snbmittcd ('u, or Tllduu, Adam. 8 H.•attlry, look /or daau-
and all were ranted, suave, however, ewe' " explosluu, dbtsrter.'
K -I DIsA�lrelL
fur only a portion of the year. rte fol• "Begin yournoar,e a[ once.'
lows The station agent *t Blyth tele-
Glxlerich F. Davis, Hotel Bedford ; graphed to Superintendent Oborne, The Epworth League of North
K. K. Kwarte, British Exchange ; %V. who sent up two C. 1 . It. detectives, I street presented on interesting rube
Babb. Ocean Hot:ee• ; Mrs. Craig, Huron who located Charl•s Morris Hurling. a sionary program last Tlresda even -
House Paint house I31
H use hn•e Months tri Blyth man, aethe
P author of
! Ythe rote -
Mg. Besides o fie de's t•ecita ions yy h-
t A. M. Hob-
an(' repair roof) ; !i. J. 8au1Ls, Muulte .rating document. Detective GundryR
ertsun and Mr. Brewer, of the iea Ot-
Houlre ; R. King, King h,'dward ; drove over to Blyth Saturday night t,...;it of Marine, and Fisheries Ot-
Thos. Johnston, Colborne House ; M, and returned next morning with his ,%.a gave addresses. Next Tuesday
3. FRrr, Fiiimt hotel 43hree
untha 44) itran, who adrrli(ted W Mr. Gundry will Ile the annual election of officers
complete improvements) ; 53'. W. that he waw respuwsible for the letter. Following the suggestion of the
Swills, shop license.LordThe intentiwn no doubt was to rectum,he
(Tinton -S. 4. Cooper, Normandie frighten the C. P. R. into paying the iuendat on of the (ieneraland tAssembly,
j; Jos. Rettenbur , Rattenbury debts of Tilden & Cu.. who built a pior• tfiatltlr week following E+►eter should
Home,; i), 7rrawro , Uofiimerctatrttnn or the t3netplr*tfndertetrineFReeleob.prvtcl as Lords flay Week." Reuben Graham, Graham House; and left some of their workmen un- v Jas, A. Anderson .poke to his
Joe, Reinhardt, , Waverly ; C. H. paid. There has been a good deal of people Iasi Sunday morning on the
Pugh. shop lirrn.e. ugly feeling among the men over subject of Sabbath observance; basing
$eaforth--9. H. ('arn(e•han, !:rip their failure to restive what they had his *crown on the regulationb con -
House ; Jas. Dick, Dirk House ; Mc- earned, but of course the C. P. R. is erning the manna on the Sabbath.
Lennart & Hroadfoot, Commercial i not liable and slack attempts as that Agood case WAS made out for the
Mrs. Christina Stevens. Queen's; to which Burling has confessed are o e institution
Navigation et his rt opened on
Saturday. when several of t to grain -
legate which wintered here cleared for
the Initial trip of the season. The
first boat to;leaveithe harbor was the
Agent Wanted-w•ostern Ileal Relate 1t.
change Company, Loudon...
deaduuartaoi . for. amiss Qooda. -Person,('
seasonable Suggestion -Dunlop, the Drug-
Addrew by Canon Dana -Ht, G. rgem d Y. Growing In In Favor -The Two Martin 2
More Wall Paper -George Porter . 5
Fur Over:oat Lo.t-Leave at A. J. Paltildree's I
Homeneeker' Kxcurelone-l. P. Lawrence... s
Reader -O. T. It a1
Low Faros to North }'Irmo Coset-Joseph
Kidd R
Auction Sale -Thomas Ouhdry 1
Top to Bottom- Wor'elle' Hardware sod
Store Store. 4
Smarr Short Coate' for Spring -U. lgller CO3
lio.iery -J. H. Colborne. 4
Spring xko*. 4).a ehMi0ti.n„Y .1
ling. for }latching -Geo, Newell, Boumlller1
Money fur the Farmer -John Stewart K,tate s
Ilowe and Lot. tore/de-Henry Horsey 1
l'risate sale of Furniture,eta-1. K. Sharman 1
Wonted -Penmau's, L't'd 1
N.w'iweeo-4,redttera--W,-Fr)dene, tltntelt
Lane curtains -Cameron & Moore 3
Cartier IId 1 urtalu.-N-w. Acheson & Son3
Two IntercedingAnnouncements-Goderich
Planing MMA. Limited s
31 Kelm rtpecid,--Hodgen, Brow, g
Auuuaacement- Jen. ll'll.on „
Policia. ar• Good as (;old -London Life Ineur-
*nee Co g
Thursday evening. Everybody In-
{rev. Canon Dann, of London, will
give a talk on Dickens, with illustra-
tions. in St. George's school room
Admission, 15e.
At Vittoria street Methodist church
on Sunday next the pastor will be in
lige pulpit at truth. services. rhe gel • _
mon subjects -will be as follows ; 11
a. i13., "The Christiana Inventory i"
7 p. m., "What, of the Night ?"
Next Sunday morning in North
street Methodist ghurch the pastor,
Dr. Uougall, will preach on "The
Wonderful Hook." In the evening
the seeond of the series, "The Making
of a ,Home," will be delivered. Sub-
ject, "Marriage."
The servieoa of the Baptist church
next Sunday will be conducted by the
paatut, Rev. C. It. Jones. The subject
of the morningaddress is "The Obser-
vance of the ord's Day." Evening,
"The Conscience Out of Order and
How It Is Restored."
Thos. Pinkney, Royal: Edw. Dawson, worts than fotJlirb. If any accident proper observance f lh
shop license. had happened on the line at this time and the unpmdlablenesa of secular
Brussels --McDonald & F:migh, Cen- it might have placed some men in a labor done on the Lord's Day, En -
teal ; Jos. Qo*ren. Queene , Henry most awkward poshtion,
The letter found in the station -
house was formed chiefly of words cut
out Of a mew -paper and pasted on a
sheet of paper. Burling's admission
is in part as follows :
"1 was employed by Tilden & Cu.,
or Tilden, Adana,. & Bradley. When
i left then) they owed me $83.0o and t
WWI angry about that. 1 fixed the
letter up, the letter prudueed, on or
about the 16th April, 114)1). i was
alone at the time. The first part of
the letter f cut f a newspaper, and
the part, 'Tilden & Co, or Tilden,
Adapts & Headley,' type -written mat-
ter, 1 cut from a letter that 1 •picked
up on'the street near the postofflee.
About 5 a. w., 15th of April, I put the
letter produce! through eitber crack
or top of door of waiting mom at U.
P. R. station. 1 wet in C. P. R. eta -
tion just after g or between 14 and 9 on
the Name morning. i thought that
would hurry them up. f remember
\Villiam Phillips saying it would be a
gored plan to get a hole in bridge And
blow it up. There wan general talk
James. American (two months to im-
prove sanitary arrangement.).
Colborne township -Jonathan Mil-
ler, Carlow; Wcn. Glazier, Dunlop.
Grey township - 'nem McEwen,
Jame'l.own (beer and wine license) ;,
Mrs..Meehaver, Molesworth : J. ,Put -
land, Ethel ;*Iacoh Long, ('re.nhrook.
McKillop township -Louis Wolff,
Uuhlin. '
Acheson --Caesar.
Much pleasant il,teremt is taken by
the people of Goderich in the wedding
of R. J. Acheson, one,. of the most
prominent and clever young business
en of the town, which took place
yNsterday at Toronto. . The bride is
already known to many (4oder•ieh
people, and she shares in the hearty
good wiehes which are extended by
the groom's many friends. The Tor-
onto Star of Lust evening had the fol-
lowing account of the event :
The twine of Doctor and Mrs.
trtsWgic Y. t'nesarwar the mct•ne of a
pretty wedding at 1 o cloak this after-
noon, when the marriage was N ;lent-
nized of theit• only daughter, Miss
Janie E. (Wear, to Mr. Ripest: John
Acheson, e.n of Mr. Wm. Acheson,
of G.xdet•ich. The ceremony Was Mt-
forrned hy rhe Rev. Hamilton Dicker,
rector of St. Luke's church, in the
brew-wIntnw tot the drawing erarnr
which was banked with palms and
lilies. To the attains of the Wedding
Manch from Lohengrin, playact by Jan
orchestra, the bride Wtas brought in
and given away by her father. She
was attired in a lovely wedding gown
of white 'satin ductless with heavily
knotted fringe and Venetian point
lace, over which was worn a filmy
tulle vCil caught with t eheplet of
orange hhmsoms. She camel a
shower of lilies and roses. Mrs. Wal-
ter S. Turnbull, of Goderich, was
matron of honor, wearing pink silk
mescaline with limerick lace, and
carrying pink roses. Mr. \V. A. Mite-
d1.nald was lest, Oran. Mrs. Career,
wearing Copenhagen blue satin mem-
saline with corsage lougnet of lilies
of the valley, held a reception after
the ceremony, and later in the after.
noon Mr. and Mrs. Acheson drove off
in a shower of confetti to mend their
honeymoon in New York before leav-
ing for their home in (i,slerich. The
bride travelled in leupe cloth snsartlyy
tailored, and wisteria straw hat With
foliage, '
velopes will be distributed next Sun-
day in the church, to receive contri-
butions towards the work of the
The program of the annual session
'•f the Loudon Conference of the
Methodist church for 1903) has been
issued. The Conference is to meet in
Askin street church, London • the
ministerial session to begin on Wed-
nesday, June 2, at 9.30 a. in., and the
general session on Thursday, June 3,
at 2 p. in. The stationing committee
will meet a12 11. m. Monday, }day 31,
and the statistical eomntittee will
meet on the same day at N p. m. Rev.
1/r. Dougall, of Goderich, is to give
an address at the educational anni-
versary meeting on Wednesday even-
ing, and Rev. R. Millyard, of town, is
to preach in rho Talbot street Baptist
church on Conference Monday.
Private sale of household furniture,
including Happy Thought range,
among the men who did notget their heater. etc., etc. To he disposed of on
satin -day, 2,4th inst., and the week fol.
money that they would do serious towing, Howie also for sale cheap.
damage: 1 was -shore of ,money and
hunger drove mo to it. 1 hive re.
gr.'ttett ever ATnre 1 did It.'
Stirling was before the police on Monday magis-
t n 1
r o t
t n fav and was sent up for
trial tm3 yeeter•tf*y-afternoonfir was
hrnught before His donor Judge
Doyle. Rev. Mr. Cooke, Presbyterian
I. E. $IHARMAN, Keays street.
b(el4in,-* 44.ver--legerdemain artist,
has beer, the chief attraction at Vic-
toria Opera House this week. His
gyhihjtione are really wonderful, and
large audiences have been (mystified
by his inscrutable tricks. He is well
presented it petition signed by 200
minister at Blyth, - was- present- -and _ wort seeing.
The Goderich Produce and Onrnmie-
Bion Company is a new business ven-
ture in Godericll, which has opened
up in the store next to 8141010 r('s hor-
nets shop on Hamilton etr.et, under
the management of George McPhee
And W. A. Chisholm, The company
announces that it (s ready to receive
potatoes and expects shortly to he
ready to handle a good snany other
lines. highest prima paid.
ZVWgar Tor difference-between'high
and low grades of baking powders?
All baking powders are white and sold
in round or troar(• cans with bright
At spring houseeleaoing time You need many Ialels. 'They Itok Alike, bot thcry
things for brightening Op the interior of your not, Ili h-gredr IIIaWe Are of
home, a new port sire or an old One refrained,
nr a Meet. M we china or other ornaneeated roto• rn•am tartar from grapes and
arurieto.1".ffe,mw,rrner. Itemombtr that hr'.t English baking stele. Che low
Wllnpnr Smllh s Is h"ad'puarter for son such, grade H. 1'. iso made of alum (trod some -
Tomorrow (Friday/ is ML (ieor•Ke's thing else. (good baking powder in
1/ay. ,,wdul, whnlerenneand economical, brat
The Doty Engine Works Co. look o,it for the alum kind. Ter ours
shipped two mining hoists to Cobalt and Nee the, difference. W11.140,4 it Pr'e.
su•iptinn !.rug Store.
Olen of the vicinity of Blyth asking
for leniency and His Honor let the
roan go on suspended sentence.
In your new spring ro.tnme a portrait e n
at R. Br !tallows' studio will b.p w dellgh to
your friends. A rt Lala and lifelike are the
qualities of hi. work. •
Now that yon see lea ting Gtr your nv,rreat
toil ehentd tit out in a new well-fittlng ,crit of
elm hes 1,11 on le, .1. I'ridhane en4 .ow• what
he awn do for yrni. Ile has the gouda, he has
the style, he give. you rti.factfon.
thi' week. La,'t, week the Company
Assizes Next Week. eblpp'11 two engines to Nipegen.
The Iatgeat docket in years is pre. Chiahohn Kana• have been improv- "Tout erten, and they'll be true to
pare) for the wittings of the High ing the Mor of the West street roller yon," says Emerson : but roti ,can't,
Court of lust lee here next weak. rink by means of a power planer. The make the grocer believe it,
Chief J.0tire Sir Olenholme Falcon- rink continues to be well patronized.
bridge iso named as 1 he trial jwdge, and AUFTION SALES.
the 1ifnrrt will open on Motwtny, the Proems -4d Normal M4e4101ls were
announced last week. Among the *AT rtnAv. April Zlth.-Auction ower of ,moo
mieceswfliI at 'ideate are the following enhstnwnprsperty on Piston .trees, rtomm.n
former students; of (i(rderich ('n- cons wr Ynrlock tlanwott WILLIAM., proprte
Iegl*te tnettllte : Mel'geret I(. K11- tow. tiros., Breuer', anettoneer.
trick. .I. FE. Robert.nn, itslh A, SATt'wrsir• May l4---Anet.lon sol,, of wend,
y sernfortaan, IIwh' roomed hone and half an
Robinson *n(1 54*trel L. Tichtorne. .ern of land, corner of Keay. end 3'.-)-.
April 20th, at 2 (dock. There Are
twenty jury camps and four non -jury
wise,' on the list, And aa ninny of
them are of a p*rtieutl*rly Interesting
character"' the proceedings of the
Court will drnthtlemm be followed with
keen ention.
(K theattjury ram's nine are in crm-
npetion with eertaiit otork-selling
transaction!) which have been much twrni teork implements nA
h Ifuroh Lodge No. fP1, L O. 0. F. will pore at Im 7. concawton R W. D. Ashneld.
,lier preen About town and in whir
teeming wt 1 0'040,0 share. Jowl, PTrt.a,',
Orelerleh end Stretford people chiefly hold their annual Nervier. in Knox proprietor. 'Timm..orMIMI%auctioneer,
are ,-oneerned. These' ease,' are -ler- church next Sunday morning.k
Vitti(e v. Drawn et al,, Neftel v. hoe- The 'second illustrated l•rturT' on DIED.
for el. el., Whitely v, McPherson ('f , "The LHp and Travels of R(. Pater' fVKRA•- to ftedmyrls town.Mf, ne Tae'.dge
Me\ ittie v. I ncf.nr et el„ Orah*m will be given in the .enditori Up 1pril2nlh, K.lna Grmrw. A,'tighter M Mt
v. Brown rt al., Stokes ♦, }frown et North street Methodist church next mw i to •nd 774*ys Its~ 'eaed 5 Tears, j
The results of the examination,' in
senvie•. JA MRS P IITIX IIwAIT►, proprletnr-
1.1111141.011111' '.3,111, anent:ewer.
WRmrRetAv, May :rah.-Aurtlnn nib• of
w • houeehold guru,