HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-15, Page 9The News of the
Meadow Brook
rain, a 1175 steer at two pram. It war
decided to discontinue the meeting*
during the spring reeding time, and
the next meeting will be held on the
I(oecluded Prow vase al first Wednesday of June next.
again. Upon Adi-t1ie arrival of th
stranger pruduted a revel effec4, ore
whelming her with much a luad
modesty that she kept out of Richard
way nearly two weeks• and never on
;f WguNEIDAT, April lith.
e Jas. McLeod is renewing old ac-
re quaintancrs around the village.
came W bee saw uraut a Was alaullg
up in my merino morning gown, whish
she had embroidered for me herself
Ada las a very nice sense of. pr.-
But little more remains for ine t.
say, and that I must say briefly.
am determined to finish my story, err
a; my husband for the first titss
sinne my 1Ilnesa has left me ali for
an hour or two, 1 aro improvtug ih•
opportunity. having fiat bribed Ber
tha to bring me my writing materials
by promising her a dress whish eh.
. hu long coveted.
The royal purple turbau by the win
dow has become somewhat displaced
by the strong west wind, and now wide
awake, begin to grumble at "Miss
Bosys impudence xerting ltereelf
to writs trash which 1. of no kind of
count and winch no human will ever
1 hope her prediction Is a false
one, for I have lately oonoedved the
Mdse of devoting the entire proceeds
et lids book to the bonnet of "Rosa
Lea' who, of course, has no part in
ale 10,000 which her father has mar -
?bore is a rustling in the Drib -the
busby L waktng, and at my request
limo brings tier to me. raying as she
lays her on my lap, fibs s the berry
plesrrf et tbther Jessie," and es her
soft bens eyes unelose and my hand
*seta em her curly h.tr which begine
W look golden hi the snnllght• 1, tee,
eh* Ilse sane end with a thee
Aet I pray the Father to save her
Nom the early death which Dame to
ear hest darling--'7eute, the entrel of
▪ Pores " Roes Delafeld
TVIDIDAY, April 13th.
Miss. Flora Dorrington. "f Ooderich
townshipp, is the guest of Miss Clem-
entine Williams ibis week.
On Monday of this week Miss Grace
Mi'Leod, of this vilIage, gave a birth-
dsy party to her young friends.
Although it was very windy all after-
noon the weather war quite mild and
the children spent an enjoyable after-
noon in Fames, etc., and after tea
they left for their several home. tired
hot happy.
\Vhat has become , of the Lo.halsh
scribe ?'We were just becoming Inter-
ested in his witty and spirited items
when bis Muse seems to have delete ed.
It is seldom nowadays that our village
' Milton. And anything to write about
and that a meteor of such unusual
brilliancy does eros. our path. At
any rate we hope to hear from our
gifted frieud again in the near future.
Tt'gatiee, APRir. 13th.
Mies Belle McWhutney is 'mending
grew .lays in Ooderieh.
Miss Rose O'Reilly. teacher, of near
Walkerton, is home for the vacation.
('hue. Dalton has reterned from
blest to spend the summer at his
Mune here.
Mee. It. Oke and children, of Gode-
rieh. are visiting the former'" sister,
Mrs. M. Owen, in the village.
Mr. end Mrs. Molllneaux, of Ouelpb,
spent the vacation at the letter's for-
mer home here, the residence of .1.
Charlie McGregor Is home from
H+milton Normal School and Misses
Vera Bowler, 1 r, Irinrence and Gracia Mc-
lean and Jean Johnston are home
hem the 0. C. I.
Horxg Bu'RNEr.-The house on the
Perm of Michael trem lately occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCrory was
burned to the ground yesterday noon.
Sparks from the chimney ignited the
roof and a strong wind was blowing.
The roof was almost burned before
Mn. McCrory, who was still in the
house, was told of the fire by the
neighbors who came running to her
assistance. Mr. McCrory and Joe left
last week for Detroit to get a house
and Mn. McCrory was to leave today.
Most of her goods. which were all
boxed ready for shipping, were re-
moved. Mrs. McCrory received quite
e shock, from which we hope she will
not feel any bad effects.
Woattcrra 114gTITI'TR,-The monthly
meeting of the Women's institute
was held at the home of Mies Sara Mc-
Intyre on Wedneeds7 afternoon of
last week. A very interesting pro-
gram wee given. The district secre-
twry, Mrs. Watts, of Clinton, wits
prreent and addressed the meeting,
*peeking on The Object end Work of
the Society." Mr". Apert Beckett
read s very interesting paper on
"Desserts," prepared by Musa Isabel
Armstrong, who was Absent. Mise
Sara McIntyre gave s , talk on
"Pastry The program wail inter -
sneered with vocal solos, readings and
violin and organ instrument tie. Four
nee, members were added to the roll,
making in all twenty-nine members.
The next meeting will be held et the
residebce of Miss Lily McKay, Lake
*there, nn Werinewley, May 1 th. It is
to he hoped the !sidles of Kingshrtdge
and vicinity will avail themselves of
the opportunity of attending this
meeting, as the other meeting.. were
all held a little too far sway.
WEDREsDAT, April 14th.
F.tRMKRR' iS.TITUTE 61111.. - The
Partnere' institulw Club reee•ntly or-
ganized in this locality has had a
trey successful eerie. of meetings,
which will no doubt dna great deal cif
Peel. Such live subjects as the fol -
!owing were dI%cloned; "The Feeling
end Fitting of Horses for Market,"
'The Growing of Lambs for Profit, -
"The Most Pr-otit..ble Horse to Raise
on the Farm," "Noxious Weeds on
the Farm and How to Kr'adlcete
Them." On Wednesday evening,
7th. the the subjectr� "Revolvedli held , teontont
more nrnney is made by raising
cattle than horses." The affirm -
/dive WAS ably supported by Messrs.
Jamieson. Ntewsrt, and J. Sinnott
while the negative was upheld
I' Meters, McKenzie, Mclean and E.
Sinnott. The subject wee well die-
rliwtrd and ehly handled.ere . Some td
the armouents and "bowed that vsome of the ingenious
I1er" posses* ergiimentatire and nra-
tetriral lower, in no small degree.
The ehstrmsn decided in favor ,pf the
negative by t.wo points. Mr. lantie
sen read an able paper on how to
'Mise Marry Cunningham is rutin,
on relatives in Arthur at present.
Mier Alice and John M.Whinuet
of Duugaunoii, spent Sunday in thi
Mils Jones has left for her home a
Credit Forks. She will resume he
school duties after Easter.
Robert Blandish'* sale last Frida
drew quite s crowd. He realize(
some good prices for his stork.
Dr, W. Y. and Mie. Hayden, is
Goderich, were guests at the home o
Mor. and Mrs. H. Hayden on Sunday.
Angus flordon and harry Hawkins
are somewhat indlspeed, but we are
glad to report they at, os the rand t
Mrs. F. \Villi" and two children, ar •
visiting with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mow. McCullough, of (lode -
rich township.
Winnie l'unningh.ui, Percy Hay-
den, Alex. McKenzie and .Will Snrale
ridrying at their
houses here.
Jas. Hayden lost with a misfortune
in the -high gale of wind on Monday
It blew the top off his power trill, but
fortunately damaged ft very little.
Mosoae, April Lids.
The 0. C. 1. students from here see
home to spend the holidays.
Mrs. J. B. McKay, of Goderieh, is
spending -s -few days with her twin-
s tees. herr.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vru. Begley, of Ham-
ilton, are spending the. Easter holidays
with their friends here.
g Jas. Pieree, who has beers sick for
soave time, is not improving as his
many friends would wish.
e BARN BeaNxis-Frank McConnell's
t 1 baru and outbuildings were burned
down about 7 o'clock on Sunday
✓ night. Cause unknown. Mr. Mc-
Connell lives iu VC'iughaw and has the
farm rented to Win. Johnstone. It
appears Mr. Johnstone lies lost a
;small quantity of hay And grain.
jWe are not aware 1f there was any
f insurance.
Among the teachers that are hone
for their leeeter vacation ate the
Alines Ten* I,. Hawkins, Delta Cun-
ningham and Grace Crawford are
Rector McKenzie.
MONDAY. April Pith.
SrrrgeSFCI• CONcgRT.-The Wo -
wen'. Missionary Society held their
annual open -sweeting and concert in
( Hiake'e church last Friday evening.
Altbough the weather was unfavor-
able there was a good attendance.
Those taking part deserve credit for
the pains they had taken to prepare
the program. •
Mom AND TH/HRC,-Mr. and Mn.
Bert Finlay visited friends here on
Sunday .. Mise A. M. Kilpatrick is
home from Detroit.... Mus Ray and
J. C. Stutbers are spending their holi-
days at -their house here..,.... Mn.
Jas. Barkwell, of Lochalsh, visited
friends here last week ----Mies A.
Griffin it the guest of Mrs. Jas. \ 'eb-
ster.... Miss P. Phillips visited Miss
Mary Phillips last week ... .....Misses
Etta and Japie and Earl Stonier@
visited here t w
k r. Will h
TL'IcsnAT. April 13th.
Wm, Dolan, of Handl:orn u on bis
Easterlead. ya here.
Mies Alice Dallas arrived burn
from Bornholm last week.
Roy Bissett and James Platen spent
(Sunday with Kingsbriage friends.
Miss Winnie ()riffles, of Oaderieh.
made • trip to Ashfleld on Monday.
Miss Kate Sullivan, of Goderich, is
spending a few weeks at her home
Joe .\ustin. Joseph Francis and
Thomas O'Connor left. for ('bicago last
week. •
Mn. Atex. Mel►eriutd, of Lucknow,
ie visiting her brother, Thor. O'Con-
nor, of this piece.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'. Mole ndeauz. of
Dublin, visited at the home of J.
Griffin over Sunday.
Jerrie. Wallace. land 1 d
nd Krnest ung
tool :n theI:u:•• in Kintail and by ell
✓ el•orts they bad a pleasant time.
The v,•iieg people of the nciglitor-
ini; ppf:,ces iffrint e veru -ptesaant
eveninti et thetA,batd-s heft on
day of ibis week.
MONDAY, April 12th.
We are all glad to see Abr around
Rod. Ross sold re horse I..sl week for
a good slim.
Willie Biers sr., Ir/l, for Fort Wil-
liam last week.
Hugh Ferguson bought a thorough-
bred calf from 1. (1. N ildfang.
Miss Lizzie Headley is at present
visiting on the second concession.
The first. robin Sam Bean saw this
spring he caught by the right wing.
Herryy tiraham is at present visiting
J. R. Mcihonald, second concussion,
Miss Lizzie Drown ?pent Sunday
with Miss Bertha Courtney. 2nd eon-
John;a dx•I
( mt 1 her started on new
work, travelling for an nil company in
Hamilton. -
Wellington Porter, of La Vales,
Rainy River, is at pi( went vititipg his
friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bradley, of Un-
derwood. spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mn. Robert Bradley.
Wilfrid Prancey is *till in the horse
business. He is at; prevent buying
!sorties around Tiverton.
Miss Winnie McPherson, who has
been teaching school at Orangeville,
is home for her holidays.
Service in the Methodist church
next Sabbath afternoon will be held
at the usual hour, :i o'clock.
Miss Clara Wilkie, of the fourth
coneeseien, is at priewnt visiting iter
grandmother, Mrs. Je ee Wilkie.
A very pleasant evenntg was spent
at the home of Albert Nesbit last
week, when the neighbors presented
John Cu'lins with a walking cane.
TMUleanuT, April $tb.
Si Hoot. Reenter.- -The following is
the repo* t of S. S. No. 7, AsbIteld ;
names in order of merit, batted on pro.
(notion exeminktinn. : V. - Hanna
Ito..Rn. 1V.-(in•Lt Campbell, Mur -
dente MacKenzie, Kenneth Campbell,
John McKeith, Kenneth Henderson,
1) neldt Hogan, Ir..1. Me Keit h. Janet
Ritchie. Nr. iii Kelso McNay. Sr.
II. Evelyn Wellington, Clarence
Henderson, 04i re AlcKeith, Earl
Swan, Era Hogan, Tbomts Cooke.
Jr. 11. -Graham McNay, Jennie John -
?don, May Stein. 1. -Laos► Stein.
S, iRENE WooDel, Teiecher.
WRDNR.io , April 140.
Miss Woods is spending her vaca-
tion at her home and at Toronto,
Rory McDonald is engaged for the
. epson with Chan. Boyd, of Amherley.
Alex, Flarnhy and Ada MacKenzie,
of Lucknow high school are home for
their Keefer vacntion,
Mies Owen hair returned to Toronto,
after rending a mouth with her
✓ ain, Mrs. T. A. McKeith.
Mises Bridget Hogan and Minnie
Mandy, of Winghsui Rosiness Collt•ge,
are emending the Fester holidays M
their homes here.
ltd. 1111 re drove to Walkerton on
Tbursday lest. On his return he was
nccmmpenied by hie mother, who has
heen visiting her daughter. Mie. C.
O'Hara. -
A Special Offer.
We are able to announce a special
rate to new subsrrilert for The Mon -
trent Family Herald and Weekly Star
In combination with The Signal for
the remainder of the year. '1'n new
suheerlhete the two papers will le sent
until January lief, 1010, for I$1.(I0. En
close one dollar with your name and
address ter Vanatter A Robertson, The
Nigral, (loderich, (Int.
Tuisj.ay, April 13th.
MeuOOL RYPORT.-The followingis
the Baster report of S. S. Np. 8, Col-
borne, based on promotion and feet ez-
an.inationr;. V.. ta
Hears, 5(31. Sr. 1V,, pass meek 390-
Reseed' Kirkpatrick, 475 ; (ieorge W.
1 ?elision,, Mit Front Sr. 111. to Jr. IV.,
pass mark 390- William Meagan. 5113;
Lloyd Walters, 4W ; Nellie Cousins,
471: _ --irt'em,ir.--4441-ter-fir,-}I}; pars
mark 310 -Lucy Feagau, 423; Brugia
(Fowler, 407 ; Callie btraugban, 340.
From Sr. I1. to Jr. i(1., peas mark 346
--May- Walter, 431 ; Ralph Milliau,
451 ; Olive (fowler, 383; Howard Fein
gen, 340; Isabel l'uusius, 341 ; Irene
Mitchell, 3229; Everitt Alen, 273.
From Jr. 11. to Sr. 11. paas mark 2911-
James Fragan, 341 ; Luella Fesgeu,
32(1; Gladys Kirkpatrick, 29e. From Pt.
IL to Jr. IL --Andrew Straughan,
Reggie ABM. ?Jennie B. ',lumen,Teacher.
WiDNESIAT, Apr. 14th.
Mrs. S. Ltutenslaver i* spending
hatter holidays with friends at Berlin.
Stephen Andrews shipped a carload
of hogs on Monday trio) McGaw sta-
tion. This is becouiing quite w ship-
ping point for this locality.
U. . Clark has moved from Loyal
to th- old Tewsdey fartn, We wish
our ne neighbor eiery emcees and
cnngrst . to him on seem ing so line a
Alis* Augt tine, teacher of S. S. No.;
1, held a succ sided entertainment let
Thursday at • to chess of the term,
the pupils r•ogra,u ing given by the
Prank McDonag jr., is home from
1'orordo for the vise,. jot!. He was on
the C. P. It. traiu wttt h was derailed
down the line and did ot get home
until 4 a. m.
AG*, Courtney, of A • ber 1e y, is
-rendition tyre
oung's. On Sunday bite . on she
gave a s do in the Pres, terian
churchurch' ; h was well receive
and Miss Ma giallaaty, of Crewe, vie S (dcoon
at John Hlake's .. -Mrs. Ander-
son, of Zion, is staying at Anson Fin-
lay'. now. Anson is the proud father
of a young daughter.. -.Mos . Mn. lease
Andrew called ou friends here (sat
week _ ....Wilson Irwin called on
some of the people here last week
with his sawing machine.. . There
was s good attendance' At Blake's
church Sunday night. Rev. T. E.
Sawyer occupied the pulpit,
MotwAT. April 12th.
Lints Lot #. L.& -Mr. and Mot. Jobb
Andrew, of Luck now, accompanied by
Mrs. Godfrey, of London. visited
friends at Lanes on Saturday last.
Clifford Treleaven, of Ripley, is
visiting at the home of his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lane Mr.
and Mr•s. W. 1'. Sanderson and family
spent Good Friday with the forrner's
neonate Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, of
Dungannon .. Master Willie Dixon,
of Port Alpert, is spending his holi-
days with (denude, W. P. Reed
Miss May Reed left on Thursday last
for Toronto, where she intends spend-
ing Easter week .Hendries Bark -
well, of Lochalab, is working with
Robert Howard for the summer
Miss Dossed* Sherwood is spending
Easter in Luck now.. ..Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Lane were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs, A. M. Treleaven, of Ripley, on
Good Friday... A oril Fool arrived
four days ate at ltackettown this
year. Still it's better late than never.
..Mrs. Samuel Sherwood, or
Lanes. and Jas. Drennan. of Kintail,
are at present visiting friends in
Wingbam and vicinity.
\VRDNEaDAT. April 7th.
Ml'Ndx 1. REI't.RT.-The following la
the report of S. 5. No, 10, A.btdd,
based upon the week! test examine -
none of March and Easter examioa-
tion?- rovnbiued, giving percentage
taken . Sr. IV. -Rae Jamieson. d9;
Laura Johnston, 00; Laving Sher-
wood,59; •WilfridFarrisb, Mt Jr. IV.
Allan Nelson, 70: Rachel Alton, 58;
Johnnie Sentt. 54 ; l'herlea Smeltzer,
511; Mamie O'Loughlin, 46; •Edward
Dwyer, 43. Sr. 111. -Charles Sher-
wood, 55; Wittrid Drennan, 50. int.
III. -Freddie Johnston. 54 ; Thomas
Little, 53; Hernette O'Lougghlin, 511;
Hallie Caird, O. Jr. 112. -James
Little. 43; Lizzie Drennan, 42; "Neil
MacAdam. Mr. 11. -Elmer Parrish,
81; Joseph Bowler, 52: Wilfrid
O'Loughlin, 50. Jr, II -Bert John-
ston, 00; Lorne Parrish. (12; Jean
Scott, 111. Pt. 11. -'Marjory John.
aeon. Pt. 1. -Verna Sweltzer, Mary
Dubuc, Bessie Reed, Sidney Fer-
guson. Jr, Pt. i. --Paul Smelteer.
Those who gave perfect attendance:
Allen Nelson, Chat lee Srneltzer, John
nie Scott, EIrner Parrish, Lorne Far.
rash, Jean Scott. (• Minced part or all
of exam.) W. 13, MTOTMrR*, Teacher.
TrrcnnAY, April lath.
W. Stewart and ff. Graham,' of Nel-
son, B. l'., are visiting relatives here.
11. SherriR,! of Hensel', and Mists
Sherriff, of Grtrrie, are, visitinF their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheriff.
T. 1'', !'win iv remodelling his
residenceon Ontario street which he
recently purchased from Steel Hunter,
FrtnkThompson, ot Toronto, and 3.
Lyon,. end J. Mitchell, of (%lintoo, are
spending Easter holiday's at their
homes here.
The member@ of the W. 0, T. U.
will hold a meeting etthe home of
Airs. Win. Geddes on Wedneedy
afternoon. A good program ispr4tm-
Dttna-re. ---A debate nn wisma /'surf•
(rage was held at the Presbyterian
church on Tuesday evening, under the
auspices of the Adult Bible Hasa, the
contestants bring from Lochalsh wtn�
TItR MIaNlost tttY MvVRsiPNT.--A
laymen's ruiteionary congress is to he
held in the village from April ?lith to
May nth. Several of the speakers at
the Toronto congress have been
secured to address the meetings and w
very rare treat is in store for those
who will have the opportunity of at-
tending the meetings.
ANOTHER Ott) Rgslnmee Come --
Mrs. John Archibald, one of the pion-
eer residents of thaw plane, died at her
home here on Sunday afternoon after
a few weeks' illness. Deceased, who
wait over eighty years of age. was a
woman of sterling character and was
one of the most highly reenacted rest -
dente of the place. Milch sympathy
is extended to the bereaved husband
and family. The interment took
plate in Kinloee cemetery, tbe wr-
ithes being conducted by Rev. i). T.
G McKerroll, pastor of I ucknow
Presbyterian church, of which da-
wns a (within! member.
When a mother says her Itny le 1.11
of mischief the neighbors realize that
it meso. trouble for them.
ay- a/ K
o.sug has dieposed oI w t ,e
oughbred shorthorn bull cal to
George Lamprey, of Ooderich tow.
ship, for a good figure. The calf 1.
well bred, coming from the old Attrill
stock. -
The funeral of the late James
Young yesterday passed through our
village on the way to Colborne ceme-
tery. Mr. Young was iorn on what
is known ea the Gowrie farm, east of
the village, and spent his early life
here and be Was very wolf and favor
ably known.
TcrtanAi, April lath.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and family
moved to their new farm at Carlow
on Monday Ia.t,
Mtn. W. F. Young has returned
from a visit to her daughter, Mee.
J. Redmond, of Westfield,
Mies H. A. Mallows and cousin, Mire
A. W. Green, visited friends at
Auburn for a few days last week.
('bw•. Vare•or has quite recovered
from his recent illness and will returp
tai TnJroatct at the close of the Easter
Will McPhee was rine of the guests
at Mr. and Mts. William -Patterson'+
silver wedding: celebration, held at
their hour.• in Mullett Friday last.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary
Society met at the home of Mrs. Thos.
Sellowe on Wednesday last. The
meeting WAN well attended consider-
ing the Condition of the roads.
MONDAY, April 12th. \,
A half-dozen or so suckers were
caught bast week.
F. Baugh is spending Easter unite:
the parental roof.
Benson Long is spending the Easter
bidet/Lys at his home here.
Paul Mit/pitch jr., is hired with \Vm.
Vwnstonr for the sutruner.
Miss CIuff baa gone horse to Dun-
gannon to spend the Easter -tidy.
John Venstone and Mise Lydia
Walters left on Thursday for Toronto.
The latter expecte to remain some
Cameron Mohring started working
this week over et Gould'" in Goderich
township. where he is hired for the
John McLarty and George Newell
attended the temperance convention
at Blyth last .Thursday, as delegates
from the temperance lodge here.
The.evening train was delayed owing
to an accident below Guelph and did
bent arrive at. McGaw till nearly 5
o'clock on 1etiday morning
('UgPDAY, April 13th. _.
Tow eon Cotner' L. -- Colborne
council *net on March 311th, All the
members present. Minutes of last
meeting trout and adopted. The fol-
lowing accounts were ordered to he
paid. viz. : Chas. C. fee, tape -line,
52.511 ; Proudfoot, Hays tt Blair, prro•
fes.ional advice, 56 ; Star, printing,
50 ; Thomas Mandy, tile got in 1908.
53 ; John Walter., goods for Wesley
Anderson (charity), 11120 ;' John Hamil-
ton, cleaning ditch on Dunlop. Hill,
5ttc. ; Henry Fisher, putting in tile at
H. 51., 11.50 ; William Oleddon, tilling
washout at liogle's bridge, SOc. ; John
Treble, wood for hall, 55 ; Arthur Mc-
Neil. breaking roads, 1908, 1111. Sam-
wel Potter was appointed pethmaster
instead of Henry Horton : Austin
Church instead of Levi Horney.
Moved by Mr. Moser, seconded by Mr.
Duietow, that the clerk write Chas,
C. Lee and Thomas Sandy for prices
for tile delivered in the township
where required. Carried. Moved by
Mr. McManus, seconded by Mr.
Meer, That Councillor Young be ap-
pointed to look after the repairs of
tile culvert at 1'arter'a corner.
Carried. Moved by Mr. Moser, ser -
How Dodd. Kidney Pills Brought
Health to t Welland Merchant.
Welland, Ont., Apr. 12th. -(Special).
-One of \Vellwnd'e most prominent
merchants, Mr. J. 1. Yokone, makes a
statement, Oust it of intense interest
to those thousands of elenadiens who
are snfiering from Otte or other of the
various forms of kidney disease. Mr.
Yokonr ?aye : -
"For a year or snore 1 had kidney
complaint in alllts wont symptoms.
1 became greatly reduced in weight.
and at times was enable M do any-
thing. 1 doctored and tried medic -Mee
hitt could get no relief till 1 tried
Ihndd's Kidney Pills. From the fleet
they teemed to suit mycase. Five
bore* cured me completey."
Tenla We, Arun. 15, 11(9
Free from
Since May, l9oti, Ayer's Sar-
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol. 1f you are in
poor health, weak, pale, nerv-
ous, ask your doctor ahouttak-
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative. if he has a better
medicine, take his. (..et the best
always. This is our advice.
w•: D.uh u�r tut a"...••
W. banish w,onk.l
A P l n-Y,.a. w,.raM
t/ers w. try. ro. b
A slu i.h liver muni a coated tongue,
a had breath, and constipated bowels.
The question .s, " What is the best Ming
to do under such circumstances?" As
your doctor if this is nota good answer
"Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills.'
---.taw es W. 2.0. yes tis.. r.vwell,
ltnded by Mr. McManus, that the
clerk write V. M. Roberts, C. E., re
the repairs on Dunlop's hill. Carried.
The council decided- not to give any
more charity to Wesley Anderson
after the Oth of April. Adjourned to
meet again April 'frith at 2 o'clock,
i" W. McDuNAnn, Clerk.
MAMMY, April 12th.
Ml•HOn1. RIPOR•ti-'the following is
the standing of the pupils of WS. No.
13, East Wswanoeb ; V.- Carl iten-
nett, Elmer 'Taylor. Sr. IV. -Italy
Stonehouse, Olady's McDowell, Mary
Cook, Eila Taylor. Ivan Wightman,
!vie Cook. Charlie Cooltes. Jr. 1 V. -
Allen Mason, Joseph Dunbar, Ells
Serono Marshall Stonehouse, Olive
Walsh, Violet Meot t. Sr. Ill. -Lorne
Mason, George W'ightman, Edwin
Mason, Wesley Rath. Jr. 111. -Rot.
talents It:uh, Marguerite Bennett,
Jaumei, Scott. Kr. I1,-dltpie. Mason
Ir• 1(. -Jennie Scott. Pt. Ii. -Edna
Scott, fart 1. --James \Valsh, Tel-
ford Cook. Gres H. Jgrs'gw(UN,
Tt'Ertn.tY, April 13th.
�s Robinson is spending the week
at tics borne.
Mr, nd Mrs. D. S. Naylor and fain-
tly, 01 cknow, spent Easter et the
home of e former parents, Mr. and
Mrs. (tee, '. Naylor.
A series . sureeseful tree real meet-
imp., whir. '.ave- been heldin the
Brie•k c . h the pail two weeks
and alsalf, was ught i.-- , slow on
1Vednesetay night
Misses Edna and argaret Ander-
son, of the Toro o Normal, are
spending the Easter v: 'anon at their
Lorne on the 9th. On day they
visited wedgy
the tib Helens hlic school
and spent the day rih*ervin • and mak-
ing ort &, report which th• are re-
quired to hand in on their r -turn to
the Normal.
"My youngest boy, 3 years
old. was sick with fever
last June, and when he got
better the doctor prescribed
Scott's Emulsion, and he
liked it so well that he drank
it out of the bottle, and is
now just as plump and strong
as any child of his age any-
where ... two bottles fixed
him 0 K." MR. JOHN F.
TEDDER, Box 263, Teague -
'Freestone Co., Texas.
is the greatest help for babies
and young children there is.
It just fits their need; it just
suits their delicate, sensitive
natures; they thrive on it. Just
a little does them so much
good and saves you so much
worry. You owe it to them
and yourself to make them u
strong and healthy as possible.
Score's EMULSION will help
you Vetter than anything else;
but he sure to get SCOTT'S.
It's the best, and there arc so
many worthless imitations.
Mr. Tedder h.. jn.t *Tifton a..enther I.f0'. shut
his hndm•r in law'. ehil•1,... Let u, srn•t w,, hr
Utley" .nA nfher Infnrmatinn on lbw .unjwrt. •
Postcard. westinei.a thl. Minn. 1a.naei•nl.
SCOTT a aowret
121 Walkerton Sr. W. UMW,
We have our
Collars for 1 he
i spring trade,
Leather, Cloth and
Sweney Collars
A good clean stock to choose Iron,
Our busy se,von is cornmencing
and if you need one of our
Best Team Harness
don't leave it teo late in the season
Our increasing Waimea le (1,
beet proof of our giving netiefaet inn.
Spring and
In Fine English Natural Wools,
French Balbriggan.
Ellis Spring Needle,
and all the leading lines in Summer Underwear.
Call and see th
Call and see the New Rubber Collar,
in all the newest styles.
e perfet-t fu- 1 drink for
children. Highly nutritious -
easily digested -delicious and
....New Wheels
eft ••
New Tires, New -Seats,
New Coaster Brakes.
Great Bargains in Rebuilt second=hand Wheels.
Old Wheels refitted and made as good as new at moderate cost
Complete stock of Bic y. le Sundries now on hand
Let us put your wheel in good shape
All work thoroughly and promptly attended to
Opera House Block. Kingston Street.
that we have TOO 'targe a stock of sev-
eral lines, which we are going to offer
you at greatly reduced prices, some of
which are:
Fancy English Oraniteware,
German Graniteware,
Hall, Library and
Stand Lamps,
Hollywood Paints,
Wall Kalsomines,
Stock Food, etc.
Call and see our Bargains: they are greater
bargains than
Six London Fence Machines, complete, which we offer at each $9.50
A quantity of No 12 Cleveland coned decarbonized spring Steel
Wire, which runs two -Ids tel the Ib. We are offering this at, per
3 i -4c
A quantity of No. 12 and No. 1 i Weaving Wire, at, per Ib.
53S rods of different styles of No. is woe, Ideal Penc,ng,
tete rods of different styles of No. q wire. American Fencing,
306 rods of different styles Pittsburg Fencing.
20 rods of Dillon Fencing,
to rods of Maple Leaf,
making a total of 2385 rods of fencrng, which we want to turn into
rash, and also to make room for our Spring Goods
In Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing,
Tinsmit.hing, etc., all work promptly
attended to, and fully guaranteed.
Store 'Phone 22
fiouae'Phone 112