The Signal, 1909-4-15, Page 7Ir NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure Insertion in issue of same week. Public NORM. gTICE.-THS PUBLIC HEALTHN AcTof °Marryio requires that all porNotw overpAge tits are low ud line maid convictive that f para with ooh regulations. for failure I comply o The medics.' health officer will be lis hoe ulllwe on the tint Saturday Afternoon of tech mouth at o'clock for ibe free vaccination of person. jt edit l Health Officer. A. C. 1lUITIUt. Li`iyNOP81et OF CANADIAN N'JHTHWiftT LANI) RaOULATI0NS. Any pennon who 1s the sole head of • gamily, or any nude over 16 yold. may houleaUsedyama gq.r(ermeoUOu of available Dominion land 1n ;Manitoba, 8a.keteheweu or Albert.. The applicant must appear let penton at the Domin- ion romtmion Lands Agency or Sub-Ageocy for the district, Itntry by proxy may be wade at any sgeeey, on car n ooudilione, by tether, mother, Non, daughter, brother or . or of in tending bpraatewler. potion, -Set moods' reddeuce upou end cultivation of the turd to each of three yeses. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his bowestaed on a farm of at least se acres ...lel) owned and occupied b, bis or by his father. mother. Non, daugbLer, brother or sister. In rertein districts a bomeeteroter In good .iwudinss stay preempt a uarler-Nectluo oto igside bi. i add 11ad. orausiiO per acro. lends*-Mu+t reside Nlr month., in soh of ala yearn from date of boniertaeel entry 1 lnoludiug OW time required to earn homo.tead petentl And cultivate fifty acme extra. .l hore.teeder who has ex heudod his boom .lewd richt and cannot obtain a pre emotion may take a porch:wad horneetead le certain districts. !'rice Mot per &ere. Duties. -Must ookle sir moot he In .1011 of throe year., eWU- inte fifty ores and erect • bou.e worth 1531.10.00. W. W CONY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, S it. t'naulhori*ed publication of thin .d• . ro °...meat will !oft W geld for. Watchmzkug, etc. tl ,SEl'AitK wen n.u.e rgk, J g w* l.Lta• orrrQJA g. wmi lm aide of Square, Ooderlch, Ont Civil Englneering IL sod Hydraulic Kngtar. OntarioC11 ee Surveyor. olflos -McLean Klock. °adered', mew* Montreal siert. Telephone M. MIMIC 1 LFRBD B. 000E. TEACHER OF A IP�lre,h�oltttenne. Theory, Harmony and ouolertldn6 Meowed epared for examine. times( %toryofMunic. Apply at s�ay�r� SWre, Ooderleh. Moods incites",se/Wee or Mr. Alex. Macken- zie. ack n- zie.Ontario - 1►Ktt. EM1BRSON A TURNBULL _Arytit tsow 0a, 9, n. TVA/teeth. 11, B. (edge... Hamilton hereat phone 103. Ill. Itmnierw,n. residence, Noeth street, oplerlte 8t Oeore.nohuroh, 'phone 186. Dr. Turnbull'. reddenre, Monlreatatreet. emutbwe*t of Public west•. • 1st. lilt. \V,Ijf,GALLOW, M.B.\ oma.• and residence. Norte street, (iediriob, north 0( County ReaLtry omo•. Tellepboae, 191 Legal �L KILLORAN, BARRISTER, , snliritor. notary, eta Money to lend OK lowest rate,. Otfloer-North Stress Iioderte1 near sumo onkel. la YsMMtik Bidardik” and Morsdain. Jl( u. CAMERON. K. 0.. BARRIS- . TER. solicitor, notary public. 0deee- 14eailton Street. Oodertcb, third door from 'heart • DItOrIWOOT, HAYS & BLAIR [I lwn.tet., eolirltors, notated public pn tors In the Maritime (curt, eta (Mace, mete i.. Square. nett door (', A.. alrn'a grocery. Pei rate tondo 1. lend at leered rales of loitered. W. Pl(OUD9UOT, L C. ii C, RAYS. 0. If ItHARLEBHARROW, LL.B., BAR- RIBTLR, attorney. solicitor, etc., Oode teen Money to lead at lowest rate.. 0. BARRIB'1'gR, JOHNSTON.sdkNtor, ootnmkdoner, notary public, Hamilton street, Ooderbh Ont. Insurance, Loans. Etc. tit) Oita PRIVATE FUNDI TO Ill to M. O, CAM pW.i, 114rrietar,HamitoAree- Ooderlch. R. ROBERTSON, iNSO'RAN('B AGENT. VMS ♦1)u laanrvtxn: BMtlM, l'anadian and Anent -an, Aoomor1 8..'x ogee Aett arrwrina' IAA nil. rte• : The Ocean Accident and Ou•ronte. 'orporauon limited, of London. Fang, tii&iire ASO tirAMwTaa Ilovi*t : The 1'. S. Fidelity and l(wrntee Company. (Mite at readenoe, northeast corner of Vie tone *o4 8t 1(.,44'. street.. 'Phone 176 IOHN W. (7RAIGit, L'FR, FiRR t and nrcident Moments. Agent for leading mutual and .tort companies. Insurance In all lino. erns -toil on best plans and et lowest rate.. (:all at ochre. rnrner West Street and Square er addre.s J. W. ('RA10141, Ooderich. Ont. tela bone 24 111cKILLOP MUTUAL. FiRK IN- f"- - 8 U R ANC/ 1.0. -Y'a'm and !enlaced tows property'mitred- OOner.-J, R. Masan, Pres., Kippers P T. Framer Ik VtoePres„ noeneld P. O. Moms. ff. Hare, Ben. Teem., 8e•forth P. 0 Morton. -Wm. ('hesney, 8oaforth ; John O,Orlere, Winthrop • O.orylr Dale, Seatottb; Jobe henneweb ih,Alin: Jeers. Keane, Beech wood; John Watt, Ilarl.s-k ; That.. Fraser, Rnleeneld ; John 11. Mclean, Klppen ; Jag. (Connolly, !Tinton. J. W. Yeo, Hotme.vl4e, agent for West Aaron. I nllcy.iolder• can pay aseetame to and get their conte repel4wd at Tomer t 8mwn'e, Clinton 01 *4 R. H. Cult'. starry, kinsmen amt. bodertoh. 1[enesietnng Mineral Water 1rHR (4ODRRICH MINERAL WA - TICK (Yl., manufaett(tettt of "Menem - tali" are prepared to de)lver to nny pert of ter town Reliant Ongee Ale In Mote and g'.uo,. abed :Sternal Ws three in the glare pelt., pinta And eneriel, 6e1G►r Water an.l Double node. Theno 'roods are made from *atarel Weald water, and are therefore free from all Impurtim P, 1. WALTUN Mao - neer ?bans Jd Runoffs Licenses tVALTRIt R. KRLLX OUDL1iCH. NT. eteeteh maker, Jeweller and Optician. loner of Hardee, IAosnse., W , LANK, ISSUER OF MARRI- Ao g lines..., O.derkek, Ont. SHAVIlio Pa11.1.O11 lEDF01lD BLOCK BARBER e1HOP. This well-known and ;armlet stand yWert its parting the beet aerate, In Ahearn,. setting. rte, ctr,. 'Miro' shampooing u rut,. Only *killed hand. employed. oar pa1mnAge will he appreciated. H. B. M mbritor. Anetloneeri g THOMAS GUNDRY, LIVE STO('K •(+e1 neral aoouoneer. 018oee on Mu.); 1.1: ns salsa r .t 1* wenn. haftbri, rMeac Breahie and Noses mei M teen goo naLlet•eflon. AUCTIOiyEERI NO. All hr&nebee nstefelly attended to Farm d k ▪ t, km stock Woe. renal gal a and macho',nun and made(anywhere. Write for dawn or over orlth fie■Ilton Cleo. Beckett, street, Goderich One Telephone No. tall TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. Local Option Campaigns to Be Com- menced in Hama Mu•tcipalibas. Myth, April 14. -Thursday of 1 week the second annual temperas couvention for Huron count co veued in the Presbyterian churc Blyth, with President F. Hueb•u* of Winghatn, in the chair. Thr sesame' full of vigor were held. Delegates were present from near all the municipalities in the count full of enthusiasm at the proepect the abolitiou of the bar and the tree log system. After reports from the officers as the work done during the year we dealt with, the morning session w deyoted to reports from the cover municipalities, must of which we very encouraging sod allowed prospects to lee bright for en ear adoption of the local opPtiou la Hee. 8, L. Toll, of Henaall, gave a excellent address on local optio quoting moistly Crum hie home towi and stating emphatically that foe option was • decided success in Het sail. It was a -linnet impossible to ret a honer ; hotel accommodation w better than under license ; buiine was Rood and in some cues heterr than under license, sad there was no one -fiftieth of the drinking done no as under former conditions, and fo all of these statements he could giv proof as to their .cc .r:cy, O. M. Elliott, of ()oderich, spoke o the campaign in that town sad ale led a conference on local option or ganization which was practical an helpful. Two strong addressee were deli,vere In the evening, the first by Rev. D. T L McKerroll, .,f L,ucknow. who was fresh trove a splendid campaign in hi home town, and as a former resides of Owen Sound spoke with authorit concerning conditions there. H p'rongly urged the churches to d more for G'ntperance and local option than they had done, as he was con vineed that it ie the ebureh's duty to wage war c .ntinually, until the coup try is tree fame the legalized Iiquo teethe. J'ooepti Gibson, of Ingersoll, preri- drut. of the Ontario Branch of the Onmin vention with an inspiring address. He urged! the delegates nut to lose ight of Mr. fact that the greatest work in which the church. could con- centrate its forces was the temperance work and that they should ever keephonker'honker'then) the idea of trying in very way to make the world t.et.ter. A resoluti .0 wen adopted urging he Local Government to repealone he three-fifths clause, and a leo Local the ocal Government for hemanner in which the lit emir in- peetnr and commissioners hall been ppointed in Centre Huron, A letter of thanks was ordered to be sept to W. Proudfoot, M. P. P. for entre Huron, foe t8et-- -441451 g>1cY ion be took on the floor of the Logi*. Lure' in regard to the three-fifths lamelae and the el,olition of the bar. The following officers were ap- inter! fur the current year : President, F. Buchanan. Wiogham; secretary. A. T. Cooper, Clinton ; reasurer. J. P. Brew 114 G,xlewieh r- ; -riteep-«,dente, G. M. f elate- eb ; II v. E. Adams Fear, Ex -ter, d J 4,n K'.rr, \1'nr bn n. romans were named as 1.+dlowa M F.IIi•tlt : C down, Jae, \Vingti oft, 8. Winne(' ; 8ea- 0.)venl.:Y ; Hench!, H�v,.se Hayfield. J. J. Colwell ; Carr ; Itruasets, Iter -5, eter, T. H. McCallum : sat ce o, ee ly of t to re as al re LIM ly w. n ( 0 d d s 7 u r t a r.i.t ►) t11•r forth, L. Toll ; Blyth, A. G, Powell Wroxeter, Ret. I. Perrin ; Ashfield, Rev. Oboe: M. utbedord ; Colborne, J. Tiffin ; Oode eh township, J. J. Colwell ; Orey, Strachan ; Hay. 8. Rennie ; How W. Walters : Hullett, John Pine ; McKillop. R. Scarlett ; Morrie, Thos. Bielby : Sten - ley, Thus. Wiley ; Stephen. Jacob Holtzman : Tucker,mith, F. O'Brien ; Turnberry, Benson (;ruikabank ; Us - borne, (7bae. Oann ; Root %Vawgnorth, W. S. Ssulter ; West Wwanosh, W. Bailie. Mr. Oiheoo told the officers that the convention was the molt practical and encouraging convention of its kind he had ever attended and he has attended a great many in his day. Local option campaigns will likely be organized this year in the towns of Winggham and Clinton : the villages of .Kxeter. Bayfield and Blyth ; and the townships of Stephen: Hay, Tuck- eremith, Colborne, Turnberry and Grey. SOMETHING CAN BE DONE To Stop the Increase of Catarrh 1n Code - rich. t'atarrhal trouble. are increasing, not only in Goderich but all over the country. Catarrh ie a germ disease and to cure it germ life in the nose, throat and lunge must be destroyed, and this cap be done only by breathing Hlonlei. There is no dangerous stomach drugging when Hyomei is need: 110 tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the digestion he often destroyed. 13 e.thed through' the neat pocket inhaler that cremes with every outfit, it, 11 sing baleatua penetrate t moat 'emote air cello, ' destroying -tete catarrhal germs ao that quick er- roret y fnll,nt R. The colnplete rn+tflt costo but 81 (81, and Jae. Wilson nto refund the money should ivrly full to do all that is claimed for it. WATCH YOUR TONGUE. If Furred and Coated, It's a Looking Glass Stomach Warning. When it is the morning after the night before, you do not have to look at your tongue to know that the stomach in upset, the head it selling, no appetite, nerves on edge with all the sunshine of life clouded. The real time to witch the tongue is all of the time. if it is costed with s white fur, or pnteibly with dark trimmings, even though the stomach does not tell you by the acute pains of indigestion that it needs help, yet, the roatml' shows tint you are getting into ie fart way and that there is need of Mi -o -Ila. Mi-o-ni is s) positive, s) mire, SO v'rl- 11*b'e in be rarative action upon thb Monied' that Ju. Wilson, the local agent, gives a guarantee of eatief*c- tinn with evenir 50.toent box or money haek. �. -- A Difficult Position. A young captain, who was drilling the awkward aqued, commanded thus: "Now. my 'nen, listen to me. When 1 Ray •Halt t' put the foot that's on the g' mind heelde the one that's in the air, and remain motionless." -Suc- re.. Magetino. Hurry and Worry are always pay- ing interest to Slow and Sure. A whole lot of people worry them- selves .ick over other people's tt'ot(hles. TRE SIGNAL GODFRICH,:'fONTARIO THE MARKET SITE. To tie iLdltor of The Miguel. DIAN Site -I have read with much iuterest the report of the publie meet - lug bald beet Tuesday evening to thr- ees the advisability of ertablisbing a market in Goderich. it *triter me forcibly that un that occasion most of the speakers lout right of the mnet be. portant point to be cousi,l, 1.1 in choosing a site for a markt l place. Considerable doubt eziste in the nliuds of puny •s to whether a market if established would be patronized suffi- ciently fly the people of Oudericb car Therefore how to °bootie a central local%n, conyeol ent to every part of the town. Under the present conditions this should, be the first consideration, If a live luercbant were choosing a lienti9a t- . hardly choose Victoria Park assault able Hite. He would want to locate where he would be convenient to the majority of hie customer', and he would not let a few thoueaud dollars .taud in the way of obtaining such e site. The geographical centre of Gode- rich is in the neighborhood of the (Mdfellowi }fall. Certainly the centre of population must be there about.. Our town will grow, no doubt of it. For obvious reasons it must grow south; therefore, should we not choose a site at present centra and that will he .central even if our population grows to double what it is Gidayf Furthermore. the business centre of the town is, and always will be, the Square and near 1t. Then let us locate our market near the business centre, where we can reaaonably hope it will be patronized, and thus insure a sur. cetlsfui market. Any place south and within one or two blocks of the 'square would be suitable, and the present market place better than many. Some claim there is not room enough, but if we can induce etlongh tanners and customers to fill that apace on two or three market days 01 each week there will be no further doubt as to the success of the market. If, later, we find the market too small, the town can enlarge the space b purchase or expropriation and Nary to supply the funds. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for so much space in your valuable paper, 1 sus, sir, Yours truly, A IITIZEN. Goderich, April 12th. Easter Examinations. it'unduded from toted.) E. Swart..... eq F. Robertson _.. 6t A. McDonald 84 63 H. Colborne .. 1Li R. Hawkins. .. 61 B. Wella.. ... .. 61 F. Ont. W. Buchanan M. Hurley I. Currie ............... E. Dietrich ...... ....... 57 V. Bowler ..... - 57 11. Ctart.,..-, ...., .. 57 H. Pridham ............................ 67 8. Wilson ... W F. Young..... .......--e .. .: tor r64 K. Sutherland...... _53 N. Gravelle . .. . A. Clark .., . 52 52 E. Cowan......... .. . 52 H. Mitchel .. 49 J. Lauder . 48 00 58 STOMACH DISTRESS And All Misery from Indigestion Var.- mins Five Minutes Later. Every family here ought to keep sone Diapepsin in the house. as any one of you may have an attack 01 in- digestion or stomach trouble et any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and overcome a ,our storu*ch flve minutes after- wards. If your meals don't tempt you, or if what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart- burn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for 5l) -cent cawof Pape'. Diapepsin awl take one triangule after sipper tonight. There will be no sour risings. no belching of undigested foul mixed with acid, no stomach gas or henetburn, fuliness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there wilt be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pap. R Diapepsin is a certain cure for all stomach misery, because it will take hold of your food and digest it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Actual prompt relief for all your stomach misery is at your pharmacist's, waiting for you. These terse 50 -cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure a case of dyspepsia or indigestion. He Was Very Dull. He was a very shy young gentle- man, and, although Isrmyntrude had presented him with innumerable op- portunities for declaring his love in practical fashion, he could never sum- mon up sufficient courage to take advantage of them. They were sitting as usual one evening -she on the sofa, he on a chair -with the usual half hour inter - vile in between remarks, when the climax was reached. Isn't it funky," *he Raid, "that the length of a man's arm is the name as the circumference of a lady's vitiate" "fa that so?" Raid he, mildly inter- ested. "What do you say if we get •iece of string and ani if it's right?" They Were All Ready. John Lawrence Toole, the most popular low comedian of his day, once gave a supper to eighty of his friends, and wrote a note to each of them privately beforehand, asking him whether he would be so good as t.1 say grace, as no clergyman would be present. 1t is said that the faces of thorn eighty men fie they rose 10 A body when Toole tapped on the table a* a signal for grace was • e ight which will never be forgotten. Her Own Work. "Your husband," Raid Gait -lie, "ap pears to be a man of great self con- trol." • "Yee," replied 1frs. Peckham, "he le." "1 .oppose," Gadrhe went. no, "he inh.ritrd that quality fmm his father. the Judge;" "No," eh* replied signift iintIT, "it's A virtue he bas scouired since hie marriage." The Mason and Risch (t Sustension " sounding board- sensitive, elastic and resonant HERE'S a sounding board that's alive. Every inch of it vibrates with each note struck. That's one of the reason? for the full, rich, resonant - tone of the Mason and Risch piano. In most pianos the sounding board is attached to the case in such a manner that it loses most of its resiliency and resiliency is the most important feature in a sounding board. 0=Iamme00ammos!lt. 10 Mason and Risch The piano with a soul In the Mason and Risch piano the "sustension" sounding board is raised on bridges in such a manner that it leaves e--,�-t.rq part of it fre, giving the instru- ment a remarkably pure, full, sustained, tone quality. \.tau?d like to tell you more about the construction of the Mason and Risch, piano. The story is interesting to all who \, MASON own or contemplate owning a piano 0 1ti 1% Toronto, Feb, 1J.J, /009. II MEMORANDUM Toronto Waterworks Tunnel Under Toronto Bay /111118 tunnel proper from base of shaft to hate of shaft i4 5,201) feet long and it built of concrete thrmighout the -bottom and about half way up the _- aider- and of Lucie latd.in- ameent mein fir t1 ruughout the arch. The tunnel is run through shale beneath about 110 feet of rock and sand, carrying a depth of front 5 to 30 fret of water above it. The concrete bottom apct sides are about 12 iuchex thick and the brick arch is about the vase thickness. There was cared in this work about 15,0184 barrels 'of STAR (lenient, the work being done exclusively' with this brand. No reinforcement whatever was used. !luring construction the contractors frequently had to contend with (1 -inch streams of water pouring down through the arch from the Bay above. The essence of the contract was that the tunnel should be watertight, bind it was aecspted as completed and satisfactory on the first of the year, and 'the city's supply of water hats been (ed through this tunnel since the 1st day of January, 1909. The surface of the brickwork before the water was let in war thoroughly cleaned with air chippers and then washed with a cement mortar, so that the whole intrtior (if the tunnel now hat' the appearance of leeiu a cbncreie tunnel throughout. The tunnel ie ti feet in diameter both in height and width. The best had to be used in this work. Why not you use the best for your work, WHEN WE SELL IT AS CHEAP AS OTHER MAKES ARE BEING SOLD Mail this coupon to us to -day and ea' Rlsch The Howell Hardware NANO co, we wen send you all the reasons why L""'TO o,; -r, you should hi-'vea Mason and' ''Seedmeyonrclm.- CC`, Limited, orated h.N•':h t r -;,1,•h O� -mor ,'w,,..m. t o►o...... ao should own a Ma,n, a.,. Rich piano. Th,, h, 00 soy 181gst " me to per, base. pre''--ence to any other make. The Mason and Risch _Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., Toronto. Cies Naso. Frev�laa THE MARKETS. Liverpool Exchange Closed, Chicago ' Wheat Close Higher -Live Steck -Latest Quotations. Monday Evening. April 12. Liverpool grain markets rinsed to -day. Chicago May wheat closed Mc higher t canoes Saturday, corn iec 4lgber, and ow Winnipeg Options. Wheat -April $1 44 bid, July 5114 bid, May 11-S7tl 014. old -April O4t' bld. May 433se bed. Toronto Grain Market, wheat. fail, bush 11 1e to Wheat red, bush 11•r-- 11-- Wheel goose, bueb 1 06 Rye bushel 0 75 ,,,, Baei'wbeat, bushel 0 fl • ,,.• Peas, bushel 0 96 Barley, bushel .,...._.--0 M oats, bushel 0 60 Toronto Dairy Market. Bader. separator dairya 2a eft Butter, store lots 017 011 Batter, creamery. solids 0 21 022 Bones, creamer). Ib, roll0 21 016 fossa, new -laid. dozen 019 Cheese, targe, Ib.. -_,-.-.«0 1 Cheese, twin, Ib._.......--.- 0 1 Roam extracted 0104 01i Naw York Dairy Market. NW/ YORK, April 11-Butter-4ltlgbtte firmer; r'eo•lpta. 4278; creamery, spm.. tic te ?fire. official, 10c; extras, 2. 21�K third to first, Mc to Mc: cleames,, held, common to !pedal. 20e to 17c; We. One. osaamon to special, 17c to Da west - an factory, that, 1131. to lfe; western imitation creamery, nrs1, 16x. Chese-. Irm: rameip a. 15611;n ; state, fu cream. specials. 16c to 17e: do., fancy. W.; do.. good to flee, MAO: 'Writer made treat, 1431.. do.. good to prink*. 134o to 144x: do, common to fair, 1$0 to nc; actino, fell to special, Me to 114. l .$frrn; receipts. 17,110; state, 1'enn- V4l*nie and nearby, fancy, select white. nc to Ver. do- fair In choice, 134, to ffifie: brown and wised, feria, Mho; do., fair t.. choice, Mite to 225; waste+n .tnrag., packed, new, tint, no to !lyre; aecoeds, 30WK, southern. neat, fire seconds. Mao, CATTLE MARKETS. elides Firers -Hogs Active at Buffalo and Chicago. LONDON, April 1.-Loodos cahlat roe mama ars steady, Rt 1104.- to 1544.' tar Ilk foe - - _steady, .'.rel, 6res'ed wnlgtlt, re• fMet be^r In voted at No to 1114a Tomato Junction Live Steck. TORONTO JUNCTION. April 14. - The reneipte of live stock at the Union Yards were light only 30 carloads, consisting of 677 cattle, 14 sheep and 61 calves Exporters -Trade in exporter.. was not any better than it has been. hut there happeeed to be •mr or two finished toads which sold a 11tH.• better. Export steers aid at from 45 40 to 15.16, but only one load, sold by Mrponald 4 11allllgan, beeaght the latter price. Bulls sold at from 14.16 to A per cwt. Butchers -There wan an excellent de- mand for finished butchers, which xnld tap to M.40 per cart., but that price hes been paid xevernl Omen before the Wailes market trade. Prime picked lot. and lads of butrhere sold at 46.s to 16.40: loads of good, 1.10 to 16.10, medium, 14.10 to 5410, common; H.10 to 14.40; cows, 54.40 to 14 at , AnnrA an .amen rows, 62 to MAL e, i lkera madwed w. There were two ro�ya bovlhT liswetree at 14: and lig !'heacfi, Vaal omen. 1fstTooe caiv.e sold u MOMS g bem 30 to $4.7i0 per 17 4. .• /leap eat Iambs. ?he market for ,,hoop and luno/ was sane too brisk, and p_rices scent to have resatbad their limit. tl:xport awns add at 11,f to 41 per cwt_. 1 carting limbs wale r'tipsrtad at 15 le to 15.60 per eat. roe can - MOO fad ft to RTS pee ewe ear to lL eat. m`����,,tae,�ree1rrsssssseedddbed embered at cum atmomitrwtllsrfa • e- M.*0raai Live Steck. Atoll 11-!}�a�at }j� Ow Montreal Block Tarso fArat Ib6 Market- the rnnelpt, of live *tock fur the Weak andtng April 1n, were 113 rattle, lr *map and Iambs. 114' hags sad me ralvea, while the *apply for local oorutinnivtion this mrwwlne eon1*ted of 11111 rattle Si hogs and 20 adore. Aa users the float market after the Easter was we. oto dif- ferent to say other yenr, it beteg • veep solo affair, owing to the fart that bt4- era generally had nought more .teak Chas they wanted for their actual requlretrante Met week In nyder to make n nom/ show. Ing In 'hair Ahnp* f nnsr+Cnently Ih. hulk of them carried over rnn.lderahh- and will not require moat Meer thin lack Ta rnneerosente the denoted wan ttmlted for cattle (his morning. but an the eag•Iy was also limited the undertone en is Market wen steady and prier sheegd knrswtant thanes. Thorn was costa leers 5kat`s tke ve bet of all -who have lap for Quebec aearuul ' 14110, ermine with what reporter. ... 'eel ., l•rr•eve Wok.. a good clearance con made. There were really no choice steers offered, and the top pricy realized for the test was Stec and lower Braden sold from haat down to to, while good bulls brought Pyx to be and foeders 33ic per pound Tb•ro were no sheep or Iambn on tee market and In ronsequem•e (rale' In these tines was very slow. but dealers stated that buyers would pay sac to 7c per ported for yearling lamb/. and be t, 614c for old sheep, while spring Iwtbs were quoted at 11 to Ili eseb. The few calves offered met with • reedy rale at prima ranging from *3Jo Ill each. as to size and guallty. The emptily of hogs was tight. for which the demand was good from packers and the feeling In the market remains strong. but prices /how no actual change sales of selected Iota Mang rnu4e at 11.10 to ss and straight lots at 17.111 to 17.41 per cwt., weighed off the cars. East Buffalo Cattle Market. MA.ffr BUF'p'ALO, April 11 -cat 1 --41r edpt., nee had. *CUve and 10c to 16c Meller: prime steers. 06.40 to 16.16; shlp- ptmg, 01.41 to 1a36; butchers', MI6 to 1010; ars, 14.20 to M: cows, 11.16 to 15; bull, iiw to 16.'3; stockers and feeders 54 to 16. •tock heifers. 13.10 to 54. tresh 00.I* mad springers acne• and strong, In to 10. Vaal --Receipts, MOO bead; slow and steady, 57 to 11.10. Hogs-Reredpte, 12,00 bead; fairly ac- tive; beat grades steady; yorkere 1e to 10c and pigs se lower; heavy, *.10 to n.10; meted, 57 t:. 4,, '1,76, ynrken, 17.M to 17.70; pigs, 16.10 to 17; roughs, 45.60 to 10.71. stags. 15 to 16.10. deli ..., (7.16 to R.M. Sheep and lambs- Receipts, 16,600 head; sheep steady, lambs lir to 25c Mgher; lamb., :46 to 18.40, a few 1a 50. yearlings, 57' to RM. cabers, 46.50 to U.i ewes, 16.75 to 46, nh.vp mixed, Si to 44.70, clip- ped lambs, 01 to 57.7.; clipped sheep. 15.: to 16.60. Now York Live Stock. NEW YORK April 12 Iteeve•- eerpt., 3146; steady. steers, K.. 07 to 16.61. bulls 13.100 to 54.115 row., 17 to 54b0, dre,aed beef slow, i.1 airc.f., 10c. Calves -Receipts. 6354; market now soil lower-, veal., 5 to 15.7L, few prima. lath weight, UM' •rulla, 34 to 11.'15; dressed calves weak, city dressed veal, Poe to 124.; few, 11c; country dressed, 7t to tic. Stamp sad Lambe -Receipts. MVO .beep fell steady. lambs slow. but 'toady to strong; un*hore sheep, 1610 to 1550 clip- ped do.. 14 to 1460; unshorn lamb., 5010 to 11770; no rholce sold; clipped lambs, 16.40 to 17.Z. rtIpped culls, 51, few state end Pennsylvania seeks lambs. 14.75 to 46 per head. Itog.-ltecetpts, 11,11: market stt*ef state and Pennnylvada hogs, 11.50 10171 Ity 17.1. 1„ tire. What She Would Do. Once, at dinner at which Dr. Emil Reich was present, the conversation turned on marriage. -- "That waft • alae saying of the old Greek philosopher," said Ronne one. '"Whether you marry her or not, you will regret it. "Yea," answered Dr. Reich. "it re- minds me of a certain old maid, who once fetid something almost as good al that. 'Auntie,' said her little niece to her, 'what would you do if you had your life to live over again?' "To which the lonely spinster quickly replied : 'Get nterriad, my child, before 1 hail sense enough to decide to he an old maid.'" ---Life. What Killed the Cat ? Little Davey Sloan is forever asking rations. "You'd better keep .1111 or some- thing will happen to yon," hie tired mother 'finally told hint one night. "Curiosity onee killed a cat, you know." Davey was so im )ret.Red with thin that he kept silent bot' three minutes. Thr n : "Say, mother, what was it the cat waattd to know?"-Everyh'4y's Magszine. Matter of Shape. Mrs. Youngwed , ^4 want three pounds of steak, please," Butcher - "Yes, ma'am. Round steak ? Mrs. Youngwed "Ob, i don't rare whether it is round or seluarc, jest so it's nice and tender." Honaaty Rewarded. Atter dining, the restaurant patron proceeded to Up the waiter. "Beg pardon, air," said the waiter, esemining the coin, "Mut this quarter Itl rotlnterfeit." "Is that so ?" Peel/timed the other. "Oh, well, keep it for your honesty." \Ve invite your early inspection. Colne and see the very newest New Styles with high toe,. wing tiro[, flat and ring eyelets, etc. We have all the new style* in low shoes, in Pat- ent (weather, Tail and the new Coffee shade, $3.50, $4.00 and *4 so OLD PEOPLE! Need Vino! because it contains the very elements needed to re- build wasting tissues and replace weakness with strength. It for- tifies 2 e s7stei4.tt. -against colds, and thus preven s pneumonia. This :s tieeadlsc Vino! coniainG Iron and all of aIle .;eetlic'r. nal hi!;dy_t;uHcl- ing o.•'.f1-41ii3 of Con :di1==1,'iil from iresh cods' livers-- �tld no oil. V1gRJi : ; + a pateitlt medicine. Every - tiling 11 contains is named on beide. POOR BLOOD Elderly people feel the cold keenly, because their blood Is 1bin,.1080lsh and vvalers,Vtnol is the Ideal b:note to:lie and strength matter. H creates a hearty zippy tite.promole<. diues- tlon, purities rind cnrlebes the blood and lot Igor:.: 7-a the entire body. 7R YEARS OLD The grand-nlecc of Alexander Hamilton sans: - "1 ant 76 years old, hove n hearty appc- tf1e, sleep soundly, and feel active and well. Thanks to Viaol, which in the lineal tonic and etrengtbereatorIeverused. Vlsol 1e a God send 10 old peo- ple COUGHS AND COLDS Clt:ctly Ver: s713ee - tlble to e:nu ;fin and eoids', which so often develop pact. mania. Don't lose time tape* - tmentlnq with ether remedies, w:aca lee unarn::tee Vinod to cure. Vfnol has carried m: it an old person through n Garel winter without a rel.! or ccv Jh. CO YEARS $3LD ..t was so feeble 1 had lo bo wheeled about to an lnva:ld'-1 chair. and toott cold at the '.lightest e'tuse. Vinod built cp my slrcuttb no 1 could utak et quarter of a mile. 1 ant ..r- Ifrhted. • - I>,:1.5. M. 13L0'.111. Lewistown. Pa. VINOL QUICKLY CURES A COLD AND 5I OPS A COUGH YOUR MONEY BACK iF ViNOL FAILS TO HELP YOU Sold by 11. C. DUNLOP, Druggist, Goderiek.