HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-15, Page 6TEvua y, Aran, 15, 1909 THE SIGNAL : GODBRIOLI ONTA RIO Take a Free Trip to Europe as a guest of the London Daily Advertiser, the best metropol- itan paper printed in Western Outside. All Ne news from all our lat- est market quolatious sod all general nod local news worth printing. SP IAL OFFt;R Seed ,11100. for the London Dally Advertiser for 14 wt tithe' and 400 votes for your choke of candidatee in the European Trip Gouts et. "B" IN THE CIRCLE of those who wear our easy and hand some shoes, and you will never have cause te comp) tin of tied feet. Ve pride oureelvt . upon the excellent make of our t hook throughout, from the aelectian_ a__ hn-leaLbere to the finishing of the shoe. They are made ell sizes and widths, on the best and Moet approved lasts. and are not only eaay-fitting and stylish, but very durable also, WM. SHARMAN GODKRICH =-Groceries TO THE LADY OF THE HOUSE : When you are coming •down town make • list of your wants in the Grocer line, and brigg it to be filled promptly wits the best Sud most reliable goods to he had. Or cell up Telephone No. 91, and your order will be attended with equal care and promptness. Our stork of Teas and Coffees is complete. All the hest qual- ities at the right prices. Try a ,sample order. Johnston's Military. Bread cannot be leateu. We sell it. Sturdy & Co. The Grocors. On the_Square. CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING ANO REPAIRING HAIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND REMADE CARPET All ordnr. LAYING promptly � b�i;oderateto Repair Room.: One door West of C. J. Harper. Stove Store. Wait Street. Residence -Klein Avenue. UODKRICH. ONT. G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIREOTOR Furniture and Undertaking.waremenle. Went nide Square. 'PHONE : Store RI. Oodorioh Residence 171 Night calk: At residence. 33 William Street. J. BROPBEY & SON -TRE LEADING - Funeral Directors and Embalmers Funeral Directors Orden .�.. sur"« ., � Orden rertelly •tt.neel to td as been, nlgkt et day 'PHONE 15 OR 24 When Jon want THE REST wanhninw e'er. WMt .nd Yards I ( stress and .t Osok S e COAL ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HANC ren Coal weighed se the market wale - where roe mit doll Ile. for . ton. WM. LEE. go=left at C. C. LEE'S Hardware Mer. was std• Stan, ssessetty ata edea to -Tisa Signal to Jan. rat, 1910, for We, r Easter Examinations. How the Boys and Girls of Goderich Public Schools Stand in Their Classes. Following are for results of the J Arlie Matheson E ester examinatloos In the (3oderieh public schools t Division 1. Total 660. Florence Smith 518 Hugh A uderson ..... ........... 566 Charier Inkster �....-..-- 611 Celia Robinson 510 Mamie Down 494 Grace Duff 480 Marie Curren , 471 Olive Tichborne 469 Amy NV ark 467 Ids Smith I00 B Doris Leal Minnie Teocott 458 Nettie Robinson 4.43 Ernest Jane 428 Alms Sturdy 427 Margaret 1)uf 422 Chester Thomson .... 421 Chalice Thomas.. 406 Violet Black , 404 Grace Phomas 404 Elwood Hoyer � Jean Nairn Agues MacDonald 304 Uarnel TreUieway 385 Morley Young.. . .. 386 Ernest Pridham ... ......... 384 Re,t. Halls 380 Reg Vivian 379 Hazel MacDonald 374 Estella Clark. 352872 John Mitchell.... ..s;. Kathleen Moore 370 Jennie Hawkins. 845 John Vanstone 333 Grace McLean .... . 294 Louie Carey.... • • • 286 JUNIOR IC. Total U i1. A. Lend/thorough 735 Jay Shaw 786 Eva McLean 677 Cockburn Heys. 162 Pearl Good � Grace Welt Margaret Leonard ' ...... • ... 619 Ernest Porter 618 Harry Brimicowbe . . 607 Amy Howes 606 Harold Currie .... • • • • • 600 Ethel Nairn 600 Muriel Duckworth 588 Myrtle Wells 574 Joe Beck 568 Stanley Walker 564 Earl Allen .--.••..........,.• 569 BACK- ACHI3 1f you have Backache yes Imes Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it will develop ',stn something worse -Bright a De- mme or Diabetes. 7 here ie r nsa rubbing and dost,aK�eer back. Cure the kaliie:a. Ilssre is only oroe kidney medicine Md it cures Backache every tiee- Dodd's Sidney Pills RUPTURE. CURED AT YOUR HOME This is not a truss Cure. but a treatment you (an use in YOUR HOME. NO PAIN, DANGER or OPERATION. no loss of time from your work Write today before your RUPTURE gets any wax. DO NOT WAIT. Fill in this Coupon Nano Address Time Rup Age and mail to W. J. FROST Dept C., 22 Ontario St. STRATFORD. ONT. • FINE TAILORED CLOTHING FOR MEN FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by 1 DUNLOP Lhe Tailor West St. AeWoman's Symplithy Are you dlarouraged? is your doctor's hill a heavy financial Pad? is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to delicate women -I have hewn diwhownraged. too: but learned heto curve myself. 1 want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the .1.r�toy's bill? I can do this for YOU and wlfl 1f you will wrist me. AA it you need do 1. to write for • bey of the remedy which has been et In my hands to be given away. Perhaps this one hoz will cure you -It es done so for others. d If so 1 shall be happy sad you will be cured for 7e (the mist of a Dnste 'tempi ToWrite ur ter mleetttere held ceM- ddy.tree treat- ment1.a11MftR. P. E CURRAN.Wlndaor. Ont. 646 Laura Bates 548 Halliday 641 Mamie Wrrener 886 621 Rotten* Harriette 602 496 Nina Matheson Jean Putt 404 (ia net Trethewey 491 y -Knight Lens Murray 480 Mary Young 477 Eve Beck 474 John Muir 427 Mary Sutherland.410 Mildred McColl. 406 Edith Blair 300 Harry Watson 379 Marguerite Miller 374 Jennie Marquis 350 May Morrow 337 Diviais@ 111. *MOS 111. Harry Brandt Edna Pridbein Walter McDonald Bath Boyd 6117 Christopher Brownlee 001 Kenneth Hawkins 591 5133 Willie Babb 583 Maude finder . 679 Irene Thurlow 664 Rhea Parsons 662 547 636 600 Edna McLean 606 Willard McDairmid 503 Stanley! Strachan 600 •_`tam Briwicombe 468 Anna Mclvor 480 *John Felker 396 *Catherine McDonald 391 Jessie Foster !Burrows, J. Wilson, M. Kemp, W. Taman. 1. JUNIOR 11. W. Idabel, P. Jenkin. W. McMillan. Vanstoue, (1 Brown, M. Johnston. Youug, U. Stokes, T. Daniel. Divines VII. SENIOR CLAM. Total 660. IsIde Stxldart 526 Cedric Dougall 602 Eve Mor risk . 469 Harry Nandereoa.. lbs George Bell 446 Arnold Brownlee 437 John Patterson. 381 Mary Vanston.. 376 George Smith ....,91116 . :.1 �^ 6 Gladys ab- sent from examinations. JUNIOR PLAN. Total 5(f). Helen Sbaw - Edward Williams 8M Lilian MacDonald 381 Viol* McOlacherty 308 Nellie Everett 280 Florence Bell 1E7 Annie Venatone 234 V. CIde. Total 300. see Florence Rutledge n s. Herbert Dougall 0i3 Susie Yungblut Ivy Klliot', •,•_.-:-.... Laverne Murray Gladys Kerneghan Gladys Field J UNIOa ill. Lillian Edward .... . 637 May Hueter 632 Albert Baldwin 626 Verde Kudob.... 618 Orace Wootton Katie Hahkirk 686 Ernest Craigia ........... 672 Neil McDonald 569 Thomas Kemp v 562 Allen Sinclair 634 Kathleen McGuire ......... .... . 617 Alexie McLeod 616 Stewart McKinnon 613 May Ostrom 491 *Willi* Black ,.�_._... Harold Montgomery •Flossie Mitchell •Roddie Murray .. •Lorne McGratten •Harold Bates John McLeod ' Constance Stewart •Florence Munro 60Y Tena ('lark. 372 86B R: McKenzie 834 D. Millyard 677 268 219 Vinton T.emblay 605 Willie Sturdy 202 Dorothy MacKinnon.... 179 leen Hahkirk 1175 Hugh Hardy164 Marguerite ead 161 Len• Murray 133 Senior Division, St. David's Ward. SENIOR ('LA88. Total 660. Gertrude Potter Mabel Monk Grace Pinder Addie Jewell Harold Murney Erne'.t Clark Arni , Brandt 494 494 48:1 463 460 466 438 Myrtle Johnston .. 419 Ooldwin Harrison 352 Hattie Ostrom 381 Stella McRae.... .. .. - • 890 Laurel Bates 876 etico- Kellogg s Toasted Corn Flakes for Children -before going to School with Milk or Cream, invigorates and strengthens for the day's work. Kellogg's b in itself a enlo t., satisfying, delicious breakfast. No Cooking -no preparing -no fussing with Cooking Utensils. Kellogg's is already cooker'.---••it's,purifiedjust add milk and serve. 10C. Eat Kellogg's tomorrow morning. Pkg. AU reeds at Greer. Londe'', Canada. TOASTEO CORN FES Marion Filsinger.. N 0 John Reid 76 Willie McDonald (absent) *Absent from part of dreminations. RESULTS AT O. C. 1. Percentages Obtained by Collegiate In- stitute Students. The pereentwee obtained bye the students of Goderich Collegiate Inatl- stK tuts in their Heater tests are se fol- lows: ol•lows: 11.1PPKR e('H(s/E.-PART 1. _. H. M. Leppert] G. 0. Durnin Delphine Halliday Bert he Down Gertrude MacDonald., Margatet Wilson ',George Sanderson *John Bell 810 I. Pridhwrn . . 1113 r M. Anderson 960 T. Elliott .. 216 R. Walter RIDDLE CLAMS. Total 350. Etnil King...... .... _ 217 Russell Bates 213 "7. Violet Hodson 1)111) honey Thompson 189 423 •Ernest Thompson 168 360 *Will Grummett '68 262 JUNIOR CL.t419. 176 Division IV. SENIOR 1I1. Muriel Galt 670 Elsie Galt 069 Alm i (:ox 660 H az.- l Hartwell artwell 564 Monis Swanson 5T3 • Wilfrid Daocey 547 Vera B-irrowa 543 Ruby S.oddast.,...... 632 Flortm. Sheardown 680 Lillie Johnston Ruth Hamilton Carman Stoddart Ada Johnston •Agnea Mclvor .. *George Bell •Mary Birnie. Doris )lays •Margaret McDonald •Etta McDonald Roy Hunt .r •Earl Jenkin Laura Salkeld FAtia Sallows Lulu Bates •Ralph Herald Florence Smith. Marjorie Dougall Lan rence \Vark Dor ,thea Dougall Elizabeth Proudfoot ....... George McDonald Harold Edward •Pearl McDonald Wilbert Tichborne. •Harold Warrener Total 860. Willie Morgan 9 315 Eddie Bennett 267 Irene Morrow 246 Harry Howard . 341 Irene Thompson 313 Willie Johnston 218 Stewart Burkholder..... 215 Brook Hodson . ...... 308 Norman Week... 304 Lily Newell . 186 •Victor Kerslake. 81 681) St. David's Ward. Dwane' 11. 619 616 ettNIOR CLASS. 600 Total 400. 495 Eolith Marney 374 4D4 Mary Pinder . 319 ' •' 491 Susie Batese 306 3116 486,.„ 298 Helen Smith 296 Bernard Walters. ... 211 441: John Dawson... 148 407 JU'Nloft ('LASS. 402 Total 360. • • " • M.." Hazel Birnie Irwin Speiren 821 Nina Morgan . 696 Gordon Dowu . Douglas Thornton Clarence Dawson "11 Clayton Walters 544 Maitland Reynolds Violet Burley 498Duff 1 Hilda Warren 473 Fred Arnold.. 418 302 299 273 266 226 224 , 218 217 207 200 145 139 ina Muir 4T3 • Ubester Johnston.. • •• 462 Gordon Yungblut John Bates Frank McArthur Cecil Given.. .......... 438 *James Videan 431 •S.cnrd Hoggerth 37d ' V ictor Bell .... ............. 368 Elsie Martin 864 •Laura Morrow ... .. a00 450 441 Divines V. JUNtd, 111. Total 800. Norma Whitely 642 Eva Keene ..., 607 Fern Johnston....................608 Eva Walker 500 Bert Cutt 588 Floyd McDonald 586 Dura Price 578 Recta Ostrom 577 Grace Hahkirk 660 •Lizzie Wilson 566 Emily Shaw 648 Norma Roes 6 548 Harvey McCluskey 536 Arthur Jane 519 John Stinson 618 Albert McDonald 515 David McMillan 614 Olive Clark 5110 Percy Beattie 494 Bennie Smith ... ...... ........... 487 George Roes 486 Fred Bates .. 488 Harry Buchanan... 479 Mabel Lloyd ....... 477 Philip Carey 442 Florence Delong.. . 435 Tena Mclvor.. Hugh Moore Katie McDonald......... Hannah Leonard........ Bernice Davis ......... 4111 413 406 808 1160 Henry Ervine 303 Ethel Hutchison.. - ..r RID l'larence Robertson .............. 807 *Etta Halliday. 306 •Willie Proudfoot . 181 •Roy Black 177 •Chri.hildah III. CLAM. K. Warrener, G. New s. J. Bogie, M. Heyer, F. Smith. D. McDonald, M. I'ridhem, S. Jane W. Hteir, A. Haled. It. ('lark, M. Bogie. MKNIOH 11. SIokea. .1. Moose). W. Duck- worth, \V. McCluskey, '.V. Slraehan, A. McDonald, (). 1l'ack, W. Babb, F. Johnston, T. Mcleod. 0. Knight., L. Macklin, T. itoa., 1S. Henke.. MInpee 11. H. Belncsr, 11. Wells. G. Martin, Jack Harrison, Jean Harrl.nu, 1). Knight. R Brown, G. MacKny, K. Beck A. Blair. L. K.m G. Beech ler. E. McArthur, R. Wrne.11, H. P Horace Kell.... Emily Grummett 109 Senior Division, SL Andrew's Ward. 111. R)CAO8R CLASS. Total 660. Helen Griffith . 56.5 Lottie Murray .. 519 Nina Roberts 689 Evelyn Brophey535 Edrieann lvateon 531 Hazel Wilson 487 Neville F'orbee 474 Bruce Noble 403 Isobel MacLeod 401 Gordon Noble 306 Arvey Austin 380 Oladys MacLeod ... .............. 348 Pearl Fraser 341 Robert Bell SENIOR IL READER. Total 650. Eleanor Hays 443 Donald Macivor....,. 441 Erneat lase 421 Lily Maclean 401 Albert Wiggins 379 Minnie Drinkwalter 363 Murdoch Maciyor 346 Reginald Love . MO Christina MacLean 3729 Norman MacL°ext Grace MacDoneld ... 396 Willie Poetelt.hwaite .. 277 Eva Jones 251 JUNIOR II. RSAD(eR.• Total 500. lone Cutt 406 George Lawson 381 Ethel Lawson. 321) Willie Baldwin.. 304 Grace Hunt _ ... 2(0 Alfred Warner. . ?JW Melville MeeNevin ...... 278 Knox MacLeod • 268 itoy Foster__ _ 2113 Andrew Mumiy 248 Stanley Cockfield .. ..........217 Division 11., St. Aedtwv'a Ward. JUNIOR 11. Total 160. llildah Hailes . 136 Marian McLeod ........... . 136 Beatrice McLeod 134 Ella I(ahel132 lemma\Yellers........ 110 Willie Stitt 110 Merry Inkster 1(16 Alfred Lloyd 1(10 Fred Re.v ors ... !6 SENIOR PART 11. !Total 166. (halt. flays bushel Aud.(n Elvin Griffith Willie Sanders.., Edward ErviN,. El.en Carey T. 0. Durnin M. Fingland D. MrLachlan A. Du nin.... A. Ha uilton 1. Welsh M. Bi set L.Al. on A. Tom L. M icVlcar !'. Meednnald R. McNevin UPPER SCHOOL -PANT 0. B. Long.. 85 D. Clark .'........... 85 D. Finlayson 82 W. G. Lavery 82 G. 0. Durnin 74 T. O. Durnin 00 D. McLachlan 48 R. McKenzie 65 A. Durnin . 49 E. Tye 40 MIDDI., YOIIM. R. Paterson fxi H. Towill 79 It. Walter ....... ........ 76 J. Glutton 74 W. Cunningham.74 F. Harrison....... . .... 74 J. Johnetou...... 73 M. Stoddart 73 M. Foster 72 N. Graham_. 72 G. McNerio 71 IL.. Walter_ ................ 70 1. Young . .... ........... 68 R7ao ... .. . 68 ........................ 14.1). \\arnock..................... .. 68 J. Edis 07 M. Bichan.... 67 L. Clark 66 F. Foster 65 A. Shackleton 65 A. Barkley tib I. Barkley. ... b5 V. Elliott 66. T. Robertson - V. Wails. .........•. 66 P. Mact3ttt yray .---.................. 64 L. Pentland 04 111. Austlu.... 6l3 E. Sickle 62 11. Case........... 62' L. Hickiogbottom 01 S. Bailie - 1:. Elliott........ 6 61 H. Clark.. 58� E. Dean 67+ L. iacey 561 B. Pridham. 65 F. rdonMcLean Gordon McNevin 61st6 L. Feagan ... E. (ollrar48 J. Seuadenne ....... 37 COM)IKRC1 A Russel Foz. Mae Lindsay .. . Blanche `thaw...... .. 70. Mary Sutherland 59 Oral Stoddart06 Adeline Clark. 66 Minnie Cathcart 65 Nellie Black 62 Hector McKay...... 82 Perry Hayden..... Watson Straiton ...................... a6 Cora Washington....... 55 Ella Baechler ............................. 54 Annie McKIR•Oa...... .. ..... ......... id Birdie Davie. .. ........ . 51 Ruby ktottier,.... art) Angus McNevin ... 49 roam It. J. Sturdy 81 W. Bisset. 80 J. Jackson 72 M. Durnin . 72 E. Stirling 71 H. Howard 70 8. Kirke 70 E. McEwan 70 J. Millian - 68 F. McNaught 08 J. Cluf! ................67 H. Sands 07 M. Shackleton 6b S. Morrish 04 G. Levy 6'2 M. MoManus 62 G. Mclean 59 W. Small.....,... fig 8. Beacom...........', . ... 67 F. Elliott ... ; M. Garvey.... ..7 R. Levy . 56 Iy. Brdmicomlw .. S. Rpeiran...... . M. Young........ H..louee . .. R. Mclean .. .. .. 52 ..48 I. Mettle/0e ............................ 47 M. Paterson 43 141 1,. Dunkeld. 40 1116 , MIK 1. 110 E. P}omerville.... .. 78 . 110 M. To:�......... 71 . 108 Ia - 100 emanate' se Page 7.) 4GIN. PILLS are Just as good . � k thQ Bladder as they aro for the Kidneys. If there Is kronhlu in retaining urine -1f yon l::v'•t.i('rto.1'•: 0crfou: t: etc •c:o :ten ^rd,rirtethe L1•h -it the urn i•. 1,-,1 anti seal.lin„•'-Gin Pili will quickly relieve the trouble. They cure the kidheyaiiid ii66Q o . Rlo. a box; 6 for xJ.50. At all dc,th rs cr ret on ro.•cipt of price. DEPT. A. --NATIONAL DMIC & CHEM. CO. UNITED TOIOMTO INA& by f1J. Duey Pa. Pines. 1 WORSELLS' HARDWARE sad STOVE STOR>c Business is rushing with us. No wonder - we have the best stock of Hardware, etc. We take special care to buy only the best goods ; we guarantee everything we sell, and our prices, quality and service are right. Come in -we'll make - it pleasant and profitable for you to do 'our buying here. Laundry Needs Asbestos Sad Irons, flounce and sleeve Irons, charcoal Irons. Washing Machines, Wringere, Tuhs, Boilers. \Yash Hoards, Laundry Mangles. \Ve guar- antee everything we sel1. Plumbing, (tooting. Eaves - troughing, and Repairing done by our workmen is done right, et the lowest price.. Give n9 your order. We sell the lest in Metal Shingles ami Ceilings. Ask ns nor price.. Horse Clippers Every make end style. Let o+ thaw yon our pi,wer Horse pperil, the (rest made. Priced et $r.25 to $as.00 each. Plates and repairs for every make of (Tipper., Singers, tombs and Brushes. We guarantee every- thing verything we sell. 1 Fencing and Wire Peerless all No. 9 woven wire Fencing and Gates, (oiled Wire. Barh \Vire, Weaving and Black Wire. Poultry Netting. Staples, Tools. etc., Lawn Fences and Gate.. Martin-Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint Varnish, Stains, Calors. White Load, Oils, Brushes.. Alabastiee, Liquid Veneer We are sole Agents. London Brand Tools are the Best WI. hive this brand in Sam., Hammen, Spades. Shovels, Hoes. Hikes. 5'e guarantee every "London.' tool to he satisfectory. Sold at the tame in ice• as the poorer quality. We ire sole Agents. WE SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. WORSELLS HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE. ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES IN WALL PAPER HEADQUARTERS FOR WALL PAPER. All Borders sold by roll, sante price as Walls and Ceilings. As our Syndicate buys paper by the cargo, not by the wheelbarrow load, for nineteen stores at once, we use considerable time and skill to get goods at the lowest poss'ble prices, and give the consumer the value of the middleman's profits. Just step in and look over our large stock of American and Canariian papers, then you will be convinced that The Fair is the place for Wall Paper. PARSONS' FA R East side of Square, Cloderich.