HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 1210 T RvnDLT, Arad s , 1808. THE SIGNAL :' 'GODERIC R ONTARIO. A MARKET WANTED. VICTORIA PARK THE FAVORED LOCATION:' Question Discussed at' Public Meeting on Tuesday Evening -General Op- inion that Goderich Should Make (tetter Provision tor Farmers' Trade. Tha Ube people of (oderict, and the farmers of the summits' ug country want a market °mtatlisled in Bode- rich, and that they want it at the Ku - known Air Victoria Park:-arethe cone ueions come to at the public meet- ing held at the town hall nn Tuesday evening to discuss the question. The Mayor presider] end before the meet- ing was dismissed a vote wile taken on the two question., Shall a market Ilk, established, and if so shall it be on the present site m• on Victoria Park ? The vote on the tint question was practically unanimous and on the sec- ond almost so, only a few favoring the present location. As showing the views of the fann- ers, the epeecbee of Harry Morris and Jacob Moser were of especial value to the discugsion. Mr. Morrie said he had always lived in this section and took a great deal of interest in Goderich. He had tra- velled a good deal and never let up Oil praising Goderich, In going around the country he had bad a good oppoi tunity toTooitiOlu-the market ques- tion and he found that it was the towns where there was no market that were not waking progress. He was decidedly in favor of the estab- lishment of a market in Goderich. Hating stated days and -stated times for the market. would bring the ptw- ple, and the tamers would not have to .... go alLnrer tie_ town peddling their • stuff. As thins- were at present it took him two d , s to dispose of a car- cass of beef. 11 • had to come in one day and find nu parchaser and then come in' toter to deliyer the goods. --paint-be-where-Uo piece' Bred dollars. Mr. Tom's t'emarkr on the need Of a farmers elevator on the railway track in lioderieh brought out' the coutuent, "That's right," from Robert Etlin(t, who has Y Prot)" oaition along chose lines before the council. 11. J. A. Mt -Ewan thought. Victoria' Park was easily the bast location. The council of 1012 and the council of IIN)7 had gime into the question pretty thoroughly but had not seen their way clear to build a market. Cnun- eillor Munnings produced the plane Skeet/wird had had drawn up surae years ago of -We propose building on `'ictoria Park. M. W. Howell. Coun- cillor ('raigle, Neil Cameron and %V. H. Robertson spoke briefly. Mr. Howell Wee strongly in !Ivor of a [market. Mr. ('mitis mei Mr, Caws Peon briefly expressed themselves as in favor of the peew•nt site. anti Mr. Robertson, summing up the iunpres- sion he had received from the femme whose opinions he had taken during the past few days and the opinions expressed et the meeting, said he had come to the conclusion that what wav wanted was a building to cost say $1!11111 Or $1,500 to be erected at \•ic- tdl•ia Park.---- -.__ , ODE TO A WOULD BE CRITIC. 'From The sundown t brwuclui. th op , and he did not believe in spending too • much money, but in putting up a Iola)- lnodious and comfortable place. The place for the market byall un promotion and test examinations : means Well in that part of the" Rev, H. W. Millyard, pastor of Vic- gr.t\r. total marks 7511 -Tonto Mil- towa, stases fliers waastgotar:_� vras_-acoria aitJ�L. Uet b.rliat rhierrh e market. The pewter place, cal his Inial was Victoria ark Willy IS. is a yeoman bold •. And a most illustrious guy, Jud thirty or forty or more rearsotd• -And a manner winch sap. 1 aw L He talks and Calks and wave. kir baud. Looking wire. that all una7 sea Hr it no clever. well --and Theme aim ants st'initc3L 1 ,.m the only one of wy kind Ever known' to exist. ,old he : what a bles.an& 1 W. re all or one mfnd, For one i. enough of Willy b. doorge Richards gave away the bride I in his expendituroe, but that he NEWS OF DISTRICT. i and Mrs. Wilson, cousin of the fshould show hie eustomersif he jolt: s a bride, played the wedding marsh, 1 trader, or those with whoa[ he may be After a short honeymoon trip spent doing any kind of business that in all at Brampton, Me. arta Mee. Wallis re- hie terrines* transactions, as well as in turned to titer horn 1 on the tat con- hie wx•ial relations, he acknowledges erosion of (ioderirh township, where the everlasting'fact that then' can be the best, wishes of A host of friends tau permanent prole', ity or good feel. will attend theme. ing in a community where benefits ate nut reeiporoval. GODERICH TOWNAHIP. 0 mtcluded from tests 9.) a suwptuour wedding be4'aktart. -' The bride.received many 1eautilul and costlpresents, showing the esteem in which she is held by her many friends. Awing the gifts War a handeowr fpiano -case •organ, the gift of her ather and mother. The wedding part drove tel the stasilon to had fare- well to the happy couple, who left on the 2:40 traits amid rhowets of rice and good wishes to visit Toronto and other points. On their return front their hone vers mteeptlemwj(JL given them by --Mr. And Mer, lames Barker at Brooklin, tit., the latter tieing a sitter of the groom, and then Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Thompson will commove wedded life on the Thoutp- min homestead at Raglan, Ont. Among the guests from a distance were Mrs. George Corner, Port Perrv, Ont.. sister of the groans, and \Vet. P. Thompson, of Toronto, br6ther of the groom. 'rhe many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jortathan Thompson wish them It happy and prosperous wedded life, POPLAR ROW. Tt:EatAY, APRIL Oth. "John P. Liufleld has completed his work as- assessor of the township lu, IOIII. Mr. Lintteld's aasesstuent gives very general sstisfaettiml, we, behi(ave. PROPERTY THA\et'6Ra, - H. Hob- son hits sold hie farm to.Santl, Potter, and has moved with his family to the vicinity of Owen Sound, Mr, Potter has already taken scion of his stew property Hiram Brindley has Inured to the farm he purchased ..-u'e yearn ago on the bpundar'y line. avid Brindley has moved to the arta that Hiram has vacated, which owned by. Frank Sallow* John abb has bought one hundred sures f the \V. C. Putter farm -and will ork it this season. He will not Move from bis present location on he nth concession, however, until me next.. - Be thinks a barb fence use - ree1>:at. - oto N ♦rile we know it i. outs . bee D Ir 1' w re Jt That has nettled a rad gayest , vx far Pleur the bonnet of dear N illy b. Ile wield. a two 114 'r cow. - -- -- ' And think. it's a . ,yd. bow silly He has tong been a ". •• hien, and now We can only Wt)' de- little Willy. CHURCH NU IFR Special Easter services 'will be held et Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday morning and evening. Both services wilt he -taken fly the- Pastor. _.kset:Fttady welcome. COLBORNE. MONDAY. April 5th. _ a'-8t)et, J OOP T,--liepctet_Hf-f--Se. No. 4, Colborne. for Easter, based up- ASHFIELO. MONUAy, April 5th. I)gei Arruga rawly Hovels -Neigh. bur Robb ie 'weeding out and is starting a colony ou the 12th minces- r Bion. AehHPId, couveuient to church ' and school -for future use lark Maws says he ieri t waking Nle sugar, as he has 'h i. hands full with ietrn,10 showing t hem atfttpte' fair-We`hie pleased t" wee by 'l'he Signal that the Iatrhnlslt I detective has found out the sex and identity of friend Hiram. We expert the Kinrade mystery will la- his next tackle. We ourselves made several guesses but it seems never struck oil, Once fr the remarks in Lochalsh news we along with others thought the corse ppxotndent was off, "away off : " hut be Hiram he of she --and we are inclined to the latter -we with others will bre pleaatel if either again appears in the Lochalsh news. We require a little spice in this "neck of the woods," but should his or her demise have to be chronicled we trust the correspoudent will use a slightly' less vltriotie peto Some time ago a debate was held in the vicinity, so saes a correspoudent, "Resolved, that certain sounds travel farther east that". weal," • The afilrmatima_s oi. The leader of the negative submitted gracefully, but determined to get west by some other nexus. Being a student of ornithology and a man of inventive genius, he determined to try- his hand on a .flying machine. After practising in the barnyard for it week or two and having fair success he determined to launch upon a wider flebl,- and recency -one -night after. dark; he brought the machine to the top of Mt. Campbell. intending to fly to the top of Mt. Donald. The wings of the ship were of tine steel and t.,.• navigator was long. aware that there was u•ong magnetic loadstone on the top of Mt. Donald which had on several occasions at- Not Apples, but tt•acted himself when carrying only a few -steel pen*. But "the -best laid plans of mice and mea gang aft a-gley"-so it waft with the navigator. The was built after the utodel of Jr. the H) ing a uirret t)ts a5ro�tyYtsm a (vice, clean, well -growl. true higher to a lower level ; so inatead of to Ione, and f from landing on top of Mt. Dogald it landed in the chill svetera of th� �Nike. -- We have W the commonly called the Eighteen. U nets leading varieties. We, offer Dave was passing at the time and heard the splash, and. thinking the suckers were on the run, he rushed house for his scoop net. and then to the Nile. The sight he saw would, have raised the hair on uuv other man's head -not so on Davis. how- ever. Ile was equal to the occasion and soon had the navff itor on dry land, a wetter if not a wiser mall. I The ship is still fast in the trestle of the bridge that spans the Nile, bre- ' tweet) the two Mt. Donald", where, as the river is in Hood• it will remain Address until Ebb -time. Sit•.ssi, The Signal to Jan. 1st, 19111, for OW,. 11 11 The Walk -Over Shoe Fashion's Favorite WaIIPaper Inducements e; We hate an enormous stock of Canadian Wa11-Papers, rang- ing in price how le to _5,.• per roll. Hordcra to 1)4x1, 11 the above papers. by the roll, same price as Side -Wells and Ceilings. A special line of Imported Wall -Paper. ranging in price from 15c to 11.00 per cull. 818. Terms Silt','"rl.\' l't.Ii. GEO. PORTER Court House Square. 'Phone too, Goderich. Ont. --ham y to ship day owing to illness. A. M. Robert - son o ert- i sun conducted the morning service and itee. James .Hamilton the even- ing service. It had been decided by the adult Bible class of North street Methodist -ebuich to study the Eaatet lesson for ,text Sunday, but it is now an- notineed that the ` one ronforrning with that rest of the school will be used, `pa sly,"Peter-Delivered from Prison's AAri. 12 : 1.111. The W� a better place (or weighing cattle unable to occupy his pulpit fast Sun- ' John Krrntghan,, uS . than the other location, as tit was in 1\ • - F:ddie Million, 378 ; Ernest the straight road flow Culberne mud Goderich townships, and the other place would mean that cattle would have to be driven up around rho Square to get to the scales, r. Moser expressed tersely the same opinions as Mr. Morris,, He had spoken to most of the farmers in this section and they were all in favor of Victoria Park. At the other site it was difficult to tell where the tnmrket was. It was the council's own fault if there was no revenue tram the. weigh scales. The farmers did not • want to bring their cattle to that place, whereas Victoria Park was on • the straight road for lath Colborne and Goderich townships. *S. of \'irtoria street Methodist chtitcli will hold its last quarterly tea- for this conference year at the home of Mr•s, IS H. !toss, Nel- son street, on (idol Friday evening at it o'clock. Mrs (Rev,)' W,, H. Graham, these representative farmers Before of Chatham, will be Present and a very interesting evening 1* ettpectrdil bad' been _called upon.-huwevsr,-sev- era! members of the council had been- --A1 Knox arch on' aster 'Sunday the s given au opportunity to express ermons by the ptastoi� leer, J. A. themselves, Anderson, will be approt elate, to the Councillor Jordan, who is the chair- day' and the choir will [elder special man of the market committee, ex- husker name, Including the carols plained what the committee had been "The Earth Has Donned Het• ,Gar- ,ttoing, and justly took credit for menta Green" and "toward Puihing, bringing the question to an issue and Buda at Easter Sprints ' btit$ 117 - giving the people a chance to express Shelley, and Maunder's "Christ 1? their views. He explained the plans Risen," that bad been elrawn up for the The topics of the Easter sermons at market building at the present site, a the Baptist church services next Sun - brick building with- neat front on day will be es follows . Morning, "rhe Montreal street and driveway of -ten Sermon on the Emmaus Road' ; even - feet on either side, and cement plat- Ing. "The Victory of the Open Sepul- form extending back. against which chre." A short address of special in - the farmers' rigs could be drawn up. tereat trill be given to the boys and He advocated the Montreal street site, girls at the morning service. Refer. but explained later in the meeting once will be made at both services to that his idea of that location was only the national utissionarf• congress by for a pro duce market and that wood the pastor, who was present at that and hay and so forth would be sold important gathering On 'Sunday, le .ewhet.e. Property aeries Light. April ltitb.---.RIR.-Y, 1; Norton U house street front the present market I)., will visit -Goderich and it is' ex - could beof to provide more lOOm. petted that he will preach at both ser - Councillor Munnings followed Mr. vices. Jordan. In the council he has been The Easter Sunday services at the strongest opponent to the Mon- Nurth Street Methodist church will be MoxDay. April areal street location and the most out- especially inspiring. The subject for Miss Josie Sterling is spenditt�l spoken of those who have doubts as the morning will be "The Easter few weeks with friends in Toronto, to the wisdom of spending money on I:ar•thquake, The following is Some a market building at present. He ad- of the music : vo•sted the Victoria Park location as Anthen., "Awake Thou That Well- being the more central ; tf -not the more central as to the any of the Mixed Quartette, "The Magdalene." town, it was so as to the population, Anthem, "Songs of Praise" Iby The houses in this part of the town Shelly). 'were all occupied and the vacant Duet, from Stainer's "Crucifixion," houses were in the other section of Kiss Brown and Mr. Thomson. the town. Five rigs came in totown In the evening the pastor will at - from the north to one from the south. tempt to convey some adequate con- Miss Clara Richards returned home As arguments against epending ception of the manner and meaning last week from Copetown, wht•re rhe money on a market et present, of one of the most significant gather- attended her Sitter's wedding. be said there was about 14,(10) more ingot of this generation -the laymen's Rev. John McNeil, Rev. W. L. Hiles to raise this year than last and the national missionary congress at Tor - assessment would be about the same, onto, antier. JAS. (amploeil attended the He hcwitat_ed to sadvocate el(pgRdi•--- x__ laymen's missionary congress in Tor ture that might -Mean ann higher tax one conference to another have been home full of enthusiasm over th rate. He mentioned Simcoe, where a market had been established and had lasted only six months, and Paris, where the market was a failure, as ex- ample,' to deter this town from run- ning rashly into a large expenditure on a market building. The Mayor' questioned Mr. Man- nings' statement in regard to the town's finances. There would be ad- ditional receipts that would perhaps balance the exera liabilities. Councillor I)ean-exprese d himself as in favor of the present location. There was no need for a new building. The old building could be idxed up and made all that was needed for six or seven or eight years. J. H. Colborne was decidedly in favor of Victoria Park site. it could ssever-he-asade-a esteem as a park. The place for parka was down to- wards the water -front. The produce which came to Goderich tante from the north, east and south. .and hie. .1 Jenkins went to C'ttnton yesterday. experience had been that four-fifths le N. Lewis, M. P.• Is Annie from (h taws. Of all the grain that came to tide- :Itis. I. Sherman wa. in London this week, rich came from across the river, so that Victoria Park was pretty nearly (votes' or soon would be. Clinton cut us off to some extent on the east, In Goderich township we had only amduri mcr•hand10 ee sale tnheere�. morning to the people from -the western portion Mr. and Mrs. John Hilder have returned coming here. Comparing the market front their visit at Vancouver. It t'. In Goderich abd Lucknow, he [laid the Mrs. Charles Wells lett today, en a v sl( to • demand in (ioderIch fit) etnatl pet -knit -7e herminnow: ntst. i1.riitr, tri Rrantrd was three or four times as great se in Holzhausen, 375. III.. total 010 Russel Alain, 410 : John Carter, :illi ; EHIe Rath, 340. Sr. 11., total tk511- Myrtle Gond. 451 : Olive Carter, 122 ; Mabel Halliday, 3811 ; Charlie Barker, :l`('i ; Elfrid Moore, 338. Intermedi- ate I1.=Vena Good, Wilton Rath. Jr. Il, -Albert Barker, Gladys :[fun• tangs, Clarence Nae el, Willie Naegel. Pt, I1., Sr. -Alan Moore. Pt. Ii., Jr. -Wilson Milian. Harold- Munnings, Russel Hill. Pt. 1.-Goldwin Oooel. J. C. STOTHERs; Teacher, Apple Trees NILE. TUESDAY. April rich. Charles Stewart's sale last week was well attended. He realized good price, for all his stock, especially for hie 11 sees, one of. whirls- brotsgbt- him $ 2'a. it certainly pays to pro- duce good stock. ('tai lt. H NOTES. -Rev..\ W. tat otlway went to 'Toronto -last week to attend the la)•ulen'a missionary congress. Mi. YoungR of Goderich, took his work at Nile. Sunday night and reached very acceptably Next Meath morning tit• ..'. M. S. wilt h vee full charge of the service. There wi 'be missionary addresses and read- inge`\ty the meulbei•s. The choir is also foieparing special music for the occasion.. Envelopes have been given to each of the members of the Society for a thankinTering to help build the wouan'a hospital and noises' training school at Cheats], China. We hope there will he it liberal contribution.... Next Tuesday at tne Epworth League meeting the election of officers will take place, Every_ "bee _of the League should make am effort to to present. BAYFIELU. in addition Plum, Pear, Cherry, P.:ach, Spruce, Pine, Shrubs and other general nursery stock. All enquiries or orders carefully attended to. -_.8..Liberat, -- John wart- Estate -- There can be no greater mistake that a business nun can make than to BEMM1LLER: QItp be mean in business. Everybody has sheardlhe proverb of passim ..wise r pound foolish. .t liberal expenditure in the way of 1 -niftiness is always' note to be a capital investtnent. There are people in the world who are short- FRESH A� sighted enough to believe that their interest can be best promoted by 'i'if) GOOD grasping and clinging to all they can get and 'never ltetting a cent slip through their flnget's. As a general thing, it will he found, other things being equal, that he who is most lit.. eral is most successful in business. Of course we do not nlean it to be in- ferred that a man should be prodigal Potatoes - - Wanted Archie Armstrong spent a few day Several cars • of l'otatoes last week in Gorrie visiting his wanted at once. brother. Jtiaa Margaret (•Impish has "' 40c foo 45c PER BUSHEL turned from a two weeks' visit to friends in Ingersoll. Mrs. J. Fraser attended the meet- ing of the Home Missionary Society in Toronto last week. made this year by the transfer cam. nlittee .of the Methodist church. Among them are the following which - still he of interest to Methodists in this section : Rev. J. W. Holmes, Ismdon to Saskatchewan ; Hev, Henry Irvine; Toronto t. Manitoba ; Rev. S. Hobbs, Toronto to London ; Hev, 1t, J. Treleaven, Hamilton to Toronto ; Her, W. E. Kerr, Landon to Hamilton ; Rev. .Jasper Wilson, London to Hamilton : Rev. J. H. Oliver, London to Saskat1ewan Rev. 11. Whiting, Hamilton to Ione don ; Rev. A. H. tiding, London to Hamilton ; Hev. C. W. Down, Lan- don to Saokatehewao ; Rev. F. W. Hollinrake, Hamilton . to Loudon : Rev. 0. H. ('ohhledick, Hamilton to Montreal ; Revs Kenneth Heaton, London 14) Toronto, PERSONAL MENTION. J. W. Moyes was In town again on Wednee. da). Miss Hat ile Young of Kintail, spent the tat ter Partof last week in town. Lucknow and tee prices paid here were always ae good as, or letter than, were paid in outside plares. Owing to the Goderich grain dealer not having hie elevator on the rail- way (rack he was At a dieedvalltage, but the speaker's experience of the grain husinees was not satisfactory, so that he did not blame the dealer at all, and his experience Waa not the exe'eption. He Would like to tree a market established in (ioder•ich but certainly not on the present site. inspector Tom said that in going &rotted the corntry he found that all the farmers were in favor of Victoria Park. Speaking of the market in eltrathrny, whir was a stereos, Mr. Toni said he did not suppose the buildiag Dost more than & few hon• Mess Laura Carey has returned front her %Mat to her lister, Mrs. Neltnor, In Montreal. Mr. and Mn. 1•. Livingstone, of Morten, Man.. are visiting Mr. and Mr.. 1), S. 8tedeert V ocs Herald after this toy of several his weeks to In town, s (tee. C. RL Jone. ``ore to Stratford tomorrow lu attend the meeting of the Rapnist Vining People's 1'Mon. MIs Etliel Austin, of Kinlalt, haw er•tnrned home atter a two weeks' visit with her aunt. Mr.. H. Stein -anon. Miss Ella Rinke 1s returning next week from Moos man, where she has Arno enamored In dressmaking. and will in hnnre reside In (;nee rich, !brine Mak will be In Tomnln this month do- ing post-Rraduatm work and In attendance at t he convention nr ti,e ;moires Dental Society, where he wail Rave . Inlr nn RIM Inlays, 1t. Roth, who has heel, letter in the norlerlch bran' -h of the Sterling (lank, leaves today ``e take a position In the Varna branch. 1t. K•. Henry, horn St. Catharines, takes Mr. Roth e pile, here. meetings and the work taken up. HPitRAH yeah Srnt, e;' -Spring has surely come again. with its beautiful balmy breezes, with the songs of the returning birds, which -never sound so sweet as on these first days, the croak- ing of the frogs, the swelling buds and all the unmistakable signs that the winter is over and gone, and that, al- though we may have some cold days, still it is spring! A 31 %vein -new. ErnoestIt•, 4Jupid teems to have been particularly busy in our neighborhood lately, attacking old and young and middle-aged, with- out discrimination ; in fact, the air is thick with weddings and rumors df+ weddings, no fewer than fifteen, it is said, being under way in our vibbege and community. Should this be the rase and they all materialize, it will to a reed -letter year for the ministers and ministers' wives. %Verniers -We extend congratula- tionstn Walter \Vallis on the occasion of his marriage to Miss Nettle Rich- ards, of Coppxetown, which event tosk place on Wednealay, March 24th. at the home of George Richards, brother of the bride. Only a few of the immedi- ate Iriends of the pride were present and the offices of bridesmaid and grpomsman were dispensed with. essmits Lloyd's Wholesale West Street • Goderich See for , Yourself Looking around we see many persons in middle life struggling along with poor vision, who might be enjoying normal s'ght today if they had consulted a competent optician and worn glasses when there was yet time to preserve the sight. EI* on the safe side, and if you suspect that your eyes are failing, let us advise you what is hest for them. I use THE SHADOW TEST The only correct method of fitting glasses. Do not be taken in by peddlers. W. E. KELLY, `._ JEWELLER. MISS CAMERON Invites the inspection by the ladies of Goderich and vicinity of her new stock of MILLINERY for the spring and summer of 1gog. All the latest shapes and styles, novelties in trimmings, everything new and correct. HAMILTON STREET, GODERICH. 31 Nothing but the highest quality of Groceries handled at ou store, ,and our stoc is constant c11anlryiuu. GIVE US A CALL. William L. Lindsay flsmllton SI. Thome .No. 155 IF Fashion, only ;alai t,llitan _ -btu each succeethslg season the WALK- OVER line retains its place at the front because it offers the most tasty - :fail Teamed styles. The designers of .7'h�' \Vaalk-Over Shoe Wit MEN hate been very busy the past s. nittnth�. Come in and see what the done for Spring 19o9. Downing & MacVicar Sole Agents for Goderich, Ont. s �J -TO FARMERS : \\'t' hare. cat our atbt•k of FORMALDEHYDE ANTEEO, an, directions given if desired. CREOLIN- For Sheep and Cattle Wash. • "COW KURE_-T:o aims,. idle antlULU. COLONIAL WORM POWDER -For Horses and Cattle. HICK'S COUGH and HEAVE POWDER -For Horses; S. E. -HICK' Central Drug Store, Goderich, Ontj r� Are You Going to Build This Summer? Prices for Material will not in all probability_ .he lower again for years. \W'' wake or fiendle nearly tet ei thing vier need, atrh - LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES, DOORS. SASH. FRAMES, etc., and also GLASS. NAILS. LOCKS, in fact all kinds Id 1'uildera' hardware. W.• hate something special in Portland Cement i1'i'"e "" Belleville A.A. Brand one of the beret on the market. s If you need anything we sell, let us give you an estimate on your requirements. 1[TIIE_GODERICII PLANING 11ILLS LIMITED Onnlae i Gloves for Easter 40"- • --_ '! - �Trtttttj- . latimesiesereesessee Your Easter Gloves can be bought he- . :th the surety of satis- faction. Every pair we show is fron. .,lost reliable French makers. Extra big stocks, fresh from the factories, are here for Easter shoppers to choose from. Qualities are such as commend themselves to the most exacting. With every pair that leaves the store goes our guarantee. There is no fault to be found with them in any particular. All the fashionable shades and styles for Spring wear here now waiting for you. • The Peerless," a real French Kid Glove; at $1.00. ,A11 sizes, blacks and all the leading colors.- • The "Greylock," a higher quality, real kid, $1,15. All sizes, blacks and the leading colors. The " Dorothy," an extra high-grade French kid, at $1.450. Sires 5 3-4 to 7, black and loading colors. Undressed Gloves, black and light shales for Spring, $1.25 and New Coats and Suits for Easter More Coats and Tailored Suits here for you Saturday. Natty, up-to-date garments, properly made from fashionable materials of good quality. Absolutely right in every little detail that goes to mat-, stylish outer garments for the present season. All ready for you to put on. No bother, no trouble, and a faultless fit a certainty. Coats $5.00 to $2o.00 Suits $15.00 to $25.00