HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 11TIE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO TENR,DAY, APRIL 8, 1909 kir** 4*+910ok*444 +4 ++,*4 c* 441, Gft, +* ++* iv 4 4 4'* 44 44 is 444 4 The News of the District.44' 'X44444444.444044444444416464+44+44444444444444 546 +4 4564441) DUNGANNON. (v• A. NEWTON, DILNTIST, LIiCK- tJ NOW. At home every day except Thurs- days. New remedyfor extracting teeth lRomoo- furml, better than base. ('ruwn end bridips wk, • Aluminum phasemonon breakable or. N. B.- You osn alwaye have your work mock better duns to the dental °Aloe -won tiwe, better twtlttles for cluing the work. more own furtsbls fur the patient. NO'1'w13. -THB LOCAL AGENCY to Duugeoeou fur The Miguel teat the Post. omlos Hook and Stationery Storewhere orders sett be received fur subscriptions, rd rertldn* and Job work, sod receipts will be sass for amorlate paid for abs same. 4 NEW STOCK OF %VAI.I. I'APEIt has Just arrived and we Innte you w cal • see our new des/aoo for this season F., ',riotous wow and up -wrists. All the r.1 shades. Prices rang -tug trutn be. a rul Border sold by roll emus as paper. M. Y AH'. Dungaonon. WEDNESDAY. April h. Mise Frank Brydges, of Gtelml.,u, is at present visiting friends here. A.Sparks, of Southampton, visited at the home of Wm. Mole on Sunday last. S. Lawlor and William Ferguson, of Saskatchewan, called on friends here on Saturday last. Mile Gladye McLean returned to the vinare yesterday after spending a week with friends io (ioderich. A meeting of the directors of the West Wawanosh Fire Ineurenne Co. wan held yesterday in Elliott's hall. Mrs. Mole and the Misses Mole, of Aobnrn. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mole for a few days last eek. Rev. W. A. Smith and Jos. A. Mal• lough returned yesterday from Turon• to, where they attended the meetings of the missionary congress. S. L. Taube. eyesight specialist, of Toronto, will be at Mallougb's hotel, Dungannon, on Friday, April )6th. If there is anything whatever wrong .with vnur eyesithb, make it a point to renndt him. The Crewe store was broken iuto on Tuesday evening of last week. The suspect wag up for trial on Monday of this week before Magistrates Bailie and Thompson, but es there was no convicting evidence the case wee thrown out. ANOTHER JEWELER. - Mr. Jurgen - men, of Waterloo, was again in our village yesterday. Re bee defluitely decided tolocate here and expects to be ready for burliness •s soon se the store which Wm, Mole purposes Wilding is erected. This will .1* about June Ise Mr. Jurgeneeni.. practical jeweler and optician and will no doubt catch • share of the trade. Rtt'LIC RAW:f.-The modal given by the rifle club for the highest average for the peat quarter was won by Willie Reid and was presented to him on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The medal for the hest amateur was won by George Pentland. These gentlemen will wear these medal during the coming querter, and if they win them again they will become their private property. EASTER OPEN MUETINO. - On Easter Monday evening, April 12th, the W. M. y. of the Methodist church purpose bolding an Easter open meet- ing in Elliott's hall, when a program consisting of music, readings and gramophone selections will be given. The Dungannon mouth organ orches- tra will slip add to the program. Mee. S. Pentland, of Swan River, Man., will be present and will give a talk. A Verycordial invitation is ex- tended to al to be present. Silver collection at the door. Doors open at ti p. m. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. M0NDAT, April 3th. EDWARD --BELL. -- A very quiet wedding took place at the insure, East street, Goderich, on ‘Vedneelay afternoon, when Mies tiara J. 13.11 and Oliver F. Edward, both of Gode- rich township, were united in rnar- riaKe by Rev.Haalilton. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue badi 1utb oath hat to i•,atrh. Mr. and Mas. a ward left oa.trip W Windsor and Detroit and on their re- turn will beat home to their friends tatter May 15th: &'UOUL 1tZYORT.--Report of li. S. No. 2, Goderich, tuned on weekly ex- aminations in March: Sr. IV., total 450- John Yuill, 288 ; James McMil. ren, 278 ; Violet Chambers, 273 ; Vic. tor A. Patton•, 127. Jr. - Margaret Yuill, 300; Lesley McMillen, 214. Jr. 111., total 4.'O -Maggie White, 300 ; George 4iinn, 284 • Maude Thompson,270. Sr. I1., tetra585-ErnaWhltel , 377 ; Mary McCabe, 314 Benson Bell, 217•. Junior 11, total 440 -Alvin Thompson. 330 ; Fred. McCullough; 301. Pt- 11, total 4N:, :;t•. --Irene Har- rison, 411 Jr. -Linda McLeod, 4il ; Norma Ginn, 301 ; Charley McCabe, 208 ; Gordon Tebbutt,• 236. Pt, 1., Sr.- Ella Rutledge ; Thome. Foster ; Vera 1Thompson. Jr. - Gracie McCabe. Those marked • were Abe -int front part of examinations. The following were present every day in March : Jae. Mclaim McMillen, J. Yuill, Jr. IV. cla M. Thompson, G. Ginn, Jr. 11. elaas, N. Gino, L. Mcleod. No. enrolled, 21 ; average attendance, 20. Parente should en :ourage and demand regular attendance on the pert of their chil- dren in otter to obtain the hest re- sults. Low marks in many cases denote ahwencs during the month. O. E. FOS/TRH, Teacher. THE LATE We. MILLIoAN,-An esteemed resident passed away on Fri' day, March :Seth, in the person of Wm. Milligan. whose death occurred. after a prolonged illness, at the age of seventy-four year,. Deceased was Morn in Frontenac county in theear l cti, and was married in 1862 to Mise F.lica Clerk, who died some years afterward, leaving two daughter*. In 11472 he married his second wife, Miss Rachel Sanderson. moving at this time to this' neighberbood. 11e was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church, and leaves • wife and seven children to mourn his lose: Mn. J. Woodcock. Mara A.. and Pritchard Milligan. of Toronto ; Mn. W. Doug - les, of Strome, Alberta; Mrs. Bautlm- himer, of Henfryn ; Elisabeth B. and Areenah et home. The funeral took place from the residence to McGaw station, thence to Tamworth, where the remains were laid to rest. We join with the millets community in sympathy for thved ones: PORT ALBERT. T IEDAT, Apt'il6th.. Wes Bertha Brown in home From Toledo, Ohio, on a visit. Miss Mary Cunningham,returned home from Dungannon hast week. Miss Blanche Giver is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Stratford, 11. Rutherford, sr., of Belfast, spent the former part of last week in this neighbnrhood. Fishing is the sport of the day and a number have been taught in the river and boundary creek. Miss Edna Nelsen has returned to her home in Ridg'etown after visiting her rousin, Mise Evelyn Hayden. Tom Richardson left for Muskoka last Wednesday to spend some time with his parents, who reside there. Rev. 8. H. Mayer, of St. Helens, rnnducted the preparatory service in St. Andrew's church here last Friday. Mies Evelyn Hayden entertained a number of her friends last Tuesday evening. A pleasant time is reported. A number from this locality at- tended Mre. Correll'• funeral last Tuesday. The funeral took place from the home of John Shields. KINTAIL. WILDNRanaT. April 7th. Mrs. Linklater, of Wingham, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. McLean, last week. Miss Flora McDonald has returned from a two mnnthe' visit with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. George Collinson is improving his hlarkemith shop hy ehingling it. Rain McDonald hes thr contract. Miss Hattie Yining spent, a few day, last week with friends in town and this week Miss Berner la repeal a few days there. Mike Dineen and Andy Vogt al• tended the horse market in Goderich Yesterday. Andy has engaged to work with Mike for the suminer. And many a man who looks wiee and says nothing Is unable to make good, PASSING OF THE OLD Lou Horse.- After havin • stood for fift -two ears as i land -mer o r e ear y sett ere, the old Salkeld log house on the Bay- field road was taken down this week, to make room for the more proton. tions two-story red 'brick building erected during the past year by the present props irtor, John W. Salkeld. One by one the old log houses masa away and the old is making_ way for the new. When the early settlers came here. now two generations ago, the tog hones w*a abettt - the -mails dwelling they could erect. After the cutting and squaring of the trees that grew perhape but a few yards Prow the spot wwlscted fort a builrling.the neatest peighhors would be invited to a "bee," and in one day the house was erected. A hardy lot of men and women must have been those early settlers who braved the dangers of the ocean passage in the old sailing ships aid the harlyhips of the pioneer life in the woods, and their de- scendents are now the splendid race of men and women who people, opr Ontario. If you gneetion any of the old settlers they will tell you that they were h.-ppy In their old log houses, and many a crown -up young mao who is now a useful member of itsclety will not be ashamed to tell you of the clays when he was running about as a barefoot boy around the old log house. • Fox IIUNTINo EXTRAORDINARY. - On Monday of this week an exciting time, resulting in a big catch of foxes, was the experience of two neighbors on the 4th concession of Goderich township. Early in the morning Hall Routhedge i dog chased a fox into its lair on John Woods' fans, immed- iately opposite his own, and stood guard so that it could not escape, and by its frequent barking attracted the attention of two neighbors. who were soon on the spot. Now, the fox in its wild .tate is noted es a very sagacious animal, and its den is always con- structed with an exit in addition to the entrance, so that when the dog barred the passage one way it' very naturally made for the other outlet. The chase by this time was getting ex• citing for the fox would not roma or t, but after the then had dug away a ., entity of the earth at the entrance it put out ire head. and by the dexter- ous use of • piers, of rope used as a lasso Mr. Routledge captured the anima. and with her a litter of nine Wrung foxes about one month old. Ve met our friend Hall enuring to town in his democrat that same after- noon, and he was ell over smiles as he showed us his beg half -full of young foxes and the old she fox in a bag by herself with a piece of rope still around her neck. How he disposed of his ex- traordinary catch we have not heard, hut probably some person may have taken a fairy for them to raise as pets. TURS19AT, April nth. Wee ing the broadest Of smite.. Geo. werhy. of the 3rd concession, loots ike a tialfpy-tftatrttres ' daye. The n is not far to .eek -it is just the arrival of a bouncing boy baby that the stork left in paaetng at the old homestead. ' EARLY SEEDINo.-Tho springlike weather of the past few days hex caused quite a stir among our (semen'. who have already darted getting things ready for early seeding, The first we have heard of on this line in John Sowerby, J. P., who sowed a field of peas this (Tuesday) morning. HURNDAT, April -8th. 'reomeRO'i-PreireE.-On We'dne.- (ley, April 7th, a very pretty Easter wedding took pee at the honie of Mr. and Mee, David Practise, "Garden Park Farm," Huron road. when their eldest daughter, Ruse Jane, was uni- ted in marriage to Jonathan Thomp• eon, a prosperous young farmer of Raglan, Ont. The ceremony wan per- formed hy Rev. R. W. Millyard, pas- tor of Virtnria tttreet Methodist church. The bride woe assisted by Miss Ethel Thompson,' cousin of the groom, and the emote by Che.. M. Prouse, brother of 4he bride. Precisely at 11 o'clock D. ID., to the strains of the "Weddings_!tells" march played by the bride s sister, Mee. Leith Sturdy. the bride entered the parlor and took her place be- side the_,groom beneath en arch of evergreens and a floral hell. The bride, who was given away by her father, wee daintily attired in her tra- velling suit of brown hair tour cheviot with hat to match and waist of cream alk embroidered chilYnn over silk, and carried white carnatione and fern.. The brideemeid wan attired in • hand- some dress ret .late -colored cashmere t.ritmned with Bilk end lace and married pink rarnetinne and ferns. The groom's gift to the pride wee a handsome gold ring set with opals and pearle, to the bridesmaid a gold brooch and to the groomsmen a gold tiepin. After congratulations the gurete, who numbered *lout thirty. gathered In the dining•r,om, which was decorated with evergreens and pink and white, and eat down to r r'oeandee on MIS le.) CREWE. MONDAY, April 5th. Amur Pierce is i11. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, John Hunter is not as well as her many friends would wish. Mrs, Albert Maize bad a very sue- ceesful quitting bee one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parke, of Dungaonon, spent Sunday at. Crewe. Hexerel ferment- acoWtd_hare_hae* plowed every month in the year for the hot twelve months. Not so bad for north Huron. Andrew Culbert. who lett here the 18th of March for Floral, Seek., re. port,. a good trip and a very hearty reception at the heads of Charles Agar, who is well and favorably known here. LANES. MONDAY, April .nth. Angus McLean left for the West on ruesday of last week. William Baldwin had a sawing bee on Thursday and Friday last, Horse buying and selling ie the order of the day around Lanes. Syrup•waking is being carried on by a large number of people`id this vicin- ity. _ Rev. W. A. Smith, of Dungannon, visited at the home of W. P. Reid one day last week. A few fernier' in this locality have already started plowing, which gives one the impression that spring is about to spring upon us with all her warmth and sunshine. LUTHiAN. TrEaIAT, April 6th. Mrs. James Gilmore is away at pres- ent visiting her daughter, Mrs. 0' - James Barnby has purchased s sap evaporator, which wall he a great sav- ing of wood. Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and their little daughter, Margaret, vis- ited at Lothian one day haat week. Mrs.`W. Wilson is very ill at pre. ent at her daughter's. Mrs. Neil Mur- docb's, We hope to hear of her speedy recove y. Hector MrLean and Miss Bella Mc- Denald, of Amberley, and Mien Woods, of Lothian, spent Monday evening as the 'guests of Dan. and Miff bicLein MAF EKING. MONDAY, April 6th. Mrs. John Lasenby is still very poorly. Miss Florence Alton is at Anion Finlay's at present. Bert Reed sold a horse to W. P. Sanderson, of Lanes, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Drennan, of Kiti- tail, visited friends on this line fast week, - Mr.. and Mrs. Jaa. Webster, of Lucknow, visited at Thos. Blake's last week. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Stuart Finlay'. son Franklin. He ie ill of pneumonia. The Hall brothers are on the mend. Their many friends will be glad to see theta out once more. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Phillips enter- tained a few of their friends to an- otflerparty lest week. Sap was running quite freely last week. Will and Richard Finlay were kept busy night and day. LUCKNOW. TUESDAY. April 8tb. Rev. Mr, Campbell conducted the services in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath. A number of the ministers and lay- men of the local churches attended Gm missionary congress at Toronto last week. Mr. Aitcheson, of R'inghstn, with his ;family, is moving to the village, where he has secured a position in the furniture factory sawmills as sawyer. -- -- Mee Ewen Mackenzie has leased the residence of Mn. Martin on Havelock street. recently vacated by P. Schofield, and received her household effects from Montreal this week. Messrs. Bennett k Cameron have completed the painting and decorat- ing of the Royal hotel, the interior of which presents an artistic appearance. They commenced work on the Bank of Hamilton this week and will paint and decorate the premises in an up-to- date style:- PIDNEER MERCHANT DEAD. -Thos. Lawrence, the pioneer hardware merchant of this place, who -bad been in husinese here for over forty years, died on Friday morning last at the advanced age of .eventy.eeven years. Deceased bad been in Ill health for some time. The .funeral took place Tue.elay afternoon from the residence of hi. son, D. N. Lawrence, Stauffer street, to Green Hill cemetery. ST. AUGUSTINE.. TrgeDAy, April 6th. \Vtlliam McIntosh visited .Hallett friends last weak. P. Troy and daughter, Miss Emma, spent Sunday at J. Flynn's. Miss Alice Clark, of Auburn, visited her sister, Mrs. William Thompson, lest week. Gus. McGuire left this week for the West. He Intends going as tar as Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bamford spent Sunday with the lane,', parents, Mr: and Mrs. John Craig. EaseeR Mmenee CONCERT. -A ron- cert under the auspices of the St. Augustine Young Men's Dramatic Club will be given in the church hall here Monday, April 12th. The pro- gram, consists 'of imago, recitations, vocal and instrumental moeir end a piny of seven acts entitled, "Rumple. etiltekin." Doors open at 7:30 p. m. Admission, 25 cents. WESTFIELD. Tt'EgnAT, Mar. 30th. McR(ot, Remove --The following is the report of C. S. S. No. 6. East Wa- wanosh, for the month of i March : Sr. V. -Tommy Rodger. Jr. V. -Panna Campbell, Russell Woods, 1V.-Meg- gie Farrow, Nelson ilnhison, May Cook, Leslie Buchanan, Jennie 7'un- ney, Sr. 111. -Colin Campbell. May Tunney, Lillie Ilihhitt. Jr. 111. - Vinlet Rurhanan. 11. -- ('harintte Tanney, Roy Farrow, Willie Hihbltt Pt. II.- Axel. Howatt. Pt. t. -Louis Tunney. MARY CLARK, Teacher. Without Alcohol A Stront Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcobol A Bleed Purifier Witbein Alcobol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol A Ws r eiLa .or . /eTSi.. w• ert.a a«kat Rea rrr.selietaes ram Ayer'a Pills are liver pills. They act drrectty on the hoer, male more bite accrued. This is why they are se valu- able in consnpation, bilio.aeeas, dys- pepsia, sic k-headacbe. Ask your elector if he knows a better laxative pill. --Made by tae J. C. Ayer Co.. L.wsil.aaaa-- AUBURN. WEDNESDAY, April 71b. -1 Taube, eyesight SPecielist, of Toronto, will be at Munro', store, uburn, on Thursday, April 16th. if there is anything whatever wrong with your eyesight make it a pc int to consult him. COLBORNE. aloe DAT. April 5tb. itermer POR Masen.-The follow- ing shows the standing of the pupils of S. 8, No. 5. Colborne, for March : L -Mamie Tburlow. Sr. 11. -Bea- trice Chisholm Mary Gtlddon, Philip Bogie. Jr. 111. - Jim Thompson, Ernest Bogie, Della McCann, Terence Huuter, Andrew Lingle. Jr. IV. -- Annie Thompson, Reggie McCann, Tem Chisholm. Lorne Thu, -low. Sr. IV. -Harvey McCann, Allan Watson. Aare -M- ?narrate -Teacher. NILE. Tcasa&T, April 6th. PR0XXOTION ExAMI'ATIONS. The following is the.result of the promo- tion examination", in Nile public school: From Jr. IV. to Sr. IV., pass 42. -Worth Ryan. 900. From lir. 111. to Jr. IV., peas 426 -May McDer- maid, 598; Herold Mcllwain, 529; Liz- zie McDermaid, 518, From Jr. IIi. 10 Sr. III., pass 375 -Leslie Pentland, 571 ; Gerard Dunbar. 511. From Sr. II. to Jr. I11., pass :r35 -Viola Me- Whioney, 532: Marion Ryan, 502; Lucy Currey. 485; Lloyd Young, 478 ; Vera Tiffin, 4ri$. From Jr. 11. to Sr. IL, pass '2 5 -Harry Dodd, 411: Lorne Ptiutland..352; Howard McNee, 326; D. A. McDermaid, =I. From Sr. 1. to Pt. 11. -Frank 3lellwain, Henry Matthews. M rrel Currey. FANNIE 8. GKAle Teacher. CARLOW. - TUESDAY. April 6th. The C. 1'. It. took a large shipment of cattle from McGaw *taboo on Sat- urday. The schools clone on Tbured.ayinext for the Easter vacation. Mr. McKen- zie. the teacher in No. 3, goes to his home in Ashfield to spend the holi- day.. Several of our farmers have been busy making maple syrup. Last week the run was very good, but it will not last nt.ich longer if this ware weather continues. The spring plowing has commeoeed. James (lien turned the first -furrow in these parte on the first of April. if the weather continues fine we shall have an early seeding. Rev. John Young, of Hamilton, has been spending a few days visiting ,hie brothels and sisters here. He preached in Clinton on Sunday for Rev. Dr Stewart. Hie elder son. Alfred. accompanied him and is re- maining here for a while. Rev. Mr. Menzies, of the Pointe aux Trembles school. preached in the Pres- byterian church here last Sabbath in behalf of the French evangelization scheme. Hearnee a very interesting address. Rev. T R. Mann: the pastor, preached in Hlytb that day. Jonathan Miller, the genialo- prietor of the Carlow hotel, is enjoy- ing himself these day, with his recently- 1C hased_teAW ,of Shetland ponies. it is a pleasant eight to see the familiar fhrm of the bonifare be- hind the _diminutive ponies. Now that Jonathan is a farmer we may ex- pect to'►ee hits enter his little pats in the farmers' trot at the Oodencb fall show. Live STt)((1 HOLD. - Alex. Young bas sold his Easter calf, ten months old, ate cents a pound. This in a tap price, hilt it was paid for A prince article. Rohe, Bean delivered his ex- port rattle at McGaw station last Saturday, having sold them to Ed. Watson, of Blyth. at $5.40 per cwt. They were a fine lot of cattle. Mr. Bean has recently made a notable addition to his live stock, having purchased a ynone shorthorn hull from A man bear Guelph. BENMILLER. 7'rE11DAY, April 6th. Mrs. Percy Walters in ill. • Miss Lucy Mobring enoertained her Sunday school class at her home 00 Friday night. John Heddle and Benson Long drove out. from Ooterich on Sunday and spent the day in the village. SAYINn FAREWELL. -Mr. land Mrs. James Manning. who are leaving here shortly, had a pleasant surprise on Tharsday evening lest. when a num- ber of their (riepde dropped in quite unexpected)}- to hid them good-bye. A neatly -worded address was read expressing deep regret at the intended departure "f the fatnily end asking there 1.1 ncr•el,t a slight rentembreneer from ?heir friends here. The address was accompanied by the rre•rnt*tion of two lotely nicking -chair.. After "Mr. Menning heti replied in a bating manner the remainder t,f the evening was .pent vets. pleasantly in games, ete., end a nie,.lirnth was serve.) .. A party of hi i friends firm this vicin- ity rafted ori Mia Lydia Natters. r f Gtxlerirh ti.wnship last evening and spent is fete etijoyehle hoer*. Ti;,. WAS intended no a farewell party, se Mile Welter* in heaving nn Ernie", be the Queen City, where she expects to remain for some time., 0 • 1 iT±kN.Y.HAT IN THE STORE • 1 for $1.99 1 sommosommommomaionoommoommas FOR Saturday, April IOth ONLVI McLEAN BROS. The Hatters. 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111M11 11111111111111111111 GEM IP 11111111111111111111141/111111/111111 1 LEEBURA4,- TUEBDAT, April Oth. Rev. James Hamilton attended the meeting of the synod of London and Hamilton et Hamilton last week, and after the meeting be attended the lay. men's missionary congress at Toronto. Henry Horton also attended this great gathering at Toronto and en- joyed it very touch. OLD CRONIES INDULGE ire REMI`fl- tCENCEN•-A pleasant time was spent one afternoon last week by D. Haley and the tall laird in reminiecences of thirty or forty years ago, and these two old cronies put in a fine time playing over wine of the old tunes they used to play at the weddings of those days. Many of the principal actors at those happy events are now grandparents many times over and rnany of the old friends have, disap- wased for ever, -1st fact few remain. "I purchased a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and im- mediately commenced to improve. In all, I think 1 took 14 bottles, and my weight increased from 133 pounds to 184 pounds in less than six months. i know from personal results the efficacy of Scott's Emulsion." -FRED. R. STRONGMAN, 417 Bath- urst St., London, Ont. Let nit send you a copy -_of Mr. Strongman's letter. He had a trying experience, had got run down Scott's Emulsion built him up, as it has thous ands of others. The strengthening and flesh producing properties of SCOTT'S EMULSION, are'un equalled by any otherprepa ration, and it's just as gnh(I for the thin, delicate child as for the adult. Be sure to get Scow's. it's been the stand and of the world for 35 years. and is worth many times the eott'of the numerous imita tions and substitutes. Ar,L DR COGISTS LN w ane re a re11 ser. of N• s1,nnem.n•. iet4n sad seas. erne, 1lor. to, n* Ike meteor% J.. -ul.nn 11,. vapor SCOTT • enwNE 1IS W.nlsss.s Ss., W. Twowa. AeWoman's Sympsathy Are you dia.-nurtured' Is your doctor's boo a heavy armorial load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? 1 know what thea* mean to delicate women -t have been discouraged, torr. but learned how to corn tnye•lf. I want to relieve your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the den 'nen hill? I can do thio for you and wit) If you will assist me. All you need do Is to write for a fres hoz of the remedy which has been ',fared In my hands to be given awn y rrhaps this ono box wit) cure ynv-It e. done on for others. If s,, 1 Shall be hspp► and VW/ will toe eared for Lar (the root of a pests*. stamp). Your letter. held .nnfl- d•nttalty Write to-0ley for " my free tree, meet, R5. r. 14 CT,aRAJI. WIddsor, Ont. ►fatty a self-made man expecte hie .t knowledge of birth stones never tailor to make the neat of him. helps a girl t, acquire a solitaire. EASTER PERFUMES Every lady wants a little nice Perfume for Easter and if she wants the very best, she can get it here. \Ve -airy nothing but high class perfumes such aa Kirkoffs D'yerkiss Perfume, Peyer's Latieffe, D'yerkiss Lotion, Rose's, D'yerkiss Toilet Water, Palmer's Anatol], D'yerkiss Sachet. Violet, Rose. and several others. Come and erre ours before you buy. Ours stand inspection. F. J. BUTLAND'S Drug Store Goderich "THE STORE THAT PLEASES." 0 =I ====I ====Cil BARGAI NS . .- In going through our stock we find that we have too large a stock of sev- eral lines, which we are going to offer you at greatly reduced prices, some of which are : Fancy English (iraniteware, German (iranitewai-e, Hall, Library and Stand Lamps, Hollywood Paints, Wall Kalsomines, Stock Food, etc. Call and see our Bargains: they are greater bargains than FIRE SALE BARGAINS Wit_ HAVE a Six London Fence Machines, complete, whit h we offer at each $9.50 A quantity of No la Cleveland roiled decarbonized smog Steel Wire, which runs two rods to the lb. We are offering this at, per Ib.. 3 1-4c A gt.antity of No. 12 and No. a3 Weaving Wire, at, per Ib. 515 rods of different styles of No. q wire, ideal Fencing, 1514 rods of different styles of No. 9 wire, American Fencing, 3o6 rodeo( different styles Pittsburg Feneing, • en rode of Dillon Fenemg, to rods of Maple Leaf, making • total n( 2385 rods of fencing, which we want to turu into 'ash, and also to make room for our Spring Goods COME EARLY AND GET FiRST CHOICE. In Plumbing, Heating, l:avestroughing, •i•insmithing, etc., all work promptly attended to, and fully guaranteed. 3c WWW C. Store 'Phone 22 i NOW* Phone 112 CHAS.LoLLi -i -i n r==