HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 108 TSUINDaT, APRIL 8, 1909
deemed Mat ittee fhcwr111 bs >3vriri ay fingers in his bit! black hand, 22210.
Supper was prougitt to —oar -ream.
the servant moat touching her knees
to the floor, so low wits her obeisance
b, yes -Mira, 44 As I have twos
before remarked, lav head was 'aching
dreadfully. awl :+s 1 1a)k.'I at the. soft,
ulwl U )neea
ttu� huuht teed in the nfbj inie Farm.1i
downy py last a the lay 1 W��
i thotight how murb�'►ether i would
throw myself nmol eau, that join,
the gay company twloty. Rut it could1
not M and wall iaitothu like tears
ttehefd tt esui rptme ttrunks o a moment,
► gr
he answers "There is no necessity
for you to fines You I«)k well
enough just Ai you are, and you must
not fatigue ynuraelf any more. I'shall
youe.exro.sed.en a little Willie, tufi.I
sometime after you are thoroughly
rested, Angeline shall give, a large
party at. her own house, where you'll•TAP
have an opportunity to display alt
the 'fixing,'" and he laughed, think-
.ng. 1 suppose, lie had mild something
My dress was n dark blur merino.
trimmed on the Nino and sleeves
with black 'elver. it fit{rd neatly.
and was, I knew. unusually- bePmm•
ing. f.. after arrancing my earls and
donning x rlrnn tensa taller, f took
my hu-ht•nd's aro) and rent down
to the drawing -mem. where 1 found
- yMnf the as el i sem With'
, ew cif them 1 was rlre*d w narot.
known b) m^ he sight; fee thmirh T
had often seen dem at Cedar Grove,
they find not thoneht it wntth• their
while to nnfiee n mere gnvern.ss- •
'� / y
• I l
e -tj
1 j%
• ) ivop-c—'ales
',, a
II �
) \tl1t
I j
�. .� CORN
1 .
a IIEN a dtder Stn
/(\, you 7 p
t `` 1 emphasize the nam!
`..•� I v�/ •'L'ROWNBRAND" for
) , this orale means that
i) �' you want the beat - the purest -
the must wholesome rail rehal,le
table syrup it is {,.walbae to
So Perfect and genumety deli
cions t; Lrowo It,.oa tiyrup"
that you'll enjoy its flavor about
J n•`) tante Rowe than that of any
Itlt . •`, c�n..Ike.
, It t: you no more than ordi-
�.� ''-' - • a,up and yet it a parer,
better, and more Wholesome 111
r 1 Feely way. It is the greatest
i .I t for growing • children, and
.-- TOE-
_^A/y- ���//A����_
- �
. 1 . . r . . i . . 1 . . 1 . . I . . I .. 1 . Jyp . 1 .. 1 .. 1 . . 1 . . / .
g t
wit.. a slY wink, which be rweaft
should be fiery expreanve. "I know
now what mass's kill dem hoses for!"
the -same -time frt•kinR- seam ;pet-
r t1
���}�Qj�j 1�
[•`llAk 1
Author of " Tem and Sunshine."
Rivers w "The English
()try for the really SOFT' looking aid-
mals he war coinpolied to drive in
the place if the eraxed Feth ou h
end Frederick. As we drove rdinand
the town 1 could not.help contras the
pretwnt feelings with those of the
before, when 1 thought i was
loavnng tt forever. Then, weary,stet
blinding tars towards tar at
which byy
my ride, with his wilt around me,
. , - . 1 • •'t • • 1 • • . • • 1 • • 1 ' ' .. • 1 ' • 1 Ye
was its owner --any
"You tremble, Rose," said he. a
we drew near the house and he bads
me he calmer. saying the meeting bat.- .get
Ott , i 1
P a11e1U &Bp,`
• tlt�"- WTJ'
N 25 ett
.wrrot.txlr pattal
• ' 1 ,11. t.5 I
sun had set on Cedar trove,
and together on the broad, wry piazza
eat )fes Lansing and" Ada. rattler im-
patiently waiting for Richard. whom
they had not seen Biases he lett them
so abruptly in the morning Greatly
relieved at the absence of nn, whom
she had in •measure dreaded ar A
rival, Ada tlgn'n a trope that the
eonque.t o} her an would now
1 M• '•both of those Iee girls."
Over the New England hills the
hazy fight of a most glorious Indian
Summar was shining. whsle the lnreet
trees. in their gorgeous array of cam-
ion and gold lifted their tall heads es
proudly. nr if they heard not in the
and the in noise w cumin sorrows.produce.
and the singing of slater wanes. The
tween myself and his sheer would
soon be over.
Rut it was not that which 1 dread-
ed. It was the pre•,tentatlon to hie
torrents, to whom i bore the tormid
able relation of mistress, and 'for
whose gond opinion I cared far more
than I del for that of the haughty
Mrs Lansing. Something like this I
said to Richard. who assured me that
his household would love me because'
was his site, it for no other reason,,
Arid thea I tnand it to be As we
be a onmperative�y matter, and birds had flown to southern
drove into the yard, we were surprised
---- —
nm rhe knew the effect Firer a pastry home wine 1 fondly hoped to meet
fare and aro ea dealt �m bride -and the day formybridal
she hada t dress
at seeing the house brilliantly lighted,
while through the open window ng o
of many T1s soar were seen most to
.i:dw �•..
F -
tame upon this evening i taller, and had Dome. We had been everywhere
looked nnuaoal h• young and hand- liich*rd and I all over the old
some In her pale blue LI Ca UP, with her Meadow Rank farm. sacred to me for
ud fm.
In a displeased tone of vOjre R;ch-
ard said, 'It is Angeline'e work, and
( F 1\ sf
, 1*
� � -
1 yea's yet
0 learn the bodily
comfort it gees in
j the wettest weather
soft curls falling over her white un- many hsUowod Asaocistio°s
thehiwman thallod it, iso vert dear to
clamed peck.
That u'•7 she had talked a long nm because it was my childhood's
lime with Mea. Lansing. who had not hamar v he lobi inr whirr wr stood
nnh ex -prettied her wnlbncneae tore -ter ih. last time hneath the spread-
neve her a •mater, but had PromiRsd ing grape -vine. and I pointed net to
te do whatever the could to forward hmi ra Plare where years ,before I
yr mattatr: liel;PvinR Mea t.anatng fiacl }stn to tFie tor+[ green Sass and
wept over the fickleness el roe who
to have far more influence ver her P
brother than she really had, oda be- was naught to me now. rive • near
teal". -le snterfain bOt"E 1_tr! Lie- fnnnd.
Ido not like it, for you need rest, and
are too mud) fatigued to see anyone
to -night, but I surprise it cannot be
avoided Hh, Rill." he called to the
driver, "win is here?"
"Slime de quality," answered Rill,
adding that "Mise Angeline done 'rite
em to see de bride "
She might at least have while my
my wishes, said Richard, while my
heart sank within me at being Obliged
I was+
� (
j '
11 !,
o (,�
can given to soy quantity
"Crown Brand Syrup" is put
PP in a, S, lo•ed aolb. air -tight
nos, with lift-off lids.
\in a. , . u buy "Crown Brand"
you obtain • Syrup as clear as
. n'.tal and of guaranteed punt)
sea wheiesomenem.
The Edwaresburg Starch Co.
Now, however, as Ads had said, mai-
tern were chaneef, and bit -herd Dela-
field's rite mukl not he Sighted with
impunity. ('nnsL•rluentl}- 1 was_fnr a
ume overwhelmed w'tt! rnmPlimenta
and sterner -mil -were. with wham f'
had never before =pnkrn, expensing
their delight at-ttreinr me bark again,
«-hIlo others said that a bride war.
Trutt what was waai'inr to give eclat
v. the winter gttetir .
t'ioee to my 'side kept Ada, assent-
ing a kind of patronising manner and
nn erering !or me whenever rhe
taught, Flys .•.,nv2r•at,U.n hwyfmd my
1 '
e cuwriAirrrsn
` eery t7otte
• - rae•.ee dna
_ .-
Doming •bride, and wi en rhe t: ought foReTTici .w had bat in the Old
no one could see her. •'titally wm4 brown fchoolhtsuae he in the Qigarro
chair, and 1 --but no matter where I
upon a tied. "Mr. and fes. R. Dila-Mrs.
Rata," just to see hew i would look' sat when I told him of the 1lttleTOmp
It looked well, 'she- ti. ht. and ing girl with yellow hair wbo had
emnntimr from her brow a Irnwn there first learned 1n earn the alpha-
to mart atrangtra in my jaded eon
i.ansing, it seems. had in het
mind a new Piano for T.ina. fhdr
resent One Min rather Old-(aahion-
aa. am ,,, the s,,.rn • •vay )f pteat•nr-,
shier had been caused by her finding Uel And to frace nn the Ratty sutured
ing thnuel:t to her
depth. Of muter she threw me quitewen
in the shade. and in • measure she
had her reward, fee she. as well as
i, heard • lady, a.>Iranger in W---,
say, "Flow much more beautiful Mins
Mentroee i.. than the bride I wo°-
der Mr. Delafield did not prefer her."
There was a Fmk et exultation on
tae.• IIT her Pym nater mina. but
it p.,aAeeb away ae we heard the en-
ewer made by trier Porter, a 1
whom Ada thought exceedingly ariato-
crate. •'Yes,•' said elle, ' kfia Mm-
traria rather suppose she isfed-
inc text aryl I suppose Mr. Dela/Seel
,referred ,the freshness of N to
p yriv
I d• c n . beauty. area dor my part,
1 appro.. f,�< rhnirn, and think her
a airy ) •tit Irttle,lcreatere."
1 elan, if .,t icty husband --he, too,
),,Seal th r mark`and it pleaslsd harm
I ki tea. while Ada el•gtsed over Rei
t: -• o,. l -:de of the room and I
.,res Ler r. i,"m, for Richard soon
asked for me to be excused: a request
which the. company readily granted.
,fav' I meet of course be tired."
nig. ee
It was late when Rlehard carne up
to our room and I saw ;n a moment
that writes ..wai- iii•- matter, for
his face wore the dark, hard look it
sua,e4mets did when kw, was denereere
i did not then ark the cause of his
al,nc,yaaasp, but sharwarda 1 learned
that the moment the guests were gene,
Ada, whose fe.elitigR were a good deal
rnfflevi no -,,,?!?-y ►t tl►e ntt,•nLon [had
n•ci•rved, t ,alar' tit t', . nvnark of
ytiar PnriPt. ' coram.•ne..i .erroatwg
my huabar,d Incliavanc .uffercrl ate
tar appear in tlw erasing rtrom in my
traveling dress "Twee an int to
the r cwrPany." the sand. "aril they
could excuse it on .no other grounds
save the supposition that -1 was en -
tirely ignorant ret etiquette in any
term. I didn't blame her no murh,"
raid she, "for T sntpoee ahe didn't
know any better. but T was estowidhed
at you_"
1 r
t.'.•t f il:I
i')' t Ira{L.
�/ Chasm aI �ats�l,lrl.l.rtMMY11.sL
yn/nne her waving Creases a long meet the boundary line of Georgia,
Otte ahs please
brother by noticing his bride. So. in
white hair, she went down to theMaaslittle drearning that her home would
day be there�Then when Irhos-tat
her seal. she rather overdid the mat
et to avrait ,13iChar4 a rom;nl one
inviting to S�nny flank many of.
"He has not been herr sine.• morn- ed .him the Bench where 1 had lain'
inc, and I am sure he II come to -night. when the (sintfiees came Over me, he
Yo', knnw he has lntterjr been a wound his arm sheer an•und me-
. t Wit' Il,e+ +} n„g)t whtlrntnrr, 1 ao Ont-knn>tt Tn.
the villagers. some of whom were
friendly to •me and some were not.
thoegh all, i believe, felt etmooe to
if you ask, you can have a package of
seed ret this marvellous Russian Giant
.,� � Lrttu.e included absolutely free with our
i b naw• handsomely Illustrated 190! Cats-
) 11 / kiwi. Tim 'entice is nearly ,is lar sand,
' 'e- a Jen
• I 1 i r• ) solid as a cabbage. Stands hot weather
rp Ybuttery
su nein 1 web, and has a rich,
s• p
s ,, tt flavor. I( you prefer, you may choose a
y "'s- \ P"eta package of our Gdtxul White Sugar
i ., iKelurapackageofOstricbPeather Aster
,.- - •' .,..to writ.eoAar.a ,,Sae awes ak..c.. else
tars ; e ` weer oa •rraa ae t at waver.
!•siaeltlWauveDo.•Ruri.aGlaelta114• Da>�AHunter SedCo.,Limited,
ere riven •war tree London, Ont
lances larmh, tee, wle ngharingPore► the old
"Yes' but possibly the attraction larmheusP, a l}nteltti! lotlrest.in tits
which kept him so much here h gone," room where win born, and when MDusky
auggeeted .Ada. thnurht T di t nes' him gathered •
11,11 an Yankee” (tier
A� ,�,„� mei would demean her-Ada's
.gt .i,. a southern planter
faces, with white shining
� round the corner of the
Return T.<keu, between •u atatIone ,'
Canada •est of Port Arthur •l
Good going
April 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Return Ilm�t Aprll 13
"Fie'" returned' int. Lambing. with authored- leaf from the roac bash
a tns. of her head, "1 know Richard which crew beneath the window, andprt
Mier than that. And though he ms Which 1 ti,ld him i had planted when
one time have telt a alight interest A little girlPPtos
;n Miss Lee, 1 am primitive 'air troth- ' Every woman, young and old, in
-Ira, .Parona, or lasting. Only think of the nrizhM+rbr+od-anti in the' village
it. Richard Delalield marrymyhad seen h;m, either fare to face nr
Pr11P,., a poor schotslmiatreae' What tr••i behind the folds of a mnalin TIT-
woul,l iia fashionable arquair tanee fain, 10111e calling him '"DIAek And
in Augusta and Charleatnn gay. est- nth ,' while othfrs pronounced him
": 1 -believe
building as the carriage stopped be•
the deer, and more than one
whisper res. -heel me, 'Pat': she -de
new Mian, dal Mnrs'es Win no keer-
1Rn "
•IIpon the piazze steer !Nes. Lime
;ng, her tare arealh.d in .miles.
wile at ler side in flowing white
muslin were Ada and Lina. lir former
of whom sprang gaily down the mow.
Ask for copy of
peewee. `..,s` rata• end full p•rt.u,•r•
or Ices ret• Northwest eaure,on•
Apply to JOA. KIUD, agent, Ooder,ch,
ting aside Dor friends in New Or- plendid..... and all united
1.•:,n="' in Sc�•:no that. 'Rosa Lee had done
Anil on the proud woman's free w,indera, coneiderine elle had r.n�
dere was a ane.'r at the very ;dna greet r.nount of Is auty to do it with !"
her brother thus disgracing him- flare•, when a remark like this ram•
wg E
.:.,lf - _ ii RITC•fiard's ear be smile} gmetly
'• • !lark' i -do believe hr's coming," and aid, "Roes Lee is beautiful to
: , ahe heard h. me for-thnugh_het Lace may leek
and with well feigned joy threw her-
sl1 into the arms of her•,
who, alter kissing her a.Ryan , ' illv.
"eying, "Wilt
A4a blnted her to me, •
Ada lot -•-mater to my woe?"
g for your sake." answer.
ed Ada, with rather more einphaair
The Signal's
fist-steps.and had re d teretwrea and
oa you Ilan was quite Pleasing to
she jriiian-ii
ru.t time towperfect
adjust her skirts beeline, -of complexion, has
graeefully when
there stouud before her. not Mr. Delis- brant% • it higher under, a el
gra. Lansing came next, and their
was something of hauteur in her marc
field. bet the fervent to e..,om had the mind. which is seen in her I •
ns as she advanced. for mush as she
Cltibbing i:..,ist
',el intristed the note for"M.S. Lana- inc. bluezrc-rw_zrnt soon smile."'
desired to plcaxe her brother w+ir
Return tickets at Single-ITsro
between •11 stations in Canada.
also to Detroit and Port Huron.
Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls,
N. Y.
Good G Din A all 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14'
g- P
Return Limit -April 13, 1909.
,r," • - ----T.tu*-;r••a nes, my „map,. that ili•h
'fits tit' negro had enf rrty for- •aril th aught 1 was handsome. while
until it was recalledge
by the arrnri as it may 9wm there were
enntinnal ah?ince of his mao-'•,•r, r, whoaP ott•en who said PP too. and. even T
• . ,• c Riad confidently expected was sensible of • thrill of pnde, such
uicl, Nro. Ltnsfrig glanced at its w'I'PII 1 abed up IK•fore the minor
f, lit Taking the note from as i suppose conscious IteeuLe,s feel,for
trawl=, and then, with an gxclaaut- reel aw how well i looked in my
: n cif surprise. handed it to Ada, bridal dress of satin and lane -his
, I," turned deathly pale Aa she new cif', but riot the same which he had
her new -burn hopes crushed at once pureha:ed for mP Rome months before.
and forever; and it now alae- clasped .tt first 1 has proposed wearing the
'Fahr �te,--1tide-thio-setirer ere intended Dr. Cl.The
Clayton's bride,
wn'r n•,t fetzned. for a- pain, which bit Ri-hard would not suffer it, so I
loll-t••r. r t•ould not heal. wns indeed rave. it to Lissy who, as sown as John
- 1he pain of wounded pride at T1;nm{,+nn war of age. which would
yet fully prepared to hit rt . n"
tegally ort t Richard krww the
a nue tri torr hen rt. and a: hr ,lac.,
,,,w \`nit in her-, he said, "Fur th.
a Jessie you a .11 loge m>' bei {•
i nm rP "
It was nongh; Jpopir will h r,'. •'
b °any o had wept bitterly Hi.
first they h the sad news of mer
death. but in ‘.the mother's heart
there war an aching void, and a if
the gentle, blue -fled child were
pleading for me from.ter little grave,
the proud woman'. flail were moist
wall tears ae ere said, "Yes. for Tea-
Si nal anti Toronto WeeklyGlobe 1 6o
�,' '
The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe 4 50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star . . . . . . . . . . 1 85
The Si nal and Weekl 1
g' y Sun (Toronto) 75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star . . 2 30
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3 50
The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2 35
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire I 6o
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . • 2 35
it's reeomrnend our rnvl.r. to
1, The Farmer'+ Advocate America. end I1....
Magazine, the Is-: eaKrirattura and home paper i„ Amerlrw.
The Signal and Winnipeiz Weekly Free Press 160
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser . 2 85
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . 1 60
•I'he'Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition . . . 3 50
:centn},r Edition 2 90
The Signal and London WeeklyFree Press 1
j. 85
The Signal and Montreal_Daily Witness • 3
Winnipeg and
return $32.00.
Edmonton and
return $42.50.
. - • n humble. nbseure girl pre- be in January. would probably have
l to hereslif. Pnr.Pverel mimes' need of it! This lame John was to
•• a ward was spoken, and then Mrs. be our groom man and mach he
'inv. who knew it would not be amused Richard by telling him of the
'i111' to quarrel with her brother. tau boy who had once been
^:1.a. "I am astonished at Richard's a terror to • little aehoolma'athir-
pr -•i:- - .-t,',t 1 suppose there is teen years of age, who now with a
no help for it. and WP may as web heirhteawd bloom upon her chert and
mate. the' hest of It. Miss leer ain't n strange light in her eye, stood wait-
the a .rat girl in the world. She had in the summons to the parlor below
mans fite:..14 in the village--- was well It cam- at last and a I laid my hand
_ _- ___ __-_.. __
"a richaTd's atm be imprinted a kiss
pip's wake do I—" she paused,
with that sacred name upon her lips
even she could not utter s (dlpehood
and say, "I love you," an she`quali-
Led it, and atter a moment c-
con -hateful
n telove you, Rots,
timet, "I will learn se
for such I know would be our angel
Jeanie',, wiah."
From Lusa I expected no dgrnon-
stratum. She was tut, %elfish, too
hatless to care Inc! ear, so when
she coolly sh<K.k my Tiered aria called
Dodds Kidney Pills Fut tsecomine a
Household Necessity.
Economy- Point, N. s., April 5th.-
IS int.) -"1 was troubled with lame
bac of twenl -flue years, withsommee
to see that could not -turn myself
h, 1s 4. I uctdentc►Ity purchased w
box Of It aye Kidney Pills and took
there and t result is that niy latae
back was cur and 1 had no return of
the trouble in arty ten years."
This is the suet ent of (leo. 9, Me -
Laughlin of this ace. Many other
people here have similar e: ria
ences. 'that's whyodd's Kidne
Pllle find a place in ear every home
in thispart of the co try. They
cure all kidneydiseases f buck•
ache to Bright. di.eme,
Ticket. gots) for 00 days.
Proportionate rates to other points
in Western Canada.
Fitwt excursion April 8th, visChicsgo.
Office Hours during Easter Season,
8:30 a m. to 9 p. m.
elncatett-and teem'
as on some points' of etiquette she a )n my lir,
p0P' p=, "the last," he said, "he
may do very web." should ever give to Rosa I.ee."
"Us," angrily retorted Ada. "When of what came next I have only a
1 teach Dicke DeIafield's wife etiquette faint remembrance. There was arust-
I shall be older than I am now." ling of satin upon the narrow stair-
"And that you would not ogre td; ca+e, down which Lizzie and I went
be." said Mr*. .Lansing .little eat• a little in advance of Richard and
critically. • - John Thompson, the latter of whom
me Mrs. Delafield, I was quite .RIl N-
fled, particularly as the next moment
Halbert caught me around the neck,
shouting out a noisy, but genuine
welcome k, his "Aunt Rose, " and
telling me "he was mighty glad 1'd
to "r for goon!'"
^^R1e te
You have quite' a party." said
Richard to his we entered
information and tickets from
F. F. Lwa'Itaires,
Town Agent.
She war • woman, who, $ .rntial said something in • low tone about
to her own interest, could tarn with' heap and the space they occupied!
every breeze, and though she wee- not th;s remark 'hooked ins Me:preset-
pkas«1 with her brother's choice, hly..but Richard didn't seem to mind
= dltLnat_sleem ;t .advisable to pro --it at all. As we tweet, the front door,
sister wf
the spacious hall, I shrinking behind
him so es to hide myself from r•hr
carious a ee whrcti I knew were scan-
and Qaai wi, min dies.
ng Y R
Druggist )u. Wilson 1s Having Splen-
did Reports from Hyomei Users.
It's the patron grana in th" air you
breathe that creates and I 'v ca-
t P,rh. Hynmei limply ratehta these
germs on their way to work and de -
•uuys them. Thr first breath of Hy.
ornei air kills ell catarrhal poison.
Tbia make. the air you are breath-
helpful, it goes on its way
ing Rg
through the air passages, hrnnchisl
destrtubes ond ying lungschar a withcannoghe em
.tauroying powers and heal. the
wounded and inflamed membrane.
That is why Hyomei is R0 instantly
hal [rel Inc anydi.trPa of the hneth-
ingpr,rgwns, Ms, croup, hmnchitis,
asthma or dreaded Pneumonia, they
are thegerm life that H nmM kill..
Complete guaranteed outfit $1,00.
Nold by pas, Wilson. Talk to him
Abwut it.
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness I'S5
The Signal and World Wide 2 25
The Signal and -Western Home Monthly
innl C I
p g) 3L
The Signal and Presbyterian 2 25
T Signal and Westmir'''er 2 25
Tile. I�nal, Presbyter 1 Westminster 3 25
The S nal and Saturday Night ('('ltrontol . 2 35
T St i and Busy Magazine 2 50
The -Signa and Home Journal ( Toronto) . . I 30
The Signal a d Canada Scotsman . 160
7'hc Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York)\, 2 35
ladled► poetess to Canadian aabeerlh. rs.
his it, the (for it was even
'bitty a f!w IrtPtirfa, whn 1 thn,)rtrt
R A i L W
N 1
will find the route
Duluth, Port Frances
Canadian Northern
A Y.
by Chicago,
the most '
yoke anger quarrelling about mal night wind
fur when unee roused, but few could int() blew nvet my face; reminding
ceps, with - hi.- resolute, determined ,new of -11.. -South- it wee en %oft and
spirit. Then. taw, Rosa Lee was yield- 1a11my. When we entered the parlor,
ing and generous, and would not ob• i was cnnacionts of a goodly number
-$.- t even if her huiband should be- of ryes fixed upon me, and a i cross-
Nt, tr halt -MK fortune upon his sister; rd neer to a vacant spot under the
SSSS after all it might he better to have looking-el/ins T heard more than one
her mistress of Sonny blank than one see in a whisper, "isn't she pretty?"
'Ike Ada, aro was more Relfish and meowing Lizzie, i suppose! Then a
' :+ntr,l ev,'rything for herself. Thus roan. whim 1 reengnit:ed as the new
l Lansing reasoned. coming at 1:pi.cnpnl rler¢yman (1 believe T'vr
I" feel quite amiably dia rd never saicl that Rieherd was an Eels-
a wards Rn,.0 Lee, whamy she (Bernard
r Tia�t slnnrt it tirtc,rP its and laid
n,tendrd M, manage in leer own sac snare +hln" ahrnit{ Yin Richard -and
ai,d rh.• sac aFx.Ul making np her YonRO?e," atter whichRlrhar4pinc.'d
mind to write a kind, sisterly letter it ring upon my linger..queening my
h. said Rra A,, when h...r attention was hand a ern little ns he ai.l an. Then
a;traet..l by a loud sobbing, and took- followed a short prayer. in whieh I"
ing round she taw Ada weeping vie fancied the mini'.trr made ti mitrlwke
iii -pair namrse-i estresait-a• i'r seeitr-
would le glad to meet Mies Lee t
beg pardon --your wife.- she hastily
added, as she saw the gathering frown
upon his brow
With a took in his eye which made
her quail, he said, "N ver make that
miwtake again. Angeline " (And she
never did') •"S.rsr is inn much ex_
Minted u, appear In the parlor to-
night," he rnntinned, as we enured
my room ---oar rnnrn--the pleasant,
tasteful apartment, which i Once
had been fitted up for Ada-
"You ought to have had more last
than to invite company nn the first
night of my arrival -when you must
have known hew weary Rear would
be She don't look like herself. so
pale and way -warn" he cnnt.inuerl,
himself removing my bonnet and ten-
`I hese prices are sr addresses in Canada or Great
The above publicatio may.be obtained h Si F-
Sig -
Y g
nal subscribers in' In comb) anion the price for any
ti y
publication beings the figure •e Ven above less $t.0o
representing theprice of The St • nal. For instance
The Signal and The t fro
1[^ Weekly Globe ;
The Farmer's Advocate 1$2.35 less $r.00) . 4 . • 1 35
$% 95
_ makin ► the rice for the tihree papersers 1.
b p p' l' 95
The Signal and:The Weekly Sun 1t n
Toronto Daily Star 42.30 leas Seco) . , 1 C
The Weekly Globe I$r.60less $t.00) Ao
interestingand direct to
Western Canada
1„,.., f;it,,h 1l/,
As well as she (mild love any ane. of Teter and ReMcca instead of Ri•'h-
\da )tad level her tan, and the anb and Rnse This being' clone T
knowledge thnt he was now Inst t.. glantwt At the hrideero•rm. There was
her. overcame her few a tame. and no /cowl upon his forehead now, and
'revering -her tare with her hands, she 1 could see the light shining nut all
cried aloud Mrs Laming lad never over his Nee an he hent down end
really loved in her hie, wn she could eently 'whispered, "my wits'"
nal. appttc,atr the feeling. and she This dispelled the Honda at neer,
made nn effort to amthr the weeping and as guest rater guest, ernwrrd
girl who that nicht wet her pillow *round. Offering their rnngratnlatinne,
deny atmkwo my aching here.
Nothingwould Please .oda better
than bre present me jest a-1 was. pre k
and jsaed• with dark rims asnrale
my eyes, induced by the severe head-
ache from which i was really Puffer-
ing. It would show her Own •'harms
to greater advantage. she thought. as
she glanced at an nppreute mirror and
saw the reintrast between us.
"Ott. Richard," she Raid pleadingly•
Few Pao le in Goderich Redl Know
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with hitter tears, and who next morn- wTtile ("barn/. and Jo1in Thnmpsnei}
ing looked weary. pale and Old. a she vied with rash other in repeating my
languidly took her seat at the break- naw name, 1 began to realize that I
fart_ table. Still Ada wee not One to was no longer Roma I.ee but Mrs.
IMF very deeply, and as nn the nc- Rinhwrd Drlafleld.
semen her pnde was tattthe.i rather -----
than her heart. fir ars Icing w CNAioTF•R xNXT.
Calm, and with Mrs Lancing wi.Piy
For few lingered at my
"Pray don't object tri her going dawn.
it wouldn't be Polite. and then they
ern ding to ase ham."
ern then didn't t mew. nl
y they,
them, imprnve the oppertantty wfirtt
aJte was here before, and mold M
every day," said Richard. mood-
___ _ _ _ __.__--.- .--
resolved to make the Mat of it- Then, a .lays we
ton. there erne the very n*tarr*1 rk mother'. tlroside. and then, with the
And Aoa, forgetting herself. an-
"Why, that's
Your Health, Gentlemen
-e4e}f her
from Richard that she felt of the first earn=0)tk►;m
air.' }n cannels
1,1,1 ever Fared for him. and to do Our enuthern home; Richard promo-
!nth to
RwerPet to w few Resat;
plain enough, Mee. Riehard Delafield
is a very different perannagr from
53 65
the four papers for $3.65.
if the publication you want is not in above list,
let us know. We/can supply almost any well-known
Seild subscriptions through local agent or by
or' express order to
Vanatter & Robertson,
The Signal, Goderich, Ont.
is the meet important . nntideration you
have. 'The bier .nnadr against the wont
menace to the health of ns all, is the recent
Int.rrsationd Tuberculosis Exhibit held
in New York City. This commendable
and noteworthy erpa)tirinn Is reproduced by
profuse illustnlion■ and a most romprehen-
sive aeries of enlightening and itutnxtive
artirlea on the Owe, prevention and cured
Tuherlocuaia, in the current number of the
M E T R O P 0 L 1 T AN
M A G A Z 1 N E
the. s ca,,,, Aa N.wdaalae $1.50 sYae
1hi. she thetight rhe meat pretend to Ing my mother, who was give
1, ,, pleased with his choice. Afford- tn., 11p. that when the summer birds
nal, when Mre Lansing wrote to her .ams batik and roses were hlnomine
hrot.l,Pr, Ada inelrwad • gilt-edged main by the door, he would bring
note, in which she eoogratalated him his Rose to breathe One.. more the ;/,r
Ripon his interxb f mamaga, telling "1 her native hills. we ateppel et
him she had lore/ en it from the first, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore
and ruled by Rending her love te and Wsihinirton, and it wile not until
..Hese." Tem, Mer*rtes She. thnaght the holidays were posed Chet we
tFeer interest, did Mea. 'len.Pricepostoffice
it would Free ted at IA.t at Charleston and took
Lansing deem it beat to 'mange her the cars Inc W----, which we reached
tactics, while Ada was toss proud b abnet dark.
twiner. any open hnmtilitq, though in With a land ery of Joy. Rill. who
her heart rale hated the futons ride w*• waiting fm nes. wPle^ww'd h*rk
and lamented the fatatity wide+ had t his resew, And then almond eruahing
MRS Lee, gov"- --
"Ada'" sternly interposed my hu.-
band. "Never a remark like that in
my pmaenee.'• -
Why, ITnele Dick,", maid Ada.
smothering her angst And winding
her white atm. around his neck, "how
you frighten me. I didn't mean any-
thing, only i do want liner to go down
so mneh, can't you, dear?" and she
tarred towards ark.
With her, 1 felt that it ironic!herd-
IT he pmlile le mini., .n 1 "Plitai
tt "after a TMP of teen and halt a
►Y._•..�. r _amu .._ ._ L ••
deemed Mat ittee fhcwr111 bs >3vriri ay fingers in his bit! black hand, 22210.