HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 9THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO TUNRgDAY, APRIL 8, 1909 7 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. lablio lona. NOTICE. -THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT of Ooterdo requires that all persons ober sae of 3 months must he vaecluated and that parents are liable to a tine and oon victiots for failure to comply with much recula(loits. The medical health °Meer will be in his uMce on Orland Saturday afternuuu of each mouth d * o'olope for the free veccinatlon of peraons .yaadtnR toe such purpose. A. C. HUNTEf . Medical Mielth UfDcer. • QYNOPBIS OF CANADIAN A7 N9RTHW1rtfT testi emiel ATIUNe. Any person who is the role head of a farnlly, or any male over 18 yearn old, may homestead a quarter -section of 1,511able huudnlon land In Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The *velment must appear In person at the Domin- ion land' Agency or Bub -Agency for the district, Entry by proxy may be wade at any ageury, ou certain conditions, by rather, mother, son. daughter, brother or or uf intending homesteader. Duties --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land In each of three years. A homesteader guy live within nine miles of his homestced on a farm of at least 00 acre, .hely owned and occupied by him or by bb father, m tber. eon. daughter, brother or eider. In certain districts • homesteader In good standing may pm •mpt a q1uu�artersection alongside hl. bumestsad. Price Pt10 per acre. Duties - Mutt reside six months In each of six years from data of hoarsened entry Ilnch:Mina the Ume required to earn homestead oatenti and cultivate any acres extra. A homesteader who ham exhausted his home - .tmad right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take aurchaeed homestead In certain de.trlcts. Price el -O; per acre. Duties -Must reetde MR menthe ie ~it of Owes yeses: mile - v ate tiny acres stud erect a bone worth MAL W. W. ('ORY. Iieputy of the Minister of the Interior, N 8. -Unauthorised publication of this ad• settlement will not be pard tor. Watchmail:ng, eto, pALBBY P*UK -- il wA rash 'SWILLS&°rrlctan.. 'South olds d Newt, God•rlch, Ont. • Civil Engineering {T&UtiHAN- M. ROBERTS, L'IVIL 1 sad Hydraulic Engineer, On1.rlo Land Sane7or- Omoe-MoLsan Block, Goderich. corner Meanest stars, T.I.pbooe 177. 1Luh10 A.LFRED E. COOK. TEACHER OF Plane playing. Theory. H&►moay ' and „ismerp.lel• Pupils prepared fur examina- tions of Torino 4'emmr votary of M nye, Apply at Theutaun i Music Store. Goderich. ' Mondays in('ilnton at madden°. of Mr. Ales. Macken- zie. Ontario strait. AHOY ADAMS . TYacwaa or PIANO at.41.In Bask of Montreal Black. _ Yedital IiRB. BMEERtON k TURNBULL, 11 A. T. trrzwne. M D. W B. Truant:LI- M. B. 'dikes Hamilton Street 'I'hone 102. Ur. Lmmenon • residence. North .frost, Opposite St. Ueorite• church, 'phone 186. In. Turnbull. reddens*. Montreal street. Southwest of Public Library. Phone 194. )1t. W. F. ()ALLOW, M. 13. (hine• Colborne •Free(. next door to Sover- e ign Sank. Telepbosse-'r1Doe, est:- trdswse, Legal V KILLORAN, BARRISTER, •I 'solicitor, notary, etc. Money to lend al lowest rates. Uflose-North Street. Goderich 'nee Signal (]deet. In Seaford) Saturday. and Mondays U. CAMERON, K. l'., HAitR1Y- TER, solicitor, notary public. OMoes- Itoo Street, (iiderleh, third doer from 5q PRO(, FOOT. HAYS a HLAIR re, elicitors, notaries public pr. • tocsin die time l 'Dart, eta ()Mae. east ride, Square. next poor C. A. Nairn'. grocery. Prl vete funds to loud at lowest nus of interest. IL C. It C. MAYA. U. F W. PHOLU dl.a1R. DI('KiNSON k °ARROW. BAR - SISTERS, attorneys, solicitors, sic. liedenrb. Money to lend at lowest rates. K 1. UII'KINOON. CHARL - (HARROW. LLB �m�f 0. JOHNSTON.. ARRit3TBR. LT , .ollcftor, oommirloner, Mary public. o Hamilton street. (lode • • Unt. Insurance, Loans. W R. ROBERTSON, INSURANCE AGENT Yoe ase Llow'sige: HdW8.Canadian and Meet -ken. At.'II.ENy llIcKNRae AND k/tpio(RRA• Li.,," -1T►°-'elle Oman AtMdent and Guarantee nrls,ret ion, Limited. of London. Fang. F 17111)77 *411 U(Aa*NTRS He„r1a : The 1'..'t. Pldel it y and Guarantee Company. trace at residence. northesat corner of Vic toria and St. Davld'a atteta, Phone 174. JOHN W. CRAIG1E, i.?FE, FIItE and accident Insurance. Agent for leaning mutual and stock companion. lnauram'e in all lines efre°ted on beat plans and at lowest rates. Call at office, corner Wee Street and Square on t. • sddrtJ. s l W.KAIE, C UI Uods ttch U rt. Isle .none 24 leicKILIAP MUTUAL FIRE IN - Art. S U R A N CE CO. -Firm and Isolated ui)tlinn property R,(Y Dean, Pres., )(lppen P, O T. Freer Vice -Pres.. Srurleld P. O. Thoma. E. Freer, Seca Tawe., Seafnrt h P. U Directors -Wm. (hesnee. 8.5Mrth : Jahn 11. thieve, Winthrop • George Dale, Seaton h. John Hennewele, Dnblln; James Evans. 1le'ech wood ; John Watt. Harlock ; Thos. Fraser. Brumfield ; Jobe. 11. McLean. Kippen ; Jae. Connolly, Clinton. J. W. Yeo Holm111•. agent forWest Heron. r.n pay sseieswmenU anti set their cards Mp renal ppt Tomer R Brown's, Clinton, or at K. H. C'utt'p grocery. Kingston stet, Dederick. Ienesstnn* Mineral Water THE OODER1CH MiNERAL WA - 1 TER CO.. menufactorore of "Menem tune." ere prepared to deliver to any part of the town Beltast (linger Ale In pine and quarts, also Mineral Water In three Mees Mids. plate and 'matte), Felteer Water and Donhle Sada, Thee east. are made froze eaten) mineral water, end are therefore free from all impurities. 1'. 1. WALTON Man - est 'Phone f01 Marriage Licenses WALTER S. KELLY, (iODERt('H, ONT. Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. W• LANE, iSSURR OF MARRIJ • AUE fol sees. Ooderiok, Ont. SHevnra PthLOR EDFORD 11 -LOCK HARE ER SHOP LI - 1 1s well known and p{opnlar eland patrons' the Mist servies in shaving, haircutting. eta. etc. Indite shampooing a feltyy.t only .killed hands employA. ttipElt. Pmprletnr a apprerlated. AnotiotiNlin4 • THOMAS OUNDRY, LiVE STOCK aad Mineral ancttonser. ()Mem nn South attest, where he will be found at all them wind taut ry1115 pales Terme reasonable and erry etaset fwd to flee sou s.tstsetlon. Pee AUCTIONEERINQ. All heanehee narefnlly attended to. Farm aloe• live stock alt, real sstate and merehan dies WAS made anywhere. Write for dada or nail end talk It neer with Cleo. Beckett, Hamilton street, Goderich Ont Telephone No. cog ONTARIO WEST SHORE RAILWAY. Word "Electric" Dropped from Name - Company's Bill Before Legislature, The Kincardine Review, whose editor, Col. Hugh Clark, M. P. P.. was iu charge of the Uotar•io West Shore Railway Co.'s bill before the Legislature, had the following hast week iu reference to the measure : The bill respecting the. Ontario West Shore Iteilway came before the railway committee of the Lwigislature on Friday worniug. J. W. Moyer, who had just returned from Swit- zerland, addressed the committee and told of the progress of the work. The clause striking out the word "Electric" was carried. There was some feu repressed in some localities along the road that the clause enables the Company to supplant electricity by steam, but no change in the name could do anything of the wort, It could not affect the charter, which is for an electric road, nor could it affect the bylaws under which the tnunici- ppaalitiea guaranteed the bonds 01 the Company. The object of the Corte pally is mere) to shorten the name, The road will be an electric road -it cannot be anything else under. its charter. Clause 2 was also carried. it pro - Tides .for the confirmation of the in• denture [Wade between the Railway Company and We :oruoto General Trusts Corporation. Clause 3 was struck out. Its nhjeet was to have the Legislature ratify the contract entered into between the Company and the Maitland River Power Co. Hon. Frank Cocbra_ chairtuan of i -committee, say. t is wan provided for in the general Act. Mr. Moyes admitted that it was but said that the general Act was subject to different interpretations and he de• sired to -have this put beyond the shadow of s doubt, as certainty upon this point would help in the sale of the bonds. -ieeferring to the agreement. Hon. Mr. Cochrane noted that the Kailway Company was to pay $35 per li p. to the Power C pany. He said the two companies were practically the same, tbat they were cotnpoeeti of the t ame -person- and he thought ->f - to much. Mr. Muye. answer to this was that it was less than the figure quoted by the hydro -electric power commis- sion, which is 938 per d. p. Mr. Moyes said that bis visit to the UId Country would result in in- creased edit ity in building road and developing power. He expected with the electrical machinery which would be installed to he able to generate a great teal moea__puwec_tlusn..he had promised. ELECTRIC FOR GRAND BEND. Charter Granted London & Northwest- ern Railway Company. Ottawa, April 1. -In the railway com- mittee this morning R. U. Code pro- tested on behalf of the Ontario Qov- ernment against Major Beattii s bill to grant • charter to the London & Northwestern Railway Company. which proposes to build a line from I.ondou to Sarnia, and another line from London to Grand Bend, on Lake Huron. paving through the towns. of Ailsa ('rang and Parkhill. The objec- tion had nn effect on the -committee, the charter .eked for being given. London. April 2, -The London & Northwestern Railway is an electric road which is being floated by Aid. Stewart, who isinOttawa today in connection with the charter. It will be capitalized at $1.501,000, and stock is nn sale for bonds amounting to half • million. The road Will be built from here to Sarnia, up through Arkona, which will be known as the main line. To catch the summer trade to Grand Bend, a popular resort with London- ers fan Lake Huron, a branch will be ,run from this eity. It will pass through Parkhill and Ailsa Craig, and t1$nee to Grand Bend. • "THE COWBOY BARONET." Sir GeniUe Cave -Brown -Cave Proves Zam•Btik Excellent for Hurts and Sores. Siie Qenille Cave -Brown -Cave, of Stretten Hall; Ashby -de -In -Zouch, Leics stersbire, Who is tetter known in ('an a as "the Cowboy Baronet," has had wide experience of the value of %am Bak. Writing ''to a friend re- cent and .peaking .of this great Ma rays:- ' eel it is only my duty to let you knoW what great benefit 1 have de- ny ed by keeping Zam•Buk handy, and bs roll it in .constant use. For the spry and bruises which 1 have incurred i y horsemanship, and in my eow life generally, I have found 11 A rel and ipedy healer. Some of the riders in the West that 1 know useularl •m Hirk regularly y with the mates beneSt. 1 may mention that, on o occasion, my horse, 'Bob,' came • n with ane, railing over- my ibm ,-• and tearing ppiece.of skin off my arms. By use of 7.an1•t;uk immediately the wounds and htliiisee were cleanly and quickly healed, and the raw parts covered with view healthy akin. "When on the Mexican plains, 1 have used Zam•Buk for poisonous in• • t bites. tes. i "lam-Buk has yielded are far wore remarkable results and generally proved more reliable than anything could hay, done in the way of mere ointments or embrocations, and f think it uneciuelied for skin injuries and diseases. No clearer evidence than the above from this well-known Baronet could be neeled to prove the uni lee merit of 7srn-Hak, and to show the wisdom of always keeping handy s box of this wonderful halm. Zam-Buk is nature's 'own healing halm. being composed of pure herbal essences. It is a sure cure for eczema, ring•wotru, ulcera, cuts, burns. bruises, poisoned pores, chronic wounds, bad leg, pile., festering pores, and all skin Injuries and disease-. Druggi.te and stores everywhere sell al Site 8 box, or postfree for price from Zero -But Co„ Toennto: 3 loxes 91.25. You are wanted against harm- ful imitation., sometimes eepresented to he "just ap good." The Bishop's Choice. A celebrated Anglican divine, the late Bishop of Rochester, who had been ailing for some months. decided to consult Air Frederick Treves, the noted ntrgenn. After a cerefei exam, 'nation, Mir Frederick pronounced his verdict and added, "Your Lordship must go to Algiers or some winter re- sort on the Riviera." "impossible," replied the Bishop "quite impossible. 1 have too much work to get through." "Well," said the doctor, "you must make your choice. it is either Algiers or heaven." "Dear me I" exclaimed the Bishop, with a sigh. "Then 1 suppose it must he Algiers, The Signal to Jae. lit, 1910, for Mk. JOHN BEDFORD CANED. Lady Friends of Marine Social Club Make a Handsome Presentation, An interwlting feature of a social evening held by the Marine Social Club ou Wednesday evening of last week in their roomy on North street was the presentation to John Bedford, president of the club, of a,yeryhand- some gold -headed ebony ,_ cane, This part of the procetdiuge took place just before supper, the address being read by William Babb and the cane being tueaeetae ey blimp Marion McL.eoq, The head of the caue wise suitably en- graved and the article was. Prevented in a box full of beautiful ruses. The success of the club has been due lulu) swan mesrury to Mr. Bedford, who w(Sx sly) ILS originator, and the pre- sentation was a flttip$ ezpreesion of the appreciation of his work on the part of the givers. The address war as follows Goderich. Oat, March 31,t, 1000. Tu Mr. John B. Bedford, Goderictt4 BI k, -It has beenithe desire for come time of the mothers. wives. enter' and leaf Mende of the Marine Social Club of Goderich to. iu some manner. eflow their appreciat(ou of the many rectal end other advantages conferred upon the mariners and sailors of the town uf Gude rich and their friends by the Marine Social Club. and they now web to express that ap preoatlon in route tangible way. '''hey do not know of any better way to suggest their appreciation of the many advantagee and sd defence given to our best and closet relatives and to our friend. and to oureelve. on eerie' oocecluntd by our elub than to remember the worthy' prr.itfettt who iuggasted and carried out the inoeptioo of this club and h.as unsel- fishly devoted the necessary time and asses tante every day aud ever hour since then to make for the Maxine Social Club of Uuderleb the seesaws and reputation that It now ha.. As r smell a predation of the labor of you. -. A..ie„ tu- rns with this cane and to have you reminded so lore um we can that your labors are not dune without appre'i&tion. The wish that you mud your estimable club may enjoy all the blessings we can .eek or give is the 'sincere desln of The Motiles, Wives, Sisters and Lely F rend. of the Marine Social Club of Gude- nrn. Mr. Bedford was very touch taken by surprise, but wanaged to express itis thanks in a few well-chosen words. The social features of the 'evening consisted of yards followed by a dance. and the evening was one of the most enjoyed of the many social' affairs wbiete-have seared -the -shah --lamins during the season. HURON'S POPULATION. Figures icor leo8 Taken from Assess- ment Returns. • How that rich resonant, sustained tone is secured Mason and Risch piano THE evenly grained and finely fibred sounding board of the Mason and Rischpiano is a great factor in se- curing the instrument's beauty of terse. _ -- The spruce of which this sounding board is built is grown on 1 y under certain c 1 i nk a t i c conditions and in a particularly rich soil. We are fortunate in the districts from which we secure our spruce as it has proved a very high grade article. in the Mason aad Risch The piano with a soul The Mason and Risch sounding board is built up of carefully selected narrow strips of this spruce firmly glued together and- - securely held by a series of ribs, as shown in illustration. We would like to tell you more about the construction of the Mason and Risch piano. Send us this coup- on to -day and we'll mail you ii In- side Information" which will give you the illustrated reason why you should own a Mason ' d Risch piano The Mason and Risch Piano Co., Limited, 32 West King St., -Toronto. County Clerk Lane has completed bis compilation of the'Agures showing the population of the various minor wtlni- '1palitierfn-the-county-a-Huron Tor the year 1908, taken from the assess- ment rolls, and the figures, as com- pared with those for the previous year, are alt ?DHOW": 'v." TO W N$H1 PO 106 1907 Ashfield 2,710 2706 Colborne . 1,527 1.544 Goderich .. . 1,959 2,054 Grey . 3.4116 3,0114 Hay - . 3,140 ',175 Hawick 3,6110 3,+1;1 Hullett ..,,. 2,450 2,3111 Morris 2,210 2,251 McKillop 2,303 2,343• Stanley 1,8.29 1.838 Stephen' ' 3,6011 3.578 'l'uckersmitb ... ..... :2,109 2008 Tursberry.. - ---1,808 1,844 Cslorne 1,976 1..008 East W awanosb 1,848 1,964 West Wawanosh 1,909 1,858 Total . 37,980 37,801 T(WNC AND VILLAGES Hayfield 64' ) Blyth :.. 818 }trowels 1,179 Clinton 2,448 Exeter .. 1,808 lioderich 4.Iv32 Hensel l . 804 Seaforth 2,251 Win4ham 2,310 Wroxeter .... . 446 Total ........ 17,031 Total population of county 54,920 INDIGESTION ENDS. 553 815 1,099 2.423 1,648 4,508 063 2276 2,277 431 17,023 54,917 Misery Prem Your Disordered Stomach Goes in Five Minutes. You can eat anything your stomach Claveli without fear of a case of intt(i� geation or ,dyspepsia. or that yell, food will ferment or sour en your stomach if you will occasionally take a little Diapepsin aftgr eating. Your meals will taste good, and scything you eat will be digested : nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poison or stomach gas, which causes belching, dizziness, a feeling of fullness after eating, nausea, indiges- tion (like • lump of lead in the atom- ach),• biliousness. heartburn; water brash, pain in stomach and intestines or t symptoms. mrn other s tor Headaches from the stomach are absolutely unknown where this ef- fective remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of s healthy stomach. it digests your meals when your stomach can't. Each triangule will digest all -the food yon can eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour. Get a large 50 -rent cane of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking today and by tomorrow ou will actually hrsg about your althv, strong stomach, for you then rarest anything and everything you want without, the slightest diecumlurt or rnhery, and every particle of im- purity and gas that is in your stom- 8.h and Intestines Is going to be car- ried away without the use of laxatives or any other assistance. Field Croo Competitions. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture has issued rules and regulations for the standing Hell crop competi- tions of 1909. This work, inaU ursted two years ago, hax toad excellent re- state in stimulating a greater interest in the production of improved seed grain. Three lots of prizes are offered this year: first, for the standing field crop competitions': second, for the sheaf exhibit at the Toronto exhibi- tion ; third, for the competitions at the Guelph and Ottawa winter fairs. The first competition will be carried on, as formerly, in connection with the riding agricultural ancietiei throughout the Province, the Depart- ment cofitributing towards the prizes. For the second competition the sum of 9240 has been granted by the Cana- dian National Exhibition. Sheaves of wheat, oats, barley or rye may be shown in this competition. Large prizes will be offered by the Depart- ment for two -bushel sacks of grain at both Guelph and Ottawa winter faire, the competition for which will he non• find to prize -winners in the Wending field crop competitions, For further information in connection with these competitions inquiries may be ad- dressed to J. Leckie Wilson. Super. tntendent, Agricultural Societies Branch, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto. Memory Is a high heaven br a fathomless bell. list Fes. MASON and RISCH PIANO CO., Limited, TORONTO Send me your Illus- trated booklet espial*. int( the reasons why 1 should own a Mason mod Risch pans The ha So sea) obligates ate to psrckass. treat' City..., Province re THE MARKETS. Liwrpoot and Chicago Wheat Futuna Close Higher -Live Stock - Latest Quotations. Monday Evening, .Aprl1 6. Liverpool wheat futures to -day .heed tad higher, and eorn 4,d lower than Sat- urday t•htcago May wheat closed Vise higher, Winnipeg Options. Wheat -April 11 16 bid. Juty $1.1/14 bed. May 111775 sellers. oats -April 41ac •eller&, May 4316c sen - ere Toronto Gratin Musket. Wheat tall. bash Wheat, red. bush 1 m Wheat, goose, bush 103 Rye. bushel 075 Buckwheat, bushel 061 Peas. bushel 006 Barley, bushel 0 10 1.0... Oars, bushel 0 60 .... Toronto Dairy Market. Butter, separator. 3alry 0 a 0 ns Butter, store lots 017 019 Butter, creamery, sonde 0 10 0 21 Butter, creamery, 1b. rods0 81 0 M Eggs, new -laid, dozen 015 0 D Cheese, large 18 01334 .... cheese, twin, Ib ... 014 Honey, extracted 0 1814 011 New York Dairy Market - NEW YORK, April 5.-Butter-8tsdy, at the decline; receipts, 4419. Creamery, speciate, 2&• to :7pyc (official) Mc; extras. Ac. third to first. 21c to ,211c. Creamery, held, third to -pedal, 20c to 2Ic; proems. common to special, 17c to MC; weale1a, factory. first, Mier to lac; western Imtta- tlon. creamery, flat, Mc to 21c. Cheese -Firth: receipts, 1072; state, - cream. specials. 14c to 17c; de.. fancy, 15414e, do., goof to fine, 1644c; winter made, hest. 1414e. de.. good to prime. 11114e to 146sc.: do., common to talc. 12c to 17e: aklms. full to special, 24, to 12Syr. Eggs -Firmer: receipts, 2.154. Stale. Pennseivania, and nearby fancy selected. white, 23r to 24,- do., fair to choke. 210 to 22r: brown and mixed. fancy, 12c to 22ac. do.. fair to choice. 21r to 214err; western. first. Mier to Me; seconds, Mc. CATTLE MARKETS. Cables Steady -Hogs Steady at Sul- fate and Chicago. LONDON. April 5. -London cables fuer cattle art, steady, at 1344c to 14410 per ls. for Canadian steers', droned weight; w- frlgeratot beet Is quoted at Mee per Ib. Toronto Junction Live Stock. TORONTO JTTNCTiON. April 0. - Receipts o live stock at the Hilton Stock Yard were 2.4 carloads, 00D- niltting of 4 castle, 4 sheep and 99 alvei. Datekers. The heat butchery' on sate toby Oa from :6 to M.S. medium, 74.75 to 76; ante mon, 14 to 74 13 rows, 73.50 to 74.70. Eurosl ste'e•ew-s1Fd-at LS 711 to WM;-MO* $4 to 15 per cwt. Milkers and SprInoere. A vary few milkers and springer. ode on sale. Trade was dull- with prices ranging from M. to Mt earn. Veal r geese. prices no,?,'t i .fin to fs - per .est akerp and Iambs. Sheep are quoted at IC50 to f:. per cwt for two's, and $3 7:, to II 25 yearling lambs. etaninon. Y. to 7a per rot. grain 1d. 17 to 17.7;i per cwt.. spring lamb,. 15 to 72 each. Hogs. Price, unrhangd Selecta. red and vect- ored. at 1711, and $x90, 8.0.5.. ram, Of country points • Montreal Live Stock. MOW?Rp1Ai,. April F. -At the Montreal Stock 'Verde. West End Market, the re everts of Bye stack for tar week ending April 3 were 2174 merle, 143 Mimi, end lariat,., 251 bog!, ant ; : Hosea The of femalee tide marten,; :err the local trade amo®awd to IMO settle. Se ',ROM and Innate 1275 hogs and 201 rt.,.; To+Faya supply was only 510 head 1:. or than a week ago. Aar to m the fart that A0+4ran aemr hats, ts+ naursa•oei 10 operate lhrumn . mrerin. anfarmers hove teen demanding much a pried than drov- ers. .Meld sfsoed see -ter-the market -- Those who had extra a •kX loads for the Feiner trade stated that thew w old. not realise the rest of them m the .matey at values rotten here, to -.1 ..• The dlsplaY as to quantity and e•. as all that rs' stand - dye as 11 r &e5Rnn 1 clear- local amt, could be dMrwi from a ,,c point, but trade waa not' as should have been at this partleu of the year. however, 0 [alrty aaee was nude. In addition to t demand :,.Islet five carloads of rate bought for Quebec and Ottawa arc andthere was also same demand exporters who paid as high as 6c per for very choice steers. Holders of fan well -breed steers and hollers were .sting AB Met as 7c per 1b.. but the top price realized .far such stock was eyxe, aad number eT tales were -Made a4 fes t.. Gond cattle sold at Spec to 1'',e fair. ea 5e to 6754, and lower ([lades at from 3;yc to 4444 per Ib. The market for yearling lambs was stronger on account of the limited offerings andplisse advanced 'tic to ger per Ibsince tine day week The demand was good and sales were made at Mee to 7c per Ib (Nd sheep were scarce and firm, at 5c to Stec per lb. Spring blobs were In demand, but the 'supply WW1 email and buyers totted It deffleadt to fill their wants at prices ranging Dom 63 to 17 each are to size. There were same very choice sealer calves on the market_ Masterman Peeking Company beach( ave at 131 A number of other small calluses were. sold .t rinses ranging from sr to es each. There wan n0 .-Rance In Ibe oon- dtUnn of the market for hogs, pekes be- ing firm under a good demand and sales of selected tots were made at Mao to *3 and samirht Iota at 17.76 to p.mpar Ib., weighed off can. East Buffalo Cattle Market. )CAST BUFFALO, April S. -Cattle -Re- ceipts. 360) head, skim and 115c to 26c low- er. prime steers. 86.Z. to 711.. shipping, 76' tl 1F Z. butcher's, IC to MJ6: heifer", to 16.75; cows and bulls, 2371 to 16, eto.Jters and feeders, $4 to :i; stock heif- ers, 1121 to 34, fresh cow and springers, Measly. $?b to Iso Veala--Receipts. 3000 It acnes and steady. 17 to $95n Hogw-Iterelpts. 14,5(n head; active and steady. heavy, 3735 to 77.40; mixed, 27.30 to F.40. Yorkers. 17 10 17.76; pigs, KM to 7$ 7S; rough'. m3 to sese: stag•. 14 75 to /15.5. dairies, $7 to $7.30. Sheep and lambs-Recelpta. 11.000 head. sheep. active and steady, lambs, slow and 10r higher: Iambs, $e to sato. yearlings, 77 to $740. w.'(hers, M.50 to sale, ew•e, 76.76. to 84 g. sheep, mixed, 14 to s6.3. edlp- ped lambs. 37 to $7.Z. clipped steep, *60 to 16,3 New York Live Stock. NEW YORK, April 1 -nerves-fl eeepal . 3617. Steers,' steady to strong,' rinsing slow. Mille and caws, steady tostew; steers. K 2. 1,, 36 75: holes 73 75 to 14. at; cow U. t.. r a, i3 N:7.. 1 rdeed beef, stow; Common to . hat, e, .4y.- to Mr. ('ales.-Reroipts; bawl: Inwer. Veale, s* t" AZ. cutis, $4; fel calves, 6750 to 14; dreamed elves, lower: city slowed veal, fie • to tor, ~Indy 'dreamed. `k.- to 12'4c Sheep and Latnbc-- Reeelpte.10,010. sheep, full stes4v: chewiest handy lemhs, steady; otldera;-very- aim) arta 10r hewer, unshorn sheep, 14,50 to *4.713: culls, *7.50 to 14. ^''icago Live Stock. C.111CAGO, April 'a -Col estimated of rim meeker, "'trade 10 161c lower 1or rp. H Qto 37 In T'x: s s . ars. .:4. '511 wear Nisei's,74 to t1 ni t .10� $l Fc ettickvrd and feeds. -s s3,:n l.. 15.('s1, rows ami helf.r,:, 11.81 to 15 e, calve:.. 16 to *t.3. Hogs-Recrlpls, e.tlmaled nt 40,000. mar- ket hnrele steady: light. 36.811 h, 17.10, mix. ed. M.71. to 17 G.: Wavy. 16en to 37 9); rtlu Rh. s.. w11' sa re. Rood 10 Mote. hovy, 16..4'( 1n 7•; bi pit,' x,.65 to y; lit,' hen, of sale°. 17 to 5710. Sheep-tterelpt.. estimated at ,,•no. market, steely to 16, !ower; Relive 73 rA to ft .;C; western... $3.M_ to 76.e1:.yearlblgs. 16:•'• to 7:11, I.ml.s, native, 16 to $0+3. wrslrrt, 7e to $1i. Earnest Female --"Professor, I hear you are a great ornithologist.' Pro lessor - "i am anornithologist, maelani." Earnest Ftjmale-- "'then mild you kind){yy tell me the hotanical name for a whaler -Boston Tran- script. - Toronto, Feb, 23rd, 1909. MEMORANDUM Toronto Waterworks Tunnel Under Toronto Bay f ALIS tunnel proper fro bare of shaft to base of 1. shaft ie 5,AX., feet Iou,f and is built of concrete throughout -tate tidttoui arid' about hair way up the .ides, and of bit ick laid in cement mortar throughout. the arch. The tunnel is run through shale beneath about tkl feet of rock and sand. carrying • depth of from 5 to"30 feet of water above it. The concrete bottom and sides are about 12 inches thick and the brick arch is stout the same thickness. There was used in this work about 15,000 tarries of STAR Cement, the work being done exclusively with this brand. No reinforcement whatever was used. During coustructiou the contractors frequently . had to contend with 0 -inch streams of woter pouring down through the arch front the Bay above. The essence of the contract was that the tunnel should he watertight, hand it was accepted as completed and satisfactory on the first of the year, and the city's supply of water Inc. been fed through this tunnel since the let day of January, 1009. The surface of the brickwork before the water was let in was thoroughly cleaned with air chippers and then washed with a cement mortar, so that the whole ,inlerior. 1 the tunnel now bas the appearance "f la'in2tjconetrletunnelthrnughout The tunnel i, 8 feet in diameter both in height stn l (11,111. The best had to be used in this work. Why not you use the best for your work, WHEN WE SELL 1T AS CHEAP AS OTHER MAKES ARE BEING SOLD The Howell Hardware C('., Limited. 1/4)=KOMMERIS004.1.1111.0=10, 11 11'-uertainlq dwell that's the verdict of all wko kave I rieen cur new spring tr(les in fhien'd .$hoe4 We invite your early inspection. Come and see the very newest New Styles with high toes, wing tips, fiat and ring eyelets, We have all the new styles in low shoes, in Pat- ent Leather, Tan and the new Coffee shade, $3.50. $4.0o and $4.5o S. 21. Vliott. ur money back if Purity Flour does not prove entirely satisfactory in the baking. DON'T simply buy flour from the dollar and cent side of it. Bsyhigb- 1J quality flour. That means Plat ITY FLOUR. Therfirst little extra cent is more than made up by the extra number of loaves of trewidit makes - be the superiority of the bread and pastry in sweetness d fla and nar- is ing qualities. Buying Purity Flour is a safe investment. Y get large re rns, not only on account of Purity's ability to produce fibre, bu atlas Pn ty contains the greater nutriment and the vim' of a strong hard beat flour. Food made from Purity Flour gives the consumer health, snap and force; which cannot be gdinrd from the use of the weaker soft wheat floor. "MORE BREAD AND BETTER BREAD" PURITY FIOUR Yon can buy as iittle ase 7 pound cotton hag or in 14, 24, 49, and 98 pound sacks. Also In barrels and half -barrels .Purity way coat • little MOVE than'anme flours but you'll find its more than worth the differ 1710'. Tn bet genninr. mast bear the Fruity trade mark. WESTERN CANADA PLOT'R MiLL,S CO., LIMITED Mills at Winnipeg, Goderich, Brandon BETTER TO -D1\) THAN EVER- ircT TRY M CCO RiMICK9S ER$EYEAM 4 ou enjoyed a package p41 months • / They were d'llclo % Hat much mo en to -day. impbrrnentent In yore's/4. any materia c has tesuited In masker erlspneea, liner Saver. a mor. delicious nu al-Ity. They arc .orceins to all. Prove It , Make a tent. Ty them now. Soyas