HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 7THE SIGNAL G01)1,10(111.- ONTARIO
Cured by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Md. " For four years
niy life was $ misery to me. I suffered
from irregulari-
ties, terrible drag-
ging sertsatintut,
extreme nervous -
nes,, and that all
gone feeling in my
stomach. I had
given up hone of
ever being ,veli
when 1 began to
tate Lydia E,Pinlf-
ham's Vegetable
Compound. Then
I felt as though
new life had been
given rue, and I am r•ecomrneuding it
to all my friends." -Mrs. W. S. Fear,
IIi.I$ Lansdowne SL, Baltimore, Md.
'fhe meet successful remedy in this
country for the curt, of all forms of
lrlttatla cataplalnta is. Lyda E. pink.
hem's Vegetable Compound. Ib has
ahead the test nt years and today is
n ,ire widely and successfnit used than
shy otbhr female remedy. It has cured
, thousands of women who have been
troubled with displacements, inttam-
. hinder, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir-
regularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing -dean feeling, flatulency,
iudigestinn, and nervous prostration,
alter all other meats had failed.
I f you are puttering from any M these
ailments, don't give app tame until you
hare given Lydia E. Pinkham•s Vege-
table Compound a trial.
-U you would -Bhp epi eIal advfee
write to Mrs. Yinkham, Lynn,
Mass., for It. She has guided
thousands t0 health. tree of
c harEv'.-
When made by
Lhe Tailor West St.
G rocerieS
When ,you are coming
down town make a list of your
wants in the Grocery line. and
bring it to be filled prompt!
with the beet and mast reliable
g,sias to be had. Or can up
Telephone No. 91,
And your otderiwill be attended
with, equal care and prompt nese.
1ur stock of
Teas and Coffees
ie complete. All the beetduel-
itire at the right privet 7
sample order.
Johnston's Military]
41,n,.t Is• t„•itte•it. t)Ve sen it.
Sturdy & Co.
The (;rotors. On the;Square
%Ve have
('allot, f or 1 he
spring trade.
Leather, Cloth and
Sweney Collars
,,„„i lean stock to choose from
l.osy lemon is commencing
,e1 ,f you need one of our
Best Team Harness
don't leave it too late in the season.
Our increasing Mishima is the
hest proof of our giving Falloffs, t ion.
'PHONE 15 °R 24
(worn/vino.) TH RnI(JI'r
yen want 1 and Yards
ink.` (( ::sad/1
et Dook
coal welshed on the market .owls.
where von rest %On lbw for • ton.
nyder ustalae let at . c. '.SIM Hardware Store
Vremmed, attended to•
Tia pi.Iail to Jaw. 1st, IUIO, for 00c.
Big Crowd at Annual Exhibition of
Live Stock.
The county live attack and reed
show, held at Clinton on Thursday
last, attracted a large number of ex-
hibitors and spectators, andlthe affeir
was a guest succegs. The weather
was all tied could be desired, and
everybody seeuied well pleased. The
-entries for the show nurubet'ed about
311l, an the a lassies Lriat well tilted.
No eatrauce ur adwirrion fees were,
charged. 1)r. J. W. Shaw and James
Fait, the efficient secretary end
treueurer, are to he congratulated up-
pn the success of their etforti to wake
the show a r'tccese.
Among the visitors was J. Leckie
%Vilson, superintendent of agricul-
tural•societies fur Ontario, who war
tush pleated with the exhibition.
Following is the
Prise List,
Heavy draught brood mare, 3 years
and over -I, Ales. Innes; 2, ale,
Slack ; Dale & Son.
Filly or gelding, 3 years and over-
t, Leiter Bros, ; 2, Charles Lovett ; 3,
Bra Churchill.
Filly or gelding under 3 years -1, (I,
W. Nutt; 2r W. Elder; 3, J.ltey.
Trawl in harness -1. Leiper tiros. ;
2, Douglas McDougall;,'1,1. F. Dale.
Family of threw rr l!" of like, pro-
geny of seine sire -le W. Rion ; 2, D.
Agricultural special prize, team in
harness -el. -James -b't*tar-s 2,-T -Tow,
%lair ; 3, Jamey MrLean,
Breed miry, 3 years ,and over -r,
Alex. Inner ; 2, Andrews Hew. ; :i, S.
Mc Michael.
Filly or gelding, :3 years and over-
t, James rooter ; 'S, James fetter: 3,
K. Disney.
Filly or gelding, under 3 years -1.
Joe Reynolds; 2. Alef. lanes; 3,
Thor, Matin.
General purpose team, in harness -
I, Joe Reynolds ; 2, James & N. Fair ;
3, C. Lowery.
Itetadsters. stallion. lie hands and
over -1, Berrie& Son ;' It. I. t.oten-
Stallion. under Ely bandy -I, Joe
('n rriege harness horse -1, Geo.
is a symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well-�,tnown
doctor bas said, I never
yet made a post-mortem es-
arninationinacaseot death
from }least Diease with-
- out finding the kidneys
*creat fault.' The Kidney
medicine which was first on
the market, most success.
fill for Heart Di,easwand
all Kidney Troubles, and
moat widely imitated is
Dodd's •
LAYING promptly attended to
t' heroes moderate
Repair Koons : one dont West of C. J. Harper's
Stove Wore, Wait street_
1t ldenoe-ICI min Avenue,
rWant a 7
11f you do, now is your op " -
tunity 1 have $ few still left.
and 1 intend to let them go at
bargain prices tet as to clear
them out tlefn_ir the close of the
season. ('all and rase what we
can do for you.
are the geode we handle, -
1 have for sale two good
Drivers and a heavy
Robert Wilson
Agent fur
Magary- Harris Implements, MeI-
lotte Cream Separators. Fleury
Plows, Bissell Disc
Harrows, Land Rollers,
etc., etc.
Wareroomm-Hamilton Street,
Go derieh.
Furniture and Undertaking.warerooms,.
West side Square.
'PRONE : stook Oodsrieh
Residence 1P1
Night salla: At residence, IS WIlllam
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Oran eartalty /Atoned to at all
been. night or day
Walker; 2, B. Bowenbury ; 3, Luke
lteadeter horse in harness -1, J. Me-
Naughttu; 2, J. W. Elliott; 3, Joe
Carriage team in harness --1, George
Roadsters, team in harness -1, Ales.
Davidiou ; 2, Mr. Dale ; 3, Garnet
Saddle horse -1, James McAithur;
A Thomas (look.
Best three horses, mare or gelding,
n any towneelp jn. gnty of 11(11.0'11(11.0'1-
, Tucker,with ; 2, Mullett.
Clydesdale sWlisin, 3ears and over
Moon. Leiper & Moon ; 2Spooner & Mc-
Gregor; 3, Leiper &
Stallion, 'l eats and under -1, Mc-
Michael ; 2, W. Rion ; 3, John Short -
Shires, stallion, 3 years and over -1,
Don Reyynohtr.
Bert Percheron hackney stallion, 3
years and over -1, Tbos. Shipley.
Bull, 2 year, or over -1, L. Butt.
Buil, 1 year -L Thomas Mason.
1) lir cow, any age -1, it. Graham :
3, W. Doherty ; 3. Fred Cook. `
Fat heifer, age considered ; fat
steer, age considered -1, R. F1tssim-
Sweeprtakeaa, best three of any
breed, a years and under, with
bull -1, H. Smith,
Best mare, aged -H. Smith.
Best female -H. Smith.
Shorthorn bull. 3.ydars and over --
1, Ed. Wise ; Y, John Ilarr.
Bull, 2 years -1, James S. Smith.
Bull, 1ear-1, H. Smith ; 2, Ed.
Wier ; 3, Jame* Snell.
Cow._ 3_: years and over - 1. -11.
Smith ; 3. W. Doherty -
Heifer, 2 years -1, H. Smith ;
Ed. Wise.
Heifer, any year -1, H. Smith ; 2,
Jame, Snell ; 3, James Snell.
Gram and Seeds.
Fall wheat• any variety -1, John
Wise; 2..1. W. Salkeld ; 3, J. Elcost,
tate. black, named -1. J. Wise ; 2,
J. Vise ; 3, bred Ford.
Oats, white, named -1, Alfred Teb•
butt ; 2, 8. Dale ; 3, John Wise.
Barley, two -rowed, named --1, J.
Wise; 2, W. Smiilie; 3, John Barr.
---111trler recwsd a ramad=Y'`J:
Wise; 2, J. W. Salkeld.
Peas, named -I, John 'Wire ; 2, J.
Wise; 8, Welter Osborne.
Timothy heed -1, John iViai• ; e
-3 shillerr ; 'te.ATfr•e'Irebbutt.
Clover seed - el, John Wise; 2, Al-
fred,Tehbutt ;'J, John Carteret.
P"tettees--1, item, i S, W.
Smillie; 3, John Barr.
Potatoes. early -e W. Smillie ; 2
James B. Smith; :i, John Barr.
Special, bag flour, fer beet bag Mich-
igau amber wheat -John. Wise.
Dirt For Horse,,
In reply to the rytteailon, 'will dirt
hurt basses? -1 notice that mine eat
enrodtlarahle of 1t sow and then," a
bewrter mayor. • :;o. It L advliable to
allow the home to eat an the dirt he
wnta in fact. It lei ■ good Idea to oc-
caslnnatiy Banos a chunk of lard tato
the Aad boa*
Are Plants ferry!
Are ptgree lazy % From my 'stand-
point of observation for sixty years,
they are. -They will wok the nearest
food regardless of consequences. In
ray garden a few Feud ago I had an
annual nix or more feet high. One
rta,rntne 1 obaerved that the wind had
btown it over flat upon the gr*ubd.
There were no pro)eeting route pro-
truding from the northeast side of the
plant. - All of the route upon that
see. were curved around toward the
acuthwest. With a spading fork I
lifted the earth upon the southwest
side of the plant and discovered a
forkful of decayed stable manure.
The roots, upon the northeast side
curved to the southwest because it
was the ahort.et route to a food sup-
ply. That waa manlike The fact
that 0. meant dseuLll to rte plant when
the fall winds came was' not ooeasider-
ed-Frsutcir Wayland Glen in Louis-
iana Planter.
The Wonders of To.,... w.
"The next era," wrote Edison re-
cently "will mark the most wonder-
ful advance in semens and invention
that the world ?me ever known or
hoped for.'• Artd here : r • some of the
remarkable developnie:ea this, great
scientist foresees:
Moving pictures, so perfected that
the characters will not only move, but
will speak, and all the accessories
end effects of the stage will be faith-
fully reproduced.-
eproduced.The disappearance' of the locomo-
tive, all trunk linea being operated by
The triumphant culmination of our
fight against tuberculosis and saner.
Better realization of the possibili-
ties of coal aweless, whereby we shall
learn how to -utilize them without
throwing away 90' per cent. of the effi-
ciency, aa to -day.
.Asa- Aeilet'a._W1fe.
T worked hard, though there was
little to show for it, as my wife told
tyle when, elle_turned over my many
sketches. "What, three shiny poles and
a lot of green water!" She exelaimed.
"War that all you did in a day Why
didn't you paint a whole view?" I
do not like her to criticize my stu-
dies. She handless them unlovingly,
fronts at them upside down and says,
"ff you would only enlarge that and
make a iuctre of it and put in Same
figures 1 ought have the pink dress
after sill-" Three palnnee, several
gondolas and a floek of pigeons mean
the ink Gats. and six paeans, more
and more pigeons mesa
Restored to Health and Strength by
Vinol After All Other Means Had
Failed -Professor Hicks' Sto7.
"i suffered from a v,'vere shark of
the grippe which left Ins• in a weak-
ened condition with bronchitis, a
soreness in my chest" and a hacking
cough. 1 tried different physo'tane
and took nearly every kind of cough
Syrup sold on the market without get-
ting' any permanent relief. i saw
your cod live; and iron preparation-
Vinol---advertised, and decided to try
it, and it completely cured my bron
chial trouble and restored m y
strength. I cannot say too much for
Vinol,;aa i'received inexpressible ben-
efit: fropi its use. and i consider it one
of the greatest blessings ever offered
to the public." R. E. i1. 'Hicks,
Ma deesville, Ata.
The grippe invariably leaves in its
wake a weakener, sin -down condi-
tion of the opulent. Vinol is guaran-
teed to Texture the sufferer to health
and strength, and to hnikl lite and
ereate strength for old people, dhlieate
children and weak, debilitated people.
Mo sure are we of this the% we unhesi-
tatingly say give Vinol a trial. if
you think it does yen n0 gond we will
refund your money, Met i1 will. If.
C. Dunlop, Druggist, (loderich,
The dog owned M ytnir neighbor is
nearly always s howling tiucceSa.
A itairdressing Halt Just,wnireld
Fttan Gay Paris.
Sas- l iII Ludas', Lamp F1had, ital.
Stationery Owed by the filirart Sid
biasses, aid a Dainty Ice For Bridges
Pasity--Suwernee Fruek,.
My Dear EIe -It certainly was
meet of you, dear, to say you enjoyed
at_"- dao s gush. Rut then 1
manned on your good nature when 1
setttitltity unloaded my enthttsiatmt upon
you. Bleated ed tae friendship! And how
many stun an evtmmltted in Us name!
Now, 1'na going to give you a Roose-
velt deal by way of reparstioe
-u besting (lint east arrived front
Parte leetenlay aftm'ntwn while
waiting at M. a..'s to have my bah
treated ray attention nes attzaetai by
the entranee of a fnatdonetuly dreamed
woman, fufhiwed by a Preach maid
beating a large:, mend tin hos. My
deet Omega tape 'Ttb Mrs. Qrnel)us
Vanderbilt, who has just mane from
the sate depaitt wane and ,Lett err -
paring to tate hei3tie f, storks, bonds
anti ase ritN, out of demiwratic Amer -
ice over u, dear aristocratte }y en"
Nothing of the kind- Only another in -
starve of my Magination gone Were
bfy wrote" for the round "tin" pawed
to be merely the latest kind of bat
box sal LFP lady a great unknown.
you know, mast
odors of one's favorite
Itis been found to
better than the
wanted her hair deemed for Aiken
and added: "I've bre my playas
hat with toe. Whim 1 get a new
hat," he ezpkeeled, "1 ataarys hale
my hair drowsed to flt It, a trick I
learned rib a1y In Paris."
8b,, then wand herself, while the
maid took from the box a huge, attm-
nbig creation of lace and flowers and,
standing by her tnletrnes, cbapesw in
Mad, awaited orders,
e �ded milady to tbe
, was plainly In the
poatt on of taking a lama in his own
art, "take down my hair and brush,
ft." An asattstara having done this
mental week, ruoasirur now took a
hand in the actual dee stns ref the
hen Ile arranged the pomlmk ar in
a kat. sat pelf direr the forehead --
whirl) la aaemtSag to thea new mode --
and tiers tied the engin of the hair at
the r•eOatp at the head vett a brown
Mk elates. At this point the maid
weeds ms1 the hat on her rnletrr.'
had with sweat pins. If you had
beta there, Elsa, to have seen
the s»at Madsen presented at
elk A charmingly put up
topped wish a French ere
aeon and a king, straight tail of halt
hanging tonna her hack. J'vrfteelty ob
brims to tis' humotour, side of the
Idt Ideas mttady turned to monaient
with a hmlSetfs,j air and said, "Nola
do Ley bark hair." Il:e went to work
web the Eisner• of a Corot attrtytnp
thae lett d a hit of fdisgo oalsrine
The !1I
retain ttx
M. JL tooted
when madame
teacetre Way to serve cream at a
bridge, don't you? Rut what was I
talking about? fist, 1 know. While
enJuying the We 1 emddealy looked up
and saw what to my astonished haw
awes red W be a perambulating lamp
shade horn by Mrs. Philip Lydlg. In-
stead of being manufactured in Tif-
fany glass thio piece of headgear was
produced with strings of enormous cut
Jet beads forming crown and what there
vias of -the -brim, a- small projection
from which hung a tine fringe of jet
tbat reached almost to the nose of this
Pretty- society matron. The effect of
tier dark eyes shining through the
bands was weird and Turkiaheaque.
firs. Lydig has always been famous
fur her marvelous creations in flee mil-
linery line, but since she bas gone in•
for the ballot I thought perhaps sbe
had dropped this sensatbonaUam for
one of more vital interest. And, talk-
ing of suffragettes, have you seen the
tfterature sent out by the Equal Fran-
chise league, of which Mrs. Clarence
Mackay Is president and Mrs. Lydig
"secretary? It's written o0 the treat
\surprisingly feminine kind 'se station-
ery for women to use who yearn to be
on equal terms with t, • tronger sex,
dalutily typewritten ..eiouncementa
done on the finest lavender eiaper with
a hand wrought border in a white flo-
ral design. If their campaign is to be
run ort the same expensive basis the
league'ertll be soon !u the hands of a
receiver. Possibly, though, the nest
time you bear from me I will have •
joined the howling sisterhood. but In
the meantime I am glad to think I am
not 'bound to stoke the world go right.
1 find my time fully employed spat
now in getting a little dreaamaker to
make my summer Wash frocks go
"jut right"
Theme aro so many\lnexpenaive ma-
terials that make up attractively, and
this season the simple gowu IS the cor-
rect thing. This little seamstress is
making me a charming rose colored
linen dress In prtnceea style. It has
a graduated panel front and back
and is seamed at the sides to make 1t
fit closely to the figure. The panel L
finished on the edge with scallops done
In black wash cotton, and in each scal-
lop is a black crochet button. It opens
to the left of the front under the scal-
loped edge. The yoke is of cream.
Irish lace,°+with a deep circular border
of black ellk embroidered in rose
shades. The sleeves aro tight fitting
and open part the way up with three
!wallops and crochet buttons. It's a
mighty smart little affair.
Did I tell you Argyle (I•, who lives
In Atlanta, baa Just went me the can -
Magnet possum charm? You know.
these animals are the mascots of the
Taft administration, the 'Bili" possum
having superseded the "Teddy" bear.
A ()eorgia woman, Mrs. De Foreat
Algood, ham gone into the poamm mak-
ing business and is coining money and
Won't you go bite trade with
a trrlii nz 1iII[Iw° brtlime.
heels ng serasionaily the hat to ad-
just a puff rioter to they Krim, but
practically all the dressing was done
with the hat on. When he finished
madame peeked tip the haud glass and
crini/ly examined her bead.
"Now, Matte," she said to leer maid,
"Ton mi,v unpin my hat and study the
haireimposing-" Marie did as told.
"Zoe est tear:" blandly repaired
madame to ttsunannr, "1t. will not be
s+cemarry h• pat on the hat before my
hair tri -.leased. Marie will study your
wrwk and be Moran to do it by herself
befawe ttr hat to partner on. But the
thwt time a new bat is warn itahould
always be taken to the hairdresser to
have thea ofmrin+sadap.rrl to It " And
away abe went. the mail still carry-
ing the hat for Mkevt.
i lootrvi :rt rmaileurealaad laughingly
atal.d, "pate lthe 7ratr Mit patient?"
Yeakiwi le ase,orat-tfes-..srml Pmenire
mar)wsar 1s. .wiry thaw buten trot of the
end off a one elf rears .'es* xrwa." i
Mrtrwetl- tun. IIIIRGT rlmnotm etordlIMSTI
A r-, A h, A !Tufty Mlle terrane shiner
Ant*** mrvaw the t orehred below the
tonne perniptible pompadour. This
o tyle has been poalthsely forced hack
on acv-nnnt of (1e hanh•atng ethert pro-
duced by bate omen tow over the thee.
And, awaking of hate. after my edf-
ttrre Imam I went..w.•r to the Plaza to
lave a°rnn (Pa stn, not ttsa, for you
know I loathe this G oliock pick -me -
up -bet white dallying wt h an ten
vanilla ctr'am served in a rhn nnegne
glans and covered with a small pyra-
mid of whippesd crrtim tinted n drsll-
este green with singer and fLvervsd
with pYlaehlo and garrakdtsd wail pe, -
tartar) ants --I'm emplaftdng the cm
fotilia t., for I thtek, It L) such as at.
Never Forgot His Kindness.
Art/wane Ward welled on a friend the
nlght before one of hie panoramic lec-
tures. There were some three or four
large roachee scurrying about the
room, and they 'Wearied his attention.
"i em very fond of roaches," he said.
"Once in my own home I found a
mash struggling in a bowl of water.
i took a half walmtt shell and put him
in it. It made a good boat. I gave
him a couple of the toothpk'km for
entre. Next morning i haw that he had
fastened a hair to one of the tooth-
pfcke and had evfderttly been fishing.
Then, nveerr•nme with exhaustion, he
had fallen asleep. The eight moved
mei took him one washed him, gave
him a epnmhtl of egg and let him go.
That, roach never forgot Iny ktndnerte,
and now nav boenefie fun of sseebes "
lenses hie the Heed
ioairymen who cannot afford to bay
Por. bred main , +Aieeild buy • sante
,alt tine sten name have their bast
native cnw. wowed. Ry tide enwtlisell
they can rasprevr their herds at tar
Saar Dairy Peird.re.
Meed Is tee expenatye to nee spy
t4iv You Ret no renews for the
ss a ration. Ms what yon tweet
above (hit 111✓% trails =Ike. you
The differeare Matwam the awassipm
fkrw erre and • really awed ewer to
rssmalty tAw.v.,b,wflreuo Il�wa/
111311 penmen at leativretat ovary yes '.
No the ream seem be fed fort slams
and Will he fed to the beet ,dvmwsasa.,
iter taerarsa the 1idtviktnaRlL Atagge
Norse may that rows are wor& ass,
than breed, hat It 1s well to reemwsAees
Met the row mitten the hewed.
Many • peer row' Beare Unto yam'
el000ernt trot/worry of the MO OW
at feed
leery dairyman nee& Tem tta_/i
RP nada It for toy awl hex penflrrl
Thr wisher rail meads ,pan
batshimeg gs won tesio t
Subscribe for The Signal.
Tuve DAT, APRIL 8, iso.
----Hari-you seen our --store 'lately ? - -U--not, it's.
• time you had. Come on in and sly the
changes we've made, examine
- The Best Stock of HARDWARE in Town
We're right up to the minute in
Wash -Day Needs.
Washing Machines, Wringers,
'Tuts, Clothes Horses and
Clothes Lines.
Carpenters' Tools
mastaner flaws, -Hemmers,
Planes, Chisels, 1atcheta.
+ Roofing and Repairing
to be the best. We do Good Work at Lowest
Privet Wo :vast your orders. , a'
WOR S' ,
Dairy Supplies
Churns, rails, Strainers, Rawls,
Pans and Cans, Ladles, etc.
11°"e•) Paint and
Floor, 1
Cart -liege, j Varnish
Whitehead, Oils, Brushes, Ala-
bastiue, Liquid Veneer.
Fencing Necessities
Pewrlesaaasovan_sera Peering all
No. 1), Coiled, Barb aril Black
Wire, Stapler and Tools.
Garden Tools
Spades. Shovels, hakes; Hoes,
Wheel-barrowe, Garden and
Flower hoods.
,Mr. Carl Worsen has again resumed his position
in our Workshop. As a workman he is a top-
notcher, -and-we-gua--ititeet e R -
Plumbing. Eavestroughing,
Vale �.tcyt d
If you had trouble avith C, prepared
Cake Ioing, it was not Cowan's.
Even a child can ice a
cake perfectly,in three
minutes, witCowan's
Icing. Eight delicious
flavors. Sold everywhere.
The CONAN CO. ignited, TORONTO. 73
Opera House Block, Kingston Street.
:...New .Wheels....,
New Tires, . New Seats,
New Coaster Brakes.
Great Iia built second=hand Wheels.
--Old Wh^cls feftted tld made as good as new at moderate cost
Complete stdtk of Bicycle Sundries now on hand
Lrt is put your wheel in good shape
All work thoroughly and promptly attended to
Why You Should Advertise
The biggest business men of the country have
fount) that the easiest and surest way to spell
Success Is, A-D-V-$-R-T-I-S-h.
Suppose. the- newspapers did not publish the
news, how would people know what is happening ?
If you don't publish "store news," how will folks
know about your goods ?
You can never 111 the goods peopple do not
know you have. Advertising is telling folks about
your stock.
Shopworn and out-of-date stock is the penalty
many merchants pay tor not advertising.