HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 6LLL
TinalteDAT, APRIL 8, 1909
Clerk to fast stegIstration Fees after
all Mineral Water Co. Wants
Some Consideration for Water
Carried Off by Visitors Many Ap-
plications tor Summer Hotel Leslie
—The Market Proposition.
All Um members of the town rams-
cil were present at the regular meet-
ing on Friday night Is with the ex-
eeption of Councillor Dean. Reeve
Hallow was late in •rriving.
The Jaz collector reported as fol-
lows: The Uoderich Organ Co. has
paid one installment on ate indebted-
ness to the town and • second pay-
ment will be made in a few days,
The Kensington Furniture Co. bas
not paid anything yet on its indebted-
ness. It has, however, paid the tale*
ill full. In 1907 an agreement was
made with the Bell Telephone Co. fot
• Eve -year franchise and it wise to pay
the corporation $160 annually. lo
1907 $160 was paid but I cannot see by
the auditors' repollt or. treasistsar's
monthly statementa that anything
has been paid in 19119. The 1907 pay-
ment wee mad. in Noyeather, 11007.
This rvort was sent, to the finance,
committee. .
A matter the Mayor brought up
waa the question of the fees payable
to the clerk for the registration of
birthsmarriages and deaths, which
at the last guesting of the council it
bad been decided ehotild not be re-
tained by the clerk. The Mayor said
the clerk had written to the registraz •
general and the answer he received
was that in a corporatiou with less
than 10,000 population the council
could not make any allowance for the
registration oi births, marriages or
deaths, but that the fees belonged to
theehirk. itt -rime of this Hie Wor-
shipthought tbe council should take
some steps to revise ita action at the
last meeting. and Councillor Humber
gave notice of motion to rescind the
resolution- parsed at the previous
His Worship reported that about
fifty letters had been received in reply
to the town's advertisement for a
lessee for the summer hotel, and sumps
had been taken to reply to them.
A petition for • granolithip
the south side of Mt. Patrick's street,
from Waterloo street. to Colborne
street, was sent to the public works
An.answer from the Deputy Min•
aster of Marine and Fisheries stated
that the Department was consideritig
the request of the town for permis-
Pion ,to drive the spring spike asked
for by the D. & C. Co., along the
face ofthe wharf. •
The rhiision of granolithic assess-
ment cWirged to H. J. A. McEwan
was left with the clerk. Mr. Mc -
Ewan petitioned for the walk right
across the front of the property and
the assessment waa made out in this
way, but the walk wari_not laid the
whole way &crook, as the Mamma
did not waut the Mound in front of
their place destroyed, and signed the
petition for the walk, to be laid the
whole way only so as tesavoid a be..
-space being left should the reeidents
to the north want a walk later. lo
that case the walk could be Continued
without interruption.
The town solicitor wrote that he
had demanded payment of $1,200
from the Wteel Rigs Company, altbe
coneidered the company had DO right
to make any deduction in the re-
payment on its loan from the town. commission, and Councillor Jordan
Another communication from the wanted to send it to the solicitor, but
solicitor gave the costs ill the recent finally the communication Wes simply
actiou of Sarigster vs. the towu.• The filed. The writers of the letter ate
eosta were $351.219, from whicb $37.16 evidently referring to the sedinienta-
had been deducted on taxation. Add- tion bogie, from which we are getting
Ing the IMO/ of the judgment there our drinking water.
was s104.14 which the town ehould Tbe special committee recom-
provide to pay at an early date. mended, with rupeet to the request
'this was sent to the finance com- of Reginald Elliott and Margaret
mites*. Elliott for assirtance in erecting •
. Mr. Ciaerow also asked for a descrie- grain elevator. that no action be
tiou in detail of the Mode on which It taken that. with respect to the
was proposed to bultd the freight visearteies in th• positions ol chief of
sheds. as this information was needed robes and street inspector, one per -
for insertion in the bylaw be would son be appointed to. perform both
have to prepare to close up the street duties. and that applications for the
and also in obtaining permission fromtuition, at a salary of $300, be asked
the tioyernment tor the um of the for up to Wednesday, April lith that
Actian._ba [alum jcbanng t he
This was referred to the public hours during which restaursiiti arr7.
works committee. allowed to he open on Sundays.
A communication from the Horti- Reeve (fallow and Councillor Huns -
cultural Society was referred to the bee moved to adopt the first clause,
parks committee. This was in line the Reeve explaining that as Mr. Mc -
with the Society's proposals for the Ewan bad stated he intended to erect
beautifying of the town, and an elevator and as the flay Brothers'
Mr. Mitchell, the president of the wisrehouse was to be moved to the G.
Society, asked that the matter he sent T. 11 track there wee no need for the
to committee, where delegates from town to make • loan to anyone to
the Society could meet the cow- build an elevator. Councillor Jordan
mittee and discuss plans. was instrumental in having the mat -
A Letter from the Goderich Mineral ter further discuined, and Robert
Water Co. asked for • small coneider- Elliott, who was present, IVAA given an
ation from the town for the use of the opportunity to speak. l'he question
water flowing from its mineral cpriug was finally referred back to the com-
et the C. P. R. station. "which, the mittee to ask for plans and definite iu-
later mid, "you all know ham been ad- formation of what sort of building Mr.
vertised for yews by the town as a Elliott intended to erect and all ill.
free mineral water and carried away cottocil voted for this comm.
in large and small quantities hy rue The only other clause of the report
dents of our town. visitors, private which met with opposition was the
-Fr. -1L-and-tirT. R veseeler—elause-svith-refereisersto
pleasure hoista for drinking, also by the closing of restaurant' on Sunday.
men unloading coal. grain and other Councillor Jordan asked to see the
merchandise, particularly during the letter from the solicitors of the res -
last two months by citizens who taurant people and pointed out that
should have known the ground was they were not asking for any exten-
prima* ..prqpierty." ...Thaletteensada Mon of time an _Sunday. _lie_ moved
the following proposition :" For the that the clerk write the solicitors stet -
sum of $75 in advance prr year for log dist the council was uot consider -
/lye years, we will allow citizens and ing an alteration in the hours, and
visitors to carry away water in (Annualise Craigie seconded thia.
small vessels for u inking purposes. Councillors Humber aud Munnings
and we will .rect.. small verandah objected to this course, saying it was
over the spring with -eats around the as much as asking tbe restaurant
inside, also steps dots to the spring. people to ark for an extension. They
water will ltaw_strer_etteesen- thought the council - should let 'them
elled box, making the appearance know tight at ence that -s-h—e-is would
more invitiug, also keep two heavy be no extension of time given. There
enamelled cups fastened to string was some little dispute on this point,
chains. Of course it is readily under- and finally- an amendment to the
'toad we hove to pay a Maio rental effect that the clerk notify the 'solici-
tor the spring and we cannot. be ex- tors thest the council has no intention
pected to supply the public with water of changing the law as to restaurant
for nothing." hours was carried unanimously. Reeve
Councillor Craigfe auggested the Hallow and Councillor ffirmiser- being
parks committee as the proper de- the mover and seconder.
partinent to send this communication The public works rommil ter ree.
Depu(y- !treys Reid said, "We've ommended that the tender of W. H.
got • water and light committee," and Jowett, Hayfield, for delivering st
Councillor Humber rose and delivered Ooderich harbor twelve led beech
the following: "Your Worship, tbia spites for 117 per sitile be accepted;
is a financial matter. I more that it thet the tender of 11. Hays, I).
go to the fioanee committee." The Wiggins, W. Cootie and F. Desjar-
water. and light committee will have dins for driving thesaspiles and mak.
the matter to report on. Ing a first -clam job for the sum of NO
A letter Willa) CA11411d some arum* be accepted that a new roof be put
ment was from Coz, Kimball &Stowe. op the summer hotel and that the
of Buffalo, solicitors for the Cameron tender of Pinder & Patilin for ..2.ply
Septic Tank (20. They wrote: before Brantford roofing for $294.6) he ac-
claiming that the town was infringing cepted : that tenders be asked for
o heir patent and the following making concrete footings and fixing
let r was in answer to the clerk's cedar poste in position under the eum•
rept : mer hotel, &leo tenders for making
W. are in receipt of your favor of cement brick pillars on cement foot -
the 11:0th inst. and we cannot believe Inge, the town to supply materials in
that we are mistaken in the fact that hot/teases.
your town hes lately erected a sewage This report WW1 -11Rtoptett.- -Coon-
disposal plant emtxxlying the process eillor Munnings objected to putting_a
of our client, as we have received new roof on the summer hotel. Hs
word from a reliable teNirce that on thought the old roof could be patched
May let. 1901, your toe -1 awarded .riatiefactorily. Mr. Lee.. Mr.
contract to Peter Nicholoson, of Monc- arper and Ur. Pinder, who were in
too, to erect such a sewage disposal the audience. were given another op -
plant at a cost of not to exceed 89.000. portunity to speak ou the gum
Kindly let us know what this means tion. After hearing them Deputy
inview of your letter." Reeve Reid and Councillor Joe.
"I guess we are in for it.," was Coun- dan moyed to adopt the clause of
cillor Humber's feestiomi comment. the report and Couocillors Moaning"
The Deputy Reeve suggested refer- and Humber moved to advertise for
ring the matter to the water and light tenders for repairing the old roof.
• 1
.nin• au.gn and,Hu.mb" vntirdin fav,_puty u_or •
....a a..Asor
Reeve (tallow and Councillon Mon -
Reid and Councillors (mingle. Sallow'
and Jordan agaiuot and the chum) of
the tepot t eau left es brought in by im
the committee.
The lire committee recommended
that the tire bylaw of the town of
Ocelerich be so amended ise to give the
council power to order tire escapes to
be put on any building in town over
two stories high and that no action
he taken in putting a telephone at Mr.
Bates' residence.
The cemetery and parks committee
recommended that $40 be get aside
for the purpoae of giving one prize of
110 in each ward for the best -kept
lawn and boulevard ; that no action
bit taken on the proposal to make Vic-
toria Park into a recreation ground.
ln view of the intention -of the Hort
culttftal Society to offer prizes from
their :own funds for the best -kept
lawns and bouleyards it was thought
that the moneythe council was of-
fering might be better used, for
instance in improving the vacant
spaces at the corner of 1% aterloo and
Elgin streets and Waterloo and Nel-
son streete, as the Horticulturel
Society • was suggestiug. and this
clause of the report was iu conse-
quence referred back to the connuit•
The finance committee recom-
mended the payment of • number of
accounts and recommended that the"
clerk notify Goderich township that
the town gravel pit is exempt from
texation according to statute. This
The market committee repuriecT
having gone into the matter of a new
merket and they laid before the coun-
cil a plan of a proposed building so he
built at an estituated vet of 43 1110 to
$11.900,and to be built on the site of
the present- market. The committee
requested the Mayor to call a public
meeting for the purpose of diecussing
the questiuncif a new market.
give the council a chance to know the
VoiCP of tbe people before eubmitting
• bylaw.
Councillor Munninge objected that
the p -sent site of the marketmbuild-
rg did not give et.. gti room and he
also thought that the fermate ought
to be consulted as to whether tbey
would come to a market, suppming
one were .. eitablisbed in tioderich.
Councillor Jordan tkeirisidion
Councillor Munnings' attitude on the
market quest ion. He wanted the pro-
position giveri a tisir chance and the
people allowed an opportunity to say
whether they *anted a market or not
and what they thought of the pro-
posed site. It was decided to have
the public meeting for the discussion
of the matter on Tuesday evening.
Under the heading of new busi-
neu • nuniber of =uteri were
brought up and referred to corumit-
tees. Deputy Reeve Reid mentioned
the lean inwards of the inner cetneot
blocks at Paris hotel. Reeve fiallow
brought up the request of the Teunis
Club that cinders be dumped on the
sidewalk leading to the club grounds.
The club would attend to the levelling
and rolling down of the material if it
were placed there. Councillor Jordan
mentioned • washout at the corner of
South and Picton streets, and also
_brought up a proposeJ to make tbe
handstand in the
movable one. thus oc:rerrVgritniegettergto-
sightly tracks that were made by the
crowds promenading. If the stand
Were moved abont it would distribute
the wear on the erase and having the
stand away from the building would
make the music much better. Coun-
cillor %innings nientioned the need
of a catch -basin at the corner of Bri-
tannia and Bayfield roads.
On Councillor Craigie's motion the
matter bf Miss Buchanan's taxes was
referred to tbellnance committee. •
A Few Specialties for Saturday, April io
C,011H3 aud see what we can do for you on Saturday, the 10th. Just a
--few spee:ials- for the Easter trade. Read the following items over carefully
you may find in the list something that you want. andnote the reductions
in the prices, just for Saturday only :
Just in, some new Popliuettes in tbe fol-
lowing colors. taupe, grey, fewn, myrtle.
green, admiral blue, brown -and black. The
regular price of this lot is &Sc, you 5 el
can hop thew Saturday for acc
of Deleines, regular price
15c, on stout day 124c, all new this spring.
Vou't forget Host this is the Omit Print
House. where nothing but fast -color Prints
are kept, and tise privet are the same as
you p iy for inferior cloth and colors in
other stores.
family who'll the town bed beeu
fisting hod occupied her hotter wild
she now .eked the town to remit her
taxes iu consequence. The council
adjourned at A lAtO hour.
To the wirer of The ennui.
De 4/414114,—ln your editoriar.notes
of best issue yam 4,141.4:111-1-
t he hat were. to be paired for titivate
contributione for the putt:hue of •
battleship for the British navy, would
Ili. ettcbusiasiti be quite sio keen r
1? not it oti ht. to be, but !doubt -if
a traction of the people of Canada
have ever given 16 th night at' to what
! the. fate of this country wois14.4_
i should Britain bee her supremacy on
'the seas. By the Obi World power*
'Canada is looked tes. and rightly so,
las the choicest liritish poreettrion and
a prize worth winning. if a chance of
success would attend tbe venture, and
iGerineny is the only likely country
; that toey try conclusions with Britain.
1 Thuin the event of Britain's' defeat
iCaned would uudoubtedly heroine a
'derma.' possession, and with it would
ithecoineo: ieltirmyniblikur14(itluhaeglIte Wtanuge hi:liter:1,11st%;
' school, German officials in every post
Ipertaiiiing to Government, iuull. worse
than all, the hated conscription: - in
fact, the country would be Germsn-
Some may .ay this is imagination,
but it is facto, for the sante thing is
beppening,:.lo_dal in Alsace-Lorraine
nil its that part al--Poltind known_
Eastern Prussia, saying nothing of
German Southwest Africa. R11111111411/1
doing the Name thing in Finland and
Austria the same in Southeastern
Europe. ,
Now. Mr. Editor. do you think any-
one would be picling too much in the
hat, if passed round. if hy doing so he
helped ti avoid solvh m ,-41.1111ily it. he:
ing placed tinder the 11 ti of any one
of the powers; mentirm ii ? I am sure
no one would begrildge his !set rent.
If anything we *ant more enthusiasm,
Nine only, pieces of ti.i.gband,
13e, on Saturday only Ire.
some odd numbers in D& A
gime and v.25. We are eating
for thetu.
3t. to 10e, •Il reduced.
broitleries, only Mr, and a job lot of narrow
17 pie,es Val. Laves, a reduction lot, le
Nine to 13 yard ends, regular Me Kul.
to Ort his i•leatt up of a special peke
124c and
only elk
11 nee.
• 111111111011111M11010111
and, whilst it navy an expensive
luxury perhaps, still the land forces of
the country should heve every encour-
agement to be the best of marksmen.
for dad not 50,0UU Boer marksmen bold
the most powerful nation at bay ? and
would probably basegiefeated-her hut
for her navy.
I trust that I am not treepaseing too
much on your 'time. but now that the
defence of the Empire it the current
r itieh
oi.tt.too tnuch cannot , eat On 11.
11111/jkl that would so vitally affect
future under another flag.
and Defence hie. Is -Hance, should be
our . swateltword- mut pacsisnony un-
known in such defence.
Yours truly.
llodeetch, &prtl 3, 190It.
Dr. Chapman's Stories.
Dr. Wilbur Chapman, the evan-
gelist, who sailed from Vancouver
last week for an Australian tont. told
some good stories during his short ex-
cursion into Camels last fill.
One of these was ot a darkey
preacher who came to him during n
visit to a Southern city, with a re-
quest that the Doctor should address
his congtvgation. Che man re-
plied that c-nnpliance would be im-
possible. as hie (lay WW1 taken up from
9a. itt, 1111'10 P.
"VDDle at eleven. then," said- the en•
tbusiaatic paetor, who assured the
evan list that the congregation
pementaLany hour of the
day or night that would suit him.
Finding it impassible to refuse such
importunity. Dr. l'hapman :seceded to
the request. At the appointed hoist -
be" arrived, and found the church
crowded, and the darkies singing
lustily. As soon ins be peered. the
pastor stopped the sing ng and pro-
ceeded to introduce the evangelist to
his audience in this fashion :
'Brethren. I have brought you a
sari enough preacher from New
York: a sure enough preacher from
New York. Mostest lite a dal key
' preacher you ever heard."
Ilis remarks at the Clo1141 of Dr.
Chapruan's address were ei oat! r
plitnentary, from the negro etand-
point :
•Tbasilt_you, .brudder ; thank yoe.
broader. You Duty have a whit*
fore, hut you have a black heart. '
Aoother of Dr. Chapmen'• thrice'.
stories is apropoe in these day.. of in-
tense doctrinal discussion. The eviin•
who is a Presbyterian, had
been asked to speak to a man disposed
to join that communion, who found
difficulty in accepting the doctrine of
election. While they were engaged
iu discussion a negro preacher came
up and overheard the argument.
"Doctrine of election I he said.
'Fbat's easy. Hod votes for you.
Devil votes against you. Whichever
way you votes. that'. the way the
election goes."--elaturday Night.
Breakfast Months.
A traveller stopped at a hotel in
Greenland, where the nights are et
months long, and as Ide registered
asked a question of tbe clerk :
'!What tirae do you have break
fast ?" •
"From half past March to a quarter
to May."
MOO Seward, 11100.
The readers of tbla paper will be lewd to
lure [het there la at least one dreaded dues..
that &menus hsa tun able to • ore in it!, P•
Malls& and Ow is retaltrh Hail •
Cure is the only positive cure now knows
tbe timelier; frateeeity. reterrh. beteg • see
stimortional disease, requires • eeesioutiseel
uvratteent. Hall • Caterrh uur.1. tutu tater
natty, ecting directly upon the blood and mu
oou• ciurfacee of the system. thereby destreylag
the foundation of the diseasesaid giving the
mittent strength by building up the tromnits
non and resisting neturs in doing vs mut
The pron.r. as in mucb lei:A in Its
rural *e pourer, tlut they offer ooe bundled
dollar, for any oboe OW It fan. to cure. deal
for het of testimonials.
address V J. Mossy 11(0. Toledo...
Pohl by all druingbek 75e.
Talus Hall's Venally Pine for con•Upateon.
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