HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 5AFTER FOURYEARS OF ftIIS€RY Cured by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound 13altumare, Md. -"For four years my life wags misery to we. 1 suffered from irregulari- ties, terrible drag- ging eenaations. extreme nervous- ness, and that all gone feeling in my stomach. I had given up hone of ever being .yell when 1 began to take Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Then I felt as though new life had been given me. and I am recommending it . to all my friends." -Mrs. W. S. Fong. lets Lansdowne St, Baltimore, Md. The most successful remedy in this country for. the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink- `fiam's Vegetable Compound. It his at,,od the test of years and to-dayis more widely and successful) used tn any other female remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been tf olein with displacement', intlam- Mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- r.•gularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling. flatulency, indigestion. and nervous prostration, - -wets! tiltother mea taliad soiled, _ If you are suffering from any of these ailments, don't give tip hope until you have given Lydia E. f'inkham'e Vege- table Compound a trial. if -you- would likeapteeia1 advise write to Mrs. I'Inkhane, Lynn, Mau.. for it. She ham guided thousands to health, trete of charge. CLINTON'S SUCCESSFUL SHOW. Big Crowd at Annual Exhibition of Live Stock. The county live stock 8101 seed show, held at t'lintoo on 'Thursday last, *targeted a large number of ex- hibitors and spectators, and the affair war a great success. The weather was all that could be desired, and everybody seemed well pleased. The entries tor the chow numbered about 31), ell the desires being well tilled. No cntrauee "r l fees were charged. !h•. J. W. Shawand Jawed Fair, the efficient secretary anal treasurer, are to be congratulated up- on the success of their efforts to make the show it success. Among the visitors was J. Lobkie Wilson, superintendent of agricul- tural societies for Ontario, witu war ruttish pleased with the exhibition. Fol/owing ie the Prize Lat. Heavy draught brood snare. and over -1, Alex. Inner; Black; 3, Dale & Mon. Filly cir gelding, 3 years and over -- 1. Leiper Bette. ; 1, Charter Lovett ; 3, lien Churchill. Filly of geldieg under 3 years -1, G. %V. Nutt ; 2, W. Elder ; 3, J. Itey- uolds. • Teas in hat'need--1, Leiper Bros. ; 3. Douglas McDougall ; :3, J. F. tale, Family of three e, I's of 11111, pro- geny of same rite --1, %V. Kinn; 2, D. Reynolds. Agrieultural special prize, team in harness -1, James Foster; 2, T.y Mair ; 3, Janes McLean. BrBrooddmare, 3 year's and over -1, Alex. Inner ; 2, Andrews tiros. ; 3.8. McMichael. - Filly or geldiug, 3 years and over - 1. James Foster ; 2, Jatues Folter; 3, K. theory. ' Fel Joe Thos. 1, Joe 3, C. let Matthaei over -l. Be rock. Reynold l'a rri 3 years 2, Mr. THE SIGNAL GODERICJL: ONTARIO Walker; 2. B. Buswenbury; 3, Luke Fortune, Roadster horse in hat•ness-1, J. Me- Naughtdu; 2, J. W. Elliott; 3, Joo Reynolds. Carriage teas iu hamlet,* -1, GeorgeWalker. Roadsters, teas in haruesl-1;. Alex. Davidson ; 2, Mr. tale ; 3, (farm* Deters, `Saddle horse -1, James McArthur; 2, Thowas Cook. Best three horses, mare or gelding. in any township in county of turon- 1; Tuckeremitht; 2, Mullett. Clydesdale stallion, 3 years and over -1, Leiper & Moon ; 2, Spooner & Mc- Gregor; 3, Leiper & • Moon. Stallion, 2 yews and uuder-1, Mc- Michael ; 2, %V. Ram; 3, John Short - reed: Shires, stallion, 3 years and over -1, Don Key nolda. Best Percheron hackney stallion, 3 years and over -1, Thus. Shipley. Bull, 2 years or over -1, L. Butt. Bull, 1 year -1. Thomas Mason. 1) firy cow, any age -1, K. Graham ; 2, W. Doherty ; 3, Fred (look. Fat heifer, age considered ; fat steer, age considered -1, R. Pavane. mons, Sweepsetakes, hest three of any breed, 3 years and under, with hull --1, H. Smith. Bast snare, Aged -H. Bost female -H. Smith.Shorthorn hull, 3 year. and over- t, 1' I, Wise 2. John Barr. Bull, 2 years -1, Jewett it. Fltnitb, Bull, 1 ear -1, 13. Smith ;_2, Ind. Wise ; 3, Jamey Snell. Tbo Cow, 3 years and over - 1. H. Smith ; 2. W. Dobe Heifer, 2 years -1. H. Smith ; Fel. Wise. Heiler, any year -1,' H. smith ; 2, James Snell ; :3, James Snell. or gelding, under 3' years -l. eynold' ; 2 Alex. fnnes ; 3, 1it"m. , 1n narneee- t11011114 ; 2, James & N. Fair ry. tailien, ldi hands and y , Son; 2, R.B. Goven- hands -1, Joe orse-1, (leo. FINE TAILORED JCLOTIIING FOR MEN I FITS WELL LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL When made by DUNLOP 1 Lhe Tailor West St 1 /ND NM Groceries TO THE LADY 'OF THE HOUSE : When you are coming down town make a list of your wants in the Grocery line, and bring it to be filled promptly with the beet and most reliable geode to 1* had. Or call up Telephone No. sot, and your otderjwill be attended with w1ual care and promptne,s. Our stock of Teas and Coffees is complete. All the beet dual- ities at the right prices, Try a sample order. Johnston's Military; Bread ,•aunot he beaten. %Ve sell it. Baur ay & CO. The Grocors. On the:Sgtare. Collars Collars We have our I'ollais for I he sharing trade. leather, Cloth and Sweney Collars A Rosi (lean stork to choose from (tor busy seaman is commencing .111,1 if you need one of our Best Team Harness don't leave it too late in the season. Our increasing business is the Lest proof of our giving satisfaction. H. E. KNOX AUBURN. 'PHONE 15 oR 24 "Ihnn Yyon want ( ,dam\ m're'1 .fleet and TOIL I)h$'t of (tock senate COAL ALL ALWAYS OF COAL S ON HAND tfrAit ('ne1 weikg hts on the markt snidest where you get. ruw Ibex, for a ton. WM. LEE. Orden len si r. r. IAN'S Hardware Store saw itide ttgnere. promptly attended to' The Signal to Jaa. lat. 1910, for ellc DIS is a symptom' of !Kidney Disease. A well -know., doctor has said, 1 never yet made a post-mortem ex- , aminal ion in a case o t death from Heart Disease with- out finding the kidneys wereat fault." The Kidney medicine which was first on • the market, most success, fel for Heart Disease and • +H-Aislaey Trootrtes, ant most widely imitated is \J Dodd's Kidney Pills CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HIR MATTRESSES RENEWED AND RE -MADE CARPET A3 erten. LAYING promptly attended to, e'harite. moderate Ite(a.tr Hennas : One door h'e'll of C. J. Harper's tleoc. Ston. West street. lte.ldenee-Elgin Avenue. OODKRICH. ONT. rWant a Cutter? • If you do. now is your oppor- tunity. i have a few still left, and t intend to let thorn go et bargain prices so an to clear them nut befit:* 1 lie '10se "f the wast'. tall and see what we can do for you. -GRAY, TM -HYPE and MOUNT FOREST are the gods we handle. " have for -de two goes] Drivers and a heavy Colt. Robert Wilson ;%gent. for Massey- Harns implements, Mel- lotte Cream Separators. Fleury Plows. Bissell Disc Harrows, Land Rollers, etc., etc. Warerooma -Hamilton Street, t; brrirh. G. JOHNSTON EMBALMER ANn FUNERAL DIRECTOR Furniture and Undertek l na,wsreroome, Weer side Square, 'PHONE: Stnrstet. Ooderleh Residence lin Nightoath: At rrsidrnee. 3.3 William tit reef. J. BKOPIIEY &SON 11 TRE a.eADINO - Funeral i)irectors and Embalmers Ord..• rarbrllr alt.ns.d t. •t .,1 been. night .r d., Grain and Seeds. Fall wheat, any variety -1, John %Vise; 2, .1. W. Salkeld ; :3, J. Elcoat, Oats, black, named -1, J. Wise ; 3„ J. Wise; .3. Fred Filed. Oats, white, named -1, Alfred Teh- butt ; h S. Dale; 3, John %Vise, Barley, two-roe/ed, nauted--1, J. Wise; 3, W. Swillie; 3, John Barr. Wise: 2 J. W. Salkeld, Peas, named -1, John 'Wiee ; 2, J. Wise; 8, Walter tinhorns, Timothy need -L John %Vise ; 2, JeintAaser ieAttrcd'frbbnte. - Clover reed -1, john Wise ; 2, Al- fred Tebbutt: 3, John Carbert. Potatoes ---1, James Roes; 2, W. Hmilbie; 3; John Barr. Potatoes, early -I, W. Smillie ; 2, James B. Smith ; 3, John Barr, Special, bag flour, for beet bag Mich- igan amber wheat -John Wise. Dirt For Horses. In reply to the question, "Wnt dart hurt homer} -1 notice that mine eat enrtaldasahle of it sow and then," a insoles says: ' ':o It 1. advleabie to allow the hots to eat tel the dirt be wsnta. in feet. It is a good Idea to or- \eamtona/ty thaow a dank of ltd' into the feed box." Are Plants hazy? A plant» lazy? From nay stand- . pant of observation fur sixty years, they • They w rIFAiek the totare.,t iur r ii3lijse T- onnl.egtierioea. In nay gard annual si morning 1 blown it !'here were trudutg from plant. All of side were curve acuthwest. With fitted the earth u side of the plant forkful of decayed a few years ago I had an or more feet high. One b.erved that the wind had r fiat 'upon the ground. projecting roots pro - northeast aide of the he roots upon that around toward the a spading fork I n the southwest discovered a table manure. The roots upon the northeast side curved to the south because it was the ehorbatt route to''a food sup- ply. That was manlike. The fact that it meant death to the t when the fall winds cane was not dattaider- ed--Fra zx'ia Wayland Glen iaata Planter. The Wonders of Tomorrow. '\ "The next era," wrote Edison re- nently "will mark the most wonder=' ful advance in :+rima, and invention that the world hew ev,r known or hoped for." And herr :.r.• some of the remarkable developments this great scientist foresees. Moving pietnrea, an perfected that the characters will not only move, but will speak, and all the accessories and effects of the stage will be faith- ' fully reproduced. - The disappearance • of the lncomo- tive, all trunk lines being operated by electricity. The triumphant culmination of our fight agninet tuberculosis and cancer. !letter realization of the possibili- ties of coal anppliea, whereby we shall learn how to utilize them without throwing away 90 per cent. of the eel- ciency, as to -day. An Artist's Wits. I worked -hard, though there was little to show for it, as my wife told me when she turned over my many aketchne. "What, three ahtny poles and a lot of green water!" she exclaimed. "Wart that all you did in a day? Why didn't you paint a whole view?" I ,do not like her to criticize my stu- dies. She handles them uniovingly, looks at them upside down and says, "i1 you would only enlarge that and make a picture of it and put in anme figures 1 night have the pink dress alter a1L" Three palaswa, several gondolas and a floe* of pigeons mean the ink dress, and six imore and more pigeons rt mean Font .n. GRIPPE VICTIM. Restored to Health and Strength by Vino! After All Other Means Had Failed -Professor Hicks' Story. "i suffered from a mevere 'Mark of the grippe which left me in a weak- ened condition with bronchitis,. a soreness in my chest and a hacking cough. 1 tried different physicians and took nearly every kind of cough syrup sold on the market without get- ting any permanent relief. i saw your cod liver and iron preparation - Vinol-advertised, and decided to try it, and it completely cured my bron chial trouble and restorers m y strength. I cannot say too much for Vinnl„ as i:seceived inexpressible ben- efit from ire use, and i consider it one of the greatest blessings ever offered to the public." 13. E. It. Hicks, Maplesville, Ala. The grippe invariably eaves in its wake a weakened, nen-down condi- tion of the system. Vino! in ;wren - teed to restore t`te sufferer to health and strength, and to build net and create strength for old people. delicate children end weak, debilitated people. lin sure are we of this that we unhesi- tatingly may give Vinerl a trial. If you think it deets you no good we will refund your tnoney, Mut ft will. H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, (ioderieh. The dog owned by 7ter neighbor is nearly always a kowling auereea, CMITIRE .1 hairdressing Halt last Wired fin Gay Puns. iii ALL" .POSSUM 1nT. .fifth. Pes tip Lathe's Lamp Sloane Mat. Stationery Used by the tiuuast 8af- fseoette and a Dainty Ice For Bridge Party--&umnnr Frocks. My blear Ula --It . ertatnly wad onset of you, deur, to say you enjoyed that I1at'rti-. dams gush. But then I eoareted on your Roel nature when I settlsttty unloaded my enthusiasm upon you. likened be fr*etx8skitp! Abri how many Woo are etuaunatyyi 1n its camel Now, Pin going to give you a Rotase- eell " deal by way of reparation -a haft inisatng tint Jot arrtved front Pare. ) oatsday after nom while waling at M. Y's to have my hair treated my *titmice was attracted by the entrance of a faafttiomtWy dressed woman, tdlowei by a ?react maid bearing a large, round Un toz. My first thought wms, "Iter Mos. (krnrilns Vazdewbiit, who has .1 um tame !rum the sate depork va:Ma, and ghee pre- paring to take taerealf, m eek's, bonds and esrearities oat of democratic Airier - Ica over to dear erta[(X'ratie l•.Zuope." Nottdrqg d the kind. Only another in- ataaee of my ticargthaticie gone horri- bly wrung for the mend "tin" proved to be merely the latest kind of least box and the lady a great unknown. The snow ehapseu, you know, tnzea suggest tees odors of one's favorite perfume, anti tin has been found to retain the fragrance bete than the ordinary peaty roard box. Voyes? M. X. tooted pert -try nonplused when madame announced- that she wanted her hair .lrtaeed for Aiken and added: "Pve brought my piazza hat with me. When I gal a new hat," elle er.platmed, "1 atwaya have my .stir deemed to fit it, a trick I learned nv'ei 1y'in Paris.' She then seated herself, while ilia maid took from the box a huge, man- ning erection of lace and flowers and. standing by her mum n, a peau In hand, awaited orde a. "Now?' commanded milady to the meanie artist. who was pialnly In the poettIoo of taking n ennui' in his own art, 'tame down my hale and brush It" An ars istarat. h:tvirrg done this mend week, monsieur stow' took a hand in the actual dreeatng of the hair. Ile arranged the pompadour In a loet aloft puff owes the fonebeed--- wMch Is arreeding to the new mode - and them th.i the ends of the hair at the e-evawa of the bad with a brown atrk string. At this point the maid anchor's! the Curt on her enlistees"' heats with smart Pmts. 11 J+ott bol ontr been thaws', 1.1.a, to haw teem beery• idght madame ptrnorrted at thin toomeerC A clmrmtagly put up pompadour, topped with a French ere aitan arta a lora;, strait, -ht tall of hat hanging down her bark. I'erfiedy ob llvkeme to the humorous side of the eltnetkek milady turned to nutoaieuI with a e1 'ed air and said. "Now d" n4' bark hal-" He went to wori with Cr safer of a ('.)icht srttsiytut LhoegftteaC a bait. of fcdrage mime* • shims wrnUhO IIA"aie removing •aa'wionafy the hat to ad- just n tuff rkoser to the prim, but a>rartkrally all the drs aatng was done with the hat on. When he finished madame picked tip the hand glass and crttlaiUy examined her head. "Now, Marie." she, said to hes maid, "jou may nnpiu my hat and study the batrdmsaing." Marin (11d as told. 'Tar twat dent." blandly erptatt►pd madame to tnatndrur, '9t will nut be secesseery- to put on the hat before my hair ie-dnseol. Mork- will study your work and ori mase to do it by herself Were the hat. 1.I on. Rot the first than a sure worn itsbould slime be taken to the hairdresser to have thfsvntn'rtreee iptrd to It." And assay she went, the malt! aRIII carry- ing the hat fru' moi. T looked at morweenr-arwl laugtrhdtly asked, •- Yeas the weir fret patent?" "Vat list lLwa sstoo t-kleaa-.arab ran -mare madmen to .eery the. b gtnrrlrrg of the end of a Tine elf Margo rtstrwrwili'• 1 tears ll„ ton. t(ifat-2teeteesserr merits -tri m+twhs. a hely line fringe amen ttttakght-Heroes the forehead below fere hard ptirsgethile prwnpetiour. Tinel ,style hen been podkfvrty ferret hack ten arrewmt of the hardening effort pre- dewed oo-deed by hair learn Mar over ten fare. And, !peaking of hint, after my coif- fure lemon 1 went over to the iiara to have some tea no, not ars, for you know I loathe %hie 0 oPMrk Ialrk-0fe- up-bat white statying whir an fen vantlk cream served 1n a champagne glans end ((veered with a small pyre- mkl of wt1ippei1 eream'tintnef n dell rate green with sugar arnd flavored with pINarltko and gernkhed with illa- taeblb Hots -1'm expiatntng the can teelleak for I Utak. IL lel such em at - toketive way to verve cream at a I hrtdge, don't you? But what was I talking about? Yes, I know. While enjeytnig the lee I saaddenly looked up and raw what to wy anwulrbed gaol appeared to be a perambulating tam MOM of hoax enact shade worn by Mee. Philip Lydig. In- stead o-stead of being manufactured in Tif- fany glass this piece of headgear was produced with strings of enormous cut jet beads forming crown and what there was of the- brim, it serail projection from which bung a tine fringe of let that reached almost to the nose of this pretty society meteor). The effect of her dark eyes tainting throggh the heads was weird and Tnrklaheeque. Mrs. Lydlg has always been famous fur her marvelous creations In the mil- linery line, but slnee she has gone in for the ballot I thought perhaps sate had dropped this sensationalism for nuc of more vital interest. And, talk- ing of suffragettes, have you seen the literature sent out by the Equal Fran- chise league, of which airs. Clarence Mackay Is preskient and Mrs. Lydlg secretary? It's written on the most surprisingly feminine kind of station, ery for women to use who yearn to be on equal terms with Pi • tronger sex, daintily typewritten ..,uouncements done on too finest lavender paper with a• hand wrought border In a white do- rsi iarel design. If their campaign is to be run ow the same expensive bawls the league will be soon 1n the Banda of a recelyer. Ponslbly, though, the next time yea bear from me I will have joined the howling sIBterhood, but In the meantime I am glad to think I am not noted to make the world go right. I rind my time fully employed juat now in getting a little dressmaker to stake my summer wash frocks go "just right." There are no many inexpensive ma- terials that make up attractively, and this aeaaoo the simple gown Is the cur- 'rect thing. This little deatuetresn is making me a charming rose colored linen dress W princess style. It has a graduated panel front and back and le :warned at the alders to make it fit closely to the figure. The panel Is finished on the edge will scallops done In black wash cotton, and in each scal- lop is a black crochet button. It opens to the left of the front under the scal- loped edge. The yoke le of cream Irish lace, with a deep elrcut:iv border of black silk embroidered in ruse shades. The sleeves are tight fitting and open part the way up with three ?wallops and crochet buttons. It'■ a mighty smart Ifttle affil.. Did I tell you Argyle G., who lives In Atlanta, hart just sent me the can- ntngeat posemn charm? You know. these animals are the mascots of the Taft administration, the "Bllr' poem= having superseded the "Teddy" bear. A Georgia woman, Mrs. De Forest Algood, has gone into the possum mak- ing badness and is coining money and fame. Won't you go Into trade with MABEL ? Neer Fempot His Kindness. Asbamne Wurd called on a friend the MEM before one of his panoramic lec- tures. There were some three or four large roaches scurrying about the room, and they attracted hie attention. "r am very fond of roaches," he said. "Once to my own home I found a mach straggling in a bowl of water. i took a half walnut shell and put him In it. it made a good boat. I gave him a couple of the toothplrta for oars. Next morning I saw that be had fastened n hair to one of the tooth- picks and had evidently been netting. Then, nvsrreme with exhanetlon, be had fallen 'asdesp. The eight moved me. I tore Mm out, washed him, gave Mm a apoxnfnl of egg and let him go. That anmeh never forgot my kindneee, and now frau home9s toil otroeebea." tngrwdq Ow P+wt italryaeeo who egoist afore to easy purr lured almata isimakl buy a ramie raft and when rams have their bast native cows germs& Ry tide re l:M d they can haperve titer hem's at the lesapcsat Meme Dairy Petelers. Meed in tri expensive to mw mar - Von gat so retnreia for tis se r ration. Ittb west yrwt Feed above (bn t that really maw yeas money. 'lie difference bstsyswe the a.esagge farm evrw sad a really ulna ewer le alb tboellathereare.bonemso d Stie petards et batler••L1et swe•y year. Isto ten rows man be fed Newt sake and min be had to the beet adv:nfaes. its taaeafrtg the tadtvednwr tfmap¢ tintsw say that sew are teseetb mow than breed, trot tt (a wsoll to reeswelh!' that the row maksw the tweed. Many a poor emir beans mote pet tk wont terwtfteterry of Ma Web VAO• rN feed laesry dairymen netts mem el tdhe Ne nosh. tt for hay gad tans ptwfais, The wham self .made spettglogeorl but Arena yeti Aril. . 4ubsetibe for The $IRetal. r- WORSELLS' HARDWARE and STOVE STORE k Tlstfa aAT, Arally. I Have you -seen our store lately ? If not,- it's time you had. Como on in and see the changes we've made, examine TIIC Best Stock of HARDWARE in Town .t We're right up to the minute i11 1 PRICE, QUALITY, QUANTITY and SERVICE Wash -Day Needs Washing Machines. Wringer., Tube, Clothed Horses' and Clothes Lines. Carpenters' Tools Disatood--_ Saws, heists es, Planes, Chisels, Hatchets. Dairy Supplies l'hursu, Pails, Strainers, 13. sols, Pens and Cans, taadles, etc. It"use, Paint and Moor, 1 Chair, 'arriatge, Varnish Whiteleaud, Oils, Brushes, Ala- hastiie, Liquid Veneer. Fencing Necessities Iuerleea:ozaasirn Fencing. all No, 9, Coiled, Barb and Black Vire, Staples and Tools. Garden Tools pruler, shovels, (takes, floes, %VheelJaarroiva, Garden and Flower Smesir, ' Mr. Carl Worsen has again resumed Ibis position n our Workshop. As a workman be is a top - ;and we-gua- .tutee all bing, Eavestroughing. Roofing and Repairing to be he best. We dO Good Work at Lowest Prices, ' We want V t )11 r orders. ORSELLS' (HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE. ---imu n -------_.J I 1 Valle Jan -rd, If you had trouble with - prepared Cake Icing, it was not Cowan Even a child can ice s\ _ • cake perfect! v in three Ininlltes, w diel Cowan's I iH Icing. Eight delicious flavors. Sold everywhere. Tti Cew•e CO. lanes, TORONTO. 73 1 BICYCLE SEASON NOW OPEN ....New Wheels...: WE HANDLE ONLY THE BEST MAKES 'I'IiAT AIIE MANUFACTURED. New Tires, New Seats, New Cc: aster Brakes. Cleat Bargains in Rebuilt second-hand Wheels. Old Wh-rat echo^d and made as good as new eit moderate cost Complete tiro. k of Bey le Sundries now on hand Let us put your wheel in good shape All work thoroughly and promptly attended to WM. YULE BICYCLES, ELECTRIC SUPPLIES and GENERAL REPAIRING. Opera House Block, Kingston Street. Why You Should Advertise The biggest business men of the country have found that the easiest and surest way to spell success is, A -D -V -E -R -T -1 -S -E, . Suppose the 'newspapers did not publish the news, how would people know what is happening ? If you don't publish `!store news," how will folks know about your goods ? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling folks about your stock. Shopworn and out-of-date stock is the penalty many merchants pay toi' not advertising.