HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1909-4-8, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH.: ONTARIO
Weekly Store News from
will be satutactory
j -Cameron & Moor&s
Easter is again here and with it come the sunny days, green
grass and April showers. It ushers in a season of pleasantness, 1
of freshness and newness, and all seem anxious to discard
their winter apparel and remove all traces of the cold season just
closed. This is the season for New Hats and -New Suifngs. Our
Millinery Department is contributing its share of beauty and style
to the great display for Easter.
'Special Ribbon Sale for Monday.
On Monday morning at eight o'clock our doors will open to one of the
greatest events in Ribbon ever offered the people of Goderich. 1,200 yards of
good quality Silk and Satin Ribbons, all colors, regular 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c,
Monday Morning Special, per yard
New Spring Skirts
A new lot of dainty Dress Skirts in all the
newest spring colon, trade of good quality
Patin cloths, panamaa Ireat and some
dainty stripes. Unast
Unturned in the new atyleswith
ribbon and buttons, some good values at 13.50,
34.00 and =6200.
Women's Spring Coats
A new spring lot, all smart tailored Fawn
Coats of a tine stripe covert cloth. the very
newest style, all sizes, very epee sl. priced at -
lf-8.5+t and 110.10.
All New Stock of Whitewear
iLarge new stock of Muslin Underwear, well
made of fine material, the most desirable
t1'hiteweur ever ehown�rere, spe•iatiy priced
for thio season's selling.
Newest Creations in Ladies' Waists
A full stock of lawn Waists, new'( lesand
tine quality materials. Among the d' is a
nice colored stripe waist in sky blue, hl wn,
navy, white collars and cults, a very smart
;style, special 11.48.
Our Smallware and
Notion Counte
is overflowing with the latest novelties in
Melts, Collars, Waist -Sets, Cuff -links. Wash-
Tiee, Back and Hide-('ornte, etc. targe show-
ing of Frilling, and Ruchings.
New Pillow Cotton and Sheetings.
All here to .make your purchase satisfactory.
We have a new stock in Pillow -cotton and
Sheeting. at smaller prices than you have
paid for some time ; the reason, we bought
the stock very recently. since the great.
decrease in value. Our customers will reap
the beneflt.
of every kind, adapted and designed tq the
p.nt.LnI.. .e,ltn.ru.cnti, of fate and costume,
end other detail, involving specie; tseattnent
to pn.duce the beet result.. Our Milliners
make the pleasing of customers a study Aral
the wcegw_it4tiydepartment it markedly
emphasized this seasdn. All the latest creations
in Millinery may be seen at
Spring Wash Suitings
The season's whim of fashion, a large range of
colored suiting., Ileatherbone Stripe, a very
• new material, regular 25c, special value 19c.
New Galatea Railings in all colors, I5c per yd.
Dainty Vestings for Spring Shoppers
A few pieces of handsomely designed Vest-
' gs in stripe and embroidered effects, very
I ia1, 25c per yard.
New Draperies
in our Sts Department will be found a
new stock of Cu n Muslin., Draperies, etc;
nmrmg the showing: 3 pieces only, rich colored
handsomely designsdran Muslin, worth
211c, special per yard, 15c.
All the new stripes and designs in every
wanted color, special values of iOc and 121c.
In the following offerings for Saturday only, we have made special
efforts to lighten the expenditure the Easter season will make, b} mark-
ing our new, high quality Groceries at a price that means a saving to
you if you take immediate advantage of the Specials.
Saturday Specials
6 dozen large hottiee choice pickles, 9c, 3 Inc 25e.
io dozen packages Jelly Powders, assorted flavors.
4c per package.
10 sacks of fresh Tillson's Oatmeal, S !be for Sic.
6 lbs of choice selected Raisins for 25e.
2 cans of choice Tomatoes for 15c.
Weex Specials •
15 cases of Kellog's fresh, crisp Corn Flakes, Inc
per package,
.i cases of sweet Navel Oranges, seedless, only ;,'tic
per dozen.
Zi cases of choice Sweet Corm, 7e per can.
21 Ib. least Granulated Sugar, SLR).
:I herrels of choice Dutch Sets Onions, 7c per Ib.
Our Guarantee
refunded if goods
We Mm to Please.
dews of the Sistriet.
Hawden & McDonnell, horse
of Exeter, have dissolved part
The latter will continue the
Brussels has received a g
80,50tt for a Carnegie librer
i erected uu Main street at the
of Turnberry and Mill street..
Adam McKenzie, of Blyth,
word last, weep of the death
bt•uther, Murdoch,of Begot, Mau.,
who formerly conducted a harness
shop in Blyth. ,
On Wednesday, the 24th ult., Rev.
E. F. Mel.. Smith, of Heneall, tied
the nuptial knot between Oscar
K()eider, of Zurich, and Miss
Kennel, of Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mitch
fatuity, of the lith concession o
left last week for Saskatoon.
have leased their farm to
Howells, of Brussels.
On Friday, the 20th tilt., Rev.
West, of Hluevale, tied the
mupial kaon between Miss Teems Mc-
Pherson, of Turnberry, and Neil An-
derson, of Kenton, Man.
Mrs. Catherine Keinath, for many
hears a resident of Zurich, died at the
owe of her daughter, Mn. II. Frey,
of Hawkesyille, on Saturday, the 27th
ult., aged eighty•tive years.
The partnership of Dodds & Nab -
kirk, merchant tailors, of Brussels,
has been dissolved and the business
will he continued by the former. Mi.
Habkirk will probably go West.
Sidney ()avis has disposed of his 82 -
acre farm on lot 10, of the 1st conces-
sion of Stephen, to David McCurdy, of
that township fur a consideration of
$5,35v. Mr. Davis is going West.
J. M. Cann, of Crystal ('ity, Man„ a
former Exeter boy, was married on
Wednesday, the 24th ult., to Miss
Sarah Relle-. jrwrgeeen,--of- G .udney
Mr. and Mrs, Cann will reside at Wil-
low Bunch, Sark.
John McLeod, of West Zorra, Ox-
ford county, has -purchased the prop-
erly on the 13Th conceaainn .,r tr..)
let known as the estate of the late
Gabriel Sprung. and intends moving
to the property shortly to reside.
John Allieqtterr, a respected resident
of the 19th concession of TTr6,rne, en-
tered into his test on Sunday, the
2sth ult- Deceased was seventy-three
years of age and is survived h
widow, two sons andlfour daugh
The marriage of Wm. Bray, of
sixteenth concession of Grey,
Mrs. T. Harbottle, of Brussels,
place at the home of the ter
Mother, Mrs. Howard, of Brussels
\Vednesday, the 31st ult., Rev. 1
Powell officiating.
dealers ford and Mrs. Thoutas Roberton, of
nership. Hullett, are lindens of the deceased,
business. Miss Mabel L. (•oefurd, of 1Ving-'
rant of haw, was quietly terriesl in Devilr-
y to .t,e I ville Methodist church, North Toronto,
corner i to J: Cowin' dbortill, of Galt. The
ceremony was followed by pleasant
received 1 festivities at the house of the oMei-
of his 46661416`, clergyman: clergyman: rHev. W. W.:14par. f
ling, atter which the young couple
lett on a trip through the Western
Suitwa whence they will proceed to
their future house at Melville, Sark.
'ITbil borne of Mrs. Thomas Dunstow,
of the'2ad coucesrion of Carrick, was
Nancy' 1he scene on Wednesday, the 24th
ult., of the marriage of her daughter,
ell and Janet Elmira, to Wlu. Hartford, of
f Orey, Toronto, Miss Harriet H. Mason, of
Aeiuu etiek rT Delustuw,s ' brothd `ndof Ute
bride. was best man, The ceremony
W. J, war performed by Rev. John Radford,
of Helmure, assisted by Rev. J. R.
u+�'i' Wilson, of Mihlmay,
On Tuesday, the 30th ult., Wm.
McNabb, a well-known cud highly
respected resident of Grey, and for-
merly of McKillop, passed away atter
a lingering illness suf�tuettt to a
paralytic stroke. Deceased was sev-
enty-two years of age. He was a
tttaunch Liberal end a faithful mem-
ber of Cranbrubk Presb terian
church. Four sons survive—Duncan,
at bomb ; Peter, of Morrie ; Wm..
of Shakespeare, and John. of Grey -
On Saturdsy, the th ult., the
Great Physician came in the likeness
of death to Mrs. Jano's Stott, of Ford•
wich, who had been a sufferer from
cancer in the throat for the past two
yeas. Deceased. who was thirty-
nine years of age, was the youngest
daughter of David Ilastiug.. of the
9th concession of Tur cherryy., She
WAS a-litUlnall of I.eaaat tftal nl„tt.,te;tor
and was beloved by a large circle of
acquaintances. Besides her husband
and parents she leaver to mourn her
loss three step -children, four brothers
and two sisters.
After.), two years' -battle with the
ravages of tuberculosis Thomas Me-
1.enchlin, of Woolwich, tell a martyr'
lu its ravages 011 Friday,' the 19th til(.
art-tl:-who-was in{ttstnrtteth year,
was a native of"Howick. Ile con-
ducted to grocery andybake, y in Grand
th.tt,tgh but of
Canada and Colorado in his search for
the health; finally returning to pass the
and last months of is life at hie house
tootoo k near Wordwich,Besides his brothel
and sisters he leaves two daughters,
Gladys and Evelyn; his pattner-fu-life
predeceased him two years.
Robert .W. Walker, a young f
of the 4th concession cat Howie
Miss Jennie Arinstrong, of the
concession of the sante towns
plighted their troth in St. 8teph
church, Goole, on Wednesday,
31st ult., Rev. T. H. Farr-otBciat
John McEschen, sr., who had
an esteemed resident of Stephen
more than half a century, pas
away at his home in that township
Wednesday, the '24th ult. Ile
seventy-four yearLut.a¢n_studja_
--mea by three alms and $v -e dao
A bright young life war ended on
skewer, \Vednesday, the loth ult., in the per
etb sun of Rots•t•t. Destines Brown,
youngest son of \Ir, and Mrs. John S.
hip, Brown, of McKil • p. 1' : year. ago
en's tiit0,,., 4114 while.
the inheres. Hots, -
Ing. he returned
deceased went to .
there he contracted
eighteen months
home, where he was
for, but a few weeks ag
was aggravated by a seve
he died suddenly, after leap
to his bed for only twenty-fo
at the early age of
Deceased was a young wan of
promise and a genera! favorite.
Principal Moffatt Resigns. \
\V. J. Moffatt, who has been prin21
cipal of Seaford' public scho el for the
past seven years, bag tendered hie res-
ignation and has accepted a posit'
as science and mathematical waster in
the new high school at Oakville.
been nderly eared
for hi. illuesa
sed cold and
on confined
was hours.
Jas. A. Moore bas fold 'his fine 15O -
acre farm on the 8th line of Morris to
Wm. Bryan., of the 4th line, for the
stun of $7,000. It is understood that
the purchaser's son Edward will work
the farm. Mr. Moore will leave for
Winnipeg shortly; Mn. Moore and
family will follow later.
Mrs. James Hugill, an esteemed
resident of Constance, passed away at
her home in that place 00 Thar.day,
the 2.5th ult., at the age ofghty
years. The surviving children re :
Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Seaforth; rs.
Wm. Cook and Mrs. S. Rands, of Con-
stance ; James, \Vm., George and
Mise Jane, at hone.
Clarence Kellerman, of Dashwood,'
entered the matrimonial etate on
Wednesday, tht 31st ult. The fair
lady of his choice was Miss Louvir-
M. Ehlers, second daughter of Mr. so,.
Mrs. John Ehlers, of the 14th conces-
sion of Stephen. The ceremony was
performed at the home of the bride's
sister, Mrs. Richard Baker, of Dash-
wood, by Rev. L. K. Eidt.
Miss Harriet Rumball, youngest
daughter of Fred. Rumball, of Clin-
ton, was married in Grace church,
New York, on Wednesday, the 24th
tilt., to Carroll A. Nye, district at-
torney of Moorehead, Minnesota,
youngest brother of the late "Bill"
Nye, the humorist. Mr. and Mrs.
Nye are spending their honeymoon in
After a lingering illness laugh H.
Wright, of Grey, passer] peacefully -
away at his home on lot 17 of the 8th
concession of that township, un Fri-
day, the 29th ult. Deceased, who was
in his seventieth year, was a native of
Ireland, but had been a resident of
Grey for neer thirty years. He is
survived by biv widow and two sons,
Jonathan' and Samuel J., both of
(Grey.,. -
L. H.`Rosman and son, of Wing -
ham, left last week for the new town
of Cochrane, New Ontario. where Mr.
Bosman has ingested in real estate.
Mrs. Bosman wilt remain it Win gg-
ham for the present. At a fete hcl,l
in their honor a few days previous Mr.
end Mrs. Boman were presented with
a handsome suite by their friends and
neighbor, and M. Bosman with a
pocket Bible. -
An interesting event oerurred at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. An-
derson, of Cranhrook, on \Vednesdayy,
the 31st ult., when their eldest daugh-
ter, Annie 1.. M., was united in wed
lock M iohn W. (carter, of Trow-
bridge. Rev. E. G. Powell, of Brus-
sels, conducted the ceremony in the
presence of statin eighty guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Carter will reside in Avon -
f on, Perth count v. -
About. eighty guests as.sernblr sl at
the home of Mrs, Alex. McCall, of the
7th line of Morrie, en \\'ednesdny.
the 24th tilt., to witness the marring()
of her daughter. Maggie, to .Joseph
Bewleqq of the 7th concessioof Slot -
rim. T11ee pride, who wnore her
mother's welding gown of shot silk,
was attended by three little nieces.
Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., was the
officiating minister.
John Dei.hcrt, sr., a retired Mimi -
nese man of Znrieh, departed this life
on Tuesday, the 3fkh tilt., after en ill -
nes. of five nr six week,. i) epaa•d
was sixty'eight years of age ami- wee
highly respected. He is enrvived by
hi. widow and seven children --Henry,
of New ilaven, Mich. ; Nichols,, of
Detroit ; Edmund, of Armada, Mich. :
Jacob. John, Miss Amanda end Mrs.
Henry Younghlnt, e11 of Yn'ich.
Andrew Cunninglesm, a former
resident of Blyth. died suddenly ( f
apoplexy at hie home in (lande•h.eyP.
on Thursday, the 'Lith tilt. - Deceased
was horn in llollett fifty-flve yeses
ago and was married to Mime Marga,, t
Barr, of that. township. Ne is sot
_allIMMIDO_— overt by his widow, two song and
—� two daught*res. Mrs, George Craw-
Timlittera, Atom 8, 110s 3
Now that Eater is over, most ladies will be preparing toe house-
cleaning time, and never have we •been better prepared to supply the
wants of our many customers than this season.
Union Carpets, Wool Carpets, Tapestry Carpets,
Wilton Carpets, Brussels Carpets.
We have* c plate showing in the above Carpets, at prices that
will at once appeal to shrewd buyers. Union Carpets from 3k.
Tapestry Carpets from 46c. Carpet squares, in all sizes, at moderate
pricee. all carpets Drell it a yard made and laid free of charge.
Oilcloths, Linoleums and flattings.
intending purrh+uiers of floor coverings of any kind should not
decide uptil a visit lass been made to this store.
Spreirn value in Oilcloth, in e11 the widths, in floral and block pat-
terns, only
Imported Linoleum., este& durable, in dark and light
grounds. odd,
exceptional value..... g Rround.,
Extra value in Japanese Matting, imported4X per t yard.
new nest designs, at direct 30C
by us,s In all the
Special purchase in Japanese Mate, size 38 inches by 72 nches. iper n
great variety of tkesigns, only •
_ h
Complete stork of Curtains, Madras Mullins, art Muslin., Scrim
.and Door Panels, just arrived.
['s.es�Milar's Scotch Store'Phne 5t1
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Sudden Death of Hay Resident,
The suluutons to which all must re-
spond cause with startling suddenness
to Jewel; Carrick, un old resident of
Hay, on Saturday, the 20th ult. ' He
was apparently in his usual good
health whin he was seized with a pain
in his heart and expired shortly after.
Decease( was a native of Scotland.
On coming to Canada half a century
ago he settled in Exeter, where be
was engaged in the grist mill and
later in the foundry, finally removing
'o Hay. Deceased was held in bigb re-
gard by all who knew him. Ile is sur-
vived by two earns, John and \Villiam,
and one daughter, Mrs. Joseph Mc-
Donald, all of McKillop.
James Dunn's Death Being Ioyestigated.
The death of Jauies Dunn, formerly
of Seafort who was found lying at
the foot of t e stairs in the basement
of the Empir hotel, Stratford, with
bis skull fr tired. as recorded last
week, is dein investigated by the
police. A eel. 'n E. H. McAllister
was alleged to ha stated in a Chinese
laundry that he just hit a malt
and didn't know whether he had
killed him or not. Allister was in-
toxicated at the time t when exam-
ined absolutely dens having made
the statement and an ibi ha. been
proved showing that he Was in two of
the city hotels loetweeu the hours of
six and half -pant seven, at which
litter time the dead HIan'w body was
found. it is generally loelievles( that
Mr. Dunn, who was Iawe, elippied and
fell, when on his way to the Lavatory
in the basement.
Cut Off is Young Womanhood.
The house of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn
Wilson, of Wingham, has been plung
into deepest .gloont by the death of
their slaughter Agnes 0., a bright
young July in her twenty-fourth
year. Deceased spent her girlhood at
her parents' borne in t'ulrosr, but re-
moved with them to \Vingbam 1a few
years ago. She'lia,l taught school for
a few years and lied intended to enter
the Normal Scho I when she was
stricken with typhoi8 fever last fall.
Congestion of the lunge followed and
her life ebbed slowly away. Deceased
RSA a young lady of lovable dlupoei-
tion and was an active worker in the
I various organizations of the Presby-
terian church, of which she was a de.
voted member. Besides her father
and mother she leaves five sisters and
two brothers to mourn her removal
from their midst
Them are two ;'ea3OUS for painting your house—
appearance and protection, and three reasons for
ting Sherwin-Williams Paint, durability, economy
and appearance. Ask your dealer for
Made in Canada /if/AMP/ A7lluIfr CO Montreal TorontaW
` IYs All Right
'=l:tt: ,,*
a ,
' �� sr` • �i The Gendron Mfg. imited
ori \,,, Co.,•
Toronto. Canada
R ht from hub to handle and right from top to tire.
We know because we make every part of it in our own
factor —We uSe only the highest priced materials for all
the parts of the carriage — finest Prime German Reed in
the bodies, the best satin for the parasols, the 'special electric
welding for the wheels so they can't break, and the sane
care• in making as in material, all the way through.
insist en your disable shaving you s Gendron. If he Is
unable to supply you, write us,